Golborne summer 2013 vision on

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Summer Edition 2013

In this issue

English Trip 2013

TO LONDON GCSEART...Graduation Day...

...Life Skills Students visit 3 Sisters ...Yr10 Aspiration Day...GOALco... Holocaust Workshop...and Much, Much More

Avis Archdale Freeman



Avis is thrilled, delighted and honoured to be awarded the British Empite Medal (BEM) in the Queen’s birthday honours list for services to the communities in Leigh and Wigan.


Avis lives in Lowton and her close family includes two daughters, Claire and Janet, three grandchildren, Amy, Richard and Christopher and her sister Edith Smith.

Comments Dear Parents

As we approach the end of another year we can reflect back on the key moments. Probably from the school’s perspective the most important and significant event was the Ofsted inspection. It hit the school at a very difficult time, with Year 11 coming to the end of their time with us and interviews taking place during the process. The outcome, despite the circumstances, was a very positive one and we have a report that all can be proud of. It encapsulates everything we have tried to achieve in terms of teaching and learning and behavioural expectations. Staff, pupils and governors worked tirelessly over a period of almost 2 years to prepare for this visit. I am delighted that the outcome justified that hard work. Your children played a great part in the success of the visit as they do in all our outward facing events. They are tremendous ambassadors for the school and a tribute to you. Speaking of yourselves I want to thank you again for your support in completing the online survey and questionnaire, which was overwhelmingly positive. Year 11 left us after their exams and hopefully enjoyed their last full day in school. Peter Mc Ghee presented the RoA folders and they then paid tribute to their Head’s of House in an assembly of their own design. This has become a tradition in school and is always an enjoyable prelude to the Graduation Ball that takes place in the evening. I must mention the staff leaving us in the Summer term, many of whom you will know well;. Mr Kennedy leaving after 39 years, Miss Cartwright leaving after 35 years and Miss Mason after 27 years are three very established staff who have served the school well and will be greatly missed. Mr Goddard is leaving after one year and moving on to a new challenge. Miss Thompson is moving to another school and again will be greatly missed. Mr Walker, Site Manager, is also retiring after 9 years sterling service to the school.

Press statement Golborne High School Ofsted Inspection

Published Tuesday 18th June 2013 As Headteacher I am immensely proud of the work we are doing at Golborne High School and delighted with the outcome of the school’s recent inspection which judged us to be ‘good’ in all areas. This is a credit to the consistently high standards of teaching and learning combined with the positive attitude of the students and high standards of behaviour. Staff, pupils and governors have worked tirelessly to take the school to where it is today. Ofsted confirmed that ‘students behave well and feel very safe in school’, they ‘achieve well and GCSEs are improving year on year’ with ‘students making good progress from their starting points’. ‘Teaching is typically good and sometimes outstanding’. ‘The Headteacher and senior leaders provide very good leadership which has been the driving force behind the improvements’ The school is fortunate to have a team of committed and enthusiastic staff who, in partnership with the students, are prepared to go the extra mile to achieve the very best outcomes. I am overjoyed that the report justifies the efforts of all those involved with the school through our extended learning community. I would like to thank them for their part in what we have been waiting for, which is an independent evaluation to confirm that we are a school at the heart of the local community where ‘a tone of mutual respect pervades’.

Can I wish you all a very pleasant summer break and Yr11 every success in their future life.

By building on our culture of continual improvement we will secure the future of all our students in the journey to our vision of success for all.

D Lythgoe

D Lythgoe


Avis has spent a life-time involved in education and she has seized the many opportunities which have evolved from a varied teaching career. She has served as a school governor at St. Luke’s Primary School and for many years at Golborne High School. Her keen interest in education has been expanded into health education, the built and natural environment and heritage. Avis is a member of the Wigan Environment and Heritage Group which enables participants to discuss and further local concerns. She was keen to see the establishment of Greenheart in Wigan which has tried to ensure safe routes from Haigh Hall through to Astley for walkers and cyclists, away from the busy roads. She has also participated in discussions about local developments which will have an impact on our built environment. Her membership of the National Trust, RSPB and Woodland Trust help to support her interests. Avis has been a member of Soroptimist International of Leigh and District for thirty years. Soroptimist International is a vibrant, worldwide organization for professional and business women who inspire action and create opportunities to transform the lives of women and girls through a global network of members and international partnerships. They hope to improve the lives and status of women through education, empowerment and enabling opportunities so that women can achieve their individual and collective potential having an equal voice to create strong, peaceful communities worldwide. Avis led the original Leigh in Bloom campaign and for over 20 years she has organized the bulb planting by the Leigh Soroptimists. She is a supported of the Women’s Refuge and Compassion in Action. The ‘Just the Job’ project is the club’s most recent venture, again using the skills of the members to help women back into employment. Girlguiding has been a vital part of her life and the link with the Soroptimists has been welcomed. The planting of young tree whips was a joint venture. Avis is passionate about gardening and allotments, spending as much time as possible outside. This also includes her membership of Pennington Golf Club where she enjoys the friendship and encouragement which are shared by all of the men and women in this superb local golf club.

Fonteyn Boys Raise Aspirations!


WORKSHOP As part of their GCSE DRAMA exam Y10 took part in an all day workshop taken by Mr Fred Loutit a director of DRAMA CONSULTING, an agency dedicated to delivering quality drama experiences to schools.

The Workshop was based on the Holocaust and included issues around the book ‘Rose Blanche’ which is a story ‘The Boy in the Striped Pjamas’ film took inspiration from. A total of 22 students took part and explored the issues surrounding the the holocaust and the book. A great day with a lot of quality drama produced with students enhancing their skills and knowledge of this creative art form. The workshop forms part of the exam and carries 30% of the marks. Students will complete the experience by producing written assignments on their experiences.

On Thursday 6th June, a group of 8 boys in Fonteyn house visited the RAF recruitment centre at the Aintree Barracks. All day the boys were put through their paces and completed team building challenges which required a high level of skills in communication, physical ability and patience! The morning was spent doing a series of activities including directing a blindfolded team member through a mine field to be the first to fire a “super-soaker” at their opponent! The highlight of the day was the low ropes course. Here the boys were sent on a mission to get across the obstacle course as a team to collect supplies and get them to a certain point of the course to save a pilot! The course was pretty tough but the boys almost completed the course record! Throughout the day, they were an absolute credit to the school and the instructor Carl said they were “the best group I have ever had”. We are very proud of you all. The boys are: Alex Riley-Prince, Danny Bentham, Josh Smith, Ryan Speight, Nathan Scotson, Lewis Anders, Morgan Crawford and Callum Lowe Miss Danning & Mr Hughes

We look forward to another workshop early next term with Fred, based on the musical Blood Brothers.

Come along to

Set science club Musicians For Italy Tour Every week B on Tuesday lunchtimes in room 20. Science Club is a fantastic opportunity to get your hands on some great scientific experiments from “Fire writing” to “Growing a crystal garden”. We are always open to ideas for the next practical and have speakers and trips out. Whether you are hoping to improve your practical skills or just enjoy doing experiments, scinece club is an excellent way of doing it!!

On Thursday July 18th, 38 pupils are getting on a coach to embark on Golborne High School’s first ever European Concert tour! Over the last 12 months the singers and instrumentalists have been busy preparing a concert programme which we are going to perform in Lake Garda, Italy. Over the course of the trip, the pupils will perform 3 evening concerts in town squares around Lake Garda. During the days we are going to Venice and spending a day at the local waterpark. Good luck to all the pupils involved. Photographs to follow in the next edition of Vision On! Miss Danning

Lowton West Primary School Concert Mon 16th May Lowton West Primary School hold an annual Arts Week and we were fortunate to be invited to give a 30 minute concert to the whole school. There were a mixture of soloists and groups from year 8 – 10 who performed to a very high standard and were received by a very enthusiastic and appreciative audience. Mrs Davenport from Lowton West said “Over the last ten years or so we have been lucky to have groups of high school pupils perform for us, but of all the concerts we have in the school year it is the Golborne pupils who inspire us the most”. Well done to everyone who performed. After the concert, the Year 10 music class delivered a guitar and singing workshop to some selected Lowton West pupils. It was a fantastic experience in leadership for the Y10 group and they really set a fantastic example to the younger pupils. Miss Danning



In April, Natalie Bradbury from the Co-operative College visited the GoaLCo (Golborne and Lowton Cooperative) group to talk about our latest ventures. The group have been working on an agricultural project which involves researching raised beds, composting, chicken coops, and looking after livestock and crops. We have been attending regular meetings with Lowton Junior and Infants School who are also part of our Trust along with Wigan and Leigh College, The University of Central Lancashire, Wigan Leisure and Culture Trust and the Co-operative College. Children are really keen to get the project moving and have already spoken to the Joinery Team at Wigan and Leigh College who are going to help them build the raised beds. These will enable us to grow our own crops to either donate to good causes or to raise money which will go back into the local community. The chickens will be used for eggs which in turn can be used for ingredients at our famous ‘cake bake’ sales or again for selling to help profit local causes. The GoaLCo team or the ‘Co-operative Crew’ as they are otherwise known started off mainly branching from School Council Members but there are more children becoming involved. We have completed several assemblies to inform other pupils at Golborne High and Lowton Junior and Infants of how they can too become members. We also welcome membership from parents and families of children in our Trust Schools.


On Wednesday 12th June 2013, Golborne High played host to 14 Spanish students and their teachers from I.E.S. Salvador Rueda. Arriving during third period we spent our time in the gym playing badminton, Golborne High Vs I.E.S. Salvador Rueda. Volunteers from years 9, 10 and 11 helped out, whilst teachers Marie Dolores and Clara were taken on a tour of the school. We then progressed to a game of rounders outside where I.E.S. Salvador Rueda beat us (but only just!)

The membership is only £1. We frequently meet to discuss ideas and we also follow the Co-operative Values. One of which is treating everyone as an equal vote. Parents, teachers and children alike can all have a say on matters arising at our meetings. Our current project now involves collecting approximately 2000 2litre washed pop bottles as we intend to make an eco friendly greenhouse with the help of Wigan and Leigh Joinery team who will create the frame for us. Please give any clean 2litre bottles to Jack Pinion, Chairman of GoaLCo or to Mrs Thorpe who assists the team. We are also planning to have an afternoon of entertainment in the near future for Grandparents and another idea is to also look into some Big National Lottery funding which shall provide help with our agricultural project. Watch this space!!! Mrs Thorpe

Fourth period took us all to Technology, where eggs was the name of the game. Splitting into several teams our Spanish friends were challenged to package an egg into a box. They were provided with a small box, several pieces of cardboard, kitchen roll and Ducktape. Assisted by a fresh batch of helpers they wrapped, stuffed and hid away their eggs. When their half hour was up we journeyed to the ICT stairs where Mr Reeves dropped the boxes. After we reclaimed the boxes we travelled back to technology to unwrap our eggs. All were in good shape except one that was smashed beyond recognition. As the bell for lunch rang we hurried through the corridors to room 9 where Mrs Thorpe provided a lovely picnic. Once we were fed, quizzes and bingo were the order of the day, so off we went to room 18. Starting with a general knowledge quiz, English and Spanish students had to work together to procure the answer. Overall a highly enjoyable day for all. Emily Redding

After months of planning and mounting anticipation, the day (Friday 24th May 2013) finally arrived; The Harry Potter Experience trip was about to begin! Wow! Seventy- eight excited faces eagerly boarded the coaches, accompanied by Miss Rowland, Mr Goddard, Mrs Drinkwater, Mr Pennington and Mrs Buckley, to start our adventure. After a flat tyre and the wind battering the coach en route, we arrived safely at our destination and home for the next two days; the fabulous Premier Inn Heathrow T5! After arriving and dealing with a medical emergency, it was quickly back on the coach to experience the wonders of Covent Garden. Despite the fact the pupils only had a short time in Covent Garden, the Year 9 girls managed to pick up some bargains and, of course, visit Starbucks and not forgetting Mrs Drinkwater who made a bee-line for the amazing muffin shop. The coach quickly became a grotto of t-shirts, jumpers, snow globes, pens and other paraphenalia. Pupils were animatedly talking about the street artists and many, many market stalls that they had managed to visit. The next part of journey was to the Rainforest Café. The room fell silent as the food arrived and every burger and pasta dish was devoured. The pupils were enthralled by the many sights and sounds in the rainforest themed restaurant. The gift shop was the next stop and pupils explored all of the different cuddly toys, games and variety of souvenirs. We then began our journey, where some pupils were able to hop off for some snaps at the gates of Buckingham Palace, and then on to the evening performance of ‘Wicked’ at the Apollo Victoria Theatre in Central London. The performance was phenomenal and left each of the pupils discussing how amazing it was on our return journey to the hotel.

The next day of the trip, Saturday 25th May 2013, the pupils were up bright and early for breakfast. It was then back on the coach where we navigated busy Saturday morning London traffic to eventually arrive at the Globe Theatre, on the banks of the River Thames. Once inside, the pupils were treated to a guided tour of the recreated Shakespeare’s original Globe theatre. They learnt about staging a performance during Shakespeare’s time, costumes, the cost of theatre tickets, what happened to the original theatre and the different parts of the theatre. The final stage of the trip was the part that most pupils were looking forward to…the Harry Potter Experience at Warner Brothers Studios, just outside of London. The pupils were welcomed by a guide who explained that it was animal week at the theatre and that pupils would be able to see and have photos with many of the animals from each of the Harry Potter films. We were then led through the gates of the Great Hall. When the towering doors had finally opened, pupils were allowed to have photographs taken with the different main character’s costumes in the Great Hall dining room that appears in all of the films and also brings JK Rowling’s original vision to life. As they moved through the Great Hall pupils were allowed to wander freely around the numerous exhibits of sets and props; including the wands and broomsticks used by the stars in each of the films. They also were taught some of the special effects such as the use of CGI to show characters and objects flying. Pupils were also able to learn to ‘fly’ using these CGI techniques and have photos taken. It really did bring the world of Harry Potter from the bestselling novels and blockbuster films to life. The next exhibits were the outside sets, such as Privet Drive, the Night Bus, the car that the main characters travel in and much, much more.

Once back inside, the pupils were greeted by exhibits of some of the prosthetic animals created for the film. The penultimate exhibit was an enormous scale model of the outside of Hogwarts, Hogsmead and the Quidditch Fields; it really was an amazing sight and left those who saw it in awe. The final stage of the tour was a trip down Diagon Alley, again this was a colourful and magical vision created by the vivid and imaginative world created by JK Rowling. The final stage of the tour was the gift shop where staff and pupils alike purchased wands, tee-shirts, sweets and cloaks. At 4pm, after a very busy whistle-stop tour, the pupils boarded the coaches to begin our journey home. The staff lost count of the amount of pupils who kept repeating that this had been, “the best trip ever.” The remainder of the journey the pupils chatted animatedly about their favourite parts of the trip. London 2013 really was an amazing experience and the pupils were a credit to the school. Miss Rowland would like to thank all of the staff for helping to make the trip such a success, especially Mrs Buckley for her patience and kindness during the unexpected hospital visit.


GCSEArt Exhibitions The final GCSE Art Exhibitions are now displayed in the art rooms. These include Fine Art with examples of Fauvist Still Life drawings, Urban Images and final exam pieces, Art and Design including mixed media work based on a Surfaces Project, African masks and designs along side exam work, and a selection of Photography final exam photographs. The Open Evening for the Art Exhibitions was held on Wednesday 19th of June a celebration of all the hard work our students have done over the past two years. This was a successful evening which was well attended by pupils and their parents as well as some members of staff and Governors, a pleasant evening enjoyed by all.


Golborne Graduation Day

The 24th May saw our Year 11 Class of 2013 participate in their Graduation Day. This consisted of a very formal Record of Achievement ceremony, where their 5 years of education at Golborne High School was celebrated. This year the ROAs were presented by Peter McGhee – The Principal at St John Rigby College. The pupils then celebrated in a less formal style at a more personalised and emotional Leavers Assembly. Then the day ended with The Graduation Ball at Holland Hall. This year’s theme was “Hollywood Glitz and Glamour”. The graduates enjoyed a sumptuous 3 course meal and then sat back and enjoyed their very own “Oscar’s” ceremony and then danced their hearts away until late into the night! A fantastic time was had by all. Good luck and best wishes Class of 2013

Mrs Bolton



Year 10 Destination Success College Taster Day Drama Production Year 10 have been involved in an Aspirations Week which has involved the whole of the year group visiting different local colleges including Warrington Collegiate, Leigh Sixth Form, St John Rigby and Winstanley College. During the visit they have had the opportunity to try out different subjects, ask questions about the courses on offer, tour the facilities and meet the students and staff. This important learning experience has hopefully given the students a good insight into college life and prepared them for their future choices next year.


As part of this week also, Year 10 students watched a Drama production called ‘Destination Success’ by a company called Enact which was designed to inspire them to see the benefits of raising the participation age, switching them on to learning and raising their aspirations.

MFL Movie

Primary Intake Day

“The MFL department held its inaugural KS4 Spanish Film Experience on the 17th April. Spanish pupils from Years 10 & 11 enjoyed the showing of El laberinto del fauno [Pan’s Labyrinth] by celebrated director Guillermo del Toro (Hellboy, Hellboy II: The Golden Army & Pacific Rim). The film, set in 1944 fascist Spain, focuses on a girl fascinated by fairy-tales. These fairy-tales offer her an escape from her stepfather, a sadistic army captain, as well as the chance to reunite with her beloved, deceased father. The KS4 Spanish Film Experience will become a staple feature in extra-curricular activities at GHS in the next school year. All KS4 Spanish pupils are welcome to broaden their Spanish & Latin American cultural knowledge. Look out for the next installment.”

Junior University 2013

An exciting day enjoyed by all. Pupils from all feeder primary schools enjoyed another successful primary intake day. As part of the primary transition package at Golborne High School it gave pupils a taste of secondary school in preparation for their arrival in September.

Pupils took part in a range of exciting sessions from, recycling football designs in Technology, Sgraffito painting in Art and Design to a range of explosive experiments in Science. A great day was had by all and we look forward to meeting our new year 7 in September. Mr Falconer

We have been working closely with UCLan on a project called Junior University which aims to increase knowledge and awareness of Higher Education. The project started six months ago and a group of Year 10 students are now coming to the end of a very successful learning experience. The group travelled to the Preston Campus every Thursday after school to sample sessions on astrophysics, study skills, UCAS applications, Finance and budgeting, pharmacy, archaeology and many more. They also attended a number of Saturday sessions at both the Burnley and Preston sites as well as at Fullwood Barracks to do Team Building sessions, Sports activities and Social activities. Regular meetings with parents also took place throughout the programme. This has been a really successful experience which has culminated in a Graduation ceremony and Summer school for the students. We will be looking at developing this further next year. Well done to the Junior University Graduates of 2013!


Golborne High School took part in and won ‘The Leigh High School Quiz Challenge 2013’ held at Leigh Sixth Form Centre. Five Year 10 students competed against other Wigan schools in a University Challenge competition. The challenges were based on Science, Art, Business and Enterprise, Maths and Geography. Congratulations and Well Done!



Students Visit Three Sisters

On Wednesday 5th June Mrs Gash, Mrs Teder and 5 Life Skills students visited Three Sisters Recreation Area in Ashton as part of their Asdan CoPE Award, their task was to help the Ranger. When we arrived we were taken to an area where natural heather was growing, we had to clear any weeds and wild roses that were growing amongst the heather. We also had to cut down small saplings and any branches of trees that were shading the heather. These small trees and branches were then taken to the side of the area and the Year11’s were shown how to plait them together to make a natural hedge to protect the area. The group were shattered after a couple of hours of back-breaking work but really enjoyed themselves. After a well-deserved lunch sitting in a beautiful meadow of buttercups the group were then sent out to cover one of Three Sister’s Orienteering courses. One and a half hours later they returned, hot, thirsty but thankfully in one piece!!! The whole day was a great success and a wonderful experience for both staff and pupils. Well done Curtis Blackburn, Aimee Bamber, Adam Sinnott, Matthew Twiss and Josh Roe. Mrs Gash

MOSAICS Five mosaics can now be seen displayed in their full glory on the school corridor. Each mosaic represents one of the five houses in school and were completed as part of Intertutor day.

Well done to everyone who took part in creating these great pieces of art that will surely be appreciated for years to come.


TRY-Athlon The Wigan & Leigh Schools

Knock Out Cup Final 2013 The year 9 boys Football team made it to this year’s cup final, sadly coming runners up in controversial match. Having beaten Cansfield 8 – 0 in the first round thanks to a hat trick from Captain Jack Steele this set up an away quarter final match with Fred Longworth.

Byrchall area with a clear sight of goal and was fouled clearly inside the area. The ref, mistaken by the lines from the athletics markings gave a free kick instead which we hit the post from. Byrchall eventually scored the only goal of the game and won the cup 1-0.

In this tightly contested match a single Ryan Speight goal late on in the first half was enough to see Golborne through to the semi-finals were they would play Hindley at home.

A great cup run by the boys and this defeat will only make them stronger and hungrier to claim success in the future.

The week before the cup semi-final we were scheduled to play Hindley in a league match. With a injury ridden squad we were taken apart and lost 3-1. But a week later, with the return of 4 key players from injury it was the semi-final match. Both teams gave their all but it was Hindley who opened the scoring. But undeterred by this Golborne lifted themselves up and spearheaded by Captain Jack pushed and scored the equaliser to take the game through to penalties. The hero of the Hour for Golborne was goal keeper Jamie Midgley who saved two penalties sending Golborne through to their first cup final in 5 years against the old enemy Byrchall. The final itself was an openly contested one with most of the action taking place in the midfield battle ground. Both teams created good chances but couldn’t capitalise. Then the moment of controversy. Jack Steele worked his way into the

French Breakfast

A group of Year 7 pupils studying French with Madame Thorpe took part in a French breakfast this week. They tried a variety of the traditional French breakfast foods including pain au chocolat and also croissants. They enjoyed the session which took place in the canteen.

The team

2 Callum Lowe

1 Joe Peacock 5 Harrison Wood

6 Thomas Stead

4 Jamie Foster

8 Steven Leigh

7 Ryan Speight

10 Jack Steele (C)

3 Edward Tinsley

11 James Murray


In association with the RFL

We had the idea of doing something big for charity so we came up with the TRY-Athlon challenge. Players and coaches from our year 9 & 10 Rugby teams planned to cover the distance it would take to travel round all 12 Northern Super League clubs using the Treadmill, Exercise Bike and Rowing machines we have in our school gym. The aim was to complete the 284 Km journey, starting at Warrington Wolves Halliwell Jones stadium and finishing at Hull KR’s Craven Park within 5 days. Everyone involved gave up their own time each night after school taking turns to cover the distance on the relative machines.

9 Anthony Roe Subs 12 Curtis Kinta, 13 Tom Barlow, 14 Joe Murphy.

(Here is a map of our journey. As you can see we have virtually travelled the width of the country.) The pupils named this the TRY-Athlon as we used three different pieces of equipment that would be used in an actual Triathlon (rowing obviously the swimming element). We chose to do this for a local charity, Butterflies, that raises funds to help children who are disabled, disadvantaged or sick. With this being a big year for the RFL with the world cup due to commence later this year we did this challenge in association with the RFL marketing department aided by Bev Coleman. They provided us with T-shirts for the challenge and helped us raise more funds for our cause.


Rugby Report The Olympic House Cup The combined YR 10 and YR 9 Golborne High Rugby Squads won the LEIGH CENTURIONS COMMUNITY SHIELD. Golborne dominated the pace of play in all games played and this was highlighted by John Duffy, LCCF General Manager who praised the team for both outstanding play and sportsmanship. The team were presented with the winning trophy !

Bicycle Proficiency After last year’s success, the House Olympics is back!

Congratulations to the following pupils for completing the level 2/3 Bikeability Cycle Training Course; Hannah Bellamy; Sam Pinion; Katherine Kavanagh; Leon Bowesfield; Sam Fitton; Luis Pollit; Jack Bryon; Mathew Rudd and Niall Allison. The day focussed upon cycle maintanance, road safety, safe manoeuvres on main roads and use of signals to indicate movement. The day was both enjoyable, fun and fruitful. Mr Taylor


The Olympic House Cup tournament was run over the 7 weeks of the summer half term. This year saw three new events added to the schedule along with the same popular events from last year. The scoring system for this was just like the actual Olympics with Houses being ranked firstly on the amount of Gold medals won, then Silver and finally Bronze. This year’s Championships were a major success with over 125 pupils participating and representing their House. It was a close competition with the eventual winners remaining undecided going in to the final two days of competition. Similar to Team GB’s “Super Saturday” in the Olympics where Greg Rutherford, Jessica Ennis and Mo Farrah all took Gold; we had “Thrilling Thursday” with the conclusion of the Pentathlon. 21 medals were awarded in total which clinched the Olympic House Cup for Shakespeare, but left 2nd and 3rd place still in the balance. So it all came down to the final game in the Football. The scenario was; If Picasso beat Westwood they would win the gold in the football and finish 2nd overall regardless of other results, however if Westwood avoided defeat they will take the Football Gold and finish 2nd in the overall table. In a tightly contested game it was 1-1 going into the dying seconds of the match with Westwood taking home football gold and potentially securing 2nd place in the overall table. Picasso went on 1 final assault with a lofted ball into the box and with literally the last kick of the game Joe Sargent scored

the winning goal thus securing the football gold for Picasso, giving them 2nd place overall in the championship. Lennon house finished with in a credible third place. This year’s success was down to all the pupils taking part, Heads of Houses for motivating their teams and to all the staff for relaying the information to the pupils and getting them to the events on time. Well done to everyone who took part and let’s make the 2014 House Olympics even better Here is a description of the events which made up the competition.

Table Tennis Badminton Triathlon Rowing Uni Hock Basketball Pentathlon Football

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