Arin He

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BA Fine Art, CSM

Cling, 2024

35mm film Collage

Cling was shot in double exposure rendering the living environment of two international students in London. The transparent nature of this work was made possible with multiple layers of opaque images overlapping each other.

The boundaries of photographs were blurred with everyday-used objects filling up all the gaps, visualising this crowded, less-of-an-ideal residential space in central London. As international students, the idea of home and housing are extended beyond one single space within one country. The location and space can be stretched along the globe, and each of their meaning mixes and mingles with each other across the student’s timeline of traveling and growth. Their belongingness and identity go along this chaotic journey as their understanding of who they are and who they represent change and evolve with the place they reside.

Artist Bio

My art making space is to me both shelter and exposure. As the artworks often magnify many detailed and commonly unnoticed sites, amongst my living environment, the paths I walked along, and the places I traveled to. I built my collections of daily sites and philosophical investigations within the archive of photographic memories, which intertwines with my identity and vulnerability as I carry on my journey through life.

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