URS127_facade / Circle Packing

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Di-Hua Street Di-Hua Street was located amidst the Daitotei commercial area, with origins tracing back to the middle of the 19th century, and long having served as a logistics center for distribution of sundries in Taipei (Taihoku), as well as for sale of tea, fabric and silk, traditional Chinese herbal medicines and Chinese sundry goods; happily centered amidst the government policies for maintenance and preservation, the nearly 800m long Di-Hua Market Street has been able to conserve its original appearance in pristine condition. Di-Hua Street proceeds from the north intersection with Kuisui Street, on a much tighter knit scale of appurtenant alleys and lanes, and with quite a different architectural style; and especially with the changes in the location to the north, these features become more readily apparent, and these early examples of traditional streets and architecture remain the public memories of the unknown and forgotten.

Di-Hua Street (Eiraku-cho) in the Japanese era Photographs http://goo.gl/bCKz5

Re-generation Station URS Urban strategies In recent years, Taipei has promoted its URS: Urban Regeneration Station plan, selecting seven sites, among which were included the URS 127 site. It is on the original location of the old Shoppe at #127 Di-Hua Street, which has been transformed into a design gallery, and also serves as a halfway point in the urban cultural renewal plan. The current distribution of the old stores on Di-Hua Street , rely on individual shops located throughout the street and its appurtenant alleys and lanes. So this project design required operational considerations focusing initially on the URS 127 site as a cultural and art gallery. The site focuses on cultural exchange as its core, permitting these local conceptual components to weave a quilted plan image.

Today's Di-Hua Street 003

Di-Hua #212 Amidst these typical market street images, #212 Di-Hua Street features a traditional herbal medicine shop with climbing bougainvillea. The street evokes visual images enriching visitors appreciation of the exhibit space, in connection with other area features, enriching their appreciation for the traditional life of Di-Hua Market Street.





Section of URS 127 Shoppe 005

Section of URS 127 model 006

Circle Packing Discussions about Circle Packing belong to the fields of topology and geometry. They use circles for optimal packing and arrangement media, requiring each adjacent circle to proximately engage their neighbors without stacking, to attain the optimally efficient spatial packing. In daily life, these principles are often deployed with packaging and containers, such as where space is limited, for example, to optimally place wine bottles so as to optimize additional placement of beer bottles.

Tensiometer measures “0�

Setup testing unit

Circle Packing photograph http://goo.gl/KGUOC http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circle_packing wikipedia

Circle Packing in daily life 007

Optimizing tension testing

Component units CD protective layers are made of an organic chemical known as Polystyrene ( hereinafter referred to as uncovered CDs ), which appear transparent and as if an Acrylic-like material; most uncovered CDs are covered with this material, as well as a reflective surface coating and special chemical coating. The bare CDs are connected together with 2.5mm wide plastic cable ties, and testing determined that a hole of 3.5mm distance from the edge of the CD to the hole provided the optimal load stress of 8.7kgs, approximately within the 8kgs stress load capacity of the cable ties.

cable ties CV-100 length :100 mm width :2.5 mm weight:26.72g (100pcs) maximum load : 8kgs

max=6.2 kgs

max=8.7 kgs

CD components: unit #1627 connected with unit #1692

max=11.4 kgs

max=14.3 kgs

Distance to opening / maximum load testing 008

3d simulation: original space 009

3d simulation: with CDs covered 010

RhinoScript “RhinoScript is a scripting tool based on Microsoft's VBScript language. With RhinoScript, you can quickly add functionality to Rhino, or automate repetitive tasks.” ~ from McNeel wiki During the development and implementation of this design, we tried to use scripting language to operate or control the complex, repetitive command input. Converting the spatial model into cutting file processes required altogether five different steps:

˝ Geometric surfaces generate different size surfaces, with a diameter ranging from 7-12cm.


total area: 27.370 m CD amount: 4,133 pcs laser cutting holes: 16,658 pcs cable ties: 8,420 pcs weight of CDs: 25,666.459 g weight of cable ties: 2,249.824 g total weight: 27,916.283 g


˞ Provide a name to each curve and establish its own layer. ˟ Determine the intersected points from each proximate component, then record their names and set them in related layers.

Ë Separate the components into 23 groups, and arrange them flattened from the 3d modeling space.

ËĄ Place the components into cutting files

group amount area(cm2) weight(g) 1 186 1,297,512.50 1,216.74 2 158 1,169,800.10 1,096.98 3 187 1,412,112.20 1,324.21 4 179 1,289,112.10 1,208.87 5 191 1,344,745.20 1,261.04 6 180 1,287,323.30 1,207.19 7 164 1,231,035.70 1,154.41 8 168 1,197,937.60 1,123.37 9 851.46 144 907,985.30 10 229 1,378,020.60 1,292.24 11 184 1,189,352.80 1,115.32 12 775.68 130 827,172.20 13 934.67 177 996,716.60 14 863.99 158 921,341.50 15 213 1,295,527.40 1,214.88 16 214 1,289,205.10 1,208.95 17 188 1,243,733.40 1,166.31 18 170 1,143,248.30 1,072.08 19 188 1,258,866.10 1,180.51 20 167 1,130,234.50 1,059.88 21 208 1,260,378.40 1,181.92 22 200 1,332,427.10 1,249.48 23 906.28 150 966,440.80 total 4,133 27,370,228.40 25,666.46


Cutting Module Acrylic materials can be used with laser cutting, mostly for optimized arrangements of material within the scope cutting of cutting processes. To ensure firm placement of the uncovered CDs and laser processing, it will be necessary to produce an extremely fast setting and replacement module. In a laser platform cutting module, there were altogether 15 CD placement holders, facilitating changing locations, and allowing the CD discs and cutting template to maintain some distance, avoiding laser production causing base template material to overheat and turn black.

Direct processing : cutting edges are more vulnerable to scratches

Indirect processing : cutting edges are more transparent and clean

CD placement holderďźˆD:30mmďź?H:5mm 013

The CD in place on the laser platform before cutting

laser cutting area CD holder Air outlet honeycomb board

Cutting module on laser cutter workspace

Convert nested cutting data into cutting module 014

Supporting Frame As for the vertical aspect of the project, consideration of the structural design and other external elements ( weight / wind affects / human factors ), required internal use of a supporting frame for completion of the design. This frame structure is mostly made from hollow acrylic tubing ( = 6 / 4mm ), integrated in conjunction with 4mm filled acrylic tubing.

3d simulation of supporting frame on faรงade

Connectors The surface of transparent acrylic tubing is very slippery, so the tube connectors and parts require some stacking, and given the requirements for transparency and adhesiveness, this frame relied on traditional paper (kite structure) modeling techniques; many traditional artisans handmade woven bamboo lanterns were made in this manner, with a paper root ( in Taiwanese - a kind of transparent glass paper ) along with glutinous rice paste for adhesion. Today in Taipei, the traditional crafts of paper roots are located primarily around Hsiyuan Street in the Wan-Hwa District, where many traditional funeral director shops which use the paper models in farewells to the departed are located. Acrylic contacts: paper root adhered to glutinous rice paste 015

1 & 2 Setting up supporting frame on the 3rd floor

1 2


















Second floor balcony construction overnight



Positioning The structural module was complete on the 3rd floor of URS 127, and free hangs as a vertical installation. After positioning the major faรงade support components, we remove the framing layout, applying stronger adhesives in place.



Framework use of acrylic materials for the structure, besides considerations of weight, also affected the flexibility and strength of materiel, to respond to any surrounding inherent challenges.





Acrylic frame hanging processes. Photo by Sheng-Mao Chang 019


Positioning complete 020

Wooden frame 021


Multi-purpose space on the 3rd floor of URS127 023

Preparing CD groups

Photograph by Yi-Tsu Yuan


Night time 025

Connection between materials 026


Details 028


Opening Day / Photograph by Yi-Tsu Yuan 031


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