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Concept Utilising existing aesthetics within the genre of hardcore music. Re-design an existing album and produce artwork that can be placed across a range of suitable products.

Mitch Weaver OUGD303


Product A multi-purpose digital illustration that has been focussed around the hardcore music industry. Taking aspects of the bands ethos, sound and overall presence.

Mitch Weaver OUGD303


Deliverables Product range containing promotional printed material, cd & vinyl packaging. Using a limited colour pallet which allows cheap DIY production. This is focussed within the genre of context as an important correlation throughout the design work. Also to expand through digital media design for screen proposals have been implemented. To allow access across the internet, further increasing reach.

Mitch Weaver OUGD303


Deliverables Dirty Money No Escaping This


No Escaping This Mind In Pieces Dead Mans Shoes It’s Real Intro / Dirty Money Out Of Luck No One




We're sitting in this darkness, like we're trapped in a cell. I threw away my ambitions, and left my passions in hell. There's no one to turn to, I'm feeling so alone. But I guess this kind of shit, you've gotta handle on your own. So I lie here waiting, for what comes next, another fucking snitch in a day-glow vest. Happiness is behind me it's impossible to find, so I sit and search for clarity in this distorted mind. I'm being swamped with lies about security, how can I stand my ground. This choice was made for me. Mitch Weaver OUGD303

We're still sitting in this darkness, like we're trapped in a cell. We've lost our ambitions and thrown our passions to hell. This world's a fucking prison, but it's without walls, and our own ignorance is gonna kill us all.


Concept Focussing directly on DIY punk / hardcore aesthetics and creating a promotional clothing range that utilises a series of illustrations. Using screen printing and processes that can be self-produced to aid within the context.

Mitch Weaver OUGD303


Product Character based illustrations that each relate directly with one another. Using the word ‘pilgrim’ intepreted as wanderer to create an identity. Placing them on a number of products will demonstrate the usabiltity of illustrations.

Mitch Weaver OUGD303


Deliverables Clothing range, patches and printed promotional material to allow an ‘identity’ to be created. Keeping it underground and focussed on DIY production and aesthetics.

Mitch Weaver OUGD303


Concept Using ‘street’ style characters to create a visual impact that relates to the theme of christmas. As the audience is focussed across a number of ages, utilising a playful aesthetic is essential.

Mitch Weaver OUGD303


Product Series of 4 illustrated characters that depict the theme of christmas. Keeping within a set colour scheme to allow visual consistency. As they are digital based, they can be placed across a range of numerous products creating a strong aesthetic.

Mitch Weaver OUGD303


Deliverables Printed media containing cards, gift wrap, gift tags and proposed packaging. Using a repeated edited version of the origninal illustrations produced. This again will further develop a strong visual impact throughout the range.

Mitch Weaver OUGD303


Concept Using traditional methods of illustration and book design to aid the the aesthetics of the project. Taking elements from particular parts of the story to focus on the overall design outcome.

Mitch Weaver OUGD303


Product Hand drawn and digitally rendered illustrations that visualise the context of LOTR. Aesthetically they have a reference of concept art as it ties in within the audience.

Mitch Weaver OUGD303


Deliverables Double page spreads that have utilised the illustrations to there full potential, using a layout that relates to a modern classic book. Proposed prints and pull outs with a limited edition aided publication alongside.

Mitch Weaver OUGD303


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