June 2017 Mitcham Community News

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JUNE 2017
























Thank you to our wonderful volunteers

In May, during National Volunteer Week, the City of Mitcham recognised the valuable contributions of over 360 volunteers; without them we would not be able to provide the many valuable services in our community. FULL STORY ON PAGE 3 MITCHAM COMMUNITY NEWS JUNE 2017 Also in this issue

Hear bestselling crime thriller author Michael Robotham talk about his gripping new title, ‘The Secrets She Keeps’ at the Tower Arts Centre on Tuesday 18 July at 6.30 pm. Page 5

To celebrate 2017 Neighbour Day, the City of Mitcham invited residents to enter their street to win a hosted Street BBQ. Page 11

The City of Mitcham engaged students undertaking an ATEC Training Certificate 2 in Engineering to construct and install bike racks at St Marys Park. Page 16


Communicating with Council


Local Author Claire Belberg


Taking Care of our Koalas


Creating Healthy Street Environments


School Holiday Fun at the Community Centres


Help Shape the Future of the Mitcham Memorial Library

12 Your Elected Members 15 Changes to Dog Registration 16 Mitcham Community Shed Awards


mitcham community news

June 2017

June 2017 Publication Details Mitcham Community News is published bi-monthly by and for the City of Mitcham. Editorial Communications Department, City of Mitcham Design + Production Sarah Bennett Design

Communicating with Council As a Council we communicate with our community in a variety of ways to ensure you have access to relevant information about living in the City of Mitcham. Communication between Council and the community is important as it helps us let you know what is happening where you live, from roadworks to bin collection and reserve renewal to special events. As a Council we are keen to listen to our community so that we can ensure we are doing our job correctly. This helps us to understand if our services are working.

How You Can Communicate with the City of Mitcham:

To Keep Up to Date with the Latest Council News

Reprographics + Printing



Graphic Print Group

You can write to the City of Mitcham, PO Box 21, Mitcham Shopping Centre, Torrens Park SA 5062

Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/cityofmitcham where we share news, events and opportunities to engage with us.



We have a central email which is checked daily at mitcham@mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au

You can follow us at @CityofMitcham where we post Council news and important updates daily.



Our Customer Service Centre can assist you between 9 am and 5 pm Monday to Friday on 8372 8888.

Follow us at www.instagram.com/cityofmitcham/

Visit us


Come to the Council Civic Centre at 131 Belair Road, Torrens Park.

Allows you to receive the latest Council information including services and programs, exhibitions, public meetings, community consultations as well as notification when agendas and minutes are available on the website via email.

Paperstock Printed on paper made in Australia from elemental chlorine free pulp derived from sustainable plantation forests. Distribution PMP Limited and Australia Post Delivered to 29,850 homes, PO boxes and businesses within the Mitcham Council area. Advertising KRL Media Services Telephone: 8231 5433 PO Box 131 Unley, SA 5061 Contributing Articles Community groups and organisations submitting items for the August 2017 issue of this publication should ensure they reach Business Partner Communication and Marketing Julie Lamond no later than Friday 7 July 2017. Telephone: 8372 8871 or email jlamond@mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au Good quality colour/high resolution colour photographs/image files can be submitted although publication will depend on space availability.

Join us online today just visit www.mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au and fill in the details.

Website www.mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au Listen to the Mitcham Community News Audio copies of the Mitcham Community News are available on compact disc at both Mitcham and Blackwood Libraries, on Council’s website www.mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au or by arrangement from the Community Information Service. Telephone: 8372 8812. Council Meetings The Development Assessment Panel meets on the first Thursday of the month at 6.30 pm.

Community Engagement – Get Involved Talk to your Mayor, Glenn Spear, or local Elected Member – contact details can be found at www.mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au Visit www.mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au and complete a ‘Have Your Say’ or ‘Request for Services’ as well as find out other important information and contact details about the City of Mitcham. Finally download the My Local Service App to your phone.

Full Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 pm. Council Civic Centre Open weekdays 9 am to 5 pm. 131 Belair Road, Torrens Park or PO Box 21, Mitcham Shopping Centre, Torrens Park, South Australia 5062 Telephone: 8372 8888 The views and opinions expressed in articles and advertisements submitted by contributors, other than the City of Mitcham, do not necessarily reflect the views of the Council as a body, nor as individual members. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy in published articles submitted by contributors other than Council, no responsibility is accepted for any errors that they may contain.

Local Knowledge at the Touch of a Button My Local Services App is a specialist smart phone application that allows you to find out information on vital services or even report a problem in the community right from your phone. The smart phone app will provide you with the information you need, featuring local events, parks, information about local Elected Members and when you need to put your bin out and allow you to report an issue. The app is available for both iPhones and Android devices and can be downloaded from the iTunes App Store for iPhones users or from the Google Play Store for Android owners or visit www.mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au

mitcham community news


June 2017






Thank You to our Wonderful Volunteers In May the City of Mitcham recognised the valuable contributions of over 360 volunteers; without them we would not be able to provide the many valuable services in our community. National Volunteer Week is the largest celebration of volunteers and volunteering in Australia and provides an opportunity to highlight the role of Volunteers in our communities. We have over 360 volunteers in 30 different programs ranging from Youth Committee volunteers to Community Bus volunteers who contribute over 30,000 hours per year. At a movie morning tea on Tuesday 9 May, Mayor Glenn Spear thanked our volunteers for their




Volunteering Facts In the past year volunteers provided nearly 800 bus trips to different destinations, helping residents get the essentials that they need for day to day living. Volunteers made up 1,200 welcome packs for new residents to the City of Mitcham.

continued dedication to our community. Without their support many of our services and programs would not be provided.

12,000 information brochures and flyers were refilled across Council facilities by volunteers.

Council has a number of programs supported by volunteers who share their own time, enthusiasm and skills in interesting and enjoyable activities.

Volunteers recorded the Mitcham Community News so it can be made available electronically to residents who have difficulty reading.

Our community benefits through volunteer participation. Every single volunteer makes an important contribution to our community.

We offer a variety of opportunities to suit your passions, skills or experience. If you are interested in discovering more about volunteering call Lynne Norton, Coordinator Volunteer Services on 8372 8860 or visit www.mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au/volunteering

10 art exhibitions held at the City of Mitcham Civic Centre for multiple artists relied on the assistance of volunteers. Volunteers made over 2,000 home library visits to residents who are unable to visit the Library. At the Mitcham and Blackwood Libraries volunteers covered over 6,000 books during the year. Volunteers contributed to the maintenance and revegetation of 30 kilometres of trails. Over a 1,000 native and exotic plants were planted by volunteers. Volunteers weeded, watered and pruned their way through many acres of formal gardens and bushland reserves. The Justice of the Peace volunteers signed, witnessed or stamped nearly 8,500 documents.


mitcham community news

June 2017

School Holidays at the Library Join in the school holiday fun at the Mitcham Library Service with a Circus Skills Workshop, Games 2 U Games Theatre and Laser Tag, and Wilbur’s Wildlife Adventure.

Wilbur’s Wildlife Adventure Meet lizards, snakes, birds, mammals, minibeasts and more during this exciting show at 2 pm at the Mitcham Library on Wednesday 12 July and at the Blackwood Library on Tuesday 18 July. Cost is $5 for children aged 5 to 12 years.

Circus Skills Workshop for Youth Learn some fantastic circus skills with Rock, Paper, Circus at this practical workshop at 2 pm at the Mitcham Library on Tuesday 11 July or at the Blackwood Library on Thursday 13 July. Try your hand at juggling, plate spinning, or the diabolical diablo and more! This 90 minute workshop is for ages 10-17 years. Places are strictly limited. Cost $5. Bookings essential.

Games 2 U Don’t miss the fun of our mobile game theatre and entertainment in the July school holidays. Kids aged between 5 and 10 years can play Minecraft in the Games2u Games Theatre or laser tag in the Libraries during two sessions at the Mitcham Library on Monday 10 July at 6 pm or 7 pm and at the Blackwood Library on Monday 17 July at 6 pm or 7 pm. Cost $6 per child. Bookings with payment essential for this popular holiday program.

To book your spot for our school holiday programs call the Blackwood Library on 8372 8255 or Mitcham Library on 8372 8244 or visit us at the Blackwood Library 215 Main Road, Blackwood or the Mitcham Library 154 Belair Road, Hawthorn.

Free Everyday Crafts Available anytime during the July School Holidays.

Storytime with the Mitcham Library Service To celebrate National Simultaneous Storytime in May the Mitcham Library Service created a dramatised version of “The Cow Tripped Over the Moon” for the enjoyment of children. National Simultaneous Storytime is an annual campaign to encourage young Australians to read and enjoy books. Now in its 17th successful year, it is a colourful, vibrant, fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy. This year the picture book “The Cow Tripped Over the Moon", written by Australian authors Tony Wilson and Laura Wood was read simultaneously around Australia in May. We invite you to enjoy this wonderful and slightly hilarious way to introduce the story to children by visiting our YouTube channel at https://youtu.be/Q8k-AwCxyoA

Mitcham Library 154 Belair Road, Hawthorn SA 5062 Phone: 8372 8244

Blackwood Library 215 Main Road, Blackwood SA 5051 Phone: 8372 8255

Mitcham Toy Library Room 2, Mitcham Community Centre 242 Belair Road, Hawthorn SA 5062 Phone: 8274 1351

Blackwood Toy Library Blackwood Community Centre 4 Young Street, Blackwood SA 5051 Phone: 8278 6997

mitcham community news

June 2017


Meet Author Michael Robotham Hear bestselling crime thriller author Michael Robotham talk about his gripping new title, ‘The Secrets She Keeps’ at the Tower Arts Centre on Tuesday 18 July at 6.30 pm. Michael, author of the Joseph O’Loughlin series and the award winning Life or Death, will share insights into his compelling psychological thriller about two women and a dangerous secret that could destroy everything they hold dear. To book your seat to our free event please call 8372 8255. Books available for purchase and signing.

Take the Community Bus to the Library Do you love to read but find it difficult to get to the Library? The Community Bus Service visits the Blackwood and Mitcham Library once every month on a Monday: Mitcham Library 9 am to 11.15 am Blackwood Library 1.45 pm to 3.30 pm Passengers are collected from their homes and taken to the Library where they can select books, DVDs, audiobooks, CDs or magazines. Staff and volunteers are available to help you find things you are interested in – or to discover new treasures! Morning or afternoon tea is also provided and it is a great opportunity to have a chat and make new friends. A $2 gold coin donation is appreciated for the service. For more information on the Community Bus Service please call 8374 7791.

Home Library Service Do you know someone who loves to read but is unable to leave their home due to illness, a disability or a lack of transport? The Mitcham Library Service offers free home delivery by a team of volunteers to customers who can’t visit the Library or use the community bus due to ill health, disability or lack of transport. We deliver books, audiobooks, DVDs, CDs and magazines which are carefully chosen to match the preferences of our customers. For more information call the Mitcham Library on 8372 8244 or the Blackwood Library on 8372 8255 and ask to speak to the Home Library Coordinator.

Local Author Claire Belberg Join Claire Belberg, local Blackwood author, for the launch of her new book ‘The Golden Hour’ at the Blackwood Library on Wednesday 21 June at 6.30 pm. Claire Belberg who has been writing poetry, short stories and novels for over 10 years is launching her first published novel ‘The Golden Hour’. An intriguing tale of graphic artist and computer hacker, James Elkind who finds himself imprisoned with two women. Who are his companions and what is this facility they’re trapped in? As they search through the past to try to understand their surreal dilemma, seventeen year old James must confront the contradictions of his identity. Can he escape to find a future or will this place prove to be his tomb? To book your seat to our free event please call 8372 8255. Books available for purchase and signing.

PayPal Now at the Library Do you have any outstanding Library bills? The Mitcham Library Service is offering the ability to pay Library bills online. Libraries across the 'one card' network are adding a PayPal link to the online catalogue so that you can securely and conveniently pay your Library bills from home - or anywhere you have access to the internet or mobile data including the Library. There is no need to have your own PayPal account. For more information visit www.mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au and visit the Library catalogue.


mitcham community news

June 2017

Taking Care of our Koalas Koala conservation and management is something that we can all do! Koalas are often seen enjoying their favourite habitat across a number of Mitcham suburbs and there are things you can do to assist in protecting them. For more information about koala conservation visit the Department of Environment Water and Natural Resources website at http://www.environment.sa.gov.au/managing-natural-resources/plants-and-animals/Living_with_wildlife

How to Help our Local Koalas Slow down while driving on roads where koalas might be crossing Keep dogs away from koalas by keeping them inside the house overnight and preventing your dog roaming or chasing wildlife Installing either 'koala proof' or 'koala friendly' fencing (which either keeps koalas out of the property altogether or, once in, allows them safe passage to get out quickly) Use a pool cover that is tight, secure and will not sink if a koala walks on it Plant trees to allow koalas to move about easily

If you see an injured or sick koala contact Fauna Rescue of SA ‘Koala Rescue Hotline’ on 7226 0017 or find out how you can become a wildlife carer.

Wildlife Friendly Gardens Help our local wildlife and create a garden that provides habitat for native animals such as sugar gliders butterflies, birds, frogs and lizards. Local native plants in your garden will not only provide a home for our local wildlife but will also make your garden drought tolerant and save water and money. Don’t forget it is also important to remove declared weeds that pose a threat to the natural environment. For information on pest plants visit www.naturalresources.sa.gov.au/adelaidemtloftyranges

How to Create Wildlife Friendly Gardens

Wildlife Friendly Garden Tips:

If you are interested in creating a wildlife friendly garden to create habitat and attract native animals visit the Natural Resources Adelaide and Mt Lofty Ranges website at www.naturalresources.sa.gov.au/ adelaidemtloftyranges/plants-and-animals/ native-plants-animals-and-biodiversity/urbanbiodiversity and download a copy of “Creating a wildlife friendly garden”.

Plan you garden to include different trees and shrubs

Grow native plants and plants that flower throughout the year Make sure you provide plenty of leaf litter, logs and rocks Include birdbaths, ponds and nesting boxes Design your garden to attract specific animals such as butterflies or birds by selecting certain plant types www.floraforfauna.com.au Choose the right native plants for your garden using the Natural Resources Adelaide and Mt Lofty plant selector http://plantselector.naturalresources.sa.gov.au/ Or the right plants for the right places, including Australian native and exotic species. Plants are carefully screened to suit the soils and other conditions of the areas for which they are recommended: http://plantselector.botanicgardens.sa.gov.au/

mitcham community news

June 2017


Volunteers Needed for our Parks and Gardens Do you love your local park? Are you interested in gardening, native plants and animals? Come and join one of our local volunteer groups to help look after our parks and gardens.

Above: Testing water quality improvement at the University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes by PhD candidate Harsha Sapdhare (R) and project supervisor Dr Baden Myers (L).

Creating Healthy Street Environments Council is working to protect the future of our valuable street trees which provide health, economic and social benefits. The City of Mitcham has partnered with the University of South Australia, the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board, Environment Protection Authority South Australia and Treenet Incorporated to research ways to better support our street trees. As a part of this research Treenet inlets and leaky wells have been installed in street kerbs to harvest stormwater runoff from homes and roads. These inlets and wells filter the stormwater and allow it to soak into the ground. The inlets and wells are being monitored to understand how

much water is being collected, the quality of the water and the costs for different designs of these systems. Initial testing in the laboratory at the University of South Australia and at Eynesbury Avenue in Mitcham has shown that leaky wells filled with gravel are the most effective at filtering stormwater and also catches more stormwater runoff. Maintenance is also easy and cost effective because they can be cleaned through regular street sweeping.

The City of Mitcham is looking for volunteers to help preserve our beautiful ornamental gardens and native bushland areas. If you enjoy gardening, have a passion for native flora and fauna, enjoy working outdoors and would like to develop an ongoing relationship with a unique piece of bushland then why not volunteer for Council? Our friendly group of volunteers find working on their own site a healthy, socially rewarding and fulfilling way to make a contribution to our environment. The only skills you need is good health and enthusiasm. You will receive on-site training and supervision and as part of the induction Council will undertake a police check. To register to become a volunteer call the Coordinator Volunteer Services, Lynne on 8372 8860.

Preventing Pollution in our City Our business community plays an important role in reducing stormwater pollution in our City. Stormwater acts as a carrier for pollution picked up from various sources including business properties, mobile business operators and building sites and transported through drains to our waterways and coasts. If you are a business operating within the City it is important to understand your legal obligations under the Environment Protection (Water Quality) Policy and what you can do to prevent pollution.

Stormwater from all work areas should be treated as wastewater and be collected and disposed of correctly. Contaminants such as detergents, fertilisers and oil impact on the environment. Sediment is a particular problem in our waterways because it smothers aquatic plants and animals and silts up creeks, rivers, reservoirs and dams. It is important to remember

that different sites or work activities may require different pollution management. The City of Mitcham works closely with the South Australian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) to monitor stormwater pollution which may impact the health of our creeks, streams, rivers, coastal waters, groundwater and aquifers. To report stormwater pollution please contact us on 8372 8888.

To find out what you can do to prevent pollution visit www.epa.sa.gov.au/environmental_info/water_quality/programs/stormwater/pollution_prevention_for_business_activities


mitcham community news

June 2017

School Holiday Fun at the Community Centres The Community Centres have an exciting school holiday program in July…

Little Picassos Your little picasso is invited to create beautiful artworks this school holidays. All art materials are provided including canvas, all you need to do is wear old comfortable clothes and bring a smock if you have one.

Cabaret Fringe Festival Live at the Mitcham Cultural Village Hot Club de Adelaide featuring Les Gitans Blancs is appearing live at the Mitcham Cultural Village during the Cabaret Fringe Festival.

Pet Portraits on Canvas

Peacock Splatter and Paint

Create a canvas of your pet, we will help you to get the size and scale, then add your paints and colours, character and style, quality acrylic paint on canvas. A super fun session for animal lovers. Please bring a photo of your pet to capture. Cost $40 per child. Ages 6–14 years.

Create your own Peacock with tail in full display canvas with lots of paint play and fun using spray bottles, drippy paint, colourful papers and a feather or two. Stunning results and a fun session to explore colour and pattern. Cost $40 per child. Ages 6–14 years.


Tuesday 11 July


Thursday 13 July

Adelaide’s Gypsy Swing group Les Gitans Blancs is an acoustic instrumental quartet inspired by the Manouche Romany music and eastern European traditional music.


Cumberland Park Community Centre


Blackwood Community Centre

Don’t miss their infectious sound on:


10 am to 12 noon


10 am to 12 noon


Friday 23 June at 8 pm

Saturday 24 June at 7.30 pm

Sunday 25 June at 3.30 pm


Adult $25, Concession $19 and Child $12


Mitcham Cultural Village, 103 Princes Road, Mitcham.

Contact: 0408 769 667 or register at https://www.littlepicassos.com.au

Contact: 0408 769 667 or register at https://www.littlepicassos.com.au

SAY Arts Acting Workshop Register for our school holiday acting program for kids aged 7-11 years. Date:

18 – 20 July

For bookings visit www.cabaretfringefestival.com

Contact: 0400 202 399 or email bec.pannell@sayarts.com.au

Woodwork for Kids Don’t miss our popular woodworking classes at the Community Shed at the Mitcham Cultural Village. These holidays one class will also offer an opportunity to tackle a more complex woodworking project.

Follow us on Facebook @mitchamcommunitycentres

More information email: communitycentres@mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au

More information about the school holiday programs is available at www.mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au/communitycentres Email us at communitycentres@mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au to be added to our school holiday distribution list.

T +61 8 8372 8888 | www.mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au/communitycentres | communitycentres@mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au

mitcham community news

June 2017


No Changes to Mitcham Library Service and Toy Library Hours

Help Shape the Future of the Mitcham Memorial Library The Mitcham Memorial Library is being redeveloped to meet the current and future needs of our community and we need your help! Located at 154 Belair Road, Hawthorn and built in 1965, the Mitcham Memorial Library plays an important social, education and recreation role in our community. The Library has seen community needs change dramatically and to meet these changing needs the Mitcham Memorial Library will be redeveloped and made bigger with an additional 686 m2 of space, growing from its current 776 m2, to a total of 1,462 m2.

The hours of the Mitcham Library and Toy Library Service will not change following a review of the Mitcham Library Services.

Blackwood Library 215 Main Road, Blackwood Telephone:

8372 8255

Opening Hours: Monday

10 am to 5.30 pm


10 am to 5.30 pm

Wednesday 10 am to 5.30 pm

We want to know what services our Mitcham Memorial Library provides that are important to you, what you would like to see improved and what you would like to see more of.


10 am to 8 pm


10 am to 2 pm

We invite your input into the future of the Library by 5 pm Thursday 16 June by completing an online survey at www.mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au/mitchamlibraryredevelopment or collecting a feedback form from the City of Mitcham Civic Centre, Mitcham Library, Blackwood Library or both Toy Libraries.


10 am to 4 pm


2 pm to 5 pm

For more information visit www.mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au/mitchamlibraryredevelopment

Blackwood Toy Library Blackwood Community Centre, 4 Young Street, Blackwood Telephone:

8278 6779

Opening Hours: Tuesday

9.30 am to 11.45 am

Wednesday 9.30 am to 11.45 am Thursdays

4 pm to 6.30 pm

Mitcham Library 154 Belair Road, Hawthorn Telephone:

8372 8244

Opening Hours: Monday

10 am to 5.30 pm


10 am to 5.30 pm

Wednesday 10 am to 8 pm Thursday

10 am to 5.30 pm


10 am to 2 pm


10 am to 4 pm


2 pm to 5 pm

Car Park Soon to Reopen in Eden Hills

Mitcham Toy Library

The City of Mitcham, with the support of the Australian Rail Track Corporation and State Government, will reopen the car park for the Eden Hills community.


The City of Mitcham has negotiated with the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) and the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) to re-open the carpark near the railway line off Willora Road, Eden Hills.

community safe, a new rubble surface will be laid in the carpark and the entrance will be moved to make it easier for all vehicles to access it. The project will be jointly funded by the City of Mitcham, ARTC and DPTI.

Council will lease the land from the ARTC and in collaboration with the ARTC and DPTI establish a carpark. Fencing will be installed to keep the

It is anticipated that the carpark will be completed in July.

242 Belair Road, Lower Mitcham 8274 1351

Opening Hours: Wednesday 2.30 pm to 5 pm Thursday

10 am to 12.30 pm


10 am to 12 noon


mitcham community news

June 2017

community groups

events/social activities

community events

Mitcham Community Calendar Adelaide-Mitcham Prostate Cancer Support Group

Care and Share at Trinity

Tate Museum

The Group will meet on Thursday 22 June at the Colonel Light Gardens RSL Club, 4 Prince George Parade, Colonel Light Gardens from 7 pm to 8.45 pm. Visit www.adelaide-mitchampcsg.org or call 0406 006 654.

If you are 65 years and over join Care and Share for friendship, companionship and social outings on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9.30 am to 2.30 pm. $15 includes morning tea, lunch and transport if required. Call 8276 1144 or visit www.trinityclg.org.au/care-and-share

Westbourne Park Ladies Probus Club

5 Minute Free Vascular Health Screen

Visit the Douglas Mawson Collection in the Tate Museum, Mawson Laboratories at the Adelaide University on Thursday 20 July at 11 am with the Mitcham Historical Society. Meet at 10.45 am at the University entrance on Victoria Drive, opposite the University footbridge. Call 0430 472 262 or email julie.a.hogan@gmail.com

Invites you to meet others over morning tea, guest speakers and monthly outings on the fourth Monday of the month at 10 am at the Uniting Church Hall, cnr Sussex Terrace and Monmouth Road, Hawthorn. Call 8293 8863.

If you are over 65 register for a free ultrasound to screen for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm by Flinders Medical Centre specialists. This silent killer has no warnings signs and often goes undiagnosed. Call 8278 1111 to book your free screening at the Russell Clinic, 202 Main Road, Blackwood. The next screening is on Friday 16 June.

Join Professor Robin Prior

Hawthorn Pre-schoolers' Playgroup

Enjoy the music of Vintage Voices and Friends on Tuesday 4 July from 1.30 pm to 3 pm. Held at the Institute Hall, Mitcham Cultural Village, Princes Road, Mitcham each performance is followed by afternoon tea. For group bookings email seniorsharmony@gmail.com

Colonel Light Gardens Ladies Probus Club Enjoy fellowship, guest speakers and morning tea on the first Friday of the month at 10 am at the Colonel Light Gardens Uniting Church, 560 Goodwood Road, Daw Park. Call 0419 006 895. Come and Try the Probus Club of Blackwood Retired men are invited to come along every month on the first Thursday at 9.30 am to enjoy social outings, lunches and guest speakers. The group meets in the rear hall of the Masonic Lodge, Main Road, Blackwood. Call 8278 8485. Mitcham Kiwanis Needs new members! Mitcham Kiwanis Club is involved with the Terrific Kids Program at a local primary school in Mitcham and is seeking to become involved with more schools in the area. Help improve the community we live in by joining the Mitcham Kiwanis who meet twice a month at the Marion Sports Centre, Sturt Road, Marion. Call 8374 3694. Ye Olde Village Shoppe At the Mitcham Village Uniting Church, 103a Princes Road, Mitcham each Saturday from 9.30 am to 1 pm. Clothing, bric-a-brac, haberdashery, books, toys, shoes and some small furniture. Donations of goods or voluntary help appreciated. Call 8278 8259. Probus Club of Brownhill Creek - Mitcham If you are a retiree, come along to enjoy morning tea, guest speakers, outings and lunches on the second Thursday of each month at 10 am in the Mitcham Village Uniting Church hall, 103a Princes Road. Call 8357 3238. Rotary Club of Mitcham The Rotary Club of Mitcham meets Wednesdays at the Edinburgh Hotel, High Street from 6.30 pm to 8 pm for a meal, fellowship and guest speaker. Become involved in local and international projects and fundraising including our Bookshop at shop 2, 448 Goodwood Road, Cumberland Park. Email mitcham.rotary@gmail.com or call 0418 788 401.

Offer educational toys and activities for children 0-4 to enjoy every Wednesdays and Fridays (during school terms) 10 am to 12 noon at 42 Angas Road, Hawthorn. Call 0433 770 840. Coffee, Craft and Chat Enjoy a chat over a cuppa and bring your own craft project every Thursday (during term time) from 9.30 am to 12 noon at 42a Angas Road, Hawthorn. Cost $2. Call 0415 311 999. Community Junction Join a monthly social group to enjoy walks, games nights, carpet bowls, table tennis, etc. Visit Facebook/HawthornChurchOfChrist or www.hawthorncofc.com.au or call 8272 5564. Blackwood Hills Baptist Church Come along each Sunday at 10 am or 7 pm at 72 Coromandel Parade, Blackwood to enjoy the relaxed and friendly atmosphere at Blackwood Hills Baptist Church. There are people of all ages, great music and fun activities for the kids. Call 8370 0333 or visit thevillage.org.au Village Church at Melrose Park Every Sunday at 10.30 am at the Edwardstown Primary School. Join a new and growing familyfriendly church. Visit thevillage.org.au or call 8370 3256. Quarterly Folk Dance Enjoy the Australian Traditional and Bush Dance Society of SA’s Mitcham Village Folk Dance on Saturday 1 July from 8 pm to 11 pm at the Mitcham Village Institute, Princes Road, Mitcham. Music by Lasseter’s Gold Bush Band. All dances are called, flat shoes recommended. No previous experience is needed and you don’t need to bring a partner. Cost $15. Call 0418 837 411 or visit http://www.atbdsdancesa.com.au

The Mitcham Historical Society presents Professor Robin Prior on Wednesday August 23 on the most brutal battle Passchendaele 1917 in the Drawing Room at Scotch College at 7 pm. $5. Email julie.a.hogan@gmail.com or call 0430 472 262. Seniors in Harmony

Annual Camellia Show Camellias South Australia Inc will hold their Annual Camellia Show at Carrick Hill, 46 Carrick Hill Drive, Springfield on Saturday 12 August 12 noon to 4.30 pm and Sunday 13 August 10 am to 4.30 pm. Free admission. Countless blooms on display and quality plants for sale. Call 8295 6563. Mitcham Art Prize and Auction Don’t miss the exhibition from 16 June - 8 July at Gallery One. The winners will be announced during the Gala night Saturday 8 July at 6 pm along with a silent cigar box lid artworks auction fundraiser for Gallery One. 2017 State Title Ballroom Dance Championship Held on Sunday 20 August at the Wonderland Ballroom, 126 Belair Road, Hawthorn, 12 noon until 7 pm. Tickets $30 adults ($25 concession), $15 for children under 16 and family tickets (2 +2) $75. Front Row reserved $35 ($30 concession). To book call 0413 596 644. Blackwood Players Presents Little Shop of Horrors Enjoy the horror/comedy rock musical about a nerdy florist who discovers a new breed of plant that feeds on human blood and dreams of ruling the world at the Blackwood Memorial Hall, 21 Coromandel Parade, Blackwood. 26 May to 17 June on Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm. Adults $28, Concession/Group $23. To book visit www.blackwoodplayers.com

mitcham community news

June 2017


The Picket Fence The Picket Fence at St Marys offers a range of programs and services such as gardening, sewing classes, cooking groups, lunch for a $2 donation, art groups, and emergency assistance. Open Mondays, Thursday and Fridays the centre is seeking volunteers to participate in a range of activities, such as planting, propagating, composting, weeding, pruning, and the manufacturing of garden boxes. The Picket Fence holds a Market Day each Thursday, where members of the public can come along and buy fresh produce, plants and seedlings as well as craft items, and place orders for handmade garden boxes. To find out more call 8374 2522.

Everybody Needs Good Neighbours – 2017 Street BBQ Winners Announced To celebrate 2017 Neighbour Day, the City of Mitcham invited residents to enter their street to win a hosted Street BBQ. With so many wonderful entries we awarded a Street BBQ prize for each Council Ward plus a Mayoral Award – meaning seven lucky streets held a street BBQ. The BBQs allowed neighbours to meet for the first time after sharing a fence for 20 years, people re-visiting their childhood homes and neighbours

meeting fourth generation families who have lived in the same house on the street. New neighbours have been welcomed by long term residents, recipes have been shared and children have made new friends to play with in their street. Thank you to all the streets who entered!

Blackwood Rotary Art Show Enjoy a showcase of South Australian amateur and professional art and photography at the Blackwood High School, Seymour Street, Eden Hills. The Blackwood Rotary Art Show will feature hundreds of artists and photographers on Thursday 13 July to Sunday 16 July from 10 am to 4 pm, Thursday 20 July to Saturday 22 July from 10 am to 4 pm and Sunday 23 July from 10 am to 3 pm. Explore over five rooms of artwork to view and be inspired to purchase your own unique piece. Admission is free. For more information call 0417 312 853 or email blackwoodartshow@gmail.com Proceeds support local community and other Rotary projects.


mitcham community news

June 2017

Mayor Glenn Spear

Craigburn Ward Cr Lindy Taeuber

Gault Ward Cr Adrian Rosevear

Telephone: 0438 221 762

Telephone: 0420 372 566

Telephone: 0417 741 650




I am pleased to report successful funding of approximately just over $1 million from the State Government for extensive renovations of the Mitcham Memorial Library and surrounding parks. We have been successful in receiving Government funding for several major projects including the Brownhill Creek stormwater project, Hewitt Sports clubrooms, St Marys Park Sports Facilities and a car park in Eden Hills on the corner of Willora Road and Ellis Avenue.

I am delighted that Council is working to deliver four excellent new projects while maintaining sound financial management - Hewett Reserve clubrooms, St Marys Park clubrooms and community rooms, Mitcham Memorial Library and the Brownhill Keswick Creek flood mitigation works. My future financial approach will likely be conservative until the above projects are well progressed.

Change of Direction at Mitcham

Council is in extensive budget negotiations at time of print. Our rate increase will be approximately 2.9 %. Whilst this increase is higher than the current CPI government index it provides for extensive capital backlog expenditure. Additional funding for stormwater renewal, footpaths, sport facilities upgrades and capital allowance for new facilities such as road renewal and improvement and a new library is included in current budgeting. I am told that our increase without new capital works would be in the vicinity of 0.8 of a percent well under current inflationary figures. I am mindful that administrative costs should be kept as low as possible. There has been some negative press around some Council’s approach to the expenditure of ratepayers money. I am proud to report that there has been no overseas, Council funded, travel expenses incurred in my term as Mayor. The executive salaries do not include any golf club memberships or such associated benefits. It has been my experience that even the request to send a single Council member to an interstate conference has been debated vigorously in Mitcham Council. Other Councils choose to send several Elected Members to such events at considerable expense to the ratepayers. It is of course a debatable issue and one for the individual Councils to discuss with their community. At this week’s Council meeting a motion to have all Elected Members expense claims reported on the Council website was defeated. I was disappointed with this decision. The allowance claims are available with a freedom of information request anyway. Tracey and I attended several Anzac commemoration ceremonies and I pay tribute to those people dedicated to preserving the memories of our fallen men and women. I take this opportunity of thanking our 360 volunteers who serve our community so well. A movie morning in recognition of their service was held recently and I acknowledge those people who choose to serve others. Mitcham has one of the highest per capita volunteer rates in Australia, this is something that we can all be very proud of!

One of our 'invisible' services, that is at times more visible than we would like, is stormwater management. We generally like Council services to be quite visible so that ratepayers can see their money being used to build roads, footpaths, collect the rubbish, provide library services, community events, playgrounds etc. On the other hand a wellfunctioning stormwater system should be largely 'invisible'. Council is very mindful of both the regional and local impact of stormwater management and its ability to cater for increased demand due to urban infill, the increased footprint of houses, new carports, home extensions, paved areas etc which all create increased stormwater runoff. Council is developing holistic stormwater management plans for the major catchments of the Sturt River urban catchment and Brownhill Creek with localised problems in the Stormwater Project Priority List including parts of Blackwood and Eden Hills. Our stormwater systems comprise onsite retention which captures stormwater flows at the source for reuse and reduces runoff, water sensitive urban design elements such as rain gardens, soakage trenches and aquifer storage and recovery (Mitcham Council is creating ‘leading edge’ flood and environmental management in this area), street kerbing, pits and stormwater pipes which generally channel flows to a piped stormwater system, creeks and disposal points – typically the Gulf St Vincent. Further complicating factors include our cherished tree lined streets that create leaf litter and can block drains as well as incidences of resident DIY stormwater piping causing unpredictable results. Council has taken action by purchasing a second street sweeper to improve leaf litter collection however the delivery is delayed and we are trying to access contractors in the meantime. The street sweeper comes past your house every six weeks on average but areas are serviced more frequently at certain times (eg streets with deciduous trees during autumn and bush fire risk areas leading into and during summer) and less frequently at other times. Storm events put further pressure on this service. As individuals we can all consider runoff when extending our home's hard surfaces and can keep an eye on leaf litter in the gutters and may choose to occasionally sweep it up and turn it into compost. This is a core service of Council and I actively advocated for increased funding and am pleased to tell you that the 2017/18 draft budget includes stormwater capital of around $2.85 million, a further $340,000 in stormwater projects and a stormwater maintenance budget of nearly $300,000. The capital investment required for any major stormwater upgrades to achieve the service levels expected by the community will have significant cost impact on future budgets. I am committed to working to better keep this Council service 'invisible'.

Since joining Mitcham Council in 2014, Elected Members and staff have been continuing the work of the previous Council striving for efficiency gains in all areas of our operations. This has resulted in millions of dollars of savings over the past 3 years, without reducing services provided. A related issue Council is dealing with at the moment is a huge backlog of infrastructure maintenance, left over from years of not keeping up with our required building, storm water and road maintenance. At time of writing, we are including in our long-term plan and annual budget a plan to rectify this backlog by 2026 – an aim that impacts on our rates and rate increase. I believe we have reached a point where we can no longer continue to only look inwards at what we can do to save more money, but must start looking outwards and ahead to where we want our Council and area to go in the future. Council started this process over the past six months by asking you your thoughts on our strategic plan and Council vision and the responses we received helped shape the plan that has been endorsed by the Elected Member body. The plan can be seen at www.mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au/imaginemitcham along with individual projects we are aiming to progress in the short and long term. Some of those projects that have been progressed to date, (some subject to final approval during the upcoming budget discussions) are St Marys sports grounds redevelopment, Hewett Reserve redevelopment, an increase to our footpath renewal program, storm water upgrades, LED lighting upgrade for street lighting and redevelopment of the Soldier’s Memorial Gardens area. This last project includes an extension and renovation of Mitcham Memorial Library and Brown Hill Creek in that area. The library project is exciting for Mitcham and Gault Ward in particular. Boosted by a State Government grant (well done to staff for securing this!), the project intends to increase the size of the library by up to 686 m2 (nearly double), opening the library up to the park surrounds and increasing community space inside. Consultation is currently happening on your ideals, aims and needs for the new library, and closes Friday June 16, 2017. Please contribute ideas to Council through stands at the Civic Centre, both libraries or online at www.mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au. From this, the final design will be determined and approved by Council before construction hopefully begins at the end of this year. This is a large project – I believe the benefits it will bring to our community are worth the cost. On a smaller, but no less important note, I was pleased to see installation in Gault recently of tree inlets in our gutters – the health of our street trees will benefit from this Australian leading project. Please be in contact, 0417 741 650, facebook at @councilloradrianrosevear or arosevear@mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au to talk about or be kept up to date on what I am doing for the area.

mitcham community news

June 2017


Overton Ward Cr Nicholas Economos

Babbage Ward Cr Yvonne Todd

Boorman Ward Cr Andrew Tilley

Telephone: 0411 659 669

Telephone: 0418 891 097

Telephone: 0411 158 882




As winter fast approaches it is not uncommon to suffer from ailments such as a cold to more severe illnesses such as pneumonia and flu. I encourage residents to book in to have their flu shots with their local GP or Mitcham Council.

It was wonderful to be at several of the Mitcham Street Barbecues that were held recently. BBQs were provided to competition winners and provided a chance for many residents to meet neighbours in their street. The first BBQ was in St Marys with about 25 to 30 people. It is a great initiative which has helped residents to share their stories and build connections. Thank you to the residents who joined in and to the Council staff who volunteered their own time.

It's been a busy almost first half of the year. In February the Brownhill Keswick Creek Stormwater Management Plan received its funding from the State Government. The restoration of the creek banks and bed including bridge works can now begin. The works will start at the Patawalonga end and proceed over twenty years upstream to the Brownhill Creek Caravan Park. The work will be the responsibility of a Regional Subsidiary established by the constituent councils of West Torrens, Adelaide City, Burnside, Unley and Mitcham. The Regional Subsidiary will be governed by a board. The Darlington Interchange is making a huge impact on all of us but no one more than the residents of Bedford Park south and north. The roadworks coincide with construction work at the Flinders Medical Centre. Workers and staff cars crowd the suburban streets while the new car park is being constructed. The good news is that the project is on time and has introduced some great ideas. As an example the bridges over the lowered freeway are to be built by a small family based welding works from Bowhill near Mannum. All the crane work and steel supplies are from South Australian companies. The project major contractor Fulton Hogan goes out of its way to upskill local firms so that they are able to successfully quote and carry out a higher level of construction. The Mitcham Memorial Library has been successful in getting a State grant of about $1 million to help with the planned up grade. The Library has been identified as being 50 % undersized compared to the population it services. The Council called for a concept plan and with the help of the Library staff and planners they have presented a great result. Part of the plan is to have more spaces inside the building, the re-inclusion of the Toy Library and a wide deck overlooking the creek and the park. The southern wall facing the park is all glass and saw toothed in shape giving a series of private reading nooks with great views of the trees and creek verge. Upper Brownhill Creek residents and visitors have waited patiently for the repair of the White bridge upstream of the Caravan Park. The bridge was badly compromised in the September 2016 floods. I watched helplessly as the old bluestone headwalls were washed away. The rebuild is taking place as I am writing. Another matter in Boorman Ward is the replacement of 51 white cedar trees in Kingswood. Within the Council wide tree management policy the aged and dying trees are gradually being replaced by new stock. In this case the old cedar trees are being replaced by young white cedar trees of the seedless variety. The Council have letterboxed the streets concerned to warn that the chainsaws are coming. It's a rather drastic action but the results will be worthwhile.

Budget 2017/2018 Recently, at a Full Council meeting I supported a resolution to consult the community about a rate increase of 2.9 % for 2017/2018. The increase will help fund $10.9 million worth of major projects including the Mitcham Library redevelopment, new footpaths and $600,000 towards necessary improvements such as pedestrian crossings and the black spot safety project. A rate increase of 2.9 % means on average a rate increase of $47. Financial savings and efficiencies of $500,000 for 2017/2018 have been identified and I am pushing for further savings. Library Opening Hours The recent community consultation findings, indicated a large majority of individuals supported no reduction of the opening hours of the City of Mitcham Libraries. I strongly advocated no change in the Library opening hours. I mentioned that it was evident from the consultant’s report that a significant number of residents visited the Libraries in the late evening. It was pleasing to see a large majority of Council voted for no reduction in the Libraries and Toy Libraries opening hours. Parking Controls Parking has been an ongoing concern of residents in Daw Park associated with Repat Hospital staff and others parking in local streets. Implementation of 2 hour parking (resident parking exempted) in the streets south of Daws Road has generally been successful in discouraging all day parking. However, through ongoing concerns from residents there continues to be all day (non-residential) parking in Lancelot Drive and Perry Avenue (north of Daws Road). I have raised these resident concerns with Mitcham Council. Community consultation from residents of both of these streets has indicated strong support for 2 hour timed parking controls from 8.30 am to 5 pm (resident permit parking exempted). The proposed location of the timed parking controls are on the western side of Perry Avenue and both sides of Lancelot Drive. It is anticipated that parking control signs will be installed in the near future. Community Events This is the second year I have had the pleasure of presenting awards to children and teenagers at the skateboarding and scooter competition at Avenue Road, Skate Park, Cumberland Park. It was great to see a record number of competitors participate in this community event. I would like to thank the family and friends of the competitors who gave their support, as well as the hardworking and committed Council staff. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any issues or concerns.

I recently moved a motion and argued the case for providing financial support for the re-development of the club facilities and car park at St Marys Park. There was strong debate, as some Elected Members were against providing the funding. Historically, I have seen limited resources provided to St Marys so it is significant that Council is now making improvements to the Park to create a key community recreational and community precinct. The oval and building are used as a home ground by the Kenilworth Football Club and the Gaelic Football and Hurling Association, who form the St Marys Park Sports Association. The Association sourced significant external funding of nearly $1 million towards the project costs and Council Administration will work closely with the Association to ensure success. A new flexible multi-use club building, with function facilities, meeting rooms and kitchen, with additional car parking will be available for use by clubs and the broader community. In April, Council gave “in principle” support for the redevelopment of the Mitcham Memorial Library at Hawthorn. While I think improvements to the Library are needed, I am disappointed that the cost and size of the project has ballooned from original estimates. A second successful Multicultural Fair was held at St Marys Park in April, with over 800 people joining the celebration. The first Multicultural Fair in 2016 won State recognition from the Planning Institute of Australia for Planning Excellence. Well done to all. I am watching with interest the progress of the development of the proposed Bunnings site at Pasadena with the announcement that Bunnings is considering building on another site. Personally, I believe that the site would be better suited for development that is complimentary to nearby services such as Pasadena High School, Bedford Industries and Repatriation hospital. Council Administration is developing a Local Area Planning project to influence the State Government planning reform agenda. Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure have commenced consultation with Council and on 28 March 2017, Council considered a report about the process with a series of high level planning maps. The process requires a definition of local areas, community outcomes for each local area and identification of gateways, key sites, key connections and opportunities. Two key sites in Babbage are recognised with opportunity for major change; Flinders/St Marys Precinct and the intersection of Goodwood, Springbank and Daws Roads. I regularly talk to residents about many issues and I help where I can. Please call me or email me if you want to discuss Council issues.


mitcham community news

June 2017

Is Your Wood Heater Costing You Money?

Tips on How to Burn Better for Good!

Heating your home can add to your winter energy bills, but by making a few simple changes you can minimise your energy costs and have a cosy home. Wood heaters that are not managed properly not only waste hundreds of dollars a year, but also damage the environment and cause respiratory problems for people. To get the most out of your wood heater this winter follow these simple tips: Before use, inspect the flue/chimney for build-up of soot, holes or leaks and remove excessive ash. Accumulated soot can cause dangerous chimney fires. Burn only dry, seasoned, untreated wood. Dry seasoned wood burns best and can save you 40 % of your operating costs. Storing wood correctly in a dry, well ventilated pile, stacked in a criss-cross way, will help keep it dry. Burning wet, green or treated timber costs you money and creates excessive smoke. Start small and allow the fire to burn brightly. Use small dry kindling to get your fire started

and once a flame is established, loosely stack wood in your firebox to allow for air circulation. The heater should run with the air controls fully open for five minutes before and 20 minutes after adding more logs. Regularly check your flue/chimney. Some smoke may be visible in the first 15-20 minutes when first lit and for a short time after more wood has been added. Continuous grey smoke indicates incomplete burning which leads to pollution and wasted fuel. Adjust the fuel load and increase the air settings to reduce the smoke production. If a neighbour’s wood heater is smoking excessively the best approach is to talk to them about it, they may not be aware smoke is causing a problem. Work with your neighbour to find a solution. Free mediation services are available from the South Australian Community Legal Centre on 8384 1800.

Contact Council on 8372 8888 or visit www.mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au/woodheaters or the Environment Protection Authority on 8204 2004 or at www.epa.sa.gov.au for more information.

Are You Thinking of Entering the Hospitality Industry? If you are thinking of entering the hospitality industry the City of Mitcham is hosting free food safety training sessions in June, August, October and December. As a food handler in the hospitality industry it is essential that you have the correct skills and knowledge to prepare food safely so your customers don’t become ill. Council’s food safety training sessions are available at no cost to residents or people who work in a food business located within the Council area.

Food Safety Training Sessions Date:

Thursday 15 June


5.30 pm to 7.45 pm

Location: Mitcham Civic Centre, 131 Belair Road Torrens Park Date:

Thursday 22 August


9.30 am to 11.45 am

Location: Mitcham Civic Centre, 131 Belair Road Torrens Park Date:

Thursday 19 October

The sessions are approximately two hours and the program covers the fundamental knowledge needed by food handlers such as food contamination, safe processing of food and legal responsibilities. Each attendee receives a certificate of attendance.


5.30 pm to 7.45 pm

For more information or to book call 8372 8816.

Location: Mitcham Civic Centre, 131 Belair Road Torrens Park

Location: Mitcham Civic Centre, 131 Belair Road Torrens Park Date:

Tuesday 5 December


9.30 am to 11.45 am

mitcham community news

June 2017


Clean Up Australia Day Thank you to everyone who participated in Clean Up Australia Day on Sunday 5 March. The day was a huge success with 18 volunteer groups working together to clean up the Mitcham Council area. Volunteers collected litter as well as illegally dumped rubbish from our local parks, reserves, schools and shopping precincts. Your contribution has ensured a cleaner environment for all to enjoy and your efforts are much appreciated. Visit www.cleanupaustraliaday.org.au for more information on Clean Up Australia Day.

Introducing New Changes to Dog and Cat Registration Your Dog or Cat will now be registered as either a ‘Standard dog or cat’ or a ‘Non-standard dog or cat’ following changes to the Dog and Cat Management Act. These changes will be introduced on the 1 July to make it easier for owners to register their pets.

New Registration Categories Standard Dog or Cat A dog or cat that is both microchipped and de-sexed. Non-standard Dog or Cat All other dogs or cats (not microchipped and de-sexed). This applies even if the dog or cat is exempt from the requirement to de-sex or microchip, for example, if the dog or cat belongs to a registered breeder or if the dog is a working cattle dog. For more information watch out for your renewal notice, visit www.mitchamcouncil. sa.gov.au or call 8372 8888.

Changes to Dog Registration This July you will receive your dog registration notice and the renewal disc to attach to your dog’s collar.

Dob in a Litterer! Help Stop Illegal Dumping Be responsible for your own rubbish and don’t be a dumper or you could receive a fine of up to $1,000. Have you seen a rain sodden chair that has been on the footpath for over a month or a messy pile of items left outside of a charity store? Leaving rubbish on the footpath, in a carpark or in a reserve for Council to clean up costs you, through your Council rates. For charity stores, their funds have to be redirected from helping the community to paying for the disposal of unsuitable donations. If you have unwanted items, there are many ways you can dispose of them. Items in good working order can be sold, given away or

donated. Just remember some charity stores prefer to receive donations during their opening hours. Also, don’t leave your items on the footpath; rather store your items on the edge of your property. If they aren’t taken within a day or two, chances are you will need to dispose of them another way. Don’t forget Council’s hard waste service is available to residents and is handy for disposing of larger items such as furniture and whitegoods. Pre-book your hard waste collection by contacting East Waste at www.eastwaste.com.au or on 8347 5111.

For more information on how to dispose of your unwanted items, call 8372 8888 or visit www.mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au

To activate the disc all you need to do is pay the registration renewal by 31 August 2017. Late fees apply after 31 August.

Dob in a Litterer

For more information watch out for your renewal notice, call 8372 8888 or visit www.mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au

Help reduce rubbish in our Council area by dobbing in a litterer. To report litter coming from a vehicle such as a cigarette butt or fast food packing download the Dob in a Litterer app available from www.dobinalitterer.sa.gov.au/


mitcham community news

June 2017

Above: John Doley winner Encouragement Award pictured with his mechanical aeroplanes. Left: Peter Haigh winner Best Entry with Mayor Glenn Spear, Norman George Community Shed Facilitator and Nathan Otto, Ottos, Sponsor of the Award.

Mitcham Community Shed Awards Congratulations to Peter Haigh Best Entry Award for his creative take on the traditional game of noughts and crosses and John Doley winner of the Mitcham Community Shed Encouragement Award for his pair of mechanical aeroplanes. This year the Mitcham Community Shed Annual Encouragement Award Competition required shed members to create, over three months, an interactive child’s toy using only the two pieces of timber, some veneer and the substrate.

Each toy entered was considered for its creativity, interactivity, material use and finish. Two winners were recognised; Peter Haigh was awarded the Best Entry for displaying an overall high skill level and John Doley was presented with an

Encouragement Award for displaying skills that deserved to be encouraged. The awards were presented in April by Mayor Glenn Spear and sponsor Nathan Otto of Otto’s Timber.

New Bike Racks for St Marys Park The City of Mitcham engaged students undertaking an ATEC Training Certificate 2 in Engineering to construct and install bike racks at St Marys Park. Across our City many people do not drive, instead preferring to cycle. To support our many bike riders and skill development amongst our youth, the City of Mitcham partnered with Renewal SA Works Program, TAFE SA at Tonsley and ATEC Training delivering Certificate 2 in Engineering to construct and install bike racks at some of our community facilities. Students were provided hands on experience to design, fabricate and install bike racks at St Marys Park in Laura Avenue, St Marys, home of the Kenilworth Football and Gaelic Football Clubs. Congratulations to the students for our new bike racks! Right: Students from the Tonsley TAFE studying Certificate 2 in Engineering and Kylie Fergusen Manager Community Development, City of Mitcham.

ThinkUKnow - Free Cyber Safety Information Session Parents, carers and teaches are invited to free ThinkUKnow cyber safety information sessions in June. The Sturt Police Crime Prevention Section and Mitcham Council are providing free ThinkUKnow cyber safety information sessions to educate parents, carers and teachers of how young people are using technology, the challenges they may face online, and how to help them overcome these in a safe and ethical way. The session will help you understand the online environment and how you can help young people be responsible when using technology. The session will cover issues relating to children and young peoples’ privacy and security online, their relationships with other users and their online reputation. It provides insight into the devices young people are using, as well as the popular websites, apps and social networking sites they are accessing.

Information Sessions Date:

Monday, 26 June


7.30 pm to 9 pm


Blackwood Community Centre, 4 Young Street, Blackwood


Wednesday 28 June


7.30 pm to 9 pm


Cumberland Park Community Centre, 388-390 Goodwood Road, Cumberland Park

To book your seat please call 8372 8869 or email youth@mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au. Please note that these information sessions a suitable for adults only.

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