1 minute read
Recommended Design Process
Visioning Workshop
Gather the appropriate stakeholders and discuss the vision for main street and/or downtown. This should be an aspirational meeting and attempt to capture a wide range of ideas.
Budget Audit – What do we have to work with?
Issue ROM cost budget
Document the Area of Study
Take photos or screenshots from Google streetview for the areas in town that you would like to study for improvement. It is OK to over document since it is possible to still be considering the scope.
Ideas Charrette
Gather the appropriate stakeholders and conduct a charrette of ideas. This can be done with sticky notes applied to images or with a digital white board application. Ideas should be tangible, but don’t need to be overly specific.
After documenting the area of study you may find that the scope has increased from the original Budget Audit, make sure you are still on track
Select Toolkit(s) for Design
Review the toolkits and see which one most closely aligns with the ideas from your charrette. Remember that it is OK to combine the toolkits. Once a toolkit is selected, layout its implementation
Keep budget in mind when conducting the ideas charrette to ensure that ideas are in-line with what can be afforded
Be sure to set aside funding for professional services if they are deemed necessary for the scope of the project.