Phrasal verbs

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Account for [Account for something].- explain (money, difference, actions) When you account for something, you explain or give a reason for it.

How will you account for the money you spent?

Act out [Act something out].- 1 perform (script, story) When you act something out, you perform it or make it into a play.

The script itself is well written and well acted out by the cast.

Add up [Add something up].- calculate (bill, expenses, figures, numbers) When you add something up, you calculate the total.

You made a mistake while you were adding these numbers up.

Answer back.- When you answer back, you reply rudely.

 Don't answer back to your mum! Apply for [Answer for something].- (job, permit, permission, grant, scholarship, loan) When you apply for something, you fill in a form or write a formal letter asking for it. 

No credit? No problem! Apply for your new Visa Card and MasterCard Today!

Ask for [Ask for something] .- (help, receipt, trouble) When you ask for something, you request it.

They have written to the actress asking for her help in raising money for Nicaraguan children.

Ask out [Ask somebody out].- When you ask somebody out, you ask somebody to go to the theatre, a restaurant, etc, with you.

Take out

Jerry's too scared to ask her out. Have you asked her out yet?

Back up [Back somebody/something up].- When you back somebody up, you support them.

Four witnesses backed him up.

Be back.- When you are back, you have returned.

Come back

What time will you be back?

Be off.- 1 When you are off, you leave a place.

Go away

She's off to Barbados this year. 2 When something is off, it's disconnected or it's not working.

The power was off for about 3 hours. 3 When an event is off, it has been cancelled.

Due to the many last minute cancellations tonight's party is off.

Blow down [blow something down].- (trees, gates, buildings) If the wind blows something down, it makes it fall to the ground by blowing on it.

Several trees were blown down in the night.

Blow out [Blow out, blow something out].- (match, candle, flame, lamp) When something blows out or you blow it out, it's extinguished.

Put something out

I blew out the candles and we ate cake.

Blow up [Blow up, blow something up].- 1 When something blows up, it explodes.

Terrorists intended to blow up the parliament when the president was speaking there, but police foiled the plans.


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