Annual Report to Contributors~2014
Counties Reached in 2014: Mackinac Emmet Cheboygan Presque Isle Charlevoix Otsego Montmorency Alpena Antrim Crawford Roscommon Alcona Ottawa Ingham Wayne Branch
Letter from our Partners
MRPA is proud of its partnership with Natureology EHFDXVH Ze understand the impact of conservation and environmental education in Michigan. )RU \HDUV Natureology's staff have served as OHDGLQJ environmental literacy advocates promoting the outdoors and encouraging 0LFKLJDQ V children to explore the natural world around them. We absolutely appreciate their contriďż˝utions to outdoor recreation across Michigan including their DQQXDO involvement with the “*HW 2XWVLGH DQG 3OD\â€? day sponsored by the Michigan Recreation and Park Association (MRPA), Michigan Department RI 1DWXUDO 5HVRXUFHV and the No Child Left Inside Coalition since the program's LQFHSWLRQ in 2012. 1DWXUHRORJ\ V nationally UHFRJQL]HG interpretive activities are DOZD\V D IDYRULWH RI WKH DWWHQGHHV FRXQGHU 0DXUHHQ 6WLQH eďż˝emplifies a passion for sharing outdoor recreation ZKLFK LV evident as VKH workV with 0LFKLJDQ V IDPLOLHV DQG WHDFKHUV. 6KH LQVWDQWO\ connectV with KHU DXGLHQFH to effectively communicate the interpretive PHVVDJH at hand and engageV SDUWLFLSDQWV in G\QDPLF PXOti VHQVRU\ learning H[SHULHQFHV We truly value their involvement with MRPA and look forward to future opportunities to worďż˝ together, serving Michigan's outdoor enthusiasts. 5HDG PRUH DERXW 1DWXUHRORJ\ V VLJQLILFDQW accomplishments throughout 2014, in the pages that follow.
Ann Conklin Chief Operating Officer 0LFKLJDQ 5HFUHDWLRQ DQG 3DUN $VVRFLDWLRQ
Winter Programming The National Weather Service declared the winter of 2014, ‘the coldest and snowiest on record in 50 years’. Together with adventurous Northern Michigan families, we took our favorite season head-on! Our ice fishing workshops reached over 200 children in 2014 and furthered the recruitment and retention of Michigan’s youth anglers by providing quality hands-on experiences and promoting the MDNR Youth Fishing License Program. For over a decade, Natureology’s founders have been leading the implementation of family & youth ice fishing expeditions on inland lakes across Northern Michigan, made possible through a series of outdoor recreation outreach programs, marketing and strategic plan development. We interpret technique, current issues facing our lakes and natural history while instilling awareness of our wealth of fresh water across the ‘tip of the mitt’. To meet our goals we partner with local giants in the industry including Getting Kids Outdoors Northern Michigan, Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians, the Black Lake Chapter of Sturgeon for Tomorrow, Wolverine Camps and the Straits Area Chapter of the Michigan Audubon Society.
Winter Ecology by Snowshoe Charlevoix Co. & Mackinac Co., 2014
Fishing the Hard Water with Visitors Crooked Lake, Emmet Co. and Silver Lake, Cheboygan Co., 2014
D-Town Farms, Wayne Co., 2014
Spring Workshops
Michigan was the host of the National Association for Interpretation’s Regional Interpretive Workshop, April 14-18, 2014 in Dearborn, Michigan. We offered workshop participants a unique opportunity to discover the most successful community garden project in the area. Natureology thanks the Detroit Black Community Food Security Network and tour guide, Kwamena Mensah for an inspiring visit to ‘D-Town Farms’. We carried the watershed focus throughout spring together with the Otsego and Montmorency County Conservation Districts implementing water quality studies for the Jr. Master Gardener Program and District Field Days, which aim to demonstrate sustainable agriculture and water conservation, benefiting hundreds of kids in Northern Michigan. Our season concluded with teaching young local campers to fish during workshops held on Robert’s Lake in Cheboygan County (opposite page).
Summer Events For three years we have been joining our friends with the Michigan Recreation and Park Association for their annual, ‘Get Outside and Play’ event held on the lawn of the State Capitol in Lansing. We are proud to be a part of this monumental effort among statewide partners and spend a spectacular summer day outdoors with 1,300 Michigan campers. Natureology participated in celebrations on the banks of the Bear River in Petoskey during National Trails Day on June 7, 2014 and we were thrilled to be invited to the International Dark Sky Park at the Headlands in Emmet County to offer summer programming for visitors at this amazing new hemispheric gem.
Get Outside and Play Day Ingham Co., 2014
International Dark Sky Park Emmet Co., 2014
R.A.M. Center, Roscommon Co., 2014
Fall Conferences WE’RE BOWFISHING, PEOPLE! The 8th bi-annual A.R.E.A. (Aquatic Resources Education Association) Conference was held in Traverse City, October 26-30, 2014. Through networking inspired by this exciting event, Natureology made contact with Emily Beach and Jennifer Mazur with the Archery Trade Association. This jackpot encounter, followed by further guidance from the Demmer Center in Lansing, challenged us to explore opportunities to offer bowfishing workshops in future months. We’re making it happen for our community. Check our website at for more information as it becomes available. October found us relishing yet another amazing conference of the Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education (M.A.E.O.E.). This year we offered conference participants a guided float trip of Higgins Lake interpreting fisheries management, status and trends surveys, stocking measures, natural history and ancient glacial activity of this unique fresh water resource. Sincere thanks to MDNR Conservation Officer, Chris Bowen, USDA District Conservationist, Olandous Curry and Huron Pines Water Quality Specialist, Sarah Brokus for accepting our invitation to participate in our presentation. We had it made during a beautiful fall afternoon spent on the water!
Showcasing the Sturgeon The Lake Sturgeon Ecological Project is a comprehensive environmental education plan designed to facilitate the first formal public program within the Great Lakes Basin which addresses the plight of Lake Sturgeon. Through the tireless efforts of the Black Lake Chapter of Sturgeon for Tomorrow, this project is in its second successful year of implementation. Natureology partners with Sturgeon for Tomorrow writing grant proposals, developing special events, and hosting workshops to support this statewide effort, and share the historical and cultural legacy of this ancient fish with thousands of Michigan’s students.
Counties Impacted Alcona Alpena Branch Cheboygan Ingham Ottawa Presque Isle
Our Story Natureology founder, Maureen Stine began her career in outdoor recreation resources management & park interpretation in the early 1990’s as a Recreational Leader for the Chicago Park District serving neighborhood families for three years on the city’s Northside. This experience sparked a 20-year journey supporting public programming at agencies and organizations across the country. Maureen joined the interpretation division at Craters of the Moon National Monument in Idaho during their 75th anniversary, researched marginal desert plants with the USDA in Arizona and guided natural history float trips through the brackish waters of the Pamlico Sound in North Carolina. Within the confines of the Shawnee National Forest, Maureen earned her Bachelor of Science in Forestry from Southern Illinois University in 1999, and relocated to Michigan in 2000. After eight good years spent pioneering the interpretive services program for the Michigan Department of Natural Resources’ State Fish Hatchery system, Maureen sought new challenges. In 2008 she launched Natureology, an outdoor recreation business promoting environmental literacy across Michigan, staffed by family members and friends from Chicago and Northern Michigan. Natureology now celebrates 6 years of providing quality outdoor exploration opportunities to thousands of Michigan’s children, teachers, fellow naturalists, and families. Since 2008, Maureen’s work has earned her the accolades of National Outstanding Educator of the Year from the American Forest Foundation, the National Earth Team Award for Excellence in Conservation Education from the USDA and Outstanding Contributions to Environmental Education by an Individual from the North American Association for Environmental Education (naaee). Maureen is a Certified Professional through the National Recreation and Park Association, a Certified Heritage Interpreter through the National Association for Interpretation (NAI) and was recently elected Vice-President of Michigan’s Soil and Water Conservation Society (term 2015-2016).
Maureen specializes in ice fishing for families, guided natural history float trips, winter and forest ecology and exploration. She holds facilitator certifications with many national environmental education programs. Maureen is finalizing the intensive field and software requirements necessary to become a Certified Conservation Planner through the USDA. This certification qualifies Maureen to independently create professional conservation plans on public or private land in an effort to interpret baseline conditions and improve the soil, water, air, plants, animals, energy and human components of our Michigan landscapes.
Chicago Staff: Madelynn Jacobs, Travel and Procurement, Maureen Corbett, Marketing and Communications, Anastasia Anti, Great Lakes Curriculum Support, Julie Malinowski, Interpretive Costuming and Design. Northern Michigan Staff: David Stine, Wildlife Biology Advisor, Andrea Stine, Outdoor Recreation Specialist, Heather Stine, Still Photography and Photoshop Guru, Maureen Stine, Graphic Design & Layout, Marketing and Outreach, Interpretive Programming. Photography and Program Support thanks to: Jessica Baier, Beth Eckerle, Emmet County, Michigan, Etch n' Snap Photography, Caroline Keson, Justin Lippe, Lansing Parks and Recreation Department, Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians, Michigan Recreation and Park Association, PaddleBrave Canoe and Camps, Ray Rustem, Scott Steensma, Sturgeon for Tomorrow, and Timmy Toms Lead Free Jig Company.
NEED A NATURALIST? (graphic designer, grant writer, marketer, project manager or conservation planner?)
We are seeking new opportunities in 2015! We offer a variety of outdoor recreation services including year-round nature explorations for children and professional certifications for adults Contact us for information on our interpretive programming
NATUREOLOGY Ecology Studies Guided Float Trips Professional Certifications Graphic Design/Print Media
Forestry Stewardship Watershed Explorations Ice Fishing for Families Professional Grant Writing 231-838-4913
RECIPIENT OF: National Outstanding Educator of the Year, American Forest Foundation Excellence in Conservation Education, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Outstanding Contributions to Environmental Education by an Individual, North American Association for Environmental Education
Isn’t there a similar project waiting to happen in your neighborhood? -David Sobel