Celebration of Jewish Holiday Hanukkah with Jewish Christians The MJBI has a sturdy determination to invoke Jewish people to their culture and literature and inculcate a strong faith on Yeshua, the Messiah. Dallas, Texas 3/10/2014: The MJBI or Messianic Jewish Bible Institute is on a mission to teach, train and touch lives of Jewish people to attain eternal faith on Yeshua. In a sole aim to abide all the Christian Jew under one belief, MJBI follow the verses of Bible and strive to inculcate the same belief inside all the Jewish people on earth. On their mission to establish Christian Jew communities across the globe, they try to convey the actual meaning of Jewish holidays. Of all the holidays the one that holds the maxim importance is the Hanukkah Jewish Holiday. It is an eight day celebration ritual where people congregate and celebrate it by lights to commemorate the significance of Temples in Jerusalem. Otherwise known as, ’the Festival of lights’, Hanukkah Jewish Holiday is celebrated by kindling oil lamps or candles for eight days with the use of special eight-branched menorah. Each light is kindled with the flame of separate branch each day. To instill strong faith upon Yeshua, MJBI puts a thorough emphasis on its scriptures. Going by the belief that the Old Testament was completely written by Jewish and that the new covenant was also written by Jewish with a possible exception of Apostle Luke; the MJBI points out to the fact that Yeshua came from Jewish people and live a Jewish life and refused to abolish Biblical Judaism. In a revelation to preach to the world that Christians owe a lot to Christian Jew, MJBI further elaborates on topics of Salvation and Spiritual Benefits which reflects that Yeshua descended on earth to fulfill Biblical Judaism and not to abolish it. About the company: With a strong collaboration from Christian Jew and Gentile Christians, MJBI was formed in 1995 and launched in 1998. In 1995, Jonathan Bernis and Dan Juster joined hands to bring a revolution with Messianic Jewish movement. They formed a school with the name MJBI, Messianic Jewish Bible Institute in Soviet Union to spread the literature and culture of Jewish origin. Later in 1998, after a huge success in Soviet Union, they strove to expand the missionary in other countries as well. And from that date to till date, MJBI had remained successful to spread the Messiah’s preaching all across the globe with tens and thousands of students enrolling into the institute each year.