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Temporary Parklet

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Purpose: The small parklet is intended to invite more people to spend time in

Tin Alley, help people see its potential and inspire imagination about how the place can


V…>˜}i°/…iyi݈LiÌÞ«iÃœvÃi>̈˜}œvviÀi` will allow people to arrange the space how they feel comfortable amongst the temporary natural elements we place there and provide agency over the space. Informal engagement surveys can be run at the parklet to understand https://christicompass.com/tactical-urbanism-lesson-plan/ the place connection people have to Tin Alley and how they think it could change after seeing the potential of the project.


A small temporary gathering space will be set up with spaces to sit and recline inviting people to spend more time relaxing in Tin Alley. Techniques like rolling out fake grass and bringing in plants in pots will also be used to soften the space and make it more enjoyable. Arrangement of free coffee at particular times of the day would also bring more people to the space.

Sensitive to Nature

The placing of plants will bring relaxation and refreshment both physically and mentally. Nature ii“i˜ÌÃ܈LÀˆ˜}…i>Ì…Li˜iwÌÃvœÀ̅iÕÃiÀà `Õi̜…Õ“>˜½ÃLˆœ«…ˆˆVÌÀ>ˆÌ ÕÅiÌ>]ÓäÓä®°

Who is involved?

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Corona Virus Response

Seating will be appropriately distanced 1.5 meters with planting in between, to enable the campus community to engage socially whilst distancing physically.

How is it happening?

Maria’s text missing.


The qualitative results of the informal surveys can be used to gauge people’s engagement in the place and to gather information on the diversity of the community and their values.

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