HaMizrachi Weekly (UK Edition) - Shabbat Shuva 5784

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SHABBAT SHUVA 5784​ The Jewish People Forever ​Rabbi Andrew Shaw Chief Executive, Mizrachi UK

It was not the place I ever thought I would be inspired. It was an evening my son and I had been looking forward to for weeks: The return of Arsenal to the Champions League, after a seven-year absence. We were very kindly given tickets and we headed off to the Emirates. The weather was awful, but as we walked to the stadium with 1000’s of others, there was a real community feel. We saw old friends laugh and joke together. Many of these people have been coming to watch Arsenal together for years and years. I occasionally get a ticket to take my son for an evening, but normally feel like a bit of a stranger. I am not quite a ‘three times a year’ fan, but not much more. There is a football magazine called 'When Saturday Comes’. As for many people, that used to be the time when they would turn up to support their club whether home or away. Growing up, the only time football was played was 3pm on Shabbat afternoon. I remember speaking to people who would be in shul in the morning and the terraces on the afternoon. Going to grounds to watch football in those days was therefore not possible for a Shomer Shabbat Jew. With the advent of Sunday and European football in the 80’s and 90’s, suddenly there was an ability to support and over the years I have seen many games, thankfully now with my son. There is a lot of similarity between a football community and our shul communities. It is a place where people come, linked by a sense of continuity. In our shuls we pray, in the stadiums, I think many of them do too! For many people who go there, the support for their team with family and friends is a central part of their lives. I cannot imagine my life without shul and kehillah, they have and do make up so much of my life, they are there for you through good times and bad, Shul is continuity in a world of instability. It is where we go to pray, to learn, to celebrate, to mourn, to socialise and to connect. I think many of those in Emirates on Wednesday could understand those sentiments. The difference, of course, is that one is dedicated to Divine service and the

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