Architecture portfolio

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Mi Wang


30 Jan 1985




English / Mandarin / French


0430 986 767




After studying architecture in Sydney, Melbourne, and Delft, Obtaining my Masters degree with a nomination for the Best Graduate Project of the year, I gained solid experience in Australia, working with award winning firms such as PTW and Studio 505, where I have had many opportunities to work on both local and overseas developments.

+ Bachelor of Design in Architecture

Those projects include residential and retail in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane, mix-use development in Vietnam, and the UAE, and resort centres in Korea and China. After graduation, I wanted to play an active part in the vast scale urban transformation China is experiencing, so I moved to Beijing and joined the global leading architecture firm Aedas, where I worked for 18 months. My experience in China has been highly rewarding. I joined an international team working on large scale commercial projects. The often complex design brief, high pressure environment and tight deadlines have trained me to be innovative and highly efficient. I also was trusted to manage several projects, client communication, and contract administration, which can be very challenging in China. My skillset spans from master planning, architectural design, interior design, and documentation, through to project management and marketing assistance. I bring attention to detail to all aspects of my work in addition to working well in a collaborative team environment.

University of Sydney 2005 to 2008 Honors Degree invited + Master of Architecture Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology 2010 to 2012 Nomination of the Best 10 Graduate Projects of 2012 + Exchange study in the Netherlands Technology University of Delft 2011.09 to 2012.02 Best Hybrid uilding design of the year

Software + Graphic Adobe Suites Photoshop+++ Illustrator+++ Indesign+++ + 2D AutoCAD+++ + 3D and rendering Revit++ ArchiCAD+ Rhino+++ SketchUp+++ Vray++ + Administrative Microsoft Office++ Microsoft Project++

Recent employment - Aedas experience

+ 2013.07 to 2015.01 Aedas Architects, Beijing

Design development

Architectural Designer Referee: Peter Marshall +86 186 1835 8172 (Director)

・Mandarin Oriental Hotel

- Design roll description

Facade detail documentation Podium and canopy documentation ・Wuxi Metro Mix-use competition

Carried out competitions and presentations,

Concept design

masterplanning, concept design, interior design,

Project management

documentation, facade design development and

Contract administration

construction drawings review. ・Chinlink Logistic Park - Project management

Concept design

Managed several projects include:

Project management

Yaxiu Market facade and interior design (central Beijing)

・Pingshan Business Park competition

China Overseas Headquater (Beijing)

Concept design

Wuxi Metro Mix-use competition (Wuxi city)

Project management

Pingshan Business Park competition (Shenzhen) Chinlink Logistic Park (Xi’an)

・Yaxiu Market Facade and Interior design Concept design and design development

In all the projects I was working on, I was

Design documentation

either in charge of , or was heavily involved

Construction drawing review

with clients communication and sub-contractors

Project management


Contract administration

- Contract and marketing

・Kuntai Group Beijing Headquater

Assisting initial meetings with possible clients.

Design documentation

Negotiation of work scope and time frame with

Construction drawing review

new clients. Contract administration and stage payment procedure follow up.

・China Overseas Beijing Headquater Concept design and design development Facade design documentation Construction drawing review Project management Contrace administration

Earlier employment

Freelance works

+ 2010.02 to 2011.08

+ 2012.05 to 2013.05

Studio 505, Melbourne

Design Subdivide & Build, Melbourne

Architectural Designer

Contract Architectural Designer

Referee: Dylan Brady (Partner) 03 9670 2322

Referee: Michael Sheppard, 0407 312 052

- Concept Design (Architectural and urban planning)

+ 2010.05 to 2010.08

- Design documentation

Kate Harrison Architect, Melbourne

- Client coordination

Contract Architectural Designer

- 2D and 3D drafting

Referee: Kate Harrison, 0418 519 865

- Preparing design reports (Architectural and urban planning)

- Concept Design and documentation (residential) - Design specifications (residential)

+ 2009.10 to 2010.02

- Preparing planning permit applications

Josephine O’Brien Architect, Sydney

- 3D rendering presentation

Contract Architect

- Council and client coordination

Referee: Josephine O’Brien, 0438 663 832 - Concept Design (residential) - Design Documentation - Preparing planning permit applications - Council and client coordination

+ 2007.11 to 2009.10 PTW Architects, Sydney Architectural Assistant Referee: Kimberly Everette (Director) 02 9232 5877 - Research on materials, public building typologies etc. - Concept Design and Design Development (Architectural and urban planning) - Design documentation (public buildings) - 2D and 3D drafting - Preparing design reports (Architectural and urban planning)

Selected projects + ARCHITECTURE Jurong Hospital Singapore

+ URBAN PLANNING Cube Society Hybrid Community Chengdu, China

Lotus Park Conference Centre Wujin, China

Garden Street development Wujin, China

Cube Society Hybrid Community Chengdu, China

Longmu Bay Resort Hainan, China

Wibautstraat Public Library Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Cambridge St Townhouse. Brisbane, Australia

Balmoral Residential Redevelopment Sydney, Australia Cotec Blue Sapphire Vung Tau, Vietnam

Ozeki Supermarket Tokyo, Japan Pop Music Centre International Competition Taipei, Taiwan Petro Vietnam Mixed-use Competition Hanoi, Vietnam

Busan Resort Centre Busan, Korea Ho Chi Minh City Financial CBD HCMC, Vietnam Cape St Jacques Mix-use development Vung Tau, Vietnam Al Ariam Mixed-use development Abu Dhabi, UAE Wibautstraat Plaza and Park Amsterdam, the Netherlands Waterfront Redevelopment Rio Janeiro, Brazil


- A hybrid project of modern structure and traditional city spaces, the vernacular lifestyle survives with in a densified urban cube. -

The project begins with a criticizing position on projects currently happening in Chengdu as the decision makers addiction to the ubiquitous mixed use high rise type. Chengdu is building a completely new city centre at the south edge of the existing city centre, this development is named Century City. The entire existing urban fabric has been removed to make place to the new. Is Chengdu going to be another duplication of Beijing or Shanghai after this fierce urbanization? The project tries to answer one urban question :How can we bring together the essence of the unique Chengdunese life style and a model of centralized organisation? So that vernacular culture survives within a large scale and highly densified new urban environment. The project focuses on exploring the interactions between outdoor spaces and how the different programs are driven by the connection between them. It aims to introduce a new typology that cultivates differences allowing the coexistence of multiple types through hybridization and develops a strategy for maximizing the intensity between local, metropolitan and global conditions.

mi wang portfolio cube society


mi wang portfolio cube society


In order to make the project not just a generic mixed use building, all the programs need to interact with each other. This interface increases the potential link between activities by making them spatially and functionally interdependent. The interface spaces in this project are original spaces from the existing city fabric, which are the most characteristic spaces in Chengdu famous life style. They are proven to work well under the climate and cultural conditions, people are familiar with them and they are part of the city’s lifestyle.

mi wang portfolio cube society


mi wang portfolio cube society


- Different urban conditions are intentionally created and divided, then they are all connected again by a public library in the form of a bridge. -

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To improve the connectivity of the site and a sense of space, the new hybrid building maximized its service area to Wibautstraat by placing a long line of recreational programs occupying the street frontage. This line of restaurants, bars and retail shops together with the monumental building and plaza alone Wibautstraat form a formal urban space, while there’s a huge area of landscaped park behind them to give a suburban and natural space to the surrounded residential areas.

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The proposal intends to extend beyond the linear north-south connection to Wibautstraat, and create a new connection across the street, from the western side where the Amstel River lies, to the eastern residential area. The new library is in a form of bridge, connecting the park and the river side, providing an elevated connection over the wall of buildings and traffics. The library bridge will be an urban boulevard itself, with public realm on the planted roof top where people can walk across anytime without entering the functional level within the bridge. The library is a boulevard of books with an open plan. Programs of art displaying, multimedia interaction and cafes will be injected into the plan to drive circulation.

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AEDAS Beijing

mi wang portfolio mandarin oriental hotel


Pingshan Business Park

Location: Shenzhen, China Stage: Competition (1st price) Site area: 50,000 sqm Total GFA 400,000 sqm Program: Office, retail, community space

Ҹⴃ )4 Park Park

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The wall of the village

Create wall street

Link existing city activities to the new development

Provide porosity and place the towers

)4 ) 4 Park

)4 City




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Internal typologies

The inside of the village

Lift the massing

Reorgeanize the massing to create the 3d village

Architectural Concept Disconnect the retail podium from the office towers by adding a new ground floor for employees for a better working environment.

Office Office Office Community space Retail Retail Lobby / Retail

舒适设施 Amenities

Typical 0ffice Typology Typical 0ffice Typology

New Shenzhen New Shenzhen Pingshan Typology

With 3 different type of accessibility

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Main Pedestrian Path

Building Core Vertical Circulation





Service Area


Service Core



Ramp Access


Vehicle Circulation






四层 交流共享 生态平台 L4 Community Space Garden

Building Entrance Lobby Sunken Plaza Retail Pedestrian Circulation


Retail Circulation

商铺 商业环线 餐饮

三层的商业环线使商业内街区域与外部商业更有效 的进行了连接。而内部商业村落形成整个商业的 聚合点。 The 3 retail loops on L3 floor reinforces the overall commercial efficiency of the retail by allowing people to easily pass from buildings to retail village in the center of the plot. The village operates as a central spine distributing people to the buildings on the periphery.


Urban Plaza

Retail Retail Loop F&B

Retail Loop Community Garden


二层 商铺 复式店铺 旗舰店 L2 Retail Shop Duplex Anchor Store

to City


Ensure a good retail frontage on the periphery of the site surrounding office lobbies.

广场 落客区 商铺 复式店铺 旗舰店 大堂 停车入口

to Park

L1 Plaza Drop Off Retail Shop Duplex Anchor Store Entrance Lobby Access Parking



Same Shop L1

Provide porosity to the interior of the site allowing people to penetrate to second retail frontage.

复式设计 Duplex typology on L1-L2

地下一层 车库 后勤 下沉广场 B1 Parking Service Sunken Plaza Retail

3层楼的咖啡店 Starbucks Coffe shop on 3 floors in a major corner


Supply an easy access from the existing city part (South-East) to the park (North-West) and new residential development.

Anchor Stores

地下二层 车库 B2 Parking

大面积单元商 业,餐饮,美 发,按摩等 Bigger units on L3 for retail like F&B, Massage Salon or Hairdressing Salon Developp a unique retail experience based on SOHO typology in the center of the site: the “Village”.

三层大面积单元 地下三层 车库 B3 Parking

Bigger Units on L3



主人行流线 Main Pedestrian path

次人行流线 Secondary path

南北人行流线 North-South connection

商业村落步行流线 Village Circulation

商业村落步行区域 Village Pedestrian area

沿街步行区域 Plaza

建筑出入口 Outter Retail path

建筑出入口 Entance Building

商业入口 Entrance Retail

商铺区域 Retail Frontage

红线 Red Line




主车行流线 Main Pedestrian path


Vehicle access 1


Vehicle access 2

Vehicle access 3





Parking Ramp access


落客区办公 Drop Off Office

落客区商业 Drop Off Retail

红线 Red Line


Vehicle access 2







塔楼沿街面 Tower street-front side

消防车场地入口 Fire Truck access

消防车流线 Fire Truck Route

PTW Sydney

- I call architecture frozen music. J.W von Goethe The undulations of the Mountains and the meandering of the river guides the conceptual arrangement of the design elements. To celebrate the Taiwanese pop music culture and to further integrate the musical element into the Taipei Pop Music Centre, six iconic singers were selected from Taiwan’s pop music history to represent the six live houses in the design. We digitally mapped each sound wave, the most characteristic beat of each tune is highlighted in red which serves as the base for the design.

The beat cells excerpt of each song’s sound wave is digitally stretched, and each wave is lofted with other cells to form the basic undulating framework of the landscape skin. The landscape skin is a multi- faceted element of the design, which encapsulates the site and the design as a whole. It is a floor and a roof; a decorative and utilitarian element; and a physical and conceptual representation of the Taiwanese pop music culture. After testing a series of loft, the conceptual technique produced numerous forms. After rationalizing the patterning across the site, we found this wave to best fit within the site and its context in a powerful and aesthetic way.

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The outdoor performance space aims to have a dual purpose in providing a large outdoor space to cater for up to 16000 people for large concerts and festivals and to provide and sizable urban green space. The back of house support is positioned next to the Chunghwa Telecommunication Equipment Machine room and is serviced via the Nangang Road, the concept is to have large screen either side of the stage with the indoor auditorium providing a large quantity of the amenities required, although additional accommodation can be located in the back of house building. The concept design of the live house is based on visibility and creating a unique atmosphere to play and listen to music. The stage can obviously viewed from within the venue but by providing an open able glass façade to the back of the stage we introduce the idea of a two way stage. This also give the public an insight to the various performances happening within the live houses. By shifting the support services to one side of the building and bar/ cafÊ to the other side this creates arms of amenities surrounding a small public plaza, ideal for generating contained atmosphere before after and during performances.

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STUDIO 505 Melbourne

- The future iconic cultural attraction symbolizing the growth and prosperity of Wujin. -

The Lotus Park involves a series of iconic projects in a new cultural precinct in Jiangsu Province in China. The 3.5 hectare Lotus Park has been designed to be occupied throughout the year with festivals and functions throughout the day and night. The design establishes a clear and active programme of functions. Projects include the W Gallery, the Lotus Conference Centre, and Phoenix Valley Community Centre. The themes of environmental sustainability, education, recreation and community focused arts programmes are key to the establishment and success of the park programme.

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