April 2014 !
Hopefully by the time you’re reading this, the weather will have started to feel like April here in Philly!
!There are several things happening this spring, including “The Road to Here,” a collaborative show at B Square Gallery in Philadelphia about the courage and strength it takes to create and show art. Please join me and the rest of the artists for the opening reception on April 5th from 6-9 p.m.
The mkc photography studio will close for one week beginning April 12th. I’ll be back in the UK, enjoying time with dear friends and shooting tons of new work, which I can’t wait to share with you when I return.
Finally, please mark your calendars for the annual Turtle Artisans Tour coming up on May 3rd and 4th in Cheltenham Township - more details to come in next month’s newsletter!
All the best,
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