Teaching... Training...Touching Lives
Messianic Christian
Messianic christian is one of the community which is follower of the great yeshua. You can learn about their culture and history, through our website and observe the path of christianity.
Jewish Feasts Now its easy to get all the information about Jewish feasts, their exact days and dates, their importance on MJBI’s website. Log in our website to know more about us.
Shavuot Jewish Holiday
Now you can know the exact days and dates of Shavuot Jewish holidays and their significance, through MJBI. Checkout our website to know more about us.
Judaism Holidays
Are you interested to participate in Judaism holidays. Now you can spent peaceful Judaism holidays at the time of Jewish festival celebrations at historical places of Jews. Contact us for details.
Contact Us ADDRESS:PO PO Box Box 610105 ADDRESS: 610105 Dallas Texas 75261
Dallas Texas 75261 PHONE NO. : (817)864-9300 WEBSITE ADDRESS: http://mjbi.org/
WEBSITE ADDRESS: http://mjbi.org/