Evolving Display of Visitor Works
Evolving Display of Visitor Works This is an evolving display of works created by our visitors. These experiments in colour and light have been made in response to exercises informed by Basic Design, a new approach to art education that emerged in Britain during the 1950s. A workshop can be found in the final section of this exhibition, titled ‘A Space for Making’, where new exercises are introduced every week.
Experiments with:
LIGHT 1. Choose colourful 3D shapes to arrange on a light pad. 2. Use tracing paper to: • Draw your arrangement • Explore different light effects 3. Share your artwork by: • Photographing your arrangement • Displaying your artwork here
Experiments with:
SHAPE 1. Take a piece of white cartridge paper and draw a straight line from one edge to another. 2. Take a piece of black card and make one straight cut to make a shape. 3. Glue this onto the cartridge paper so that it touches the line. 4. Repeat, making sure each new shape touches the centreline AND the previous shape. 5. Display your artwork on our wall
Experiments with:
LINE 1. Look for the parallel lines that surround you (the lines that don’t meet). 2. Using pencils taped together, draw the lines you find most interesting. 3. Display your work on the wall.
Experiments with:
COLOUR 1. Pick 2 different coloured pieces of card - pick colours that contrast well with each other. 2. Cut the card into long strips. 3. Take a piece of white paper and place some of the strips vertically along the paper and staple at one end. 4. Weave other coloured strips across the vertical strips and staple in place. 5. Experiment with: • how colours move in and out of each other • strips of different widths and distances apart • a 3rd colour? 6. Display your artwork. Photograph and share
Experiments with:
FORM 1. Use the wooden blocks to create 3D arrangements and structures. 2. Build a sculpture using 7 wood pieces of different shapes and sizes. 3. Play with balance, angles and the spaces between your pieces of wood. 4. Photograph and share your arrangement.
Experiments with:
MOVEMENT 1. Create a movement sequence using the patterns on the floor and the key below 2. Use big or small movements – small movements with your fingers, eyes and head or big movements with your body 3. Draw the shapes your body has made and share it 4. Film or photograph your drawing or movements and share. KEY: Horizontal line – stretch or straighten Vertical line - slide or glide Spiral - shake or change direction Curve – bend or sway Dot – jump or tap Triangle – point or turn Circle – spin or twist Square – curl or roll
Experiments with:
SPACE 1. Take a piece of fabric 2. Cut into it to create different shaped pieces 3. Explore ways to join them back together 4. Display your work
Experiments with:
PATTERN 1. Observe the patterns on the shell. 2. Draw the patterns you see on the squared paper. 3. Inspired by the shell, make new patterns in the remaining squares. 4. Display and share your artwork.
Credits Production of Digital Booklet
V21 Artspace
Images Cover image Form Other imagery
Stuart Whipps V21 Artspace Nottingham Contemporary