Company profil / Product description
About batterylife AG, branch office Pegnitz
Organization chart and the company data of batterylife AG, branch office Pegnitz
Company structure
History of batterylife AG
Data sheet
Structure, funktion and „aging“ of the Agenda Li-Ionen battery
Phenomenon of the batterylife Activator
Test guidelines
Summary press reports
about batterylife AG, branch office Pegnitz The batterylife AG, branch office Pegnitz was established in September 2004. She is a joint establishment of the Aquis GmbH and Mr. Mark Korzilius. The philosophy of batterylife AG is, to go easy on natural resources by application of modern technology and to perform therefore a valuable contribution of their preservation.
Organization chart batterylife AG, branch office Pegnitz Marion Friedl General Manager Susanne Ditz Human Resources Sekretary‘s office
Accounting Billing
Sales Department
Product / Projectmanagement
Press Management Germany
technical Administration + WEB
Warehouse / Shipping
Claudia Thiem
Michael Schmid
Stefan Neumann
JĂźrgen Hausner
Nicole Zintl
Press Europe
Marketing Alexandra Keber Christine Felser
Helga Dormann
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Roland Friedl
Danny Kinneging
Detlef Reinberger
Roman Wild (Rep.)
EUROBIZZ, Kiel A. Hoffmann EUROBIZZ, FR Jerome Dutertre
EUROBIZZ, UK Graham Jackson
Company Data batterylife AG, branch office Pegnitz Address:
Nuernberger Str. 41 91257 Pegnitz
+49 (9241) 8099-0
+49 (9241) 8099-72
Homepage: multilingual: GER, FR, UK
HR. St. Gallen:
Company Structure share holder A
sanitary faucets
Aquis Sanit채r AG electronic faucets
share holder B
Aquis GmbH water treatment
components for - dishwashers - clothwashers - drier - refrigerator - small appliances
share holder C
branch office Pegnitz
about AWECO... AWECO – a leading supplier group for household appliances components: -
solenoid valves dispensing systems friction muffler
- water softener - heating systems - perfusion systems
Customer: all leading brands -
Miele Whirlpool
- Electrolux - Bosch / Siemens
- Maytag - Heier
Experience: 30 years in house hold appliances 1200 employee, turnover 2004: approx. 150 Mio EUR companies in A, SK, E, China, 2005: PL, USA, Mexico
about HANSA... Group members - Hansa - KWC - Aquis - Rokal
Key competence bath kitchen & bath electronic systems manufacturing
HANSA – a leading manufacturer •No. 1 in Germany; well known for high quality and best service
KWC – a leading manufacturer •No. 1 in Switzerland; well known for high quality and kitchen applications
Group data 1800 employee, turnover 2003: approx. 250 Mio EUR
batterylife AG - History - Matsushita tried to develop a hydrogen battery - Within this project special ceramics were researched and invented - 2001 Matsushita stopped development (strategic decision) - Our partner in Japan continued research and per Buy-out restructured - A unique foil with nano particles of a specific composited ceramic (the “Activator�) was invented (see patent application) - 2003 sales successfully started in Japan and Korea
Mobile Activator
Notebook Activator
ACT-5035 Mobile Activator
batterylife Activator
for all devices with used and new rechargeable
Li-Ion batteries The batterylife Activator phenomenon – improved Li-Ion battery recovery The batterylife Activator is easy to install and starts working after 5-10 charging cycles. Remove the battery from the phone. Peel the protective foil from the batterylife Activator and attach the Activator to the battery. Reconnect the battery to the mobile phone. (Note: at least 80% of one side of the Li-Ion battery must be covered by the foil! – please refer to the manual for more details). The batterylife Activator is a Japanese invention (with an international patent pending). This unique innovation has been evaluated and documented by several prestigious institutions and universities*. It enables longer battery life as well as improved regeneration and utilization of the Li-Ion battery. * University of Osaka, University of Kobe, SG Telecom S. Korea und NTT Docomo
The batterylife Activator „turboboosts“ your Li-Ion battery! - For all devices with used and new rechargeable Li-Ion batteries -
batterylife Activator
for all devices with used and new rechargeable
Li-Ion batteries
Advantages: - up to 30% more talk time / battery runtime* - up to 30% longer standby time* - up to 30% more performance for only 4g more weight - up to 40% shorter charging time*(environmentally-friendly) - up to 30% of longer battery lifetime*(environmentally-friendly) - easy to use – installed in seconds - for all devices with used and new rechargeable Li-Ion batteries
Test Process:
Application Area – see
Configuration of rechargeable Li-ion batteries
electrolyte polymer
negative electrode:
positive electrode:
carbon / graphite (LiCX)
Lithium metal oxide LiMO2 (e.g. LiCoO2)
Function of rechargeable Li-ion batteries charging: • connect to a powersource • pos. electrode (LiXCoO2) is oxidized – that means electrons are separated (anode) • electrons flow through the outer circuit to the neg. electrode • Li+ ions float through the electrolyte to the neg. electrode ⇓ electric circuit is closed • Li+ ions are incorporated into neg. electrode
Function of rechargeable Li-ion batteries discharging:
• connect to a resistance (consumer load) • neg. electrode (LiCX) is oxidized – that means electrous are separated (anode) • electrous flow through the resistance to the pos. electrode • Li+ ions float thourgh the electrolyte to the pos. electrode ⇓ electric circuit is closed • Li+ ions are incorporated into pos. electrode
„Deterioration“ of rechargeable Li-ion battery • incorporation and removal of Li-ions (approx. 0,12 nm) at electrodes causes an alteration in volume of approximately to 9 % due to expansion and contraction • mechanical stress causes decomposition of the electrodes (fragments break away) • uncharged metal particals are suspended in the electrolyte: Æ these particles hinder the smooth ion flow during charging and discharging. Æ these particles cannot be ionized by normal battery function anymore and are lost as charge carriers
Consequences: • longer recharging time • lower chargin capacity and shorter battery lifetime
The batterylife Activator phenomenon: Additional ionization of the rechargeable battery by the „batterylife Activator“. The batterylife Activator has up to 35 times greater ion intensity surrounding it (7.000-8.000 ION’s per cm³) compared to normal air (200-300 ION’S per cm³). Assumption: Uncharged metal particles within the electrolyte are reintegrated into the electrical circuit. Improvement of the electrolytic conductivity – better ion flow (lower amount of uncharged metal particles do not hinder the ion flow within the electrolyte) Æ Higher amount of charge carriers. („lost“ metal particles are „reactivated“ as charge carriers)
• shorter charging time • higher charging capacity and longer battery lifetime
Test Guidelines Test Environment: Ideally, the batterylife Activator should be tested during normal everyday use of the mobile phone in order to demonstrate its real benefits. It is essential that the rechargeable Li-Ion battery, to be tested, has already been in operation for about 9 months. Here are the instructions for measuring the batterylife Activator effect: • • • • • •
Charge the battery in the mobile phone (without the Activator attached). Place the fully-charged phone in a room where continuous network service is available. Measure the time the battery voltage needs to discharge, whilst ensuring that the phone is not used and the network service does not change. Replace the battery with the battery Activator attached to the mobile phone. Charge the battery again and use the mobile phone for normal daily activity. After around 10 charging-discharging cycles of the mobile phone battery, start a second series of tests in the same manner as before and compare the discharge times. Important note: Always recharge the Li-Ion battery whilst attached to the mobile phone. Between the two series of tests please allow the battery to pass through around 10 chargingdischarging cycles. Don’t change the test conditions between the first and the second test!
Summary Press Reports
The absolutely right skepticism is disappointed by a really amazing result.
Because of the absolutely weak standby times of Smartphones, the investment is profitable in its entirety, in our opinion
PC-GamesHardware 12/04 – Grade GOOD
world of PPC
Result: Result The batterylife Activator is function and raises measurably the capacity of an accumulator.
Result: Accu-booster for longer standby time
VALUATION 1 very good
1,52 3
6 very bad
Summary Press Reports WCM Austria Result: I am a practical person, who is mistrusting everything in the first step. However I have to say, the batterylife Activator really surprised me. That product does really function.
Hicomm Bulgarien Result: The Activator is working. In average 24% more performance.