Korean Recipe For 3 Hot Days In The Summer Using the Lunar Calendar there are three very hot days during summertime. Chobok, Joongbok, and also Malbok which stand for the very first hot day, center very hot day and also last very hot day. This year, those days were July 19, July 29, and August 8. Folks in Korea are served valuable meals such as Samgyetang (poultry stew) and Choouhtang (mudfish) to enhance the body which is damaged by the heat. Samgyetang is chicken stew which is prepared with glutinous rice, garlic, ginseng, jujube fruit, and ginger. Various other medical herbs like wolfberry and angelica sinensis could possibly be used. The young chicken, which could offer someone, could be utilized for Samgyetang. Like a turkey dish on Thanksgiving Day, all the active ingredients has to be stubbed in the chicken's dental caries as well as you must shut the flaps over the cavity (sew with thread or make use of a skewer). Then, position the poultry in a pot, about half fulled of water, as well as prepare it for lots of hrs. It is offered with salt as well as pepper. Hot red cayenne peppers paste could be inserted to improve its flavors as well as preference to one's inclination. Samgyetang is a symbolic food in Korea in the summer.
Choouhtang is also among the Korean conventional food for the summertime time with abundant flavors. The rich soup stock steamed with grinded mudfish (sometimes whole mudfish could be utilized) and dried Chinese cabbage, tofu, beef and mungbean sprouts will give delicious tastes as well as flavors. Mudfish has high healthy protein content and outstanding amino acids composition. Also, it is abundant in vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin D, calcium and iron. Slippery mucous boosts healthy protein absorption and synthesis. Because Choouhtang makes use of the whole of mudfish including its bones as well as inner body organs, it is a healthy meals for increasing youngsters as well as middle-aged women that are interesteded in osteoporosis because of the absence of calcium. It is offered with Chinese pepper powder, entire environment-friendly pepper, as well as diced red peppers.