Programfor Carl Nielsen-konkurrence

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10th Carl Nielsen International Violin Competition Odense Concert Hall 16-22 April 2016



Indhold | Index Rådmand | Alderman Jane Jegind..........................................................................................................................4 Jurypræsident | President of the jury Nikolaj Znaider................................................................................6 Program | Programme..................................................................................................................................................8 Sponsorer | Sponsors................................................................................................................................................10 Præmier | Prizes.............................................................................................................................................................12 Masterclass......................................................................................................................................................................13 Protektor: Hendes Majestæt Dronningen Foto: Torben Eskerod

Patron: Her Majesty Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark Photo: Torben Eskerod

Konkurrencedeltagere | Participants................................................................................................................. 14 Jury.....................................................................................................................................................................................26 Åbningskoncert | Openingen Concert...............................................................................................................31 Dirigenter og komponister | Conductors and composers......................................................................32 Akkompagnatører | Accompanists.....................................................................................................................34 Carl Nielsen Internationale Violinkonkurrence i medierne | Carl Nielsen International Violin Competition in the Media................................................................36 BørneUngeJuryen | The Children’s Jury............................................................................................................37

Redaktion: Finn Schumacker (ansvh.) og Jacob Soelberg. Georgina Mongaya Høgsholm. Eva Marie Rasmussen. Trine Lai. Troels Loll. Grafisk opsætning: Kindly.

Billetsalg og information | Tickets and information...................................................................................38 Odense Symfoniorkester | Odense Symphony Orchestra.....................................................................39

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Carl Nielsen Internationale Violinkon­ kurrence er i dag en international anerkendt violinkonkurrence, som samler unge violin­ talenter fra hele verden til en dyst om hæder og priser.

Carl Nielsen International Violin Competi­ tion is today an internationally recognized violin competition, which brings together young violin talents from around the world to a battle for honor and awards.

Samtidig sikrer konkurrencen, at Carl Niel­ sens navn og musik gøres synlig og hørbar på internationalt plan. Med Nielsens stærke til­ knytning til Odense er konkurrencen derfor også med til at profilere vores by som en af Danmarks vigtige kulturbyer.

The competition ensures, that the name of Carl Nielsen and his music is made visible and audible at international level. With Nielsen’s strong attachment to Odense the competition also contributes to raise the profile of our city as one of the important cultural cities in Denmark.

Det er lykkedes at vinde den danske stjerne­ violinist Nikolaj Znaider til at blive præsident for dommerjuryen. Znaider, som vandt kon­ kurrencen i 1992, er garant for konkurrencens målsætninger om højeste kunstneriske kva­ litet, kombineret med åbenhed og fairness, og det er derfor med stor glæde at jeg byder Nikolaj Znaider velkommen i spidsen for Carl Nielsen Internationale Violinkonkurrence. Held og lykke til deltagerne – og velkommen til en spændende konkurrence.

Carl Nielsen



Jane Jegind Rådmand, By og Kulturforvaltningen, Odense Kommune

The competition has managed to engage the Danish star violinist Nikolaj Znaider to become president of the jury. Znaider, who won the competition in 1992, will be a guar­ antee of the competition’s goals of highest artistic quality, combined with openness and fairness, and it is therefore with great pleasure that I welcome Nikolaj Znaider as the head of Carl Nielsen International Violin Competition.

Jane Jegind

Best wishes to the participants – and welcome to an exciting competition. Jane Jegind Alderman, Culture and Urban Development, Odense



Finn Schumacker




Siden 1980 har Odense Symfoniorkester arrangeret Carl Nielsen Internationale Konkurrencer med de to klare formål at udbrede kendskabet til Carl Nielsen og hans musik og at give unge musiktalenter fra hele verden et springbræt til en international solistkarriere.

Since 1980, the Odense Symphony Orchestra has hosted the Carl Nielsen International Competitions with two clear objectives: To raise awareness of Carl Nielsen and his music and to give young talented musicians from around the world a platform to start an international solo career.

I år har vi fokuseret på at forankre konkurrencen endnu stærkere i vores nationale musikliv, hvilket vi markerer med en åbningskoncert med deltagelse af talent- og MGK elever fra det meste af Danmark. Vi har også gjort det lettere for publikum at følge konkurrencen gen­ nem et udvidet samarbejde med Danmarks Radio om live-streaming, radiotransmissioner og flere udsend­ elser på DR K. Det er vigtigere end nogensinde at lade musikken knytte bånd mellem verdens mange kulturer, og jeg byder deltagere, jurymedlemmer, andre medvirkende og ikke mindst publikum velkommen til en spændende uge i Odense. Finn Schumacker Musikchef Odense Symfoniorkester

This year we have focused on anchoring the competition even stronger in our national music scene, which we mark with an opening concert with the participation of young music students from most of Denmark. We have also made it easier for the audience to follow the competition through cooperation with the Danish Radio about live streaming, radio transmissions and multiple broadcasts on DR K. It is more important than ever to let the music make bridges between the many cultures of the world, and I welcome participants, jury members, other participants and not least the audience to an exciting week in Odense. Finn Schumacker CEO Odense Symphony Orchestra


Carl Nielsen




Carl Nielsen Internationale Violinkonkurrence 2016

Carl Nielsen International Violin Competition 2016

Program | Programme

Odense Koncerthus 16.-22. april 2016

Odense Koncerthus 16-22 April 2016

Når konkurrencen starter, er der 24 violinister. Til finalekoncerten kåres én vinder. Publikum kan få et sjældent indblik i denne unikke begivenhed og følge de unge kandidater på tæt hold på deres vej mod at realisere drømmen om en professionel karriere som musiker. Få et overblik over konkurrencens forløb her.

There are 24 violinists, when the competi­ tion starts. At the final concert one winner will be announced. The public gets a rare glimpse into this unique event and can fol­ low the young candidates at close on their way to realizing the dream of a professio­ nal music career. Here is the schedule of the competition.

Det er gratis at følge de indledende runder.

Free entrance for the preliminary rounds.

Åbningskoncert | Opening Concert Dato | Date

Kl. | Time

Sal | Hall

Forløb | Round

16.04 2016


Carl Nielsen Hall

Opening Concert, The Danish National Carl Nielsen Academy Orchestra

Indledende runder | Preliminary rounds Dato | Date

Kl. | Time

Sal | Hall

Forløb | Round

Deltagere | Participants

16.04 2016


Pro Musica Hall

1. runde | Round 1


16.04 2016


Pro Musica Hall

1. runde | Round 1


17.04 2016


Pro Musica Hall

1. runde | Round 1


17.04 2016


Pro Musica Hall

1. runde | Round 1


18.04 2016


Pro Musica Hall

2. runde | Round 2


18.04 2016


Pro Musica Hall

2. runde | Round 2


Semifinalekoncert | Semifinal concert Dato | Date

Kl. | Time

Sal | Hall

19.04 2016


Carl Nielsen Hall

Forløb | Round

Masterclass Dato | Date

Kl. | Time

Sal | Hall

Forløb | Round

20.04 2016


Pro Musica Hall


Finalekoncerter | Finale concerts


Dato | Date

Kl. | Time

Sal | Hall

Forløb | Round

21.04 2016


Carl Nielsen Hall

Finale concert I

22.04 2016


Carl Nielsen Hall

Finale concert II

22.04 2016


Carl Nielsen Hall

Prize Award Show

22.04 2016


Odense Concert Hall

Reception at Odense Concert Hall, front area



Sponsorer og sam­arbejdspartnere

Sponsors and collaborators

Den Internationale Carl Nielsen Violin­ konkurrence 2016 arrangeres af Odense Symfoniorkester (Odense Kommune), Nordic Artists Management og Syddansk Musikkonservatorium med støtte fra:

The International Carl Nielsen Violin Compe­ tition 2016 is organized by The Odense Symp­ hony Orchestra (Municipality Odense), Nordic Artists Management and The Danish National Academy of Music with support from:

MGK Danmark Odense Musikskole Syddansk Musikkonservatorium

Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond


APRIL 2016

Kongeaspargesmed med lufttørretskinke skinke Kongeasparges Kongeasparges med lufttørret lufttørret skinke fraNr. Nr.Søbye, Søbye,rygeost rygeost fraLøgismose, Løgismose, fra fra Nr. Søbye, rygeost fra fra Løgismose, blodgrape-kørvelsalat,samt samt støv af af blodgrape-kørvelsalat, blodgrape-kørvelsalat, samt støv støv af østershatte. østershatte. østershatte.

Den Faberske Fond

Vi takker alle sponsorer, bidragsydere og annoncører. Uden deres støtte ville arrange­ mentets gennemførelse ikke være mulig.


We wish to thank sponsors and advertisers who helped us make this possible.

Farseretvagtel vagtelmed medrabarber-grillet rabarber-grillet Farseret Farseret vagtel med rabarber-grillet forårsløg-syltet syltetskalotte, skalotte,pommes pommes forårsløgforårsløgsyltet skalotte, pommes duchesse,samt samtkraftig kraftighønsesky hønsesky duchesse, duchesse, med samtestragon. kraftig hønsesky med estragon. med estragon.

Ringog ogbestil bestilbord bordpå påtlf. tlf.6614 66147800 7800 Ring Ring og bestil bord på tlf. 6614 7800 ODEON & Odense Koncerthus ODEON & Odense Koncerthus ODEON & Odense Koncerthus








1. præmie •€ 12.000 •K oncert med Odense Symfoniorkester •C D indspilning med Orchid Classic (værdi € 13.000) • Minimum 10 koncerter som solist med orkester eller solorecitals i hele Europa.

1st Prize: • € 12.000 • Concert with Odense Symphony Orchestra • CD recording for Orchid Classic (value of € 13.000) • A minimum of 10 concerts as soloist with orchestras or recitals in the Nordic region and Europe.

Oplev, hvordan kunstnerisk fortolkning og sans for tekniske detaljer videregives til næste generation, når prominente jurymedlemmer øser ud af deres viden og kunnen. Masterclass udvikler den studer­ ende samtidig med, at tilhørerne går hjem med nye indgange til musikken.

Discover how artistic interpretation and attention to technical details are passed on to the next generation when prominent jurors pours out of their knowledge and abilities. At masterclass, the student learns and develops while the audience leaves with new insight of the music.

Det er gratis at overvære konkurrencens masterclass.

It is free to attend the competition’s masterclass.

Jury Masterclass Onsdag 20. april 2016 kl. 14.00-18.00 Pro Musica Salen – Odense Koncerthus Vært: Carl Nielsen Orkesterakademi

Jury Masterclass Wednesday 20. april, 2016 at 14.00-18.00 Pro Musica Salen – Odense Concert Hall Masterclass Host: Carl Nielsen Orchestra Academy

2. præmie • € 10.000 3. præmie • € 8.000 Bedste fortolkning af dansk værk • € 2.000 Odense Symfoniorkesters Pris • € 1.500 Børnejuryens Pris I år er BørneUngeJuryen sammensat af børn, der alle selv spiller strygerinstrumen­ ter. De er enten børn af musikere i Odense Symfoniorkester eller elever af nuværende og tidligere musikere i Odense Symfoni­ orkester. De 12 strygerelever er i alderen 8 til 17 år. 3 spiller cello og 9 spiller violin. BørneUngeJuryen deltager ved Finale­ koncerterne den 21. og den 22. april. (Se også side 37). •€ 1.500

2nd Prize • € 10.000 3rd Prize • € 8.000 Best interpretation of Danish work • € 2.000 Odense Symphony Orchestra Prize • € 1.500 Children’s Jury Prize This year the Children’s Jury consists of twelve children and young people (age 8 to 17), all playing the violin or the cello. Some of the children have parents who are musicians in Odense Symphony Orchestra. Others take lessons with either former or present musicians in Odense Symphony Orchestra. The Children’s Jury will be pre­ sent at the two finals, April 21 and 22. (See also page 37). • € 1.500

Stort udvalg i pianoer og flygler Pianostemning og reparation Aut. forhandler af

Pakhusgården, Mogensensvej 24 5000 Odense C Tlf. 66 11 82 22



Deltagere | Participants

Deltagere | Participants



Amalie Elmark (23) er født i Danmark og har studeret hos Stephen Clapp ved Juilliard School i New York og hos Eszter Haffner ved Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium i København. I 2015 flyttede hun til Wien for at fortsætte sine studier hos Gerhard Schulz ved Universität für Musik und Dar­ stellende Kunst Wien. Som solist har hun optrådt med Amadeus Ensemblet, Dusika Symfoniorkester, Arco Kammerkorkester og Suzuki Instituttets Kammerorkester. Amalie Elmark (23) was born in Denmark and studied under Stephen Clapp at the Juilliard School in New York and Eszter Haffner at the Royal Danish Academy of Music. In 2015 she moved to Vienna to continue her studies with Gerhard Schulz at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst. As a soloist she has appeared with the Amadeus Ensemble, Dusika Symphony Orchestra, Arco Chamber Orchestra and Chamber Orchestra of the Danish Suzuki Institute.

Mohamed Hiber (20) er født i Frankrig og har studeret hos Svetlin Roussev ved Pariserkonservatoriet. For tiden stude­ rer han ved Dronning Sofia konservatoriet i Madrid hos Ana Chumachenco og støttes af både Barenboim-Said og Albeniz Foundations. Han har optrådt som solist med Det tjekkiske filharmoniske orkester samt Moskva-solisterne. Blandt hans kammermusikpartnere kan nævnes Daniel Barenboim, Guy Braunstein, Yuri Bashmet og Gautier Capucon. Mohamed Hiber (20) was born in France and studied with Svetlin Roussev at the Paris National Conservatory. He is currently at the Reina Sophia school in Madrid under the guidance of Ana Chumachenco and is supported by both the Barenboim-Said and Albeniz Foundations. As soloist he has perfomed with the Czech Philharmonic and Moscow Soloists. In chamber music he has partnered with Daniel Barenboim, Guy Braustein, Yuri Bashmet and Gautier Capucon.


Luke Hsu (25) er født i USA har studeret ved Rice Universitetet hos Cho-Liang Lin såvel som ved New England Konservatoriet hos David Weilerstein. Det er blevet til solistoptrædener med Houston Symfoniorkester, Tongyeong Festival Orkester og Dallas Symfoniorkester. Som kammermusiker har han spillet sam­ men med kunstnere som Gil Shaham og Marc-Andre Hamelin. Luke Hsu (25) was born in the United States and studied at Rice University with Cho-Liang Lin and the New England Conservatory with Donald Weilerstein. As soloist he has performed with the Houston Symphony Orchestra, Tongyeong Festival Orchestra and Dallas Symphony Orchestra and as a chamber musician has collaborated with artists including Gil Shaham and Marc-Andre Hamelin.

Liubov Kalmykova (24) er af russisk afstamning, men blev norsk statsborger efter at være flyttet til Oslo som 12-årig. Hun har studeret hos Isaac Schulden ved Norges Musikkhøgskole, hos Pavel Vernikov ved Konservatorium Wien og siden 2015 ved Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Wien hos Johan­ nes Meissl. Som solist har hun optrådt med Skt. Petersborg Ung­ domskammerorkester og Norges Nationale Ungdomsorkester. Liubov Kalmykova (24) was born in Russia and became a Norwegian national after moving to Oslo aged 12. She has studied with Isaac Schulden at the Norwegian Academy of Music, with Pavel Vernikov at the Konservatorium Wien and, since 2015 at the “Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien“ with Johannes Meissl. As soloist she has performed with the Saint Petersburg Youth Chamber Orchestra and Norwegian Youth Soloist Orchestra.


Deltagere | Participants

Deltagere | Participants



Karen Kido (21) er født i Japan og studerer for øjeblikket ved Tokyo University of Arts. Hun har optrådt som solist med Tokyo City Philharmonic, Baden-Baden Filharmoniske Orkester, Japan Philharmonic og Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra. Blandt hendes lærere kan nævnes Koichiro Harada, Askako Urushiharra og Masafumi Horl. Hun har også konsulteret Tsugio Tokunaga, Masao Kawasaki og Pierre Amoyal. Karen Kido (21) was born in Japan and is currently studying at the Toyko University of Arts. As a soloist she has performed with Tokyo City Philharmonic, Baden -Baden Philharmonie, Japan Philharmonic and Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra. Her teachers have included Koichiro Harada, Askako Urushiharra and Masafumi Horl. She has also taken lessons with Tsugio Tokunaga, Masao Kawasaki and Pierre Amoyal.

Woo Hyung Kim (24) er født i Sydkorea og har studeret hos Irina Bochkova ved Tjajkovskij Statskonservatoriet i Moskva og hos Tatiana Samouil ved Konservatoriet i Antwerpen samt for tiden hos Augustin Dumay ved Dronning Elisabeth Musik Institut i Bruxelles. Han har optrådt som solist med Det Belgiske Nationalorkester, Valloniens Kongelige Kammerorkester samt Liege Philharmonic. Woo Hyung Kim (24) was born in South Korea and studied with Irina Bochkova at the Tchaikovsky State Conservatory in Moscow, Tatiana Samouil at the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp and is currently with Augustin Dumay at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel in Brussels.. As soloist he has performed with the National Orchestra of Belgium, the Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallnoie and the Liege Philharmonic.


Maria Kouznetsova (24) er født ind i en fransk-russisk familie og studerede ved Maurice Ravel konservatoriet hos Igor Vochine, ved Fiesole konservatoriet hos Pavel Vernikov og Oleksandr Semchuk og ved Amsterdam konservatoriet hos Ilya Grubert. I sæsonen 2011/2012 var hun ”Artist in residence” ved Dronning Elisabeth Musik Institut hos Augustin Dumay. Hun har optrådt som solist med Galilei Orkester, Statsfilharmonien ”Michaeil Jora” og Hulencourt Kammerorkester. Maria Kouznetsova (24) was born into a Franco -Russian family and studied at the Conservatoire “Maurice Ravel” under Igor Vochine, the Fiesole Music School under Pavel Vernikov and Oleksandr Semchuk and the Amsterdam Conservatoire under Ilya Grubert, From 2011 – 2012 she was Artist in Residence at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel under Agustin Dumay. As soloist she has performed with Orchestra Galilei, State Philharmonic Orchestra “Michaeil Jora” and Hulencourt Soiloists Chamber Orchestra.

Ji Yoon Lee (23) er født i Sydkorea og har studeret hos NamYun Kim ved det koreanske National University of Arts i Seoul og hos Kolja Blacher ved Hochschule für Musik ”Hanns Eisler” i Berlin. Siden februar 2014 har hun modtaget støtte fra Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben in Hamburg. Hun har modtaget invitationer til at optræde som solist med Philharmonia orkestret under Jac van Steen, Belgiens Nationalorkester under Marin Alsop og Seoul Philharmonic. Ji Yoon Lee (23) was born in South Korea and studied with Nam-Yun Kim at the Korean National University of Arts in Seoul and Kolja Blacher at the Hochschule für Musik ‘Hanns Eisler’ in Berlin. Since February 2014, she is a recipient of the Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben in Hamburg. She has been invited to perform as soloist with orchestras including the Philharmonia Orchestra (Jac van Steen), Orchestre National de Belgique (Marin Alsop) and Seoul Philharmonic.


Deltagere | Participants

Deltagere | Participants



Fanglei Liu (24) er født i Kina og har studeret hos Ming En Zhou ved Shanghais Musikkonservatorium og hos Kolja Blacher ved Hochschule für Musik ”Hanns Eisler” i Berlin. Siden 2014 har hun studeret ved Dronning Elisabeth Musik Institut hos Augustin Dumay og siden 2013 har hun været stipendiat ved fonden ”Menuhin Live Music Now” i Berlin. Hun har spillet kammer­ musik med blandt andre Christoph Eschenbach, Tokyo String Quartet og David Geringas. Fanglei Liu (24) was born in China and studied with Ming En Zhou at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and Kolja Blacher at the Hochschule für Musik “Hanns-Eisler” in Berlin. Since 2014 she has been studying with Augustin Dumay in the Chapelle Musicale Reine Elisabeth in Brussels and since 2013 has been a scholarship-holder from the Foundation ”Menuhin Live Music Now” Berlin. In chamber music she has partnered with Christoph Eschenbach, the Tokyo String Quartet and David Geringas, amongst others.

Alexandra Lomeiko (24) er født i New Zealand og har studeret hos David Takeno ved Guildhall School of Music and Drama og hos Radu Blidar og Yuri Zhislin ved Royal College of Music i London. Hun er en aktiv kammermusiker og spiller med Russian Virtuosi of Europe, Royal Northern Sinfonia og London Symphony Orchestra, hvor hun deltager i orkestrets program for unge strygere, LSO String Scheme. For nylig er hun desuden blevet tilbudt en plads i orkesterakademiet ved BBC Symphony Orchestra. Alexandra Lomeiko (24) was born in New Zealand and studied with David Takeno at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and Radu Blidar and Yuri Zhislin at the Royal College of Music. She is an avid chamber musician and performs with the Russian Virtuosi of Europe, Royal Northern Sinfonia and the London Symphony Orchestra with whom she collaborates through her placement on the LSO String Scheme. Most recently she has been offered a place on the BBC Symphony Orchestras Pathway Scheme.


Yurina Otsuka (26) er født i Japan og har studeret ved Toho Gakuen konservatoriet, før hun flyttede til Tyskland for at fort­ sætte sine studier hos Daniel Sepec ved Musikkonservatoriet i Lübeck. Hun har optrådt som solist med Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, New Philharmonic Orchestra Chiba og Südwest­ deutsche Kammerorchester Pforzheim. Yurina Otsuka (26) was born in Japan and studied at the Toho Gakuen School of Music before moving to Germany to continue her studies at the Musikhochschule Lübeck under Daniel Sepec. As soloist she has performed with the Tokyo Philharmonic, New Philarmonic Orchestra Chiba and the Südwestdeutschen Kammerorchester Pforzheim.

Grace Park (29) er født i USA og har studeret hos Donald Weilerstein og Miriam Fried ved Colburn Konservatoriet og New England Konservatoriet. Som solist har hun optrådt med Det Nordtjekkiske Filharmoniske Orkester, Den Russiske Kammer­filharmoni og Napoli Chamber Orchestra. Grace Park (29) was born in the United States and studied under Donald Weilerstein and Miriam Fried at the Colburn Conservatory and New England Conservatory. As soloist she has performed with orchestras including the North Czech Philharmonia, Russian Chamber Philharmonic and Napoli Chamber Orchestra.


Deltagere | Participants

Deltagere | Participants



Soo-Hyun Park (26) er født i Sydkorea og har studeret hos Dora Schwarzberg ved Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Wien. På sin debut-cd, som blev udgivet i 2013 på pladeselskabet Onyx spiller hun musik af Wieniawski, Conus og Vieuxtemps. Som solist har hun optrådt med orkestre som Staatsphil­ harmonie Rheinland-Pfalz og Sinfonietta Baden-Baden. Soo-Hyun Park (26) was born in South Korea and studied with Dora Schwarzberg at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Vienna.. Her debut CD featuring music by Wieniawski, Conus and Vieuxtemps was released by Onyx in 2013. As soloist she has performed with orchestras including the Rheinland Pfalz State Symphony Orchestra and Sinfoniettta Baden Baden.

Liya Petrova (25) er født i Bulgarien og har studeret hos Petru Munteanu ved Hochschule für Musik und Theater Rostock, hos Augustin Dumay ved Dronning Elisabeth Musik Institut i Bru­ xelles og hos Antje Weithaas ved Hochschule für Musik ”Hanns Eisler” i Berlin. Hun har optrådt som solist med blandt andre Staatskapelle Weimar, Sinfonia Varsovia, Bruxelles og Luxem­ bourgs filharmoniske orkestre. Liya Petrova (25) was born in Bulgaria and studied with Petru Munteanu at the Hochschule fur Musik und Theater Rostock, with Augustin Dumay at the Chapelle Musicale Reine Elizabeth in Brussels and with Antje Weithaas at the Hochschule fur Musik Hanns Eisler in Berlin. As soloist she has performed with orchestras including the Staastkapelle Weimar, Sinfonia Varsovia, Brussels Philharmonic and Philharmonic Luxembourg.


Mari Poll (28) er født i Estland og har studeret hos Jan Repko og Radu Blidar ved Royal College of Music i London og hos Peter Herresthal ved Norges Musikkhøgskole. Som solist har hun optrådt med Kringskastningsorkestret, Det Estiske National­ orkester, Tallin Chamber Orchestra, RCM Contemporary Ensem­ ble og Trondheims Symfoniorkester. I 2012 udgav hun sin første cd på plademærket EMI Digital Debuts, og hendes koncertdebut fandt sted i 2015 med Orchestre du Paris under Paavo Järvi. Mari Poll (28) was born in Estonia and studied with Jan Repko and Radu Blidar at the Royal College of Music and with Peter Herresthal at the Norwegian Academy of Music. She has performed as soloist with orchestras including the Norwegian Radio Orchestra, Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, RCM Contemporary Ensemble and Trondheim Symphony Orchestra. In 2012 she made her recording debut on the EMI Digital debut series and in Autumn 2015 she made her performance debut with the Orchestre de Paris under Paavo Järvi.

Arsenis Selalmazidis (25) er vokset op i Uljanovsk ved Volga­ floden i Rusland, men har græske forældre. Han studerer for tiden ved Hochschule für Musik und Tanz i Köln hos Zakhar Bron. Han har optrådt som solist med Tessalonikis Statsorkester, Novosibirsk Statsorkester, Patras Symfoniorkester og Zakhar Brons kammerorkester. Arsenis Selalmazidis (25) was born into a Greek family living in Ulyanovsk Russia, and currently studies at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln in Germany under Zakhar Bron. He has performed as soloist with the State Orchestra of Thessaloniki, the Novobirsk State Orchestra, the Orchestra of Patras and the Zakhar Bron Chamber Orchestra.


Deltagere | Participants

Deltagere | Participants



Orest Smovzh (25) er født i Ukraine og studerede i sit hjemland før han flyttede til Singapore for at tage i Bachelorgrad i musik ved Yong Siew Toh konservatoriet. Blandt hans lærere kan nævnes Yaroslava Rivniak, Dmitro Tkachenko og Qian Zhou. Har spillet som solist med orkestre som Collegium Musicum og de Filharmoniske Orkestre i Poltava og Lviv.

Karen Su (17) er født i USA og studerer i øjeblikket ved Musik­ konservatoriet i Rotterdam som den yngste student i bachelor programmet. I november 2015 spillede hun Jean Sibelius’ Violin­ koncert med Codarts Symfoniorkester i Holland. Hun har også optrådt med orkestre som Palos Verdes regionale symfoniorke­ ster og Fuijan Symphony Orchestra.

Orest Smovzh (25) was born in the Ukraine and studied in his homeland before moving to Singapore to pursue his Bachelor of Music Degree in the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music. Among his teachers are Yaroslava Rivniak, Dmytro Tkachenko and Qian Zhou. He has performed as soloist with orchestras including Collegium Musicum, Poltava Philharmonics and Lviv Philharmonics.

Karen Su (17) was born in the USA and is currently studying at Rotterdam Conservatory as the youngest student in the bachelor programme. In November 2015 she performed the Sibelius Violin Concerto with the Codarts Symphony Orchestra in the Netherlands. She has also performed with orchestras including the Palos Verdes Regional Symhony Orchestra and Fuijan Symphony Orchestra.

Ji Won Song (23) er født i Sydkorea og var elev i forskolen til Korean National University of the Arts før hun flyttede til USA for at studere hos David Cerone. 14 år gammel blev hun optaget på Curtis Institute of Music og studerede hos Ida Kavafian, Shmuel Ashkenasi og Victor Danchenko. For tiden studerer hun hos Donald Weilerstein og Soovin Kim ved New England konser­ vatoriet. Som solist har hun optrådt med Philadelphia Orchestra og Seoul Philharmonic.

Yun Tang (23) er født i Kina og har studeret ved Shanghai konservatoriet hos Lina Yu. For tiden studerer hun hos Pierre Amoyal ved Mozarteum i Salzburg. Som solist har hun optrådt med adskillige symfoniorkestre i sit hjemland, herunder Shang­ hai Symphony Orchestra, Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra og Guiyan Symphony Orchestra.

Ji Won Song (23) was born in South Korea and was a pupil in the pre-college division of the Korean National University of the Arts before moving to the States to study with David Cerone. Aged 14 she enrolled at the Curtis Institute of Music and studied with Ida Kavafian, Shmuel Ashkenasi, and Victor Danchenko. She currently studies with Donald Weilerstein and Soovin Kim at the New England Conservatory of Music. As soloist she has performed with the Philadelphia Orchestra and Seoul Philharmonic.


Yun Tang (23) was born in China and studied at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music under Lina Yu. She is currently studying at the Salzburg Mozarteum under Pierre Amoyal. As soloist she has performed with various orchestras in her homeland including the Shanghai Symhony, Guangzhou Symhony and Guiyang Symphony


Deltagere | Participants

Deltagere | Participants




Suliman Tekalli (28) er født i USA og har studeret hos Sergiu Schwartz, Joel Smirnoff og Hyo Kang. Han karriere begyndte allerede tidligt med en radiodebut i NPR’s udsendelse ”From the Top” i 2000, hvor han spillede sammen med violinisten Mark O’Connor. Derpå fulgte hans debut med Orlando Philarmo­ nic, hvor han i 2004 i en alder af 16 år spillede Jean Sibelius’ Violinkoncert. Som kammermusiker har han spillet sammen med navne som Gil Shaham og medlemmer af Emerson Kvartetten.

Anne Agafia Egholm (19) er født i Danmark og studerer for tiden hos Alexandre Zapolski på Det Kongelige Danske Musik­ konservatorium. Hun optræder hyppigt i Danmark og i udlandet både i kammermusiksammenhænge og som solist, blandt andet med DR Radio Symfoniorkestret, Bergens Filharmoniske orkester og Malmö Symfoniorkester. Hun har deltaget i Masterclasses med violinister som Alexander Sitkovetsky, Milan Vitek og Levon Ambartsumian.

Suliman Tekalli (28) was born in the United States and studied under Sergiu Schwartz, Joel Smirnoff, and Hyo Kang. His performing career began early with his radio debut on NPR’s show ”From the Top” in 2000, playing alongside violinist Mark O’Connor, and his subsequent debut with the Orlando Philharmonic, performing the Sibelius Violin Concerto in 2004 at the age of sixteen. In chamber music he has partnered with artists including Gil Shaham and members of the Emerson Quartet.

Anne Agafia Egholm (19) was born in Denmark and currently studies with Alexandre Zapolski at the Royal Danish Academy of Music. She frequently performs in Denmark and abroad both in recitals and as a concerto soloist appearing recently with the Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Bergen Philharmonic and Malmö Symphony Orchestra. She has attended masterclasses with violinists such as Alexander Sitkovetsky, Milan Vitek and Levon Ambartsumian.

Natsumi Tsuboi (22) er født i Japan og studerer hos Asako Urushihara ved Tokyo University of the Arts. Tidligere har hun modtaget undervisning af Koichiro Harada ved Toho konserva­ toriet i Tokyo, Pierre Amoyal, Michiko Kamiya, Lydia Mordkovich og Mateja Marinkovic. Hun har optrådt som solist med Yomiuri Nippon Symfoniorkester og Tokyo New City Orchestra, og i 2015 medvirkede hun i Ozawa Internationale Kammermusik Akademi i Okushiga.

Michiko Yamada (23) er født i London af japanske forældre og har studeret hos Svetlin Roussev ved Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique de Paris og hos Rainer Kussmaul ved Hochschule für Musik Freiburg. Hun er blevet vejledt i kammer­ musik af Noboku Ima, Jean-Guien Queras, Hae-Sun Kang, Jean Sulem, Michel Strauss og Eric Lesage, og siden 2012 har hun været tilknyttet Orkesterakademiet ved Berlinerfilharmonikerne med Christian Stadelmann som lærer.

Natsumi Tsuboi (22) was born in Japan and currently studies under Asako Urushihara at the Tokyo University of the Arts. Previous teachers have included Koichiro Harada at the Toho School of Music in Tokyo, Pierre Amoyal, Michiko Kamiya, Lydia Mordkovich and Mateja Marinkovic As soloist she has perfomed with the Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra and Tokyo New City Orchestra and participated in the 2015 Ozawa International Chamber Music Academy Okushiga.

Michiko Yamada (23) was born in London of Japanese parents and studied with Svetlin Roussev at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique de Paris and Rainer Kussmaul at the Hochschule für Musik Freiburg. She has received chamber music guidance from Nobuko Ima, Jean-Guien Queras, Hae-Sun Kang, Jean Sulem, Michel Strauss and Eric Lesage and, since 2012 has been affiliated to the Orchester-Akademie der Berliner Philharmoniker with Christian Stadelmann as a teacher.


Jury | Jury

Jury | Jury



Nikolaj Znaider er kendt som en fantastisk alsidig musiker, der optræder både som violinsolist og som dirigent med verdens fremtrædende orkestre. Han blev udnævnt til gæstedirigent af Mariinsky Orkestret i Sankt Petersborg i 2010, og har tidligere været gæstedirigent for Det Svenske Kammerorke­ ster. Znaider har et tæt forhold til Filarmonica del Teatro Comunale di Bologna og vil vende tilbage til orkestret i juni 2016. Som solist optræder Znaider regelmæssigt med verdens førende symfoniorkestre. Højdepunkter i den kommende sæson omfatter koncerter med San Francisco Symphony Orchestra under ledelse af Stéphane Denève, Staatskapelle Dresden med Christian Thielemann og på turné med London Symphony Orchestra og Sir Antonio Pappano. Som kammermusiker har Znaider optrådt i alle de store koncertsale verden over. De seneste års vigtigste cd-indspilninger omfatter Nielsens violinkoncert med Alan Gilbert og New York Filharmonikerne, Elgars violinkoncert in H-mol med nu afdøde Sir Colin Davis og Staatskapelle Dresden, prisbelønne­ de optagelser af Brahms og Kongold koncerterne med Valery Gergiev og Wiener Filharmonikerne samt Beethovens og Mendelssohns violinkoncerter med Zubin Mehta og Israel Philharmonic Znaider er meget engageret i at støtte den næste generation af musikalske talenter og tilbragte ti år som grundlægger og kunstnerisk leder af den årlige Nordic Music Academy sommerskole. ’ Nikolaj Znaider spiller på violinen ”Kreisler” Guarnerius ”del Gesu” 1741, som er stillet velvilligt til rådighed af VELUX Fonden og Knud Højgaards Fond gennem Det Kongelige Danske Teater.


Nikolaj Znaider Nikolaj Znaider is renowned as a brilliantly versatile musician, performing both as a virtuoso violin soloist and as a conductor with the world’s preeminent orchestras. He was appointed Principal Guest Conductor of the Mariinsky Orchestra Saint Petersburg in 2010, and was previously Principal Guest Conductor of the Swedish Chamber Orchestra. Znaider enjoys a close relationship with the Filarmonica del Teatro Comunale di Bologna and will return to conduct the orchestra in June 2016. As a soloist, Znaider continues to perform regularly with the world’s leading orchestras. Highlights of the coming season include performances with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Stéphane Denève, Staatskapelle Dresden with Christian Thielemann, and on tour with the London Symphony Orchestra with Sir Antonio Pappano. In recital and chamber performance, Znaider has appeared at all the major concert halls worldwide. Recording highlights of recent years are the Nielsen Concerto with Alan Gilbert and the New York Philharmonic, Elgar Concerto in B minor with the late Sir Colin Davis and the Staatskapelle Dresden, award-winning recordings of the Brahms and Kongold concertos with Gergiev and the Vienna Philharmonic as well as the Beethoven and Mendelssohn concertos with Mehta and the Israel Philharmonic Znaider is passionate about supporting the next generation of musical talent and spent ten years as Founder and Artistic Director of the annual Nordic Music Academy summer school. Nikolaj Znaider plays the “Kreisler” Guarnerius “ del Gesu” 1741 on extended loan to him by The Royal Danish Theater through the generosity of the VELUX Foundation and the Knud Højgaard Foundation.

Kathryn Stott er født i Lancashire, og hun studerede på Yehudi Menuhin School og Royal College of Music. Blandt hendes lærere var Nadia Boulanger, Vlado Perlemuter og Kendall Taylor. Kathryn gæster regelmæssigt internationale musikfestivaler både som solist og kammermusiker siden hun i 1978 blev pris­ vinder i Leeds International Piano Competition. Ud over hendes travle karriere som pianist, er hun gæsteprofessor på Royal Academy of Music i London, og leder desuden det internatio­ nale arbejde på Royal Northern College of Music i Manchester. Kathryn Stott Born in Lancashire, Kathryn studied at the Yehudi Menuhin School and the Royal College of Music. Her teachers included Nadia Boulanger, Vlado Perlemuter and Kendall Taylor. Kathryn has constantly performed around the world since 1978, when she was a prize winner in the Leeds International Piano Competition. In addition to her busy career as a performer, she is a visiting professor at the Royal Academy of Music in London, holds the position of International Chair at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester. Noah Bendix-Balgley har begejstret og bevæget publikum verden over med sine koncerter. I 2014 blev han udnævnt til 1. koncertmester ved Berliner Filharmonikerne. Ud over priser ved fx Dronning Elisabeth-konkurrencen i Bruxelles har Noah vundet 1. præmie i 2011 ved Vibrate International Music Competition i Paris og blev tildelt 1. præmie og en særlig præmie for bedste Bach fortolkning på ”Andrea Postacchini” Violin Competition i Fermo, Italien. Noah har optrådt som solist med blandt andre Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, den Orchestre National de Belgique, I Pomeriggi Musicali i Milano, Orchestre Royal Chambre de Wallonie (Bel­ gien), og Erie Philharmonic. Noah Bendix-Balgley has thrilled and moved audiences around the world with his performances. In 2014, he was appointed 1st Concertmaster of the Berlin Philharmonic. In addition to Prizes with Competitions like Queen Elisabeth in Brussels, Noah won the 1st prize at the 2011 Vibrarte International Music Competition in Paris and was awarded 1st Prize and a special prize for best Bach interpretation at the “Andrea Postacchini” Violin Competition in Fermo, Italy. Noah has appeared as a soloist with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, the Orchestre National de Belgique, I Pomeriggi Musicali of Milan, Orchestre Royal Chambre de Wallonie (Belgium), and the Erie Philharmonic among others.


Jury | Jury

Jury | Jury




Eugen Tichindeleanu har studeret i Bukarest og i Paris hos Olivier Charlier, Gerard Poulet og Jean Jacques Kantorow. Eugen er prisvinder af en række internationale konkurrencer, såsom Je­ unesses Musicales 2002, George Enescu 2003, Warszawa 2004, Uralsk 2005, Moskva 2006, Valsesia og Nielsen 2008 og Jacques Thibaud 2009. Talrige invitationer har ført ham rundt i verden for at spille kammermusik, recitals og koncerter. Eugen er i øjeblikket koncertmester i Odense Symfoniorkester i Danmark efter et treårigt ophold hos Orchestre du Capitole de Toulouse 2009-2013.

Charles Hamlen er uddannet ved Harvard College, og han indledte og stiftede derefter Hamlen / Landau Management sammen med sin forretningspartner Edna Landau i 1979. Som Co-direktør for IMG Artists fra 1984-92, tog Hamlen sig af karrieren for kunstnere som violinisterne Joshua Bell og Leila Josefowicz; fløjtenisterne James Galway og Carol Wincenc og Emerson String Quartet. Hamlen har været jurymedlem af en række internationale konkurrencer for klassisk musik, herun­ der Montreal Symphony Standard Life Competition og Esther Honens International Piano Competition.

Eugen Tichindeleanu has studied in Bucharest and in Paris with Olivier Charlier, Gerard Poulet and Jean Jacques Kantorow. Eugen is top prizewinner of international competitions such as Jeunesses Musicales 2002, George Enescu 2003, Warsaw 2004, Uralsk 2005, Moscow 2006, Valsesia and Nielsen 2008 and Jacques Thibaud 2009. Numerous invitations have taken him around the world playing chamber music, recital and concert performances. Eugen is currently concertmaster of the Odense Symphony Orchestra in Denmark after a three-year tenure with the Orchestre du Capitole de Toulouse 2009-2013.

Charles Hamlen, a 1965 graduate of Harvard College, founded Hamlen/Landau Management with his business partner Edna Landau in 1979. As Co-Director of IMG Artists from 1984-92, Mr. Hamlen looked after the careers of artists including violinists Joshua Bell and Leila Josefowicz; flutists James Galway and Carol Wincenc and the Emerson String Quartet. Mr. Hamlen has also been a juror for a number of international classical music competitions, including the Montreal Symphony’s Standard Life Competition and the Esther Honens International Piano Competition

Mats Engström, født i 1952, startede sin musikalske karriere med spille valdhorn, i første omgang med Göteborgs Symfoni­ orkester og derefter, fra 1973, i Kungliga Filharmoniska Orkester. I slutningen af 1980’erne blev han tilbudt stillingen som program­ direktør for Filharmonikerne og Stockholms Konserthus, hvor han siden har været en central figur. Mats Engström var asso­ cieret producent og rådgiver for komplette indspilning af Carl Nielsens symfonier og solokoncerter med New York Filharmoni­ kerne under ledelse af Alan Gilbert. Optagelserne blev udgivet i forbindelse med Carl Nielsen jubilæet i 2015.

Jian Wang begyndte at studere cello hos sin far, da han var fire år gammel. Mens han studerede på Shanghai Conservatoire, blev han præsenteret i den berømte dokumentarfilm Fra Mao til Mozart: Isaac Stern i Kina, hvilket førte ham til videre studier i USA. Jian Wang har optrådt med mange af verdens førende symfoniorkestre, herunder New York Philharmonic, London Symphony, Concert­ gebouworkestret, Zürich Tonhalle, NDR Hamburg, Stockholm Philharmonic, Santa Cecilia, Orchestre de Paris og NHK Symphony. Jian Wang samarbejde desuden med Camerata Salzburg og Mahler Chamber Orchestra og Scottish Chamber Orchestra.

Mats Engström, born in 1952, started his musical career playing the French horn, initially with the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra and then, from 1973, in the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra (RSPO). At the end of the 1980s, he was offered the position as Director of Programme and Artistic Planning for the RSPO and Stockholm Concert Hall. Mats Engström was an associate producer and advisor to the complete recording of Carl Nielsen’s symphonies and solo concerts with the New York Philharmonic, conducted by Alan Gilbert. The recordings was released in connection with the Nielsen anniversary in 2015.

Jian Wang began to study the cello with his father when he was four. While a student at the Shanghai Conservatoire, he was featured in the celebrated documentary film From Mao to Mozart: Isaac Stern in China. This lead to further studies in the US. Jian Wang has performed with many of the world’s leading symphony orchestras including New York Philharmonic, London Symphony, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Zurich Tonhalle, NDR Hamburg, Stockholm Philharmonic, Santa Cecilia, Orchestre de Paris and NHK Symphony. Jian also enjoys collaborating with the Camerata Salzburg and the Mahler and Scottish Chamber Orchestras.


Jury | Jury

Åbningskoncert | Opening Concert



Kathryn Enticott Efter mange år som ansvarlig for dirigent- og instrumentalist afdelingen ved IMG Artists i London, grundlagde Kathryn Enticott for nylig sit eget Music Management selskab, Enticott Music Management. Hun servicerer en eksklusiv liste af dirigenter og instrumentalsolister og virker som konsulent for kulturinstitutioner og organisationer. Gennem årene har hun arbejdet med mange af verdens førende kunstnere og er en af de mest respekterede managere i branchen. Kathryn Enticott After many years running the Conductors and Instrumentalists Department at IMG Artists, Kathryn Enticott recently founded her own boutique Music Management company, Enticott Music Management, in 2014. She manages an elite roster of conductors and instrumentalists and consults to Artistic institutions and organisations. Over the years she has worked with many of the world’s leading artists and is one of the most respected international Artist Managers in the business.

100 strygertalenter fra hele Danmark markerer starten på Carl Nielsen Internationale Violinkon­ kurrence med en festlig åbningskoncert, hvor du også kan møde Nikolaj Znaider som både dirigent og solist i selskab med Alexandre Zapolski. Det har været Znaiders ønske fra start, at man med violinkonkurrencen benytter lejligheden til at udbrede kendskabet til klassisk musik og sammen­ spil generelt, og under titlen Fejring af Violinen at samle unge strygere fra hele landet i et fælles orkester til åbningskoncerten.

100 young string players from all over Denmark marks start of the Carl Nielsen International Violin Competition with a grand opening concert, with jury president Nikolaj Znaider and violinist, peda­ gogue and conductor Alexandre Zapolski in front of the orchestra.

Hele koncerten sendes live på DR K.

It has been Nikolaj Znaider’s wish from the beginning that the violin competition shall raise awareness of classical music and music making in general, and under the title Celebration of the Violin bringing together young string players from across the country in a joint orchestra for the opening concert.

Billetpris kr. 180,-

The concert will be broadcasted live on DR K.

Åbningskoncert lørdag d. 16. april kl. 19.30 i Carl Nielsen Salen, Odense Koncerthus.

Ticket price DKK 180, Opening concert Saturday. April 16 at 19:30

Werner Hink I 1962 bestod Werner Hink sine violineksaminer med udmærkelse og den 1. januar 1964 blev han første violinist ved Wiener Staatsoper, og blev medlem af Wiener Philharmo­ nikerne den 1. november 1965. Fra 1974 var han 1. koncertmester. I denne egenskab spillede han mange af de store orkestrale soli, såsom Richard Strauss ”Der Bürger als Edelmann”, ”Ein Heldenleben” og ”Also Sprach Zarathustra”, Haydns Symphonia Concertante i B-dur, samt talrige andre værker for violin af Wol­ fgang Amadeus Mozart. Werner Hink har titel af professor og besidder Æreskorset for videnskab og kunst, og han er desuden blevet tildelt Republikken Østrigs Store Medalje. Werner Hink In 1962, Werner Hink passed his examinations for violin performance with distinction and on January 1, 1964, he became a first violinist with the Vienna State Opera, and was granted membership in the Vienna Philharmonic on November 1, 1965. From 1974 he was 1st concertmaster. In this capacity, he performed many of the great orchestral solos, such as Richard Strauss’ “Der Bürger als Edelmann”, “Ein Heldenleben” and “Also Sprach Zarathustra”, Haydn’s Symphonia Concertante in B-Major, as well as numerous other works for violin by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Werner Hink holds the title of Professor and the Honorary Cross of Science and the Arts, was also awarded the Large Medal of the Republic of Austria.



Dirigent (åbningskoncert) | Conductor (Opening Concert)

Dirigent (Finalekoncert 2) | Conductor (Final Concert 2)



Alexandre Zapolski er født i Odessa, Ukraine. Han er uddannet i solistklassen på Den Nationale Musikakademi i Kiev hos pro­ fessor Olga Parhomenko, som selv var elev af David Oistrach. I perioden fra 1976-1990 var Alexandre docent ved Prokofjev Konservatoriet i Donetsk i Ukraine. I samme periode blev Ale­ xandre uddannet som komponist. I 1987 modtog han ærestitlen ”Fortjent Kunstner af Ukraine”. I 1992 flyttede Alexandre til Danmark, hvor han blev ansat som violinist i DR Symfoniorkester og grundlagde kort efter Zapolski Kvartetten. I 1994 fik Alexan­ dre tildelt Fritz Busch Mindelegat. I 1993 begyndte Alexandre at arbejde på Brøndby Musikskole, hvor han startede et børnestry­ georkester. Fra børneorkestret er der kommet mange musikere, som idag har etableret sig i det danske kulturliv. Alexandres store passion er at komponere og arrangere musik for strygerne. Han laver originale arrangementer til børnene, så alle kan spille sammen uanset niveau og inspirere hinanden. I 2011 modtog han den store Jacob Gade pris for sit arbejde med børn og unge. Si­ den 2012 har Alexandre været leder af juniorstrygernes orkester ved DKDM. Alexandre Zapolski was born in Odessa, Ukraine. He graduated in the soloist class at the National Music Academy in Kiev with Professor Olga Parhomenko, who himself was a student of David Oistrach. In the period from 1976-1990 Alexandre was a lecturer at Prokofiev Conservatory in Donetsk in Ukraine. In the same period, Alexandre trained as a composer. In 1987 he received the honorary title ”Deserved Artist of Ukraine”. In 1992, Alexandre moved to Denmark, where he was employed as a violinist in the DR Symphony Orchestra and founded shortly after Zapolski Quartet. In 1994, Alexandre assigned Fritz Busch Memorial Scholarship. In 1993, Alexandre began to work at Brøndby Music School, where he started a children’s string orchestra. From his children’s orchestra has come many musicians who today have established themselves in Danish cultural life. Alexandre’s great passion is composing and arranging music for strings. He makes original arrangements for the children, so everyone can play together regardless of level and inspire each other. In 2011 he received the great Jacob Gade Award for his work with children and young people. Since 2012, Alexandre has headed the junior string orchestra at The Royal Academy of Music in Copenhagen.


Dirigenten Garrett Keast, der er hjemmeboende i Berlin, er blevet rost for sine koncerter ”gennemsyret af tyngde, fylde af lyd og or­ kestral sødme...” [John Christiansen, 2012], og han er i stigende grad efterspurgt i koncertsale og operahuse rundt om i verden. Keast er født i Houston, Texas, hvor han studerede under Christoph Eschen­ bach ved Houston Symphony og Houston Grand Opera, før han indledte sin karriere som gæstedirigent ved New York City Opera. Garrett Keast’s musikalske filosofi er centreret om åndedrættet, kunsten at frasere og en historisk inspireret moderne stil. Berlin-based conductor Garrett Keast, acclaimed for conducting performances “imbued with gravitas, fullness of sound and orchestral sweetness…” [John Christiansen, 2012] is increasingly in demand in concert halls and opera houses around the world. Born in Houston, Texas, he studied under Christoph Eschenbach at the Houston Symphony and Houston Grand Opera before beginning his career as an Associate Conductor of New York City Opera. Garrett Keast’s musical philosophy is centered on the breath, the art of phrasing, and a historically informed modern style.

Komponist | Composer Jesper Koch begyndte at komponere, da han var 11 år gammel. Hans klang-baserede tonesprog, som undertiden har en tendens i retning af det minimalistiske, har en særlig særlig personlig tone, der vidner om en poetisk åre. Koch har studeret hos blandt andre Ib Nørholm, Hans Abrahamsen og Karl Aage Ras­ mussen. Med værket Ice-Breaking for to accordeoner og slagtøj vandt han i 1992 førsteprisen ved ROSTRUM i Paris i kategorien for komponister under 30 år har modtaget. Han blev tildelt Carl Nielsen Legat og Statens Kunstfonds treårige arbejdslegat. Jesper Koch began composing when he was 11 years old. His sonority-based musical idiom, which sometimes tends towards the minimalist, has a personal tone that testifies to a poetic disposition. Koch has studied with among others Ib Nørholm, Hans Abrahamsen and Karl Aage Rasmussen. In 1992, with the work Ice-Breaking for two accordions and percussion, he won First Prize at ROSTRUM in Paris in the category for composers under 30. He was awarded the Carl Nielsen Grant the threeyear working grant of the National Arts Foundation.


Akkompagnatører | Accompanists

Akkompagnatører | Accompanists



Leif Greibe, accompanist, piano Leif Greibe er efterspurgt akkompagnatør og kammermusiker og har spillet koncerter overalt i Europa, Asien og Nordamerika. Han har studeret på Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium i København, men allerede før sin diplomeksamen i 1992, begyndte han at arbejde på Det Kongelige Danske Teater som operarepetitør. Han har sidenhen arbejdet på mere end hundrede operaopsætninger. Greibe er desuden medstifter af Danish Strings, som er et årligt sommerkursus for strygere afholdt siden 1999. Leif Greibe, akkompagnatør, piano Leif Greibe is a much sought after accompanist and chamber musician and has played concerts all over Europe, Asia and North America. He studied at The Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen, yet before graduating in 1992, he started working at the The Royal Danish Theatre as Chorus Master. He has since collaborated on more than one hundred opera productions. Greibe is also co-founder of Danish Strings, a yearly summer course for string players since 1999.

Anne Mette Stæhr, accompanist, piano Anne Mette Stæhr er en erfaren performer, såvel som underviser. Hun debuterede fra Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium i København som solist i 1993, modtog lektioner efter særlig invitation af Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau i München, og hun vakte international opmærk­ somhed med sin indspilning af den russiske komponist Sofia Gubaidulinas samlede klaverværker. Hendes seneste indspilning med dobbeltkoncerter af Mendelssohn med den berømte pianist Oleg Marshev er udkommet i 2014. Anne Mette Stæhr, akkompagnatør, piano Anne Mette Stæhr is an experienced performer, as well as a teacher. She debuted from The Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen as soloist in 1993, received lessons by special invitation by Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau in Munich, and she aroused international attention with her recording of the Russian composer Sofia Gubaidulina’s collected piano works. Her latest recording of double concertos by Mendelssohn with celebrated pianist Oleg Marshev is released in 2014.


Kristoffer Hyldig, accompanist, piano Kristoffer Hyldig Han debuterede i 2010 fra solistlinjen på Det Kgl. Danske Musik­ konservatorium. Han har flere gange optrådt med de danske symfoniorkestre og har indspillet musik for både Zentropa og Det Kongelige Teater. Derudover har han turneret i det meste af Europa og endog givet koncert i Carnegie Hall i New York. Han modtog juryens specialpris i EU Piano Competition 2009 og har derudover fået tildelt flere priser, heriblandt Jakob Gades store legat, Léonie Sonnings musikfondsstipendiat, og senest Musik­ anmelderringens kunstnerpris. Kristoffer Hyldig, akkompagnatør, piano Kristoffer Hyldig made his debut from Royal Conservatory of Music in Copenhagen in 2010. He appeared regularly with Danish symphony orchestras and has recorded for Zentropa and The Royal Theatre. He has toured throughout Europe and has performed at Carnegie Hall in New York. He received the Special Prize in the EU Piano Competition in 2009 and has received several prizes in Denmark, among others from the Jakob Gade Foundation and the Léonie Sonning Foundation. He also received the Prize of the Danish Music Critics.

Jonathan Siahaan, accompanist, piano Jonathan Siahaan er født i 1989 og har sine rødder i Indonesien. Efter 3 år hos den japanske klaverpædagog, Kyoko Kato skiftede Jonathan til Bella Zapolski, hvilket førte til mange titler og mange koncerter, både solo, med Zapolski-kvartetten og orkestrene DR-under­ holdnings-orkester, Københavns Festivalorkester og Odense Symfoniorkester. Jonathan modtog i 2010 Jakob Gade Prisen og tog i 2014 sin kandidateksamen fra Det Kongelige Danske Mu­ sikkonservatorium. Han optræder ofte både som solist om som kammermusiker med klaverkvartetten Kammertonen. Jonathan Siahann, akkompagnatør, piano Jonathan Siahaan was born in 1989 and has his roots in Indonesia. After 3 years at the Japanese piano teacher, Kyoko Kato, Jonathan continued his education with Bella Zapolski. This led to many concerts, both as a soloist, with the Zapolski quartet and orchestras like DR Concert Orchestra, Copenhagen Festival Orchestra and the Odense Symphony Orchestra. In 2010 Jonathan received the Jakob Gade Award and in 2014, Jonathan graduated from the Royal Danish Academy of Music. He often appears as a soloist and as a chamber musician with the piano quartet Kammertonen.




The Media

Web Allerede fra konkurrencens første runde inviteres det internationale publikum til at følge begivenheden via livestreaming på internettet. Gå ind på, følg live­ streamingen, og få alle op­dateringer og downloads fra hele ugen.

Web From the very first round of the compe­ tition an international audience is invited to follow the event via livestream on the internet. Visit, watch the livestream and get all the updates and downloads from throughout the week.

Fra 16. april 2016:

From 16 April 2016:

Radio (P2) DR P2 samler op på ugens spændende indledende runder og sender fra de to finalekoncerter.

Radio (P2) DR’s radio channel P2 reviews the exciting events of the first rounds of the compe­ tition and broadcasts from the two final concerts.

22. april fra kl. 16.00- 18.00: Udsendelse af første finalekoncert fra aftenen før d. 21. april. 22. april kl. 19.00-22.30: Finalen live inklusive prisoverrækkelsen. TV (DRK) Åbningskoncerten d. 16. april sendes direkte fra kl. 19.30 På finaleaftenen sender DRK en times program fra konkurrenceugen i Odense, inden der transmitteres live fra Prisover­ rækkelsen fra finalekoncerten. Se optakten og prisoverrækkelsen. 22. april, 2016 kl. 21.00-22.00: Reportage fra konkurrenceugen 22. april, 2016 kl. 22.00-22.30: Live fra prisoverrækkelsen.

22 April 2016 at 16.00-18.00: The first of the two final concerts, which took place on 21 April. 22 April 2016 at 19:00-22:30: Live from the Final Concert including the Prize Ceremony. TV (DRK) The Opening concert will be broardcastet live from 19.30 DRK will broadcast an hour’s programme about the competition, before transmit­ ting live from the Prize Ceremony on the evening of the finale. Se optakten og prisoverrækkelsen. 22 April 2016 at 21:00-22:00: Report from the competition week 22 April 2016 at 22:00-22:30: Live from the Prize Ceremony

Forbehold for ændringer Subject to changes 36



The Children’s Jury

I år er BørneUngeJuryen sammensat af børn, der alle selv spiller strygerinstrumen­ ter. De er enten børn af musikere i Odense Symfoniorkester eller elever af nuværende og tidligere musikere i Odense Symfoni­ orkester. De 12 strygerelever er i alderen 8 til 17 år. 3 spiller cello og 9 spiller violin. BørneUngeJuryen deltager ved Finale­ koncerterne den 21. og den 22. april. Deres pris er på € 1.500.

This year the Children’s Jury consists of twelve children and young people (age 8 to 17), all playing the violin or the cello. Some of the children have parents who are musicians in Odense Symphony Orchestra. Others take lessons with either former or present musicians in Odense Symphony Orchestra. The Children’s Jury will be pres­ ent at the two finals, April 21 and 22, and their prize is € 1.500. 37


Odense Symfoniorkester



Gratis adgang: 16.-18. og 19. april 2016: Indledende runder og Semifinale

Free Admission: 16-18 and 19 April, 2016: Preliminary rounds and Semifinale

20. april 2016: Jury Masterclass

20 April, 2016: Jury Masterclass

Billetter: 16., 21. og 22. april 2016: Åbnings- og finalekoncerter

Admission: 16, 21 and 22 April, 2016: Opening and Finale Concerts

Billetpriser: 130-270 kr.

Ticket prices. 130-270 DKK

Billetsalg og -steder: Billettelefon 70202096

Buy tickets: Phone +45 70202096

Billetsalget i Carl Nielsen Museet, Odense Koncerthus to timer før koncertstart. Koncerterne indgår i Odense Symfoni­ orkesters Nøglesalg.

Box office at the Carl Nielsen Museum, Odense Concert Hall, open two hours prior concert start. The concerts are part of Odense Symphony Orchestra’s Customer Membership program.

Ret til ændringer forbeholdes

Odense Symfoniorkester er et moderne, ambitiøst og kreativt orkester med 73 musikere fra 18 forskellige nationer. Med den internationalt anerkendte chefdirigent Alexander Vedernikov i front har Odense Symfoniorkester for alvor sat Danmark på det symfoniske verdenskort. Carl Niel­ sen Internationale Konkurrencer er en af grundpillerne i Odense Symfoniorkesters kunstneriske profil. Odense Symfoni­ orkester er et af Danmarks fem lands­ delsorkestre, som blev grundlagt i 1946, men har rødder tilbage til omkring år 1800. Besøg

Odense Symphony Orchestra is a modern, ambitious and creative orchestra with 73 permanent musicians from 18 different na­ tions. With the internationally renowned maestro, chief conductor Alexander Ve­ dernikov in front, the Odense Symphony Orchestra has made a significant impact in Denmark and abroad. The Carl Nielsen International Competitions is part of the foundation of the Odense Symphony Orchestra’s artistic profile. Odense Symphony Orchestra is one of Denmark’s five regional orchestras founded in 1946 but dates back to 1800. Visit

Subject to changes

Kom og vær med, når Carl Nielsen Folk Band fejrer vinderne På finaleaftenen underholder Carl Nielsen Folk Band med Helene Blum og Rune Tonsgaard Sørensen i spidsen, mens dommerjuryen voterer. Når priserne er fordelt og vinderen af Carl Nielsen Internationale Violinkonkurrence er fundet, spiller bandet til fest i Koncert­husets foyer, hvor baren er åben og danse­gulvet klar.



Carl Nielsen Internationale Konkurrencer er arrangeret i samarbejde mellem Odense Symfoniorkester (Odense Kommune), Nordic Artists Management og Syddansk Musikkonservatorium. Carl Nielsen International Competitions is organized in collaboration between Odense Symphony Orchestra (Odense), Nordic Artists Management and The Danish National Academy of Music.

2016: Violin 2018: Flute | Clarinet 2020: Violin

Carl Nielsen International Music Competitions · Odense Symfoniorkester Claus Bergs Gade 9 · DK-5000 Odense C · Denmark · Phone: 0045 6375 0050 c/o Nordic Artists Management · Christian IX’s gade 2, · DK-1111 Copenhagen K Denmark · Phone: 0045 4449 2900

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