MITA Strategy 2015 - 2017

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Malta Information Technology Agency Gattard House, National Road, Blata l-Bajda HMR 9O1O, Malta


2O15 - 2O17



2O15 - Version 2O171.O

January 2O15




FOREWORD MITA is celebrating its 25th anniversary. Over the years the Agency has changed in name and appearance but it has kept a constant driving force in the implementation of Information and Communications Technology. This enabled major reforms, particularly in relation to the delivery of public services. MITA has a comprehensive skills-base and strong in-house capability enabling it to provide a wide range of products and end-to-end services, for managing, operating and securing enterprise-wide ICT solutions. In the exciting world of technology there are always advances to embrace and our path was set in March 2O14 when the Prime Minister launched the Digital Malta Strategy for 2O14-2O2O. In addition, goals have been set for the current legislature through the government’s Electoral Manifesto and other corporate activities including the ‘Tiġdid tas-Servizz Pubbliku’. MITA is playing a pivotal role in the successful delivery of these strategies and programmes. The Agency operates in a fast-moving environment and we need to stay ahead of the game in the fast moving world of technology. Challenges arrive at pace with limited time to act, and this compels MITA to change its focus and its operational agility through adopting an open-minded approach in assessing priorities. Users are more interested in services, than the technology behind them. The Agency needs to upgrade its service portfolio and, in some ways, reinvent itself. But one thing is for sure: MITA must address the needs of its clients so that they can be successful in what they do. This document sets out how.

Tony Sultana Executive Chairman









O2.1 External Influences O2.2 Internal Influences



O3.1 MITA’s Raison D’Être O3.2 The Vision O3.3 The Mission O3.4 Corporate Values O3.5 Strategic Themes O3.6 Guiding Principles

1O 12

16 17 18 19 2O 22



O4.1 Defining Core Functions O4.2 MITA’s Core Functions O4.3 Delivery of Core Functions



O5.1 An Agile and Pro-Active Agency O5.2 ICT Policy, Strategy and Governance O5.3 Information Technology Services O5.4 Information Systems O5.5 Application and Take-Up of ICTs

26 27 27

3O 32 34 36 38



O6.1 Critical Success Factors O6.2 Strategic Performance Management

42 42




INTRODUCTION ICT is used by an increasing number of people and in a wider range of activities, giving consumers a greater influence on its future direction.


Users can choose from hundreds of service providers offering every conceivable application or infrastructure service; and there are a myriad of ways available for delivery and consumption. Cloud services are on the increase because providers offer something the business user can purchase and start using straight away. These new approaches are seen as agile and efficient; importantly, they give an immediate return on investment. MITA has to meet these challenges and change from within. It must be a promoter of the change that ICT can bring throughout the public service.

Exploit the opportunities offered by alternative models of service delivery, the perceived threats from cloud-based approaches and a more demanding client-base. Focus on delivering technology that supports business agility and aligns with a wider business strategy. Streamline and optimise its service delivery models, improving technologies and empowering the public sector. This means divesting and outsourcing services that can be done better by others. Concentrate on higher value activities and investments.



The challenge for MITA is to adapt. Some legacy technologies need updating while others should be replaced or removed. It’s also important that the Agency thinks about ICT service provision.

Provide clear ICT direction for government. Focus on services that deliver tangible improvements and enable Malta to improve as a digital nation. Deliver higher value services to clients. Strengthen its user-centric approach to ensure best value for the taxpayer. Place people into roles where they fit best, and reward creativity. Manage risk, eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy, simplify and automate processes. Move from a silo mentality to a holistic approach towards service delivery. Promote good practice within government.




SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS MITA operates in an environment which is quite complex and presents challenges, constraints and opportunities.



EXTERNAL INFLUENCES O2.1.1 EU AND NATIONAL STRATEGIES Digital strategy at an EU level is defined in the Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE), containing 1O1 actions, grouped into seven priority areas. At national level, the government of Malta has set priorities in its electoral manifesto. The targets and proposals set out in the DAE and the electoral manifesto were adopted in the Digital Malta (DM) Strategy, which envisions transforming the country into one that “will prosper as a digitally-enabled nation in all sectors of society.� MITA will contribute directly towards achieving DM targets.

Figure 1 EU & National Strategies



O2.1.2 GOVERNMENT ICT BUDGETING The Agency is fully dependent on Government for financing, and changes in the annual national ICT budget affect MITA directly. With a further rollout of systems and an increase in costs the government needs to ensure it obtains the best results from its ICT investments. Because of the challenging financial backdrop it is clear that MITA must prioritise and focus on what is core to deliver cost-effective initiatives. O2.1.3 CLIENTS MITA has a proven track record in delivering information systems to government. The Agency enjoys a good relationship with clients, having implemented systems that are fundamental to government’s business operations. However, the Agency may not be sufficiently engaged with government at a strategic level. O2.1.4 TECHNOLOGICAL TRENDS Advances in technologies bring opportunities to do business in a more effective and efficient way. As the government ICT Agency, MITA needs to address the following technology-related challenges: CHALLENGE


Traditional ‘desktop’ and ‘applications’

Enable the evolution of hardware devices in terms of size, configuration and physical arrangement – primarily mobile devices.1

Commoditisation of ICT solutions2

Exploit cloud-based approaches, with a greater focus on managing & governing.

Different platforms and form factors used by end users

Implement systems that run equally well across more than one platform and different form factors, and facilitate the creation of applications which access the features or data of applications or services.

Key decision makers are “digital immigrants” 3

Address expectations of “digital natives”.4 Table 1 Key Technological Challenges & Opportunities

O2.1.5 PRIVATE SECTOR INVOLVEMENT MITA has a good relationship with the ICT private sector. It has subcontracted a number of services to private providers in recent years and will continue to go down this route. The term ‘mobile devices’ within the context of this document includes mobile phones, tablets, laptops, ultrabooks, etc. The term ‘solutions’ within the context of this document refers to a product or a mix of products and services provided to address a specific business need or problem. 3 The term ‘digital immigrants’ refers to older people who were born before the widespread adoption of digital technologies. 4 The term ‘digital natives’ refers to the younger generation, i.e. people born in a digital era. 1




INTERNAL INFLUENCES O2.2.1 PREVIOUS STRATEGY MITA was set up in 2OO8 through a Statute approved by the Cabinet on 3Oth May 2OO8 and the main responsibilities were defined in OPM Circular No 1/2OO9. The previous MITA strategy, which expired in 2O12, positioned MITA in the driving seat in terms of application of ICTs of government programmes. It presented challenges in terms of lack of ownership from the client’s side. Between 2OO9 and 2O12, there was a re-alignment of the Agency towards governing, managing and consultancy. Areas such as software development lost their importance and support functions were weakened. O2.2.2 INTERNAL STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS With the appointment of a new Executive Chairman and Board of Directors in May 2O13, these important issues were duly addressed. The Agency now is committed to re-invigorating its work, making it more effective. MITA will re-establish software development / engineering as a core activity. Restructuring has been carried out. The roles of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer have been amalgamated and the layers of Chief Officers and Department Managers have been merged into one. A number of departments have been merged and some functions reassigned. Core areas have been strengthened and good practices enacted so as to address critical issues such as vertical and external communication, empowering department heads and fostering internal collaboration. Action Teams have a positive impact on the performance of the organisation by encouraging inclusion, therefore reaping greater commitment from staff. O2.2.3 CORE BUSINESS AREAS AND SERVICES MITA’s core business activities and services have been in place for a number of years. Consolidation has taken place, allowing cost savings but, at the same time, flexibility to customise services was reduced.



O2.2.4 LONG-TERM COMMITMENTS The Agency has a number of long-term supplier commitments. While long-term contracts can bring benefits, MITA needs to avoid lock-in so as to be more flexible. O2.2.5 MITA INNOVATION HUB In May 2O14, the Prime Minister inaugurated the MITA Innovation Hub at Smart City Malta. The aim is to give students and business start-ups an opportunity to experiment and turn their ideas into marketable products and services. The Hub also helps mature start-ups develop Intellectual Property and an international outlook. O2.2.6 EMPLOYEES While the MITA head count has remained practically the same since 2OO9, the Agency has experienced an annual staff turnover rate of 1O%. The trend between 2OO9 and 2O12 was to increase the number of top and middle managers, pushing up employment costs. Efforts have begun to address this; since 2O13 emphasis has been on recruiting staff at lower levels. Staff will continue to receive several days of training per year. In January 2O14, improved employment conditions and new benefits, came into effect. In September 2O14 MITA launched a career progression framework; this created a shift in organisational culture, providing improved means of career advancement. O2.2.7 ACCREDITATIONS & CERTIFICATIONS MITA is accredited with the ‘Investors in People’ award, ISO 9OO1, TICK IT and ISO 27OO1. While these are welcome it is the case that working procedures were implemented with a degree of complexity and bureaucracy, and this must change. Employees have industry recognised certifications, such as in ‘PRINCE 2’ project management and ITIL service management methodologies.




THE MITA VISION The Agency has a primary role to play in Digital Malta, contributing towards the attainment of ambitious EU targets relating to Malta and implementing a number of challenging actions and initiatives. Various ministries and departments can continue to rely on MITA to help them attain their goals.





Serve as the central driver of government’s ICT policy and strategy.


Deliver and manage information systems within government to enable reform and innovation in public service delivery.


Provide efficient and effective ICT infrastructure and services to government.


Encourage the application and take-up of ICTs in the wider economy.




THE VISION MITA’s role needs to evolve beyond a purely technical organisation to a digital leader. In order to achieve this, a shift in mind-set and in the way MITA operates is required. Innovation will be at the centre of this transformation process. By the end of 2O17, MITA should be looked upon by its stakeholders as:

THE DIGITAL LEADER FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF MALTA It will provide leadership in relation to ICT policy, digital strategy, service design, enabling frameworks and the adoption of best practice. It will serve as a centre of excellence and a laboratory for experimentation with new ICT methods. The Agency will yield value to government, citizens and businesses by: - Providing effective and timely services. - Assisting in implementing programmes that deliver tangible benefits. - Making available corporate systems and shared tools. - Providing expert advice and serving as a business-change catalyst through ICT.



THE MISSION The Agency’s mission is to:

ESTABLISH ICT POLICY AND DELIVER SOLUTIONS TO ENABLE PUBLIC SERVICE DELIVERY MITA must be at the forefront, driving ICT policies within government that will ultimately influence the national digital agenda. The Agency must seek also to create the necessary synergies between the various ICT stakeholders, inside and outside the Agency, to meet the requirements of clients.




CORPORATE VALUES MITA’s core values support the vision and shape the organisation’s culture. They are the essence of MITA’s identity – its principles and beliefs. The 2O15 – 2O17 strategy is characterised by the need to do things differently while acting in accordance with the Agency’s mandate and values.

PEOPLE We are central to MITA’s success. EMPOWERMENT We are empowered. PROFESSIONALISM We are professional in what we do. CLIENT FOCUS We enable our clients to achieve their goals. CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT We seek continuous improvement.



STRATEGIC THEMES This strategy is tightly aligned to the national priorities and goals set out in Digital Malta. Although no radical changes are required there does need to be fine-tuning of the current programme of activities. MITA will do this through 5 strategic themes which, taken together, enable the organisation to deliver its vision.

Figure 2 Strategic Themes



AN AGILE AND PRO-ACTIVE AGENCY MITA continuously will anticipate and respond quickly to changing conditions and demands. The Agency will have the capacity to leverage the issues it encounters and take opportunities to improve performance. MITA will continue to seek internal efficiencies, reduce operational and administrative costs and optimise value. Particular emphasis will be given to employee development, retention of intellectual capital, and effective and innovative sourcing mechanisms. ICT POLICY, STRATEGY & GOVERNANCE The Agency will strengthen its role as the government’s ICT policy arm. It will carry out ICT strategy development and policy design, and will advise on priorities. It will ensure adherence to established ICT standards and a uniform enterprise architecture for all of government, in line with international standards. There will also be a major drive towards securing EU funds for national and MITA ICT projects. MITA will advise government on ways to achieve economies of scale and realise benefits from the use of technology platforms. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES MITA will pursue further the provision of value-adding ICT infrastructure and security services. New ICT services will be delivered on demand and will be more flexible to match customers’ needs and goals. Greater focus will be placed on optimising the MITA Data Centre, the use and application of social, mobile, analytics and cloud stack, the implementation of best of breed compute, store, network aggregation and orchestration, self-defending architectures, smart, self re-organising networks and cloud security services. INFORMATION SYSTEMS MITA will help government to implement programmes to deliver services meeting the needs and expectations of citizens and businesses. This will involve a shift from silo-based delivery to an integrated, multi-channel, cross-platform, self-service approach. The Agency will concentrate on the development of middleware platforms, the development of APIs, SOA based approaches, systems integration, mashing up of intelligence and workflow orchestration. APPLICATION & TAKE-UP OF ICTs The Agency will contribute towards achieving Malta’s research & innovation targets. MITA will continue to reach out to communities and businesses to reduce the digital divide and increase the application of ICTs everywhere.



GUIDING PRINCIPLES MITA’s principles will promote innovation, diversification, simplification and flexibility.






MITA CORE FUNCTIONS MITA evaluates its core functions and business activities on an ongoing basis to help ensure it delivers good value. New services will be introduced to address emerging customer needs and to take benefit from technological advancements, while others will be adapted as necessary.



DEFINING CORE FUNCTIONS MITA will focus on ICT activities that align to: - Mission critical areas within Government; and - The raison d’être of the Agency.

Figure 3:MITA Core Functions

This focus will help the organisation to deliver greater value and to respond more quickly to opportunities that the digital economy brings. MITA will concentrate on activities where it can add value, avoiding peripheral distractions. Some core competences will be strengthened; others will be realigned or even removed. The result will be MITA being in a stronger position to deliver core functions.





- - - - - - - - - - -

Government ICT strategy Government ICT policy formulation Enterprise architecture Data strategies IT change management Compliance management License management Provision of enabling frameworks (e.g. desktop, LAN) Support of the Digital Malta strategy Government CIO role Attracting EU funding for ICTs


- - - -

Delivery of line-of-business applications (Social Policy & Taxation) Delivery of line-of-business applications (others) ICT common & shared services Higher value services (e.g. consultancy, simplification, integration, mash-ups)

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Service desk Wide-area network LAN management LAN implementation & support E-mail services Internet service provisioning Active directory VIP workstation support Workstation management Command Centre operations Hosting services Systems and databases administration ICT security services Productivity suite Disaster recovery services Management of infrastructure projects


- -

Digital outreach initiatives Innovation through ICTs


DELIVERY OF CORE FUNCTIONS Core functions will be managed by the Agency but not necessarily delivered by it. Different approaches will be adopted: - Directly using MITA resources (in-house) - In collaboration with CIOs - Through brokering or outsourcing - A combination of the above.




ACTIONS MITA will implement a number of actions to achieve its vision. These will be core to attaining the goals set in the Agency’s Strategy.




MITA intends to be more innovative and agile. The Agency will strive to keep things simple, take managed risks, make efficient use of resources and embrace change. Internally, MITA will maintain a culture of information sharing and communication. Action teams will make sure MITA employees understand the bigger picture so that they can take informed decisions. Externally, supplier relationships will be managed effectively from inception, focusing on activities related to transition, transformation, governance and change management. Success hinges on MITA being a lean, agile and entrepreneurial ICT Agency, viewed as a model by other organisations.



The actions of this strategic theme are:

1 Invest in human resources and training so as to be in a strong position to deliver.

2 Ensure a career progression framework that equips employees to meet the Agency’s evolving needs.

3 Enable MITA workforce mobility so as to increase productivity. Measures to be considered include Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and digital workplaces.

4 Create the ground work for MITA employees to be more engaged, innovative, experimental and sharing.

5 Improve interaction with service providers and drive efficiencies through: – MITA’s ‘Schedule 3’ status. – Economies of scale. – Agile and innovative procurement approaches. – Framework agreements for common ICT services and equipment.

6 Streamline, automate and optimise internal processes and supporting systems to be in a better position to anticipate demand and be more innovative.

7 Promote MITA at four levels: internationally, nationally, within government and internally.




MITA, under the leadership of the Ministry responsible for ICT, provides strategic and policy direction to government. It is helping to enact Digital Malta, the electoral manifesto and other government policies. The Agency’s activities expand far and wide. MITA influences Malta’s position on ICT matters at European Union level and disseminates policies and directives based on EU and international good practices. The Agency will continue to align ICT architecture at government level, guide the development of technology and govern changes to infrastructure. Investment in ICT will be in line with national priorities; the risk of vendor lock-in will be mitigated. In addition, MITA will provide ICT direction and support to the Chief Information Officers (CIOs) in Ministries. They will be empowered to operate within the new paradigm of decentralised ICT management and will take up vertical operational responsibilities while widening their strategic oversight of their Ministries’ activities.



The actions of this strategic theme are:

8 Support and participate actively in the Digital Malta Governing Board, Public Service Renewal, Data Governance Council, ministry strategic committees and other strategic fora.

12 Establish, communicate and enforce an ICT governance framework, reflecting business realities and capitalising on existing technologies. This framework will include:

– ICT policies and standards for government. – An Information Technology Strategic Plan 9 (ITSP) and blue-prints. – Information Systems Framework. Set up and continue to operate fora that National ICT Frameworks based on – provide direction in relation to projects, services, European direction. technology and supporting functions.

1O Draft, represent and follow up on Malta’s position at EU level, on ICT policy and strategic matters.

13 Guide and prioritise ICT budget requests from Ministries and seek funding from alternative sources.

14 11 Develop and implement a Cloud strategy for government. The strategy will define the extent of: – Implementation of a private cloud. – Provision of government ICT services from the cloud. – Participation in the EU’s “cloud movement”.

Provide ICT leadership and ICT governance to Ministry CIOs, assisting them to follow the government’s ICT strategic direction and to meet their business needs.

15 Devolve non-core activities to Ministries and public sector entities. MITA will assist in this change.

16 Identify and align key client-facing functions to operate in a business area management approach.




The emergence of new technologies in the past few years has transformed the world around us. From the rise of social media to the ubiquitous spread of mobile phones and the resulting explosion of content / information mash ups, the world is changing fast. More and more clients are involving MITA to help them become agile and innovative through the use of fit-for-purpose ICT services. Technologies, such as social media, mobility, analytics and cloud computing are enablers for future ICT services within government. MITA will drive the next wave of ICT services within government and accelerate innovation in new products and services, using cloud-based approaches where appropriate. With the aim of reducing the support and maintenance burden, the Agency will invest in platforms that are open, configurable and extendable. At the same time, government will need to address the challenges of ensuring privacy and extending digital inclusion. The Agency will offer a consistent, self-service experience to clients and will increase mobility across government through technology. MITA will aim to ensure that services are fit-forpurpose, flexible, customisable and competitively priced.



The actions of this strategic theme are:

17 Review the existing services portfolio and take measures to: – Develop new and enhanced products and services to meet current and future needs of customers (focusing on selfservice, customisation and mobility). – Ensure that all services are covered by Service Level Agreements (SLA) and that these SLA are achieved.

18 Establish the proper infrastructural and policy environment to enable mobility, use of social media and analytics.

19 Streamline and optimise government ICT infrastructure to enable cost-effective ICT provision.


22 Provide tools and a common infrastructure for seamless collaboration intra and extragovernment.

23 Upgrade infrastructure to enable self-defending architectures and smart, self re-organising networks.

24 Operate a government Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) in collaboration with InfoSec and National CERT.

25 Strengthen security competences to provide specialised services (including penetration testing, vulnerability assessments and cyber attack simulations).

Provide a greater role for software systems in controlling different kinds of services (known as Software Defined technologies).

21 Make the government network wireless enabled.




Demand for efficient, client-focused programmes and service delivery continue to grow. As a digital leader, MITA must rapidly address these trends, renewing and innovating quickly. When implementing ICT services, MITA will challenge the assumptions inherent in the work processes. The Agency will assist government departments to reduce bureaucracy and improve their operations. MITA will enable also the integration of information systems and applications, facilitating the concept of single source of data and data sharing across government. MITA must focus on higher value services. It will develop systems that government departments can share, are user-friendly and easily accessible. In addition, the Agency will seize the opportunities that come with mobile technologies. There are significant opportunities for achieving greater cost optimisation, improved communications and data co-ordination, expanded service delivery and progress towards digital equality. Government e-services need to be accessible to a wider customer base, including those on the move. The ultimate goal is to enable improvements in the quality of life of citizens and businesses.



The actions of this strategic theme are:

26 Be the primary ICT enabler for mission critical areas within government. Within these areas, work with stakeholders to: – Maintain and support applications. – Renew legacy applications. – Deploy new information systems.

3O Improve the existing online authentication mechanism, re-engineer to reflect industry trends, adopt a federated approach and implement next-generation mobile identity platforms.

31 27 Be the primary ICT driver for common / shared information systems across government. MITA will work with stakeholders to: – Maintain and support common / shared systems. – Renew legacy common / shared systems. – Set a vision and deploy new common / shared systems.

28 Deliver transformational eGovernment services to citizens and businesses through: – Self service, one-stop-shop and agent services. – Personalisation of eGovernment services, recognising life events. – Active use of mobile technologies. – Offering one-face to government.


Implement initiatives to increase the up-take of online services and engage citizens and businesses to interact with Government (e.g. e-Democracy).

32 Drive an Enterprise Data Strategy to: – Accelerate data interchange and re-use of public sector information. – Facilitate the availability of non-confidential, non-personal and non-sensitive government data.

33 Implement a repository and observatory of information systems to be used within government. These will include: – Current information systems. – EU information systems and tools made available to member states. – Open-source software.

Identify and implement priority cross-border public services, including business and citizen mobility.




MITA will collaborate with stakeholders, public and private, to help achieve a Digital Malta (2O14-2O2O). The Agency will support the development of a specialist Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) skills base for spurring business development, it will assist in the alignment of STEM skills with projected demand and encourage greater participation by women in STEM educational opportunities. The Agency aims to reduce the digital divide and increase digital uptake. MITA will encourage the development of locally-relevant content, services and tools. The Agency will engage citizens, civil society and enterprises in the process of designing, developing and implementing new or improved government services. MITA will encourage incentives for the application of ICTs in business, and facilitate platforms to encourage SMEs to use ICTs to internationalise. The Agency will continue to develop the MITA Innovation Hub (MIH) as a centre of excellence, innovation and experimentation. Through the MIH, the Agency will nurture technology-oriented researchers and support individuals, entrepreneurs and start-ups to develop technologyenabled products and services.



The actions of this strategic theme are:

34 Together with the relevant stakeholders, implement initiatives to: – Attain change in the learning and teaching culture. – Align ICT learning and development at specialist and vocation levels. – Synchronise incentives for training and education. – Influence the student learning process and provide exposure opportunities.

35 Work with others to create and deliver programmes for improving digital literacy, up-skilling and re-skilling of citizens, paying particular attention to vulnerable groups.

38 Implement an Accelerator Programme at the MIH, in partnership with other parties, including international firms and other incubators.

39 Provide support during national events, including the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), Malta’s EU presidency and Valletta 2O18.

4O Enter into Strategic Partnership arrangements for collaboration with reputable companies and share experiences with other countries.

36 Collaborate with the public sector, SMEs, co-operatives and civil society to reach target audiences, encourage digital engagement and seize the opportunities that ICT brings.

37 Through the MIH, engage with various partners to instil an entrepreneurial mindset and a stronger urge in start-ups, students, innovators and MITA employees for ICT innovation and experimentation.




STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION This Strategy is an enabling framework, rather than an overly prescriptive document. It is a catalyst for change, and all stakeholders must play an active role to ensure its success. MITA will achieve its implementation through a yearly business plan.






To succeed in the execution of the strategy, MITA will provide: Leadership – Sound leadership and management are imperative for securing change. Ownership – The Agency’s vision needs to come alive. Management will ensure that all employees understand the goals of the organisation and how their activities contribute to achieving these goals.

To measure success MITA will implement a performance assessment framework that takes into account the perspective of all stakeholders: Government – The Ministry responsible for ICT, the principal permanent secretary, the MITA Board of Directors, ICT project sponsors and business owners. Employees – All MITA staff.

Communication – MITA will share its thinking and listen to stake-holders feedback. The strategy will be communicated to customers and suppliers so that they too feel involved.

End-users – Individuals using particular services provided by MITA, including public officers and members of the public using eGovernment services.

Mindset – Everyone must embrace change. For change to take place with relative ease, employees should believe that change is worthwhile and everyone’s responsibility. Innovative and open minds are essential.

Businesses – Parties supplying goods and services to MITA; and SMEs, entrepreneurs and start-ups engaging with MITA.

Accountability – Every action identified will fall under the responsibility of a Head of Department. Human Resources – MITA will ensure that its employees have the right skills and competencies. Funding – MITA will work with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry responsible for ICT to help secure funding in synergy with its Business Plan.


Citizens – Members of the general public, including students, researchers and vulnerable groups who benefit from MITA services and initiatives. While monitoring the progress of the strategy, MITA shall continue to examine its underlying assumptions, the continued validity of its goals and the impact of unanticipated events. The strategy will be recalibrated as necessary.


Malta Information Technology Agency Gattard House, National Road, Blata l-Bajda HMR 9O1O, Malta


2O15 - 2O17

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