Timber cladding house Breclav, Cz
A young married couple with a small plot which has tight planning issues. The timber-framed design uses prefabrication and staged construction techniques to reduce the financial burden on the growing family. The staged construction allows the home to quickly expand with the family while adhering to the initial planning application.
Floating House 01 Kansas, USA
In an area of possible extreme weather conditions a basement is necessary. This design makes use of a narrow site keeping below the eaves of existing neighbours. For the client, a young businessman, the Farnsworth house was a design reference point. Using local manufactures and material, this design shows the house floating above the ground, as in defiance of gravity reflecting the clients attitude. Between the basement and ground floor is a clearstory. In daytime, the glass reflects the surroundings outside and, at night, light shines out. This emphasizes the idea that the house is floating.
Feasibility study Liverpool, Eng.
This is a proposal for four 3 bedroom town houses on the footprint of two existing houses. The site is in a gateway position at the entrance to a small village on the edge of a conservation countryside area. The client wished that the buildings focus to the garden. The buildings mass was positioned and formed to be as passively energy efficient as possible making use of the site conditions. To be cost effective, the construction used a prefabricated timber frame structure with brick and timber cladding to match local area vernacular materials and to break down the mass of the building’s facade.
rum i idede bynære havnearealer, derforhar bliver ivores vision, at skabe en fleksibel og anderledes sianerne oplevelser som ikkestore er offentlige at findes byrum Århus dag.
plads, hvor den store overflade vil blive inddelt i mindre rum. En plads der er smuk i sig selv og kan tåle kun at have få besøgende uden at føles øde, og fungere som et pusterum fra byen. Dens rå karakter skal tilbyde århusianerne oplevelser som ikke er at findes i de byrum Århus har i dag.
PIER 2 Pier 2 ligger centralt i havnebassinet.
Hovedsigtelinien fra havnepladsen
Vores overordnede mål vil blive at modellere terrænet for at skabe de førnævnte rum og placere en bygning på et strategisk sted, for at bevare sigtelinjen fra den centrale havneplads hvorfra man stadig vil kunne få det lange kig til Mols bjerge. I bearbejdelsen af terrænet vil vi bruge cut/fill princippet, hvor der vil blive bortkørt et minimum af materialer fra grunden. De resterende vil blive genindbygget. Naturens kræfter i form af vind og vand, vil blive udnyttet både til oplevelser men også til energiproducerende formål. Bygningen som bliver placeret væk fra sigtelinien, skal være offentligt tilgængelig og tiltænkes et brugbart formål, hvor den meget centrale beliggenhed i den nye bydel skal tænkes ind anvendelsen af bygningen. Materialerne skal for så vidt muligt tænkes ind i Cradle to Cradle princippet, og som minimum skal den opføres som lavenergiklasse 2020.
Pier 2 ligger centralt i havnebassinet.
Hovedsigtelinien fra havnepladsen
Vores overordnede mål vil blive at modellere terrænet for at skabe de førnævnte rum og placere en bygning Udsigten over pladsen bevares, ogfra små intime skabes mel- havneplads Cut & Fill principet på et strategisk sted, for at bevare sigtelinjen denrumcentrale hvorfra man stadig vil kunne få det lem de kunstiga bakkerne. lange kig til Mols bjerge. I bearbejdelsen af terrænet vil vi bruge cut/fill princippet, hvor der vil blive bortkørt et minimum af materialer fra grunden. De resterende vil blive genindbygget. Naturens kræfter i form af vind og vand, vil blive udnyttet både til oplevelser men også til energiproducerende formål.
Pier 2 Competition Aarhus, Dk
Winning entry. Team project. Judges; Aarhus city architect, C.F.Moller, NCC constructions, Aarhus Architecture School and VIA University College Aarhus municipality’s sustainability strategy is to become CO2 neutral by 2030, and to be a future Smart City. To help promote this, the municipality launched a student competition on Pier 2 of Aarhus harbour, which is Denmark’s largest construction site. To create a unique and forward thinking public plaza space at Pier 2,to merge and connect infrastructure / technical facilities with recreational activities in a way that conveys the future Smart City Space. The Concept is to pull Mols Mountains across from Aarhus bay to the site in the form of dunes, and thus share the large space into smaller spaces. These dunes would provide protection from the strong winds that often dominate coastal regions. These spaces then become public living rooms, a countryside next to the centre of Aarhus By using “cut & fill” we used the excavated material to form bowls to make the hills of the dunes. This would minimize the need of material to and from the site. Earth at pier 2 consists mostly of crushed concrete from the old quayside, gravel, sand and old seabed. This earth would then be compacted in areas forming hard surfaced pathways. The dunes would be planted with Glyceria maxima Reed sweetgrass, which can grow to a height of 2m. Blooming in July and August and requiring very little fertilizer, it can grow in harsh conditions. These have been called “green power plants” by Wageningen University, Nl. which have been researching and developing a process for extracting electricity from a bacterial reaction around the roots of the reeds. This process is 1.5 times more efficient that burning biomass. It is estimated that 3500m² planted on the site would produce clean energy for 10 houses per year. On the edge of the pier is a public building named innovation house. One of the builidings functions would to act as a public monitoring station for the Reed Sweetgrass. Other purposes of innovation house would be to exhibit green technologies and smart appliance application, teaching and informing the Aarhus public of all ages about new sustainable innovations. This steel frame building cantilevers the edge of the pier, using mechanically fixed systems and cradle-to-cradle materials as much as possible. This increases the flexibility of the use of the building and extending the life-cycle of the building.
Boat Building School, Dunbar, Sct.
With this design project I won a scholarship to the University of Kansas. Dunbar harbour, a small fishing port with the ruins from a 7th century castle overlooking the natural entrance to the port. With one entrance there are three quays, which are tidal dependent. Due to storm damage and strong waves a second entrance to the harbour was crudely blocked. The brief was to design a traditional boat-building school, accommodation and museum / exhibition space. A new pier wall links the different quays and provides an area of the harbour that can be controlled apart from the tide. Like a dry dock, this area will be used by students to safely test boats. The programme is separated into two building forms that allow the link to pass through and make a sheltered micro-climate The separation of the programme into a private boat-building school and semi-private accommodation with museum space, lead the scheme to develop with two different tectonic materials but with similar constructional elements. The boat-building school is a timber structure and takes reference and inspiration from Jorn Utzon. In contrast the accommodation and public spaces provide a more defensive role to the elements, a concrete faced building takes on a more Louis Khan aspect. The solution developed by the scheme is greater public interaction with the environment, the micro-climate encouraged public gathers including activities such as boat launches and town fairs. This setting provides a theatrical showcase for the school. The tectonics and materials of the buildings give an experience of the extreme conditions and weathering that the boats and designs will face. It was therefore important that the detailing and construction of the buildings expressed excellent workmanship that the observer could learn from.
early 19th century brick industrial buildings
seperate retail unit
staff room Kitchen
food hall
traffic route residential area
storeage & services
play ground recycling point
The Merc 2 O, Kansas, USA.
The Merc, a CO-OP established in 1974 is to expand with a second outlet store. The CO-OP is very committed to grass root links, using small scale producers and local products within a 200 mile (320km) radius. For over 20 years it has provided outreach programmes for local communities in the form of educational classes and support for start-up businesses. The classes range from cooking with healthy cheap foods, health style and family care to school garden projects and garden plots. Community is at the heart of the Merc mission statement. The Site: E 9th & Delaware. About 700m East of Lawrence’s main downtown strip, close to the Amtrack station. The site area has some of the oldest buildings in the city and is situated between industrial and residential areas. Unused early 19th century brick industrial buildings around a pedestrian scale square/plaza create some dramatic characteristics. With lower retail rates, the site presents a promising regeneration of the location that the Merc ethos complements. This has the potential of further development to include pedestrian orientated public spaces, park and ride and T.O.D schemes. The Concept: a broken terracotta flower pot, bursting roots shatter fragments of the pot spreading seeds of growth. The construction design is a tailored bespoke design from off-the-shelf materials and products from local suppliers and trades. The programme is designed and formed around the principles of the Merc. A diverse street frontage of cafe, pedestrian entrance and a separate retail unit allows for public movement and connection of community. A crèche also provides an added incentive for customers and attendees at classes. A rooftop garden and terrace expands the types of classes that can be held in one area. These added alternative uses to the program of the Merc spawn staying actives which surround a food hall. The more people that stay or have a reason to be in the area, the more interaction the community has with the Merc, the more the Merc can help in their outreach.