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Tin Alley has always functioned as the main horizontal connection between the Sydney Road and Swanston -ÌÀiiÌ]Àˆ}…̈˜̅i“ˆ``iœv̅i1˜ˆÛiÀÈÌÞœviLœÕÀ˜i° The Tin Alley also serves as the conjunction point of various teaching, sports, student facilities, and colleges. From west to east, the buildings along Tin Alley are Trinity œi}i-V…œœ]/…i>Ìi7>Þ Ո`ˆ˜}]1˜ˆÛiÀÈÌÞœÕÃi] 1˜ˆœ˜œÕÃi] i>ÕÀi«>ˆÀi i˜ÌÀi]iLœÕÀ˜i1˜ˆÛiÀÈÌÞ Sport, Redmond Barry Building, St, Mary’s College and David Caro Building. Tin Alley is ta busy access point for pedestrian, cyclists and especially vehicles.

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