Rotary Club of Aruba Upcoming events
Rotary Vino Vino Night 19th of December Rotary District conference Curacao April 2012 Rotary International Convention May 2012
Welcome - Introduction The evening commenced with an introduction from our Rotary Club President Francis with a warm welcome to our guest of the Board, Mrs. Jacqueline & Mr. Huub Doorenbos
Announcements Vino Vino Night Please join us for our the Vino Vino evening on the 19th of December
New Rotary Members
During the Christmas Dinner two new Members have been pinned. Mrs. America Barrios - Brown Lawyers Mr. Victor Aguirre - Valero Corporation
Fiesta Rotaria 2012 The next Steering Committee meeting will be on the 19th of December to appoint the members of the committee Fiesta Committees assignments.
Rotary Club – District 4370
Arrow Rotary Club Bulletin10th of December 2011
Rotary Foundation Future Vision Plan 2017 In anticipation of The Rotary Foundation’s 100-year anniversary in 2017, the Trustees set out to develop a plan to move the Foundation toward its second century of service. The plan reflects the desires and interests of Rotarians worldwide to give the Foundation a more sustainable and visible impact in the world. The plan is simple and flexible, allowing Rotarians to apply for grants online.
Rotary Christmas Dinner
The Future Vision Plan is intended to • Simplify Foundation programs and processes consistent with the mission • Focus Rotarian service efforts where they will have the greatest impact by addressing priority world needs that are relevant to Rotarians • Offer funding options to help achieve both global and local goals • Increase the sense of ownership at the district and club levels by transferring more decisions to the districts and their member clubs • Advance understanding of the Foundation’s work and enhance Rotary’s public image
The Christmas Dinner was held at the Hyatt and was a very pleasant and most enjoyable evening; the pictures are not available yet and will be shared shortly.
Rotary Club – District 4370
Arrow Rotary Club Bulletin10th of December 2011
A special message from our Rotary Club of Aruba Contact us
The Rotary four way test
Please direct any comments or remarks to the Arrow editorial offices Represented by Mr. Maurice J.W. Janssen Mr. Ravee Boolchands Mr. Harold Hagens Mr. Percy Ho-Kang-You Mr. Gerardo de Veer JR Mr. Geert Rep The Arrow is an independent publication under responsibility of the Club Bulletin Commission of the Aruba Rotary Club.
Is it the TRUTH Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIP Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
The Rotary Club of Aruba would like to Congratulate Fellow Rotarian Pim Jansen & Mara with their wedding this week
E-Mail: Internet Facebook Rotary Club of Aruba
Attendance this week
65 %
Rotary Club – District 4370
Arrow Rotary Club Bulletin10th of December 2011