The American University in Cairo Department of Construction and Architectural Engineering AENG 326: Environmental Control and Sustainable Design Fall 2011 Dr. Ahmed Fikry- Dr. Shadi Eng. Yomna, Eng. Nouran Fikry
Environmental research: El-Arish, Egypt
Menna Afify- Hadeer Atef- Sara AbdelSamie- Reham Hamad- Maya Kazamel- Aya Riad
Location: El-Arish, Egypt
Table of Contents Climatic data gathering: § § § § §
Wind Analysis (wind roses) Average air temperature (monthly) Average relative humidity (monthly) Cloud cover (weekly) Available solar radiation- direct and diffused (weekly)
Psychometric chart: § § § §
Location of climatic zone relative to comfort zone Climatic classification of zone Upgrade existing case through different passive design techniques Reach optimum condition of climatic zone using the most efficient passive techniques
1. Wind analysis (wind roses)- monthly
Red: primary prevailing wind
Yellow: Secondary prevailing wind
2. Average air temp. (monthly) + 3. Avg. relative humidity (monthly)
Month January February March April May June July August September October November December
Temperature (oC) 13.2 13.5 17.1 19.6 21.2 24.4 26.5 27.2 25.6 22.6 18.1 14.5
Month January February March April May June July August September October November December
Avg. monthly air temp. = 20.3ยบC. Max. avg. air temp. = 27.2ยบC (August) Min. avg. air temp. = 13.2ยบC (January)
Relative Humidity Relative Humidity Average relative (%) humidity (%) (%) 72 58 65 67 52 59.5 62 52 57 57 54 55.5 57 49 53 58 53 55.5 59 55 57 61 58 59.5 59 55 57 65 58 61.5 62 54 58 65 51 58
Max. avg. R.H. = 65% (January) Min. avg. R.H. = 53% (May) Average R.H. = 58%
4. Cloud cover (weekly)
The maximum % of cloud cover can be seen in the 52nd week. The minimum % of cloud cover can be seen in the 31st week.
5. Available solar radiation- direct and diffused (weekly)
Direct solar radiation
Diffused solar radiation
Psychometric Chart
Comfort zone: The months which lie in the comfort zone are: March, April and November.
Climatic classification of months: • January & February lie in the cool zone • March, April, November & December lie in the moderate zone. • May lies in the warm dry zone. • June, July, August, September & October lie in the warm humid zone.
Passive techniques used Passive solar heating Thermal mass heating Mass + night ventilation Natural ventilation Direct evaporative technique Indirect evaporative technique
Passive solar heating
Passive solar heating technique works on the months that lie in the cool zone:
January February & December.
Thermal Mass Heating
The thermal mass heating technique would be very effective as it upgrades the existing case of several months: January, February, March, April, May, November & December.
Mass + Night Ventilation
The night purge ventilation technique is very much like the thermal mass technique in its effectiveness as it can be applied on the same months on which the thermal mass heating was effective. January, February, March, April, May, November & December.
Natural Ventilation Technique
Natural ventilation technique is effective with only four months: March, April, May & November. Three of which already lie in the comfort zone: March, April & November.
Direct Evaporative Cooling
The direct evaporative cooling technique is hardly effective since no months lie in the zone in which it’s effective.
Indirect Evaporative Cooling
This technique is as effective as the natural ventilation technique as the only month on which this technique can be applied is May.
Optimum Condition Reached
The most two effective techniques were (night + mass ventilation) and (thermal mass heating) due to having high effectiveness during most of the year.
Thank you â˜ş