August 2018 Mitcham Community News

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We are keen to hear your thoughts and ideas about the future shape of the places which are important to you. What are your thoughts on the areas marked for significant change? What do you want to see created in these areas in the future? Where don’t you want change to happen? Council wants to hear your views on the draft Spatial Vision and draft Structure Plans for the City of Mitcham by 5pm on Monday 10 September. FULL STORY ON PAGES 7-9 MITCHAM COMMUNITY NEWS AUGUST 2018 Also in this issue

If you are thinking of standing for election at the November 2018 Council elections then come along to an information session to find out more about Council and how to nominate. Page 2

The City of Mitcham is undertaking a food waste green organics trial with the goal to reduce food waste going to landfill. Page 3

Discover what services, projects and works will be undertaken in 2018/19 to achieve our long-term goals and objectives captured in Council’s Strategic Management Plan 20172027. Page 11


Apply Now for a Heritage Subsidy


Australia Day Nominations are Open


Mitcham Library is Closed for Redevelopment

6 Blackwood Community Hub 10 Community Calendar 14 Your Elected Members 16 Tree Planting in Streets and Reserves

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