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Mitch Weaver


Dissertation Title



A visual identity through Hardcore music.

Dissertation Amber Smith Tutor Rationale (200 words) An illustrative investigation into developing an effective contextual application through digital and hand rendered media. Practicing my Illustration skills, throughout the semester will allow me to actually understand how I should be applying my artwork to design, especially within products. Out of this I will be able to concentrate on developing colour, type design and context. Allowing my ‘drawings’ to reach a purpose. I propose to use screen-­‐printing alongside digital, developing and furthering my understanding of production processes. By applying myself as a designer to creating work, that ultimately I can sell. Would benefit my aim of utilising the module for my portfolio and also researching into potential strategies in reaching an audience with my practice. Continuously referring back to my original list of ‘wants and ‘needs I will be able to focus my design strategy, and build up practice that incorporates a balance of the two. This will inform my understanding of the type of designer / illustrator I want to be and the direction I need to take after I graduate. Statement of Intent (SOI) - (400 words) At the start of week one I will finalise a t-­‐shirt design and submit for the talenthouse brief ‘design a t-­‐shirt for Prosthetic Records’. By doing this I am able to continue developing the brief for the duration of the rest of the week, focussing on developing proposals for a product range and distribution. From this I will have significant progress, within my illustrative practice and application to formats. Following the next second and third weeks, I will begin to develop initial ideas and research into the Fishtank brief. Being a live brief means I can focus on producing an illustration that could eventually be applied to the requirements. After generating ideas, developing sketches and research. I will move on to creating a publication of a range (5 x illustrations) each with different genre’s and finalised artwork from the previous development. By doing this I will be able to create a piece of self-­‐promotion and also further more improving my practice. Moving onto the fourth week, I will begin appropriate research and investigation to the Curses brief, which will allow me to focus on production methods used within the context. Utilising the D.I.Y approach to hardcore music throughout, I aim to create visual works that are hand-­‐made and produced by limiting the usage of a computer as far as possible. The fourth week will mainly involve in experimenting with initial ideas and gathering visual material, alongside appropriate research to the development of the brief. This would also aid my dissertation research, as the context is appropriate to my studies. The fifth week will involve in utilising the research gathered, developing final ideas and producing the final pieces of design for submission.

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