fastBA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN Module Code
Module Title
EXTENDED PRACTICE STATEMENT OF INTENT Name: Martin O’Dea Blog Address: Statement of intent: I am an image based designer with a focus on design for digital delivery and a specific interest in motion and illustration.
Subjects / Themes Music The internet Open Design
Design Disciplines / Creative Development Digital Web Animation Motion graphics Illustration UX Practical Skills / Workshops – what, why and when? I will make use of the Web workshops later in the year, the few we had last year were really useful for me and opened up a new area of design. Phil’s type workshops will be useful at strengthening one of my weaker design areas. Externally, I will be attending Electronics workshops at Leeds Music Hub which should feed into my practice, particularly in CoP.
Brief 1: Indie Video Game
We will create the brand and identity for a new, in-development independent video game. At this stage of development, the developer is starting to consider graphical styles for the game. We will be pitching a visual concept for an early stage of the game and also indicate how this could be applied across a publicity campaign.
Brief 2: Satirical News
Design, brand and promote an ad-funded, free newspaper to be given out at peak times on the London tube. This should aggregate articles from various satirical/humour online news sources into a weekly physical paper.
Brief 3: Brudenell 100 Rationale:
Brudenell is beloved by Leeds residents. As part of their 100 year anniversary celebrations, they are putting on exclusive gigs and celebrations. Research and investigate what fans love about the venue and turn this into a 5 minute animation that can be send out as promotion by the venue. It should celebrate the character of the venue, and it's importance to the Leeds community, as well as highlighting the vast range of bands that have played there over the years.
Brief 4: Studioooo Exhibit
Rationale: As Studioooo we are going to host an exhibition that features work of our own and work of guest artists and designers. The work featured will be kept consistent under a theme that we decide upon.
The exhibition will also be an outlet for the work and clothing that we produce as individuals throughout the year. As well as organising the event, we are going to design all props that will feature in the exhibition to make it stand out from any other. As a studio our focus is on fun so we need to ensure that this comes through in the exhibition. Brief 5: All about one Thing - Philosophy
Rationale: Thoroughly research the history and ideas of a chosen philosopher. Communicate this content in an appropriate visual way for display to an academic audience with an existing interest in philosophy. There should be a strong emphasis on typography supported by the use of accompanying visual material and sound, with an aim to create a physical installation to be viewed by small groups. Brief 6: Radio Schematics
Rationale: Produce and brand a new platform for hosting and promoting audio podcasts online. This should facilitate the creation and broadcast of amateur content without association with a student union or specific geographical location.
Brief 7: Studioooo Poetry
Rationale: The aim of this task is to produce a small poetry illustration book that will be based on a chosen theme.
Brief 8: RCA – Collaborative Consumption
Rationale: (RSA) Design a product or service that gets better or more useful the more people use it so that sharing becomes more attractive and viable.
CoP / Research Theme
How are fabrication technologies and open innovation changing the way we create and
Attend a Hackday
RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Contact Leeds Hackspace
Make a system for encouraging designers to contribute to open tech projects
BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS / TEXTS - (Harvard Referenced) Abel, B. 2011. Open design now. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: BIS Publishers. Adorno, T. and Bernstein, J. 2001. The culture industry. London: Routledge. Anderson, C. 2012. Makers. London: Random House Business Books. Krotoski, A. 2013. Untangling the Web. London: Faber and Faber. Lanier, J. 2013. Who owns the future?. London: Allen Lane. Leadbeater, C. and Powell, D. 2009. We-think. London: Profile. Lessig, L. 2005. Free culture. New York: Penguin Books. Lipson, H. and Kurman, M. n.d. Fabricated. Shirky, C. 2011. Cognitive surplus. London: Penguin. Shirky, C. 2009. Here comes everybody. London: Penguin. Dougherty, D., Owad, T., Deutsch, S., Griffin, M., Mack, K., Doctorow, C. and France, A. 2012. MAKE. Sebastopol, CALIF: O'Reilly Media.
MAGAZINES / JOURNALS / ARTICLES – (include publication date and details) Make Magazine Wired
ON LINE REFERENCES / WEBSITES / ARTICLES (include specific urls)
OTHER REFERENCE MATERIAL (Films, events, exhibitions, conferences) Leeds Hackspace London Battlehack (13/10/13) Film: RIP: a remix manifesto Good Copy Bad Copy PressPausePlay
ACTION PLAN – use this section to identify specific tasks that you need to complete in order to resolve the brief. Brief What do you need to do? Research characters, environments, visual style, mechanics, type, UX in 1 games Design characters Design environments Design Typography Design User interace Plan Project Pack Animate characters Produce trailer Design website for animated content Design promotion Thoroughly research free newspapers and ad-funded publications. 2 Brand the paper Identify sources for content Source content for first issue Design one full issue Research online presence of newspaper Research launch campaigns for new magazines Plan and design promotional campaign 3
Conduct interviews with patrons of Brudenell Edit audio Identify key themes for the animation Storyboard Illustrate elements Produce the animation Identify a list of possible venues Design the event branding Contact venues Ask for submissions Sort and categorise work Design our entries Design event props and decoration Read Sophie’s world Decide on a philosopher to investigate more thoroughly Conduct research Write the content to be used Design imagery for After Effects Produce hand-lettering Storyboard Produce animation Rent projector from college Record Investigate student radio and podcast platforms Poll broadcasters about needs and requirements Figure out a technological solution Brand the radio station Produce a visual guidelines publication
Build the web platform Test internally Invite others to test beta Fix bugs Allocate roles and hierarchy within the station Investigate production of a mobile app 7
Write 2 poems a week Illustrate 1 poem a week Collect and sort all of the poems and illustration Decide on a format for the book Design and print Investigate the concept of collaborative consumption Identify a specific problem to solve