Working DEEP

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The evidence shows that poor leaders lost money, good leaders made profit and extraordinary leaders more than doubled the company’s profits in comparison to the other 90%. (ZengerFolkman, 2015)

FOUR PAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Who we are CDP is a new leadership consultancy that brings together twenty world class experts spanning the disciplines of psychology, behaviourism, human resources and business. Collectively we have spent decades helping some of the largest and most successful organisations in the world improve their performance by assessing and developing their people. We have now pulled all that knowledge and experience together to offer a new, integrated, deeper approach to leadership consultancy and talent development. We combine two things: a deep understanding of an individual or team’s underlying psychology and a deep understanding of the commercial context in which they operate. When insights around both are brought together they lead to profound improvements in business performance. We believe that only by working at a deep level, going below the surface and beyond the superficial, can you bring about substantive – and sustainable – changes in performance, whether at the individual, team or organisational level. That is why our proposition – and our passion - is “working deep”.

works deep with you to ensure your…

…have the investment and insight they need to develop themselves, thrive, and deliver high performance.




…are working optimally and are harnessing the contributions of all their members.

…has the right approach to leadership, values and culture so that everyone is able to contribute their best.











Why we are different TRULY INDEPENDENT












What we believe about people and change We believe that breakthroughs in performance can only come from deep work, addressing someone’s underlying “professional psyche”. Otherwise interventions are superficial and unsustainable.This involves helping people: •

Deepen their self-awareness and develop a rich, sophisticated understanding of themselves: their preferences. behaviours and motivations. They need to know what strengths they can leverage and what

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blind spots and blocks they will encounter as they try to develop. •

They then need to develop those qualities that your business deems necessary for its future success. We


help people do this by using psychological and behavioural insights to enable them to make fundamental – and lasting – shifts in how they approach their work and their colleagues. That is what we mean by “working deep”.


Case studies To read our complete case studies visit Below are just a few highlights of work carried out in the past by our consultants: We helped the new CEO of a large cross-European facilities management company significantly exceed her targets by assessing her UK leadership team and working with her to address various longstanding performance and development issues. We worked closely with the leadership of one of the world’s biggest media companies to help increase client retention and account profitability by assessing the members of their strategy team and facilitating a team intervention to address various team performance issues, and debilitating team dynamics. We helped a FTSE 50 company significantly improve results by working with the regional MD to develop each member of their team, improve team dynamics and audit and develop key incoming talent. The MD has now been promoted to head the company’s biggest region. We undertook a project for one of the big four UK retail banks which looked at their values, culture and employee engagement and made recommendations – at C-suite level – for what should change, and how this could be done. We assisted a leading Private Equity company to achieve better returns on its key fund by carrying out management team due diligence on possible acquisitions, auditing and developing their partners and working on chair and CEO succession issues with their portfolio companies.

I was sceptical about the process – I’d done other leadership development stuff – but this was different. A real bond was established and I felt understood on a basic level. I was able to make some shifts that led to some great feedback, and a real step change in my performance. Commercial Director, Fortune 500 FMCG company


Our DEEP Model of potential Our proprietary DEEP Model of Potential TM underpins much of our work. Potential is indicated by how much of these 12 attributes are present. These convert to Performance through 3 Conversion Factors: Experience, Choices and Fit. For more information visit our website, where you can also request our in-depth Research Paper “Best Practice in


Assessing Potential”.


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Your potential is indicated by the degree to which you possess each of these 12 attributes. These conver t to your Performance through 3 Conversion Factors: Experience, Choices and Fit.

Our offer to you

Our focus is on improving performance and therefore delivering significant ROI to our clients. Put bluntly, if our work does not contribute to improving your bottom line we consider ourselves to have failed.That is why, unique in our industry, we offer a fee structure where 25% of our fee is retained and only paid when our clients are satisfied that our work has been of real value. After all, why should we make money if you don’t?

Contact our Managing Director or call +44 (0)20 3900 4010


CONTENTS Four Page Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Who we are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 How we work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Why we work deep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 How people experience us. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Scientific rigour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Working with individuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 The “DEEP� model of potential. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 High performance coaching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Diversity and inclusivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 A note on working with HRDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Working with teams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 A note on board effectiveness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Working with your whole organisation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 A note on working with SMEs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Case studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Consultant biographies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38


Who we are CDP is a new leadership consultancy that brings together over a dozen world class experts spanning the disciplines of psychology, behaviourism, human resources and business. Collectively we have spent decades helping some of the largest and most successful organisations in the world improve their performance by assessing and developing their people. We have now pulled all that knowledge and experience together to offer a new, integrated, deeper approach to leadership consultancy and talent development. Our assessment methodology, our approach to development and executive coaching and our DEEP Model of Potential TM are the results of years of study and thousands of hours of practical partnership with business people at the highest levels. We know what works – and why. We combine two things: a deep understanding of an individual or team’s underlying psychology and a deep understanding of the commercial context in which they operate. When insights around both are brought together they lead to profound and sustainable improvements in business performance. That is why our proposition – and our passion - is “working deep”.


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works deep with you to ensure your…


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How we work “Leadership is hard to define and good leadership even harder. But if you can get people to follow you to the ends of the earth, you are a great leader.” Indra Nooyi, CEO, PepsiCo

Despite their different backgrounds and personalities – a diversity we celebrate – every CDP Consultant has three things in common:







These three differentiators sit alongside three other attributes that make our business as a whole different to our competitors










CDP Partnership We partner at a deep level with our clients, working out together what is required to enable you to achieve your goals and how that can best be delivered. Every piece of work we do is bespoke and co-created. Our solutions rest on the foundations of an integrated set of assessments that: •

Rigorously audit the current situation and why that has come about

Show a clear road map of how to bring about development, change and improved performance

Identify the derailers and blockers that stand in the way of that

We then offer continued support along the way. We do this using our proprietary “audits”:












Why we work deep “The mind is like an iceberg, it floats with one-seventh of its bulk above water”. – Sigmund Freud

How we work at CDP is directly related to our understanding of what makes people who they are – and why they think, feel and behave the way they do. We believe that how a leader operates in business, either on their own or within a team, is directly related to their formative experiences and how they learned to operate when growing up in their family home and associated ‘systems’ such as their school, clubs and early jobs. This learned, habitual way of thinking and behaving can have benefits but can also have drawbacks – and become inappropriate and even self-destructive over time. Real change, though, is hard. Breakthroughs in performance can only come from work that addresses someone’s deep “professional psyche”. Without this, change is superficial and unsustainable. If a person is to fulfil their full performance potential within your business, either as a leader or a team player, then two things need to happen: •

They need to expand their self-awareness and develop a rich, sophisticated understanding of themselves and their behaviours and motivations: what strengths they can leverage and what their blocks to future development might be.


They then need support to develop those qualities that your business deems necessary for its future success. We offer this support by helping people make fundamental – and lasting – shifts in how they approach their work and their colleagues.

We go below the surface, drawing out – and working through – the hard stuff. That is what we mean by “working deep”. All of this is done with an absolute focus on improving performance. Alongside that, though, we find that our interventions make people more engaged, fulfilled and happy – both at work, and outside work.

PROFESSIONAL PSYCHE This is the CDP phrase for your work related mindset. It encompasses your:

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How people experience us “Nothing so conclusively proves a man’s ability to lead others as what he does from day to day to lead himself.” - Thomas J. Watson Sr.

A study of people our consultants have audited and developed showed that:


felt that their performance had significantly improved

78% felt happier at work


felt that they had also seen a lasting personal and family benefit


said they would recommend the process to a colleague or friend

Here are some quotes from that research: “I was sceptical about the process – I’d done other leadership development stuff – but this was different. A real bond was established and I felt understood on a basic level. I was able to make some shifts that led to some great feedback, and eventually, a promotion” “Actually I knew what I needed to do but I had always struggled to do it. This work was brilliant because it actually made me understand why – and gain the tools or mind-set I guess – to actually change, which so far has lasted and made a big difference” “I wish I’d been able to do something like this years ago. It was a chance to stop and think about me for a change, and how I could really shake things up with my team. I ended up sending them all to do it, and then we had a team day to bring it all together. Highly recommended”.


Personal unusual clicked


transformational tough

deep Out of comfort zone




challenging lasting intense

Word cloud based on client feedback.


Scientific rigour “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong”. – Albert Einstein

The concepts and models we use at CDP are backed up by evidence wherever possible. After all, there is a lot at stake. The Korn Ferry Institute found that human capital represents a potential value of $1.2 quadrillion for the global economy – more than twice the value of tangible assets such as technology and real estate. We believe that it is incumbent upon consultancies of our nature to be: •

Fully engaged with both the classical and latest thinking in the field of business psychology and leadership.

Linked with, and active, in the field and with various academic partners.

Initiating their own research and validity studies.

With regard to the latter, from our launch, everyone we have assessed has been entered (with their consent) into an anonymised longitudinal study we are conducting with a leading UK University’s Psychology Department. This tracks their career performance over time, at six monthly intervals, so that the expression of their original potential can be tracked and examined, along with other variables. We will publish the results of this study regularly.



Working with individuals “True leadership stems from individuality that is honestly and sometimes imperfectly expressed... Leaders should strive for authenticity over perfection.” Sheryl Sandberg, COO Facebook

Helping someone to identify their strengths and development areas, and how they can successfully work on these, requires a profound understanding of their experiences, internal dynamics, motivations and derailers. We therefore start our work with individuals with a deep dive into their unique psychology as it pertains to their professional life. Our methodology involves a combination of the following: •

A bespoke Role Success Profile that we develop with our clients for each role we assess – answering the question what does success look like?

360 Stakeholder Feedback, either online or through Stakeholder Feedback calls

A relevant and accessible suite of psychometrics

The application of our “DEEP” 12 Factor Model of Potential

Case studies and work sample exercises if appropriate

Existing and trusted approaches already in use

Other measures created uniquely for – and with – each client

All this is synthesised during a half day interview, the output of which is a rich, rigorous 1,500 word EDA (Executive Development Audit) report that outlines the individual’s psychological profile, their strengths, their development areas and how they benchmark to others at their level.


Our MDAs (Manager Development Audits) offer a lighter assessment and our CDAs (C-suite Development Audits) offer a lengthier, more intense assessment for CEOs and other C-suite executives or particularly sensitive or key roles.











We undertake these assessments both for selection (external appointments and promotion) and for succession planning and developmental reasons. For the former a clear recommendation is included in the report (with risk analysis and onboarding recommendations if applicable). In both cases the experience is highly developmental and the individual returns for a further 90 minute session where they can review – and build on – the report. This further session results in the creation of a Development Action Plan (DAP). This can be followed by further Development Sessions or a CDP Coaching Programme as required. Collaborating with Executive Search Consultants (Head-hunters) We work with clients who have appointed head-hunters to identify candidates for senior positions. When the shortlist is drawn up (including internal candidates if applicable) we then offer a deep, independent audit of each candidate using the same methodology for external and internal candidates. We then work with the successful candidate to build on that work to optimise transitioning into the new role.


The “DEEP” model of potential “What I have learned is that people become motivated when you guide them to the source of their own power and when you make heroes out of employees who personify what you want to see in the organization.” Anita Roddick, businesswoman

Based on extensive research into the psychology of success and the study of 40 different models of potential, along with over 10 years of applied work in this area, the “DEEP” model identifies the crucial 12 factors that act as indicators of future success or potential. These 12 Factors are the qualities of a person’s psyche that are formed through an interaction of genetics and early experiences. You can see them beginning to emerge in early childhood. The extent to which they are developed in each of us depends on what happens to us as we grow up. We also look at how these convert to actual performance: •

The 12 factors look at who you are

Experience looks at what you’ve done

Choices looks at what you believe

Fit looks at the interaction between you and the world

Our DEEP Personal Development Guide provides the resources to help people change, and our development work and coaching supports them on their journey.


CDP believe it is possible to develop each of the 12 “DEEP” qualities later in life and, through our Leadership Development Audits we identify where people are stronger and weaker across the 12 Factors – and crucially, why. We also address which of the 12 are most important for a particular role or organisation, alongside other, more specific attributes around fit that might define success (for example being entrepreneurial, a change agent or digitally savvy).




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Your potential is indicated by the degree to which you possess each of these 12 attributes. These conver t to your Performance through 3 Conversion Factors: Experience, Choices and Fit.

CDP licence the use of DEEP and its associated surveys and Development Guides to organisations so they can embed and leverage the model at all levels of their organisation.


High performance coaching “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” – John Fitzgerald Kennedy

CDP’s Executive Coaching practice is focussed on improving performance and maximising potential. At its heart are three interlocking beliefs, that echo our underlying philosophy:





1. Unless the coachee is really understood by the coach at a deep and fundamental level the coaching will not be able to generate the insights and make the connections that trigger real change. The coaching will be stuck addressing symptoms, not root psychological causes. That is why our coaching always begins with a 3 or 4 hour deep dive. This provides the foundation for all that follows. 2. Alongside this, the coachee’s particular business and performance context must be understood in a profound way. This involves in-depth conversations with their line manager and often a verbal 360 of key stakeholders. 3. Driving change, though, requires something else: clear, agreed, actionable goals. That is why every coachee draws up a Development Action Plan which is discussed with their line manager and HR, and which clearly states, in non-jargon, day-to-day accessible language what change will look like. We then monitor progress using DELTA360 (see below). We offer empathy with edge. As well as standard coaching packages we train managers to be better coaches and also specialise in maternity and transitions coaching. We also specialise in working with people around meaning and purpose. We explore people’s purpose through our proprietry TELOS720 technology. The CIPD are clear about the effectiveness of coaching: with 92% of survey participants judging coaching to be ‘effective’ or ‘very effective’. (CIPD, 2014 ; Jarvis, 2004). A metaanalysis by Jones et al. (2014) further reported that executive coaching has a greater impact on performance compared with other popular workplace development tools. Keep track with DELTA We encourage our coachees to sign up to our proprietary DELTA360 technology to monitor progress towards the coachee’s goals (soliciting five minute online feedback from key stakeholders at six intervals over a twelve month period).


Testimonials from coachees: “I have had mentors, advisers and consultants around me for years - and even had other coaches - but what stood out about this work was the way in which the consultant really understood the pressures a CEO can be under, and how it is a unique position. He has dealt with heavyweight people and isn’t intimidated but he really created a space for me to think more deeply than I have for a long time. I felt strangely liberated by the work we did and it has changed who I am in the business, which I wouldn’t have thought possible. He’s also made me much clearer about what comes next for me...” “My coach was extremely good at provoking me to think in a way I hadn’t done before, and then to apply that thinking. It was transformational.” “This coaching programme marked, for me, a bit of a breakthrough. I found the style of support relaxed and supportive whilst being brave and speedy. Perfect for me, as I am very keen to understand any blocks and address them quickly.” “My CDP coach saw things which I had felt for a long time but had never been able to put my finger on. It wasn’t necessarily easy to face up to some of them, but we did that together, and I think without her very caring but really challenging approach I wouldn’t have unlocked some pretty serious stuff for me. After each session I was exhausted but felt like some really fundamental change was taking place. Now my challenge is to build on all that…” “What I enjoyed about working with this particular consultant was that she combined really great insights about why I do things with practical plans for how I could change what I do.”


Diversity and inclusivity “Diversity is about being invited to the party. Inclusion is about being asked to dance”. Vernā Myers

Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) is about connecting individuals and creating teams where all voices are equally heard. It’s also about valuing the different backgrounds and experiences the diverse individuals then bring to the table. This applies to gender, race, age, neurodiversity and also just good old fashioned “difference”. Diverse workplaces are top performers ​A wealth of evidence supports the case for diverse and inclusive working environments.​ For example, o​rganisations with at least 30% of women leaders are 12 times more likely to outperform others. These companies (with higher female board presence) demonstrate 46% higher Return on Equity and 60% higher Return on Invested Capital and exhibit improved financial performance, better leveraging of talent, better reflection of the marketplace, improved reputation, innovation and group performance growth. Biggest challenges and barrier to diversity and inclusion goals CDP’s extensive business experience and robust academic background allows us to design tailored interventions to help companies identify strengths and weknesses in their D&I culture, contributing to the achievement of their strategic goals.


Some potential D&I challenges and barriers include: •

Fostering a non-inclusive work environment and culture; including lack of diversity in existing leadership (particularly at a senior and executive level)

Lack of touch with diverse employees, their thinking, pain-points, and points of view

The wrong programmes are in place (or lacking), or provide unequal development opportunities

High levels of stress and pressure

Practices to consider for highly inclusive and diverse workplaces: Organisations engaged in highly effective D&I programmes need to consider multiple critical aspects and, in general, aim to: •

Identify high potentials early, across all levels

Critically and consistently assess and improve existing programs (or create new ones) focused on developing diverse leadership

Maintain records and statistics, which are kept up to date, to honestly depict the company’s reality at all times​


A note on working with HRDs “You manage things; you lead people”. – Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hoppe

We invariably develop close relationships at various levels in a company – with the CEO, business unit and functional heads and, especially, the HR function. We often become trusted partners of the organisation’s HRD, helping with thought leadership, thinking through strategy, and designing, recruiting and developing the best team. In addition our MD has experience with helping HRDs position themselves in the market and build their personal brand and presence. Testimonials from Group HRDs: “They say being a CEO is a lonely place, well they should try being a HRD! The coaching work carried out with my team has led to not only an increase in their individual effectiveness but also raised the game of my entire function. It’s such an advantage to have a partner who intimately knows you, your team and the business challenges you face – and who can act as your “trusted adviser”, just as you do to your CEO.” “The team day we spent was invaluable at surfacing some of the tensions that had festered for too long. I have always thought that HR departments can carry the stress and anxiety of the wider organisation and that can, frankly, lead to some dysfunctional behaviour. Analysing all that in a safe space and using the “Challenging Conversations” model to address and move us forward is now something we’ll do every year”.



Working with teams The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime. – Babe Ruth

Any team intervention has to start with a deep – and shared – understanding of the team, and their individual and group dynamics.

Individual audits of team members

Team Effectiveness Survey

Team day

Follow up surveys and work

As Haslam (2016) points out, leadership is all about the process of creating and advancing a sense of group membership that is shared with followers. ‘It involves what we call the 3Rs of leadership: reflecting on what the group one leads is all about, representing its interests, and then realising collective aspirations. In sum, far from being the preserve of “the great ‘I’”, leadership is always all about “us”.’ Therefore we ideally begin any team intervention with Individual Development Audits of every team member, which typically include 360 Stakeholder Feedback and tailored psychometrics (such as the Firo B, Hogan or MBTI). These allow us to compare the team’s psychological and behavioural profiles.


We also offer an online survey based on the CDP “Effective Teams” framework, where each member, and key external stakeholders, rate the team as to where it stands currently across several key criteria. We then spend time (usually two days) with the team. The first step is to share the understanding we have gained and help build trust and candour (using the CDP “Challenging Conversations” Model). We then move to helping them better articulate what they want to do and how they want to do it. CDP believe that deep psychological and behavioural work that impacts the underlying dynamics within the team is more important than fun or gimmicky “team building” or superficial bonding activity. Our approach draws on a range of activities and interventions. They are experiential, interactive and transformational. Underpinning each intervention is the use of experienced highly skilled facilitators who can build rapport and trust but also really push and challenge participants. People must feel safe, but safe to take risks and to be vulnerable. The outcome will be a team with much better internal dynamics – one that is better connected, more open, has deeper trust and whose members are better able to support – and challenge – each other. This work is followed up six weeks later by a new survey, and further work if necessary. Subsequent surveys are run three and six months later to keep the team focussed and on track. Further individual and/or team based development work is undertaken as required.


A note on board effectiveness “A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see and who sees before others see.” – Leroy Eimes

A valuable piece of research carried out a couple of years ago by a board Chair we have worked with, and the Boston Consulting Group* makes sobering reading. It revealed that 56% of board members think the most important task of a board is to appoint the CEO and plan succession. 90% thought it one of their three most important tasks. Yet the paper concluded that “many boards are less effective than they might be when it comes to enhancing the long-term performance and value of their company”. CDP works with boards to help change that: •

Ensuring that the internal dynamics are working well, with effective, open, trusting and impactful conversations.

Looking at how the board functions and is supported in terms of commitment, administration, timings, rhythm, process etc. That the board’s own succession and development is well thought through and supported in a timely way, as well as helping ensure new members are on-boarded quickly and successfully.

Working on gender and other diversity issues and the presence of unconscious bias.

We believe that significant problems faced by companies in terms of, for example, CEO succession, are due to issues upstream with Boards. Investing in the company’s “top team” is too often overlooked but is in fact essential. *Boards and Strategy (BCG Boston Consulting Group, January 2015)



Working with your whole organisation “Where there is no vision, the people perish”. – Proverbs 29:18

At an organisational level we essentially work in two ways, though these often overlap and are inextricably linked. ORGANISATION DESIGN This involves a genuinely holistic approach to your organisation, aligning of all parts of your business to win in the marketplace and deliver a strategic or competitive advantage. It is the deliberate process of configuring the informal and formal design, including value stream, structure, technologies, management mechanisms and systems, reward, and people processes to create an organisation capable of achieving its business strategy. The work starts with achieving clarity on the business direction: •

Clear statement of business purpose and strategic intents

Competitive difference/value to customer

Business goals and priorities

Company values

Desired cultural attributes

From this follows work to identify the top-level processes that deliver customer value. From this you can start to design the concept operating model and organisation structure e.g. boundaries, shape and departmentalisation.


From this follows decisions about management mechanisms and systems e.g. governance, measures, management roles, decision-making and information flow. From this follows the design of reinforcing people processes such as compensation, reward, recognition, leadership style, performance management and engagement. Within this approach cultural change is designed into the whole rather than tackled in isolation. The actual change process to underpin the transformation would look at getting all of the following pointing in the same direction: •

Leadership role-modelling

Achieving a shared understanding

Developing the capability to operate in the new way

Reinforcing through processes and systems

ORGANISATIONAL CULTURE Sometimes companies approach us who want to focus more on their values and culture rather than a wider OD agenda. To help organisations think about and better articulate their vision, values and culture requires a deep understanding of the formal, informal and unconscious dynamics at play. One approach we use in the area is our Organisation Development Audit (ODA) which involves online surveys, focus groups and interviews to get to the heart of an organisation’s real, lived values and culture. Sometimes this involves an “Organisational Genogram” that shows the three-generation history of an organisation – the “ghosts in the current machine”. We back up this inquiry with textual analysis of internal and external communications such as CEO announcements, values and mission statements and employee engagement surveys.


Often, we will work with an internal team of high potentials (from all levels) who put together a powerful “holding up the mirror” presentation for the organisation’s leadership – showing where the organisation currently is and highlighting the path it needs to take to fulfil its own aspirations. We then facilitate a process of review, reflection and reworking of the organisation’s approach to leadership, values and culture in the light of these findings. This often involves work around purpose and meaning; leadership values, behaviours and frameworks; and diversity and inclusion in its broadest sense. We then help this become embedded and “lived” throughout the organisation at all levels.


A note on working with SMEs “A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves” – Lao Tzu

CDP believe​s​that the benefits of in-depth leadership and business consultancy should not be the preserve of the FTSE 100 but also leveraged by the UK’s small and medium sized enterprises. Roughly one half of UK business output and two thirds of private sector employment doesn’t come from large corporates but from small and medium sized enterprises. We have experts who understand such companies: how they tick and how the boardroom and team dynamics work to help or hinder them. We can demonstrate how our services can add value to businesses who employ people in multiples of tens and hundreds rather than thousands, and who might turn over £20m rather than £20bn. Whatever the size, businesses need change to grow. Some of our most impactful work has taken place with organisations of this size, and there are several of our case studies (see​ later) that demonstrate this. We hold regular events at the Institute of Directors on Pall Mall to share our thinking in this area. If you’d like to hear about these e​ vents s​ ign up at


Case studies Here are some examples of work carried out in the past by our consultants: FTSE 50 financial / technology company: We helped them significantly exceed their KPIs by working with the regional MD to develop each member of her team, improve team dynamics and audit and develop key incoming talent. The MD concerned has now been promoted to head the company’s biggest region. One of the world’s largest media companies: We helped increase client retention and account profitability by assessing the members of the strategy team and designing a team event to improve various team performance issues and tackle debilitating team dynamics. Subsidiary of FTSE 10 FMCG company: We played a key part in increasing revenue in nearly all business units and overall profitability, having coached the CEO and then assessed each team member individually before running a two-day team effectiveness and strategy event at Gleneagles. European facility management company: We helped a new CEO significantly exceed her targets by assessing her UK leadership team and working with her to address various longstanding performance and development issues. Privately-held global pharmaceutical company: We helped this company increase its share price by 60% in the year following our work which involved auditing possible internal CEO candidates and working with the Chairman and Board to ensure that a more transformational external candidate was appointed and onboarded successfully. Major European Telecoms company: We contributed to a readying for an IPO by assessing a possible internal CEO successor, undertaking stakeholder feedback from across the


company, including from the Chair and current CEO, over a one-year period. We made clear development recommendations and are currently expanding the work to include other crucial C-suite executives as the IPO approaches. HRD selection: We worked with one of the biggest companies in Russia to find a HRD for one of their global divisions (based in the UK and Singapore). Success followed multiple trips to Moscow and the assessment of half a dozen candidates. Private Equity: We assisted a leading Private Equity company to realise better returns on its key fund by carrying out various assignments across their business: Working with the Managing Partner to assess all people being considered for partnership (both internal promotion and outside hires) including detailed development planning and coaching. This led to the successful opening of the firm’s first global office outside the UK, assessing candidates to become Chair and/or CEO of various portfolio companies, including auditing and developing a candidate to be the new CEO of a portfolio company who has presided over considerable growth in revenue and profits enabling a forthcoming sale at a large return and spending a day in a possible investment opportunity, assessing culture, taking stakeholder feedback at all levels and carrying out in-depth assessment of the successor CEO. Partly due to this work the investment was not proceeded with. Medium-sized privately-held IT company: We worked with the founder to audit the company culture and then define a set of values and behaviours to facilitate growth following an acquisition. Then assessed the key individuals including several possible CEO candidates. One of the big four retail banks: We undertook a project which looked at their values, culture and increasing employee engagement and made recommendation – at C-suite level – for what should change and how this could be done. Gobal advertising agency: We assessed the leaders of a possible acquisition in the Nordics to determine strengths and development areas and fit with the acquiring companies’ culture.This was a successful acquisition driving double-digit growth.


Consultant biographies More consultants will be joining us throughout the summer of 2017 and beyond. This is who we are in Spring 2017.


Derek Draper Derek has worked as a leadership consultant, business psychologist and executive coach for over twelve years. The last five of these were at YSC where he was head of business development for the UK and Europe. He has assessed and developed senior businesspeople in around twenty FTSE 100 and many Fortune 500 companies and in some of the largest privately-held companies in the world. As well as working in the UK he has worked with businesses in the Nordics, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Africa. Although he coaches highpotentials at all levels, his speciality is working with senior executives – business unit leaders, C-suite functional leaders and CEOs. He also helps private equity firms develop their partners and choose the right CEOs for their businesses. As well as working with individuals he runs team development days and consults on an organisation’s leadership strategy, values and culture. “I enjoy general consulting, coaching and running team days but my passion is for in-depth, developmentally-orientated assessment. Helping someone figure out how they can be better – and happier – at work is fascinating and fulfilling. A lot of what I believe is baked into the CDP approach but essentially I think that with increased self-awareness, attuned support and some hard work people, teams and whole organisations can change in radical ways and achieve great things. It’s an honour to help them do that.”


Sarah Jane Last Sarah is a strategist, psychologist, executive coach and founder of The Work Psychologist (BSc Psychology, MSc Business Psychology, Board member ABP – Association for Business Psychologists). Her current research interests are focused around the early identification of Intraprenurial talent. She currently coaches private clients, millennial leaders, C-suite leaders internally at Channel 4 and tech entrepreneurs. She also provides coaching for the next generation of senior leaders through the Marketing Academy. Before becoming a qualified psychologist, she worked in many dynamic and challenging roles in the business world and owned multiple businesses. In her early career, she was lucky enough to run world-famous nightclubs and organise events for Elton John and Sir Bob Geldof. “I help organisations achieve their potential by tapping into their most precious asset – their people. I apply an integrated approach from a range of perspectives including behavioural theory, psychology and coaching to explore specific questions and issues with clients. It all begins with strong relationships: I take my time to listen and understand your needs, in order to build a deep and trusting relationship. I relish the challenge of getting to know you and your business. I love nothing more than supporting clients to go from good to great. This passion is what gets me out of bed every morning and allows me to create meaningful experiences for myself and others.”


Paul Jeffrey Originally a strategic planner, with over 25 years experience in the marketing and communications industries, (including time as an ex-Agency MD), Paul comes from the world of business. He blends his considerable experience of working with individuals and teams in business with his work in the psycho-therapeutic field. As a group facilitator with Clearmind International, Paul runs personal development workshops that help people work through their struggles to find a new way of seeing themselves and their place in the world around them. “When it comes to work, I’ve been stuck in struggles many times over. Whether they’ve been issues with colleagues, resentment over being passed over for promotions or in my latter years, making that tricky transition from practitioner to leader, I’ve been there. And I can now also see how not to be there. I get that our “stuckness” is acerbated by our own self-judgement, which then plays out in the way we perceive events and behave with others. It’s my ambition to marry my learning in the therapeutic realm and the sometimes harsh reality of business to find a way to help you and your teams develop, grow and achieve.”


Juliet Rosenfield Juliet spent 12 years working in advertising at Lintas, J Walter Thompson and St Luke’s where she became Marketing and New Business Director. She then left advertising to work for the newly appointed Permanent Secretary of Government Communications in the Cabinet Office in 2004. This gave her an insight into how large organisations and institutions work (or don’t) and during this time she began a Masters in Organisational Consultancy at the Tavistock which she followed by a four year clinical training as an adult psychotherapist. She has written (in clinical papers and newspapers such as the Guardian) on bereavement and anxiety. Juliet has a successful private practice in London and is an Honorary Couples Therapist at the Tavistock. She also works as consultant to a group of divorce lawyers from City firms using clinical supervision techniques to aid their understanding of the relationship processes at play during their work with clients. In addition, Juliet sits as an NED on the board of The People’s Operator PLC, a mobile phone company founded by her late husband Andrew Rosenfeld who founded Minerva PLC and from who she learnt most about the reality of what it takes to be successful and happy in the corporate world. “My understanding of the ‘deep diving’ technique used in the consulting room has proved to be successful in aiding understanding and facilitating movement and choice, when people find themselves in difficult situations in their personal and business lives.”


Susie Orbach Susie is one of Britain’s best known psychotherapists and authors. She consults to senior management in the NHS, has been a consultant at the World Bank and is the author of 12 books. She co-founded the Women’s Therapy Centre in London and New York and is a trustee of the Freud Museum and convenor of Her highly acclaimed series “In Therapy” broadcast on Radio 4 during 2016 was heard by 2 million people. She was visiting Professor at the LSE for ten years. “Each organisation is like a family: functional or troubled in idiosyncratic ways. Providing executive services means listening to what the principal people are saying and then developing a bespoke plan with leadership to manage tricky transitions and to institute wanted change. There is no-one-size-fits-all in either consulting or in coaching. How problems are described and how solutions are addressed are specific and personal to each individual or organisation. Leadership depends on clarity, vision, and a capable team with good working relationships in which others can thrive. Things go wrong when people are reluctant to speak out about perceived difficulties, or they deliver suggestions poorly or ambiguously. Enabling an organisation to understand its strengths and its blind spots and for leaders to know their personal Achilles heel enhances working relationships, fosters a sense of belonging which then brings a productivity and creativity bonus.”


Hugo Pound Hugo is a chartered business psychologist with nearly 30 years’ experience working with senior teams and individuals, challenging and supporting them to create and maintain longterm, sustainable businesses around explicit business and cultural imperatives. He works with Boards and other senior leadership teams and with individual executives and is known for his open, challenging, business-focused consulting style. His views on transformational leadership have been widely reported in The Financial Times, The Guardian, Best Execution, The Psychologist and numerous books on leadership. He is an Associate Fellow of The British Psychological Society and a Foundation Member of the Association for Business Psychology. He was the Winner of the ABP Award for Excellence in Coaching & Training 2014. “My principal client is the organisation. I am most concerned about and focused on the success of the whole organisational system; my work with senior executives and, more commonly, senior teams, is to help them to understand the impact on their behaviour on both the business and cultural imperatives they hold responsibility for. Business Psychology is not a “nice to have”, it is the discipline best placed to highlight and encourage the executive behaviours that lead to business success”.


Joanna Floyd Joanna is a business psychologist with 17 years of hands-on experience working for major investment banks and private equity firms. In her early career, she worked in mergers and acquisitions before transitioning to a focus on recruitment, retention and people development across a variety of financial business areas. She has a passion for helping people (ranging from school leavers to experienced hires) understand themselves more deeply, and facilitating them positioning themselves in roles that suit their key skills and attributes. Her current research interests are focused on understanding the loss of identity suffered by women as a result of taking career breaks and the practical implications of helping them return to work. She holds an MSc in Business Psychology, and is an active contributor to the Association of Business Psychologists. “I have a deep understanding of what makes people successful in businesses and want to help both individuals and businesses recognise where these skills and opportunities align. There is nothing more rewarding than helping individuals understand and become self aware about their true self and empowering them to take decisions around their development accordingly. The benefits for businesses are obvious: engaged employees with the right skills for their role, alongside clear, well supported development plans for their future.�


Gerard de la Garde Over the past 20 years, Gerard has developed expertise in the assessment, development and coaching of executives. He has worked across most sectors of business with the top management of multinational corporations: with individuals, with teams and at board level. His group work covers a range from leadership workshops and learning events to facilitating the exploration of team dynamics, conflict management, and strategy development. This experience has extended across many countries in Europe, Asia and Africa. Gerard is a native English speaker but also speaks fluent French and Spanish. “I enjoy partnering with clients in a journey in which we share responsibility for a process of transformation with the client retaining full responsibility for the outcome. My coaching is about asking the right questions at the right time, in the context of a trusting, challenging relationship. I am empathic in that I always try to understand the feelings and viewpoints of clients. However, respecting people means being honest with them even, if sometimes that means challenging their certainties and giving uncomfortable feedback. I have learnt to do the latter with sensitivity, gauging the delivery to the individual, balancing the level of challenge with the need to ensure that it is not counter-productive. As far as possible, I apply the same principles in individual assessments and leadership consultancy although, in these, I contribute more of my own experience, expertise and judgement.�


Brett Putter Brett is a thought leader operating at the leading edge of business culture. He is the founder & CEO of CultureGene a company culture consultancy helping high-growth technology companies prepare for scale. Prior to founding CultureGene Brett spent 16 years as the Managing Partner of a leading executive search firm where he successfully completed CxO, VP and Director level searches for hundreds of start-up and high-growth companies in the UK, US and across EMEA. Brett interviews founders and CEOs of successful highgrowth companies to better understand how they defined, developed and implemented their company culture. He publishes his interviews on the CultureGene blog and speaks and runs workshops on the subject of developing an effective company culture. Brett is an investor in Seedcamp funds I, II & III and an investor in, and adviser to, a number of high growth start-ups. “My purpose is to make a positive impact on our planet by helping leaders develop better managed high-growth businesses through the Culture First movement�


Aoife Keane, Director CDP Ireland Aoife is a business psychologist, leadership assessor and coach with over twelve years’ experience in organisational consulting and in-house Human Resources. Having worked in consulting for much of her career – most prominently with YSC, a global business psychology and leadership development firm – she has gained insight into a wide variety of organisational cultures and worked with leaders at all levels. Her various Human Resources roles in a global financial services organisation had her leading large-scale learning and development and change projects, including overseeing talent development programmes; managing business restructures and divestments and implementing culture change initiatives. Her most recent role was Head of Business Psychology for The School of Life focused on supporting clients to develop their emotional intelligence, an area of psychology which is a particular area of interest. “My passion is working one-to-one with leaders in all guises, especially those facing into change and leadership transitions. I feel privileged to work with people in a way which draws heavily on past experiences to unblock the issues they face today. I’m at my best when working in collaboration with a leader to make connections between past and present, and in so doing to help them deepen their insight into the attitudes and beliefs that may be holding them back. Being part of that ‘aha moment’ is the most fulfilling part of my work, made all the richer when I can also help a leader to make a practical change as a result.”


Andy Cross Andy is an experienced HR Leader, Team Facilitator and Consultant with a track record of working with leaders to achieve the transformational change necessary to deliver growth, high employee engagement and improved customer experience. A successful leader of large, international and matrix teams across a wide range of sectors including telecommunications, transport and financial services, Andy has worked for world class organisations such as Virgin Atlantic and BT. Andy has demonstrated his ability to secure Board-level backing, lead complex change and deliver sustainable results in a range of executive roles. With a Masters in Organisation Development, Andy is also a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. ‘I am passionate about helping people grow their business. The ability to execute a business strategy invariably needs a fresh perspective on organisation, processes and people to ensure focus, alignment and energy. My role is to help leaders create the deep insight, ideas and new perspectives to achieve the transformational thinking necessary to grow and make the change happen.’


John Owen John is a behavioural management consultant who focuses on harnessing the power of workplace culture. He effects cultural change by engaging employees, guiding them with the leadership’s vision but also enabling them to drive the process themselves. In this way, they take responsibility for building and protecting their own culture. John bases his approach on insights from behavioural science, in which he has an MSc from the London School of Economics, as well as on 25 years of experience as a business leader and marketing strategist. John spent 12 years as senior partner at Dare, which was named Digital Agency of the Decade by leading trade title, Campaign, in 2010. “I have no doubt that our culture was central to Dare’s success. It motivated extraordinary effort from all of us and gave us a thrilling sense of collective purpose. But at the time I could not have told you how or why it happened like that. My study of behavioural science helped me to identify where we went right – and also where we went wrong when we tried to expand and pursue a strategy that was not in sync with our culture. I’ve learnt at least as much from our mistakes as from our successes and I now take great pleasure in using these lessons to improve the fortunes of other businesses – and the working lives of the people who work in them.”


Elloa Atkinson Elloa is a skilful coach and therapist with eight years’ experience in various business settings including corporate, start-up and self-employment, and with extensive coaching, therapeutic facilitation and teaching under her belt. Working with a blend of systemic and psychodynamic approaches, her coaching style addresses both strategic considerations and the intra- and interpersonal dynamics that can make or break a team’s performance. She coaches with directness and compassion, inviting integrity and accountability into every coaching relationship. Elloa continues to deepen her qualifications and in 2017 is undertaking additional study in consulting and leading in organisations. “High-performing teams, like the organisations they support, rarely if ever just happen. They are the outcome of consistent and rigorous self-reflection, courageous communication and principled, responsible leadership. When someone underperforms, it is tempting to look for a scapegoat — someone or something to blame for what went wrong. Working systemically, we shift the lens and instead focus on identifying the hidden and unspoken forces that may have had a detrimental effect on the team and the individuals within it. From this vantage point, everyone in the team has the opportunity to work and lead with integrity, accountability and fulfilling their potential.”


Rowan Andrews Rowan has been coaching and consulting in small and medium sized businesses for the past ten years, winning clients through direct referrals and personal recommendations. Prior to this he ran his own public relations business and was a corporate communications consultant advising FTSE 100 companies and major brands. His typical clients are established businesses of up to 200 people who want to grow faster. He works with CEOs and their boards to design new strategies for growth while fostering alignment and unity that drives renewed commercial growth as well as personal vitality and energy. “Entrepreneurial leaders of SMEs are instinctive. They thrive on the energy that is palpable in a burgeoning business. Making quick decisions, building new products and services and the teams to deliver them. Growing fast. But every business has its ups and downs and at certain points need to go through significant change. After all, what got you here can’t get you there. Knowing what to change and how is not something leaders of SME businesses are always equipped for. Tinkering at the edges won’t achieve the change needed to unlock new growth and root and branch surgery could be fatal. New skills are required for the leadership to find the right balance to navigate safely to the next level. Working hand-in -hand and going deep with an outsider to confide in and who can read the energy of the business and help draw out the answers to strategic conundrums, is invaluable.”


Anthony McGee Anthony is a business psychologist and cognitive behavioural coach with 20 years’ experience as a senior executive in marketing. In his previous career he led marketing departments for a number of organisations across film and music at the sharp end of the digital revolution. This enabled him him to hone his leadership skills and develop an in-depth understanding of the challenges leaders face in highly turbulent, fast-moving environments. By leading, managing and delivering change he has developed essential insights into the psychological impact of change both individually and collectively. As a psychologist at Mind Gym, a Director at JAM, (a specialist change consultancy) and his associate work, Anthony has created and delivered a range of development solutions for market leaders in multiple sectors. “Organisations are fundamentally a large set of interconnected relationships. Each relationship comes with their own set of implicit understandings and explicit agreements. Yet all are prone to change. The psychological processes experienced during any form of change do not discriminate between a CEO and a member of the front-line staff; What differentiates is their response. So any form of development is built on three core components: knowing yourself, understanding others and building and maintaining effective relationships. My role is to enable clients to strengthen their capability in each area so that they can adapt and thrive in any situation, no matter how volatile.�


Timothy Bilton Tim is an expert in the field of Assessment, Development and Executive Coaching. With an MSc in Applied Psychology from Cranfield University (as well as being an accredited Executive Coach), he has lived and worked internationally for almost two decades as an HR Advisor and Consultant. He believes understanding potential is key to the ongoing success of organisations. Being competitive and successful in today’s complex marketplace requires an agile approach to talent: from effectively identifying, developing and retaining talent to fostering a robust talent pipeline. His client base covers a range of industries and sectors, including British Airways, Bayer, DHL, Hang Seng Banking Corporation, Microsoft, Shangri-La Hotels, Unilever and Vodafone. “I help individuals to get the best out of themselves by helping them to increase their self knowledge. I also have a passion for working with teams to align behind a common goal, increase trust with each other and enable constructive challenge. In this group process I employ a variety of team coaching methods (quantitate and qualitative), and enjoy building deep relationships with the group over time. “


Dr Susan Kahn Susan works as a coach, consultant, mediator and an observer of working life. She has a particular interest in the behavior of people at work and below the surface dynamics in organisations. As a mediator she is skilled in improving working relationships and developing common understanding between parties in toxic relationships. In addition to her private clients she works as a lecturer at Birkbeck, University of London, teaching coaching and organisational psychology. She is a faculty member at the School of Life, working with businesses to develop their emotional intelligence. She also works as a group relations consultant, including equine coaching. Her research interests embrace leadership, change and vulnerability at work. Her book, Death & the City, published by Karnac, uses psychoanalysis to explore organisational endings. “Organisations and the behavior of individuals and groups at work fascinate me. I believe in observation and deep listening as tools to identify both the potential and the fragility of leaders and managers, no matter what their status. I work in a gentle yet challenging way to help individuals and organisations work more productively and more thoughtfully.�



Space – how leaders grow: Twelve Stories by Derek Draper To be published in Spring 2018, the book makes three key arguments. 1. In order to achieve our best we need to create space in order to think, relate and act on a deeper and more profound level. 2. That the modern world indiscriminately fills our life. For the first time in 1000 generations our task isn’t to fill space but to push back and create it. 3. If we want to perform optimally and reach our full potential we need, as an a priori task, to create space before we do anything else. The book then goes on to explain how you can do this, drawing on real life examples inspired by work with executives at some of the world’s biggest companies. As well as examining what is meant mean by “space” the book addresses how, on a very practical level, people can create the space they need: STRA TEG ISE







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First Create Space









To take the free BETA “Space Inventory” and/or to sign up for news about the book visit


“Earn your leadership every day” – Michael Jordan


CDP’s purpose is to help you and your business be more successful by auditing and developing your leaders, teams and organisation. Our focus is on improving performance and therefore providing significant ROI to our clients. We offer: •

In-depth individual leadership audits for selection, promotion and development

High performance executive and transitions coaching

Team effectiveness interventions (including Board effectiveness)

Organisation Development and cultural change support

High level leadership and talent consultancy at CEO and HRD level

We would relish the chance to partner with you to ensure your business achieves its goals by enabling your people to operate at their very best. Get in touch today to discuss how, together, we can make that happen.

CDP Leadership Consultants 21 Bloomsbury Square, London, WC1A 2NS 44 (0)20 3900 4010 |

Copyright © 2017 Derek Draper • Design & layout by Mike Hughes:

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