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who we are

7i>Ài>ÌÀ>˜Ã`ˆÃVˆ«ˆ˜>ÀÞÌi>“œvwÛi“>ÃÌiÀÃÃÌÕ`i˜ÌÃ>Ì̅i1˜ˆÛiÀÈÌÞœv Melbourne all studying in the Melbourne School of Design in Architecture and Landscape Architecture. We are a diverse team of people from Chile, Bermuda, China and Australia all brought together by our desire to make a lasting difference in our communities. As a transdisciplinary team, we are able to look at the project from many different perspectives and develop a holistic proposal with each member sharing their strengths. We all recognise Tin Alley as being an underutilised space on the densely active campus in Parkville. As a team, we share the communal wish to maximise the opportunities for students to have agency in the spaces they study and experience the amazing diversity of the university community.


what is Placemaking

For us, we don’t see placemaking as a tool to just simply modify or beautify an underdeveloped public space. It is more of an agency to interact with the community, hear what the stakeholders want, listen to the places’ stories. We cherish the common grounds between stakeholders, and hope to use placemaking to plan a shared vision collaboratively. It is a chance for the «>Vi‡“>ŽiÀÃ̜ÕÃiȓ«iÞiÌVÀi>̈Ûi]ivwVˆi˜ÌÃÌÀ>Ìi}ˆiÃ̜i˜}>}i«iœ«i and grow their attachment towards the place. Most importantly, it is an ongoing work, gradually transforming the space throughout time, empowering the users to create their own experience which makes the “place” in their memories.

who is this Project for

7iܜՏ`ˆŽi̜`iˆÛiÀ̅ˆÃ«Àœ«œÃ>̜̅iVœ““Õ˜ˆÌÞ>ÀœÕ˜`̅i1˜ˆÛiÀÈÌÞ of Melbourne. With the practical aspects and certain limitations bear in mind, we hope the new Tin Alley project speaks to the students, staff and other stakeholders that have their activities and interaction base around the 1˜ˆÛiÀÈÌÞ°/…i«Àœ«œÃ>ˆÃVœÃiÞÀi>Ìi`̜̅iÃiÃÌ>Ži…œ`iÀýˆ˜ÌiÀiÃÌÃ>˜` daily lives.

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