Lasswade High School S3 Curriculum Information Evening Preparing for Choices in the Senior Phase
Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School
Success Criteria •
Parents have a clear understanding of the course choice process moving in to S4
• Parents are aware of the supports available to their child and how they can support them through the process • Parents have an understanding of how the S4 courses prepare students for varying pathways within the Senior Phase (S4-S6)
Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School
Lasswade High School – A DREAM School Lasswade High School is an ambitious, caring and creative community working hard to achieve excellence for all our young people. Our Vision Statement is
Dream, Believe & Achieve @ Lasswade Our Vision is underpinned by the following Values
• Determination • Respect • Effort • Ambition • Motivation Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School
The Stats: S5 Literacy & Numeracy
Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School
The Stats: S5 SQA Results
Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School
The Stats: School Leaver Destinations
Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School
S4 Curriculum Students will be expected to study 7 National Qualifications Progression on from subjects studied in S3
Mathematics and English remain compulsory along with
Physical Education, Religious and Moral Education and Personal and Social Education as part of our core programme. Choice Process – drives engagement, allows greater depth of
study and begins the process of building an attainment profile Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School
S4 Curriculum (2) – Choice One reserve will be required should students be
unsuccessful in securing all of their 1st choices Students will receive recommendations relating to next
steps i.e. Level of study...N3/4/5
Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School
Career Management Skills
Skill Development Scotland Careers Advisors – Group Work
Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School
What support is provided in school? Researching careers and jobs in PSE using My World of Work S3 Speaker Programme Assembly Programme - School College Partnership Preparation for 1:1 Interview –Reflection Exercise Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School
Subject Choice Good v Bad Reasons for taking subjects
Making Informed Decision • Latest Report – 9th February 2018 • Including recommendations Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School
What can you do? Read about qualifications and pathways Support with research – look at websites together Speak about your work and your role – ask family
members to help with this to emphasise the importance of networks Encourage your child to talk about their interests, strengths and career aspirations Encourage them to broaden their horizons
Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School – including Parent Zone (Live on 14th December)
Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School
Key Dates w/c 29th January – Coursing Booklets given to students PSE discussion SDS Group Work
1st February – Senior Phase Careers Fair 6th February – School College Partnership Assembly w/c 12th February 1:1 interviews with SLT and Head of
House Deadline 23rd February
8th May: Change of timetable Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School
The Senior Phase (S4-S6) nal ons o i t Na ificati l Qua
Natio na Progr l e Awar ssion ds
SchoolCollege Partnership Courses
Foun d Appr ation entic eship s
Acade mie
ork SCQF Framew Progre ss Pathw ion ays
ork Skills for W Awards
MYJE National Qualifications T
Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School
dy a e R r Caree
School College Partnership Courses Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School
In a Nutshell Key message Maximise success in S4 Staying on for S5 is an options for all students Flexible options help students to gain additional qualifications
and experiences alifications Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School
Key message to students Be a Meerkat...!!
Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School
Dream, Believe and Achieve @ Lasswade High School