STAP Annual Report 2022

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Friends Who Care Since 1984 Southern Tier AIDS Program annual report 2022

“Our staff shows up and give our clients their best, even on days when they don’t really have it to give.”

I recently agreed to teach a short 5-week course on HIV & Substance Use at a local community college. While I was looking forward to the experience, it has been several years since I taught, and I felt a bit rusty. Being back in the classroom stretched some mental muscles that had atrophied a bit, but overall, it has been a lot of fun. The most rewarding part of the experience is to watch the students process new ideas and ponder new approaches to old problems. They see things with a wonderfully fresh perspective that I fear may be out of reach for me at this point. These students are people who want to work in the substance use treatment field when they graduate, and they clearly have a passion to help others struggling with substance use and addiction. As we discussed harm reduction approaches to substance use such as syringe exchange, naloxone distribution, drug checking and low threshold prescribing of medications for opioid use disorder you could see them imagining the positive outcomes for those they would eventually work with. Their excitement about entering the field and moving it forward is wonderful to see and gives me hope for the future.

Seeing the work that STAP does through their eyes and their excitement about its possibilities reminds me that I must step back and appreciate the amazing work my staff does more often. It is easy to become lost in the day to day details and miss the big picture. My students do not. They recognize that STAP staff’s actions demonstrate that they genuinely care about the people that we are here to serve. They could be and are our friends and family members. It is so much more than just a job. We show that stigma can be defeated with love and yes, love exists in professional settings, but only the best ones. Our staff show up and give our clients their best, even on the days when they don’t really have it to give. They do this because they know that the work they are doing makes a difference, a big difference. I genuinely believe some of them are not replaceable. They know that the work is hard, that it doesn’t pay enough, but that it really, really matters and so they persevere. Their perseverance and passion make a difference, saves lives and it changes whole communities one person at a time. Their humanity makes us collectively more human and that my friends is real power.



Linkage and Navigation services for PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis), a medication that when taken correctly, can be up to 99% effective in preventing HIV, has been offered to STAP clients for several years. First approved by the FDA in 2012, massive strides have been made to improve who can access and utilize this preventative medicine. In New York State, an estimated 612 people began PrEP in 2012; in 2021, that number, although potentially under-reported due to COVID, is now up to 39,801.

“I found STAP to be very helpful in connecting me with the services I was seeking. They put me in touch with great staff over at UHS and addressed all my concerns when seeking assistance in getting a prescription for PrEP. I’d highly recommend them to anyone in the area seeking similar services.”

In 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new guidelines of care that have impacted these services and worked to make them more accessible for all. The CDC now recommends informing all sexually active adults and adolescents of PrEP, and that providers should offer it to anyone who asks, even those that don’t report risk factors. Many providers, such as Scott Rosman and Erica Newton at UHS, now prescribe the newest form of PrEP, cabotegravir (CAB) bi-monthly long-acting injections, which may be right for those who struggle taking a daily pill or have kidney problems that prevent use of other medications. Often, providers can start a client on PrEP within the same day, organize appointments via telehealth, or even offer a PrEP “on-demand” regimen to certain clients. PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis) is also prescribed to those with a recent (within 72 hours) exposure to HIV, another step in decreasing recent HIV infections across the board.

Ultimately, working to decrease stigma and increase knowledge of PrEP–even in communities that may not normally hear about it– is key to continuing the battle against HIV. Major improvements must still be made in increasing who is offered PrEP– Black, Hispanic, Women and Transgender populations are all at increasingly high risk, and indeed account for the majority of whom PrEP is recommended. Yet, data shows that in 2020, Black and Hispanic/Latinx people only accounted for 9% and 16% respectively, in comparison to the 66% of White people prescribed, and that PrEP coverage was about three times higher in males than females. Regardless of areas that still require improvement, STAP continues providing care, working towards the 2030 initiative goal of 50% of people who could benefit from PrEP using it. Educating about methods of harm reduction and prevention, especially in programs such as the Syringe Exchange, Communities of Color, and the Identity Youth Center, as well as referring and linking to stigma-free and accessible providers within the area, will continue to be the centerpiece of STAP’s PrEP mission for many years to come.


our work in numbers


Safe Sex Supplies Food Pantry Syringe Exchane Program Volunteers
in housing subsidies provided. 500 Clients Receiving Care Management Over 5,000 condoms distributed throughout the community The Syringe Exchange Program served 2,120 invididuals. Dispensed 1,300 Narcan kits. There were 318 lives saved (reported overdose reversals). 1015 Volunteer Hours 555 Seniors Served 806 Children Served 1,433 Households Served 1,992 Adults Served 3,353 Total Served




Greg Michael Freda Charlie Jennifer

“The people from STAP are down to earth and amazing people. They have been there for me since day one, and I am TRULY grateful.”

“Identity is like a second home, except with better snacks”

“Chow at STAP has been keeping me alive. I couldn’t walk & it’s still not easy. Often my anxiety prevents me from going places. It has saved me to have access to your help.”

“The housing program is the best thing that has ever happened to me because Im suffering from Stage 4 kidney failure. With all of this happening I am living my best life due to the support of the housing program..”

“Housing Opportunities of the Southern Tier (HOST) has provided me not only with a good place to live, but it has also given me the stability and peace of mind that enabled me to find and keep employment for over 10 years.”

2022 events

STAP’s Signature Events Return in 2022! After a long hiatus, STAP’s highly anticipated events were finally back! It was wonderful to, once again, come together and enjoy ourselves while doing good.

The Annual Rockstar Bartending Bash was held at Remlik’s Grille & Oyster Bar on Sunday, June 26th, and it was a smashing success. Remarkably, the event raised a total of $27,127.92 in tips over three hours, breaking all previous records. The Diva’s team was the top fundraiser, raising an impressive $7,318.78, while Hans Belz was named top “Startender” for raising an outstanding $5,151.00 in tips.

On September 10th, 220 riders showed up to pedal 100, 90, 42, 25, or 15 miles along the beautiful Cayuga Lake. The weather also cooperated, with comfortable temperatures and a gentle breeze that made the ride enjoyable for everyone. The real highlight of the day, however, was the sense of community and camaraderie that permeated the event. Riders from all walks of life came together to support STAP and celebrate their collective achievements. The $150,000 raised will go a long way in helping to support the important work we do.

On December 4th, Salon Hues’ Patrick Cleary took home the first prize at the annual Hair Warz event hosted at the DoubleTree in downtown Binghamton. His winning look, Shattered, was a standout. Not only was it an exciting night for the participants and the audience, but Hair Warz also raised $49,000! The success of these events is a testament to the generosity and kindness of our community.

NYS AIDS Institute NYS Department of Health Ryan White Title II NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene Housing Opportunities/People with AIDS Broome County Mental Health Comprehensive Medicaid Case Management Health Research Inc. - Columbia University Other Grants and Revenue Total Grants Public Support 2,433,196 41% 361,004 6% 380,874 6% 91,399 2% 361,753 6% 1,467,052 24% 147,915 2% 48,653 1% 5,727,565 96% 91,423 2% 149,752 3% 260,877 4% 6% Increase in Housing Opportunties for People with AIDS AMOUNT
TOTAL SUPPORT AND REVENUE Financial Highlights PROGRAM AND SUPPORT SERVICES 82% Of Total Expenses Benefit Client and Prevention Programming
TOTAL EXPENSES Client Services Education/Prevention Services Volunteers and Other Services Direct Financial Assistance to Clients Administration/General Operations Development 2,326,489 39% 153,396 3% 1,943,124 33% 62,896 1% 613,380 10% 808,613 14% Center for Disease Control 194,544 3%
hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible
Katie Doucette

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