The Nomad Magazine

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Issue No. 1

Spring 2011

2011: European Year of Volunteering (EYV)

THE NOMAD IES Los Boliches (Fuengirola)

No. 1 Spring 2011



Editorial by Dana Abecasis & Marina Antúnez


Focus: 2011, European Year of Volunteering (EYV) by Mª Rosa Bravo, Diego Iglesias & Conchi Porras


Highlights in EYV by Marina Antúnez & Olga Colmenero


Two Relevant International Charities… Manos Unidas by Daniel Von Muralt & Daniel Vázquez

Doctors Without Borders (MSF: Médicos Sin Fronteras) by Iván Cuevas & Anas El Ghaoudi


Research: Fuengirola and Volunteering Council’s Social Welfare Service by Sofía Gil

Youth Correspondents (Corresponsales Juveniles) by Olga Colmenero, Gabriel Ogáyar, Claudia Cózar & Sonia Palacios

AFA (Asociación de Familiares de Enfermos de Alzheimer) in Fuengirola by Evelin Aranda, Macarena Moreno y Arancha Ruiz


Sport and Volunteers by Raquel Martín & Graciela Valenzuela


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AND… 42

Funny Science Experiments by Patricia Barranco & Yinayka Bernal


The Poet’s Corner by Tatiana Muñoz


Trends 2011 by Miguel Ángel Acuña, Sergio Aranda, Marta Chasing & Loic Enrique


You and the Stars (Astrological Guide) by Iván Barranquero & Daniel Estévez


Humour & Passtimes by Jorge Cabrera


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Edition Coordinator: Marina Antúnez Editorial Picture: Dana Abecassis Photography: Olga Colmenero Video edition: Gabriel Ogáyar Other images:  Cover: Eva Ricart Tapia  NGOs’ photographs have been taken from their web pages  AFA premises’ pictures have been given by this association  Sport images have been provided by Marisa Lucio  Horoscopes: Classroom Clipart  Other pictures: Philip Martin’s Clip Art Gallery & Microsoft Art Gallery Project Direction: Mª José Díaz Published at IES Los Boliches (Fuengirola). May 2011 Wiki :


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e would like to thank the following people and institutions, since without their help and selfishless collaboration this magazine could not have been carried out:

AFA, Fuengirola  Especially to Mati Miranda and Mª del Carmen Pino Área de Juventud. Ayuntamiento de Fuengirola  Especially to Mª del Mar Claros y Víctor Serrato Plataforma Andaluza del Voluntariado Ciclos Formativos de Actividades Físicas y Deportivas del IES Sierra de Mijas  Especially to the teachers Marisa Lucio e Iñigo Madinabeitia as well as students taking these studies. Our Religion Teacher, Natividad Fuentes for all the information about Manos Unidas


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Firstly we're going to introduce ourselves. This magazine has been carried out by a group of 1

students of 1º Bachillerato (I.E.S Los Boliches, Fuengirola). As a result of a project focused 2 on volunteering as this year is dedicated to this topic by the European Union. This appealing 3 title can mislead 4 the reader, that's why we are going to explain its meaning to us and why we believe that's the most suitable one. Everybody knows what a nomad is, but we're not referring to the fact of migration. A nomad is a person who doesn't have a fixed place of residence. The relation between volunteering and nomadism for us is based on the fact that a volunteer should move around the world for helping the most of people in need. The aim of this magazine is raising the awareness of population. We don't live in an ideal world: the global warming 5, the global crisis and many armed conflicts have made our lives harder. Therefore we believe that the mutual association of all the countries and the fact of helping our neighbor could make our lives easier. We also want you to know, that everybody has the opportunity of volunteering if they are willing to. “Charity begins at home”, that means that your dayly routines can turn into volunteering if you try. Volunteering is based on a main objective: helping other people without receiving something back. For this reason join us, and begin to be a NOMAD . GLOSSARY

-Carry out (v)1: llevar a cabo -Focus (v) 2:: centrar -Appealing (adj.)3: atractivo, llamativo -Mislead (v)4: confundir -Global warming (n) 5: calentamiento global -Awareness (n)


By Marina Antúnez & Dana Abecasis

: conciencia 6

No. 1 Spring 2011


Focus: 2011, European Year of Volunteering (EYV) going to start the new year, and the European Union has chosen an interesting subject to take care about. The aim1 is to make Europeans aware2 about how important it is to help people in need without receiving any material incentive. Because the action of helping someone who needs it will produce you a good feel, we are sure you know what we are talking about. Yes, this year in the European Union is the Year of Volunteering. We know you've guessed it. Maybe you're wondering, ''why has the EU chosen Volunteering?''. We'll give you the answers here:

Volunteers are the agents of European values and objectives as laid down in the Treaties, in particular in terms of promoting social cohesion, solidarity, and active participation – theirs are the hands that translate these values into action, day after day. Volunteering contributes to building a European identity rooted 3 in these values and towards attaining a mutual understanding between people in society and across Europe. Volunteering in its horizontal nature is indispensable in a wide range of EU policy areas such as social inclusion, the provision of life-long learning opportunities for all, policies affecting young people, inter7

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generational dialogue, active aging, integration of migrants, intercultural dialogue, civil protection, humanitarian aid4 and development, sustainable development5 and environmental protection, human rights, social service delivery, raising employability, the promotion of an active European citizenship6, fighting the "digital gap", and within corporate social responsibility. Volunteering is an economic factor. The voluntary sector contributes an estimated 5% to the GDP7 of our national economies. Volunteers and their organisations are at the forefront of developing innovative actions to detect, voice and respond to needs arising in society. Maybe now, you're thinking about what kind of objectives the European Union could have to help people who help and offer their time to take care of others.

Make European Citizenship aware of the scope, the values and importance of solidarity. Motivate Europeans to collaborate. To volunteering and volunteer organizations for their contribution an input of good practice in running projects. Citizenship route from Europe for the reduction of barriers Work exchange volunteer intergovernmental policy. Recognize and highlight the value of local volunteer activities.

Volunteering is to help all member states, regional and local communities and civil society to reach a number of objectives:


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• Improve and facilitate the setting for volunteering in the EU. • Give relevance to voluntary organizations and improve the quality of volunteering. • Reward10 and recognize volunteer activities. • Increase awareness11 of the value and importance of volunteering. • Assist volunteers anywhere in Europe to meet and learn best from other states.

The European Commission is also planning a range12 of activities. These include communication and awareness-raising measures (EYV Tour, EYV Relay, EYV Website, Thematic conferences).


European Year of Volunteering 2011: EUR 8 million. Preparatory actions 2010: EUR 3 million

-Action 1: Active citizens for Europe It focuses on town twinning, as well as citizens’ projects and support measures. -Action 2: Active civil society in Europe To play a more active role on the European stage by supporting NGOs, trade unions, think tanks, associations,…etc. -Action 3: together for Europe. High-profile events will inspire people to identify with the European project, helping them to realize that 9

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values can be shared across national borders. The Commission will also carry out studies, surveys and opinion polls in order to get a better understanding of active European citizenship. -Action 4: Active European remembrance12 It seeks to keep the painful memories of Nazism and Stalinism alive in order to provide lessons on the value of the peace, stability and democracy we take for granted in today’s Europe. Finally let’s watch these two VIDEOS about EYV (European Year of Volunteering): EYV Presentation Marian Harkin’s Press Conference GLOSSARY Aim (n)1: objetivo

Improvement (n)9: mejora

Aware (adj)2: consciente

Reward (v)10: recompensar

Rooted (adj)3: arraigado

Awareness (n)11: consciencia

Aid (n)4: ayuda

Range (n)12: gama, abanico

Development (n)5: desarrollo

Budget (n)13: presupuesto

Citizenship (n)6: ciudadanía

Remembrance (n)14: recuerdo

GDP (Gross Domestic Product)7: Producto Interior Bruto (PIB) Achieve (v)8: lograr SOURCES The following webs:

Article by: Mª Rosa Bravo, Diego Iglesias & Conchi Porras


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uropean Year of Volunteering will be marked by a wide range of events and activities on this topic. Here we have highlighted the most interesting ones for us or those which are crucial to understand what volunteering stands for. They have both national (marked in green) and European (marked in sky blue) scope.

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No. 1 Spring 2011


01/01/2011 - 31/12/2011 Exposition itinérante "52 visages, pour 52 formes de volontariat" (Belgium) 01/01/2011 - 28/02/2011 Opening event (Bulgaria) 08/01/2011 Budapest Conference (Hungary) 26 & 27/01/2011 III International Conference on Volunteering (Madrid) 18 & 19/02/2011 VIII Andalusian Conference1 on Volunteering (Seville, Spain) 28/02/2011 – 05/03/2011 Tour AEV 2011 (Madrid, Spain) A meeting point for volunteers and NGOs to exhibit its achievements, share experiences and debate about the future of volunteering. 28/03/2011 Volunteering Fair (Cantabria, Spain) 29/11/2011-01/12/2011 XIV National Conference on Volunteering (La Coruña, Galicia) As this magazine has been issued in Andalusia, in the province of Málaga, Fuengirola, we have decided to devote a special report on the VIII Andalusian Conference on Volunteering, held2 in Seville last February.

GLOSSARY -Conference1 (n): Congreso. // Lecture: conferencia. -Held2 (v. Hold-held-held):celebrar. -Coorporative table3: mesa redonda. -Investment4 (n): inversión. -Further5(adj.): adicional, extra, más.

By Marina Antúnez & Olga Colmenero


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Last 18th and 19th February the VIII Andalusian Conference was held in Seville’s Convention Center. After getting in touch with the Andalusian Platform of Volunteering, we have obtained different conclusions: In the first place, this event is organized thanks to the collaboration of “Junta de Andalucía”. It´s important also to emphasize the contribution of other institutions like local universities, deputations and autonomous institutions whose projects are related to “help one´s neighbour”.

The main aims of the conference have been: to create volunteering awareness, to offer meetings where the topic to discuss will be the requirements of the Andalusian population, to learn about the different entities and organizations that perform volunteering in Andalusia and the use of new technologies about the European volunteering year. All of these issues have been discussed in the voluntary coorporative table 3, in which the assistants talked about how to improve the budgets and the incomes dedicated to this project. It has a global character. They achieved great results in the Congress of Volunteering of 2011 based in the economic planning that they make every four years. It has established investment4 on volunteering. This conference has been visited by 1400 assistants. The participation of young groups was outstanding. For further5 information about this topic, you may contact Andalusian Volunteering Platform: tel.: 954347314


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ANOS UNIDAS is a non Governmental Organization (NGO) of Catholic volunteers which, since 1960, fight against poverty1, hunger2, malnutrition, disease, illiteracy3, underdevelopment and its causes. It was born as a campaign against hunger, but from 1978 on it had acquired its own personality with full legal, canonical and civil scope4, taking the name of “ Manos Unidas�. To achieve5 its target funds development projects in South countries and awareness campaigns in our country.

MISSION Manos Unidas mission is: To fight against hunger, malnutrition, poverty, disease, underdevelopment and illiteracy. To work to eradicate the structural causes that produce them: injustice, the unequal distribution of wealth and opportunities among individuals and peoples, ignorance,


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THE NOMAD prejudice, lack of solidarity, indifference and the crisis of human and Christian values.

VALUES Culture that guides this organization and resource management consists of the following values: Final Values (relative to view): Dignity of the person, foundation of every social, economic, political and cultural project. The universal destination of goods, directed at ensuring decent living conditions for all. The common welfare, which is achieved when human rights are guaranteed, respected and promoted. Solidarity, as a firm determination to work for justice, in a organized and persistent, dignified life for the poorest people on earth, Africa, Asia and America. Subsidiarity, not imposing their way of seeing and doing things, but responding to demands of women and men of the countries in the South and sharing with them the responsibility for their own development.

Instrumental Values (relative to the mission): Volunteering as a culture of service and gratitude, as an alternative to competitiveness and economic bias, in order to transform our society in a fairer fraternal place. Austerity in expenditure and the development of sustainable lifestyles, respect for the environment. The culture of peace, built on dialogue, reconciliation, friendship and respect for life, not working under any circumstances of warfare or involving violence to humans or nature.


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THE NOMAD Cooperation and coordination with other organizations in the south to meet the requests of all persons in situations of exclusion, regardless of gender, race, country or religion. Independence of action in the election of campaigns and in supporting development projects. The quality and professionalism in all its activities. Transparency in the recruitment, management and administration of resources.

HOW THEY WORK Manos Unidas works in two basic directions: Education for development and project finance.

Education for development

Manos Unidas attaches great importance to the education for development, whose it´s primary goal is to make Spanish society aware of the reality of the people of the third world. It´ s goal to promote changes in both values, attitudes and behaviors of each person, as well as in political and economic structures. In the year 2009, Manos Unidas financed 692 development projects in 58 countries of the South with a value of 41,416,317 euros.


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Education, Studies and documentation , communication and internal training To develop educational materials for schools. To train teachers as agents of solidarity of education, through workshops and organize courses in collaboration with teacher training centers, universities…. To organize university courses, masters and conferences. To collaborate with institutions in the world of education with publications. To provide6 documentation, reports, publications, and audiovisual materials. To develop materials for analysis and reflection: information, brochures monographs, reports on the annual campaign, country dossiers, books… To participate in public debate and social reflection, through conferences, lectures, meetings and training courses and analysis. To encourage citizen mobilization campaigns, reporting and political pressure to promote changes in legislation and public institutions for countries in the south. To promote contact and direct communication between the mass media and the south countries. To develop materials and campaigns on the theme of the annual campaign. To conduct public awareness activities: minutes of silence in Spain, the day of voluntary fasting, marches, meetings, vigils, hunger dinner… To provide alternative information on the problems of the south from the data collected with partners in grassroots work, missionaries, church organizations, local NGOs… They offer courses and workshops for people who work in the departments of central services and the 71 delegation distributes throughout the Spanish geography. They develop training materials and disseminate other materials that may be useful people working in the organization. They organize


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training days annually nationwide, where they analyzed the formation of the central theme of their campaign. They prepare training trips to the Third Wor ld, rich experiences of awareness and motivation. Project finance

Development projects are one of the main lines of work Manos Unidas, it is through them where they join the initiatives, ideas and efforts of many people with a common goal7: to achieve a more dignified world for all human beings. The projects are suitable tools8to improve living conditions and human development in southern populations. To fund9 a project, Manos Unidas selects five priority areas: Agriculture, health, education, social and women promotion. They pursue10 specific goals: building a well, a school, a clinic or creating a micro social fabric and promoting the human group as a collective. They respond to a specific initiative raised by those who know the resources and circumstances of the area. Direct communication with project managers is the best guarantee that the funds received from the Spanish company reach its destination. SOURCE:


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GLOSSARY Poverty1 (n) : pobreza Hunger2 (n): hambre Illiteracy3 (n): analfabetismo Scope4(n): รกmbito, alcance Achieve5 (v) :lograr Provide6(v): proporcionar Goal 7 (n) : objetivo, meta (= target) Tool8 (n) : herramienta Fund9 (v) : financiar Pursue 10(v) : perseguir

By Daniel Vรกzquez & DanielVon Muralt


No. 1 Spring 2011


THE HISTORY OF MSF Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an independent international medical humanitarian organization created by doctors and journalists in France in 1971. MSF unites direct medical care with a commitment to bearing witness to the plight of the people it assists. Today, MSF provides aid in nearly 60 countries to people whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe, primarily due to armed conflict, epidemics, malnutrition, exclusion from health care, or natural disasters.

In 1999, MSF received the Nobel Peace Prize.

ABOUT MSF Médicines San Fronteries (MSF) provides emergency medical assistance to population in danger in more than 70 countries. In countries were health structures are insufficient or even non-existing, MSF collaborates with authorities such as the Ministry of Health to provide assistance. MSF works in rehabilitation of hospitals and dispensaries, vaccination programs and water and sanitation projects.


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RAISING AWARENESS MSF acts as a witness1 and will speak out, either in private or in public about the plight2 of populations in danger for whom MSF works. In doing so, MSF sets out to alleviate human suffering, to protect life and health to restore and ensure3 respect for the human beings and their fundamental human rights.

MSF teams travel to places that many people have never heard of, to assist those who have fallen victim to natural or man-made disasters. MSF volunteers give interviews and make presentations. It is part of MSF´s work to address any violations of basic human rights encountered by field teams violations perpetrated or sustained by political actors. VOLUNTEERING There is no set description for MSF volunteers not why they volunteer. They come from all around the world, both sexes, all ages. If you are interested in volunteering, read some of the profiles of people who have been in the field for MSF to share their experience. In MSF, all potential field volunteers must be interviewed by a Human Resources officer in one of the sections before they will be considered for a posting. In general, it is an advantage to have some experience of living or working in different cultural contexts. 21

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A successful candidate normally is invited to take part in an introductory course and then goes on stand-by, awaiting the first suitable mission. MSF does not have positions available for students. The average mission period is six months. In acute emergencies, some medical specialists are sent for shorter missions of up to three months. Flexibility is a core value in MSF. In general, MSF is looking for health professionals, administrators and logistics staff. In some projects, MSF also needs midwives4, laboratory technicians and other paramedical volunteers. Non-medical volunteers look after the administration and logistics of the project. Logisticians are responsible for the management of stocks, freight5, vehicles, communication systems and building or water projects. MSF insures its volunteers for the period during which they are on mission. This insurance includes cover in case of medical repatriation, illness and death. A small indemnity is paid to volunteers. Partners and families sometimes accompany a volunteer on mission. This is rare, however, and depends on the level of security in the host country. Sometimes, missions can be found for a couple of which both partners are qualified to work for MSF. If you would like to find out more about how to apply6 to become a field volunteer, you should contact the MSF office in your country of residence, or the one closest to you. There are MSF offices in 20 countries. MSF has offices in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UAE, UK, USA. If you do not live in any of these countries, it is unlikely that MSF will be able to provide you with information about volunteering. This is because it is MSF policy that all potential field volunteers be interviewed face-to-face before being considered for a mission. SOURCE: 22

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GLOSSARY Witness1 (n): testigo. mercancías.

Freight5 (n): transporte de

Plight2 (n): difícil situación.

Apply6 (v): solicitar.

Ensure3(v): garantizar. Midwives4 (n. pl.): parteras, comadronas.

By Anas El Ghaouti & Iván Cuevas.


No. 1 Spring 2011


The Social Welfare Service of Fuengirola’s Council has the following functions: Design and management of Social Welfare Policy. Set the overall plans for social interaction and specific projects to different sectors of the population in need with specific social activities (children, the elderly, the disabled, social minorities, gambling addiction, AIDS ,etc ...) Coordinate all services and benefits that the City of Fuengirola provide to citizens. Study and analyze the needs for resources and social facilities in the city. Social Integration of Disabled People. Activities for the Third Age. Programs to fight drug addiction. Child Care. Participation in the allocation of social housing. Coordination of social housing in the districts.

Projects created by the city of Fuengirola for Social Welfare are:

On the one hand, the Department of The Third Age People offers a wide range of leisure and cultural activities, such as: trips, free workshops on dancing, painting, crafts , IT, digital photography, literacy school, theater municipal group, sports, parties and so on.


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Municipal Social Homes of Puebla Lucía, Elola, Los Boliches and San Antonio Street offer space to gather, organize and enjoy affordable meals. On the other hand, the City Council supports the Program “Mayores Solos” (Old People Alone) to those who need assistance. Home help and Telecare, managed by Social Services, are good examples. Registered pensioners with low incomes also benefit from discounts on municipal taxes and fees. Last year 10,400 old people enjoyed benefits from this Department.

Although education is a regional competence, councils are responsible for the maintenance and cleaning of the existing schools. Fuengirola’s Council performs this work with municipal resources and gives land for the building of new centers. It also supports community education through the Municipal School Board, the organization of leisure and cultural extracurricular activities. This Department also organizes summer schools. About 500 students enjoy games and instruction and their parents are reassured that they are well cared for. Besides, this Department gives school grants to local families in need, ensuring that all citizens can benefit from the service. In addition, they also offer the service of a Parents’ school with free lectures all the year round.

Help Service, Telecare, Social Cooperation, and the program of Family Emergency, with special attention to children are good examples. But this area is not only in charge with urgent needs. It also caters to all families with initiatives such as the prevention of addictions or the promotion of volunteering.


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The Immigration Department serves the needs of residents from non-EU countries seeking job opportunities in Fuengirola not found in their home countries. The Municipal Area provides the following services: Prepares reports necessary for family reunification and social roots. Information and guidance on procedures and documentation. Provides general resource information regarding social services, health, employment, education, etc. The City provides immigrants access to education and employment. This will integrate fully into society and help create a better Fuengirola through their work and the cultural diversity they bring.

SOURCE: By SofĂ­a Gil


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o research about voluntary work in our town we visited Fuengirola’s Council Youth Service at Boquetillo market place and we interviewed the responsible people for this area: Mª del Mar Claros and Víctor and, of course, the Youth Correspondents.

What does the Youth Service’s work consist of? To work for and with young people Which are this service main objectives? To meet all demands and needs of young people by providing them with information What projects or activities are aimed for young people? Theatre workshop, Infoeuropa Program, social networks, youth correspondents, SMS service, youth card, concerts, etc.


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We know that you work with volunteers, in which programmes or activities? With youth correspondents and in exchanges.

Which are the tasks that young volunteers do? Give their mates information about the issues they are interested in and also about grants, exchanges for young people and also a wide range of leisure activities, etc. Which prerequisite must people have to be a volunteer in this area? To be young and between 14 and 22 years old What are the most demanding projects by the young people? Going abroad, exchanges, etc. How many young correspondents are there in Fuengirola? We have 32 youth correspondents How many young people were given information about the Program “Youth in Action�? The information has been given to 1,500 people What do youth exchanges consist of and how many young people have asked for them? They consist of the fact that a youth group (aged 13-25 years old) makes an exchange within the country or abroad in which they research about specific issues which then they discuss.


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Which countries and topics are the most solicited in those exchanges? The most demanded countries are Italy, Holland, Germany and Sweden. And the most requested topics are the environment, sport, theatre, music, dance... Is it complicated to organize these exchanges? It is not difficult if people involved make an effort and show interest in them. Number of offered posts and budget. The number of places has no limit and the budget is around 20 â‚Ź per participant a day plus travel expenses. What does the European Volunteer Service consist of? It is a voluntary activity carried out by a young person between 18-30 years in an European NGO in a period from 2-12 months, seeking to promote solidarity, to break stereotypes, etc. Finally, is it difficult to work with and for the young? Is it gratifying? It is difficult because they have no motivation for anything and opinions often change but it is also rewarding as you provide them with very useful information sometimes they take advantage of. Why did you decide to become volunteers? Through a mediation school program and through information we began to take to it. How was your experience in working as a youth correspondant volunteer? It has been a good experience Which difficulties do you find in your job? To find people who are interested in such activities and be listened to Which aspect would you emphasize as the most positive of your job? Meetings with different people from different places.

Would you like to add anything about that we haven't asked you? We miss the presence of more people in this type of activity as well as more interest on their part.


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Finally we’d like to include in this section the Youth Correspondants (Corresponsales juveniles) from IES Los Boliches

-Mihai Alexandru Vilcu -Anas El Ghaouti -Cynthi Ivana Stiers -Nikdai Tetyver -Ioel S uchodolsky -Ada Tung Morillo -Grace I.S. Facouse -Tatiana Tena Arguello



By Olga Colmenero, Claudia Cózar, Gabriel Ogáyar & Sonia Palacios


No. 1 Spring 2011


year we commemorate one hundred years since Alois Alzheimer first described the disease that would later bear his name. For this reason, we chose this NGO among others and as if we were reporters we went to AFA premises to know the work of this association in situ but before showing you the interview, we would like to give you some data about this disease

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, a serious brain disorder that impacts daily living through memory loss and cognitive changes. Alzheimer’s is a degenerative disease, progressing from mild forgetfulness to widespread neurological impairment and ultimately death. Chemical and structural changes in the brain gradually destroy the ability to create, remember, learn, reason, and relate to others. As critical cells die, drastic personality loss occurs and body systems fail.


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Behavioural and personality changes Progressive loss of attention, memory‌, verbal skills In the last stage, total incapacity for all vital functions Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia among older people.

Origins and causes of Alzheimer are unknown No treatment can stop this disease There are 24 million Alzheimer ill people in the world, 6 millions in Europe and over 800,000 people in Spain 10 % population over 65 years old and almost 50% population over 85 years old suffer from this desease The increase of life expectancy is turning this illness into an epedimy. Alzheimer is the third cause of death in the world. Alzheimer, Cancer and AIDS are the main priorities of OMS


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How and when was the organization established? It was created on 19th February 2003, because a group of families had a common problem and decided to meet at Cervantes School here in Fuengirola every Tuesday. At first, it was only family psychological therapy and later they began to carry out


other activities for patients. This

association has now been moved to a house with more space and better prepared for them. What are your goals? The ultimate goal is to improve the quality of life of patients and families. Before an Alzheimer's patient lasted from 5 to 8 years and now he/ she can last 15 or 20 years. What is the case that has appealed your attention more? A 58-year-old man who was affected by this desease with a 10-year-old daughter. It is very hard to cope2 with this disease at this age and see the dramatic changes you will suffer. Normally, this disease affects older people and so it is very striking3 at this stage of one’s life. What kind of activities has AFA organized to raise money? They have two ways of raising4 money: through grants and doing things like selling Christmas lottery, charity events, fair stands, flamenco shows .., etc.


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What kind of help is given to the sick? Through the services we provide5 help to the sick, for example, with memory and psycho stimulation workshops. Besides we have the aid to families: they share experiences and a psychologist gives advice and tips to them. They are also provided with home aid, since some members and volunteers of the association go to the houses and help the sick6 there.

What would we do if we were volunteers in this association? Collaborate on events, weekly collaboration in the memory workshops7, to accompany the specialists when they go home ... etc. Volunteering is not a professional support. They guide you on what to do. To volunteer you do not need to be 18 years old. It’s just enough with your parents’ permission. Are there any plans to make AFA premises8 bigger in a near future? Yes, in Los Pacos there is a new building with much more space, more facilities and improved with new technologies and so all we’ll have better conditions.


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Finally to mention the Association of Relatives of Patients with Alzheimer's (AFA) is made up by: A) Board: it consists of 13 members who all volunteer. -Chairwoman: Francisca Lebrón -Volunteer Coordinator: Encarna Acedo B) Employees: a total of nine people Mati Miranda (Social Worker) M ª del Carmen Pino (Psychologist) M ª José Domingo (Family Therapy Psychologist ) Isabel Mateo (Geriatric Assistant) Loli Valencia (Store geriatrics) Eduardo Pereira (home Assistant) Maite Sanchez (Occupational Therapist) Juana Ramos (Administrative Assistant) Enrique Alaminos (Van Driver) C) Volunteers (anonymous people who work selflessly for the Association)

GLOSSARY Carry out1 (v): llevar a cabo Cope2 (v): arreglárselas Striking3 (adj.): llamativo, sorprendente Raise 4 (v): recaudar Provide 5 (adj.): proporcionar Sick6 (adj.): enfermo Workshop7 (n): taller Premise8 (n): local


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Interviewers: Evelin Aranda, Macarena Moreno & Arancha Ruiz Intervieweed staff from AFA: Mati Miranda y MÂŞ del Carmen del Pino




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n Spain, volunteering in sport is perceived as a new phenomenon that

began developing in the early 1990s. Sport associations are based on volunteering which differentiates them from other associative models, such as the commercial or public associations.

NUMBER AND PROFILE OF VOLUNTEERS IN SPORT According to the Higher Council of Sport in Spain (Consejo Superior de Deportes) there are no statistical data at national level specifically related to volunteering in sport. Voluntary activities in sport at national level are carried out for the purpose of particular events, e.g. Olympic Games, World Cup, and Marathons, among others. TREND Volunteering in sport has increased in recent years. People are more conscious about the importance of sport and participation in society. GENDER There is a slight tendency in volunteering in sport to include more men. AGE Looking at age groups of volunteers, young Spanish people volunteer – in general and also in sport - more than any other age group. 37

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The Spanish Youth Survey (Sondeo de la Juventud Espa単ola - 2003), asserts that 4.9% of young people participate in voluntary activities and 22.4% would like to do it. Finally, it indicated that 48% of young people are or were members of a sports association. NUMBER AND TYPES OF SPORT ORGANISATIONS ENGAGING VOLUNTEERS The majority of volunteering organisations carry out their activities in the local communities (52%) and the Autonomous Communities (22%). The organisations acting at national level represent only 9% of the total and 17% have the province as geographical scope. Local councils are the public administrations with the highest level of influence on volunteering in sport. At national level the NGOs and the Olympic Committee are the entities that organised the most important events. MAIN VOLUNTARY ACTIVITIES Voluntary activities in sport at national level are carried out in relation to particular events, e.g. Olympic Games, World Cup, and Marathons, among others. As a result, it is not possible to estimate the level of volunteering in different sport segments or disciplines.

Main values promoted by volunteering in sport: Developing solidarity and co-responsibility for local affairs. Developing professional sport and sport in general. Enriching the process of physical education and school sport (e.g. reducing physical and social pathologies). Important health benefits such as increased physical activity of young people. Growing awareness of advantages of staying active.


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Benefits of volunteering in sport for the volunteers include: Gaining experience as well as learning and developing new skills (e.g. teamwork, work in international environment, event organization, etc.). Adds sense of social values and solidarity. Meeting a wide variety of people. Sometimes volunteers receive gifts or equipment while participating in specific events. Benefits of volunteering in sport for the beneficiaries include: Enriching the process of physical education (e.g. reducing physical and social pathologies). Create awareness of advantages of staying active, which impacts on the health of the beneficiaries. Benefits of volunteering in sport for the wider society include: Creation of awareness among society on the importance of sports, which develops a healthier society. Developing inter-generational and inter-cultural dialogue. Promotion of sport clubs and competition in the local community. Widening the range of services and activities offered by sport clubs. Factors that motivate individuals to volunteer in sport Helping other people. Helping the organisation where his / her children play a sport. An opportunity to increase their chances to find a job thanks to the skills developed during their volunteering experience. Opportunity to meet a famous sports person. SOURCE: Study on volunteering in the EU.Volunteering in Sport – Spain 39

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Which sport events connected with volunteering do you take part in? Any event related to physical activity and sport entertainment. What do you usually do in these activities? It depends. Some activities are designed and directed by us. In others we only take part as assistant technicians. How much satisfied are you about participating in these kind of events? Highly satisfied, since taking part in a sport event involves a chance to train ourselves for the labour market. In fact, we call these activities “Training Tasks� and they can be classified into local, provincial or regional. Which was the most moving event you have ever attended? All of them are really rewarding, but those focused on the Third Age or Disabled people are the most moving because these people show priceless affection and gratitude. Who are these activities dedicated to? If you mean the type of user, any person can carry them out . From children to old people, including the disabled too. As for the type of institution or 40

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organization which ask for our help we can find town councils, through sports foundations, private organizations (less frequently) and even non-profit organizations like ONCE or NGOs. We also work with primary and secondary schools in the area.

Who goes with you in these events? Teachers in charge of Vocational Studies. Where do these events take place? In places such as sport centres, on the beach, racecourses, convention centres and natural open spaces, of course. How do you know about these events? Institutions and organizations contact with us directly or they do it through the Head of the Department or with any teacher involved. Interview carried out by Raquel MartĂ­n & Graciela Estefanny


No. 1 Spring 2011


Funny Science Experiments Introduction In this section we will explain how to do science at home with materials easily found, easy to do and without any danger to you. HAVE A GOOD TIME.


No. 1 Spring 2011


A Levitating ball Components: -Hair dryer -A ball Process: Turn the hair dryer on and put the ball in the center, the more you approach the ball to the dryer the higher will go up. If you lean the dryer a little, the ball does not drop. This occurs because the speed of the dryer is higher in the middle and lower at the edges. Where there is less pressure it is where more air is out, having more air pressure is lower. And the pressure causes the ball to spin.

Experiment Video


No. 1 Spring 2011


The Invisible hand Components: -Sheets of newspaper -A rule -A book Process: Place the ruler on a table leaving a protruding piece of the rule, covered with sheets of paper. The book is pulled above the protruding piece of the rule and the rule is not dropped. This happens because the atmosphere exerts pressure on the newspaper and that prevents the rule from falling.

Experiment Video


No. 1 Spring 2011


Gloves alive Components: -A bottle cut in half. -A bowl of water. -A latex glove. Process: A bottle is cut in half. We put a glove in the nozzle. If we put the bottle into a bowl full of water, the glove is inflated. That happens because when the bottle is into the bowl, the air goes into the bottle, inflating the glove.

Experiment Video:


No. 1 Spring 2011


Experiment with a balloon Components: -A balloon -A bottle Process: A balloon that goes into a bottle We take a bottle and pour hot water inside. Shake the bottle and on the tip of the bottle we put the nozzer of a balloon. Then we pour cold water outside the bottle. So the temperature changes from hot to cold and the balloon will be inside the bottle.

Glossary Hair Dryer (n): secador de pelo. Approach (v): aproximar Lower (adj.): menor Piece (n): parte. Spin (v): hacer girar.

Occur (v): ocurrir. Prevent (v): evitar. Bowl (n): barre単o. Above (adv): encima.

By Patricia Barranco & Yinayka Bernal


No. 1 Spring 2011


TO OUR VOLUNTEERS by Lisa Ellinwood

V is for the Very special people that you are O is for the Overwhelming support & compassion you offer others during their time of need L is for the Little things you do that make such a difference in someone's life U is for the Unspoken words that sometimes mean just as much N is for the Need you fill when others aren't able T is for the Time you give of yourselves on top of your own busy schedules E is for the Emotional support you continually give E is also for the Endless energy you all seem to possess R is for the Responsibility you have taken on & never once complained S is for the smiles you bring to patients & families by just being you

Do not instill only fear Walk helpless Never act alone Each one is like a grain Together from the pile of solidarity They always have time to give Their secret is that collected A hundred times what their Fatigue will ensue When they are gone


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They keep getting into puddles outside They make themselves Their homeland are the other They are so generous That they act as mothers, Nurses, neighbors and friends. Accompanying not judging, They can be found In the margins of society Where these who seek Earnings do not come alone. Rich in humanity, Wasting life. Joining them is learned What is not in the books. They are witnesses of miracles, Midwives of the new world Living dreams Trying to make them happen.

If the sea is infinite and barriers If your music comes out of the wave If dawn and sunset are red green If the forest is lust and the moon caress 48

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If the rose opens and perfumes the house, If the girl laughs and scents life If you love and kiss me and leave me trembling How important it is this, While in my neighborhood there is a table without legs, A child without shoes or a book Feast of shells A concert of dogs An opera of scabies... We fret over the seeds cure To bend up hearts and write the poem We all getting sick And creating the phrase that embraces everyone Volunteers we should start the words Write up with more colors and our fathers Go left laughing at the mouth of the tunnel And if not intimate, but sing the circle, Don’t sing to the moon, don’t sing to the bride Don’t write a tenth, don’t make sonnets We must therefore know, yelling to the powerful Screaming that I say, that there are enough living


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Cats under the post and howling And mothers who do not comb their children daily And parents who make up early and don’t go to the theatre Decorating the humble him on the shoulder our verse, Sing and sing no help is healthy With endless patience, to convince without disgust Being drivers a week, visiting nursing homes. Selection by Tatiana Muùoz

Those who can, do. Those who can do more, volunteer. ~Author Unknown Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart. ~Elizabeth Andrew The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention. ~Oscar Wilde I've seen and met angels wearing the disguise of ordinary people living ordinary lives. ~Tracy Chapman Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. ~Mark Twain Things of the spirit differ from things material in that the more you give the more you have. ~Christopher Morley Gratitude is the memory of the heart. ~Jean Baptiste Massieu If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito. ~Betty Reese Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something. ~Author Unknown


No. 1 Spring 2011


In this section we’ll show you the latest trends in fashion, cinema, literature and music.


endencies are marked and changed over the years by society. Fashion accessories and the tendency in 1011 are a little wild and very interesting but exists a wide range of very beautiful and comfortable colours and designs. For fashion it is not a good period as were the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s. There was a social revolution in fashion from the 90s on changing for the better, where almost everything is invented and companies engaged in and make clothes inspired by ancient times. The trend now is a closed cycle. We are looking forward to seeing what happens with designs for this year.


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In this 2011 the women’s fashion season promises to be viable and accepted. This season uses the characteristics of today’s art and music. The daily life of the urban consumers, the speed and agitation of the liveliest night of the cities are reflected in fashion. The new season combines sensual details and sport wear. City clothes are luxurious. A lot of clothes will bring some brightness into parts, marked shoulders and leather jeans with rips.


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Lace clothing, crochet & macrame

Maxi dress

Bel l bottoms

Capri pants

Tail hems: dresses longer at the back



Cat eye sunglasses

Belt Purse



Kitten heels


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A lot of fantasy elements, actually men’s fashion looks in 2011 are a touch of humor and irony. The street wear uses retro features and combines with simplicity. The influences of the 70s come again and use references from the world of hip-hop and cultural contrasts. Using very well the colours and the designs combination you will have a good result like shorts, shirts, rugby jerseys, pants, etc.

By Miguel Ángel Acuña


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ovies have always proved to be a source of entertainment and the same holds true for all age groups. All over the world, movies are released1 every week or every month. The movie freaks are sure to keep a watch on the 2011 movies that are expected to get released next year. The fact that the movies are gaining immense popularity is evident from the fact that scores2 of multiplexes3 and cinema halls are coming up4 in different cities. Despite the fact that there are few movies, the cost of tickets is quite high, doesn't stop people from coming to the halls6. All the major film events have also gained prominence over the years. For instance, the turnout6 in Cannes Festivals and Film Awards have increased a great deal7 over the past couple of years. If we view it from the affordability point of view, it is undoubtedly true that the purchasing power of the common man has increased immensely. This has indirectly helped movies to get promoted and sold. This applies for not only the 2011 movies but also movies released in different years. GLOSSARY Release1 (v): producir Scores2: veintenas Multiplex3: multicine Come up 4 (v): surgir Hall 5 (n) sala de cine

Turnout6(n): producci贸n A great deal8: enormemente Trend9 (n): tendencia Highlight10 (v): destacar


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2011 Movie Trends9 2011 Movie trends center round the action films. Various action based films are going to be released in the year 2011. Various animation movies are also releasing where lots of experimental work will be shown. Like every year comedy films are also there just for your pure entertainment. Some thriller and horror movies are also releasing and one of them is 'Underworld 4'. 2011 top class movies You will have some good movies in the year 2011. Here some information about some of the top world class movies The table below highlights10 the 2011 movies that will be released over the months next year. By Sergio Aranda

JANUARY Green Hornet

FEBRUARY Los Angeles

MARCH Beastly


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APRIL Red Riding Hood

MAY Spiderman 4

JULY Harry Potter 8


JUNE Cars 2

SEPTEMBER Underworld


DECEMBER Sherlock Holmes 2


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Nº 1: LO QUE ESCONDE TU NOMBRE by Clara Sánchez

An enthralling1 horror story with no supernatural effects, and it is, also and above all2, an absorbing novel about memory and the redemption of sin. It is one of the most famous works of Clara Sánchez. This year was one of the most widely read books. In itself, the plot 3is promising, but the historical basis and the protagonist awake4 interest and create a tension that the plot fails to hold to the end. Book review5: Definitely, this is one of the most interesting books I've ever read. Based on feedbacks from people. It has been very successful6 this year in Spain but mostly it has revolutionized libraries in Argentina. This novel is entertaining and has some aspects that are interesting. GLOSSARY

-Enthralling (adj.)1: apasionante

Successful(adj.)6: exitoso

-Above all (adv.)2: sobre todo -Plot (n)3: argumento -Awake (v.)4: despertar -Book review (n)5: reseña literaria


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Nº 2:

Nº 5

Nº 3

Nº 6

Nº 4

Nº 7


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Nยบ 8

Nยบ 9

Nยบ 10

By Martha Julia Chasing


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rends in music for 2011 are fairly difficult to spot1, because there are so many different factors that go into creating the music industry as a whole2. Since there are many artists doing so many different things in this industry, many people believe there is not one simple trend present in the industry today. Even though that may be so, there are some factors that are dramatically impacting the way consumers access their music and the way artists create their music. In order to accurately assess3 what type of trends we will see in the year 2011, we must combine our assessments of the personal preferences of popular music artists with the personal preferences of consumers. Musicians of today are focusing on technologically advanced tools to create their art and the public is currently focusing on more technologically advanced tools to access their music. By simply reviewing the trends that musicians are focusing on, we can easily tell that the future of music will be more technologically advanced than its current state. Since artists are


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depending on technologically advanced music styles more and more each year, we can certainly expect to witness new sounds and new beats4 to arise in 2011.

Since most consumers are shying away from buying albums in stores, and they are beginning to listen to music and by using new media outlets6, it is likely that music trends will also adjust to meet the demands of consumers. Many consumers are now accessing their music through the use of their cell phones7. Almost half of all people around the world also listen to music on their computers. Some people still listen to music by watching music videos on their television as well. 5

By reviewing the technological advances that are currently impacting this industry, we can gain a glimpse8 of the future of this industry’s art form. Not only will music be more technologically advanced in the future, but consumers will likely access their music in a more technologically advanced way as well. Due to these technological developments, we can expect to hear more technologically advanced music and faster paced productions to be the primary trends in music for 2011.


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GLOSSARY Spot1 (v): señalar As a whole2: en general Assess3 (v): evaluar Beat4 (n): ritmo, compás

Shy away from5 (v): evitar Outlet6(n): punto de venta Cell Phone7 (n): teléfono móvil Glimpse8(n): vistazo

By Loic Enrique Bart


No. 1 Spring 2011


There is a change in the date of the horoscope with the incorporation of Ophiuchus, the 13th sign of the zodiac:

ARIES- April 19 to May 13

LIBRA- From October 31 to November 22

TAURUS- May 14 to June 20

SCORPIO- November 23 November 29

GEMINI- June 21 to July 19

OPHIUCHUS - November 30 to December 17

CANCER- July 20 to August 19

SAGITTARIUS- December 18 to January 18

LEO- 20 August to 15 September

CAPRICORN- January 19 to February 15

VIRGO- September 16 to October 30

AQUARIUS- February 16 to March 11

PISCES-March 12 to April 18


No. 1 Spring 2011


The new sign of the zodiac is Ophiuchus (the Serpent Bearer1). It belongs to one of the 88 constellations. According to Greek mythology, Ophiuchus is Aesclepius, the god of medicine, the son of Apollo and Coronis. Aesclepius had the power to heal2. Hades felt that power was against the natural order and therefore he must die, that's why he asked Zeus to kill him. In the sky it is located between Aquila, Serpens and Hercules, northwest of the center of the Milky Way3 and surrounded by a snake, which is the symbol of renewed life.

1) From 30 November to 2 December. Under this first group of Ophiuchus, we find dreamers, idealists, travellers, who like medical, humanitarian, psychological or sports professions. They have special powers for education and religion. Keep in mind, they have a tendency to escapism, not suitable to raise a family. 2) From December 3rd to December 12th. This group can be identified with the sign of trade4. Business people are under this


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sign and are easy to reach agreement with most times are advantageous. People are emotional, tender, intended to be carried away by mystery and travel. They have an innate protective instinct. People are impulsive and swayed by emotions. But beware, they start many things and finish almost none. Fishermen, sailors, diplomats, trade representatives. It's your sign! 3) From 13 December to 17 December. It’s the sign of a marriage counselor. They are more individualistic, stubborn5, tough6, uncompromising. Also practical, methodical, organized. Their personality inspires confidence. On these dates many teachers, counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists and doctors are born. PISCES In love If you start the year with a partner, you should watch a little the almost innate tendency to isolate yourself and to enjoy solitude, as she/ he may think that you no longer need as much. It may even take place some predisposition to some discussions or misunderstandings on this ground. If you start in 2011 without a partner, you must first overcome a bit of that fear you have to compromise. After several relationships, it is normal to feel afraid to suffer again, but you should recover your confidence and also think you deserve to be loved again. At work It is true that we live at a critical time talking as for economy and labor is referred, and unfortunately the 2011 is no exception. But do not worry, you have a special ability to adapt to any job, and always try to do your best to improve yourself even more. It is possible that if you start the year with work, you can be offered a job in another place. This can be a totally positive change in your life, if you do not get discouraged and you clear


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your goals. AQUARIUS In love There is no doubt that this year is the year of love for Aquarius. If you are single, and start the year without it, do not despair, because you will be alone for a very short time. At work We live a very difficult time when the economic crisis, at least during the first months of the year, apparently does not want to leave. Therefore, if you do not currently have a job, you must follow a plan to find it. A good idea is to do a training course or visit several companies offering phone services. ARIES In love This year will be an excellent year in order to find a partner if you start the year without having one. The beginning of the year is an ideal moment for that. Do not be afraid to find love. If you start the year with a partner, you will have quarrels with him /her. At work The beginning of the year, especially the first month may be ideal to find a job. If you have a job, this is a year with tensions occurring in the workplace, either with your boss or with your own teammates, who envy you because you are bright and determined in your goals. Follow this advice: try to act quietly and don’t outstand7.


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GEMINI In love Since the beginning of the year, in addition to being irritable, you are worried about other issues, it is not good idea to look for love. This may also lead to have rather low self-esteem8. You must know what you are worth, what you are like and there are many people who love you truly. If you have no partner, from May to July completely new opportunities arise to help you find love. At work You tend to work hard at work (we would say that too much). Do not saturate, and try to delegate the work you cannot do in your teammates. It is not good to feel so much stress and anxiety for wanting to do everything by yourself. If you do not have a job, and since you have many projects in mind, try to see with clarity and better viewing.

SCORPIO Scorpio always a perfectionist, the first six months of the year will have to work hard and you may not feel fully recognized. This is temporary. From the month of June on you'll notice a positive change, everything goes, everything fits and all the earlier work now will bring very good results. In love Scorpio this year will be finally clear where your emotional stability. If you are single, this year Scorpio will be your year. 68

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You have a magnetic, attractive personality. Seduction goes with you. Scorpio heartbreaker. Health You have to change your diet and give up habits that you do not agree. You need to add fiber to your diet, you tend to have digestion difficulties and this may cause you discomfort. TAURUS This year you shall bring forth your strength to defend what you believe. The first months of the year you will be


everything seems to cost you a lot. At work If you do not have a job, an opportunity will arise. Be sure to look for it. If you already have a job, your efforts will be rewarded. New responsibilities will come, and they will make you achieve greater economic success. In love In this 2011 you have lots of energy and will easily seduce. You will have many opportunities to find partners. Health You may have problems with anxiety and stress. It is important 9

to learn to channel those energies that you overflow . You are


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prone to

headaches and migraines and if you suffer from

stress, you will have more problems like joint pains (back, neck). Try to do physical exercise every week, no need to be intense. Walking, yoga, and relaxation exercises will help. CANCER 2011 will be a very positive year for you. If you have projects in mind will be an auspicious year to carry them out. You will have lots of energy and great capacity for work. Your good ideas will bring benefits but especially in this 2011. You are going to grow as a person. At work Difficult times but do not get discouraged. Keep your goals clear and think to work every day is the only way to achieve them. If you do not have a job, your goal is to find a source of income. Use your intelligence, your imagination. You have very good ideas. In love Cancer you are someone who is too much excited in relationships, even friendship. Sometimes the image you have of your environment, your family and friends is not real. Sometimes you put strengths


and weaknesses


to people who

might actually know this is only in your imagination. If you are single, someone close to you aspire to be, perhaps at work,


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friend or a neighbor. Health: You stomach and digestion play tricks on you. It costs you to digest food. You may need to change your diet including more vegetables and fiber. You can often suffer from slow digestion, stomach heaviness. You may be prone to food allergies. Watch your diet, drink more fluids and try to chew food more. LEO Leo will have a very positive year. There are affairs that will be solved. At work Leo you are ambitious and always want to beat. This year you are more determined than ever to succeed, but you need to focus your goals better. If you do not have a job, this year you will have the kind of ally 13

you were looking for but you have to keep striving . Nobody 14

will give away anything. Do not be discouraged , the best is yet to come. In love This year, passion, romance and meetings are affecting your sign. You have qualities that make you interesting, you are competitive, active, dynamic‌


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Health 15

Leo sometimes is overconfident and somewhat reckless . The dorsal area is your weak point. Be careful with the car. Learn good postural habits to avoid back strain. More than once you suffer from palpitations. Try to take things more calmly. VIRGO Virgos are restless, looking for something and you do not know why. This year start restless confusing. Want to get more but you lack conviction. In May, the horizon is clear. High expectations for you. At work: Virgos are somewhat discouraged. If you have problems at work or are unemployed your attitude this year 2011 will be crucial. You are methodical worker, don’t get down. Everything can change and will depend on you. You have to build confidence in yourself. Manage to overcome difficulties. In love: If you are single this year will be admired for the way you are. Do not miss fun. Stop mulling over and live every moment. Health Virgo, you tend to be nervous and it shows up in your digestion. You have stomach problems. Nothing that cannot be solved. Be careful with what y ou eat, you have a weak stomach. Your nervous system is also a weak point.


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SAGITTARIUS In the year 2011 Jupiter is affecting you and that means optimism and good luck in all aspects of your life. Good things come to you! At work A year of professional success. Great capacity for work. You will be productive and effective. Your social skills will help you at work. In love Sagittarius this year we’ll have the stability they want. Luck smiles to you. You'll feel energized, renewed. Conquer your partner with every detail. Go to rediscover the deeper aspects of your relationship. Year of weddings and engagements. Congratulations!. Harmony with others. Relations with the family will give you happy moments. If you are single have a dilemma because it will be not easy to make up your mind. Your positive and dynamic personality will like fun, possible trips where you can experience wonderful adventures. Health Your strength, your energy will make you precipitate. Take a break, a time for you. Need some peace and quietness to think. Sometimes you have to stop. LIBRA Libra, this is a year in surprise. Start somewhat pessimistic. The first months are rather low morale, but by the spring! Surprise. The situation changes and the fate smiles. Have hope.


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At work: success We are in crisis but that does not mean there are not opportunities to exploit. You wll succeed in your endeavors. In love If you are single you have a chance. Romantic moments with your partner. Towards the month of June is coming time of great passion, the kind that you will not forget. Enjoy what life has to offer. Health Libra has a tendency to fluid retention, and both can suffer swelling and hypertension. Try to drink more liquid, and in your meals do not add salt. Exercise can help you. Infusions are a healthy way to drink water. Watch as you take things, angry leads to nothing more than to have a hard time. Look on the bright side of events. You'll feel better. CAPRICORN 2011 Capricorn this will not stop pursuing your goals. Sometimes your impulsiveness plays tricks on you. As of October will achieve unexpected success. At work Economic situation is affecting you much, but you always find solutions to succeed. You are a survivor. Start the year on the mood you're going to finish much better! You'll see!. At work you will get promoted or will renew the contract. If you are an entrepreneur, good projects and the possibility of expanding your business. In love Capricorn, the 2011 start something disenchanted or as if you feel alone even when with many people around you. Melancholy,


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tendency to isolate. You're pessimistic, rather than seeing the glass half full, you see half empty. Before spring, you will have very positive influences. Your partner will surprise you, perhaps a trip or another surprise that will make you very excited. You begin to feel better, there is a new vitality and energy. If you are single, from the spring on you will have more options for adventure. After the summer, you'll meet someone special and it is very possible to start a relationship. Very good times. Health Capricorn this year is possible you are prone to periods of depression with anxiety. Situations overwhelm you still cannot solve. This can lead to suffer insomnia. Remember even after the darkest night, the sun rises.

Glossary Bearer1 (n.): portador Heal2 (v.): sanar, curar Milky way 3: la Vía lactea Trade4 (n): comercio Stubborn5 (adj.): testarudo Tough 6 (adj): duro, rudo Outstand 7(v.): destacar Self-esteem8 (n.): autoestima

Prone to10 (adj.): propenso a Strength11(n.): fortaleza Weakness12 (n.): debilidad Keep striving13 (v.): seguir esforzándose Discouraged14 (adj.): desanimado Reckless 15 (adj.): temerario


Overflow : Desbordar, rebosar

By Iván Barranquero & Daniel Estévez


No. 1 Spring 2011


Do you think we are in a racist society? One of the best ways to combat xenophobia is helping people in need. Be a volunteer to fight against social discrimination.

Jokes by Jorge Cabrera & Comic Strip by Daniel EstĂŠvez


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WORDSEARCH Find the words below 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Reward Raise GDP Improve Charity

6. NGO 7. Alms 8. Goodness 9. Fund The secret word: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (= servicial)










































































































No. 1 Spring 2011












































No. 1 Spring 2011


Community Service: isn't just for celebrity convicts. You don't volunteer.. You're volunTOLD A volunteer dies and as it should be, he goes to heaven1. He knocks on the door of paradise and San Pedro comes out: - Hello, you what did you do in life? - I was a volunteer - Volunteer? Mmm…no, those do not come here. As there was no other, he went to hell2. -Hello, I come because I was not accepted in heaven. I’m a volunteer. -Happens, happens, you’re welcome. After spending several months bearing the heat, and many disadvantages3…the volunteer decided to make some improvements4. So soon hell already had air conditioning, fans to get the horrible smell out, escalators, etc. After a year, when God did not hear any complaints from hell, he spoke to see how things were going on: -Hello Satan. -Hello God. -How is everything going5? - Perfect, from the moment you sent us the volunteer on. - A VOLUNTEER? I ordered you to return him to me. It was a mistake. -The volunteer is MINE!! -Give him back to me or I'll sue6 you! - HA, HA, HA...I’m afraid you do not have the lawyers7!! GLOSSARY (1) (2) (3) (4)

Heaven (n): cielo. Hell (n): infierno. Disadvantage (n): desventaja Improvement (n): mejora

(5) How is everything going?: ¿Cómo va todo? (6) Sue (v): demandar, denunciar. (7) Lawyer (n): abogado


No. 1 Spring 2011



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