Why Don't You Have More Clients

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WHY DON’T YOU HAVE MORE PERSONAL TRAINING CLIENTS? If you are just starting out in the industry or still at the toe dipping stage where you are working two jobs to see if personal training is for you but you still don’t have enough clients, then read on. (This is a slightly harsher post than normal but is directed to help/ toughen up fitness professionals so I’m sure you guys can take it. I heard a story about someone having an amazing coffee and how this changed his expectations for future beverages. The next person didn’t make such a good drink but the experience was decidedly better. The speaker said he could appreciate both and wants to give everyone a chance as he understands people have different strengths. Which do you feel is more valuable? I don’t think many people are as open minded as the guy in this story. Personally I feel both baristas missed out, why could the first not

make more of a pleasant atmosphere? He is meant o be in the service industry after all! But why could the other not make a better coffee? It is the main if not only product he sells!

If you feel you are a good trainer and not busy then you are doing something wrong. So, you can sit being bitter over people who are busier but clearly not as good, moan about them and point out their downfalls…… or you can go find out why they can sell an inferior product/ service so well.


I was chatting to someone last week and mid conversation someone asked if I want a cup of tea, even 20 seconds before that it hadn’t even crossed my mind but as soon as it was suggested I said yes. Sometimes people don’t know they want something or just don’t think to ask. Getting clients is about selling yourself if you can’t do that you won’t make it in this industry.


Being friendly goes a long way, a lot of potential clients may just not want to approach you despite you being the expert so stay professional at all times see this article for more detail.

DO THEY MARKET BETTER THAN YOU? It doesn’t have to be flyers and posters it could be making posts on Facebook, articles, a seminar.


If you are waiting for customers to come to you, while the busy guys are out networking on the gym floor all day, what do you expect?


Possibly time to not look at training so black and white. I agree that some approaches are better than others, but doing something is better than nothing, so compromise and get them training.


This is not just as simple as how much they charge; you have to look at the value of their service. Do they just train everyone with the same template and count reps for them? or do they coach them, design the program from scratch, advise on their diet, send the client useful links and pamper them? This adds value, it is not a sign one trainer is better, it is just an indicator (not always) in what you can expect. Like when I pay for a hotel, I can assume location, service and experience the date I want to factor in to the cost and base my expectations on the price.

ARE THEY BUSY EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE MORE QUALIFIED? Unfortunately however many courses and qualifications you get, if you can’t book in a client they are worthless. And trust me if you don’t have clients now, another couple of initials after your name won’t change that.

Now stop moaning saying your gym isn’t finding you clients, that’s your job, don’t complain the other PT doesn’t have a clue (especially if they are busier than you) and don’t spend a fortune on more qualifications until you can justify it. Go and see what clients want and decide if you are the person to give it to them.

Source: http://rpfitness.co.uk/14135-2/

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