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Flea Market

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/…iyi>“>ÀŽiÌ>ˆ“Ã̜VÀi>Ìi a platform of sharing things and “i“œÀˆiÃvœÀ̅i1˜ˆÛiÀÈÌÞVœ““Õ˜ˆÌÞ] meanwhile bringing economic revenue for the students and staff. The market gives people the opportunities to bring their stuff and to decorate their stores in the way they want. The liveliness and vibrancy of the temporary market can add unique characters to the Alley, encourage people to linger and spend more time on campus. Corona Virus Response ƂVœÀÀˆ`œÀœvÌÀˆ>yi>“>ÀŽiÌ܈LiÃiÌÕ« ‡1˜ˆÛiÀÈÌÞ Ûi˜Ìà ‡1-1>˜`-œVˆ> ÕLà Chalk will be used as a temporary and vibrant method to mark the ground in front of the stalls, so people Intervention distancing. along the St. Mary’s side of Tin Alley. The How is it happening? students and staff act as vendors to sell This intervention requires a minimal budget throughout their collections and exchange their stories. all phases, to cover basic materials cost such as blanket 1˜`iÀÀi}Տ>̈œ˜Ã]Ìi“«œÀ>ÀÞVÕÃ̜“ˆâi` and chalk. Starting at the Engagement Phase and held pop-up spaces will be set up by vendors fortnightly, students will be asked to pay a low amount to establish their own shops. If the trial is — initially $5, then $10 at latter phases — for a spot. ÃÕVViÃÃvՏ]̅iyi>“>ÀŽiÌ܈Li…i`iÛiÀÞ /…i«ÀœwÌÃ܈}œ`ˆÀiV̏Þ̜/ˆ˜ƂiÞ՘`ˆ˜}° two weeks to add vibrancy for Tin Alley. /…i«ÀœwÌÃœv«Àœ`ÕVÌÃ}œiÃi˜ÌˆÀiÞ̜̅iÃiiÀð Colourful mats will be provided for /…ˆÃˆÃLœÌ…>ÜVˆ>>˜`>˜iVœ˜œ“ˆVLi˜iwÌ]ȘViˆÌ participants to position their products for will trigger satisfaction and a sense of belonging from an overall joyful ambience. Each member participants thus promoting more community members will be required to bring their own seats/ ̜«>À̈Vˆ«>Ìi°/œ«Àœ“œÌi>˜i˜ÛˆÀœ˜“i˜Ì>Li˜iwÌ] cushions. the Flea Market will provide a $2 discount incentive Who is involved? products. - Student/staff vendors Evaluation ‡1˜ˆÛiÀÈÌÞ“>ˆ˜Ìi˜>˜ViVœœÀ`ˆ˜>̈œ˜œv - Amount of vendors «i`iÃÌÀˆ>˜ˆÃ>̈œ˜܈̅ÃV…i`Տi® - Feedback from the vendors about the experience engaging with the market can easily practice socialfor members who have a sustainable approach to their

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