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THEME 3 Housing & Living

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Deliver affordable new homes in mix use developments and new ways of living.

Intensify and regenerate the Southall suburban fabric

Southall Community Land Trust

Desired Outcome: To diversify and increase Southall's housing stock by intensifying the existing residential fabric and building mixed use developments on key sites.

SCALE 1:10,000

Objective HL1. Deliver affordable new homes in mixed use developments and encourage new way of living.

Rationale of this Objective

The OAPF proposes to build a taget of 6000 homes with no clear objective on the target quality nor the place making of those new neighborhoods. For the housing strategy the goal is to provide quality housing adapted to Southall for and by Southall's residents. Housing should reflect the character of Southall existing fabric and reveal the full potential of its brownfield sites. Co-living and co-housing provides more homes at a more affordable price which can trigger a faster access to ownership


HL1.1 Mix used development

A minimum of 6000 new homes will be built in Southall. Large brownfield sites and low density areas like West Southall, East Southall will be the key sites to build the majority of the houses. These areas will be designed to intensify land use by including industrial uses along the ground floor of residential and retail developments. Innovative solution will mitigate noise from the logistic flow while providing interconnected shared public space.

HL1.2 Provide affordable homes

Careful negotiation between the developer and housing associations like Peabody must provide a minimum of 30% affordable housing. Land tax reductions will be used to incentivise developers to meet the target.

HL1.3 Co-living and Co-housing

Encourage co-living and co-housing in new developments to provide flexible dwelling. It will accommodate commuters attracted by the Crossrail and Southall resident willing to experiment witn new ways of living.

Policy Tools & Indicators

Formal Tools

Guidance, Control

Incentive, Control


Informal tools



number of houses created, floor ratio occupation of industrial and retail, affordable housing ratio, number of co-living units

Key Messages


Camden Campus Transferability

Caruso St Johns architect recently won the competition to build a mixed used development with residential, retail and light industrial. The existing industrial space will be replaced in the future proposal. An internal street for servicing will enable delivery and industrial purpose. Southall could use these typologise and combine them with residential uses and other programs.

Old Oak Co-living Transferability

Old Oak develpment is the biggest coliving operation in lodon with around 800 units. It holds shared facilities like gym,kitchen, resting area, working spaces and many others... While the rent is affordable, the residents can pay higher charges for the shared facilities. This typology is suited for the young comuters and will provide a help to access ownership

Fish Island Village & Peabody Transferability

Fish Island Village a canal-side development in Hackney wick taking inspiration of the existing surounding building. A joint venture between the developer and an Housing associations called Peabody enabled the construction of 72 affordable rent homes and 74 shared ownership homes. Southall must benefit from funding of the GLA and propose joint venture with housing association to meet affordable housing target

Objective HL2. Intensify and regenerate Southall's suburban fabric

Rationale of this Objective

Existing housing regeneration and decent homes is an outcome of the big conversation but the OAPF does not mention regenration of Southall's existing fabric, exept for the council house in Havelock. Intensifying the suburbs is a long-term process that can provide more housing and upgrate the streetscape.


HL2.1 Incentive for growth

Analyse the opportunity in Southall by locating possible land to intensify. Reach out to land owners willing to start feasibility studies with incentive to facilitate construction and planning regulation.

HL2.2 Create an integrated design

Set up an interactive tool to facilitate access to an architect and planning permission. A specific focus on the integration of the project in the existing fabric will be monitored by the council. Data available on the price of the market will encourage people to invest to provide more housing

HL2.3 Opening blocks

Coordinate the intervention through a plan and census to balance density and enable the opening of the inside of blocks.

Policy Tools & Indicators

density of the suburb calculated number of new housing created

IODU and Faire Transferability

IUDO is a french entreprise that developed a tool to facilitate the construction of new housing and extension in the suburbs. Thanks to an interactive website and brochure, land owners understand the possibility of their plot. They can then engage with an architect and IODU will help you until delivery. This proposal aims at intensifying the suburban houses when children left or a new construction can be a substantial source of income.

Key Messages Exemplar

Suburban design guide for Croydon Transferability

Croydon published a guide to densify its suburban fabric. Acting like a good practice guidline it shows how step by step, terraced house block can be intensified by constructing in the centre of the block and replacing low density units on its fringe by

Formal Tools


Guidance, Incentive

Guidance, Control

Informal tools




while the OAPF is active, regrouping two plots and lengthening path to

SUPERBIA savills Transferability

Transforming suburbia into superbia is a study by Savils to show the potential of London suburbs. "Doubling the density of just 10% of the outer London Boroughs could create 20,000 new homes per annum". Southall could easily benefit from this startegy intensifying its existing fabric

Objective HL3. To allow the residents to be part of Southall's growth

Rationale of this Objective

The OAPF does not target the housing created to any target, wondering if the development happening in Southall might transform the area into a gentrified commuting suburb with the new crossrail. Community Land Trust (CLTs) empowers people from the community and allow them to benefit from there interest in shaping the neighborhood.


HL3.1 Create a Community Land Trust (CLT)

Create community land trust for key sites in West Southall, East Southall and the suburbs. Recruit members of the community and agree on objectives of the CLT including a business plan. A goal of affordability and rent to buy houses is set up.

HL3.2 Purchase and Funding

Engage the community in buying land and securing possible land across Southall by inspecting sites that would fit the community's needs and resources. Founding can be done privately by their members and helped by a "CLT Social Investment Fund" or "Community Housing Fund"

HL3.3 Build and Prosper

With the help of an architect and/or sub-contractors the project follows planning permission and delivery.The land remains in the community as a long term asset managed by resident with an increased sense of ownership and therefore better care. There is the possibility to buy new land or to have new residents join the trust to repeat the operation in other areas of Southall

Policy Tools & Indicators

Affordable homes created,

Key Messages


Community Land Trust Transferability

Community Land Trust (CLT) "are set up and run by ordinary people to develop and manage homes as well as other assets important to that community, like community enterprises, food growing or workspaces". There is already numerous CLT in London and a lot of fund and help by housing association to set up one. Southall's resident can come together in a big conversation and therefor could form a CLT to take part of their neighborhood growth. With different brownfield sites and key sites, the council must secure some sites

Formal Tools


Guidance, Incentive

Guidance, Control

Informal Tools

participatory workshop


consulting, adverstise


that could be identifiyed by the Southall community. CLT size and operation

St Clements CLT Transferability

An example of a succesfull CLT among others is the St Clemes Hospital in Mile end where the local population gather fund to purchase the old building that was abandonned. In association with Peabody, "they created 252 new homes, 35% of which will be genuinely affordable homes including 58 for ‘social rent’ and 23 community land trust homes."

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