Brand Bible 2014 Sint-Niklaas
Mister Men geeft Wase man goesting om te shoppen
Fashion? Check! Bar? Check! In de Sint-Niklase Stationsstraat vinden we sinds kort de gloednieuwe herenwinkel Mister Men, die net dat ietsje meer biedt. Wat dacht u van een lokaal kopje koffie, een dj op zaterdag, of nog paskamers in een heuse legertent. Charlotte en Yannick De Waele - broer en zus én vijfde generatie van de familie De Waele - runnen Mister Men met veel enthousiasme. Hoog tijd dus om af te zakken naar de hoofdstad van het Waasland...
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Mister Men is een winkelconcept bedacht door Charlotte en Yannick De Waele, de vijfde generatie van de familie De Waele die al sinds 1891 Herenmode De Waele in Sint-Niklaas draaiende houdt. Na meer dan 120 jaar ervaring in klassieke herenmode vonden Charlotte en Yannick het hoog tijd voor vernieuwing. Ze sloegen dus hun vleugels uit en zo werd Mister Men geboren. WARME MANNENWERELD Wie de winkel binnenstapt, ontdekt een stoere maar toch warme mannenwereld. Scandinavisch design, in het oog springende jaren ’60-invloeden en stoere army-elementen werden hier gecombineerd tot een fraai geheel. Zo werd het kassameubel vervaardigd uit een
oude apothekerskast. De maatpakken kregen dan weer een plaatsje in een retro kleerkast die het Britse gentlemen-gevoel in de verf zet. Vooraan in de winkel zien we industriële loodgieterijbuizen die oranje geverfd werden en nu dienst doen als opvallende kledinghangers. De paskamers achteraan bevinden zich in een soort legertent in de woestijn, inclusief de obligatoire cactussen. En voor de denim-wall werd een denim-bar geplaatst, waar de klant als het ware de broek van zijn keuze kan bestellen. Voor de volledige uitwerking van het winkelconcept en de creatie van een eigen huisstijl deden Yannick en Charlotte beroep op King George. “We zijn erg tevreden over die samenwerking”, gaat Yannick van start. “Toen
Copyright Retail Update Magazine april 2014 - Worddesign
[1] Bij Mister Men worden Scadinavisch design, in het oog springende jaren 60-invloeden en stoere army-elementen moeiteloos gecombineerd. [2] Oranje geverfde industriële loodgieterijbuizen doen dienst als opvallende kledinghangers. [3] De maatpakken kregen een plaatsje in een retro kleerkast die het Britse gentlemen-gevoel in de verf zet. [4] De paskamers bevinden zich in een soort legertent in de woestijn, inclusief de obligatoire cactussen.
we onze plannen uit de doeken deden, zaten die mensen meteen op onze golflengte. Voor het kassasysteem klopten we dan weer aan bij SoftTouch in Destelbergen, volgens mij het enige echte goede systeem voor boetieks.”
COOL WINKELRECEPT Mister Men is een winkelconcept waarin fashion wordt gecombineerd met drinks en attitude. “Ons concept doorbreekt het traditionele winkelpatroon. Iedereen kan in het horecadeel van de winkel immers gewoon iets drinken, en surfen op de gratis WiFi. Niet alleen voor wie bij ons winkelt, iedereen is welkom. In de bar wordt koffie, thee, frisdrank, bier, wijn en cava geschonken. We proberen hiervoor zo veel mogelijk samen te werken met lokale spelers. Zo zijn onze koffie, thee en biertjes allemaal afkomstig uit het Waasland”, benadrukt Charlotte. Ook uniek aan Mister Men is de dj die elke zaterdagnamiddag het beste van zichzelf geeft. “Op de installatie – die trouwens bovenop een oude legerjeep werd geplaatst - kan iedereen een set komen spelen. Wie bijvoorbeeld zin heeft om na schooltijd een streepje muziek te spelen, is hier zeker welkom. Behalve op zaterdag uiteraard, want dan werken we met een vaste dj.” URBAN FASHION Mister Men biedt mooie, draagbare maar niet te traditionele kledij voor mannen, gaande van een jeans en T-shirt tot een trendy blazer. “Urban fashion, zo omschrijven we onze collectie”, verduidelijkt Charlotte. “We kozen ook heel bewust voor herenkleding omdat de keuze in de Stationsstraat voor mannen een stuk beperkter is dan voor vrouwen. Alle merken die we voeren, bevinden zich in het middensegment. Bovendien zijn ze voornamelijk van Scandinavische makelij. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan Gabba, Minimum, Solid, No Excess en Stones. Uiteraard staat kwaliteit voorop, maar het moet wel betaalbaar blijven. Zo kost een broek bij ons tussen de 50 en 120 euro, en voor een T-shirt betaal je tussen de 15 en 45 euro. Voor de opstelling van onze verschillende merken werken we niet met shop-in-the-shop corners. Mister Men is een echte multimerkenwinkel en daarom mixen we onze labels tot één mooi geheel.” Naast kleding, vinden we hier ook heel wat leuke accessoires. Zo zijn er oortjes, headphones, iPhone cases, zonnebrillen, horloges, armbandjes, ... Een echte lifestyle-winkel voor de moderne man dus.
Yannick de Charlotte De Waele: “We willen de mensen uit Sint-Niklaas en omstreken opnieuw goesting geven om in de Stationsstraat te komen shoppen.”
JONG VAN GEEST “Onze doelgroep? Mensen die jong van geest zijn!”, beklemtoont Yannick. “Op onze collectie staat geen leeftijd en we kiezen er ook bewust voor om geen leeftijdscategorie op onze klanten te kleven. Tot nu toe is onze jongste klant 14 jaar en onze oudste was een kranige tachtiger. Iedereen kan hier dus rustig ronddwalen en een outfit samenstellen. Maar wie liever geholpen wordt, krijgt uiteraard de nodige begeleiding om een nieuwe look te vinden. En ook na de aankoop zorgen we voor die extra service. Zo worden broeken bijvoorbeeld gratis op maat afgewerkt in ons eigen atelier.” GEDURFDE LOCATIE De Stationsstraat in Sint-Niklaas kampt al jaren met één van de hoogste leegstandspercentages in ons land. Toch kozen Yannick en Charlotte voor een pand in het midden van deze winkelstraat. “Toen we op zoek waren naar een pand, hebben we ons uiteraard afgevraagd wat de beste locatie zou zijn. Een andere stad werd al gauw uitgesloten; we kennen de markt van Sint-Niklaas en omstreken ondertussen door en door. Bovendien hebben we met dit concept
“ONZE VIJF MUST-HAVES” Het gesprek afsluiten, doen we met de vraag “Wat zijn jullie favoriete items in de winkel?” En daarover hoeven Charlotte en Yannick niet lang over na te denken ... 1. Tricot blazer van Gnious, 149.95 euro 2. Kerry chino broek van Minimum, 69.95 euro 3. Bluetooth speaker van Lowdi, 150.00 euro 4. Bracelets van Gemini, 30.00 - 45.00 euro 5. Horloges van Komono, 70.00 of 80.00 euro
veel passage nodig en nu de Stationsstraat heraangelegd en autovrij is, zijn we daarvan verzekerd. De burgermeester van Sint-Niklaas, Lieven Dehandschutter, de schepen voor mobiliteit, economie en werk, Carl Hanssens, en de centrummanager, Filip Van Bel, geven trouwens hun volle steun aan de straat en zorgen voor een nieuwe dynamiek. En daardoor volgen de openingen van nieuwe zaken elkaar in sneltempo op. Ook wij wouden mee in dat verhaal stappen en de mensen opnieuw goesting geven om hier te komen shoppen.” VOORZICHTIG AMBITIEUS Mister Men is ondertussen bijna één jaar open. “En na het eerste seizoen waren de reacties beter dan verwacht. Er is flink wat buzz en de winkel gaat vlot over de tongen in Sint-Niklaas en omstreken. De verkoop was zowel in het eerste zomer als eerste winterseizoen een succes. Onze ambities op korte termijn zijn uiteraard de Mister Men-boetiek vlot te doen draaien, net zoals onze andere winkel Herenmode De Waele. En op langere termijn denk ik zeker aan een copy paste van dit concept naar andere vestigingen. Maar uiteraard is dat nog wat voorbarig om daar nu al uitspraken over te doen. Of het concept aanslaat, kunnen we pas na vier tot vijf seizoenen zeggen. Maar in ieder geval is het concept veel makkelijker uit te rollen dan dat van Herenmode De Waele”, aldus nog Yannick. An De Maere >>
Copyright Retail Update Magazine april 2014 - Worddesign
!Solid Danish - based label Solid brings to the forefront a laidback menswear range, combining the preppy style with an urban twist. Impulses from the casual-street are core of the collection and work wear-environment. Styling is casual cool, urban and easy-going with a great mix of the colours, looks and style. Depending on the season Solid offers a wide range of tees, sweatshirts with cool graphic prints, stylish knitwear and shirts, colourful shorts complemented with chinos and trendy outerwear. Keep an eye out for the new denim line, where you experience the extraordinary attention Solid has put into fitting, details, quality and last but by no means least the wash of each denim.
Barts From the very first moment, it has been our creative goal to reinvent the beanie, scarf and glove over and over again. At Barts, we like to believe that when creativity leads, endless possibilities follow. Even after twenty years, our designers keep surprising us almost every day with funky ideas, original combinations and unconventional thinking to transform these three basic products into something special. When that happens, we know we’re on the right track. Although many fashion brands sell accessories as part of their collection, we believe that greatness comes by focusing on one thing and one thing only. Therefore accessories remain the core focus of our business and for the last twenty years that’s what we have been doing. We set ourselves one simple rule: Make every collection beat the last one. Believe it or not, we have succeeded every year and today with over six hundred items and a thousand stores across Europe there is plenty to focus on.
Blend The Blend success story began in Vejle, Denmark in 1993 when the company dedicated itself to bringing affordable fashion to the market in new ways. Excitement around the brand grew quickly as the company gained the loyalty of self-confident young people in numerous countries. The collections present a powerful selection of contemporary European styles and carefully crafted jeans built for urban living. Competence and true craftsmanship are behind the Danish jeans label that appeals to a youthfull free spirit. Our most important values? Authentic roughness, commercial consistency, colorful universe, desirable products and off course denim heritage.
Casual Friday December 2013, the launch of a new and exciting menswear brand, Casual Friday by Blend. A slightly grown up line for the Blend man who’s ready to embark on the next phase of his life : the workplace. Casual Friday by Blend is a line of clothing inspired by its term and the style of dressing that developed as a result. Over the years, this newfound way of dressing became a style statement of its own and started to become acceptable on more than only Fridays. Casual Friday represents the style indicative of casual Fridays. It is designed for a more sophisticated, young, city man who has something to say through his wardrobe. And that message is : I’m ready to conquer the world! Slightly inexperienced (as it is his first job) – he wants to be taken seriously and always dresses the part; but remains true to his age and playful maturity. Casual Friday by Blend offers an array of mix and match separates that pay close attention to the details. It’s a collection that guarantees a unique style no matter how the man chooses to put the pieces together. Most importantly : It’s clothing that reflects a lifestyle. A lifestyle of aspiration and ambition yet still young at heart.
Djinns It’s not where you take it from but where you take it to. DJINN'S is a German based brand established in 2001. Coming up with the first produced item, a re-invented and handcrafted version of the classic Wallabee, the label developed its own brandmark producing styles with high quality fabrics and designs. With the eye on details and solid, good quality DJINN'S stands for customized sneakers, caps and bags and follows the idea of individual but matching items in color and fabric as one of its signature features. In the past years DJINN'S became one of the leading brands in the headgear-business. Especially famous for its caps the label is getting more and more involved and famous in the sneaker market. By now DJINN'S distributes a large assortment of items from shoes to caps and backpacks which are sold all over Europe and Japan. Since today there have been various collaborations with artists like Boris Hoppek, Emil Kosak, BßroDestruct and Henry Obasi as well as companies and fashion labels.
Gabba The Danish fashion brand GABBA came into being in 1995. Head designers Karen & Ole Madsen had been working in the textile business for more than twenty years when they felt the need for doing something new. The market was flooded with cheap and trite products, so they agreed that it was time to introduce something different. Together with a local creative artist, Karen & Ole strived to find a cool name for their new brand. It had to be a name with a good sound to it; a name which would position the collections they wanted to make in the right way. After many hours of brainstorming, the three came up with the name GABBA. Even though the name did not have any particular literal meaning, they all thought it had a cool ring to it and they felt it would be a good common denominator for the collections. From the first collection, it has been a key principle that all creations must have this distinctive coolness to them; a personal touch. Karen & Ole wanted the collections to appeal to people who had a personal style and who did not just blindly follow the latest trend. Thus, the brand’s slogan became: Personal Clothes for Personal People. Karen & Ole wanted to signal that the GABBA collections were for the independent minded who knew what they wanted. From the start it was clear to Karen & Ole that they wanted to create an accessible brand. People should be able to find it in the shops, and they should be able to afford it. People should not be rich to be able to afford a GABBA item, but on the other hand, they did not want to make a cheap brand either. They wanted GABBA items to be reasonably priced, good-quality designer-items. In short, Karen & Ole wanted to give people value for their money. Since 1995, these above-mentioned principles have been the guiding light for the GABBA brand: personal clothes for personal people - at reasonable prices. When Karen & Ole started out in 1995, they were just the two of them. Today - many years and a lot of hard work later - this clear philosophy has established GABBA as a popular brand which is sold in many shops, and the company behind the brand is the workplace for many creative people.
Gemini You can either be a work of art or wear one! Gemini is Belgian through and through, with its headquarters in Hasselt. Production, design and distribution are realized from Belgium. Gemini represents a lifestyle in which quality is pivotal. The bracelets are fabricated and the stones selected with the greatest care. For each new season the collection is revamped to follow the latest trends. Tough and trendy or the epitome of peace and calm? Gemini states who you are. The collection comprises bracelets that can be perfectly combined. #Proud2BeAGemini
Gnious WE ARE GNIOUS. Gnious was established in 2005 as an individual brand of Marcus Europe The brand was originally designed exclusively for our own shops in Denmark, but after a couple of seasons, the brand was sold around the world. Today Gnious is successfully sold worldwide. We are a dedicated in-house team, that only works together with a handful of highly skilled suppliers and manufactures. WE LOVE DENIM!!! Gnious your favourite denim brand, we design clothing for fashion conscious males between 18-35. We believe that everyone should be able to create their own personal style, without having to spend a lot of money, energy or time, thererfore you can find all you need in our collections. Fashion is here and now and it changes all the time. We want to ensure that we are always up-beat with the new fashion, so we travel around the world to find inspiration and look at what happens in the fashion on the streets.
Indicode INDICODE JEANS was established in 1991 as a pure denimbrand: They expanded the collection with tops, non-denims, jackets and shirts for a casual everyday jeans look. The strength of INDICODE JEANS is still the denimsection, which is why the brand has changed the brand name from INDICODE to INDICODE JEANS to underline their key competence. They love hunting down new denim qualities from Japan and other sources made in heaven. One of our specialities is our collection of faux leather jackets. Inspiration is always found on the street, in fashion blogs and in the music enviroments, where you can find a hint of street- styleandrock’n’roll.. Every INDICODE JEANS style is relaxed, cool and street-sharp - always in a good mix of contempoary colors..
Komono The Perfect Blend of Vision and Timing Across the globe, people are using brands to define their style and identity. The brands you associate yourself with, help define the kind of person you are or want to be. These brands can be linked to all kinds of products, but within the fashion world (from designer to retailer), accessories are becoming more important. The accessory segment is usually divided by a choice between expensive products with high brand value and cheaper products with low brand value. Komono is an accessory brand that combines its premium brand value with affordable, quality products. By constantly injecting the Komono collection with new designs, they stay on-trend, allowing the consumer to keep their look up to date and the retailer to keep their stock fresh and relevant. Komono makes high-end, innovative accessory trends accessible and affordable on a global scale.
Kultivate CONFORMITY KILLS! WHY? Do you want to join the army of headknodders and followers? Don’t think so, at least we won’t! People are individuals with a mind of their own. Ofcourse there are subcultures in which like-minded people relate, but even within these groups people think different about their way of life. The name of our brand has different meanings, the most important definition is the need to cultivate. Now go and mix our product with the rest of your wardrobe and remember: Style is what you make of it!
Lee Cooper Morris Cooper creates workwear production company the Morris Cooper factory, which later becomes Lee Cooper. Since its humble beginnings in the East end of London at a run-down premises on 94-96 Middlesex Street, Lee Cooper has now become recognised as Europe’s first and oldest, authentic denim brand. With the arrival of the first world war, the company converts its production of workwear clothing to military uniforms. Now known for creating uniforms for the British troops, Lee Cooper demonstrates strength and durability in its long-lasting products. Lee Cooper’s work wear strengthens the brand’s reputation for making tough, hardwearing, high quality work clothes, and is in turn embraced by 80% of the UK market. The Lee Cooper brand appears in print for the first time.
Lexon Design Lexon is a design gifts editor: Lexon produces concept objects in an industrial process. Lexon objects are gifts, they exist because they are appealing. They are universal, useful for everybody and everywhere. Lexon works with well known or young designers to optimize form & function, hybridizing, customing, democratizing technology and materials. The big difference with Lexon is thet they start by designing a product and then start putting the electronics inside. As opposed to most other companys whom design around existing electronics, giving them less space for creativity.
Lowdi Lowdi, is a portable wireless speaker that fits into the palm of your hand. He's is an infusion of classic French taste with fresh Dutch design, a collaborative venture between Linkeet - a French digital products supplier - and the independent Dutch digital design agency Momkai. To everyone´s admiration, when Lowdi was born, not only was he compact and portable, he was affordable and easy to use with or without a Bluetooth® connection. Don't be fooled by his size, Lowdi's sound is powerful. With a clear and natural 80dB sound he can turn any device into a super-charged Hi-Fi system, and any room into a concert hall.. But don't just take our word for it, others think so too! He can connect to any mobile device via Bluetooth®, turning it into a slick portable sound system! Shorter than a pencil, Lowdi is perfect for 'hand luggage only' adventures, so you can bring your music with you wherever you go and enjoy it for up to 8 hours non-stop, oh and did we mention, he comes pre-charged! Cool Material said: 'Lowdi is the smallest on the market, meaning it owns the portability crown'.
Marshall Marshall headphones The heavy sound of Marshall has been carried over the world for half a century. Breathless roadies and roaring trucks have worked hard to make Marshall heard all across the globe. Now, time has come for you to carry this magnificent burden of rock ‘n’ roll all by yourself. Spending half a century on tour with the most prominent and untamed musicians builds experience and a feel for what really works. This unparalleled amount of wisdom has been distilled and fused into every part of Marshall Headphones. Nothing has been compromised when expanding the Marshall heritage of big stage performance to the individual enjoyment of good music.
Minimum Minimum is a Danish fashion brand, founded in 1997 and based in Aarhus, Denmark. Minimum designs and develops progressive young international male and female fashion with scent of Scandinavian coolness, always with a seasonal look and commercial twist. Our collections have a unique design, characterized by an interesting mix of materials, shapes and colours and should be seen as a contributor to the basic wardrobe, while at the same time providing prominent items for special occasions. We are very proud of our broad selection of chino pants, which we bring in multiple colours and in both a stretch and non-stretch quality.
Muchachomalo “MUCHACHOMALO* is spanish for bad boy. Everybody is looking for ‘something else’ when it comes to underwear. That’s exactly what MUCHACHOMALO* has to offer. The unique prints used in the MUCHACHOMALO* collections are created by artists and fashion designers. Their exciting hand-painted designs capture the zeitgeist and make art wearable. MUCHACHOMALO* is underwear with attitude for those who know their own mind, individuals who are always up for adventure. As well as the collections for men and women there are also MUCHACHOMALO* collections for boys and girls – because it’s never too early to start encouraging rebels.
No Excess The No Excess story began in 1988 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Inspired by the relaxed, open and down to earth Amsterdam culture, Roel de Veer set out to develop a collection of men’s clothing that captured the spirit of his hometown; a collection of garments that combine a confident, effortless style with the laidback Dutch attitude. No Excess was born. After an initial focus on knitwear and shirts, No Excess developed into a fully-fledged men’s fashion brand, with seven product groups and an extensive range of accessories. However, two things remained the same: the focus on detailing and an extraordinary price/quality ratio. Now, 25 years later, No Excess has grown into a company with 35 employees and 1700 points of sale in more than 25 countries. 2009 marked the introduction of No Excess in the US, to the acclaim of both retailers and Hollywood celebs, who quickly embraced the brand. Even though nowadays No Excess operates in the international market, its HQ remains firmly rooted in the Amsterdam area. This way you are assured that No Excess will always stay true to the same spirit that founded the brand. With its roots in the no-nonsense Dutch way of doing things, No Excess designs contemporary casuals for the confident man with a keen sense of style. An affordable collection of modern, uncomplicated, high quality garments based on the latest trends and distinguished by a subtle richness in detailing, rather than loud and excessive decorations. The elaborate finishing of each item, its great fit and excellent value for money give the collection its typical and recognizable No Excess signature.
Olymp Men in OLYMP OLYMP. Shirts, ties, casuals – and what makes them so successful. As the shirt brand with the most dynamic development throughout Europe in recent years, OLYMP has been setting international standards in the world of fashion since 1951. In doing so, OLYMP stands for uncompromisingly high quality in fabrics and workmanship, outstanding attributes in wear and care, as well as an excellent price-performance ratio. And, of course, for a convincing fashion statement. Due to a consistent adherence to these company principles, OLYMP has been able to develop progressively and to increase turnover at a time of declining sales in the clothing industry. Between the years 2000 and 2010 turnover more than trebled to about 142 million euros. OLYMP is by now not only a market leader in Germany, but is also en route to becoming an increasingly strong globally active company. In particular the non-iron and wrinkle-free premium shirt “OLYMP Luxor” classically cut or as slim line and made of 100 per cent cotton is enjoying increasing popularity. But easy-care casual shirts and polo shirts also form part of the product portfolio. The four extensive collections each year are complemented by high-quality ties made from pure silk, which in colour and design are coordinated tone-in-tone with the business shirts and thus make for a one-stop complete look. In addition, the ties are finished using Nano-Technology and thereby provide increased protection against dirt and stains. Consequently, the comfort for the wearer is significantly enhanced.
Stones STONES was founded in 1991 and is the unique and balanced combination of modern style, high quality and expert workmanship with best value for money. There is the vision of being a reliable companion for every day, giving fashion style in business as well as in recreation. STONES has an exceptional position in the fashion market, being an outfit-supplier with a strong lifestyle character. With a quick and commercial translation of fashion trends STONES is positioned in the range of formal wear and leisure wear with modern city casuals. STONES has already established more than 200 POS in Germany, Europe and China.
True Prodigy Founded in Germany in 2013, trueprodigy designs a full collection of denim for men. It´s sold in more than 25 countries with more than 300 POS only in Germany. trueprodigy offers entire outfits for men, containing jeans, t-shirt, sweat, shirt and jackets. Made by and for individualists. The young German label sets with its high quality urban wear at a sensational price-performance ratio! A perfect fit and stylish design are making a clear statement. - PRODIGIES DON´T LIE! –
Urban Ears Urbanears is a collective out of Scandinavia, motivated by a common interest in global relationships and shared involvement in the relevance of the living brand. Urbanears promotes a deeper connection to color, form and people while providing the freedom to transcend individuality and unify the sound experience. The concept Urbanears is spawned out of a number of ideas. Some that formed the project but just as many that came along the way. Primarily, there seemed to be no manufacturer of headphones out there that shared our belief in what headphones are and how they are used. Our passion is to make headphones with a profound understanding of how they are used, worn and why. Our vision is to add a number of elements to the concept of performance. Beyond the obvious sound rendition we have a vision of making headphones that feel more like clothes than chromed plastics. We design headphones with respect to what they are expected to be, but with great attention to the details. An Urbanears headphone is always describable as a classic headphone, rather than a bold design statement redefining the product category.
Vip Flap Vip Flap is a unique and modern brand of the multicoloured wallet for cards, that was found in December 2010 by the Carillo Family. The name of the brand is the result of the combination of the word VIP that represents the values of exclusivity, glamour and posh style of the it’s target, and the word FLAP, just like the particular sound when you close it. Vip Flap is a young and upcoming brand, created by Luca Carillo, CEO of IMAGO, a historic and well-structured company that offers products for Sports and Leisure, who has dedicated his passion and energy in order to fulfill this very important project. The client of Vip Flap is a dynamic person, self-confident and always in search of a new, modern and versatile accessory, that may help him distinguish himself from the rest and complete tastefully his day and night look. The first and inimitable edition of a 2-cards wallet which is available in 9 colours in leather, is fresh and captivating with a matching tin box for each colour. The evolution of the 3-cards wallet of the first leather edition that was a great success, has been completed with these 10 available colours. The basic edition of the 3-cards wallet in faux leather is available in 6 plain colours plus 4 fluo shades The 3-cards wallet – double mood edition – in leather on both sides is available in 4 elegant colour combinations. The 3-cards wallet in faux leather with a more exuberant character is multicoloured with a combination of fluo shades that are made to amaze! Style and innovation are perfectly blended together in this unique 3-cards wallet specially made in a new technical fabric. Fresh and coloured the new edition of the 3-cards wallet in fabric is available in 8 bright colours.
Vito At Vito we believe in contemporary lines and downplayed, subtle elegantism. Our roots lie in the clean cut Scandinavian tailoring, that mixed with colourful detailing makes every piece tell its own story. Following the latest trend of the season is less interesting to us than creating a high quality and durable product. Our designs are always made from that same DNA; wearable, contemporary menswear made to make you look your best. At VITO we design for a customer that is fashion conscious with an appreciation for quality. He is between 25 and 35, stylish, urban and career orientated. He is a 'lifestyle' customer who will buy the clothes for the story they tell and the identity they carry. On weekends you are more likely to find him checking out a new band swirling a scotch than at a football game with a pint. We call him the urban gentleman. VITO was established in 2010 and is now sold throughout the world, with great success in the UK and southern Europe in particular. The collections are designed and marketed by Maja Trolle who brings years of knowledge from the Danish menswear industry to the company.
Wood’d Wood’d is a lifestyle brand of wooden accessories. Was founded in January 2012 by creativity and productive skills of two brothers, Andrea and Stefano Aschieri. Andrea was born in Busto Arsizio in 1987. After graduating in Fashion Business at Istituto Marangoni in Milan, he works around Italy as a Visual merchandiser for a few years. At Wood’d he takes care of design, production and sales. Stefano was born in 1991 in Busto Arsizio. After graduating at Italian Institute of Photography, he decided to continue his studies by taking a course in Ne Media at Naba, which is currently attending. While working as a filmmaker, at Wood'd deals with web, communication and marketing. Wood’d is recognized as the first italian brand of wooden accessories for iPhone and iPad, designed and produced in Italy. The highly aesthetic impact of products has allowed the exclusive distribution though selected clothing stores.
made in Italy
d’d 03 334 25 35 Stationsstraat 56 9100 Sint-Niklaas