Meaghan Kelly Undergraduate Portfolio

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Meaghan Kelly

BFA in Architectural Design from MassArt

Table of Contents NCAAA Museum Addi�on Newburyport Housing Project Parklet House in the Woods STEAM Building Senior Degree Project Fine Arts

NCAAA Museum Project

Architectural Design Studio II

Fall 2016

Our assignment was to design an addi�on for the pre-exis�ng Na�onal Center for African American Arts Museum (NCAAA). Our New addi�on was meant to add a large gallery space and provide a place for community concerts and plays. It was important that the new addi�on and the exis�ng museum be cohesive. I decided to design a wood framed open glass structure, at the base of the hill on which the museum sits. In my design I wanted the viewer to see through my building to the Museum at the top of the hill. I focused on permeability and simplicity. Preliminary Sketch, Inspired by Richard Nuetra

I worked predominantly in model to develop my concept

I” = 1/4” Site Model

I” = 1/32” Site Model

I” = 1/16” Site Model

West facing 3Dview

There was an exis�ng stone wall on the site that we could either remove or keep as part of the assignment. I decided to keep the historical wall and incorporate it into the facade of my building.

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Art work from the NCAAA Museum

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Newburyport Housing Project

Architectural Design Studio III

Fall 2016

Our assignment was to design a large housing complex in Newburyport, Ma. We were required to design 100 units in a limited amount of space without obstruc�ng the views of the water. We were also required to add a public community component to the site. I decided to design three iden�cal buildings and stagger them so that ocean views could be maximized. I designed a large balcony space for every unit and designed a public pier for the larger community.

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Rendering of unit one

Site plan

Parklet Project

Building Components and Details

Our assignment was to design an outdoor parklet. A parklet replaces a parking spot and creates a small public park in its place. I decided to create an outdoor gym and miniature yoga studio. I designed a built-in bench that could be used for either exercise or leisure. The structure of the parklet can also be used for exercise. You can use the cross bracing to stretch or climb across the monkey bars that help support the roof. The parklet can be assembled and broken, so it can be moved around to different loca�ons.

Spring 2017

Our assignment allowed us to use our creativity as there was no specific program assigned. We were told to design and alter an existing building on a small plot of land in the woods. We were not allowed to alter the existing concrete foundation of the building, which was a storage space for grain. I decided to design a minimalist hikers lodge. I decided to roll back on the luxuries and create a space that encourages if not forces face time instead of screen time. I wanted to create something fun and whimsical.

First Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan

STEAM Building Our assignment was to design a STEAM academic building that would house science, technology, engineering, art and math. I decided to design a headquarters for the women in STEM program. I wanted to create a safe space for both women and girls interested in STEM fields. I wanted to create an oasis for young women who have interests in math, science and art. We were given a triangle shaped site and we were forced to adapt to the challenges associated with a triangle shaped site.

Architectural Design Studio IV

Fall 2017

Plan one

Plan two

Plan three

Concept Model

Carson Beach School for Autistic Youth

Senior Degree Project

Fall 2017- Spring 2018

Our Senior thesis project was a year long research project. We chose our site and program and made our decisions based on our research. I decided to design a school for autistic children and adults. I made this decision because my brother is autistic, and I wanted to learn more about his disorder and how a well designed environment could help him more comfortable. I designed two different schools, a high school and an adult learning center. The high school and adult learning center provide more specialized learning spaces. It can be hard to find an education program for autistic people that provides focused classes. I wanted to make sure that specific talents could be explored and encouraged. In the design of the building I wanted to limit the potential for stress and anxiety caused by spaces that contain too much stimuli. I separated spaces by the level of stimulus and provided opportunity for the students to make choices about which type of space they need. In my research I learned that escape spaces are beneficial to autisitc people. I designed an escape pod, which is a small low stimulus space where someone can go and calm down The escape pods can be seen through out the design of both buildings.


Carson Beach

Joe Moakley Park

I chose this site because it is accessible by public transport and it is on a main high way. It is right on the beach as well as being close to a public park. Being close to the water blocked out excessive stimuli from one side of the site.

ESCAPE SPACE The escape space became an important feature in my design and informed the shape and design for the entire building. It is a space where a child or adult can go when they are experiencing sensory overload. The pods are incorporated into the walls of the hallways and are therefore easy to access. In the rendering below you can see that they

are located inconspicuously in the main

adult center High Stimulation zone Mid Stimulation zone Low Stimulation zone

Low stim

high stim


Predictability One Way circulation

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Fine arts

Still life figure drawing

Our assignment was to draw a still life scene and add figures from a painting. I chose Man at His Bath by Gustave Caillebotte and I painted the veranda at the Museum of Fine arts in Boston.

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