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Visual Resistance Hardcore

Positive reinforcement through the visual underground culture.

by Mitchell Weaver


Antagonist A.D Brutality Will Prevail Dirty Money Dead Swans Expire Gold Kids Have Heart Nails Trapped Under Ice Verse

3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 21-22


Hardcore Punk could arguably be one of the most important subcultural movements of the 20th century. The roots and birthplace seem to be conjoined with both the UK (1975-76) and New York (1980’s) scenes, both relatively close together in their dates. Although many dispute this, it seems to be clear of the connections between the two. The overall, underlining principle in the philosophy and ethos of this distinct culture, was the reason for its cause. According to O’Hara in his text on The Philosophy of punk he clearly states the importance of both.

“To ignore the obvious connections between the Punk phenomenon and economic and social inequalities in Great Britain would be to deny the validity of the philosophical underpinnings of the movement” (O’Hara, C. 1999, Pg 26)

Taking this into account it does not particularly matter in the time and date, rather the manifestation of itself from a point of discontent. The working class can be easily identified as the sole purpose and effectively the reason why this culture exists. Striving for a better life without barriers or negativity. Creating their own community, surrounding themselves with like-minded individuals. Allowing an escape from the social structure and political stronghold of the modern day.

Note: All images and artwork used are subject to copyright and belong to the artists. Unless stated otherwise.



ntagonist A.D I see your mind is sick and your body is slow. Friend tell me now. Where do we go? I just don’t know, I just don’t know. Am I the only one who doesn’t share the disease? Am I the only man who hasn’t drowned in apathy? And I feel fucked up, feel like everyone’s shouting. No home for the homesick man. I’ve got nowhere to go. I’m trapped by these fucking walls.. If I didn’t burn these bridges. I’d cross them all. This will mean nothing to any of you.. And I don’t give a fuck. I just want to see it all burn. We are the lost childrend of a lost generation, because it sounds so fucking cool to say we are nothing from no one. The apathetic wastes, who care more for lables than faces fucking disgraces. So where do you turn, when the lights are getting low? I sing this from the heart and you would never know, and I don’t want you too.. Because I don’t give a fuck, anymore. I just want to watch it burn Let’s see the world burn. Let’s see the world burn. Let’s see the world burn. - Nothing from No one



rutality Will P

Suffer the path of life, I’m nailed down to this endless fight. Times are hard, it’s only getting harder; Tried and tried, I can’t break out.. At the back of my mind, I can feel my head explode, every day I live a life of hell. My world is spinning out of control, I feel the weight of the world crushing my soul. So take my hand, and walk with me, I’ll take you to a life of reality. So open your eyes, and take a look what’s inside: A life of pain and misery.. A broken man is what I’ve become. - The Path

I can see right through you,by the look in your eyes. What I see is unclear, a cold soul deep inside. Time to face reality and open up your life. Seeing you fade away kills me deep inside. You played me at my own game. Now I feel, I feel the pain. What we need in our life. To save ups from this fight. The love that we first shared. I know it’s there to find. Murder. - Reprisal





irty Money We’re sitting in this darkness, like we’re trapped in a cell. I threw away my ambitions, and left my passions in hell. There’s noone to turn to, i’m feeling so alone. But I guess this kind of shit, you’ve gotta handle on your own. So I lie here waiting, for what comes next, another fucking snitch in a day-glow vest. Happiness is behind me it’s impossible to find, so I sit and search for clarity in this distorted mind. I’m being swamped with lies about security, how can I stand my ground. This choice was made for me. We’re still sitting in this darkness, like we’re trapped in a cell. We’ve lost our ambitions and thrown our passions to hell. This world’s a fucking prison, but it’s without walls, and our own ignorance is gonna kill us all. - No Escaping This

Looking back at growing up, I never thought we’d end up this fucked. My mind in pieces, we’re stuck in a rut. We had the world in our grasp but we fucked it up. Now looking back at our better days, can’t you see there’s only misery that’s coming our way. They’re always there looking over our shoulders, now each and every day, my heart grows colder. They’re always watching, keeping their tab’s. Who gives a shit about life when there’s money to grab. So how the fuck are we meant to get by, when we’re always being tracked by their watchful fucking eye. They’re always there looking over our shoulders, now each and every day, my heart grows colder.

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We’re all trapped by commitments to something we didn’t choose, so how the fuck are we meant to get by, when this world is built for us to lose. - Dead Man’s Shoes



ead Swans Glass eyes staring at uncaring hands, your sitting alone in the dark again with empty bottles by your side and blood stained sheets, your still trying to hide. Living alone in your personal hell reciting lies until they’re safe to tell, your precious act made me think I care. Fuck those nights I’m never coming back. Those fucking nights some slept in chains hardly ever speaking. Others mourning to ears that were never listening. We stayed up all night twisting old memories all pieced together and incomplete. The hanging sun watches me as I fall. - The Hanging Sun

I dont believe your innocence. Your hiding lies behind distant lips. No emotion just unimpatient words, which brings you romance you dont deserve. Shallow breathing and heavy eyes another day a new disguise. Looking ahead through tomorrows rains I’ive seen your face you’ll never change. Every question makes no fucking sense, every answer reminds me why I fucking quit. Don’t act like you dont understand your act is done. - Tin Heart

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xpire Everything is going fine. Going off without a hitch. But soon enough you’ll find. That life’s a fucking bitch. Because the facts are cold and hard, the needle point is sharp. A picture is worth a thousand words,a nd a pretty face is worth a thousand broken hearts. How much further can shit go south, before I want to put a gun in my mouth? Before I take these thoughts and I act them out and put it all to an end? Can I leave that blood on the hands of my friends? Can I leave that scar on the name of my kin? Where? How? And when? Everything to lose. And nothing all the same. Do I leave a legacy? Or do they forget my name? Way too much to chew. For what is now just a thought. Hold tight and brace myself for the day that it is not. So when I leave this earth. Try not to be too hurt. - Just Fine

Brain melt. Note to self. Do you remember just how it felt? Bit your tongue and you just dealt Until it all boils over. That was your first mistake Need I remind you, What got us here in the first place? Anxiety won’t let me go. So am I crazy? Well, I don’t know. I can’t think straight. Anxiety gets the best of me. I take it all on the chin. Trying to figure out where the fuck it all went. Looking up from my back again. - Anxiety




old Kids

Another day in this fucking town. Sick of trying, afraid to lose again. Seconds sound like hours, hours sound like months. The symphony of monotony. We are desperate souls. From the city that no one loves. Our best was never enough. But we can’t wait for miracles forever. We spent our time looking through the window For something that never came. Conformism is only a gun. To kill the reasons you’re living for. You’ll find a light after the darkness. But we’ve grown up with closed eyes. We’re desperate souls. From the city that no one loves. Our best was never enough. But we can’t wait for miracles forever. We spent our time looking through the window, for something that never came. It’s up to you. To take back what you’ve lost. No, I won’t wait For miracles forever. - Desperate Souls

How can you say I lost you forever if you never fucking had me ? Spreading self hate words in a fucking web, a click and you die just a useless file. So it’s true what they say. Lovers are all the same they never fucking change. I’ll keep playing around, until you get the sound. The sound of breaking up. The sound of us breaking up. We’re heartless kids stabbing our backs, Breaking 1000 hearts just trying to forget. You call it cynicism. I call it self defense. I’ll keep playing around, until you get the sound. The sound of breaking up. The sound of falling apart. Self defense. - The Sound of Breaking Up




ave Heart

Left with images of you pouring from my eyes. You young, you here, day dawning, eyes wide. Just images, just images all that’s left all that I can find. Like water from a cactus in the desert of my mind. O’ brother, you leave me like blood from my veins. O’ brother, you leave me like blood from my veins. In a room that holds you, like a guilt-ridden paralyzing cell No calls, no mail, no visitors for when you’re in hell. Forced hellos. Rushed goodbye,s and best wishes for you in the meantime. My face seen as often as God’s can let guilt have its way of owning you like a dog. May to March. March to May The days fall with the promises I make. Like water, from a faucet Into the sink of your faith. O’ brother, you leave me like blood from my veins. O’ brother, you leave me like blood from my veins. We We We We

always always always always

seem seem seem seem

to to to to

fall fall fall fall

with only words to hold. with only photos to hold. with only memories to hold. without family to hold.

- Brotherly Love





As the rope tightens around our necks. Pray for silence. Pray for the end. The ones that we trusted were not our friends. Fuck the sheep who tell me how to live. I wasn’t born to follow or swallow anybody’s shit. - I Will Not Follow

Broken hope, frozen bones, stone eyes. My mind burns through the night. As my love turns to ash. Forever haunted by my past. I feel the knife turn. I watch my life descend. In spite of the world. The fight will never end. I’ve paid in pain and abuse. To expose the lies that you call truth. No matter the reproach expressed. I will never die a silent death. - Unsilent Death

- Disorder


Despise, disgust, disguised, mistrust. No peace in a paranoid mind. Day in, day out, self doubt, drop out. Eyes open, living blind. Fooled once, fucked twice, rope hung, cut ties. Beat up, broke down, succumb to demise. Embrace the pain. It never ends.



rapped Under I

I’m not sorry that I can’t take back all the things I’ve done in the past. Nowhere to run, live my life for no one. TUI what’s done is done. Tt’s done, It’s done, I’m done. I’ll always be haunted by my past can’t change your view. Can’t change the things that I do. Can’t say that I want to. What’s right for me might not be right for you. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve had to apologize for doing the right thing. I’m through with doing the right thing. Fighting to survive with no remorse. I’ve got empty hands, all I want is more. All I want is what I deserve and what I’ve earned. You won’t reap the benefits of what I earn. Still alive, TUI. TUI, until I die. - TUI

Lost concepts of reality. Make loose the screws that secure my sanity. I take a look at my life, what it’s all about. The answers bring me pain, and I want out. I pulled you close, because the world failed us both. Always knowing nothing could stay gold. The navigator of pain points my way once more. I will always stay cold. You can’t hurt me anymore. I stay cold forevermore. So alone. But you can’t hurt me anymore - Stay Cold

å 19





Dad came home in a body bag. He never had a chance to say goodbye. He was good man. Fooled to believe in a fake ideal. His veins soon pulsed with dissent from what he had learned right before he died. The cold reality. Of the rich sending the poor off to fight a war for the corporate whores. “Will we ever see an end to this?” he said. Still stuck with addiction, He numbs his mind. He wants to return to the time when he was young and blind. “Will we ever see an end to this?” he said. He knew life would never be the Same from here on out. He felt those storms coming in with those dark. Approaching clouds. “ Will we ever see an end to this?” he said. He’s homeless now. He throws his mind away and struggles , with thoughts of suicide at the end. Of days. He wants to see the end of this. This is the beginning of his concrete Bed under a bridge. “This is rock bottom. I can only go up from here. I’m looking ahead, and I think I’m ready to face what I’ve always feared.” He screams out at the metropolis in front of him. This is where he learns.To sink or swim. He turns to face a monster in front of him that is the epitome Of limiting. He takes the needle from his bed side, gives it a look for The last time. It’s the last time. - Story of Free Man: Chapter Two



Forever Selfless

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