clevere ideas for intelligent online marketing
Jörg Rensmann CEO infoMantis GmbH Osnabrück Germany
How to… …create stickyness, … increase online traffic …and create customer retention
Stickyness, online traffic, customer retention How XML, RSS and software tools deliver added value and fit in your online strategy
Introduction clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
Problems Newsletter and eMail-Marketing today hardly deliver clicks etc. SPAM, Phishing etc. cause decrising click rates Driving traffic by Web-Site-Promotion, OnlineBanners, SEO etc. also becomes more and more complex, also driving costs for traffic
Introduction clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
You need new ways to reach and pin your target audience down to your online activities
Introduction clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
You need new ways to reach and pin your target audience down to your online activities we have some ideas - like iSaver
Financial Times Germany clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
Value Proposition clevere Ideen für intelligentes Online-Marketing
iSaver is… an interactive Info-Screen Saver for Windows-PCs (starting Win98SE) brandet in your CI/CD
Value Proposition clevere Ideen für intelligentes Online-Marketing
iSaver delivers… More online coverage, driving additional clicks increased online traffic! Intensive customer retention stronger brand awareness increasing brand value as well Push-service for your online strategy without SPAM- and eMail more and concrete awarenesse for your news additional revenues (direct as indirect) positive Image-Effects Important Info directly to your target group – instead of waiting for them to come and pick them up on your web page
clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
iSaver some
Der Stern (weekly print magazine, GuJ) clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
pictures & news of the day
teaser for latest print magazine additional news (topics selected by user)
banner spot
Die WELT (nationwide German newspaper, Axel Springer) clevere Ideen für intelligentes Online-Marketing
pictures of the day news of the day teaser for marketing (print sales, abo)
additional news (topics selected by user)
search etc.
Hamburger Abendblatt (daily newspaper, Hamburg) clevere Ideen für intelligentes Online-Marketing
pictures & news of the day
additional news (topics selected by user)
„myPictures“ (user can integrate own pictures from HDD)
abo, search etc.
Premiere Fernsehen clevere Ideen für intelligentes Online-Marketing
Program tips for today
Highlights of the week
Borland clevere Ideen für intelligentes Online-Marketing
interact. area for product placement (transparent – filled with box shot etc. on new products)
Borland News IT and other general news according to users choice (via settings)
Some more
Some more
clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
Some more
Some more
clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
Some more
Some more
clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
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Some more
clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
You need new ways to reach and pin your target audience down to your online activities we have even more - like iNewsFlash
iNewsFlash clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
Download software at (biggest german sports magazin)
Sport-News delivered on your desktop Icon in start menu
Download at
iNewsFlash clevere Ideen für intelligentes Online-Marketing
customize your sport news tool by picking your own topics of interest
iNewsFlash clevere Ideen für intelligentes Online-Marketing
…and get latest News in your PC-Desktop
iNewsFlash clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
If you wish to the info window can stay on top
iNewsFlash clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
And you can deliver some more features to your users just as you like your desktop alerting tool to be
iNewsFlash clevere Ideen für intelligentes Online-Marketing
Breaking News are shown automatically normale Ansicht
Breaking News!
…and may also occure in a different design depending on the news (or news topic) shown
iNewsFlash clevere Ideen für intelligentes Online-Marketing
use cases Create customer retention, Increase online traffic, klicks, visits and create more online coverage Create Branding and positive image Leverage your sponsorings etc. by delivering branded news to those interested in your sponsorships (like sports, football, cycling, F1…) Increase your audiances attraction to your (important) information like in extranet, intranet etc. Internal communication: deliver important and latest news directly to your employees PCs. service.-oriented applications like Show actual status of online connection (like DSL-vloume / time etc.) Online-Brokerage including watches for stocks etc. (breaking news) Show latest security news and threads like inform about Phising, Viruses), etc.
clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
iNewsFlash some more
SportBild clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
Blick Online (Ch) clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
Lycos clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
18 clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
Beispiele clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
Erg辰nzend zum NewsLetter f端r wichtige Eil-Meldungen
Zur Mitarbeiter-Information
Our customers perspective!
references clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
Some customers (excerpt)
You find more at:
references clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
Statements Compared to eMail and Newsletter marketing our LYCOS screen saver is much more direct concerning increase in range of reach and customer loyalty Felicitas Piegsda-Rohowski, Managing Director Portal - LYCOS Germany
More Infos at:
references clevere Ideen f端r intelligentes Online-Marketing
Statements As in probably many enterprises, we also had to face the problem that we do publish most recent news, but that, however, these are only perceived very much delayed and simply not by everyone. Thanks to iSaver we could indicate to our employees that together we can move and reach a lot Martin Gauss, Gesch辰ftsf端hrer dba
dba uses iSaver to keep more than 1.000 employees at >10 locations up to date. Intranet-Traffic increased by more then 40%! More Infos at:
references clevere Ideen f체r intelligentes Online-Marketing
Statements ausgew채hlter Kunden
With the screen saver we bind our users even more narrowly to the brand ,Die Welt ' and we also deliver to them highly recent information directly onto their desktop. Due to their strength in the field of RSS-feeds, InfoMantis is the ideal partner for us. Volker Weinlein Leiter Online Portale Axel Springer Berlin
More Infos at:
references clevere Ideen f체r intelligentes Online-Marketing
At Team CSC we are always trying to find new ways to strengthen the relationship with both our fans and sponsors. For us the interactive screensaver from infoMantis is a perfect tool for keeping everyone up to date with what we are doing. Lars Gjols-Andersen Sales and Marketing Director Riis Cycling
references clevere Ideen für intelligentes Online-Marketing
Statements ausgewählter Kunden 16.000 installations in less than four month after start – that tells ist own tale! Congratulations and Thanks infoMantis! Ralf Gessner Financial Times Deutschland *Stand: December 2004!
More Infos at:
Interested? clevere Ideen für intelligentes Online-Marketing
Contact Thanks for your attention! You like what we are doing and are interested in using our tools? Still some questions left or additional information needed? Get in touch! infoMantis GmbH Westerbreite 7 49084 Osnabrück - Germany -
Tel: +49 (0)541 – 9119 46 45 Fax: +49 (0)541 – 9119 46 47
appendix about infoMantis
Key Facts clevere Ideen für intelligentes Online-Marketing
infoMantis founded in 2003 customers: >100 in 8 countries Software: >200.000 Installations Employees: by date 13 (5 development, 5 production, 3 sales) Company owned by founders (no external interests, influences)