MIKETZ5784 Lighting the World Rabbi Andrew Shaw Chief Executive, Mizrachi UK
Tonight is the final night of Chanukah, a Chanukah like no other I have experienced. Watching IDF soldiers lighting candles in Gaza while the war against Hamas and Hizbollah rages on, is both inspiring and tragic. What the world seems to fail to realise is that all we have ever wanted is a place on earth to call our own and to create a society that could be a beacon to the world. It is so sad, so tragic that for all our history there have been those who only goal was to destroy us – whether the Greeks and Romans of 2000 years ago or our current adversaries. The last night of Chanukah has a certain sadness about it as well. As I discuss in the video below, there is a fascinating link between Chanukah, Succot and the tragic events of October 7th and the aftermath. So, something different this week - please watch and hopefully be inspired! With thanks to our new graphic designer Yael Sayada, who put this together. Shabbat Shalom and Chanukah Sameach
Watch: Dvar Torah from Rabbi Benjy Rickman >
Mizrachi UK is coordinating with local catering companies in Israel to send Shabbat meals to families whose husband/father have been called up to serve. Please donate £50 per family, to help remove the burden for these wives – the Eishet Chayal – to cook for Shabbat.
Sponsor a Shabbat Meal > Thank you so much to all those who have already donated this campaign! Please continue to donate to these families, let's make sure to support them as best we can!
Watch: Thank You Messages from the Eishet Chayal Campaign >
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