If you are reading this, you have decided to jump into the business end of YOUNG LIVING (with the crew at DISTILLERY9) and we are so excited for you. I hope you ready for a AMAZING ride that will change your life! Here, we will train you how to establish a business with YL that is going to help you build residual income that will benefit you for years to come. In this guide you will find some step by step instructions and information on getting started. We want to make this as easy as possible to follow but understand it may get confusing so never hesitate to reach out to your enroller, post in Team Inspire or message myself for clarification. We are all here for you & want you to SUCCEED.Â
Here is the breakdown of the Facebook groups you should be in: 1) Team Inspire | which is your upline's business group, where you can ask any business questions you may have. 2) Team Boom + The LemonDroppers | This will be our uplines, upline business group (Jenny Goutermont + Lindsay Moreno) Many resources are linked to these groups so it is required to be in them. Plus they offer super awesome educational resources. 3) The Library + Oily Up North | Oil Education. absolutely NO business talk. Make sure you add your customers here, it’s a great resource for them. don’t forget to utilize our website as a resource to you: www.distillery9.com
are you ready to get started?
Step 1: you need to be enrolled in ER + placing a 100PV monthly order to get your commission check, reach higher commission levels, and be stacked (built) by your upline. if you are unsure what ER is: STOP right here, send your enroller a message now, then come back to step 2. #protip: learn the terminology
Step 2: I am assuming you have decided to start this business because you fell in love with your oils. So step two is easy peasy‌Learn all about your kit. know everything about the oils in the kit. what's your favorite oil so far? what was the last oil you used? now, create a little testimony about this oil. do a mock post and send it to your enroller or share in Team Inspire and we can give you feedback! the unsales approach is key + social media is a powerful tool. we do not sell. we share our own personal experience with oils + what they have done for us. #protip: social media, 5/1ratio (one oily to 5 personal posts)
Step 3: Now that you know all about ER and its benefits, your next step is to get outside your PSK oils. Add ONE new to you product each month to your ER, research that oil and share what you've learned. #protip Want some pretty pictures to go with your testimonies but photos are not your super power? Go to Team Boom + Files + Distillery9 Free printables/Dropbox
Step 4:
Yay, you have your first customer! You need to have a personal sign up link. Go to your Virtual Office + Member Resources + Link Builder Copy & paste this in your note pad, ready to send to potential customers. If they don't have your personal link or member number when they sign up you will not get credit, don't ever just send them to the YL website. #protip: we do not sell oils, we sell wholesale memberships. This is why step 2 is key. Know your kit. The oils, the diffuser, the price. Beyond that you will learn as you go. as you fall in love with your oils, the education will just come naturally.
So, at this point you should know your way around the virtual office (VO) pretty well. You know all about ER + why you need 100PV each month, you are sharing personal testimonies on social media, your trying a new product or oil each month + know how to find pretty pictures and enroll customers.
Step 5: Check in time! We want to know how you are doing + how we can help you. Go to Team Inspire + Files + New Team Member Profile. Fill this out, your enroller will then be in contact with you for a coaching call.
Step 6: at this point you may be ready to host or teach your first class. We have online class scripts available that you can use, contact your enroller to set this up. If you would like your enroller to teach a in-home class for you, discuss this with them as well. What i like to do is follow up an online class with an in-home make n take 101. There are a lot of options but getting your friends and family invited to a class is your next TO-DO.
Step 7: remember that this is a business. it will be VITAL for you to know the comp plan in the VO under member resources (after all, this is HOW you get paid). understand what each rank is. talk with your enroller about a strategy for six legs. understand the push for selling kits as opposed to just opening retail customer accounts. check out the income disclosure in your VO. keep communication open with your enroller/upline/ team. get business smart (meaning thinking about documenting expenses, being prepared for taxes, etc.).
Step 8: As your journey continues, make a list of anyone you talk to about oils. Keep a list. You will notice it takes some longer than others to jump on the oil train. The key is to stay in touch with them, build trust + make it known you are the oil lady! then ... connect with them again in some way. send them a note. comment on some of their facebook stuff. be authentic and connect. #protip: use your oils in public, loan out your diffuser to a sick friend, give oils as gifts.
Step 9: You will now begin digging deeper into the comp plan. Don’t get discouraged, take it at your own pace. The only way to fail is to quit. Compensation Plan (Bonuses) http://youtu.be/xgEArcxDmXU Compensation Plan (Rising Star Bonus) http://youtu.be/Di1Dx_bJNTo Compensation Plan (Unilevel Commissions) http://youtu.be/b4mSNsHA-vQ
Step 10: STEPS TO SUCCESS training videos: Steps 1-3: https://vimeo.com/184753299 password: day2 Step 4 and 5: https://vimeo.com/185346323 password: day3 Step 6: https://vimeo.com/185350668 password: step6 Always remember ‘teamwork makes the dream work!’