Mistral Red Dot Division Brochure 2019

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M I S T R A L .C O M

Water life and living since 1976






SQUAB 7’10 x 30.3’’x 129L

SQUAB 7’6 x 29’’ x 113L

SQUAB 7’2 x 27.7’’ x 98.8L

CLOUD NINE 9’2 x 31.5” x 145L


CLOUD RISE 8’6 x 30.25” x 125L


CLOUD BURST 8’2 x 29.25” x 111L


SUNBURST 10’6 x 32.2” x 191L







SUNBURST 10’ x 32.2” x 191L

SUNBURST 9’6 x 32.2” x 191L

LEVUKA 11’2 x 32.2” x 191L

FIJI 10’9 x 33” 200.5L x 13.5kg

LEVU 12’ x 33” 242.5L x 14.5kg

SLIPSTREAM 12’6 x 26” 235L x 9.5kg 12’6 x 23.3” 235L x 9.5kg

EQUINOX 12’6 x 25” 252L x 11kg

ADVENTURIST 14’ x 28”’ 287L x 11.5kg

VANQUISH 14’ x 24’’ 269L x 11.5kg

EQUINOX 14’ x 24.6’’ 287L x 11.5kg

VORTEX SD1 14’ x 21.25’’ 277L/ x 11.2kg 14’ x 23.5’’ 301L x 12.5kg

INTERCEPTOR 17’6 x 24.3” Vol 358L x 12.5kg



REVIVAL SAILS 3.0m, 4.5m, 5.5m








STEALTH 17’6 x 24” Vol 293L x 11.5kg





Water is our start point. It is the crucible of Mistral’s origins, the source of all that we think about, the giver of life to our continued existence. Mistral is not so much a lifestyle but a way of life, represented by thoughts and actions, supported by the vehicles we create and the manifestations born from it. According to Windsurfing Legends. Mistral is very probably the most recognised

“watersports brand in the world.


Our Mistral Quikslide freeride boards, excels in speed and


control and a contender as one of the ‘best of type’ in its category. Insanely sweet gybes and outstanding acceleration combines to make an easy riding allrounder that will blow A Legend is Reborn you away with its turn of speed. Our Quikslide boards, incorporate some blue skydesign conceptsOur toMistral create a truly versatile board. The performance orientated lends Quikslide freeride boards, excels in speed and control and a contender as one of therocker-line, 'best of type' in its category. Insanely sweet gybes and outstanding accelera>on combines to make an easy riding itself to having ample water line length to maximise speed and control whilst the thin deck allrounder that will blow you away with its turn of speed. Our Quickslide boards, incorporate some blue sky design concepts to create a truly versa>le water board. Therun performance orientated rocker-line, lends itselfenabling to shape and boxy rails, deliver superb off, acceleration and speed, maxihaving ample water line length to maximise speed and control whilst the thin deck shape and boxy rails, mum levels control that can expect a surfmaximum boardlevels likeofshredder. deliverof superb water run off,you accelera>on and speed,of enabling control that you can expect


of a surf board like shredder. A wide egg-outlined shape provides a super fun plaEorm upon which to ride, with the added benefit of our V-flow tail, providing liI and added control in the turns. Fast gybing with fast

A wide egg-outlined shape provides a super fun platform upon which to ride, with the added benefit of our V-flow entry and exit curves are easily achieved on these top line freeride boards, constructed to the very highest tail, providing added control in the Fast gybing with fast entry and exit curves are easily achieved on levelsliIofand construc>on you've come to turns. expect of a Mistral laminated board. these top line freeride boards, constructed to the very highest levels of construction you’ve come to expect of a Mistral laminated board.

QUIKSLIDE 100 L Quickslide 100L 100L x 235 x 70 x 7.3kg Sail Range 5.0 - 7.5m / powerbox

QUIKSLIDE 110 L Quickslide 110L 110L x 236 x 75 x 7.7kg Sail Range 5.5 - 8.0m / powerbox

QUIKSLIDE 120 L Quickslide 120L 120L x 236 x 80 x 8.5kg

QUIKSLIDE 130 L Quickslide 130L 130L x 236 x 84 x 8.7kg

Sail Range 6.0 - 9.0m / powerbox

Sail Range 6.5 - 9.6m / powerbox

QUIKSLIDE FREERIDE Excels in speed and control andRED a contender as one ofOFFICE the ‘best of type’ inNETHERLANDS its category. Insanely sweet gybes MISTRAL DOT B.V. DIVISION HEAD • WIERDEN • THE Telephone +31 546 484 680 + 31 546 484 689 | Industrieweg 4a | 7641 AT Wierden | The Netherlands and outstanding acceleration combines to make an easy riding allrounder that will blow you away with its turn WWW.MISTRAL.COM of speed. Our Quikslide boards, incorporate some blue sky design concepts to create a truly versatile board.

M I S T R A L .C O M 4

Water life and living since 1976




MX1 ALUMINIUM BOOM MISTRAL ZONDA SAILS Our Zonda hightop top end speeds of handling youexpect mightofexpect of larger wave and free ride Our MX1 is a terrific entry level boom designed to economical Our Zondasails, sails, offer offer high end speeds and and easeease of handling as you as might larger wave and free yet highly evolved. No maNer if you're just star>ng out in rideComprised sails. Comprised 5 baNen profilethe the configuration configura>on willwill have youyou up planing early without having having to work sails. of aof 5 abatten sailsail profile have up planing early without windsurfing or at intermediate levels, the MX1 will do the job! work to tooget hard to getZonda there! Zonda sailssuper are super friendlyand anduseable useable over range of wind tootohard there! sails are useruser friendly overaawide wide range of wind strengths and MISTRAL ZONDA SAILS Featuring super snag-fit, quick-lock apex, the system works on strengths and water environments. Welland balanced and forgiving in the Mistral gusts, Mistral Zonda permit highlevels of control environments. Well balanced forgiving in the gusts, Zonda sailssails permit high Our Zonda sails, offer high top end speeds and ease of handling as you might expect of larger wave and water free both SDM (Standard Radius Mast) and Radius levels of control when the going gets tough in the gusts over choppy waters, the top of the sail falling away rideRDM sails. (Reduced Comprised of a 5 baNen sail profile the configura>on will have you up planing early without having when the going gets tough in the gusts over choppy waters, the top of the sail falling away with just the right Mast). A narrow gauge diameter ensures riders smaller to work too with hard to get there! Zonda sails are super user friendly and useable over a wide range of wind with just the right amount of leach bend and recoil. Highly tuneable, a Zonda sail will enable you to fine tune amount of leach bend and recoil. Highly a Zonda willversus enable youover to fine tune your sailing in order to MX1 is awater terrific entry boom designed toineconomical yetZonda sails permit high palm and fingers, can gain a posi>veOur grip, averaging 27mm. The level your sailing in order to reap maximum tradetuneable, off for control versussail power, speed a very wide strengths and environments. Well balanced and forgiving the gusts, Mistral levels of control when the going tough injust the gusts over choppy the top of the sail falling away reap maximum trademee>ng off forthe control versus versus speed over a very wide range of conditions, meeting the MISTRAL ZONDA SAILS highly evolved. No matter if you’re starting out inwaters, windsurfing MX1 features 4 a double pin lock adjustable system, ensuring a gets range of condi>ons, demands of thepower, most demanding of sailors. with just the right amount of leach bendspeeds and recoil. Highlyoftuneable, aasZonda sail willexpect enableofyou to fine tune Zonda sails, offer high top and ease handling you might larger wave and free of the most demanding of sailors. very posi>ve and s>ff connec>on between boom and telescopic demands oryour atOur intermediate levels, theend MX1 will docontrol the job! Featuring super sailing order to reap off forthe versus power, versus speed over a very ride sails.inComprised of amaximum 5 baNen trade sail profile configura>on will have you up planing earlywide without having inner body even when fully extended. The generous extension snug-fit, quick-lock apex, system works on both SDM range of condi>ons, thethe demands of the most demanding of sailors. to work too hardmee>ng to get there! Zonda sails are super user friendly and(Standard useable over a wide range of wind range, will cover most all sail sizes you require.




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strengths andand water environments. Well balanced and forgiving in thegauge gusts, Mistral Zonda sails permit high Radius Mast) RDM (Reduced Radius Mast). A narrow levels of control when the going gets tough in the gusts over choppy waters, the top of the sail falling away diameter ensures riders with smaller palm and fingers, can gain a with just the right amount of leach bend and recoil. Highly tuneable, a Zonda sail will enable you to fine tune BOOM PROFILE MX1 ALUMINIUM BOOM The MX1 features 4 a double pin positive grip,inaveraging 27mm. MISTRAL SAILS yourZONDA sailing order to reap maximum trade off for control versus power, versus speed over a very wide MISTRAL ZONDA SAILS Our MX1 is a terrific entry level boom designed to economical MISTRAL ZONDA SAILS Our Zonda sails, offer high top end speeds and ease of handling as you might expect of larger wave and free MX1 ALUMINIUM BOOM The boom outline and width at theOur tailZonda (rear) arecondi>ons, crucial for theensuring sails, offer top end speeds and ease ofof handling mightstiff expect of larger wave and free of mee>ng demands the most demanding ofconnection sailors. lock adjustable system, a very positive and yethigh highly evolved. No the maNer if you're just star>ng outas in you ride as sails. of a 5 profile Our MX1 is a terrific entry level boom designed torange economical Our Zonda sails, offer high top end speeds and ease of handling youComprised might expect ofbaNen larger sail wave and the freeconfigura>on will have you up planing early without having ride sails. Comprised of a 5 baNen sail profile the configura>on will have you up planing early without having windsurfing or at intermediate levels, the MX1 will do the job! to work too hard to get there!early Zonda sails are super user friendly and useable over a wide range of wind rig to deliver a perfect mix of balance of power and control. The yet highly evolved. No maNer if you're just star>ng out in ride sails. Comprised of a 5 baNen sail profile the configura>on will have you up planing without having between boom and telescopic body even when fully extended. Featuring snag-fit, apex, the friendly system works strengths and water environments. Well balanced and forgiving in the gusts, Mistral Zonda sails permit high to work too hard to get there!super Zonda sailsquick-lock areinner super user and on useable over ahard wide range of wind windsurfing or at intermediate levels, the MX1 will do the job! to work too to get there! Zonda sails are super user friendly and useable over a wide range of wind outline of our 140 and 160 booms, are designed specifically for Radius Mast) and RDM (Reduced Radius both SDM (Standard levels of control when the going gets tough in the strengths andZONDA water environments. Well balanced and forgiving in the gusts, Mistral sails permit high Featuring super snag-fit, quick-lock apex, the system works on strengths andZonda water environments. Well balanced and forgiving in the gusts, Mistral Zonda sails permit high gusts over choppy waters, the top of the sail falling away MISTRAL SAILS MISTRAL ZONDA SAILS generous extension range, cover most A narrow gauge diameterwill ensures riders with smallerall sail sizes you require. with just the right amount of leach bend and recoil. Highly tuneable, a Zonda sail will enable you to fine tune 'bump n'jump' performance, where The you need to be Mast). closer to the both SDM (Standard Radius Mast) and RDM (Reduced Radius levels of control when thefalling going and gets tough choppy waters, the top of the sail falling away levels of control the going gets tough inand theease gusts over choppy waters, the top ofof sail away Our Zonda sails, offer end speeds handling as expect larger wave free Our Zonda sails,when offer high top end speeds and ease of handling as you you might expect ofthe larger wave and free in the gusts over your palmhigh and top fingers, can gain a posi>ve grip,of averaging 27mm. The might sailing in order to reap maximum trade off for control versus power, versus speed over a very wide

A narrow control. gauge diameter riders with smaller with just the amount oftoleach bend a Zonda sail will enable you to fine tune with just the right amount leach and recoil. Highlysystem, tuneable, a Zonda willright enable you finehaving tuneand recoil. Highly tuneable, rig for Mast). maximum Ourensures largest 180 boom, features a 4 a bend ride sails. Comprised of aa of 5 sail the configura>on will up early without MX1 double pin lock adjustable ensuring a you range of condi>ons, mee>ng the demands of the most demanding of sailors. ride sails. Comprised of features 5 baNen baNen sail profile profile the configura>on will have have yousail up planing planing without having palm and fingers, can gain a posi>ve grip, averaging 27mm. The your sailing in orderearly to reap maximum trade off for control versus power, versus speed over a very wide your sailing order reap maximum trade off super for control versus power, versusover speed overrange a veryof wide very posi>ve and s>ff connec>on between boom and telescopic to work too hard to get there! Zonda sails user friendly and aa wide wind work toointhe hard toto get there! Zonda sails are are super user friendly and useable useable over wide range of wider MX1 outline so4as to gain momentum from early and in features a double pin lock adjustableto system, ensuring arig range of condi>ons, mee>ng thewind demands of the most demanding of sailors. inner bodythe evendemands when fully of extended. The generous extension range of condi>ons, the most sailors. strengths and water environments. Well and forgiving gusts, strengths and watermee>ng environments. Well balanced balanced anddemanding forgiving in inofthe the gusts, Mistral Mistral Zonda Zonda sails sails permit permit high high veryaNain posi>ve and s>ff connec>on betweenGenerally, boom and telescopic order to maximum speeds. a wider boom tailrange, will cover most all sail sizes you require. levels control inner body even when fully extended. The generous extension levels of of control when when the the going going gets gets tough tough in in the the gusts gusts over over choppy choppy waters, waters, the the top top of of the the sail sail falling falling away away end, generates added awith narrower tail-end piece, range, will cover most allpower sail sizes while you require. the amount of bend Highly tuneable, aa Zonda sail fine with just just the right right amount and of leach leach bend and and recoil. Highly tuneable, Zonda sail will will enable you toto fine tune tune The boom outline width at recoil. the tail (rear) are crucial forenable theyou rigto BOOM PROFILE sailing order to maximum more control. This posi>on will vary your according wind strength your sailing in in to order to reap reap maximum trade trade off off for for control control versus versus power, power, versus versus speed speed over over aa very very wide wide The boom outline and width at theof tailpower (rear) are crucial forcontrol. the deliver a perfect mix of balance and The outline of range of condi>ons, mee>ng the demands of the most demanding of sailors. range condi>ons, demands the most demanding ofThe sailors. and each windsurfing discipline which in of turn requires BOOM PROFILE rigmee>ng toeach deliverthe a perfect mix ofof balance of power and control. and width at the tail (rear)our are crucial forand the 160 outline booms, of our 140 and 160 designed booms, are designed specifically for for ‘bump n’ jump’ 140 are specifically boom The sizeboom andoutline geometry to be developed specifically. rig to deliver a perfect mix of balance of power and control. The


'bump n'jump' performance, where you need to be closer to the outline of our 140 and 160 booms, are designed specifically for rig for maximum control. Our largest 180 boom, features a 'bump n'jump' performance, where you need to be closer to the wider outline so as to gain momentum from the rig early and in order to aNain maximum speeds. Generally, a wider boom tailrig for maximum control. Our largest 180 boom, features a wider outline so as to gain momentum from the rig early and in end, generates added power while a narrower tail-end piece, more control. This posi>on will vary according to wind strength THE BOOM HEAD order to aNain maximum speeds. Generally, a wider boom tailand each windsurfing discipline which in turn requires each end, generates added power while a narrower tail-end piece, Our boom head is designed to ensure maximum boom to mast more control. This posi>on will vary according to wind strength boom size and geometry to be developed specifically. securement. A high fric>on contact against the mast is and each windsurfing discipline which in turnsurface requires each boom size and geometry to be developed specifically.

performance, where you need to be closer to the rig for maximum control. Our largest 180 boom, features a wider outline so as to gain momentum from the rig early and in order to attain maximum speeds. Generally, a wider boom tailend, generates added power while a narrower tail-end piece, more control. This position will vary guaranteed, ensuring the boom remains in place, even during according strength and each 5.4m to wind 6.5mwindsurfing discipline which 7.8m THE BOOM HEAD hard landings or falls! A robust rope hook set up, ensures Our boom superb head is designed to ensure197cm maximumboom boom to mast 176cm boom in turn requires each boom size and geometry to be developed 224cm boom securement. A high fric>on contact surface against the mast is stability and our boom clasp-lever, allows effortless micro and THE BOOM HEAD 420 luff x 400 mast 446 luff x 430 mast 476cm luff x 460 mast guaranteed, ensuring the boom remains in place, even during boom head iswhen designedsecuring to ensure maximum boom to macroOur tensioning thespecifically. boom tomast its correct posi>on Adjustable mast head sleeve. Fixed mast head sleeve. Fixed mast head sleeve. securement. A high fric>on contact surface against the mast is

and can even be adjusted water if needs be. guaranteed, ensuring the boomon remains in place, even during

hard landings or falls! A robust rope hook set up, ensures superb stability and our boom clasp-lever, allows effortless micro and macro tensioning when securing the boom to its correct posi>on MASTS and can even be adjusted on water if needs be.

5.4m 6.5m 176cm boom 197cm boom 5.4m 6.5m 420 luff x 400 mast 446 luff x 4307.8m mast 176cm boom 197cm boom 224cm boom Adjustable mast Fixed mast head sleeve. 420 luff x 400 mast head sleeve.446 luff x 430 mast 476cm luff x 460 mast

7.8m 224cm boom 476cm luff x 460 mast Fixed mast head sleeve.

hard landings or falls! A robust rope hook set up, ensures superb 6.5m stability and our boom clasp-lever, allows effortless micro and Adjustable mast head7.8m sleeve. Fixed mast head sleeve. Fixed mast head sleeve. SDM profile,5.4m 2 pce, 4.00m, 4.30m and 4.60, Carbon 5.4m 6.5m 7.8m 176cm boom boom 224cm boom macro tensioning when securing the boom to its correct posi>on Composite 40/60 GRP Construc>on offers 197cm soI feel for entry 420 luff x 400 mast 446 luff x 430 mast 476cm luff x 460 mast MASTS MASTS 176cm boom 197cm boom 224cm boom and can even be adjusted on water if needs be. level, pre-preg high quality lamina>on, curved tomast custom sleeve. fit SDM profile, 2 pce, 4.00m, 4.30m and 4.60, Carbon Adjustable mast head sleeve. Fixed Fixed mast head sleeve. 420 luff xRDM 400SHIM mast 446 luff x 430 mast 476cm luff x 460head mast SDM profile, 2 pce, 4.00m, 4.30m and 4.60, Carbon RDM SHIM superb Composite 40/60 GRP Construc>on offers soI feel for entry each sail for max performance. Our MX1 booms include an integrated shim to fit RDM masts Adjustable mast head sleeve. Fixed mast head sleeve. Fixed mast head sleeve. level, pre-preg high qualityComposite lamina>on, curved to custom fit Construc>on offers soI feel for entry 5.4m 6.5m 7.8m MASTS for secure fitment. 40/60 GRP Our MX1 booms include an integrated shim to fit RDM masts ooand mast mast each sail for max performance. SDM profile, 2 pce, 4.00m, 4.30m and 4.60, Carbon 176cm boom 197cm boom 224cm boom RDM SHIM posi>on mast level, pre-preg high quality lamina>on, curved to custom fit mast is is for secure fitment. Composite 40/60 GRP Construc>on offers soI feel for entry Our MX1 booms include an integrated shim to420 fit RDM masts luff x 400 mast 446 luff x 430 mast 476cm luff x 460 mast MASTS uring uring level, pre-preg high quality lamina>on, curved to custom fit each sail for max performance. for secure fitment. Adjustable mast head sleeve. Fixed mast head sleeve. SDM profile, Fixed head 4.30m sleeve. and 4.60, Carbon 2 pce,mast 4.00m, ss superb superb each sail for max performance. 5.4m 6.5m 7.8m DOUBLE PIN LOCKING 5.4m 6.5m 7.8m o and Composite 40/60 GRP Construc>on offers soI feel for entry o and ts lock MASTS booms features a double pin lock 176cm boom boom 176cm boom boom For safe load spread, our MX1197cm 197cm boom 224cm boom lamina>on, curved to custom fit posi>on posi>on level, pre-preg224cm high and quality system for maximum securement fit between the profile, telescopic2 SDM pce, 4.00m, 4.30m Carbon 420 luff 400 446 luff xx 430 mast 476cm luff xx 460 mast MAST EXTENSION 420 luff xxEXTENSION 400 mast mast 446 luff 430 mast 476cm luff4.60, 460 mast MAST body and tail end even when fully extended. eachGRP sail Construc>on for max performance. Composite 40/60 offers soIsleeve. feel for entry DOUBLE PIN LOCKING Operates using a 'Universal Pin System' with quick release masts Adjustable mast head sleeve. Fixed mast head sleeve. Fixed mast head Adjustable mast head sleeve. Pin System' Fixed mast headrelease sleeve. Fixed mast head sleeve. Operates using a 'Universal with quick buNon. Durable aluminum tube combined with double pulleys For safePIN load spread, our MX1 booms features a double pin lock DOUBLE LOCKING level, pre-preg high quality lamina>on, curved to custom fit double pulleys for fric>on-free, high tension downhauling. A great quality system for maximum securement fit between thebuNon. telescopicDurable aluminum tube combined witheach sail for max performance. MASTS MAST EXTENSION For safe load spread, our MX1 booms for features a doubleMISTRAL pin lock MASTS RED DOT B.V. DIVISION HEAD OFFICE • WIERDEN • THE NETHERLANDS extension at an affordable price. body and tail end even when fully extended. fric>on-free, highTelephone tension A484 great quality +31downhauling. 546 484 680 + 31 546 689 | Industrieweg 4a | 7641Operates AT Wierdenusing | The Netherlands a 'Universal Pin System' with quick release SDM profile, 2 pce, 4.00m, 4.30m and 4.60, Carbon SDM profile, 2 pce, 4.00m, 4.30m and 4.60, Carbon WWW.MISTRAL.COM system for maximum securement fit between telescopic • THE NETHERLANDS extensionthe at an affordable price. Durable aluminum tube combined double pulleys Composite GRP offers soI feel entry MAST EXTENSION masts Composite 40/60 40/60 buNon. GRP Construc>on Construc>on offers soI feel for forwith entry 4a | 7641 AT Wierden | The Netherlands masts for fric>on-free, high tension downhauling. A great quality body and tail end even when fully extended. level, quality curved to custom fit level, pre-preg pre-preg high highextension quality lamina>on, lamina>on, curved MISTRAL RED DOT B.V. DIVISION HEAD OFFICE • WIERDEN • THE NETHERLANDS Operates using a 'Universal Pin System' with quick release lock at an affordable price. to custom fit

perb mast nd ast is ts i>on ring


Our boom head is designed to ensure maximum boom to mast securement. A high friction contact surface against the mast is guaranteed, ensuring the boom remains in place, even during hard landings or falls! A robust rope hook set up, ensures superb stability and our boom clasp-lever, allows effortless micro and macro tensioning when securing the boom to its correct position and can even be adjusted on water if needs be.


pin lock pic

sail each sail for for max performance. Our MX1 booms include an integratedeach shim tomax fit performance. RDM masts for MAST EXTENSION secure fitment. Operates using a 'Universal Pin System' with quick release MAST EXTENSION

Telephone +31 546 484 680 + 31 546 484 689 | Industrieweg 4a | 7641 AT Wierden | The Netherlands WWW.MISTRAL.COM

MISTRAL RED DOT B.V. DIVISION HEAD OFFICE • WIERDEN • THE NETHERLANDS buNon. Durable aluminum tube combined with double pulleys 'Universal Pin4a System' quick release Telephone +31 546 484 680 + 31Operates 546 484 using 689 | aIndustrieweg | 7641with AT Wierden | The Netherlands fric>on-free, high downhauling. A great quality buNon.for Durable aluminum tubetension combined with double pulleys WWW.MISTRAL.COM pin lock lock •pin THE NETHERLANDS for fric>on-free, tension downhauling. extensionhigh at an affordable price. A great quality 4a AT Wierden | The Netherlands opic EN| •7641 THE NETHERLANDS opic extension at an affordable price. MAST MAST EXTENSION EXTENSION eg 4a | 7641 AT Wierden | The Netherlands Operates Pin System' Operates using using aa 'Universal System' with with quick quick release release For safe load 'Universal spread,Pinour MX1 booms features a double pin lock buNon. buNon. Durable Durable aluminum aluminum tube tube combined combined with with double double pulleys pulleys for fric>on-free, high tension downhauling. A great system for maximum securement fitquality between the telescopic body for fric>on-free, high tension downhauling. A great quality DEN DEN •• THE THE NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS extension at an affordable price. extension at an affordable price.


weg weg 4a 4a || 7641 7641 AT AT Wierden Wierden || The The Netherlands Netherlands


and tail end even when fully extended.


SDM profile, 2 pce, 4.00m, 4.30m and 4.60, Carbon Composite 40/60 GRP Construction offers soI feel for entry level, pre-preg high quality lamination, curved to custom fit each sail for max performance.


Operates using a ‘Universal Pin System’ with quick release button. Durable aluminum tube combined with double pulleys for fric>onfree, high tension downhauling. A great quality extension at an price. buNon. Durable aluminum tube combined withaffordable double pulleys


for fric>on-free, high tension downhauling. A great quality extension at an affordable price.


are sold as a package for compaIbility and best pracIce. Size 3m 4.5 m 5.5 m

Boom 150 177 198

Luff 310 385 415


Mast 310 385 415

Adjustable mast sleeve Adjustable mast sleeve (Shown) Adjustable mast sleeve (Shown)

Our newest offering of ‘old school’ styled, retro windsurfing boards, take the very best from the original ideas of windsurfing and put them into a superbly easy, fun to use design. The earliest days of windsurfing, promoted ease of entry, fast set up, fun in light to moderate winds, up-haul friendly, stable platforms upon which to play. This has been our aim. Combine this with a super light, easy to set up and take down and stow rig - and you’ve all the very best elements of the sport in a neat package as the sport was first intended! Choose between the Freebird 350m board or the Albatross 320m - either will make for an ideal companion to get the family up and sailing quickly. For that bit of extra speed and challenge, go with the Freebird, which has a slightly leaner and longer profile closer to our original Mistral Competition board or for added stability and nimble control, the Albatross makes for the ideal first time learning board for all comers and sure to be a favourite with schools.

FULLY RETRACKTING DAGGERBOARD A fully retracting daggerboard, allows you to sail on all points of sailing, enjoy some old school free-style moves on top of a super soft top decking that makes for low impact use and supersecure grip under-foot. DOUBLE PIN LOCKING

For safe load spread, our MX1 booms features a double pin lock

for maximum securement Nose and tail handlessystem add just that bit extra ease fit between the telescopic Freebird 100L Albatross 130L FREEBIRD 218L ALBATROSS 219,5 L body and tail end even when fully extended. 350M FREEBIRD 320M ALBATROSS of use when launching or controlling when on the 11.58” X 27.7” X 5.6” X 218L 10’6” X 31.7” X 5.5” X 219.5L REVIVAL 5.5 M REVIVAL 4.5 M beach and a super strong Tuttle box provides super strength in critical areas of the fin. The graphics reflect REVIVAL 5.5m REVIVAL 4.5m a connection to the past and our heritage, while at REVIVAL SAILS A fully retracKng daggerboard, allows you to sail all points of sailing, with enjoy some fun, the 350 Freebird the same time making theonperfect match ourold school Old school windsurfing Our Revival sails are designed to ensure your first windsurfing ex free-style moves on top of a super soN top decking that makes for low impact use and super aPending formalised daggerboard, lessons, area fun, easy and as low impact a incorporates a retractable soft excellent and ever popular Levu and Fiji SUP Boards secure grip under-foot. weight you find the ease of handling and smooth power delivery Our Revival sails are designed to ensure your first windsurfing experience and for those a Pending formalised top deck, footstrap options and offers all the ages and an ideal WindSUP® rig with our Santa Anna, Fiji or Le lessons, area fun, easy and as low impact as possible. Created to be light weight you find the ease of handling original benefits of fun and simplicity for which in a dacron and monofilm construcIon, the Mistra and smooth power delivery ideal for sail beginners of all ages and an ideal WindSUP® rig with our Santa Anna, windsurfingConstructed was created. Teach your kids, or get and well suited to the demands as required at windsurfing schoo Fiji or Levu boards. out on the water and embrace theuse. ultimate first Ime general recreaIonal The enIrefree rig construcIon an composite mast, aluminium boom, mast foot) are designed for e ride, try some freestyle and have fun the old school are sold as a package for compaIbility and best pracIce. Constructed in a dacron and monofilm construction, the Mistral Revival sails are highly durable and well suited way as was intended. Windsurfing as its best. to the demands as required at windsurfing schools and centres, or for family or first time general recreational Nose and tail handles add just that Boom Luff Mast Matching rigSize also available. 3m 150 310 310 Adjustable mast sleeve use. The entire rig construction and its components (carbon composite mast, aluminium boom, mast foot) are bit extra ease of use when launching 4.5 m 177 385 385 Adjustable mast sleeve or controlling when on the beach and designed for ease of use and durability and are sold as a package for compatibility and best practice. 5.5 m 198 415 415 Adjustable mast sleeve a super strong TuPle box provides



Size 3m 4.5m 5.5m 8

Boom 150 177 198

Luff 310 385 415

Mast 310 385 415

Adjustable mast sleeve Adjustable mast sleeve (Shown) Adjustable mast sleeve (Shown)

super strength in criIcal areas of the fin. The graphics reflect a connecIon to the past and our heritage, while at the same Ime making the perfect match with our excellent and ever popular Levu and Fiji SUP Boards.





M I S T R A L .C O M 10

Water life and living since 1976 11

SUNBURST One of the most popular yet simple shapes available, appealing to those who want to plug in and play the sport for the sheer fun of it. The appeal comes from their compact, surfboard looks and feel, offset with wood-veneer and happy

7’10 x 30.3’’x 129L

7’2 x 27.7’’ x 98.8L SQUAB SQUAB SQUAB 129L 30.3’’x 7’10 x 113L 7’6 x xx29’’ SQUAB 129L 30.3’’x 7’10 7’6 x 29’’ x 113L SQUAB 129L 30.3’’x x 7’10 SQUAB

xx98.8L 7’2 145L 31.5” 9’2xx27.7’’ NINE CLOUD SQUAB x 31.5” x 145L 9’2 SQUAB SQUAB 98.8L x 27.7’’ x 7’2 x 113L 7’6 x 98.8L 27.7’’ 7’2xx29’’ SQUAB SQUAB SQUAB SQUAB 113L x 29’’ x 7’6 98.8L x 129L 27.7’’ x 7’2 SQUAB x 113L xx29’’ 7’6 30.3’’x 7’10

CLOUD BURST Classic lines for clean to messy conditions, our Cloud Range of SUP surf shapes have proved their worth in South Africa, Japan, Brazil and Ireland in testing and have received great reviews. Super light, tough and fun to ride the Cloud boards are a forgiving shape with plenty of width up front so as late take offs and control are improved, while paddling back out to the line up is made easier simply by moving your weight forward. SQUAB The Squab features ultra parallel lines allowing it to be ridden smaller and narrower than previously considered functional, maintained by ideal volume and width distribution. Parallel lines reduce drag and increases planing lift, improving potential speed as a result of lessened water resistance. Suits point breaks, beach breaks, hollow and fuller waves, which are clean and smooth. Super light, super cool and super strong, with 4 Futures side-bites and a central US box for maximum custom riding.







SUNBURST 10’ x 32.2” x 191L SUNBURST SUNBURST SUNBURST 191L 32.2” xx 191L 10’6 10’ xx 32.2” 10’ 0 x31 x4 1/2 SUNBURST SUNBURST 173Lx x32.2” 11.45 kg x 191L 10’6 10’6 x 32.2” x 191L SUNBURST 10’6 x 32.2” x 191L SUNBURST SUNBURST 191L 32.2” 10’6 11’ 0xx32 x4x1/2 CLOUD RISE 181L x 12.18 kg 8’6 x 30.25” x 125L CLOUD RISE RISE CLOUDBURST CLOUD 8’6 x 30.25” x 125L 125L 30.25”x x111L 8’6xx29.25” 8’2 RISE CLOUD BURST CLOUD BURST CLOUDNINE CLOUD 125L 30.25” 8’6 xx 29.25” RISE CLOUD xx111L 8’2 111L 29.25”x x145L 8’2 xx 31.5” 9’2 8’6 x 30.25” x 125L BURST CLOUD NINE CLOUD NINE 111L 29.25” 8’2 x 31.5” xx145L 9’2 BURST CLOUD x 145L x 31.5” 9’2 8’2 x 29.25” x 111L SQUAB CLOUD NINE




200.5L x 13.5kg LEVUKA 11’2 x 32.2” x 191L LEVUKA LEVUKA 11’2 x 32.2” x 191L 11’2 x 32.2” x 191L LEVUKA SUNBURST 11’2 x 32.2” x 191L LEVUKA x 191L x 32.2” 9’6 x 191L x 32.2” 11’2 SUNBURST SUNBURST 9’6 x 32.2” x 191L 9’6 x 32.2” x 191L SUNBURST 9’6 x 32.2” x 191L SUNBURST SUNBURST SUNBURST 191L 32.2”xx191L 9’6xx32.2” 10’ 9’6 x31 1/2x4 3/8 SUNBURST SUNBURST 157L x 10.9 kg 10’ x 32.2” x 191L 10’ x 32.2” x 191L

LEVUKA The Levuka is a true all-rounder for long board style waves and cruising nooks and crannies across all waters. If you’re after one board that does it all, rather than owning a quiver of boards, then this is very possibly the board for you; true Swiss-Army Knife board to own. An efficient flat water paddling board and with added wave riding prowess, for cruising and touring, it’s hard to fault it.

colours. You can’t go wrong with a Sunburst in your quiver if you’re wanting to catch a wave, do tricks on the water, paddle short distance or have a take most places fun stick.


3.0m, 4.5m, 5.5m

LEVU & FIJI The Levu and Fiji, provide the best of both worlds for paddling and windsurfing. Soft top, soft railed hard boards, constructed of hard wearing, super tough epoxy and PVC decking reinforcement with 8mm mast foot thread for rig attachment and additional forward placed US box for fin placement. Practical workhorses, delivering huge amounts of fun and low maintenance worries, for all ages and abilities, to simply get out on the water and have fun doing it.

REVIVAL SAILS 3.0m, 4.5m, 5.5m REVIVAL SAILS REVIVAL SAILS 3.0m, 4.5m, 5.5m 3.0m, 4.5m, 5.5m REVIVAL SAILS 5.5m 3.0m, 4.5m, SAILS REVIVAL


10’9 x 33” FIJI x 13.5kg 200.5L x 33” 10’9



12’6 12’6

12’6 12’6 12’6

EQUINOX 12’6 x 25” x 11kg 252L EQUINOX EQUINOX 12’6 x 25” 12’6 x 25” SLIPSTREAM 252L x 11kg x 11kg 252L EQUINOX x 26” 12’6 25” 12’6 xx 9.5kg EQUINOX SLIPSTREAM 235L SLIPSTREAM 11kg 252Lxxx26” 25” 12’6 12’6 12’6 26” 12’6xx23.3” 11kg 252Lxxx9.5kg 9.5kg 235L 235L x 9.5kg 235L SLIPSTREAM 12’6 x 23.3” 12’6 26” 12’6 xx 23.3” SLIPSTREAM 235L x 9.5kg 9.5kg 235L 9.5kg 235Lxxx26” 12’6 12’6 9.5kg 235Lxx23.3” LEVU 9.5kg 235Lxx23.3” 12’6 12’ x 33” 235L x 9.5kg LEVU x 14.5kg 242.5L LEVU 12’ x 33” 12’ x 33” 242.5L x 14.5kg 242.5L LEVU x 14.5kg FIJI 12’ x 33” LEVU x 33” 10’9 242.5L x 33”x 14.5kg 12’ 200.5L FIJI x 13.5kg FIJI x 14.5kg 242.5L 10’9 x 33” 10’9 x 33” 200.5L x 13.5kg x 13.5kg 200.5L FIJI




EQUINOX The Equinox 14’ has won many a great race including the Air France race in Tahiti and finished in Podium placing in 2018 and in early 2018 set a record time on one of South Africa’s famous downwind runs. For smaller confused or choppy waters, the new 2018 Equinox excels like few others. 12

SLIPSTREAM The Slipstream is a super slick and quick, low-lying, flat water race board. Not a technical board, this is a flat water specialist craft, that handles choppy waters with ease. Its low lying above water structure, ensures that high winds, affect the hull as minimally as possible, an often overlooked factor of design. It’s won big races and set records, a really lovely board with lots of built in intuition.




VORTEX SD1 Drawing upon the success of the Vortex designs which began with the basic Vortex (multiple winner of the 11 Cities and other premier events and past world record 24hr distance record holder), we extrapolated that into the Vortex XL, adding more volume in the forward nose area and now we have taken the design a step further with our Vortex SD1 or “Special Development”.

ADVENTURIST A new entry to our quiver, the Adventurist suits even the most basic entry level paddler wanting the benefits of speed and stability with the advantage of ample volume and carrying capacity. Designed for recreational touring and general paddling, the Adventurist is a pure delight to paddle and play upon.


INTERCEPTOR We’ve set out to create a board which is certainly a great performer downwind up to moderate conditions of intensity so far a wave height is concerned, but will also hold its own upwind and in cross chop and even flatter waters. This is achieved by avoiding any radical rocker lines front a back in order to maximise water line length and prevent any snow-ploughing when the water flattens out.

VANQUISH The Vanquish is our attempt to make a board that caters for a wide range of conditions. It is stable and forgiving and happy chasing bumps, pushing upwind and taking on rough waters, but equally happy grinding out the miles calmer waters. Testing in South African waters has proven it to be an excellent board choice for rough and more demanding waters.


STEALTH The motivation for this board is simple. We wanted to make a board capable of setting a 24hr distance record in the right hands and this we shall attempt in due course. With this in mind, the board naturally has to be fast over flat water and possess excellent glide qualities for each stroke taken. It must not be unfeasibly unstable, because long distance paddling requires comfort and it is essential to conserve energy and enjoy the ride.

14’ x 28”’ ADVENTURIST x 11.5kg 287L x 28”’ 14’ 287L x 11.5kg

14’ 14’

21.25’’ 14’ x 12.5kg Volx358L x 11.2kg 277L/ SD1 VORTEX VORTEX SD1 14’ 21.25’’ 14’xx23.5’’ 14’ x x21.25’’ 301L x 11.2kg 277L/ 12.5kg x 11.2kg 277L/ VORTEX x 23.5’’SD1 14’ 14’ EQUINOX 14’ xx 23.5’’ SD1 VORTEX 12.5kg x21.25’’ 301L x 301L 24.6’’ x 14’ 11.2kg x12.5kg 277L/ x 21.25’’ 14’ EQUINOX 23.5’’ x 14’ 11.5kg x 287L 11.2kg x 277L/ EQUINOX x 12.5kg 301L x 24.6’’ 14’ 23.5’’ 14’ xx 24.6’’ 14’ 287L 12.5kg 301L xx 11.5kg VANQUISH 11.5kg 287L EQUINOX 14’ 24.6’’ 14’xx24’’ EQUINOX VANQUISH 269L 11.5kg x11.5kg 287L VANQUISH xx24.6’’ 14’ 14’ x 24’’ x 24’’ 14’ x 11.5kg 287L 269L x 11.5kg x 11.5kg 269L VANQUISH ADVENTURIST 14’ x 24’’ VANQUISH 14’ x 28”’ 11.5kg x11.5kg 269L xx24’’ 14’ 287L ADVENTURIST ADVENTURIST ADVENTURIST x 11.5kg 269L 28”’ 14’ 14’ xx 28” x 28”’ 14’ 11.5kg x 13 287L 287L x kg x 11.5kg 287L ADVENTURIST

14’ 14’ 14’






STEALTH 17’6 x 24” STEALTH 293L x 11.5kg Vol STEALTH 17’6 x 24” 17’6 x 24” Vol 293L x 11.5kg 293L x 11.5kg Vol STEALTH INTERCEPTOR 17’6 x 24” STEALTH 17’6 x 24.3” Vol x 24”x 11.5kg 17’6293L INTERCEPTOR 358L x 12.5kg Vol INTERCEPTOR Vol 293L x 11.5kg 17’6 x 24.3” 17’6 x 24.3” Vol 358L x 12.5kg 358L x 12.5kg Vol INTERCEPTOR 17’6 x 24.3” INTERCEPTOR x 12.5kg Vol 358L SD1 VORTEX x 24.3” 17’6






iving Living Since Since 1976 1976 ng ng Since Since 1976 1976 Since 1976



TRIBE LOMBOK The Lombok is the largest of our entry level Tribe range of boards at 11’5 and has had much praise for its shape, being a fun and efficient paddle board, that provides maximum performance and enjoyment in an entry level, recreational inflatable board. Loaded with features not seen on many entry level boards. TRIBE SUMATRA The Sumatra is our mid range sized Tribe board and as such falls into a category of being highly versatile and convenient as a family sized board suiting most adults and junior ages. 10’6 remains one of the most popular fun sizes of boards on the market; combine with a striking orange for high visibility and you’ll certainly stand out on the water. TRIBE JAVA The Java is our smallest adult sized board and excels in being nimble and super fun. Catch a wave or use as a swimming platform, paddle around the bay or lagoon, this bright green Java board is loads of fun and a real eye catcher. TRIBE BALI Designed with kids in mind, the Bali Board forms part of our Tribe Range suitable for junior aged paddlers entering the SUP world. At only 8’6 the Bali is easily managed on and off water. Small, super light and nimble it meets the needs of kids who want to have fun and learn skills through discovery learning, no matter how creative they want to be or whether they just want to use it as swimming platform to have fun with their friends. SPIRIT 12’6 Our 12’6 Spirit boards, combine speed and elegance in fast cruising designs. There is plenty of stability while sacrificing minimal speed or glide in keeping with race board standards. The strong Mistral retro colours make this a classic in more ways than one. 14

SLIPSTREAM AIR Paddling an inflatable, need no longer be low-tech and slow, but genuinely better by design the Mistral way. Our Slipstream Air inflatable goes way beyond mere focus on the materials, but equally, if not more importantly, upon the construction and engineering, in order to create a board that is genuinely more efficient in the water representing a true advancement, not merely marketing nonsense. This is an exciting design shift away from normal, by which we aim to elevate the status and performance of the inflatable SUP, most of all, we’re proud to say, we are pioneers and leaders in this field and intend extending and perfecting the concept further. VORTEX AIR Paddling an inflatable, need no longer be low-tech and slow, but genuinely better by design the Mistral way. Our Vortex Air inflatable goes way beyond mere focus on the materials, but equally, if not more importantly, upon the construction and engineering, in order to create a board that is genuinely more efficient in the water representing a true advancement, not merely marketing nonsense. This is an exciting design shift away from normal, by which we aim to elevate the status and performance of the inflatable SUP, most of all, we’re proud to say, we are pioneers and leaders in this field and intend extending and perfecting the concept further. TREKKER ADVENTURER Mistral Trekker boards are in a class of their own when searching for a true go anywhere adventure board. The extra width and volume makes these boards true workhorses for super high load capacity and for those who want to take SUP adventures to another level with the added safety feature of dual air chambers.

SANTA ANNA The highly popular Santa Anna Adventure WindSUP® models are available in 12’6, 11’5 and 10’6. A great performing all rounder for adventure paddling and for conversion to sail power, using our unique mast plate, supplied standard and now upgraded along with our mix and match rigs. LIMPOPO The Limpopo we like to think of as a ‘River Drifter’ for meandering down stream at a leisurely pace taking in the sights and smells of nature, but equally at home in being raced down river or taking on something more challenging. It’s built tough and is versatile enough to be used for conventional paddling on any body of water.


BIG SUP 18’ x 57”x 8”

295L x 10.3kg FLT ConstrucIon

310L x 11.3kg FLT ConstrucIon ASANA 11’5 x 32” x 6” x 10.3kg 295L ASANA FLT x 32” x 6” 11’5ConstrucIon


YOGA / PILATES LOTUS 10’ x 36” x 6” x 11.3kg 310L LOTUS FLT x 36” x 6” 10’ ConstrucIon


336L x 12.6kg HDDS ConstrucIon

365L x 13.9kg HDDS ConstrucIon COLORADO 9’4 x 36” x 6” x 12.6kg 336L COLORADO ConstrucIon HDDS x 6” 9’4 x 36”



NAUTIQUE MARITIME Our Nautique boards are designed and created with yacht and boat owners needs in mind. Being both a ‘mooring toy’ to while-away the hours, as a paddle craft, swimming or sunbathing platform or as a highly practical ship to shore tender, or grab and go secondary safety craft, the Nautique is unique in having all round grab handles and ropes, deck splash guard and D-ring fittings for kayak type seat fitment.

LIMPOPO 11’ x 34” x 6” x 13.9kg 365L LIMPOPO ConstrucIon HDDS x 6” 11’ x 34”

308L x 10.8kg FLT ConstrucIon

340L x 11.4kg FLT ConstrucIon SANTA ANNA 10’6 x 31” x 6” x 10.8kg 308L ANNA SANTA FLT x 31” x 6” 10’6ConstrucIon

351L x 12.7kg FLT ConstrucIon SANTA ANNA 11’5” x 31” x 6’’ x 11.4kg 340L ANNA SANTA ConstrucIon FLT x 31” x 6’’ 11’5”

REVIVAL SAILS 3.0m, 4.5m, 5.5m

WINDSUP ADVENTURE SANTA ANNA 12’6 x 30” x 6” x 12.7kg 351L ANNA SANTA FLT x 30” x 6” 12’6ConstrucIon

REVIVAL SAILS 3.0m, 4.5m, 5.5m

WINDSUP ADVENTURE 353L x 11.4kg FLT ConstrucIon

394L x 12.8kg FLT ConstrucIon NAUTIQUE 11’5 x 32” x 6” x 11.4kg 353L NAUTIQUE FLT x 32” x 6” 11’5ConstrucIon


AT ANCHOR NAUTIQUE 12’6 x 32” x 6” x 12.8kg 394L NAUTIQUE FLT x 32” x 6” 12’6ConstrucIon

393L x 16.98kg HDDS ConstrucIon



TREKKER TREKKER 34’’xx6”6’’ 14’ xx 34” 14’ 18.14kg 446L TREKKER 446L xx 12.5 kg ConstrucIon HDDS x 6’’ 14’ x 34’’ HDDS Construction 446L x 18.14kg HDDS ConstrucIon TREKKER TREKKER x 6’’ 34’’x 6” 12’6’xx34” 12’6 16.98kg 393L 393L xx11.3 kg TREKKER ConstrucIon HDDS HDDS Construction 12’6’ x 34’’ x 6’’

AIR VORTEX VORTEX AIR 336L x 10.3kg FLTxxconstrucIon 25’’xx6”6’’ 14’ 14’ 28” 10.3kg x 336L 345L x 11.84 kg VORTEX AIR 14’ 28’’ 14’ 6’’ x6’’ 25’’xx6” 14’xxx31” 370L x 12.54 kg 10.3kg x 336L 336L x 10.3kg construcIon FLT FLT x 28’’ x 6’’ 14’construction

336L x 10.3kg FLT construcIon



SLIPSTREAM AIR 12’6 x 28” 6’’ 25’’xx6” 300L x 10.36 10.3kgkgAIR 336L SLIPSTREAM 12’6 x 31” x 6” x 28’’ x 126’ 6’’ 12’6 x 25’’ x6’’ 350L x 11.84 kg 336L 10.3kg 336Lxx10.3kg FLT construction FLT x 28’’ x 6’’ 126’construcIon

344L x 10.0kg FLT ConstrucIon


SPIRIT 12’6 x 28” x 6” x 10.0kg 324L SPIRIT 12’6 6” 28”xx6” 12’6xx30” 344L 10.0kg 324Lxx10.0kg FLT x 30” x 6” 12’6ConstrucIon

210L BALIx 7.6kg FLT ConstrucIon 8’6’’ x 27’’ x 6’’

279L x 8.6kg

8’6’’ x 27’’ x 6’’

FLT construcIon BALI

308L x 9.5kg FLT construcIon JAVA 9’6 x 31’’ x 6’’ 279L JAVAx 8.6kg FLT x 31’’ x 6’’ 9’6 construcIon

336L x 10.3kg FLT construcIon SUMATRA 10’6 x 31’’ x 6’’ x 9.5kg 308L SUMATRA FLT x 31’’ x 6’’ 10’6construcIon

210L x 7.6kg FLT ConstrucIon



TRIBE FAMILY LOMBOK 11’5 x 31’’ x 6’’ x 10.3kg 336L LOMBOK FLT x 31’’ x 6’’ 11’5construcIon




COLORADO RIVER The Colorado is a 9’4” pocket rocket of fun. The growing awareness and attraction to the challenge of smaller rapids and river based stand up paddling has prompted us to take the plunge. Super nimble and constructed super tough the Colorado is equally just a fun to paddle and play with when you just want to have fun. LOTUS YOGA/FITNESS Part board, part mat, the Lotus 10’ sets out to further advance the apparatus by which the serious professional and devoti can practice their passion for yoga on water. In every sense, the Lotus has been purpose made with little compromise. It is we believe, the very best of what has been missing. ASANA YOGA/FITNESS In the practice of yoga, Asana denotes the art of sitting still and also any posture useful for restoring and maintaining a practitioner’s well being and improving the body’s flexibility and vitality, cultivating the ability to remain in seated meditation for extended periods. Our Asana is super stable, smooth skinned, practical platform for on water Yoga and other forms of exercise.




BIG SUP 18’ x 57”x 8” 1413L 16’ x 59”x 8” 1226L HDDS ConstrucIon

ASANA 11’5 x 32” x 6” 295L x 10.3kg FLT ConstrucIon

LOTUS 10’ x 36” x 6” 310L x 11.3kg FLT ConstrucIon



COLORADO 9’4 x 36” x 6” 336L x 12.6kg HDDS ConstrucIon


LIMPOPO 11’ x 34” x 6” 365L x 13.9kg HDDS ConstrucIon

SANTA ANNA 10’6 x 31” x 6” 308L x 10.8kg FLT ConstrucIon

SANTA ANNA 11’5” x 31” x 6’’ 340L x 11.4kg FLT ConstrucIon

SANTA ANNA 12’6 x 30” x 6” 351L x 12.7kg FLT ConstrucIon


NAUTIQUE 11’5 x 32” x 6” 353L x 11.4kg FLT ConstrucIon


NAUTIQUE 12’6 x 32” x 6” 394L x 12.8kg FLT ConstrucIon

12’6’ x 34’’ x 6’’ 393L x 16.98kg HDDS ConstrucIon

REVIVAL SAILS 3.0m, 4.5m, 5.5m



BIG SUP Mistral pioneered the Big SUP concept and we offer 16’ and 18’ models. If you want to draw attention to yourself, win friends and have a guaranteed fun experience or require a perfect corporate day ice-breaker or challenge, or need to create a marketing sensation for your SUP school or hire operation, our Mistral Big SUPs will not disappoint.

MISTRAL FUSION LAYER TECHNOLOGY Now incorporating woven drop stitch technology lighter, stiffer and much improved seam adhesion. Following on from 2017 where we introduced our revolutionary Fusion Layer Technology (FLT) material incorporating ‘knitted’ drop stitch, for 2019, we’re introducing ‘woven’ drop stitch material after the result of many years of research and development. Woven drop stitch results in creating a lighter, stiffer fabric, requiring less material per board; a plus for the environment and a positive for the performance of the boards. An 85% improvement in tensile strength over knitted, together with improved adhesion between seams, ensures a more reliable join between deck and hull panels. This, combined with our original FLT kris-crossed internal strands, makes our boards some of the lightest and most advanced inflatables on the market.






SLIPSTREAM AIR 12’6 x 25’’ x 6’’ 336L x 10.3kg 126’ x 28’’ x 6’’ 336L x 10.3kg FLT construcIon

Water life and living since 1976


TREKKER 12’6’ x 34’’ x 6’’ 393L x 16.98kg HDDS ConstrucIon

TREKKER 14’ x 34’’ x 6’’ 446L x 18.14kg HDDS ConstrucIon

14’ x 28’’ x 6’’ 336L x 10.3kg FLT construcIon

NAUTIQUE 11’5 x 32” x 6” 353L x 11.4kg FLT ConstrucIon

NAUTIQUE 12’6 x 32” x 6” 394L x 12.8kg FLT ConstrucIon


SANTA ANNA 10’6 x 31” x 6” 308L x 10.8kg FLT ConstrucIon

SANTA ANNA 11’5” x 31” x 6’’ 340L x 11.4kg FLT ConstrucIon

FLT ConstrucIon

ANNA ANNA SANTA SANTA 6” x 6” x 31”x x31” 10’610’6 x 10.8kg x 10.8kg 308L308L SUNBURST FLT ConstrucIon FLT ConstrucIon 10’6 x 32.2” x 191L

10’ x 32.2” x 191L

ANNA ANNA SANTA SANTA 6’’ x 6’’ x 31”x x31” 11’5”11’5” x 11.4kg x 11.4kg 340L340L FLT ConstrucIon FLT ConstrucIon SUNBURST

ANNA ANNA SANTA SANTA 6” x 6” x 30”x x30” 12’612’6 x 12.7kg x 12.7kg 351L351L FLT ConstrucIon FLT ConstrucIon SUNBURST 9’6 x 32.2” x 191L

ASANA 11’5 x 32” x 6” 295L x 10.3kg

LOTUS 10’ x 36” x 6” 310L x 11.3kg FLT ConstrucIon


COLORADO 9’4 x 36” x 6” 336L x 12.6kg HDDS ConstrucIon

LIMPOPO 11’ x 34” x 6” 365L x 13.9kg HDDS ConstrucIon

REVIVAL SAILS 3.0m, 4.5m, 5.5m


11’2 x 32.2” x 191L


6” x 6” x 32”x x32” 11’511’5 x 11.4kg x 11.4kg 353L353L FLT ConstrucIon FLT ConstrucIon

12’ x 33” NAUTIQUE NAUTIQUE 242.5L x 14.5kg 6” x 6” x 32”x x32” 12’612’6 x 12.8kg x 12.8kg 394L394L FLT ConstrucIon FLT ConstrucIon FIJI 10’9 x 33” x 13.5kg 200.5L NAUTIQUE NAUTIQUE


SLIPSTREAM TREKKER x 26” 12’6TREKKER 6’’ x 6’’ xx 34’’ x x34’’ 12’6’ 9.5kg 235L12’6’ 16.98kg x 16.98kg 393L xx23.3” 12’6393L ConstrucIon HDDS 9.5kg xConstrucIon 235LHDDS

TREKKER TREKKER 6’’ x 6’’ 34’’x x34’’ 14’ x14’ EQUINOX x 18.14kg x 18.14kg 446L446L 25” ConstrucIon xConstrucIon 12’6HDDS HDDS 252L x 11kg



AIR AIR VORTEX VORTEX 6’’ x 6’’ 25’’x x25’’ 14’ x14’ ADVENTURIST x 10.3kg x 10.3kg 336L336L 14’ x 28”’ 6’’ x 6’’ x x28’’ 14’ x14’ 11.5kg x28’’ 287L x 10.3kg x 10.3kg 336L336L FLT construcIon FLT construcIon

EQUINOX 14’ x 24.6’’ AIR AIR SLIPSTREAM SLIPSTREAM 287L x 11.5kg 6’’ x 6’’ x 25’’x x25’’ 12’612’6 x 10.3kg x 10.3kg 336L336L VANQUISH 6’’ x 6’’ x 28’’x x28’’ 126’126’ 24’’ x336L 14’ x 10.3kg x 10.3kg 336L x 11.5kg 269L construcIon FLT construcIon FLT

SAILS SAILS REVIVAL REVIVAL 5.5m5.5m 4.5m, 4.5m, 3.0m, 3.0m,







SPIRIT 12’6 x 28” x 6” 324L x 10.0kg 12’6 x 30” x 6” 344L x 10.0kg FLT ConstrucIon

210L x 7.6kg FLT ConstrucIon

8’6’’ x 27’’ x 6’’


INTERCEPTOR 17’6 x 24.3” Vol 358L x 12.5kg SPIRIT SPIRIT 6” x 6” x 28”x x28” 12’612’6 x 10.0kg x 10.0kg 324L324L 6” x 6” x 30”x x30” 12’612’6 SD1 VORTEX x 10.0kg x 10.0kg 344L344L ConstrucIon FLT xConstrucIon FLT 21.25’’ 14’ 277L/ x 11.2kg 14’ x 23.5’’ 301L x 12.5kg

x 7.6kg x 7.6kg 210L210L FLT ConstrucIon FLT ConstrucIon

STEALTH 17’6 x 24” 6’’ x 6’’ 27’’xx27’’ 8’6’’ x8’6’’ Vol 293L x 11.5kg


x 8.6kg x 8.6kg 279L279L FLT construcIon FLT construcIon


The idea to add a sail to a stand up paddleboard, became a natural extension of a design idea to extend the use of the board into a multi-tasking water tool. For Mistral the idea was an instant idea to connect us back to our roots. This then created the WindSUP® which offers a low tech, low impact pathway to entry level windsurfing, but also some serious fun. With the M-Dot back on the water sailing, it makes us smile as it does others.


Our objective was simple. Create a versatile, durable, go anywhere inflatable kayak, that would give you the peace of mind of travelling with you, to the ends of the earth and back again, no matter where you want to float your boat.



Length 4.85m Width 85cm Weight 19.9kg Max Loud 250kg Capacity 2 + 1 MISTRAL KANUYAK DUO Chambers 3 FOR SHARING Pressure 8psi

Length 3.75m Width 85cm Weight 13.9kg Max Loud 175kg Capacity 1 Chambers 3 MISTRAL KANUYAK UNO Pressure 8psi FOR THE SOLOIST

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No ordinary inflatable kayak. Constructed using drop stitch materials, making these super tough, versatile, dual occupant, durable, go anywhere paddle craft. You’ll have peace of mind travelling with you, to the ends of the earth and back again, no matter where you want to float your boat. Complete with wheeled water proof bag, dual action pump, fin, seats, repair kit.

No ordinary inflatable kayak. Constructed using drop stitch materials, making these super tough, versatile, single occupant, durable, go anywhere paddle craft. You’ll have peace of mind travelling with you, to the ends of the earth and back again, no matter where you want to float your boat. Complete with wheeled water proof bag, dual action pump, fin, seats, repair kit.​



ALIKA 6.8” x 15” New for 2019. An all fibreglass construction, value for money paddle, that’s super durable thanks to a scratch resistant laminated blade with PVC core. It’s high-aspect blade shape and narrow width make it a joy to use and is ideal for the recreational paddler searching for an efficient value for money paddle. Available as a 2 or 3 piece adjustable set up.



GOLD TEAR DROP RACER 8.25” x 15” Our Gold paddles, incorporate a classic tear drop template shape, providing the dedicated paddler the best possible bite, feel and power equivalent of any top of the range paddle on the market. Light weight, super strong all carbon construction. A race proven blade shape, favourite amongst many paddlers for their simplicity and ease of use, delivering light, clean, powerful strokes with ever entry and catch taken. No gimmicks or ridiculous claims, this blade shape delivers. Medium flex quality of the shaft makes for an encouraging easy exit and recovery. 8.25” for the heavier paddler. GOLD TEAR DROP RACER 7.25” x 15” Our Gold paddles, incorporate a classic tear drop template shape, providing the dedicated paddler the best possible bite, feel and power equivalent of any top of the range paddle on the market. Light weight, super strong all carbon construction. A race proven blade shape, favourite amongst many paddlers for their simplicity and ease of use, delivering light, clean, powerful strokes with ever entry and catch taken. No gimmicks or ridiculous claims, this blade shape delivers. Medium flex quality of the shaft makes for an encouraging easy exit and recovery. 7.25” for the lighter paddler. KANOA 8.10” x 17” Ideal first time recreational paddle in 2 and 3 piece adjustable travel configuration. One of our most successful paddles to date, offering value for money and quality of build. Features a carbon-composite shaft, strong and light enough to be easily managed. The blade is constructed of polycarbonate, a super tough plastic which will take the knocks and abuse from impacting on rocks or harsh treatment. Some flex in the blade protects muscles from injury and new paddlers with protection from muscle strain. KEANU 7.75” x 18.20” A tear drop shaped blade with a lowered centre of effort. Supplied as a 1 piece option only. Super light and high quality carbon construction, the shaft offers medium flex, providing an encouraging recoil on exit and cushioning during the pull-phase. MAKANI 7.5” x 18” An all carbon, high-aspect blade shape, offering loads of power. The Makani has long parallel edges in relation to its width. This creates a powerful, well-balanced blade, with its centre of effort being positioned mid way up the height of the blade, particularly well suited to the taller paddler. Supplied as a 1 piece option only, super light and high quality carbon construction, the shaft offers medium flex, providing an encouraging recoil on exit and cushioning during the pull-phase. TAMARII 7” x 14.5” A newly designed Tamara for 2019. Fully adjustable telescopic paddle, featuring small, flexible, polycarbonate blade and carbon composite shaft, suitable for young muscles and tendons. Includes a narrow shaft diameter for smaller hands. Available as 2 and 3 piece adjustable. The carbon-composite shaft is strong and light enough to be easily managed and the blade, super tough to take the knocks and abuse from impacting on rocks or harsh treatment. Some flex in the blade protects young muscles from injury and new paddlers with protection from muscle strain.​ ULANI 6.9” x 18” An all carbon, high-aspect blade shape, offering loads of power. The Ulani has long parallel edges in relation to its width. This creates a powerful, well-balanced blade, with its centre of effort being positioned mid way up the height of the blade, particularly well suited to the taller paddler. Supplied as a 1 piece option only, super light and high quality carbon construction, the shaft offers medium flex, providing an encouraging recoil on exit and cushioning during the pull-phase.

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SUNBURST 10’6 x 32.2” x 191L

SUNBURST 10’ x 32.2” x 191L

A functional bag in which to store and transport your inflatable board or kayak, should not be an after thought, but essential to the utilitarian nature of the sport itself. Mistral have placed a strong focus on the bag component, to ensure a number of important criteria are met notably, weight and durability. It must be large enough to easily accommodate the board, pump, 3pc paddle and in addition have room remaining for additional items, namely clothing for a weekend.

SUNBURST 9’6 x 32.2” x 191L

LEVUKA 11’2 x 32.2” x 191L

PADDLE ’N SURF FIJI 10’9 x 33” 200.5L x 13.5kg


SLIPSTREAM 12’6 x 26” 235L x 9.5kg 12’6 x 23.3” 235L x 9.5kg

EQUINOX 12’6 x 25” 252L x 11kg

ADVENTURIST 14’ x 28”’ 287L x 11.5kg

VANQUISH 14’ x 24’’ 269L x 11.5kg

EQUINOX 14’ x 24.6’’ 287L x 11.5kg

VORTEX SD1 14’ x 21.25’’ 277L/ x 11.2kg 14’ x 23.5’’ 301L x 12.5kg

INTERCEPTOR 17’6 x 24.3” Vol 358L x 12.5kg






We’re anxious to make sure you will not be struggling to pack away your board after a tiring day on the water. It must include durable roller wheels to cope with up to 23kgs of total weight in line with most airline travel requirements, even if over-sized and must be waterproof in order to keep water leaking in or water leaking out. Multiple handles must be well placed and offer ideal balance points. Internal and external frapping straps are included to cinch and frap to tighten the contents down to the smallest possible size. Our wide mouth, fully zippered, large volume, waterproof bags are undoubtedly the best on the market and form part of the reason why an investment in a Mistral inflatable SUP is an investment in the highest quality of design and materials. All of our inflatable boards and kayaks, come supplied with these, the best of bags.

REVIVAL SAILS 3.0m, 4.5m, 5.5m



The ultimate, uber-cool, fully water proof ruck-sack for the adventurer who wants to go one step beyond. Water proof, easy-slide zipper, upper and lower cinching straps, front mounted cargo elastic, reinforced thermo welded stress points, rip-stop durable water proof PVC fabric and easy fill, wide mouth entry, makes this one of the most desirable ruck-sacks you can invest in and the perfect on water, go anywhere buddy you can have to hand.



Water life and living since 1976


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DRY SACKS A dry sack is a simple, must have, versatile, stuff and fold down cargo carrier, suitable for canoeing, kayaking, SUP and yachting, indeed any on water adventure, where you need to take with you a grab-bag of goodies. The removal shoulder strap permits you to de-clutter and by rolling down and squeezing the residual air from the inner chamber, you simply clip-lock together to form a tight, compact, vacuum seal around the contents. Available from 5-40 litre sizes in various colours. Constructed from 0.7mm PVC.

F5 THRUSTER PACKS We’ve 3 differing Futures thruster packs. A 5 pack for our Squab boards (1 x 4” centre fin, 4 x 4” side-bites), a Tri-pack for our Cloud boards (1 x 4” centre fin, 2 x side bites) and a Tri-pack for our Levuka board (1 x 9” USB centre fin, 2 x 4” side bites). Lightweight GRP Honeycomb construction, with turn-key and handy carry pack. Fits to Futures boxes.

7” AND 9” FINS There’s a lot talked about with fins and it’s something of a dark art. In truth they have a simple task to perform and at the low speeds SUP boards travel compared to surf or windsurfing boards, much of the hype is way off base. Our simple 7” and 9” honeycomb GRP fins will remain weed free and provide the correct balance between directional stability and looseness that’s most desirable. Designed for 12’6 and 14’ boards, US Box fitment.

Our Mistral board bags have been specifically designed to fit and protect your precious Mistral board and represent the ultimate, accessory your board should have, to protect your investment. Roof rack transportation, UV, damp, mould and abrasion, must be avoided and what better way than investing in one of our padded bags. Durable, waterproof lined Cordura with 10mm padding, nylon rust free zipper, adjustable carry shoulder carry straps, all set off with Mistral colour ways and logo. Suits Mistral Squab, Cloud and 14’ board range.

3 OR 2 PCE PADDED PADDLE BAG This very cool bag, permits a simple, convenient protection, storage and transportation solution for your 3 or 2 pce paddle (note different sizings). Blade slides into protective sleeve, shaft ends are velcro-loop secured and a full length, wrap around zipper surrounds the edges. Tough padded Cordura, with waterproof internal lining, pre-empted FRAGILE printing on both sides for convenience.

TELESCOPIC PADDLE BAG Unique on the market, our especially designed telescopic paddle bag, will hold up to 5 paddles internally, of any length. Simply remove the upper cover, insert paddles, replace the cover and adjust the pull-down straps to accommodate the length of the longest paddle. Padded Cordura and waterproof lined, removable shoulder strap, this is surely one of the most versatile well designed multi-paddle SUP paddle bags money can buy.​

COILED KNEE-WORN LEG LEASH Highly popular coiled, knee-worn leg leash, suitable for most all forms of SUP, accepting surf use. 8’ x 7mm with quick release velcro tab, swivel ends at both the padded cuff and attachment ends. 26


MISTRAL LYCRA Not all Lycra is created equal, that’s why we invest in the best. Our Mistral® ProActive™ apparel, for men and women, is made using the most advanced materials and technology, guaranteed by using LYCRA®, the fibre that Moves You™. Most brands use a form of ‘elastane’ which is elastic, with no special qualities. We chose the best there is and this gives multiple characteristics. The use of the real LYCRA® fibre assures that our garments have extra comfort, two-way stretch and are a perfect fit. Provides UV+50 protection levels; only one-fiftieth of the sun’s UV rays reach the skin. Chlorine resistant and perfectly tailored in a range of colours.



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Water life and living since 1976

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