S3 curriculum information evening

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Lasswade High School S3 Curriculum Information Evening Preparing for Choices in the Senior Phase

Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School

Success Criteria •

Parents have a clear understanding of the course choice process moving in to S4

• Parents are aware of the supports available to their child and how they can support them through the process • Parents have an understanding of how the S4 courses prepare students for varying pathways within the Senior Phase (S4-S6)

Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School

Lasswade High School – A DREAM School Lasswade High School is an ambitious, caring and creative community working hard to achieve excellence for all our young people. Our Vision Statement is

Dream, Believe & Achieve @ Lasswade Our Vision is underpinned by the following Values

• Determination • Respect • Effort • Ambition • Motivation Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School

The Stats: S5 Literacy & Numeracy

Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School

The Stats: S5 SQA Results

Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School

The Stats: School Leaver Destinations

Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School

S4 Curriculum  Students will be expected to study 7 National Qualifications  Progression on from subjects studied in S3

 Mathematics and English remain compulsory along with

Physical Education, Religious and Moral Education and Personal and Social Education as part of our core programme.  Choice Process – drives engagement, allows greater depth of

study and begins the process of building an attainment profile Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School

S4 Curriculum (2) – Choice  One reserve will be required should students be

unsuccessful in securing all of their 1st choices  Students will receive recommendations relating to next

steps i.e. Level of study...N3/4/5

Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School

Career Management Skills

Skill Development Scotland Careers Advisors – Group Work

Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School

What support is provided in school? Researching careers and jobs in PSE using My World of Work S3 Speaker Programme Assembly Programme - School College Partnership Preparation for 1:1 Interview –Reflection Exercise Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School

Subject Choice Good v Bad Reasons for taking subjects

Making Informed Decision • Latest Report – 9th February 2018 • Including recommendations Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School

What can you do?  Read about qualifications and pathways  Support with research – look at websites together  Speak about your work and your role – ask family

members to help with this to emphasise the importance of networks  Encourage your child to talk about their interests, strengths and career aspirations  Encourage them to broaden their horizons

Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School

 www.planitplus.net  www.myworldofwork.co.uk – including Parent Zone  www.ucas.com  www.edinburghcollege.ac.uk  www.apprenticeshipsinscotland.co.uk  www.digitalworld.net  www.lasswadehsc.bowenp.com (Live on 14th December)

Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School

Key Dates  w/c 29th January –  Coursing Booklets given to students  PSE discussion  SDS Group Work

 1st February – Senior Phase Careers Fair  6th February – School College Partnership Assembly  w/c 12th February 1:1 interviews with SLT and Head of

House  Deadline 23rd February

 8th May: Change of timetable Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School

The Senior Phase (S4-S6) nal ons o i t Na ificati l Qua

Natio na Progr l e Awar ssion ds

SchoolCollege Partnership Courses

Foun d Appr ation entic eship s

Acade mie

ork SCQF Framew Progre ss Pathw ion ays

ork Skills for W Awards

MYJE National Qualifications T

Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School


dy a e R r Caree

School College Partnership Courses

http://www.edinburghcollege.ac.uk/Schools/ Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School

In a Nutshell Key message  Maximise success in S4  Staying on for S5 is an options for all students  Flexible options help students to gain additional qualifications

and experiences

www.npfs.org.uk/downloads/assessment-in-a-nutshell-national-qu alifications Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School

Key message to students Be a Meerkat...!!

Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School

Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School

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