Undergrad Portfolio 2015

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James R. Mize B.S.A.

Undergraduate Portfolio

Wentworth Institute of Technology Fall 2011 - Spring 2014 Boston M.A.

Undergraduate 2010-2014

Center For The Humanities Spring 2014

Dance Center Fall 2013

ICA - HQ Spring 2013

Ferry Terminal Fall 2012

Annex ConnectorSpring 2012

Urban Sanctuary Spring 2012

I.D.E.O. Fall 2011

Urban Market Spring 2013

Urban Design Studio Year

Spring 2014


Boston M.A.


Terry Moor


This project focuses on the interaction between residential and performing arts spaces with the landscape joining the two. The landscape acts as the inspirational element, showing it’s influences within both residential and performing spaces. The influence of nature determines the materials of the space which in turn shapes how one experiences The Center for Humanities. The Parcels of land are dedicated to single and double apartment units. These apartment units will be inhabited by younger members of the community. These younger people consist of college member, performers, and others dedicated to the performing arts in the community. The residential living areas will be the second and third floors with the ground floor allocated for commercial uses.


Facade Component Diagram

Site Plan


Along Stony Brook Persepctive

Washington Street Perspective


Residential Unit Perspective

North East Section


Axis Dance Studio Year

Fall 2013


Boston M.A.


Charlie Cimino


The idea comes from the perception of handicapped individuals and their perceieved disability to become professional dancers. The Axis dance company is a company devoted to physically integrated dance with the moto of support, perform, educate and create. The archietcure works to achieve a refelciton of public image of the company and once inside reveal the more dynamic nature of the comapny. There are four floors with each floor dedicated to a signle aspect of the comapnies functions. During the day the public cant see inside the building because of the reflective glass, but at night the interior structure is revealed as well as the dynamic nature of the company.

Spatial Layout

Mirror Film

Facade Component Diagram

North East Section


Non Reflective Coating

Mirror Glass

Privacy Tint Coating

Dance Studio Perspective


Transparency Diagram

Site Plan

North East Elevation

1st Floor Plan

East Elevation

4th Floor Plan

North East Elevation

I.C.A. Headquarters Year

Spring 2013


Boston M.A.


Carol Burns


The ICA company is a mapping company in close coordination with MIT. This project tries to accomplish the aspect of time in a more human sense by the use of solids and voids, light and shadow. The concept is based off the idea that spaces become alive with people occupying them and when they are gone they transform again into a lesser state. The idea of there and gone also tries to relate to the lives as humans by the fact people come into our lives and sometimes leave just as soon as they appeared. The apertures in this building are arranged to give small exposures of life and light along a fixed path. The architecture tries to accomplish exposure of these moments by the differentiating sizes of the apetures.


Site Plan

North East Section

Plan Evolution Diagram

Gallery Perspective

West Section

Site Model Elevation

Ferry Terminal Year

Fall 2012


Boston M.A.


Justin Humphreys


The Main idea behind the design for the ferry temrinal is transforming historically functional sites into useful spaces once more. The location of the Northern Avenue Bridge makes this historical shipping location ideal for a ferry terminal because of its axis point to the cities business district. Because is an historical site the old piles, and switch house are left in the design but framed in glass such as a work of art. The ferry platform itself is low to the water and not enclosed, workign as a mechinism of sustainability on the coast line. In the event of a storm or high tide the water can flow freely through the space without incident. The roof form is inteded as a series of layers that represent the economical aspect of the site in accordance with its location.

Sectional Diagrams: Light and Shadow

Section North


Annex Connector Year

Spring 2012


Boston M.A.


Sue Pereirra


The Annex Connector is a project focused on connecting the wings of interior, industrial design and architecture. The concept was developed upon the perpception of the two design majors. Although at the college, these studios are divided, the architecture works to show the similarities between the two. The warped nature of the skewed perceptions we have of one another influence the spaces and form the envelop and connecting elements. the envelope panels form the material for the exterior and move through portions of the interior to add a connection of outdoors and indoors. The structure of the building consists of vertical columns to contrast the irrelgular form of the walls. Ultimately this represents the different perceptions of the designers.

Urban Sanctuary Year

Spring 2012


Boston M.A.


Sue Pereirra


The site for the urban sanctuary is locted along the south end burial ground. The outer wall of the site is the boundary in which this project was developed. The main idea as a sanctuary was to overcome lifes many struggles, with this in mind the barrier wall of the burial ground represents the struggle. The building is broken into three main parts with the landscape connecting each space. The mosoleum is a space that represents the struggle of the sanctuary being that you must pass through to experience the rest of the site. The slices in the wall represent the struggle but in this example are the only elements in the light. The glass urns would be placed in these slices making the remains of that individual part of the light itself.


I.D.E.O. Headquarters Year

Fall 2011


Boston M.A.


James Allen


The IDEO company is unique in its approach to a project through its efficient process. This idea was the main spark for the architecture located in the back bay neighborhood on Newbury street. The main focus was consciousness and its role in the deisgn process that drove the program, structure and daylighting in this building. Starting from the bottom the ceiling heights are shorter and there is little light. Then progressively each floor gains more ceiling height and light until reaching the top floor or the presentation/ client level. At that point in the process the project is unveiled to the client and it is the culmination of consciousness in the project. Throughout the building there are moments of light based on their portion of the design process for which they serve as well as connecting moments for collaboration.


Urban Market Place Year

Fall 2011


Boston M.A.


James Allen


The urban market loacated on Newbury street was designed as versatile public center with moveable partition walls, reflecting pools for evening enjoyment, open greenscape, bus station and performance stage. The idea was to design a roof like structure that would capture the reflections of the water from the reflecting pools but also to cover discourse of the market. Four planes differing is depth work to converge over the market to bring toegether the versatile nature of the programmable spaces. These planes also work to cool the spaces but in the winter allow for unique light to enter the spaces. At night the reflecting pools in the center of the space emit light reflecting off the roof planes and illuminated the spaces with an even glow.

Land Water Portal Year

Fall 2013


Boston M.A.


Justin Humphrey


The land water portal, located on the edges of the North End and Charleston, was designed as a water taxi station for the city of Boston. The conceptual thinking behind the architecture was a reaction to the existing conditions of typical water edge barriers in Boston. The “sea wall� typology limits interaction with the waters edge in a compelling way to human existence. Conceptually the land water portal became an elongation or blurring between land and water using structural piles or columns. The waters edge becomes less wall like and more natural for a more experiential relationship between water and land. The water taxi platform extends into the water, rising and falling with the tides of the harbor. On land a series of pavillions line the path to the platform that are used as waiting areas. These pavillions frame moments of water and land to be traveled to by then water taxi.

Landscape Outpost Year

Spring 2013


Boston M.A.


Carol Burns


The Landscape outpost was intended for a small company of fellows whose job it is to study the landscape around them. Our site although fictional is located in an apple orchard. The main idea behind this project is the perception of sound. What that means is created a series of spaces for each fellow to occupy but each space is created with different spatial and visual aspects that focus on the way humans perceive sound. For Instance each space uses different materials to capture different accoustics within a space. And these accoustics work with the manipulated types of “windows� to capture different emotions and qualities not only in the space but in the work of the fellows.

Hand Drawing Year

Fall 2013


Boston M.A.


Guiermo Velasco

The focus of this course was to test different media and mediums in ways to bring our studio projects to life. At Wentworth the art of the process is first and foremost expressed through the creativity of its students. This class was an exploration in media to further our thinking and developement of theoretical ideas. These sketches represent both studio process drawings and daily sketches to develop our visual representation in hand drawn form. Expressing what we see on paper is what a sketch is and successfully sketching would be considered as fluid connectivity from the brain to the hand.

Left: building se Above: Commut Right: Christian

ection expressing light and sustainability ter rail train interior Science Center

Amateur Photography Spring 2013 - Spring 2014


Grapvine, Texas


Derry, NH

Dallas, Texas

Boston, MA

Boston, MA

Fort Wroth, TX

Boston, MA

Boston, MA

New York, NY

Oslo, Norway

Oslo, Norway

Easton, MA

Boston, MA

Boston, MA

Boston, MA

Oslo, Norway

Burlington, MA

Providence, RI

Boston, MA

Boston, MA

Boston, MA

Boston, MA

Boston, MA

Atlantic Ocean

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