Welcome To MJBI
Shavuot Jewish Holiday Want to know the exact days and dates of Shavuot Jewish holidays and also their significance then MJBI (Messianic Jewish Bible Institute) is the right place for you to go to.
Jewish Feasts
Know all about Jewish feasts, their exact days and dates, their importance everything only on Messianic Jewish Bible Institute MJBI’s website. Log in to their website mjbi.org now.
Jewish Holiday Sukkot If are true follower of Yeshua, the Messiah and want to know about Jewish holiday sukkot and their historical significance then contact MJBI (Messianic Jewish Bible Institute) via their website.
Jewish Roots
Messianic Jewish Bible Institute (MJBI) feels proud in spreading Yeshua’s true message to its people. They want them to stay connected with Jewish roots. Know more about their services only on their website.
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MJBI PO Box 610105 Dallas Texas
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