Eydea& Abilities - By The Throat (Illustrative Interpretation)

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Eyedea & Abilities By The Throat

Illustrative Interpretations by Mitch Weaver Poetry by Michael Larsen

Tracks Time Flies When You Have A Gun Burn Fetish This Story Smile Factory By The Throat


Time Flies When You Have A Gun Yeah, he used to shoot it in the air for kicks, promised he had perfect aim, swore that he couldn’t miss. Wore it underneath his belt because by law that was his right, besides you never know what types of danger’s hiding in the night. He said he’d never use it in a fight, he’d take a punch instead and it made him feel at home, he used to hunt with grandpa as a kid. As time went on he started to think more and more about what he would do if he was home and someone kicked down his door. Paranoia kept increasing, he kept imagining the tragedy as if it was inevitable. Trying to prepare himself for how he’d feel if he ever had to steal a life to save a loved ones or his own. That solace piece of metal was the boss in the relationship, he bought it to keep him safe but it just made him sick. And it wasn’t until the day that he got rid of it that he felt like he was safe, no longer a slave to that piece of shit. You can own it but mostly it’ll own you yeah.


Burn Fetish Teeth marks on the skin The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing me that I was him We like to feel the blood and fat dripping off our gums She likes to talk directly down the barrel of her gun Learning to perfect the ancient art of quiet rape You’ve always been so warm and calculated I owe you a thanks Eyes wide shut, I promise not to fall awake Lick the guillotine and tell you how the gasoline tastes. The grass is always greener on the other pesticide solemn precious crept through the mess to shed it’s infectious high. Words for me to know and you to find Guilty, the almighty praised adrenaline, such an underwhelming thrill. Where there’s a will there’s a wake, Burn me at the stake, Who the hell am I trying to fool? I’m a fool I feel so fake. One last goodbye before I take my .45 Shoot a hole in the sky, rip it open And climb inside. Empathy is the poor man’s cocaine And love is just a chemical by any other name I like the way your pheromones make me sleepy This far away I still smell you inside me.


Tie me down ‘till my sweet nothing’s sour I screwed up trying to squeeze 65 minutes from an hour Outnumbered by such a large amount No wonder why we lost the battle, the counter-culture can’t count. Welcome to my private hell There’s no one to fight now enjoy myself I’d rather drown than ask for help I wish I was someone else. Mr. Perfect, Misconstrued Lead the way, follow through Probably hate me, I do too You’re so much like me I feel sorry for you. But I think you’re pretty, pretty sure You will profit you will get hurt, I eat my words they taste like dirt. I’m only ashamed because I know what it’s worth. Find my comfort, inside blame Shove my pride back down my face My worst habits waking up at least once a day, Balance barefoot on a needle heaven’s just a jump away. Empathy is the poor man’s cocaine And love is just a chemical by any other name I like the way your pheromones make me sleepy This far away I still smell you inside me.

This Story When I was young I was a single-celled omeba Then I learned how to go to war over ideas Now im into strippin mother earth of the resources Waitin for the day that today is considered pre-historic. Standing on my last limb, Survived by a naked rush, This story was written in my genetic code. I dont want to, but if i have to ill make a big mistake Theres no judge or jury when your looking adrenaline in the face Years of refinement to make this make this machine Im gonna use it to the best of my ability My body as my armor will protect my brain from fusing even though it still secretes its poisonous power I almost lose it Vomit enducing, deluded in the blood Cuz if I ever got a full blast the rush would be too much.


Well you could hear the break in his grown-up voice You can feel the quiver when you shake his hand We can give or take, its noone elses choice One day you have to quit running and take a stand. And all the flags at half mass Part heavy heart, part pain in the ass I was trained not the think, just react Sometimes when a person goes that far They’re never coming back Maybe we’ll evolve to a point where fear as an experience, is no longer instinctual but rather an emotion we use. When ripped of understanding of higher human ancestors killed each other when we could have loved each other. One day we’ll be holding hands instead of grudges We’ll eliminate our territorial circuits and know what love is. One day we’ll be holding hands instead of M-16’s Tell then every human being is controlled by the fight.

Factory The stars in your eyes are almost blinding I know I should look away. Im honestly trying I act like im here, its really hard to care But theres a thin line between your wit and your whining Im just a shadow when your shining I look forward to put it all behind me Kneel before your ego. It’s funny how some people Have a way of making the milky-way look tiny Somewhere between the drama and the dryheave Collapse on command using gravity to guide me You’re so hip-hop, You’re so punk rock You’re so so so so Cliche’ He looks the same as me Im comfortable in his skin Cover his eyes and dont go Im never interested about my recovery Asleep with the moment He looks the same as me Im comfortable in his skin Cover his eyes and dont go Tell me theres nothing wrong Now tell me theres nothing wrong


And You’ll have the credit for my kill The stars look like eyes judging as they gaze apon The long face you wear when its your right to say they’re wrong You put noone above you But they cant tell your troubled as you you pick up your pace and sleep alone when the day is done You used to get in fights for fun Its your way of getting close to s omeone when you dont know how to love I feel sorry for you, even though your fans adore you The more you try to wiggle your way loose the more you get stuck You’re so sex, You’re so drugs You’re so rock and roll, You’re so in the moment You’re so self-centered, You’re so sad Cuz your so so so so Cliche’ He looks the same as me Im comfortable in his skin Cover his eyes and dont go Im never interested about my recovery Asleep with the moment He looks the same as me Im comfortable in his skin Cover his eyes and dont go Tell me theres nothing wrong Now tell me theres nothing wrong You have the credit for my kill

Smile A prince in practice moans for the attention that he wants but most of this town won’t even dignify his ignorance with a response left to a crowded foster home by a 15 year old mom never been held in anyone’s arms when you’ve never been moved its really hard to move on A young saleswoman sets up shop when the sun sets she’ll make your wildest dreams come true at a price you wont forget The sadly married set up alibis no harm no regret hoping they meet an angel in bed that can wrestle the devil right out of their heads This city runs fast, no one has time to sit with themselves,no time to look into our pain or see the same despair in everyone else its here, its there, its everywhere tears soak each card the dealers dealt But time taught me how to see every second as heaven even though they’re perfectly disguised as hell And I refuse to let past bruises cover the light it ain’t all good, but its all good enough, so I know I’m alright agony is truth its our connection to the living I accept it as perfection and keep on existing in the now I can only build if I tear the walls down even if it breaks me I wont let it make me frown.


I’m falling but no matter how hard I hit the ground I’ll still smile I can only build if I tear the walls down even if it breaks me I wont let it make me frown I’m falling but no matter how hard I hit the ground I’ll still smile War to ear as if that’s all I’m here for despite the wars founded by the rich, funded by the poor kids barely 18 are dying so billionaires can make more elsewhere hungry mothers watch their babies starve to death in a beat up shack on a dirt floor The aged professor quotes “Freedom’s without a path” now he dresses like a widow and preaches “love is dead” in every class But curiosity killed the cat and taught the dog in him how to act and it burned his bridge to Jill so he tries to drown the guilt with a bottle of Jack Self proclaimed rebels say “We must oppose the system!” “You gotta take a stand!” “If your not against them your with them!” signs read “Support the troops bring em’ home!” “No more innocent victims!” but when a homeless veteran asks for spare change your to busy protesting to even listen And I’m no different I live in conflict and contradiction but it can be so beautiful when I don’t reject what lies within It’s beautiful the way agony connects us to the living I think of the world when I hurt, and keep on existing in the now.

But that doesn’t make it any easier to get through The snow won’t melt, smoke won’t clear Turned hope inside out a thousand times tryin’ to see if it was ever anything more than dressed up fear, Oh how easily they forget But the two go hand in hand you can’t have one without no anchor to the past the other bein’ there Cut the blood supply and hope the heart I’m barely breathin’ waitin for these screams to end beats itself to death Beggin’ a god I don’t believe in to let me sleep so I can My ribcage is now my own, still feels like dream again your arms net clothed in salt We went through thick and thin How’d I let it go this far? Came out separate on the other end It happens faster than you But please know no matter what you’ll always have me could ever think as a friend From always and forever to never again in And I finally know less than a blink Your crime is your pride and your past is my only dose The river runs until it’s dry I’m goin’ crazy outa my control But I die spittin’ my last drip into it’s But there’s nothin’ I can do, I have no choice but to let mouth to keep it alive it go Long drives, wide eyes, Each day gets a little less intense and your smilin’ face No longer feel like the skins standin’ on my chest You dance I drink, You made me more me, and I won’t forget the times you let’s waste the night away helped my find my feet They say you always know right away When I was buried in my head But you can’t foresee the sand being Thank you, for givin’ what you had to give pulled into the sea under a tidal wave Takin’ what you had to take, Secrets sneak out when you’re asleep And makin’ me believe in you. Comin’ from a queen’s mouth, talk isn’t Even though I might be gone forever there will always be all that cheap a place in my brain that’ll think of you. I’m now a lone flame searching for a You look so graceful when you’re flyin’ purpose Keep goin’, there’s a lot of world that you haven’t seen, Setting fires everywhere I go, can’t avoid You have my best wishes, even if only in silence, you the burns deserve everything that you’ve ever dreamed. We share pain The snow melted right when the smoke cleared, You took me by the throat and made me I turned love inside out a thousand times tryin’ to see if understand the world as if I were you and it was ever anything more than the will to persevere, I couldn’t breathe but the two go hand in hand, the clouds surrounding And you can lead a horse to fresh water you eventually will clear. but you can’t teach it how to be okay I can breathe I found contentment in the end, when you decide to leave Tellin’ a god I don’t believe in to go to sleep so I can I’m lost, there’s no one to protect think again. I got so used to bein’ sheltered from the We went through thick and thin, rain that always followed you Came out separate on the other end, It’s not my first time, actually it’s nothin’ But please know no matter what you’ll always have me new as a friend.

By The Throat

“R EYE P” November 9th 1981 – October 16th 2010

Dedicated in the memory of Michael Larsen (Eyedea) and fans of his spoken thought. All artwork & design created by myself Mitch Weaver. Poetry owned by Eyedea.

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