August 2014 Mitcham Community News

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inside AUGUST 2014

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So you want to be a Council Member Andy Griffiths

Australia Day Nominations Upcoming Work on Your Street

Annual Business Plan Your Elected Members

Self-service is coming soon to the Mitcham Library Service The Mitcham Library Service is preparing to introduce self-service machines at Mitcham and Blackwood so that customers will be able to easily and quickly borrow and return their own items. Mitcham Library Service customers will notice changes at both the Mitcham and Blackwood Library as a new Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system is introduced. Self-loan stations using the RFID technology will speed up the borrowing and returning process for you. The self-service stations will reduce the time you spend waiting for books to be borrowed and returned. You

will now be able to place a pile of items on the kiosk and they will be issued or returned at once. Our Library staff will be nearby for assistance and most importantly they will have more time to spend helping you to find information, books and magazines to read, DVDs to watch, CDs to listen to or how to access our digital services. Our customers will always be our highest priority.

Library staff are in the process of placing an RFID tag in each of the 120,000 items we have in our collection. Each tag, encoded with information about the item, has a microchip and an antenna. A reader pad on the kiosk converts the information to be read by the computer and keeps track of items coming and going.

Later this year the big circulation desks at the Mitcham and Blackwood Libraries will be replaced with new customer service points. To ensure the safety of our customers each of the Libraries will be closed for renovations for up to a week to remove the desks and add new hold shelves and self-service machines. Look out for the closure dates to be announced at your Library.

Community Calendar Kitchen Caddies

Mitcham Trails

For more information contact the Mitcham Library on 8372 8844 or the Blackwood Library on 8372 8855.

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