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Outdoor Cinema

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Purpose: The outdoor cinema will become an ongoing project if it is successful and help build the sense of community and place attachment to a currently underutilised portion of the alley. It can facilitate the creation of new connections within the community strengthening the social cohesion of the stakeholders. It can also provide an opportunity to update the viewers on the vision for Tin Alley and the progress being made. Invitations can be made for feedback and participation in the workshops for the next projects.



An outdoor cinema will be set up to project onto the outside wall of the Redmond Barry lecture theatre or a temporary screen. The area of Tin Alley at the study hub will be closed off and pedestrianised for the nights that the cinema runs.

Sesitive to Nature

Documentaries and movies about nature, climate change, and biodiversity will be encouraged.

Who is involved?

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http://funtaceeparties.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ outdoor-movie-night-f.jpg

Corona Virus Response

The seating of fold out chairs and beanbags will be placed on marked spots chalked across the ground appropriately distanced to allow people to experience cinema whilst keeping the community safe.

How is it happening?

Comfortable furniture, fake grass, lighting and more will transform the portion of road into a relaxing space. Snacks and beverages can be sold to the viewers that will help fund the running of the cinema. Contact with 1-1>˜``ˆvviÀi˜ÌÜVˆ>VÕLÃ܈…i« determine what will be shown at the cinema, such as student work, documentaries and w“ð


The number of people at the cinema and the number of purchases made. If people have feedback after the event on the project or ask how to get involved. As part of the experience a short survey can be conducted at the end of the event in exchange for a ticket.

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