If the new RESERVED magazine was a man, he’d be the guy that the smart girls adored. He wouldn’t be a bad boy, that’s a bore - or too sweet either. He’d occasionally be hard to reach because he turned off his phone! Seriously, so his dog wouldn’t be distracted while sniffing for truffles in Central Park.
If RESERVED was a woman, she’d be the poster girl for “sprezzatura,” the elusive, and illusive, art of sailing through life without any apparent effort. All the boys want her – but they can’t say exactly why. Silly boys. We know people like these. They’re invariably the most interesting people in the room. The pull of their personal gravity is powerful. They most always have something original to say. They listen well and even though their bullshit radar is honed, focused and military grade – they are kind. Real empathy is very attractive. And they are drawn to others like themselves.