1. To increase the interest of general public for heraldry, register vo koi se zaveduvaat stari i novi heraldi~ki 2. Researching of the heraldic heritage of or connected dostignuvawa (grbovi, znamiwa, bexevi) to Macedonia, 5. Edukacija od oblasta na heraldikata 3. Designing armorial bearings, flags and decorations, 6. Izdava~ka dejnost 4. Establishing register for armorial bearings, 5. Enabling heraldic education, Od dosega{nite aktivnosti bi gi izdvoile slednive: 6. Publishing heraldic books, Predavawe na tema mesnata heraldika vo Fran cija, gostin predava~ heraldi~arot Andre Vocial Some of the activities realised so far: od Franicja. Lectures on “The municipal heraldry in France”, with U~estvo na konkursot za ordeni i dobiena prva na guest lecturer, Andre Wocial from France. grada za idejnoto re{enie za ordenot za zaslugi na Re Applying to a tender for the decorations when Petar publika Makedonija, Petar Gajdov, sekretar na MHZ. Izrabotka na kopii na pe~ati za memorijalniot Gaydov, the secretary won first prize for the Order of Merit centar vo Pelince i vo Sobranieto na RM, vo for the Republic of Macedonia. Production of sigilum replica for the memorial center in sorabotka so Muzejot na Makedonija i firmata Pelince and in the Parliament of Macedonia in cooperation AGENS. with the Museum of Macedonia and company AGENS REGISTER REGISTER MHZ ima formirano i register na heraldi~ki MHS has established a register of armoral bearings in dostignuvawa vo koj se registriraat stari i novi grbovi. Za registriranite grbovi, MHZ izdava i which old and new armoral bearings are being recorded. soodvetna matrikula. Na stranicite na Makedon For the registered armoral bearings MHS issues appropriate ski Herald kako glasnik na MHZ }e se objavuvat matricula. Armoral bearings registered will be published registriranite heraldi~ki dostignuvawa vo peri in the next issue of Macedonian Herald, as the gazette of MHS. odot me|u dva broja.
[to e grb Spored Op{ta Enciklopedija, Jugoslovenski Lek sikorafski Zavod, Zagreb 1977g. grbot e: “Potrajna oznaka na oddelni li~nosti, familii, korporacii, politi~ki i crkovni ustanovi, orga nizacii i dr`avi, izrazeni so likovni sredstva po odredeni pravila”. Vo sledniot broj }e se navra
Delovi na grbot
[titot e osnovniot i najva`niot del na grbot. Toj go prestavuva maliot grb i mo`e da opstojuva samostojno. ^elenkata e vtoriot najva`en del na grbot, koj istotaka mo`e da opstojuva posebno, a zaedno so {titot go davaat sredniot grb, no naj~esto e pricvrsten na {lemot na koj e pricvrstena mantijata. Devizata naj~esto se nao|a pod {titot i ne go sodr`i prezimeto na nositelot! Zaedno so site gorespomenati elementi go dava golemiot grb. Drugite parafernalii se opcionalni, {titodr`a~ite i podno`jeto, a ordenot pak e samo za onie koi imaat takov od nekoj vite{ki red.Pozadi {titot mo`at da se nao|aat i simboli na pozicija, kako palki kaj mar{alite i heral dite ili kotvi kaj admiralite.
Petar Manxukov 113/6 1010 Skopje, Makedonija 389 2 (0)2636 866
389 2 (0)70 971121
time na definicijata na grbot, kako osnoven termin vo heraldikata, koj e i najte`ok da se definira. Na primer, poso~enata definicija izostava deka grbot e, nesomneno i oznaka na teritorija, naseleno mesto i na funkcija. Tokmu “odredenite pravila” (heral dikata) se ona {to opredeluva dali edna “potrajna oznaka” e grb ili ne{to sosema drugo (totem, tamga, logo itn.)
str. 1
Srebreniot volk na Makedon Jovan Jonovski VEKSILOLOGIJA str. 2
Bele{ki za Mija~koto zname Dr. Sne`ana Filipova FALERISTIKA str .7
Odlikuvawa: ordeni i medali HERALDIKA
Petar Gajdov str. 9
Hristofer @efarovi~ Lena An|elkoska AMBLEMATIKA str. 13
Amblemite na politi~kite partii vo Makedonija Valentin Popovski HERALDIKA str. 15
Makedonsko Heraldi~ko Zdru`enie Jovan Jonovski
In this issue:
Macedonus’ wolf Argent
Jovan Jonovski VEXILLOLOGY p. 2
Notes on Mijacs’ flag
Dr. Snezana Filipova PHALERISTICS p.7
Decorations: orders and medals HERALDRY
Hristofer Zefarovic
Petar Gajdov p. 9
Lena Angelkoska EMBLEMATICS p.13
Valentin Popovski p. 15
Macedonian Heraldry Socety Petar Mandzukov 113/6 1010 Skopje, Makedonija +389 2 (0)2636 866 +389 2 (0)70 971121
YEAR 1, Issue 1
Jovan Jonovski
Vo ovoj broj:
Emblems of the political parties in Macedonia
http://rootsweb.com/~mkdmhs http://heraldry.mol.com.mk http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mkherald heraldry@mol.com.mk jjonovski@mol.com.mk Digitalna verzija -Digital version http://www.rootsweb.com/~mkdmhs/ MKHerald-1.pdf
GODINA 1, Broj 1, maj - 2005 - May
Jovan Jonovski
Jovan Jonovski
Srebreniot volk na Makedon Macedonus’ Wolf Argent
Makedonskoto he rald i~ ko nasledstvo e mnogu malku istra `eno. Otsustvoto na poedinci i organizacii koi se zanimavaat so ovaa problematik a e glavnata pri~ in a za vakvata situacija. So formiraweto na Makedonskoto Heral di~ko Zdru`enie ovoj vakuum po~na da se popolnuva. So zapo~nuvawe na rabotata za ostvaruva weto na edna od celite na zdru`enieto, istra `uvawe na heraldi~ kiot materijal vo i povrzan so Makedoni ja, se pojavija i prvite rezultati. Imeno, vo privatnata kolekcija na heraldi~arot Derek Hauard vo Brisel, pretsedatelot na Make donskoto Heraldi~ko Zdru`enie, Jovan Jonovski, ja pronao|a kniga ta “The Glory of Generositie”(Slava na velikodu{nite), vo koja go otkriva prikazot na grbot na kralot Makedon od Ematija. Stanuva zbor za kniga izdadena vo London vo 1586 g. vo izdanie na Xon Vindest. Ovaa kniga vsu{ nost e vtoriot del od knigata “The Blazon of Gentry”(Blazonot na Gospodata) od avtorot Xon Fern.
prodol`uva na strana 14 Macedonian heraldry heritage is very poorly researched. The lack of individuals or organizations involved in this issue is the main reason for the above situation.
John Fearn’s “The Glory of Generositie” 1586, London. p.155
With the establishing of the Mace donian Heraldry Society, this vacuum started to be filled in. The start of the activities toward the fulfilling of one of the Society’s aims, research of the heraldic materials in and related to Macedonia, brought the first results. In the private collection of the her aldrist Derek Howard in Brussels, Jo van Jonovski, President of the Macedo nian Heraldry Society, found the book “The Glory of Generositie” in which he discovered the image of the arms of the king Macedonus of Emathia. It is a book published in London in 1586 by John Windest. This is actialy the second part of the John Ferne’s “The Blazon of Gentry”.
Continued on page 14
Od urednikot Kone~no izleze i prviot broj na Makedonski Herald, glas nikot na Makedonskoto heral di~ko zdru`enie. Vo nego }e najdete temi od heraldikata, kako i od srod nite nauki i disciplini. Vo ovoj broj ima tekstovi i od vek silologijata, faleristikata i amblematikata. Na{a `elba e ovoj glasnik da bide refer encijalen izvor od oblasta na heraldikata i srodnite nauki i disciplini. Vo nego }e bidat objavuvani i temi od teoriskata heraldika, kako i od heraldi~kata termi nologija. Istotaka vo nego }e se pub l i kuvaat i her aldi ~k i te dostignuvawa registrirani vo Registerot na Makedonskot Heraldi~ko Zdru`enie, edin stven od vakov vid vo Republika Makedonija From the editor, Finally, the first issue of the Mac edonian Herald, the gazette of the Macedonian Heraldry Society has been published. Inside, you will find articles on heraldry, but also on other related sciences and disciplines. This issue contains texts from vexillology, phaeleristics and emblematic. Our wish is that this gazette will be a reference source for heraldry and the related sciences and disciplines. Themes from theoretic heraldry will be published, as well as a heraldic dictionary. It will publish all armorial bearing registered in the Register of the Macedonian Heraldry Society, the only one of its kind in the Republic of Macedonia.
MAKEDONSKI HERALD e glasnik na Makedonskoto Heraldi~ko zdru`enie
is the gazzete of the Macedonian Heraldry Society
Bele{ki za Mija~koto zname Sekoja organizirana socijal na t.n. vojni~ki mona{ki redo na zaednica ima svoi insignii: totemi, znamiwa, barjaci. Zna meto ili barjakot e ednobojno ili pove}ebojno par~e tkaenina ukraseno so vezeni ili aplici rani znaci (inicijali, figuri, amblemi) sekoga{ postaveno na visoko mesto, pricvrsteno za stap ili jarbol. Osven {to e vojni~ki znak, voedno e i znak na zapoved, odnosno amblem na samiot voda~. Treba da se ima vo predvid i uni verzalnata simbolika na negovoto viorewe pod dejstvoto na vetrot, {to se povrzuva so elementot vozduh, odnosno so dvi`eweto i so fazite na di{ewe. 1 Anti~kite narodi vo Evropa i Azija upotrebuvale razni vrsti na vojni~ki znaci i simboli za me|usebno razlikuvawe. Sepak, dene{nite znamiwa svojata forma im ja dol`at na voenite znamiwa na rimskite carevi nare~eni vexillatum/a. Znameto koe go upotrebil Konstantin Veliki vo borbata protiv Maksencije e nare~eno labarum (lat. labarum, gr~ki λαβαρον) {to pretstavu valo bajrak zaka~en na kopje. Na dnoto visele resi, od stranata dve crveni lenti, a na nego natpisot SPOR Senatus populusque romanus= senatot i narodot rimski ili oznakata i imeto na legijata koja go nosi. Konstantin Veliki vo sredinata go postavil Hristo viot monogram, {to se objasnuva so tradicijata deka na son pred spomenatata bitka mu se pojavil ovoj znak i ~ul glas In hoc signo vinces-vo ovoj znak }e pobedi{.2 Posle Konstantin, labarumot po~nala {iroko da go primenuva Crkvata. Od nea pak go prevzela vojskata, koja od 11 v. po~nala da primenuva heraldi~ki i ale goriski znaci. Nivnata forma varira, zavisno od formaci jata i ~inot na stare{inata kako i od situacijata vo koja se upotrebuva. So voveduvaweto na turnirite od strana na impera torot Fridrih Barbarosa vo 12 vek vo Germanija i so pojavata
Jovan Jonovski
Jovan Jonovski
Dr. Filipova Sne`ana
vi se zgolemuva i repertoarot na znamiwa, koi po~nuvaat da dobivaat i li~ni obele`ja na stare{inite, oznaki na nivniot vite{ki red, nivni logoa, motoa, bexovi, posveti. Taka osven ~et vrtesti i triagolni znamiwa3, imame i ~etvrtina od krug (nor manskite zaka~eni na jarbol).4 Po dolgovekovnata upotreba na raznoobrazni znamiwa vrzani so razli~nite voeni rodovi i ~inovi, od 19 v. voenoto zname se izedna~uva so dr`avnoto.5 Makedonski znamiwa Kaj nas se poznati/za~uvani samo najdocnite barjaci koi se upotrebuvale vo vostanijata protiv turskata vlast. Od turski izvori e poznato deka ov~arot Tane od. S. ^airli, Bitolsko kako buntovnik bil i bajraktar na “aramiite”. Za `al ne ni e za~uvano ni Karpo{ovoto zname od 1689 g. koe turskite izvori go narekuvaat zlosre}no6, koe sig urno so negovoto proglasuvawe za kral dobilo i po{iroko zna~ewe od voeno zname. Zatoa go imame Razlove~koto zname od 1876 g.: temno sin lav so crveno - zlatna bogata grivna i edna crveno zlatna noga, so beli detali na glavata, i isplazen dolg jazik, i mnogu dolga opa{ka koja so tufkata doa|a nad glavata na `ivotnoto, vezen na `olta pozadina, apliciran vrz crveno platno, koe bilo upotrebuvano i pri Kresnenskoto vostanie po 2 godini. Ikonografski lavot ne e inspiriran od grbovite na Makedonija i Bugarija od Stema tografijata na @efarovi~, pa ostanuva da se najde tipologijata, koja e neobi~na i spored grivnata i spored dvobojnosta na figurata.7 Sekoja ~eta od razli~nite delovi na Makedonija koja u~estvuvala vo Ilindenskoto vostanie vo 1903 g. imala svoe zname–na primer Ohridskoto imalo simboli~na pretstava na devojka vo bel fustan koja vee
Makedonskoto Heraldi~ko Zdru`enie Macedonia Heraldry Socety
The interest for the heraldry in Macedonia is growing Interesot za heraldikata vo Makedonija se zgole in the last years. As the main promoters for this interest muva vo poslednive godini. Kako glavni promotori za is the book “Coat of Arms of Macedonia” by Aleksandar ovoj interes se knigata “Grbovite na Makedonija”, od Aleksandar Matkovski i veb stranicata “Heraldika Matkovski and the web site “Heraldry in Macedonia” by Jovan Jonovski. vo Makedonija” od Jovan Jonovski. The book “Coat of Arms of Macedonia” is published in 1970. Knigata “Grbovite na Makedonija” e objavena 1970. Taa go obratuva prisustvoto na Makedon It research the presence of the Macedonian Coat of Arms in skiot grb vo nekolku grbovnici koi se nao|aat several roll of arms found on the territory of the that day Yugo na teritorijata na toga{na Jugoslavija. Delot za slavia. The part regarding the general heraldry is very poor. The main idea of the book, apart from the published in heraldikata e mo{ne {tur. Glavnata ideja na knigata, pokraj, iznesenite po formation regarding the presence of the Macedonian arms, datoci za prisustvoto na makedonskiot grb, e deka is that the late is product of the fantasy of Petar Ohmucevic, istiot e proizvod na fantazijata na Petar Ohmu~e which used this fabricated fact to prove his noble status. This book does not close the question on the Macedonian vi~, koj gi koristel ovie fabrikuvani fakti za da Arms, on the contrary, it opens it. A vast research is still to be go doka`e svojot blagorodni~ki fakt. Sepak, ovaa kniga ne go zatvara pra{aweto za done on all other sources that Matkovski has not researched. The second promoter to the increase of the interest for makedonskiot grb, tuku naprotiv samo go otvora. Ostanuva u{te obemna istra`uva~ka rabota na site heraldry is the site “Heraldry in Macedonia” (heraldry.mol. com.mk) whose author is Jovan Jonovski, established in 2000. onie izvori koi Matkovski ne gi istra`il. Vtoriot promotor za interesot za heraldikata vo It covers the issue of the Macedonian Arms in the past and dene{no vreme e sajtot Heraldika vo Makedonija present. There could also be found arms used in Macedonia, (heraldry.mol.com.mk) ~ij avtor e Jovan Jonovski, territorial, corporative and personal. It also contains info i koj opstojuva od 2000g. Toj go obrabotuva pra{a regarding the heraldry in general. This last promoter has gathered the critic mass for a more weto na makedonskiot grb nekoga{ i sega. Pona tamu na nea se nao|aat grbovi koi se koristat vo organized activities, in the summer 2003 the Macedonian Makedonija i toa, teritorijalni, korporativni i Heraldry Society was established, to fulfill the vacuum in this li~ni. Voedno ima i informacii za heraldikata area. The main aim of the society is to elevate the heraldic understanding. The heraldic understanding is on a very low voop{to. Okolu vtoriot stolb se sobra kriti~nata masa za level, which is proved for instance with the so cold “arms” edno poorganizirano dejstvuvawe, pa taka letoto 2003 of the municipalities, which has not much in common with g. be{e osnovano Makedonskoto Heraldi~ko Zdru`e heraldry. Ant the most important question, Macedonia still nie, za da go popolni vakuumot vo ovaa sfera. Glavnata has not Coat of arms although 14 years has passed. The cel na zdru`enieto e da se podigne heraldi~kata svest, reason should be sought in the total heraldic ignorance of koja e na mnogu nisko nivo, {to mo`e i da se potvrdi so those responsible for this issue. The main aim is achieved through the following objectives: re{enijata za t.n grbovi na op{tinite, koi i nemaat ba{ nekava vrska so heraldikata. I najgorlivoto pra{awe, Makedonija s# u{te e bez grb, iako pominaa 14 godini. Pri~inata za ovaa sostojba pred se treba da se bara vo celos noto nepoznavawe na Heraldikata od strana na onie {to mo`at i treba ne{to da prevzemat. Glavnata cel se ostvaruva preku konkretnite celi: 1. Popularizacija na Heraldi kata. 2. Istra`uvawe na heraldi~koto Upravata na MHZ so gostinot predava~ Andre Voical od Francija, (od gore desno) Petar Gajdov, Sekretar; Jovan Jonovski, Pretsedatel; Kiril nasledstvo vo i povrzano so Make Trajkovski, ~len; Sne`ana Filipova, Potpretsedatel; Andre Vocial so donija. soprugata. 3. Izrabotka na grbovi, znami Officers of MHS with the guest lecturer Andre Woical from France, (from uper right) wa, odlikuvawa. Petar Gajdov, Secretary; Jovan Jonovski, President; Kiril Trajkovski, member; 4. Oformuvawe na heraldi~ki Snezana Filipova,Vice-president; Andre Woical with his wife.
deka na{ite politi~ki partii }e mora poprili~no da porabotat na svoite simboli, bidej}i vakvi kakvi {to se se prili~no be nigni i mo`at da bidat simboli i na nekoi drugi partii od drugi zemji. Amblemite na partiite od leviot centar i od malcin skiot blok se neprepoznatlivi. Tie ne sodr`at elementi koi poka`uvaat deka stanuva zbor za makedonski partii. Desnite par tii, pak, preteruvaat vo upotre bata na “lav~eto”. Lavot treba da bide samo eden od elementite na amblemot, a ne negov osnoven del. Vpro~em, tokmu istaknuvaweto na lavot kako partiski simbol dovede do toa zemskiot grb da ne bide izbran za dr`aven. Vero jatno }e bide potrebno vreme za stalo`uvawe na mislewata i duri
7 potoa }e mo`eme da zboruvame za vistinski izbor na amblemite na politi~kite partii na makedon skata politi~ka scena.
state coat of arms. It will probably needs time to re-think and after that we could sit and make real choice of the emblems of the political parties on the Macedonian political scene.
Tekstot pod slikata The text under the image
prodol`uva od str. 1 Ovaa kniga e edno zna~ajno delo, kako za heraldikata na Britanskite ostrovi, taka i za svetskata heraldika. Avtorot na knigata, ne se zadr`uva na objasnuvawe koj e ovoj kral Makedon, nitu pak dava drugi informacii. Tuku samo e ispi{an blazonot (opisot) na grbot. Eve go prevodot na tek stot: “Makedon, kral na Ematija, nosi srebren ispraven volk na crno pole. Mislam deka negovi ot grb e postaven na okrugol {tit.” Ematija ja prestavuva terito rijata okolu Solun, Berija, no vo po{irok smisol teritorijata na Makedonija. Ova e interesen podatok koj zboruva za grbovite vo Make donija, od izvor pred izlegu vaweto na grbovnikot Koreni}Neori}, duri 7 godini prethod no. Ovoj podatok istotaka proiz leguva od izvor nadvor od ovaa teritorija, i nadvor od tezata
continued from p.1 deka grbovite vo Makedonija se direkten proizvod na rabotata na Petar Ohmu~evi~. Na ovaa teza, i samiot Matkovski si protivre~i, koga veli deka vo univerzitetot vo Bolowa ima mnogu grbovi na u~enici koi poteknuvaat od sol unskoto carstvo, zna~i od istata teritorija, no ovojpat datirano so raniot 13 vek. Deka ima bogat heraldi~ki ma terijal vo ovie prostori vo 13 i 14 vek zboruva i istra`uvaweto na Vujadin Ivani{evi} objaveno vo zbornikot na vizantolo{kiot institut vo Belgrad br. 41 od 2004. No ova e posebna tema na koja }e se navratime vo nekoj od slednite broevi na Makedonski Herald. This book is an important writing, for the heraldry on the British Isles as well the world heraldry. The author of the book, does not engage in explaining who this King Macedonus is, nor gives other relevant information. He only gives the blazon as seen on the illustration above.
Emathia is the region around Thessa loniki, Verea and Pella , or Macedonia as a whole. This is a very interesting informa tion, regarding the coats of arms in Macedonia, from a source written 7 years before Korenic-Neoric. This information is also sourced out side this region and outside the thesis that the Coat of arms in Macedonia are product of Petar Ohmucevic. Even Matkovski himself is contradicting this thesis when he states that in the university of Bologna there are paint ings of the arms of students from the Thessalonian Kingdom, form the very same territory but this time form the early 13 c. The fact of presence of reach heraldic material on this area is proved by the re search by Vujadin Ivanisevic, published in Belgrade in 2004 in the Gazette of the Bizantology Institute # 41. This is a separate issue that will be covered in one of the next issues of the Macedonin Herald. Bex - Del od heraldi ~koto dostignuvawe, koj ne mora da e vo di rektna vrska so grbot Badge, part of the armoral bearings, not directly con nected to the Arms
zname i ist takov lav kako na Kresnenskoto zname do nea, samo pomal i ispraven na dve noze (ili samo lav, i dvete na crvena pozadina, ili zlaten krst na postament na crvena pozadina kako ona na Kru{evskata ~eta, kako i fakel koj go dr`at dve race, vmetnati vo lovorovi granki i t.n.). I zdru`enija na Makedonskata dijaspora vo stranstvo imaat interesni znamiwa (na pr. kni`ev noto dru{tvo od Petrograd, Rusija od 19 v., ima dominanten bel edno rog na crvena pozadina, izlo`eno vo Muzej na Makedonija). Na nekoi srednovekovni slov enski ikoni na svetci vojnici, tie javaat nosej}i mali barjaci.8 Mijacite se Makedonci koi se razvivale kako posebno pleme, {to se zaklu~uva od nivniot govor, obi ~ai, nosija, arhitektura, geografski predeli koi gi naseluvale. Onie ~ii sela bile vo blizina na rekata Radika, vo izvorite se narekuvaat i “Rekalii”. Sorabotu vale i so srpskiot voda~ protiv turskata okupa cija Kara|or|e. Lazar Arsenijevi} - Batalaka gi opi{uva kako lu|e so vojni~ki duh, koi i koga se doma na vilaetot ne im davaat na Turcite lesno da gi gme~at,.. a za svoite zaslugi osven ~inovi i blagorodstva, bile osigurani so penzii od Avstriskiot dvor...”.9 Svoite stare{ini gi narekuvale glavari ili glavatari.10 Mija~koto zname Osobeno e interesno mija~koto zname, koe se smeta za mnogu staro. Pretstavenite `ivotni vo aglite na edna verzija od ova zname imaat dolga tradicija i ~esto se upotrebuvaat vo heral dikata, a i ~etvrtiot znak- polu mes e~ina i yvezda se sre}ava u{te na mesopotamskite kameni me|nici i steli.11 Pred 64 godini Georgi Traj~ev go prenesuva tvrdeweto na polkovnik Stamatov deka
znameto so lav po pa|aweto na Bugarija pod Tursko vladewe vo 1395 g. e za~uvano vo debarskiot kraj.12 Isto takvo zname so lav se upotrebuva vo rekanskiot kraj kaj Mijacite, objasnuva Traj~ev. I go opi{uva vaka: na belo platno od koprena ili drug materijal, dolgo okolu 1 m. koe slu`i kako glavno pole, vo sredinata e pret staven krst so krug na presekot na kracite, a vo prazniot pros tor me|u kracite e ispi{ano so poznatite kratenki imeto na Isus Hristus IS HS i NIKA (Pobeda). Vo ~etirite agli stojat mali figuri na lav, dvoglav orel bez krila, zmej i polumes~ina so yvezda nad nego. Rabovite se obra beni so crveni triagolnici koi gi gledame i na prstenot so koj
Muzej na Makedonija- etnolo{ka zbirka
Museum of Macedonia-ethnology display
e obvien sredi{niot krst. In teresna e pretstavata na orelot, na ~ie telo gledame {tit so krst i 4 bukvi, verojatno kratenkite IS HS. Od mija~koto selo Tresonce13 e za~uvano zname koe go poseduva familijata Pandilovci, denes `iteli na Skopje, za koe sops tvenicite velat deka e staro pove}e od 200 godini i e mnogu sli~no na ona objaveno kaj Traj~ev, samo yvezdata e postav ena von kracite na mese~inata, a dvoglaviot orel nema krst vrz teloto. Dolgo e 1,30 a visoko 0,70 m. Izraboteno e od belo platno, a prestavenite ornamenti se rabo teni kako aplikacii vo crvena boja. Vo praznite poliwa okolu krstot se vpi{ani bukvite IS
HR (a ne S kako kaj ona objaveno kaj Smiqani}) i NI KA. Nekoi znamiwa mo`e namesto ovie `ivotni da sodr`at ku~e kako zamena za lavot, i kowanici so celosna oprema. 14 Tomo Smiqani}-Bradina po poteklo Treson~anec, vo svojata kniga od 1925 g. go opi{al zname to -barjakot kako crveno belo sin krstest barjak, so krst na vrvot na kopjeto.15 Toj doobjasnuva deka Mijacite pravat razlika me|u zname i barjak, prviot termin za niv go prestavuva znameto na dr`avata, a bajrakot e samo nivnoto zname. Zna~ajna infor macija {to ja naveduva, a koja indirektno zboruva i za starosta na znameto e deka Mijacite zvani ~no op{tele so sultanot u{te vo 1521 g., spored fermanot {to go ~uva tresone~kata familija Bradinovci, od koja poteknuva i avtorot. Kako privileg ija {to im pomognale na Turcite vo vojnata so Avstrija, na Mijacite im bile dadeni prava da nosat oru`je, da ne pla}aat danoci, da go za~uvaat svoeto zname i t.n. Smiqani} naveduva i eden interesen podatok: svojot barjak Mijacite go ~uvale vo najstarata naselba {to ja sozdale po doseluvaweto vo dene{na Make donija -Su{ica, kade po Kosovs kata bitka se povlekol nivniot vojvoda. Ova zname po potreba go razvivale, kako na primer pri Pikolominieviot pohod vo 1689 g.16 Vo Muzejot na Makedonija vo Skopje se ~uvaat dve verzii na mija~ki znamiwa koi se ozna~eni kako svadbarski. Ednoto ima nekoi zaedni~ki elementi so prethodno opi{anite, samo raz likata e {to gi nema `ivotnite, a znakot na polumese~ina i yvezda se povtoruva 4 pati i toa okolu sredi{niot krst po dijagonala, alterniran so isto tolku golemi 4 crni krsta, {to zboruva deka ne se raboti za znak na turskata imperija. Sredi{niot krug ne go sodr`i ~etirikrakiot krst, tuku
se sostoi od 19 kraka-perki vo tri boi, bela, crna i crvena. Ova zname ima tri triagolni izdol`eni zavr{nici od slobod nata vertikalna strana, a drugite strani se obrabeni po horizontala so edna crna i edna crvena lenta, odnosno crna i bela okolu drvenata dr{ka koja nema krst na vrvot. Osobeno e interesno drugoto izlo`eno zname koe nema ni{to zaedni~ko so trite opi{ani do sega. Ovde vo centarot gledame golem crven krug formiran od crveni i posvetlo crveni bra novidni lenti obraben so bela lenta i sredi{en pomal bel krug so vpi{ana mala ~etvrt esta rozeta, koj mo`e da asocira na leb~e (svadbarsko?). Vo gor nite dva agli gledame ~ove~ka figura so edna ispru`ena raka kon sredi{nata polumese~ina, pretstavena naopaku so kracite nadolu. Dali ovaa kompozicija e povrzana so analognite pretstavi na ste}cite?17 Dolu pod krugot se pretstaveni levo i desno po dve `ivotni, verojatno ku~e ili volk koj brka jagne. Po vertikala znameto ima dve {iroki crveni lenti so bel krst vo sredinata, a ~etvrtata strana koja se vior ela zavr{uva so 5 triagolnici, 3 crveni i 2 beli, a taa nas proti niv e temna {iroka lenta. Spored pozata na ~ove~kite i `ivotinskite figuri ova zname (ili mo`ebi sepak prekrivka), bi trebalo da bide postaveno so triagolnicite nadolu, inaku figurite bi se gledale od strana iskriveno. Mo`ebi se postavuval nad svadbeniot kola~? Bidej}i ovie dve znamiwa oso beno se razlikuvaat od onie dve opi{ani pogore, od koi barem ednoto e staro nad 200 godini, mo`ebi ovde imame pomladi vari janti ili ova se samo svadbarski varijanti raboteni vo deceniite po vtorata svetska vojna, koga Mija~ijata po~nala da opustuva, pa ve}e ne bilo tolku va`no da se upotrebi originalno zname tuku mo`ebi po~nale da se izra botuvaat negovi derivati od stra na na onie familii koi dotoga{ ne go poseduvale? Indikativno e
Valentin Poposki
Valentin Poposki
Amblemite na politi~kite partii vo Republika Makedonija Emblems of the political parties of the Republic of Macedonia
Znameto od Tresonce - spored Traj~ev Flag from Tresonce, according to Trajcev
i ne postoeweto na krst na vrvot na dr{kata. Vo sledniot broj: Tolkuvawe na apliciranite motivi
Fusnoti 1 J. Chevalier, A. Gheerbrant, Re nik simbola, Zagreb 1987, 34-5. 2 Leksikon ikonografije, liturgike i simbolike zapadnog hri{~anstva, Zagreb 1985, 372.) 3 Michel Pastoreau, Heraldry, New York 1997, 71. 4 Chevalier, Gheerbrant, Re nik simbola, 5 Opa Enciklopedija, tom 8, JLZ, 679) 6 Dokumenti za borbata na makedonskiot narod za samostojnost i za nacionalna dr`ava, Tom prvi, Skopje 1981, 149 i 156. 7 Hristofer @efarovi~, Stematografi®, faksimilno izdanie Sofi® 1986 8 Na primer na ikonata od 14 vek na koja se pretstaveni Sv. Knezovi Boris i Gleb so edno crveno i edno sino zname, od Tretjakovska Galerija vo Moskva. Spored mr. Emil Aleksiev, postoi i edna postvizantiska ikona od na{ata zemja na koja e pretstaven Hristos koj dr`i zname so heraldi~ki grb. Za `al i po nekolku obidi ne uspeav da dobijam podetalni informacii od avtorot. 9 Dokumenti, 169. 10 Tomo Smiqani}, “Mijaci, Gorna Reka i Mavrovsko Pole”, GSND Skopje 1925, 61. 11 Biblijski prira~nik, Zagreb 1989, 436. 12Georgi TraŸ~ev, Kniga za Mi®citÍ Sofi® 1941, glava 16, strana 94-5. 13 Seloto se spomenuva za prv pat vo pi{ani izvori vo 1467 g. Spored Pravoslaven Hram Sv. Petar i Pavle, Skopje 1995, 6.
14 Spored napisot objaven vo letopisot Tresone~ki Letopis, 1995, 14-15. 15 Smiqani} Mijaci, 73. 16 Smiqani} Mijaci, 73-4. 17 ^ausidis gi sumira nekolkute mo`ni tolkuvawa na ~ove~ka figura so ispru`ena ili predimenzionirana raka na ste}cite, od koi vo slu~ajot so mija~koto zname mo`e da se prifati samo verzijata za pozdrav kon pokojnite lokalni feudalci-vojvodi, tolkuvawe na A. Benac. O.B. Merin pak smeta deka se raboti za obra}awe kon vi{ite sili so magisko zna~ewe. Edinstveno zbunuva obratnata postavenost na polumesecot. Vidi kaj ^ausidis, Dualisti~ki sliki, 335. 18 Fransis Kont, Sloveni, Beograd
1989, 334.
Dr. Filipova Snezana
Notes on Miak’s flag
Each organized social community has its own insignia like totems, flags. The flag or barjak is one color or mul ticolor piece of cloth decorated with embroidery or applications of signs (initials, figures, emblems) always put on high place, attached to a stick or mast. Apart from being a military sign, it is at the same time a sign of an order that is emblem of the leader. We shall also have in mind the universal symbol ogy of the movement of the flag in the air that is related to the element air, or in other words with the movement and the phases of breading.1 The ancient people of Europe and Asia used various types of military signs and symbols to
Nema somnevawe deka i politi~kite partii se obidu vaat preku svoite simboli da gi prikazat svoite ideolo{ki pozi cii. Sli~no kako i administra tivno-teritorijalnite edinici i partiite so svoite statuti gi opredeluvaat simbolite – zname, grb ili logo i pesna ili himna. Kaj nas vo Makedonija me|utoa kako da postoi podvoenost me|u partite, ne samo vo nekoi klu~ni elementi, tuku i vo pogled na izborot na simbolite. Partiite od takanare~eniot lev blok i od centarot glavno se opredeluvaat za ideolo{ki logoa. Kaj ovaa kategorija amblemi mo`eme da zabele`ime deka se upotrebuvaat op{ti simboli i boi koi se povr zuvaat so nekoja op{ta ideolo{ka forma. Socijal-demokratskiot sojuz so crvenata roza i `oltobelo-sinata kombinacija (slika 1) poka`uva pripadnost na levocentristi~kite partii od soci jal-demokratska proveniencija. Vo sli~en manir e i amblemot na nivniot koalicionen part ner Liberalno-demokratskata partija (slika 2). Liberalite, pak, se opredelija za sino-bela kombinacija so vklopuvawe na Evropa vo kone~niot dizajn (slika 3). Socijalisti~kata partija se razbira se opredeli za crveno logo so dopolnitelni elementi (slika 4). Od druga strana, partiite koi sebesi se opredeluvaat kako desni i nacionalni vo svoite amblemi gi vklopuvaat nacionalnite sim boli. Najmalku tri VMRO-vski partii go upotrebuvaat zlatniot lav od makedonskiot zemski grb kako svoj partiski simbol. VMRO-DPMNE (slika 5), VMROnarodna (slika 6) I VMRO-vis tinska (slika 7). Kaj politi~kite partii koi mu pripa|aat na malcinskiot blok, isto taka, sre}avame nacionalni simboli, na primer kaj DPA (slika 8). Kako zaklu~ok mo`eme da ka`eme
There are no doubts that political parties are trying to show their ideological standings through their symbols. Just like administrativeterritorial units, parties with their statutes are determining own symbols – flag, coat of arms or logo and a song or hymn. However in Macedonia there are not just ideological, but also symbolical differences among the parties. Parties of the so-called left wing and the center are choosing ideological logos. At this category of emblems we can see that general symbols are used and colours wich are connected to some ideological form. Social-democratic union with the rose and yellowwhite-blue combination (pic.1) shows its belonging to left-centrist parties of social-democratic provenience. The very similar case is with their coalition partner Liberal-democratic party (pic.2). Liberals choose bluewhite combination including Europe in their final design (pic.3). Socialist party choose red logo, of course, with additional elements (pic.4). On the other hand, the parties which declare themselves as right-wing or national include national symbols in their emblems. At least three parties with VMRO-prefix are using golden lion from the territorial arms as their party symbol. VMRO-DPMNU (pic.5), VMRO-People’s (pic.6) and VMROthe true (pic.7). Among the political parties that belong to the minority group, national symbols are used as like Democratic Party of Albanians (pic.8). As a conclusion we can say that our political parties will have to work on their symbols, because like they are now, could be emblems of some other parties of other countries. Party emblems of the left-wing and minority group are unrecognizable. They don’t contain symbols which will show are Macedonian parties. Right-wing parties are overreacting with using national symbols. The Lion should be just one of the elements of the emblems, and not its basic part. In fact, using the territorial arms as a party symbol was the reason it wasn’t choose to be the
ing a large Slavic state, from Danube to Aegean, and from Adriatic to black sea, and Italy. Zefarovic took on this idea, which will be manifested in his most important book STEMATOG RAPHY, which brought him highest popularity and affirmation amongst the South Slavs. The STEMATOGRAPHY, or ge nealogy, and is a collection of Coats of Arms and images of Slavic rulers and Saints. The technical work was of Toma Mesmer, while Zefarovic was the editor of the graphic and art work. This book is not an original, but translation and edition of STEMATOGRAPHY by Croat writer Paul Ritter Vitezovic (1652-1713) of 1701. The Stematography by Zefarovic and Mesmer, with older title “Painting of Iliric Coats of Arms” was printed in Vienna on 21 of October 1741 at the day when Arsenie IV was made Patri arch, to whom this book was dedicated. This loose edition of the Latin book by Vitezovic, is done in newer technique of copper plates and is written in Rus sian edition of the Church Slavonic language. This was the language used by the most of the Slavonic writers at the time. This was the only printed he raldic work among the South Slavs for the next 200 years. Soon after this, the second and third editions were printed, due to the big demands for the books. The second edition is printed with the same copper plates, but with small differences. The STEMATOGRAHPY is printed in black using the heraldic hatching for the representation of the colors. The book has 110 pages and starts with 16 pages of images of Slavic rulers and saints, including the one of patriarch Arsenie Jovanovic. Zefarovic changes the character of the roll of arms of Vitezovic. The book order by Arse nie IV had a political meaning. It was the time of unsolved jurisdiction over the orthodox, especially the orthodox in the Austrian Empire, where Arsenie IV had the largest pretensions. Since this was in favor of the Austrian preten sions and influence, especially over the orthodox in the Ottoman Empire, the Austrians did allow Stematographia to be printed in Vienna. Most probably Zefarovic has drown and engraved the saints and the ruler only, while Mesmer has engraved the
text and the Coat of arms. Therefore the arms, from the artistic point of view, are week, and represent copy of those of Vitezovic. There are 58 arms, listed alphabetically starting with Albania, Austria, Besarabia, Czech, Russia, Crete, Dacia, Epirus, Dardania, Greece, Istria, Misia, Poland, Scitia, Turkey, Transilvania and other areas, which, according the understanding in the 18c, were parts of the Ilirik, all areas inhabited by Slavs. So, the Ste matographia undoubtedly presents a monument of pan-Slavism. At the end there is a textual explanation for every arm. From this part it is obviously that the word “grb” is not known, but instead the word “znameni” is used or the Latin “Arma”. The Stematography has great he raldic importance, from its publish ing until today, it was used as the elementary heraldic source among all the South Slavs, and it was used in the heraldic practice. When it came to the question of state coat of arms, all the South Slavs, with no exceptions looked into the Stematographia by Zefarovic. After the liberation in 1879, Bulgaria for state arms took the golden crowned lion on red shield, above with king’s crown, taken from stematographia by Zefarovic, without any correction. The same was done by Croatia, Montene gro, and Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovene in 1921. After the liberation, Macedonia adopted a Coat of arms, but due to lack of knowledge did not look into the Stematography, like the other Slavic nations2. Zefarovic shows the Macedonian arms three times, once separately, and twice in the common arms. The separate arms is shown as a red lion on golden shield, which is obvi ously taken from the roll by Vitezovic, including the mistakes he made in con fusing the colors with those of Bulgaria which got the Macedonian colors and vice versa. The shield is Spanish, as in Vitezovic. The lion is not crowned like in the other Iliric armorials. The shield is surmounted with a five pointed royal crown. Above it is written “Macedo nia”. beneath for verses folow, which are translation from Latin, which in loose translation are: Rampant red lion on golden shield, Signs of the church to which brings honor,
The big Turk took the diadem off the lion, I lost any honor I had so much. The verses are different than those of Vitezovic3. Hristofer Zefarovc died in Moscow, in the Bogoyavlenski monastery in 1753. He was the first Vienner of the Zefarovic of Dojran, but not the last. After his death, his sister’s son, Danail, once living in Thessaloniki, becomes is inheriter. After his naturalization in Vienna he will establish the noble family. Daniel von Zefarovic (17361806)for excellent state service in 1782 he receives the noble title, “Ritter Edler von” von Dojran. REFERENCE Aleksandar Matkovski, “Coats of Arms of Macedonia”, Misla, 1990; Kostadin Kajdamov, Hristofor Zefarovic, Dojran, 1996; “Hristofor Zefarovic, STEMATOGRAFIYA - Faximil edition, commented by Asen Vasiliev; Nauka i izkustvo, Sofiia 1986 and other. endnotes 1 V. Zlatarski. Narodnosta i rod noto myasto na Hristofor ZefaroviC, Makedoniya - politicesko, naucno i literaturno spisanie. S., 1922, year. I, vol. I, p. 21 - 22. 2 A. Matkovski. “Grbovite na Make donija” (Prilog kon makedonskata heraldika), Misla, 1990. Str. 127. 3 same.
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differ between themselves. Still, the present flags owe their form to the military flags of the Roman emperors name vexillatum/a. The flag used by Constantine the Great in the campaign against Maxencius is named in Latin labarum, in Greek labaron) which stands for a flag put on a spear. The bottom part of the flag ended in tas sels, two red bands hanged from aside and the flag itself had the inscription SPOR Senatus populusque romanus (The Senate and the people of Rome), or the sign and the name of the legion that wore it. Constantine the Great had placed Christ monogram in the middle which has been explained with the tra dition that he had dreamed it the night before the mentioned battle and a voice told him In hoc signo vinces-you will win in the name of this sign.2 After Constantine, the labarum had been used by the Church to a large extent. The army took it over from her, and in the course of the11th c. it began to place heraldic and allegoric signs. Their form varies depending on the formation and the rank of the officer as well as the situation it has been used in. The introduction of the tournaments by Emperor Fredrik Barbarosa in the 12th c. in Germany and with the appear ance of the military monastic orders, the repertory of the flags enlarges and they begin to receive the personal signs of the officers, the signs of their knight order, their logos, mottos, badges and dedications. Thus we can see apart from rectangular and triangular flags3, also one forth of a circle, (like the on esthe Norman’s put on their masts).4 After the several century long usage of various flags related to many military orders and ranks, since the 19th c. the military flag equals the national one.5 Macedonian flags In our country only the latest flags from the few revolutions against the Turkish occupation in the 19th-20th c. have been preserved (known to us). The contemporary Turkish sources in form us of some shepherd named Tane coming from the village Cairli, near Bitola who became a revolutionary and bore the flag of the “terrorists”. Unfortunately, the flag of Karpos who organized a large uprising in 1689 named by the Turkish sources as the one with evil lack6, is not preserved,
which must have achieved more then a military significance after his pro claimed himself a king with a seat in Skopje. We have kept the flag of the Razlovec rebellion in 1876: it shows a dark blue lion figure with reddish yel low mane and one leg of the second, with small white details of the head, and a long protruding tongue, and a very long tail that ends with a tassel above the head, embroidered on yel low material, applied on a larger red square flag. The same has been used two years after, during the rebellion of Kresnovo. Icnographically the lion has not been inspired by the coat of arms of Macedonia and Bulgaria published in the Stematography of Zefarovic, so it remains to find the typology which is unusual according to the mane and the two-colored figure of the animal.7 Each military company from the various parts of Macedonia that has took part in the rebellion of Ilinden (the day of St .Elijah) in 1903 has its own flag (for instance the one from Ohrid had a symbolic figure of a girl dressed in white dress, that hangs a flag and a small lion next to her similar to the one from the Kresnovo’s flag, only here rampant, or only a lion figure, em broidered on red material, the company from Krusevo had a golden cross on a pedestal, or a torch hold by two hands, encircled by two olive branches, etc.). Also the societies of the Macedonian emigration in the foreign countries had interesting flags (for instance the Mace donian literary society in Petrograd, Russia, from the 19th c. has dominant white unicorn on red, on display in the Museum of Macedonia). Some medieval Slavic icons of wor rier saints show small flags they bear while riding.8 Miaks (Miatci) are Macedonians, Slavic people –once separate tribe that can be concluded from their dialect, customs, costumes, architecture they live in, and geography of the regions they have inhabited. Those whose vil lages have been situated near the river Radika have been named also “Reka lii”. Once they have cooperated with the Serbian leader against the Turkish occupation, Karageorge. Lazar Arseni jevic-Batalaka describes the Miaks as people with military spirit, that even when being at home in the Turkish vilaets do not let the Turks handle them
with easiness,.. and for their merits apart from ranks and noble digni ties, have received pensions from the Austrian court...”.9 They have named their officers glavari or glavatari (the “head” man).10 Miac’s flag Miac’s flag is a very interesting one considered to be very old. There are three animals represented in the corners, having old tradition, frequently used in heraldry, and the forth sign is a crescent and a star, a sign that can be traced down to the Mesopotamian border stones and stellae.11 64 years ago Georgi Traichev in his Book about the Miaks, talking about the flag, tells us about the informa tion given by officer S. Stamatov, who claimed that after Bulgaria* has been occupied by the Turks in 1395 the flag with the lion symbol has been preserved in the region of Debar.12 Traichev further explains that similar flag has been in use in the area of Debar within the Miaks. He describes it this way: on a white wool or other material long approx. 1 m. in the mid there is a large cross with a circle at the cross ing of the bars, and in the empty space between them there are the shortened Christ name IS HS and the Greek word for victory inscribed NIKA. In the four corners there are small figures of lion, doubles headed eagle (or doubles headed snake) without wings, dragon and crescent with a star above it. The double - headed eagle is very interesting since on the copy published in Traichev’s book we clearly see on its back a shield with central cross and four inscribed signs or letters, probably IS HS. The Family Pandilovci, who come from the village of Tresonce,13 now liv ing in Skopje, keep an old flag that be long to their family for over 200 years as they claim. It is very much alike the one published by Traicev, only the star is placed outside the crescent, and the double headed eagle (resembling snakes) do not have a cross inscribed on their body. It is 1,30m long and 0, 70m high, made of white material, and the represented ornaments have been made as red colour applications. 14 In the free space between the cross bars there are four inscribed letters, IS HR (and not S, as in the flag published by
Smiljani) and the word NIKA. Some flags instead of the above cited animals, may have a dog the type that is autochthonous for Macedonia-living in Sar Planina, as a replacement for the lion, and horsemen in full armor. 15 Tomo Smiljanic-Bra dina whose family comes from Tresonce in his ar ticle published in 1925 in GSND has described the flag as well as red white and blue with a cross, with another cross on the top of the spear. 16 He states that the Miaks make a difference between a zname and a baryak (both denoting flag, the second one is Turk ish), the first term stands for national state flag and the second for their own flag. An important document he cites that indirectly speaks about the old age of the flag is a ferman (an edict) issued by the sultan in 1521, today kept by the Family Bradinovci from Tresonce, the author originates from. As a privilege that they helped the Turks in the war with Austria, the Miaks have been given the right to use weapons, to be excluded from taxes, to use their own flag etc. Smiljanic tells us another interesting fact: the Miaks has kept their flag in the oldest settlement they have organized after their migration to Macedonia –in Sušica, where their duke had withdrawn after the battle in Kosovo. This flag they have used when needed, for example in the course of the battle with Picolomini in 1689 .17 In the Museum of Macedonia in Skopje there are two versions of Miaks that have been described as wedding flags. One of it has some common points with the two described above, only here the animals are different and the sign of the moon and the star repeats four times around the central cross diagonally, alternated by four small crosses that speaks it is not the sign of the Turkish empire The middle cross has 19 bars in three colors white, red and black. This flag ends in three triangles on the free vertical side, and the other two horizontal sides have combined red and black band, while the vertical side around the spear has a combination of black and white fields
In the nex issues: Reading the applied motives.
Muzej na Makedonija- etnolo{ka zbirka
Museum of Macedonia-ethnology display
and does not end with cross. The other exhibited flag is very interesting and has no common elements wit the other three described previously. Here in the middle there is a large red circle made of red and light red wavy lines framed by white band, with inscribed smaller white circle and a rosette. This allures associations with some festive breads (a wedding one?). In the upper corners there are two human figures and a lu nette between them, they spread their arm towards. The crescent ends are upside down. Could this composition be related to some analogue one to the grave monuments of the Bogumils in Bosnia (stetzci)?18 Under the circle on each side there is a dog or a wolf run ning after a lamb. The vertical ends of the flag bear wide red bands with a white cross in the middle, and the fourth side ends in five white and red triangles, while the upper end has dark wide band. According to the pose of the human and animal figures this flag (or a cover over the wedding bread?) should have been standing with the triangles down, otherwise they would have looked wrongly. Since these flags are very different from those two described above, one of which is over 200 years old, we might have here younger variants or this are only wedding flags made in the decades after the Second world war when the region once inhabited by the Miaks began to be depopulated so it was not so important as previously to use the original flag, but new derivates began to be made by those families that did not posses them in the past? It is indicative there is no cross on the top of the spire, too.
(Footnotes) 1 J. Chevalier, A. Gheerbrant, Recnik simbola, Zagreb 1987, 34-5. 2 Leksikon ikonografije, liturgike i simbolike zapadnog hriscanstva, Zagreb 1985, 372.) 3 Michel Pastoreau, Heraldry, New York 1997, 71. 4 Chevalier, Gheerbrant, Recnik simbola,34. 5 Opca Enciklopedija, tom 8, JLZ, 679) 6 Dokumenti za borbata na makedonskiot narod za samostojnost i za nacionalna drzava, Tom prvi, Skopje 1981, 149 i 156. 7 Hristofer Zefarovic, Stematogra fiya, faximile edition, Sofia 1986 8 For instance on an icon from the 14th C. from Moscow, Tretjakovski gallery, where the dukes St. Boris and St. Gleb have been represented with one red and another blue color. Accord ing to Emil Aleksiev, M.A., there is a Post Byzantine icon from Macedonia that shows Christ holding a flag with Heraldic coat of arms. Unfortunately, I could not get detailed informa tion on this from the author. *Including the present territory of Macedonia -note of the translator. 9 Dokumenti, 169. 10 Tomo Smiljanic, “Mijaci, Gorna Reka i Mavrovsko Pole”, GSND Skopje 1925, 61. 11 Biblijski priracnik, Zagreb 1989, 436. 12Georgi Trajcev, Kniga za Miyacite Sofia 1941, capital 16, pg. 94-5 13 The village has been mentioned for the first time in the written sources in 1467 g. See Pravoslaven Hram Sv. Petar i Pavle, Skopje 1995, 6. 14 According to the article published in the yearly paper Tresonecki Letopis, 1995, 14-15. 15 Idem. 16 Smiljanic Mijaci, 73. 17 Op.cit, 73-4. 18 Chausidis summarizes several possible read ings of human figure with a stretched over hand on the stetzci and in the case of the Miaks flag we can accept only the version suggested by A, Benac as an expression of salutation to the dead local feudal lords-dukes. O. B. Merin thinks it is actually magical communication with the high powers. See Causidis, Dualisticki sliki, 335.
Eden od malkute heraldi~ki grbo vi na op{tinite vo Makedonija: Grbot na op{tina Centar One of only few heralcic arms of the municipalities in Macedonia Amrs of municipality of Centar
crven lav na zlatno`olto pole, od {to jasno se gleda deka e ze men od Vitezovi} zaedno so site gre{ki vo boite {to toj gi zame nil, t.e. bugarskiot grb gi dobil dotoga{nite boi na makedonskiot grb, i obratno. [titot e {pan ski, isto kako kaj Vitezovi}. Nad glavata na lavot nema kruna, koja inaku ja ima makedonskiot lav vo Ilirskite grbovnici. Nad {ti tot ima carska petokraka kruna. Nad grbot pi{uva “Makedonia”. Pod grbot ima ~etiri stiha, koi, vsu{nost, se prevod od latinski na crkovnoslovenski. Stihovite vo sloboden prevod glasat: Ispraven crven lav na zlatno pole, Znamenie na crkvata na koja i se pravi ~est. Golemiot Tur~in ja odnel di jademata od lavot; Izgubiv jas sekakva ~est {to tolku ja imav. Stihovite se sepak poinakvi od onie kaj Vitezovi}3. Hristofor @efarovi~ umira vo Moskva vo Bogojavlenskiot manastir vo 1753 godina. Inaku toj bil prviot vien~anec od seme jstvoto @efarovci od Dojran, no ne i edinstveniot. Po negovata smrt vidna li~nost od negovoto semejstvo }e stane naslednik na celata negova ostavnina, vnu kot od sestra - Danail, koj po rano `iveel vo Solun. Otkako }e stane naturaliziran vien~anec }e bide osnovopolo` nik na blagorodni~koto semejstvo poznato vo aristokratskite kru govi vo Viena. Toa }e bide Daniel fon @efarovi~ (1736 - 1806), koj za odli~na dr`avna slu`ba vo 1782 godina od avstriskite vlasti }e ja dobie blagorodni~kata tit ula “Ritter Edler von”, so predikat “blagorodnikot od Dojran”. LITERATURA: Aleksandar Matkovski, Gr bovite na Makedonija, Misla, 1990; Kostadin Kajdamov, Hristofor @efarovi~, Dojran, 1996; “Hristofor @efarovi~, STEMATOGRAFIÂ - Faksimilno izdanie, komenti
rano od Asen Vasiliev; Nauka i izkustvo, Sofi® 1986 i dr. Fusnoti 1 V. Zlatarski. Narodnosta i rodnoto m®sto na Hristo for @efarovi~, Makedoni® - politi~esko, nau~no i liter aturno spisanie. S., 1922, god. I, kn. I, s. 21 - 22. 2 A. Matkovski. “Grbovite na Makedonija” (Prilog kon make donskata heraldika), Misla, 1990. Str. 127. 3 isto
Lena Angelkoska
Hristofer Zefarovic 1690 – 1753
A spiritual leader, priest, a big artist, painter, graphic and engraver, poet, writer, calligrapher, stematograph, first heraldist in Macedonia and amongst the first ones in the Balkans. He was merchant, traveler, one who greatly contributed to the south Slavic renais sance. It is speculated, in the scientific lit erature that he was a Serb, Bulgarian, Aroman, Macedonian Slav, but it is known that he originate from the Ze farovci family of Dojran. (Polin)1 In the Zefarovic’s time, Dojran was an archbishopric town, the seat of the Polin archbishopry consisting of Dojran, Kukush and Karadak area. His father was a priest. At the age of 17 Hristofer becomes a monk in some of the area monastery. He was a pas sionate traveler, visiting monasteries throughout Macedonia and wider. Before leaving his town he spent time at he Mt. Atos, Thessaloniki, Dojran, Kukush, the churches and the mon asteries of Ohrid, Prilep, Lesnovo, Sopacani, Staro Nagoricani examining the frescoes and the icons. He visited the Fresco monastery on Atos. The closeness of the Ottoman Empire to the new waves of the Humanism and the Renaissance coming from the Europe, made many freewill Macedo nians to leave the country, especially after the wars with Austria, at the end
of 17 c. Together with some relatives Hristofer emigrated to the Habsburg Monarchy. He did not travel straight to Vienna, but first to Belgrade, which was under Austria at the time. In 1734 he left for Sremski Karlovci, where he was painting frescoes and icons, printing books etc. His easygoing spirit take him on jurneys not just throughout the Metropoly of Karlovci, but as well to the larger cities in Europe even in Jerusalem. Making pieces of art out of the Ot toman Empire, between Danube and Sava rivers, Hristofer Zefarovic gains great popularity and glory between south Slavic ethnicities. He is the first Macedonian renaissance with great potential. From the middle of the 18c., he was the most demanded between middle Europe and the Mediterranean. He was a polyglot speaking, beside Macedonian, Greek, Turkish, Bulgar ian and Serbian. He also knew Latin and Church Slavonic. He becomes a real inheriter of St. Cyril and Methodius, st. Clement and Naum of Ohrid, of the first Macedonian imprinter of 16c. Jakov of Kamena Reka, Macedonian imprinters from Romania: Melentij Makedonski, Stefan Ohridski I Nektarij etc. In his art pieces he drops the tradition of the Mt Atos and accepts the new art of the revival which starts amongst the immigrants in Hungary, especially between Macedonians. It could be seen from his artwork of the frescoes in the Bogyan monastery (Bachka), which is the most important monuments of the art of the 18c, by size and contempo rary art. After 1740 he leaves the painting and moves to the graphic. It is assumed that he learnt this technique in Macedonia, from the copper engravers of the end of 17 and beginning of the 18c, who printed in Venice. The masters in Vo jvodina only used wood engraving. The new technique has its own advantages. The work was easier and nicer. Copper plates of Zefarovic were baroque with traditional elements. He moves to Vienna in 1741 where he prints different church books, icons, images, and secular books. There under the patronage of the Patriarch Arsenie 4th. This patriarch, ideologist of the Iliric ideas and tendency for establish
ilirstvoto i tendencijata za soz davawe na edna golema slovenska dr`ava na prostorot od Dunav, Crno, Egejsko (Belo) i Jadransko More, i Italija. Ovie idei gi prifatil i @efarovi~. Slobo darskite streme`i }e se manife stiraat vo najzna~ajnoto delo knigata “STEMATOGRAFIJA”, koe mu donelo najgolema popular nost i afirmacija me|u ju`nite Sloveni. Inaku, Stematografijata ili rodoslov, pretstavuva zbornik od “izobra`enija” (grbovi) i likovi na slovenskite vladeteli i svetci. Tehni~kata priroda na rabotata bila na Toma Mes mer, dodeka @efarovi~ bil grafi~kiot i likovniot ured nik na grbovnikot. Deloto ne e originalno, tuku e prevod i pre rabotka na “Stematografijata” na hrvatskiot pisatel Pavle Riter Vitezovi} (1652 - 1713) od 1701 godina. Stematografijata na @efarovi} i Mesmer, so postar iot naslov “Izobra`enie oru`ij iliri~eskih” bila otpe~atena vo Viena na 21 oktomvri 1741 godina, na denot koga Arsenie IV bil potvrden za patrijarh i na kogo mu e posvetena knigata. Slobod nata prerabotka na Vitezovi}, na latinski jazik e vo ponovata tehnika bakrorez i e napi{ana na crkovnoslovenski jazik vo ruska redakcija. Na ovoj jazik, vo toa vreme pi{uvale pove}eto od ju`noslovenskite pisate li. Taa celi 200 godini pret stavuvala edinstven i osnoven pe~aten heraldi~ki prira~nik me|u ju`nite Sloveni. Nabrzo po izleguvaweto na ova izdanie se pe~ati vtoroto i tretoto, po radi golemiot interes za kniga ta. Za vtoroto izdanie bile upotrebeni istite bakrorezni plo~i, no so mali izmeni. Ste matografijata ne e vo boja, no zatoa so heraldi~ko {rafirawe se ozna~eni boite. Knigata ima 110 stranici i po~nuva so 16 gra vuri na ju`noslovenski svetci i vladeteli, me|u koi i portretot na patrijarhot Arsenie Jovano vi}. Taka, @efarovi} go izmenil
karakterot na al bumot so grbovi na V i t e z o v i } . Knigat a prave na po pora~ka na Arsenie IV imala i politi~ko zna ~ewe. Se rabote{e za nere{enata jurizdikcija nad pravoslavnite voop{to, a oso beno nad pra voslavnite vo Avstriskata Im perija, a kade {to najgolemi preten zii imal Arsenie IV. A bidej}i toa ode{e vo prilog i na avstriskite tendencii, stre me`i i vlijanija, posebno vrz pra voslavnite vo Tur skata Imperija, Avstrijcite go odobrile izleguvaweto na Ste matografijata vo Viena. Se smeta deka @efarovi~ gi crtal i gi re`el samo svetcite i vladetelite, a tekstot i gr bovite gi re`el Mesmer. Zatoa grbovite od umetni~ka gledna to~ka se najslabo gravirani i tie pretstavuvaat samo kopii na Vitezovi}evite grbovi. Gi ima 58 na broj, naredeni po azbu~en red, po~nuvaj}i od Albanija, Avstri ja, Besarabija, ^e{ka, Rusija, Krit, Dakija, Epir, Dardanija, Grcija, Istra, Mizija, Polska, Skitija, Turcija, Transilvanija i site drugi oblasti, koi spored razbirawata od sredinata na XVIII vek, vleguvale vo sostav na Ilirik, ili site oblasti vo koi nekoga{ `iveele Sloveni. Taka, Stematografijata, nesom neno pretstavuvala spomenik na panslavizmot. Kon grbovnikot se dava tekstualno objasnuvawe za sekoj grb pooddelno. Od ova po glavje se gleda deka vo toa vreme u{te ne bil poznat zborot “grb”, tuku namesto nego se upotrebu vani zborovite, “znameni” ili latinskiot zbor “arma”. Stematografijata ima i gol
Petar Gajdov
Odlikuvawa: Ordeni i medali
Grbot na Makedonija Coat of Arms of Macedonia
emo heraldi~ko zna~ewe, bidej }i od nejzinata pojava pa s# do denes, taa bila osnoven izvor za heraldi~kite potrebi kaj site ju`nite Sloveni taa slu`ela za primena na heraldikata vo prak tika. Koga se postavuvalo pra{a weto za dr`aven grb, site ju`ni Sloveni, bez isklu~ok, se obra tile kon Stematografijata na @efarovi~. Taka, po oslobodu vaweto vo 1879 godina Bugarija za dr`aven grb go proglasila - `olt iot lav so kruna na temnocrveno pole, a nad poleto carska kruna, zemen od Stematografijata na @efarovi~, bez nikakvi izmeni. Sli~no napravile i Hrvatska, Crna Gora, a i Kralstvoto SHS vo 1921 godina. Makedonija po osloboduvaweto proglasi svoj grb, no poradi zadocnuvaweto i neznaewe ne se ugleda na Ste matografijata, kako {to bil slu~ajot so drugite ju`noslo venski narodi2. Kaj @efarovi~ makedonskiot grb go ima tripati, i toa edna{ posebno, a dvapati za edno so drugite slovenski grbovi. Posebniot grb e pretstava na
Odlikuvawata se dodeluvaat na pozlateni. Naj~esto se sre}avaat poedinci, institucii ili voeni vo kru`na ili ovalna forma, a edinici za posebni zaslugi, pod se nosat pricvrsteni so lenta na vizi ili postignati rezultati gradite. vo vojna i vo mir. Za razlika od Pove}eto odlikuvawa imaat po ostanatite vidovi nagradi, odli nekolku redovi ili stepeni koi kuvawata pred s# imaat moralno go opredeluvaat i nivniot op{t zna~ewe za onoj komu se dodelu rang. Na~inot na koj se nosat vaat, a odredeni odlikuvawa so se odlikuvawata obi~no e odreden be nosat i odredeni privilegii. so vrstata na uniformata koja Postojat dve vrsti na odliku se nosi. Pa taka mo`e da se nosi vawa i toa: Ordeni i medali. originalnoto odlikuvawe ili Samiot zbor orden poteknuva samo lenti~ka koja go pretstavuva od ordo i ozna~uva red. Pa taka na toa odlikuvawe, a ponekoga{ se angliski e orders, na fran nosat i minijaturni ko cuski -orders, na germanski pii na odlikuvaweto. -Orden, na ruski -ordena. Voeni odlikuvawa Taka se narekuvaat po mo`e da se dodeluvaat vite{kite redovi. i na civilni lica za Prvite ordeni se poja zaslugi vo vojna i vo vile vo XV vek i do krajot mir, posebno na onie na XVII vek se dodeluvale koi se zaslu`ni za raz isklu~ivo na visokoto vojot i odbranata na feudalno plemstvo, a na zemjata. nositelot so toa mu se Pojavata na voenite davalo pravo na odredena odlikuvawa vo sovre titula i privilegii. men smisol povrzana e Vo XVIII vek, osobeno so brojnoto zgolemuvawe posle francuskata revo na armiite kon krajot lucija dodeluvaweto na na XVII i po~etokot na ordeni se pomalku bilo XVIII vek. Odlikuvawa usloveno so tituli i ta gi vovele apsolutis Ordenot legija op{testveni pozicii tuku ti~kite vladeteli kako na ~esta pove}e bilo usloveno od nagrada za poedinci i Legion of Honour zaslugite na poedinecot. nivno posilno povrzu Ordenite se izrabotuvaat od met vawe i naklonost kon Monarhot. al, naj~esto od zlato, srebro ili Prvoto odlikuvawe za voeni bronza. Formata im e razli~na, zaslugi e Orden na Sveti Luj pa taka se sre}avaat vo forma na (Ordre de Saint Louis) go vostanovil yvezda, krst i medaqon, a mo`at da Luj XIV vo 1693 godina za svoite bidat ukraseni so skapoceni ili oficeri katolici. poluskapoceni kamewa. Ordenite Negoviot primer nabrzo go se nosat na lenta, so gerdan ili sledele i ostanatite evropski zaka~eni na gradite. feudalni monarhii i kne`estva: Medalite vo onie dr`avi kade Saksonija vo 1736-Voen orden na {to postojat ordeni imaat pon Sv. Hajnrih; Prusija vo 1740-Or izok rang. Se pretpostavuva den za zaslugi; Avstrija vo 1757deka se vovedeni po primerot na Orden na Marija Terezija; Rusija razni ukrasni predmeti koi se vo 1769-Orden na Sv. \or|i... dodeluvani u{te vo vremeto na Za vreme na francuskata revo anti~kite vojski, kako na primer lucija so dekret od 30.07.1791 se phalerae vo rimskata vojska. ukinati site prethodni odliku Obi~no se izraboteni od metal i vawa vo Francija. Na predlog toa naj~esto od bronza, srebro ili na Napoleon Bonaparta vo 1802 zlato ili pak se posrebreni ili godina vostanoven e Orden Legija
Ordenot na Sveti Luj Ordre de Saint Louis
na ~esta, koj vo ne{to poizmenet oblik i do dene{en den ostana najvisoko francusko civilno i voeno odlikuvawe. Inaku kako forma na istaknu vawe na nositelot na odlikuvawe se praktikuva i bex - zna~ka ili kop~e - rozeta na odredeno odliku vawe. Toa gi sodr`i boite i znakot na odlikuvaweto i obi~no se nosi na civilno odelo vo razni pri liki, vo sekojdnevna upotreba. Interesno e da se spomene deka odredeni zemji (Estonija, Latvija, V.Britanija, Avstralija...) imaat posebna forma na odlikuvawa koi se dodeluvaat na gospoda, a posebna forma za dami. Damskata verzija na odlikuvaweto sekoga{ e vo forma na pandelka na koja e prika~en bexot na ordenot, a pak dokolku odlikuvaweto se dode luva so lenta, lentata za damite e so pomala {iro~ina od onaa za gospodata. Ordenot na Sveti \or|i Order of Saint George
Petar Gajdov
Decorations: Orders and medals T he decorations are awarded to
individuals, institutions, organizations and military units for specially merit in war and peace. Unlike the other types of awards, the decorations in first place have moral importance to the recipient of the order or the medal. Some decorations also come with privileges to the recipient. There are two different types of decorations: Orders and medals. The word Order comes from Latin Ordo and its mean chivalric order. So we have order on English; ordres on French; Orden on German; ordena on Russian, so called by the knights’ chivalry orders. The first orders are founded in XV c. and till the end of the XVII c. were awarded only to the high feudal nobility. With the order the recipient usually became eligible to honor, titles and other privileges. In the XVIII c., especially after the French revolution order awards less and less depended one titles and society positions of the recipient person, but more on a personal merit. The badges of the orders are made form metal, usually gold, silver or bronze. Their forms differ, and can be in form of star, cross or medallion, decorated with precious stones. The Estonskiot orden na crveniot krst, 1 red, ma{ka i damska verzija Estonian order of the red cross, 1st class, male and female version
Orden Marija Tereza Order Maria Teresa
badges of the orders are worn at sash, collar or as a breast star. In those countries where orders exist, the medals are considered lower rank. Presumably they were introduced based on decorations which were awarded in time of antique armies, as for example, phalerae in the Roman army. They are usually made form bronze, silver and gold or are silver or gold plated. In most cases, are in circle or oval form and are worn on the breast attached on a ribbon. Most of the orders and medals have several ranks or degrees which determinate their general grade. The way of wearing of the decorations usually is determined by the type of uniform worn. They could be worn as an original order badge or the ribbon of the order, and sometimes miniatures from the orders or medals could be worn. Military orders can be awarded to civilian as well for merit in war and peace and especially for those who are meritorious for the prosperity and the defense of the country. Appearance of the military decorations in contemporary meaning is connected with the expansion of the armies at the end of XVII and the beginning of the XVIII century. The decorations were established by the monarchs as an award to the individuals and their loyalty to the Minarch. The first decoration for military merit is the Order of Sent Luis (Ordere de Saint Louis)
which was established by the king Luis XIV in 1693 for his catholic officers. This example soon was followed by other European feudal monarchies and principalities: Saxony in 1736 military order of St. Heinrich; Prussia in 1740 - Order for merit; Austria in 1757 - Order of Maria Theresa; Russia in 1769 Order of St. George… During the French revolution with decree of 30.07.1791 all orders and medals from imperial France were banned. On suggestion of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1802, the order of the Legion of Honor was establish, which with some changes in the type of the badge, is still awarded today as the highest French civil and military decoration.
Dama komandir na Ordenot na bawata Order of Bath dame commander
Other form of decoration disply is miniature badge or miniature rosette with the colors of the ribbon of the order, which usually is worn on civil suit in different occasions and daily. It is interesting to be mentioned that some countries (Estonia, Latvia, Great Britain, Australia…) have different form of decorations which is awarded to ladies then those for gentleman. The ladies version of the decoration is a ribbon in braid form on which the badge of the order is attach and if the order has sash, the dimensions of the sash for ladies is narrower then that for gentleman.
Lena An|elkoska
Hristofer @efarovi~ 1690-1753 Duhovnik, sve{tenik, golem umetnik - `ivopisec, grafi~ar i graver, poet, kni`evnik, ka ligraf, stematograf, prv heraldi ~ar vo Makedonija i me|u prvite heraldi~ari na Balkanot. Bil i trgovec, pate{estvenik, pred vesnik na ju`noslovenskata Pre rodba. Vo nau~nata i stru~nata lit eratura se {pekuliralo deka bil Srbin, Bugarin, Vlav, Slavo makedonec, no se znae deka potek nuval od semejstvoto @efarovci od Dojran (Polin)1. Vo vremeto na @efarovi~ - Dojran bil episkopski grad, sedi{te na Poljanskata epis kopija, koja ja so~inuva{e Dojran skata, Kuku{kata i Karada~kata okolija. Tatkoto na Hristofor - Dimitrij bil sve{tenik. Na 17 godi{na vozrast Hristofor se zamona{uva vo nekoj od man astirite vo okolinata na Dojran. Toj bil pasioniran patnik, po setitel na manastirite niz Make donija i po{iroko. Pred da go napu{ti rodniot mu Dojran prestojuval vo svetili{tata na Sv. Gora, Solun, Dojranskata i Kuku{kata okolija, crkvite i manastirite vo Ohrid, Pri lep, Lesnovo, Sopo~ani, Staro Nagori~ani, kade gi razgleduval ikonite i freskite. Go posetil i Zografskiot manastir na Atos. “Zatvorenosta” na Otomans koto Carstvo za prodiraweto na novinite na humanizmot i renesansata od Zapadna Evropa pridonele mnogu u~eni i slo bodoqubivi Makedonci da ja napu{tat Tatkovinata, posebno po Avstrisko - turskite vojni kon krajot na XVII vek. So nekoi svoi rodnini emigriral i @efarovi~ na teritoriite na Habsbur{kata monarhija. Toj ne otpatuval pravo za Viena, ami izvesno vreme pre stojuval vo Belgrad, koj vo toa vreme se nao|al pod avstriska vlast. Vo 1734 godina zaminal za Sremski Karlovci, kade {to se zanimaval so izrabotka na ikoni
i freski, pe~atewe na knigi i ikoni, izrabotka na crkovni vezovi i dr. Negoviot nemiren duh go tera da patuva ne samo po celata Karlova~ka mitropolija, tuku i nadvor. Toj prestojuval vo nekoi od pogolemite gradovi na Evropa, s# do Erusalim. Sozdavaj}i vredni umetni~ki dela nadvor od granicite na Otomanskoto carstvo, na pros torot na Dunav i Sava, Hristo for @efar ov i~ se zdobil so golema popularnost i slava me|u ju`noslovenskite narodi. Toj e prv makedonski prerodbenik, so golem tvore~ki potencijal. Od sredinata na XVIII vek stanal najbaraniot na prostorot me|u sredna Evropa i Mediteranot. Bil poliglot, gi vladeel pokraj makedonskiot, gr~kiot, turskiot, bugarskiot i srpskiot jazik. Gi znael i crkovnoslovenskiot i latinskiot jazik. Stanuva vistinski naslednik na svetite bra}a Kiril i Metodij. sv. Kliment i sv. Naum Ohridski, na prviot makedonski pe~atar od XVI vek - Jakov od Kamena R e k a ( K a men ica), makedon skite pe~atari od Vla{ko (Ro manija) - Melen tij Makedonski, Stefan Ohrid ski i Nektarij Pelagoniski (Bitolski) i dr. Vo svoite likovni dela se oslob oduva od “svetogorskata tradicija” i ja prifa}a no vata, “moderna” umetnost so koja po~nuva Prepo r o d b a t a m e | u doselenicite vo Ungarija, o s o b e n o m e | u M a k e d o n c i t e . Toa se gleda vo
negoviot `ivopis vo crkvata na Bo|anskiot manastir (Ba~ka), koja pretstavuva eden od najzna~ajnite spomenici na slikarstvoto na XVIII vek kako po negovata monu mentalnost, taka i po novitetite vo likovnata umetnost. Po 1740 godina go napu{ta slikarstvoto i se posvetuva na grafikata. Se pretpostavuva deka ovaa tehnika Hristofor ja nau~il vo Makedonija, od bakro rezite od vtorata polovina na XVII i po~etokot na XVIII vek, a pe~ateni vo Venecija. Inaku, vo jvodinskite majstori ja poznavale samo tehnikata na drvorezot. Novata graverska tehnika imala svoi prednosti. Izrabotkata bila pobrza i poubava. Bakrorez ite na @efarovi~ bile barokni so elementi od tradicijata. Vo Viena se preseluva 1741 godina, kade {to pe~atel razni crkovni tekstovi, ikoni, sliki, i na kraj, knigi so svetovna sodr`ina. Tamu, sorabotnik mu bil Toma Mesmer (koj imal graversko atelje), a rabotele zaedno pod pokrovitelstvo na pe}skiot patrijarh Arsenie IV. Ovoj patrijarh, inaku ideolog na Stematografija- posveta Stematografia- dedication
Petar Gajdov
Decorations: Orders and medals T he decorations are awarded to
individuals, institutions, organizations and military units for specially merit in war and peace. Unlike the other types of awards, the decorations in first place have moral importance to the recipient of the order or the medal. Some decorations also come with privileges to the recipient. There are two different types of decorations: Orders and medals. The word Order comes from Latin Ordo and its mean chivalric order. So we have order on English; ordres on French; Orden on German; ordena on Russian, so called by the knights’ chivalry orders. The first orders are founded in XV c. and till the end of the XVII c. were awarded only to the high feudal nobility. With the order the recipient usually became eligible to honor, titles and other privileges. In the XVIII c., especially after the French revolution order awards less and less depended one titles and society positions of the recipient person, but more on a personal merit. The badges of the orders are made form metal, usually gold, silver or bronze. Their forms differ, and can be in form of star, cross or medallion, decorated with precious stones. The Estonskiot orden na crveniot krst, 1 red, ma{ka i damska verzija Estonian order of the red cross, 1st class, male and female version
Orden Marija Tereza Order Maria Teresa
badges of the orders are worn at sash, collar or as a breast star. In those countries where orders exist, the medals are considered lower rank. Presumably they were introduced based on decorations which were awarded in time of antique armies, as for example, phalerae in the Roman army. They are usually made form bronze, silver and gold or are silver or gold plated. In most cases, are in circle or oval form and are worn on the breast attached on a ribbon. Most of the orders and medals have several ranks or degrees which determinate their general grade. The way of wearing of the decorations usually is determined by the type of uniform worn. They could be worn as an original order badge or the ribbon of the order, and sometimes miniatures from the orders or medals could be worn. Military orders can be awarded to civilian as well for merit in war and peace and especially for those who are meritorious for the prosperity and the defense of the country. Appearance of the military decorations in contemporary meaning is connected with the expansion of the armies at the end of XVII and the beginning of the XVIII century. The decorations were established by the monarchs as an award to the individuals and their loyalty to the Minarch. The first decoration for military merit is the Order of Sent Luis (Ordere de Saint Louis)
which was established by the king Luis XIV in 1693 for his catholic officers. This example soon was followed by other European feudal monarchies and principalities: Saxony in 1736 military order of St. Heinrich; Prussia in 1740 - Order for merit; Austria in 1757 - Order of Maria Theresa; Russia in 1769 Order of St. George… During the French revolution with decree of 30.07.1791 all orders and medals from imperial France were banned. On suggestion of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1802, the order of the Legion of Honor was establish, which with some changes in the type of the badge, is still awarded today as the highest French civil and military decoration.
Dama komandir na Ordenot na bawata Order of Bath dame commander
Other form of decoration disply is miniature badge or miniature rosette with the colors of the ribbon of the order, which usually is worn on civil suit in different occasions and daily. It is interesting to be mentioned that some countries (Estonia, Latvia, Great Britain, Australia…) have different form of decorations which is awarded to ladies then those for gentleman. The ladies version of the decoration is a ribbon in braid form on which the badge of the order is attach and if the order has sash, the dimensions of the sash for ladies is narrower then that for gentleman.
Lena An|elkoska
Hristofer @efarovi~ 1690-1753 Duhovnik, sve{tenik, golem umetnik - `ivopisec, grafi~ar i graver, poet, kni`evnik, ka ligraf, stematograf, prv heraldi ~ar vo Makedonija i me|u prvite heraldi~ari na Balkanot. Bil i trgovec, pate{estvenik, pred vesnik na ju`noslovenskata Pre rodba. Vo nau~nata i stru~nata lit eratura se {pekuliralo deka bil Srbin, Bugarin, Vlav, Slavo makedonec, no se znae deka potek nuval od semejstvoto @efarovci od Dojran (Polin)1. Vo vremeto na @efarovi~ - Dojran bil episkopski grad, sedi{te na Poljanskata epis kopija, koja ja so~inuva{e Dojran skata, Kuku{kata i Karada~kata okolija. Tatkoto na Hristofor - Dimitrij bil sve{tenik. Na 17 godi{na vozrast Hristofor se zamona{uva vo nekoj od man astirite vo okolinata na Dojran. Toj bil pasioniran patnik, po setitel na manastirite niz Make donija i po{iroko. Pred da go napu{ti rodniot mu Dojran prestojuval vo svetili{tata na Sv. Gora, Solun, Dojranskata i Kuku{kata okolija, crkvite i manastirite vo Ohrid, Pri lep, Lesnovo, Sopo~ani, Staro Nagori~ani, kade gi razgleduval ikonite i freskite. Go posetil i Zografskiot manastir na Atos. “Zatvorenosta” na Otomans koto Carstvo za prodiraweto na novinite na humanizmot i renesansata od Zapadna Evropa pridonele mnogu u~eni i slo bodoqubivi Makedonci da ja napu{tat Tatkovinata, posebno po Avstrisko - turskite vojni kon krajot na XVII vek. So nekoi svoi rodnini emigriral i @efarovi~ na teritoriite na Habsbur{kata monarhija. Toj ne otpatuval pravo za Viena, ami izvesno vreme pre stojuval vo Belgrad, koj vo toa vreme se nao|al pod avstriska vlast. Vo 1734 godina zaminal za Sremski Karlovci, kade {to se zanimaval so izrabotka na ikoni
i freski, pe~atewe na knigi i ikoni, izrabotka na crkovni vezovi i dr. Negoviot nemiren duh go tera da patuva ne samo po celata Karlova~ka mitropolija, tuku i nadvor. Toj prestojuval vo nekoi od pogolemite gradovi na Evropa, s# do Erusalim. Sozdavaj}i vredni umetni~ki dela nadvor od granicite na Otomanskoto carstvo, na pros torot na Dunav i Sava, Hristo for @efar ov i~ se zdobil so golema popularnost i slava me|u ju`noslovenskite narodi. Toj e prv makedonski prerodbenik, so golem tvore~ki potencijal. Od sredinata na XVIII vek stanal najbaraniot na prostorot me|u sredna Evropa i Mediteranot. Bil poliglot, gi vladeel pokraj makedonskiot, gr~kiot, turskiot, bugarskiot i srpskiot jazik. Gi znael i crkovnoslovenskiot i latinskiot jazik. Stanuva vistinski naslednik na svetite bra}a Kiril i Metodij. sv. Kliment i sv. Naum Ohridski, na prviot makedonski pe~atar od XVI vek - Jakov od Kamena R e k a ( K a men ica), makedon skite pe~atari od Vla{ko (Ro manija) - Melen tij Makedonski, Stefan Ohrid ski i Nektarij Pelagoniski (Bitolski) i dr. Vo svoite likovni dela se oslob oduva od “svetogorskata tradicija” i ja prifa}a no vata, “moderna” umetnost so koja po~nuva Prepo r o d b a t a m e | u doselenicite vo Ungarija, o s o b e n o m e | u M a k e d o n c i t e . Toa se gleda vo
negoviot `ivopis vo crkvata na Bo|anskiot manastir (Ba~ka), koja pretstavuva eden od najzna~ajnite spomenici na slikarstvoto na XVIII vek kako po negovata monu mentalnost, taka i po novitetite vo likovnata umetnost. Po 1740 godina go napu{ta slikarstvoto i se posvetuva na grafikata. Se pretpostavuva deka ovaa tehnika Hristofor ja nau~il vo Makedonija, od bakro rezite od vtorata polovina na XVII i po~etokot na XVIII vek, a pe~ateni vo Venecija. Inaku, vo jvodinskite majstori ja poznavale samo tehnikata na drvorezot. Novata graverska tehnika imala svoi prednosti. Izrabotkata bila pobrza i poubava. Bakrorez ite na @efarovi~ bile barokni so elementi od tradicijata. Vo Viena se preseluva 1741 godina, kade {to pe~atel razni crkovni tekstovi, ikoni, sliki, i na kraj, knigi so svetovna sodr`ina. Tamu, sorabotnik mu bil Toma Mesmer (koj imal graversko atelje), a rabotele zaedno pod pokrovitelstvo na pe}skiot patrijarh Arsenie IV. Ovoj patrijarh, inaku ideolog na Stematografija- posveta Stematografia- dedication
ilirstvoto i tendencijata za soz davawe na edna golema slovenska dr`ava na prostorot od Dunav, Crno, Egejsko (Belo) i Jadransko More, i Italija. Ovie idei gi prifatil i @efarovi~. Slobo darskite streme`i }e se manife stiraat vo najzna~ajnoto delo knigata “STEMATOGRAFIJA”, koe mu donelo najgolema popular nost i afirmacija me|u ju`nite Sloveni. Inaku, Stematografijata ili rodoslov, pretstavuva zbornik od “izobra`enija” (grbovi) i likovi na slovenskite vladeteli i svetci. Tehni~kata priroda na rabotata bila na Toma Mes mer, dodeka @efarovi~ bil grafi~kiot i likovniot ured nik na grbovnikot. Deloto ne e originalno, tuku e prevod i pre rabotka na “Stematografijata” na hrvatskiot pisatel Pavle Riter Vitezovi} (1652 - 1713) od 1701 godina. Stematografijata na @efarovi} i Mesmer, so postar iot naslov “Izobra`enie oru`ij iliri~eskih” bila otpe~atena vo Viena na 21 oktomvri 1741 godina, na denot koga Arsenie IV bil potvrden za patrijarh i na kogo mu e posvetena knigata. Slobod nata prerabotka na Vitezovi}, na latinski jazik e vo ponovata tehnika bakrorez i e napi{ana na crkovnoslovenski jazik vo ruska redakcija. Na ovoj jazik, vo toa vreme pi{uvale pove}eto od ju`noslovenskite pisate li. Taa celi 200 godini pret stavuvala edinstven i osnoven pe~aten heraldi~ki prira~nik me|u ju`nite Sloveni. Nabrzo po izleguvaweto na ova izdanie se pe~ati vtoroto i tretoto, po radi golemiot interes za kniga ta. Za vtoroto izdanie bile upotrebeni istite bakrorezni plo~i, no so mali izmeni. Ste matografijata ne e vo boja, no zatoa so heraldi~ko {rafirawe se ozna~eni boite. Knigata ima 110 stranici i po~nuva so 16 gra vuri na ju`noslovenski svetci i vladeteli, me|u koi i portretot na patrijarhot Arsenie Jovano vi}. Taka, @efarovi} go izmenil
karakterot na al bumot so grbovi na V i t e z o v i } . Knigat a prave na po pora~ka na Arsenie IV imala i politi~ko zna ~ewe. Se rabote{e za nere{enata jurizdikcija nad pravoslavnite voop{to, a oso beno nad pra voslavnite vo Avstriskata Im perija, a kade {to najgolemi preten zii imal Arsenie IV. A bidej}i toa ode{e vo prilog i na avstriskite tendencii, stre me`i i vlijanija, posebno vrz pra voslavnite vo Tur skata Imperija, Avstrijcite go odobrile izleguvaweto na Ste matografijata vo Viena. Se smeta deka @efarovi~ gi crtal i gi re`el samo svetcite i vladetelite, a tekstot i gr bovite gi re`el Mesmer. Zatoa grbovite od umetni~ka gledna to~ka se najslabo gravirani i tie pretstavuvaat samo kopii na Vitezovi}evite grbovi. Gi ima 58 na broj, naredeni po azbu~en red, po~nuvaj}i od Albanija, Avstri ja, Besarabija, ^e{ka, Rusija, Krit, Dakija, Epir, Dardanija, Grcija, Istra, Mizija, Polska, Skitija, Turcija, Transilvanija i site drugi oblasti, koi spored razbirawata od sredinata na XVIII vek, vleguvale vo sostav na Ilirik, ili site oblasti vo koi nekoga{ `iveele Sloveni. Taka, Stematografijata, nesom neno pretstavuvala spomenik na panslavizmot. Kon grbovnikot se dava tekstualno objasnuvawe za sekoj grb pooddelno. Od ova po glavje se gleda deka vo toa vreme u{te ne bil poznat zborot “grb”, tuku namesto nego se upotrebu vani zborovite, “znameni” ili latinskiot zbor “arma”. Stematografijata ima i gol
Petar Gajdov
Odlikuvawa: Ordeni i medali
Grbot na Makedonija Coat of Arms of Macedonia
emo heraldi~ko zna~ewe, bidej }i od nejzinata pojava pa s# do denes, taa bila osnoven izvor za heraldi~kite potrebi kaj site ju`nite Sloveni taa slu`ela za primena na heraldikata vo prak tika. Koga se postavuvalo pra{a weto za dr`aven grb, site ju`ni Sloveni, bez isklu~ok, se obra tile kon Stematografijata na @efarovi~. Taka, po oslobodu vaweto vo 1879 godina Bugarija za dr`aven grb go proglasila - `olt iot lav so kruna na temnocrveno pole, a nad poleto carska kruna, zemen od Stematografijata na @efarovi~, bez nikakvi izmeni. Sli~no napravile i Hrvatska, Crna Gora, a i Kralstvoto SHS vo 1921 godina. Makedonija po osloboduvaweto proglasi svoj grb, no poradi zadocnuvaweto i neznaewe ne se ugleda na Ste matografijata, kako {to bil slu~ajot so drugite ju`noslo venski narodi2. Kaj @efarovi~ makedonskiot grb go ima tripati, i toa edna{ posebno, a dvapati za edno so drugite slovenski grbovi. Posebniot grb e pretstava na
Odlikuvawata se dodeluvaat na pozlateni. Naj~esto se sre}avaat poedinci, institucii ili voeni vo kru`na ili ovalna forma, a edinici za posebni zaslugi, pod se nosat pricvrsteni so lenta na vizi ili postignati rezultati gradite. vo vojna i vo mir. Za razlika od Pove}eto odlikuvawa imaat po ostanatite vidovi nagradi, odli nekolku redovi ili stepeni koi kuvawata pred s# imaat moralno go opredeluvaat i nivniot op{t zna~ewe za onoj komu se dodelu rang. Na~inot na koj se nosat vaat, a odredeni odlikuvawa so se odlikuvawata obi~no e odreden be nosat i odredeni privilegii. so vrstata na uniformata koja Postojat dve vrsti na odliku se nosi. Pa taka mo`e da se nosi vawa i toa: Ordeni i medali. originalnoto odlikuvawe ili Samiot zbor orden poteknuva samo lenti~ka koja go pretstavuva od ordo i ozna~uva red. Pa taka na toa odlikuvawe, a ponekoga{ se angliski e orders, na fran nosat i minijaturni ko cuski -orders, na germanski pii na odlikuvaweto. -Orden, na ruski -ordena. Voeni odlikuvawa Taka se narekuvaat po mo`e da se dodeluvaat vite{kite redovi. i na civilni lica za Prvite ordeni se poja zaslugi vo vojna i vo vile vo XV vek i do krajot mir, posebno na onie na XVII vek se dodeluvale koi se zaslu`ni za raz isklu~ivo na visokoto vojot i odbranata na feudalno plemstvo, a na zemjata. nositelot so toa mu se Pojavata na voenite davalo pravo na odredena odlikuvawa vo sovre titula i privilegii. men smisol povrzana e Vo XVIII vek, osobeno so brojnoto zgolemuvawe posle francuskata revo na armiite kon krajot lucija dodeluvaweto na na XVII i po~etokot na ordeni se pomalku bilo XVIII vek. Odlikuvawa usloveno so tituli i ta gi vovele apsolutis Ordenot legija op{testveni pozicii tuku ti~kite vladeteli kako na ~esta pove}e bilo usloveno od nagrada za poedinci i Legion of Honour zaslugite na poedinecot. nivno posilno povrzu Ordenite se izrabotuvaat od met vawe i naklonost kon Monarhot. al, naj~esto od zlato, srebro ili Prvoto odlikuvawe za voeni bronza. Formata im e razli~na, zaslugi e Orden na Sveti Luj pa taka se sre}avaat vo forma na (Ordre de Saint Louis) go vostanovil yvezda, krst i medaqon, a mo`at da Luj XIV vo 1693 godina za svoite bidat ukraseni so skapoceni ili oficeri katolici. poluskapoceni kamewa. Ordenite Negoviot primer nabrzo go se nosat na lenta, so gerdan ili sledele i ostanatite evropski zaka~eni na gradite. feudalni monarhii i kne`estva: Medalite vo onie dr`avi kade Saksonija vo 1736-Voen orden na {to postojat ordeni imaat pon Sv. Hajnrih; Prusija vo 1740-Or izok rang. Se pretpostavuva den za zaslugi; Avstrija vo 1757deka se vovedeni po primerot na Orden na Marija Terezija; Rusija razni ukrasni predmeti koi se vo 1769-Orden na Sv. \or|i... dodeluvani u{te vo vremeto na Za vreme na francuskata revo anti~kite vojski, kako na primer lucija so dekret od 30.07.1791 se phalerae vo rimskata vojska. ukinati site prethodni odliku Obi~no se izraboteni od metal i vawa vo Francija. Na predlog toa naj~esto od bronza, srebro ili na Napoleon Bonaparta vo 1802 zlato ili pak se posrebreni ili godina vostanoven e Orden Legija
Ordenot na Sveti Luj Ordre de Saint Louis
na ~esta, koj vo ne{to poizmenet oblik i do dene{en den ostana najvisoko francusko civilno i voeno odlikuvawe. Inaku kako forma na istaknu vawe na nositelot na odlikuvawe se praktikuva i bex - zna~ka ili kop~e - rozeta na odredeno odliku vawe. Toa gi sodr`i boite i znakot na odlikuvaweto i obi~no se nosi na civilno odelo vo razni pri liki, vo sekojdnevna upotreba. Interesno e da se spomene deka odredeni zemji (Estonija, Latvija, V.Britanija, Avstralija...) imaat posebna forma na odlikuvawa koi se dodeluvaat na gospoda, a posebna forma za dami. Damskata verzija na odlikuvaweto sekoga{ e vo forma na pandelka na koja e prika~en bexot na ordenot, a pak dokolku odlikuvaweto se dode luva so lenta, lentata za damite e so pomala {iro~ina od onaa za gospodata. Ordenot na Sveti \or|i Order of Saint George
Smiljani) and the word NIKA. Some flags instead of the above cited animals, may have a dog the type that is autochthonous for Macedonia-living in Sar Planina, as a replacement for the lion, and horsemen in full armor. 15 Tomo Smiljanic-Bra dina whose family comes from Tresonce in his ar ticle published in 1925 in GSND has described the flag as well as red white and blue with a cross, with another cross on the top of the spear. 16 He states that the Miaks make a difference between a zname and a baryak (both denoting flag, the second one is Turk ish), the first term stands for national state flag and the second for their own flag. An important document he cites that indirectly speaks about the old age of the flag is a ferman (an edict) issued by the sultan in 1521, today kept by the Family Bradinovci from Tresonce, the author originates from. As a privilege that they helped the Turks in the war with Austria, the Miaks have been given the right to use weapons, to be excluded from taxes, to use their own flag etc. Smiljanic tells us another interesting fact: the Miaks has kept their flag in the oldest settlement they have organized after their migration to Macedonia –in Sušica, where their duke had withdrawn after the battle in Kosovo. This flag they have used when needed, for example in the course of the battle with Picolomini in 1689 .17 In the Museum of Macedonia in Skopje there are two versions of Miaks that have been described as wedding flags. One of it has some common points with the two described above, only here the animals are different and the sign of the moon and the star repeats four times around the central cross diagonally, alternated by four small crosses that speaks it is not the sign of the Turkish empire The middle cross has 19 bars in three colors white, red and black. This flag ends in three triangles on the free vertical side, and the other two horizontal sides have combined red and black band, while the vertical side around the spear has a combination of black and white fields
In the nex issues: Reading the applied motives.
Muzej na Makedonija- etnolo{ka zbirka
Museum of Macedonia-ethnology display
and does not end with cross. The other exhibited flag is very interesting and has no common elements wit the other three described previously. Here in the middle there is a large red circle made of red and light red wavy lines framed by white band, with inscribed smaller white circle and a rosette. This allures associations with some festive breads (a wedding one?). In the upper corners there are two human figures and a lu nette between them, they spread their arm towards. The crescent ends are upside down. Could this composition be related to some analogue one to the grave monuments of the Bogumils in Bosnia (stetzci)?18 Under the circle on each side there is a dog or a wolf run ning after a lamb. The vertical ends of the flag bear wide red bands with a white cross in the middle, and the fourth side ends in five white and red triangles, while the upper end has dark wide band. According to the pose of the human and animal figures this flag (or a cover over the wedding bread?) should have been standing with the triangles down, otherwise they would have looked wrongly. Since these flags are very different from those two described above, one of which is over 200 years old, we might have here younger variants or this are only wedding flags made in the decades after the Second world war when the region once inhabited by the Miaks began to be depopulated so it was not so important as previously to use the original flag, but new derivates began to be made by those families that did not posses them in the past? It is indicative there is no cross on the top of the spire, too.
(Footnotes) 1 J. Chevalier, A. Gheerbrant, Recnik simbola, Zagreb 1987, 34-5. 2 Leksikon ikonografije, liturgike i simbolike zapadnog hriscanstva, Zagreb 1985, 372.) 3 Michel Pastoreau, Heraldry, New York 1997, 71. 4 Chevalier, Gheerbrant, Recnik simbola,34. 5 Opca Enciklopedija, tom 8, JLZ, 679) 6 Dokumenti za borbata na makedonskiot narod za samostojnost i za nacionalna drzava, Tom prvi, Skopje 1981, 149 i 156. 7 Hristofer Zefarovic, Stematogra fiya, faximile edition, Sofia 1986 8 For instance on an icon from the 14th C. from Moscow, Tretjakovski gallery, where the dukes St. Boris and St. Gleb have been represented with one red and another blue color. Accord ing to Emil Aleksiev, M.A., there is a Post Byzantine icon from Macedonia that shows Christ holding a flag with Heraldic coat of arms. Unfortunately, I could not get detailed informa tion on this from the author. *Including the present territory of Macedonia -note of the translator. 9 Dokumenti, 169. 10 Tomo Smiljanic, “Mijaci, Gorna Reka i Mavrovsko Pole”, GSND Skopje 1925, 61. 11 Biblijski priracnik, Zagreb 1989, 436. 12Georgi Trajcev, Kniga za Miyacite Sofia 1941, capital 16, pg. 94-5 13 The village has been mentioned for the first time in the written sources in 1467 g. See Pravoslaven Hram Sv. Petar i Pavle, Skopje 1995, 6. 14 According to the article published in the yearly paper Tresonecki Letopis, 1995, 14-15. 15 Idem. 16 Smiljanic Mijaci, 73. 17 Op.cit, 73-4. 18 Chausidis summarizes several possible read ings of human figure with a stretched over hand on the stetzci and in the case of the Miaks flag we can accept only the version suggested by A, Benac as an expression of salutation to the dead local feudal lords-dukes. O. B. Merin thinks it is actually magical communication with the high powers. See Causidis, Dualisticki sliki, 335.
Eden od malkute heraldi~ki grbo vi na op{tinite vo Makedonija: Grbot na op{tina Centar One of only few heralcic arms of the municipalities in Macedonia Amrs of municipality of Centar
crven lav na zlatno`olto pole, od {to jasno se gleda deka e ze men od Vitezovi} zaedno so site gre{ki vo boite {to toj gi zame nil, t.e. bugarskiot grb gi dobil dotoga{nite boi na makedonskiot grb, i obratno. [titot e {pan ski, isto kako kaj Vitezovi}. Nad glavata na lavot nema kruna, koja inaku ja ima makedonskiot lav vo Ilirskite grbovnici. Nad {ti tot ima carska petokraka kruna. Nad grbot pi{uva “Makedonia”. Pod grbot ima ~etiri stiha, koi, vsu{nost, se prevod od latinski na crkovnoslovenski. Stihovite vo sloboden prevod glasat: Ispraven crven lav na zlatno pole, Znamenie na crkvata na koja i se pravi ~est. Golemiot Tur~in ja odnel di jademata od lavot; Izgubiv jas sekakva ~est {to tolku ja imav. Stihovite se sepak poinakvi od onie kaj Vitezovi}3. Hristofor @efarovi~ umira vo Moskva vo Bogojavlenskiot manastir vo 1753 godina. Inaku toj bil prviot vien~anec od seme jstvoto @efarovci od Dojran, no ne i edinstveniot. Po negovata smrt vidna li~nost od negovoto semejstvo }e stane naslednik na celata negova ostavnina, vnu kot od sestra - Danail, koj po rano `iveel vo Solun. Otkako }e stane naturaliziran vien~anec }e bide osnovopolo` nik na blagorodni~koto semejstvo poznato vo aristokratskite kru govi vo Viena. Toa }e bide Daniel fon @efarovi~ (1736 - 1806), koj za odli~na dr`avna slu`ba vo 1782 godina od avstriskite vlasti }e ja dobie blagorodni~kata tit ula “Ritter Edler von”, so predikat “blagorodnikot od Dojran”. LITERATURA: Aleksandar Matkovski, Gr bovite na Makedonija, Misla, 1990; Kostadin Kajdamov, Hristofor @efarovi~, Dojran, 1996; “Hristofor @efarovi~, STEMATOGRAFIÂ - Faksimilno izdanie, komenti
rano od Asen Vasiliev; Nauka i izkustvo, Sofi® 1986 i dr. Fusnoti 1 V. Zlatarski. Narodnosta i rodnoto m®sto na Hristo for @efarovi~, Makedoni® - politi~esko, nau~no i liter aturno spisanie. S., 1922, god. I, kn. I, s. 21 - 22. 2 A. Matkovski. “Grbovite na Makedonija” (Prilog kon make donskata heraldika), Misla, 1990. Str. 127. 3 isto
Lena Angelkoska
Hristofer Zefarovic 1690 – 1753
A spiritual leader, priest, a big artist, painter, graphic and engraver, poet, writer, calligrapher, stematograph, first heraldist in Macedonia and amongst the first ones in the Balkans. He was merchant, traveler, one who greatly contributed to the south Slavic renais sance. It is speculated, in the scientific lit erature that he was a Serb, Bulgarian, Aroman, Macedonian Slav, but it is known that he originate from the Ze farovci family of Dojran. (Polin)1 In the Zefarovic’s time, Dojran was an archbishopric town, the seat of the Polin archbishopry consisting of Dojran, Kukush and Karadak area. His father was a priest. At the age of 17 Hristofer becomes a monk in some of the area monastery. He was a pas sionate traveler, visiting monasteries throughout Macedonia and wider. Before leaving his town he spent time at he Mt. Atos, Thessaloniki, Dojran, Kukush, the churches and the mon asteries of Ohrid, Prilep, Lesnovo, Sopacani, Staro Nagoricani examining the frescoes and the icons. He visited the Fresco monastery on Atos. The closeness of the Ottoman Empire to the new waves of the Humanism and the Renaissance coming from the Europe, made many freewill Macedo nians to leave the country, especially after the wars with Austria, at the end
of 17 c. Together with some relatives Hristofer emigrated to the Habsburg Monarchy. He did not travel straight to Vienna, but first to Belgrade, which was under Austria at the time. In 1734 he left for Sremski Karlovci, where he was painting frescoes and icons, printing books etc. His easygoing spirit take him on jurneys not just throughout the Metropoly of Karlovci, but as well to the larger cities in Europe even in Jerusalem. Making pieces of art out of the Ot toman Empire, between Danube and Sava rivers, Hristofer Zefarovic gains great popularity and glory between south Slavic ethnicities. He is the first Macedonian renaissance with great potential. From the middle of the 18c., he was the most demanded between middle Europe and the Mediterranean. He was a polyglot speaking, beside Macedonian, Greek, Turkish, Bulgar ian and Serbian. He also knew Latin and Church Slavonic. He becomes a real inheriter of St. Cyril and Methodius, st. Clement and Naum of Ohrid, of the first Macedonian imprinter of 16c. Jakov of Kamena Reka, Macedonian imprinters from Romania: Melentij Makedonski, Stefan Ohridski I Nektarij etc. In his art pieces he drops the tradition of the Mt Atos and accepts the new art of the revival which starts amongst the immigrants in Hungary, especially between Macedonians. It could be seen from his artwork of the frescoes in the Bogyan monastery (Bachka), which is the most important monuments of the art of the 18c, by size and contempo rary art. After 1740 he leaves the painting and moves to the graphic. It is assumed that he learnt this technique in Macedonia, from the copper engravers of the end of 17 and beginning of the 18c, who printed in Venice. The masters in Vo jvodina only used wood engraving. The new technique has its own advantages. The work was easier and nicer. Copper plates of Zefarovic were baroque with traditional elements. He moves to Vienna in 1741 where he prints different church books, icons, images, and secular books. There under the patronage of the Patriarch Arsenie 4th. This patriarch, ideologist of the Iliric ideas and tendency for establish
ing a large Slavic state, from Danube to Aegean, and from Adriatic to black sea, and Italy. Zefarovic took on this idea, which will be manifested in his most important book STEMATOG RAPHY, which brought him highest popularity and affirmation amongst the South Slavs. The STEMATOGRAPHY, or ge nealogy, and is a collection of Coats of Arms and images of Slavic rulers and Saints. The technical work was of Toma Mesmer, while Zefarovic was the editor of the graphic and art work. This book is not an original, but translation and edition of STEMATOGRAPHY by Croat writer Paul Ritter Vitezovic (1652-1713) of 1701. The Stematography by Zefarovic and Mesmer, with older title “Painting of Iliric Coats of Arms” was printed in Vienna on 21 of October 1741 at the day when Arsenie IV was made Patri arch, to whom this book was dedicated. This loose edition of the Latin book by Vitezovic, is done in newer technique of copper plates and is written in Rus sian edition of the Church Slavonic language. This was the language used by the most of the Slavonic writers at the time. This was the only printed he raldic work among the South Slavs for the next 200 years. Soon after this, the second and third editions were printed, due to the big demands for the books. The second edition is printed with the same copper plates, but with small differences. The STEMATOGRAHPY is printed in black using the heraldic hatching for the representation of the colors. The book has 110 pages and starts with 16 pages of images of Slavic rulers and saints, including the one of patriarch Arsenie Jovanovic. Zefarovic changes the character of the roll of arms of Vitezovic. The book order by Arse nie IV had a political meaning. It was the time of unsolved jurisdiction over the orthodox, especially the orthodox in the Austrian Empire, where Arsenie IV had the largest pretensions. Since this was in favor of the Austrian preten sions and influence, especially over the orthodox in the Ottoman Empire, the Austrians did allow Stematographia to be printed in Vienna. Most probably Zefarovic has drown and engraved the saints and the ruler only, while Mesmer has engraved the
text and the Coat of arms. Therefore the arms, from the artistic point of view, are week, and represent copy of those of Vitezovic. There are 58 arms, listed alphabetically starting with Albania, Austria, Besarabia, Czech, Russia, Crete, Dacia, Epirus, Dardania, Greece, Istria, Misia, Poland, Scitia, Turkey, Transilvania and other areas, which, according the understanding in the 18c, were parts of the Ilirik, all areas inhabited by Slavs. So, the Ste matographia undoubtedly presents a monument of pan-Slavism. At the end there is a textual explanation for every arm. From this part it is obviously that the word “grb” is not known, but instead the word “znameni” is used or the Latin “Arma”. The Stematography has great he raldic importance, from its publish ing until today, it was used as the elementary heraldic source among all the South Slavs, and it was used in the heraldic practice. When it came to the question of state coat of arms, all the South Slavs, with no exceptions looked into the Stematographia by Zefarovic. After the liberation in 1879, Bulgaria for state arms took the golden crowned lion on red shield, above with king’s crown, taken from stematographia by Zefarovic, without any correction. The same was done by Croatia, Montene gro, and Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovene in 1921. After the liberation, Macedonia adopted a Coat of arms, but due to lack of knowledge did not look into the Stematography, like the other Slavic nations2. Zefarovic shows the Macedonian arms three times, once separately, and twice in the common arms. The separate arms is shown as a red lion on golden shield, which is obvi ously taken from the roll by Vitezovic, including the mistakes he made in con fusing the colors with those of Bulgaria which got the Macedonian colors and vice versa. The shield is Spanish, as in Vitezovic. The lion is not crowned like in the other Iliric armorials. The shield is surmounted with a five pointed royal crown. Above it is written “Macedo nia”. beneath for verses folow, which are translation from Latin, which in loose translation are: Rampant red lion on golden shield, Signs of the church to which brings honor,
The big Turk took the diadem off the lion, I lost any honor I had so much. The verses are different than those of Vitezovic3. Hristofer Zefarovc died in Moscow, in the Bogoyavlenski monastery in 1753. He was the first Vienner of the Zefarovic of Dojran, but not the last. After his death, his sister’s son, Danail, once living in Thessaloniki, becomes is inheriter. After his naturalization in Vienna he will establish the noble family. Daniel von Zefarovic (17361806)for excellent state service in 1782 he receives the noble title, “Ritter Edler von” von Dojran. REFERENCE Aleksandar Matkovski, “Coats of Arms of Macedonia”, Misla, 1990; Kostadin Kajdamov, Hristofor Zefarovic, Dojran, 1996; “Hristofor Zefarovic, STEMATOGRAFIYA - Faximil edition, commented by Asen Vasiliev; Nauka i izkustvo, Sofiia 1986 and other. endnotes 1 V. Zlatarski. Narodnosta i rod noto myasto na Hristofor ZefaroviC, Makedoniya - politicesko, naucno i literaturno spisanie. S., 1922, year. I, vol. I, p. 21 - 22. 2 A. Matkovski. “Grbovite na Make donija” (Prilog kon makedonskata heraldika), Misla, 1990. Str. 127. 3 same.
Umno`eno vo:
Fotokopirawe vkori~uvawe plastificirawe kompjuterska podgotovka pe~tewe Podzemen premin h. Kontinental 3239 555
differ between themselves. Still, the present flags owe their form to the military flags of the Roman emperors name vexillatum/a. The flag used by Constantine the Great in the campaign against Maxencius is named in Latin labarum, in Greek labaron) which stands for a flag put on a spear. The bottom part of the flag ended in tas sels, two red bands hanged from aside and the flag itself had the inscription SPOR Senatus populusque romanus (The Senate and the people of Rome), or the sign and the name of the legion that wore it. Constantine the Great had placed Christ monogram in the middle which has been explained with the tra dition that he had dreamed it the night before the mentioned battle and a voice told him In hoc signo vinces-you will win in the name of this sign.2 After Constantine, the labarum had been used by the Church to a large extent. The army took it over from her, and in the course of the11th c. it began to place heraldic and allegoric signs. Their form varies depending on the formation and the rank of the officer as well as the situation it has been used in. The introduction of the tournaments by Emperor Fredrik Barbarosa in the 12th c. in Germany and with the appear ance of the military monastic orders, the repertory of the flags enlarges and they begin to receive the personal signs of the officers, the signs of their knight order, their logos, mottos, badges and dedications. Thus we can see apart from rectangular and triangular flags3, also one forth of a circle, (like the on esthe Norman’s put on their masts).4 After the several century long usage of various flags related to many military orders and ranks, since the 19th c. the military flag equals the national one.5 Macedonian flags In our country only the latest flags from the few revolutions against the Turkish occupation in the 19th-20th c. have been preserved (known to us). The contemporary Turkish sources in form us of some shepherd named Tane coming from the village Cairli, near Bitola who became a revolutionary and bore the flag of the “terrorists”. Unfortunately, the flag of Karpos who organized a large uprising in 1689 named by the Turkish sources as the one with evil lack6, is not preserved,
which must have achieved more then a military significance after his pro claimed himself a king with a seat in Skopje. We have kept the flag of the Razlovec rebellion in 1876: it shows a dark blue lion figure with reddish yel low mane and one leg of the second, with small white details of the head, and a long protruding tongue, and a very long tail that ends with a tassel above the head, embroidered on yel low material, applied on a larger red square flag. The same has been used two years after, during the rebellion of Kresnovo. Icnographically the lion has not been inspired by the coat of arms of Macedonia and Bulgaria published in the Stematography of Zefarovic, so it remains to find the typology which is unusual according to the mane and the two-colored figure of the animal.7 Each military company from the various parts of Macedonia that has took part in the rebellion of Ilinden (the day of St .Elijah) in 1903 has its own flag (for instance the one from Ohrid had a symbolic figure of a girl dressed in white dress, that hangs a flag and a small lion next to her similar to the one from the Kresnovo’s flag, only here rampant, or only a lion figure, em broidered on red material, the company from Krusevo had a golden cross on a pedestal, or a torch hold by two hands, encircled by two olive branches, etc.). Also the societies of the Macedonian emigration in the foreign countries had interesting flags (for instance the Mace donian literary society in Petrograd, Russia, from the 19th c. has dominant white unicorn on red, on display in the Museum of Macedonia). Some medieval Slavic icons of wor rier saints show small flags they bear while riding.8 Miaks (Miatci) are Macedonians, Slavic people –once separate tribe that can be concluded from their dialect, customs, costumes, architecture they live in, and geography of the regions they have inhabited. Those whose vil lages have been situated near the river Radika have been named also “Reka lii”. Once they have cooperated with the Serbian leader against the Turkish occupation, Karageorge. Lazar Arseni jevic-Batalaka describes the Miaks as people with military spirit, that even when being at home in the Turkish vilaets do not let the Turks handle them
with easiness,.. and for their merits apart from ranks and noble digni ties, have received pensions from the Austrian court...”.9 They have named their officers glavari or glavatari (the “head” man).10 Miac’s flag Miac’s flag is a very interesting one considered to be very old. There are three animals represented in the corners, having old tradition, frequently used in heraldry, and the forth sign is a crescent and a star, a sign that can be traced down to the Mesopotamian border stones and stellae.11 64 years ago Georgi Traichev in his Book about the Miaks, talking about the flag, tells us about the informa tion given by officer S. Stamatov, who claimed that after Bulgaria* has been occupied by the Turks in 1395 the flag with the lion symbol has been preserved in the region of Debar.12 Traichev further explains that similar flag has been in use in the area of Debar within the Miaks. He describes it this way: on a white wool or other material long approx. 1 m. in the mid there is a large cross with a circle at the cross ing of the bars, and in the empty space between them there are the shortened Christ name IS HS and the Greek word for victory inscribed NIKA. In the four corners there are small figures of lion, doubles headed eagle (or doubles headed snake) without wings, dragon and crescent with a star above it. The double - headed eagle is very interesting since on the copy published in Traichev’s book we clearly see on its back a shield with central cross and four inscribed signs or letters, probably IS HS. The Family Pandilovci, who come from the village of Tresonce,13 now liv ing in Skopje, keep an old flag that be long to their family for over 200 years as they claim. It is very much alike the one published by Traicev, only the star is placed outside the crescent, and the double headed eagle (resembling snakes) do not have a cross inscribed on their body. It is 1,30m long and 0, 70m high, made of white material, and the represented ornaments have been made as red colour applications. 14 In the free space between the cross bars there are four inscribed letters, IS HR (and not S, as in the flag published by
se sostoi od 19 kraka-perki vo tri boi, bela, crna i crvena. Ova zname ima tri triagolni izdol`eni zavr{nici od slobod nata vertikalna strana, a drugite strani se obrabeni po horizontala so edna crna i edna crvena lenta, odnosno crna i bela okolu drvenata dr{ka koja nema krst na vrvot. Osobeno e interesno drugoto izlo`eno zname koe nema ni{to zaedni~ko so trite opi{ani do sega. Ovde vo centarot gledame golem crven krug formiran od crveni i posvetlo crveni bra novidni lenti obraben so bela lenta i sredi{en pomal bel krug so vpi{ana mala ~etvrt esta rozeta, koj mo`e da asocira na leb~e (svadbarsko?). Vo gor nite dva agli gledame ~ove~ka figura so edna ispru`ena raka kon sredi{nata polumese~ina, pretstavena naopaku so kracite nadolu. Dali ovaa kompozicija e povrzana so analognite pretstavi na ste}cite?17 Dolu pod krugot se pretstaveni levo i desno po dve `ivotni, verojatno ku~e ili volk koj brka jagne. Po vertikala znameto ima dve {iroki crveni lenti so bel krst vo sredinata, a ~etvrtata strana koja se vior ela zavr{uva so 5 triagolnici, 3 crveni i 2 beli, a taa nas proti niv e temna {iroka lenta. Spored pozata na ~ove~kite i `ivotinskite figuri ova zname (ili mo`ebi sepak prekrivka), bi trebalo da bide postaveno so triagolnicite nadolu, inaku figurite bi se gledale od strana iskriveno. Mo`ebi se postavuval nad svadbeniot kola~? Bidej}i ovie dve znamiwa oso beno se razlikuvaat od onie dve opi{ani pogore, od koi barem ednoto e staro nad 200 godini, mo`ebi ovde imame pomladi vari janti ili ova se samo svadbarski varijanti raboteni vo deceniite po vtorata svetska vojna, koga Mija~ijata po~nala da opustuva, pa ve}e ne bilo tolku va`no da se upotrebi originalno zname tuku mo`ebi po~nale da se izra botuvaat negovi derivati od stra na na onie familii koi dotoga{ ne go poseduvale? Indikativno e
Valentin Poposki
Valentin Poposki
Amblemite na politi~kite partii vo Republika Makedonija Emblems of the political parties of the Republic of Macedonia
Znameto od Tresonce - spored Traj~ev Flag from Tresonce, according to Trajcev
i ne postoeweto na krst na vrvot na dr{kata. Vo sledniot broj: Tolkuvawe na apliciranite motivi
Fusnoti 1 J. Chevalier, A. Gheerbrant, Re nik simbola, Zagreb 1987, 34-5. 2 Leksikon ikonografije, liturgike i simbolike zapadnog hri{~anstva, Zagreb 1985, 372.) 3 Michel Pastoreau, Heraldry, New York 1997, 71. 4 Chevalier, Gheerbrant, Re nik simbola, 5 Opa Enciklopedija, tom 8, JLZ, 679) 6 Dokumenti za borbata na makedonskiot narod za samostojnost i za nacionalna dr`ava, Tom prvi, Skopje 1981, 149 i 156. 7 Hristofer @efarovi~, Stematografi®, faksimilno izdanie Sofi® 1986 8 Na primer na ikonata od 14 vek na koja se pretstaveni Sv. Knezovi Boris i Gleb so edno crveno i edno sino zname, od Tretjakovska Galerija vo Moskva. Spored mr. Emil Aleksiev, postoi i edna postvizantiska ikona od na{ata zemja na koja e pretstaven Hristos koj dr`i zname so heraldi~ki grb. Za `al i po nekolku obidi ne uspeav da dobijam podetalni informacii od avtorot. 9 Dokumenti, 169. 10 Tomo Smiqani}, “Mijaci, Gorna Reka i Mavrovsko Pole”, GSND Skopje 1925, 61. 11 Biblijski prira~nik, Zagreb 1989, 436. 12Georgi TraŸ~ev, Kniga za Mi®citÍ Sofi® 1941, glava 16, strana 94-5. 13 Seloto se spomenuva za prv pat vo pi{ani izvori vo 1467 g. Spored Pravoslaven Hram Sv. Petar i Pavle, Skopje 1995, 6.
14 Spored napisot objaven vo letopisot Tresone~ki Letopis, 1995, 14-15. 15 Smiqani} Mijaci, 73. 16 Smiqani} Mijaci, 73-4. 17 ^ausidis gi sumira nekolkute mo`ni tolkuvawa na ~ove~ka figura so ispru`ena ili predimenzionirana raka na ste}cite, od koi vo slu~ajot so mija~koto zname mo`e da se prifati samo verzijata za pozdrav kon pokojnite lokalni feudalci-vojvodi, tolkuvawe na A. Benac. O.B. Merin pak smeta deka se raboti za obra}awe kon vi{ite sili so magisko zna~ewe. Edinstveno zbunuva obratnata postavenost na polumesecot. Vidi kaj ^ausidis, Dualisti~ki sliki, 335. 18 Fransis Kont, Sloveni, Beograd
1989, 334.
Dr. Filipova Snezana
Notes on Miak’s flag
Each organized social community has its own insignia like totems, flags. The flag or barjak is one color or mul ticolor piece of cloth decorated with embroidery or applications of signs (initials, figures, emblems) always put on high place, attached to a stick or mast. Apart from being a military sign, it is at the same time a sign of an order that is emblem of the leader. We shall also have in mind the universal symbol ogy of the movement of the flag in the air that is related to the element air, or in other words with the movement and the phases of breading.1 The ancient people of Europe and Asia used various types of military signs and symbols to
Nema somnevawe deka i politi~kite partii se obidu vaat preku svoite simboli da gi prikazat svoite ideolo{ki pozi cii. Sli~no kako i administra tivno-teritorijalnite edinici i partiite so svoite statuti gi opredeluvaat simbolite – zname, grb ili logo i pesna ili himna. Kaj nas vo Makedonija me|utoa kako da postoi podvoenost me|u partite, ne samo vo nekoi klu~ni elementi, tuku i vo pogled na izborot na simbolite. Partiite od takanare~eniot lev blok i od centarot glavno se opredeluvaat za ideolo{ki logoa. Kaj ovaa kategorija amblemi mo`eme da zabele`ime deka se upotrebuvaat op{ti simboli i boi koi se povr zuvaat so nekoja op{ta ideolo{ka forma. Socijal-demokratskiot sojuz so crvenata roza i `oltobelo-sinata kombinacija (slika 1) poka`uva pripadnost na levocentristi~kite partii od soci jal-demokratska proveniencija. Vo sli~en manir e i amblemot na nivniot koalicionen part ner Liberalno-demokratskata partija (slika 2). Liberalite, pak, se opredelija za sino-bela kombinacija so vklopuvawe na Evropa vo kone~niot dizajn (slika 3). Socijalisti~kata partija se razbira se opredeli za crveno logo so dopolnitelni elementi (slika 4). Od druga strana, partiite koi sebesi se opredeluvaat kako desni i nacionalni vo svoite amblemi gi vklopuvaat nacionalnite sim boli. Najmalku tri VMRO-vski partii go upotrebuvaat zlatniot lav od makedonskiot zemski grb kako svoj partiski simbol. VMRO-DPMNE (slika 5), VMROnarodna (slika 6) I VMRO-vis tinska (slika 7). Kaj politi~kite partii koi mu pripa|aat na malcinskiot blok, isto taka, sre}avame nacionalni simboli, na primer kaj DPA (slika 8). Kako zaklu~ok mo`eme da ka`eme
There are no doubts that political parties are trying to show their ideological standings through their symbols. Just like administrativeterritorial units, parties with their statutes are determining own symbols – flag, coat of arms or logo and a song or hymn. However in Macedonia there are not just ideological, but also symbolical differences among the parties. Parties of the so-called left wing and the center are choosing ideological logos. At this category of emblems we can see that general symbols are used and colours wich are connected to some ideological form. Social-democratic union with the rose and yellowwhite-blue combination (pic.1) shows its belonging to left-centrist parties of social-democratic provenience. The very similar case is with their coalition partner Liberal-democratic party (pic.2). Liberals choose bluewhite combination including Europe in their final design (pic.3). Socialist party choose red logo, of course, with additional elements (pic.4). On the other hand, the parties which declare themselves as right-wing or national include national symbols in their emblems. At least three parties with VMRO-prefix are using golden lion from the territorial arms as their party symbol. VMRO-DPMNU (pic.5), VMRO-People’s (pic.6) and VMROthe true (pic.7). Among the political parties that belong to the minority group, national symbols are used as like Democratic Party of Albanians (pic.8). As a conclusion we can say that our political parties will have to work on their symbols, because like they are now, could be emblems of some other parties of other countries. Party emblems of the left-wing and minority group are unrecognizable. They don’t contain symbols which will show are Macedonian parties. Right-wing parties are overreacting with using national symbols. The Lion should be just one of the elements of the emblems, and not its basic part. In fact, using the territorial arms as a party symbol was the reason it wasn’t choose to be the
deka na{ite politi~ki partii }e mora poprili~no da porabotat na svoite simboli, bidej}i vakvi kakvi {to se se prili~no be nigni i mo`at da bidat simboli i na nekoi drugi partii od drugi zemji. Amblemite na partiite od leviot centar i od malcin skiot blok se neprepoznatlivi. Tie ne sodr`at elementi koi poka`uvaat deka stanuva zbor za makedonski partii. Desnite par tii, pak, preteruvaat vo upotre bata na “lav~eto”. Lavot treba da bide samo eden od elementite na amblemot, a ne negov osnoven del. Vpro~em, tokmu istaknuvaweto na lavot kako partiski simbol dovede do toa zemskiot grb da ne bide izbran za dr`aven. Vero jatno }e bide potrebno vreme za stalo`uvawe na mislewata i duri
7 potoa }e mo`eme da zboruvame za vistinski izbor na amblemite na politi~kite partii na makedon skata politi~ka scena.
state coat of arms. It will probably needs time to re-think and after that we could sit and make real choice of the emblems of the political parties on the Macedonian political scene.
Tekstot pod slikata The text under the image
prodol`uva od str. 1 Ovaa kniga e edno zna~ajno delo, kako za heraldikata na Britanskite ostrovi, taka i za svetskata heraldika. Avtorot na knigata, ne se zadr`uva na objasnuvawe koj e ovoj kral Makedon, nitu pak dava drugi informacii. Tuku samo e ispi{an blazonot (opisot) na grbot. Eve go prevodot na tek stot: “Makedon, kral na Ematija, nosi srebren ispraven volk na crno pole. Mislam deka negovi ot grb e postaven na okrugol {tit.” Ematija ja prestavuva terito rijata okolu Solun, Berija, no vo po{irok smisol teritorijata na Makedonija. Ova e interesen podatok koj zboruva za grbovite vo Make donija, od izvor pred izlegu vaweto na grbovnikot Koreni}Neori}, duri 7 godini prethod no. Ovoj podatok istotaka proiz leguva od izvor nadvor od ovaa teritorija, i nadvor od tezata
continued from p.1 deka grbovite vo Makedonija se direkten proizvod na rabotata na Petar Ohmu~evi~. Na ovaa teza, i samiot Matkovski si protivre~i, koga veli deka vo univerzitetot vo Bolowa ima mnogu grbovi na u~enici koi poteknuvaat od sol unskoto carstvo, zna~i od istata teritorija, no ovojpat datirano so raniot 13 vek. Deka ima bogat heraldi~ki ma terijal vo ovie prostori vo 13 i 14 vek zboruva i istra`uvaweto na Vujadin Ivani{evi} objaveno vo zbornikot na vizantolo{kiot institut vo Belgrad br. 41 od 2004. No ova e posebna tema na koja }e se navratime vo nekoj od slednite broevi na Makedonski Herald. This book is an important writing, for the heraldry on the British Isles as well the world heraldry. The author of the book, does not engage in explaining who this King Macedonus is, nor gives other relevant information. He only gives the blazon as seen on the illustration above.
Emathia is the region around Thessa loniki, Verea and Pella , or Macedonia as a whole. This is a very interesting informa tion, regarding the coats of arms in Macedonia, from a source written 7 years before Korenic-Neoric. This information is also sourced out side this region and outside the thesis that the Coat of arms in Macedonia are product of Petar Ohmucevic. Even Matkovski himself is contradicting this thesis when he states that in the university of Bologna there are paint ings of the arms of students from the Thessalonian Kingdom, form the very same territory but this time form the early 13 c. The fact of presence of reach heraldic material on this area is proved by the re search by Vujadin Ivanisevic, published in Belgrade in 2004 in the Gazette of the Bizantology Institute # 41. This is a separate issue that will be covered in one of the next issues of the Macedonin Herald. Bex - Del od heraldi ~koto dostignuvawe, koj ne mora da e vo di rektna vrska so grbot Badge, part of the armoral bearings, not directly con nected to the Arms
zname i ist takov lav kako na Kresnenskoto zname do nea, samo pomal i ispraven na dve noze (ili samo lav, i dvete na crvena pozadina, ili zlaten krst na postament na crvena pozadina kako ona na Kru{evskata ~eta, kako i fakel koj go dr`at dve race, vmetnati vo lovorovi granki i t.n.). I zdru`enija na Makedonskata dijaspora vo stranstvo imaat interesni znamiwa (na pr. kni`ev noto dru{tvo od Petrograd, Rusija od 19 v., ima dominanten bel edno rog na crvena pozadina, izlo`eno vo Muzej na Makedonija). Na nekoi srednovekovni slov enski ikoni na svetci vojnici, tie javaat nosej}i mali barjaci.8 Mijacite se Makedonci koi se razvivale kako posebno pleme, {to se zaklu~uva od nivniot govor, obi ~ai, nosija, arhitektura, geografski predeli koi gi naseluvale. Onie ~ii sela bile vo blizina na rekata Radika, vo izvorite se narekuvaat i “Rekalii”. Sorabotu vale i so srpskiot voda~ protiv turskata okupa cija Kara|or|e. Lazar Arsenijevi} - Batalaka gi opi{uva kako lu|e so vojni~ki duh, koi i koga se doma na vilaetot ne im davaat na Turcite lesno da gi gme~at,.. a za svoite zaslugi osven ~inovi i blagorodstva, bile osigurani so penzii od Avstriskiot dvor...”.9 Svoite stare{ini gi narekuvale glavari ili glavatari.10 Mija~koto zname Osobeno e interesno mija~koto zname, koe se smeta za mnogu staro. Pretstavenite `ivotni vo aglite na edna verzija od ova zname imaat dolga tradicija i ~esto se upotrebuvaat vo heral dikata, a i ~etvrtiot znak- polu mes e~ina i yvezda se sre}ava u{te na mesopotamskite kameni me|nici i steli.11 Pred 64 godini Georgi Traj~ev go prenesuva tvrdeweto na polkovnik Stamatov deka
znameto so lav po pa|aweto na Bugarija pod Tursko vladewe vo 1395 g. e za~uvano vo debarskiot kraj.12 Isto takvo zname so lav se upotrebuva vo rekanskiot kraj kaj Mijacite, objasnuva Traj~ev. I go opi{uva vaka: na belo platno od koprena ili drug materijal, dolgo okolu 1 m. koe slu`i kako glavno pole, vo sredinata e pret staven krst so krug na presekot na kracite, a vo prazniot pros tor me|u kracite e ispi{ano so poznatite kratenki imeto na Isus Hristus IS HS i NIKA (Pobeda). Vo ~etirite agli stojat mali figuri na lav, dvoglav orel bez krila, zmej i polumes~ina so yvezda nad nego. Rabovite se obra beni so crveni triagolnici koi gi gledame i na prstenot so koj
Muzej na Makedonija- etnolo{ka zbirka
Museum of Macedonia-ethnology display
e obvien sredi{niot krst. In teresna e pretstavata na orelot, na ~ie telo gledame {tit so krst i 4 bukvi, verojatno kratenkite IS HS. Od mija~koto selo Tresonce13 e za~uvano zname koe go poseduva familijata Pandilovci, denes `iteli na Skopje, za koe sops tvenicite velat deka e staro pove}e od 200 godini i e mnogu sli~no na ona objaveno kaj Traj~ev, samo yvezdata e postav ena von kracite na mese~inata, a dvoglaviot orel nema krst vrz teloto. Dolgo e 1,30 a visoko 0,70 m. Izraboteno e od belo platno, a prestavenite ornamenti se rabo teni kako aplikacii vo crvena boja. Vo praznite poliwa okolu krstot se vpi{ani bukvite IS
HR (a ne S kako kaj ona objaveno kaj Smiqani}) i NI KA. Nekoi znamiwa mo`e namesto ovie `ivotni da sodr`at ku~e kako zamena za lavot, i kowanici so celosna oprema. 14 Tomo Smiqani}-Bradina po poteklo Treson~anec, vo svojata kniga od 1925 g. go opi{al zname to -barjakot kako crveno belo sin krstest barjak, so krst na vrvot na kopjeto.15 Toj doobjasnuva deka Mijacite pravat razlika me|u zname i barjak, prviot termin za niv go prestavuva znameto na dr`avata, a bajrakot e samo nivnoto zname. Zna~ajna infor macija {to ja naveduva, a koja indirektno zboruva i za starosta na znameto e deka Mijacite zvani ~no op{tele so sultanot u{te vo 1521 g., spored fermanot {to go ~uva tresone~kata familija Bradinovci, od koja poteknuva i avtorot. Kako privileg ija {to im pomognale na Turcite vo vojnata so Avstrija, na Mijacite im bile dadeni prava da nosat oru`je, da ne pla}aat danoci, da go za~uvaat svoeto zname i t.n. Smiqani} naveduva i eden interesen podatok: svojot barjak Mijacite go ~uvale vo najstarata naselba {to ja sozdale po doseluvaweto vo dene{na Make donija -Su{ica, kade po Kosovs kata bitka se povlekol nivniot vojvoda. Ova zname po potreba go razvivale, kako na primer pri Pikolominieviot pohod vo 1689 g.16 Vo Muzejot na Makedonija vo Skopje se ~uvaat dve verzii na mija~ki znamiwa koi se ozna~eni kako svadbarski. Ednoto ima nekoi zaedni~ki elementi so prethodno opi{anite, samo raz likata e {to gi nema `ivotnite, a znakot na polumese~ina i yvezda se povtoruva 4 pati i toa okolu sredi{niot krst po dijagonala, alterniran so isto tolku golemi 4 crni krsta, {to zboruva deka ne se raboti za znak na turskata imperija. Sredi{niot krug ne go sodr`i ~etirikrakiot krst, tuku
Od urednikot Kone~no izleze i prviot broj na Makedonski Herald, glas nikot na Makedonskoto heral di~ko zdru`enie. Vo nego }e najdete temi od heraldikata, kako i od srod nite nauki i disciplini. Vo ovoj broj ima tekstovi i od vek silologijata, faleristikata i amblematikata. Na{a `elba e ovoj glasnik da bide refer encijalen izvor od oblasta na heraldikata i srodnite nauki i disciplini. Vo nego }e bidat objavuvani i temi od teoriskata heraldika, kako i od heraldi~kata termi nologija. Istotaka vo nego }e se pub l i kuvaat i her aldi ~k i te dostignuvawa registrirani vo Registerot na Makedonskot Heraldi~ko Zdru`enie, edin stven od vakov vid vo Republika Makedonija From the editor, Finally, the first issue of the Mac edonian Herald, the gazette of the Macedonian Heraldry Society has been published. Inside, you will find articles on heraldry, but also on other related sciences and disciplines. This issue contains texts from vexillology, phaeleristics and emblematic. Our wish is that this gazette will be a reference source for heraldry and the related sciences and disciplines. Themes from theoretic heraldry will be published, as well as a heraldic dictionary. It will publish all armorial bearing registered in the Register of the Macedonian Heraldry Society, the only one of its kind in the Republic of Macedonia.
MAKEDONSKI HERALD e glasnik na Makedonskoto Heraldi~ko zdru`enie
is the gazzete of the Macedonian Heraldry Society
Bele{ki za Mija~koto zname Sekoja organizirana socijal na t.n. vojni~ki mona{ki redo na zaednica ima svoi insignii: totemi, znamiwa, barjaci. Zna meto ili barjakot e ednobojno ili pove}ebojno par~e tkaenina ukraseno so vezeni ili aplici rani znaci (inicijali, figuri, amblemi) sekoga{ postaveno na visoko mesto, pricvrsteno za stap ili jarbol. Osven {to e vojni~ki znak, voedno e i znak na zapoved, odnosno amblem na samiot voda~. Treba da se ima vo predvid i uni verzalnata simbolika na negovoto viorewe pod dejstvoto na vetrot, {to se povrzuva so elementot vozduh, odnosno so dvi`eweto i so fazite na di{ewe. 1 Anti~kite narodi vo Evropa i Azija upotrebuvale razni vrsti na vojni~ki znaci i simboli za me|usebno razlikuvawe. Sepak, dene{nite znamiwa svojata forma im ja dol`at na voenite znamiwa na rimskite carevi nare~eni vexillatum/a. Znameto koe go upotrebil Konstantin Veliki vo borbata protiv Maksencije e nare~eno labarum (lat. labarum, gr~ki λαβαρον) {to pretstavu valo bajrak zaka~en na kopje. Na dnoto visele resi, od stranata dve crveni lenti, a na nego natpisot SPOR Senatus populusque romanus= senatot i narodot rimski ili oznakata i imeto na legijata koja go nosi. Konstantin Veliki vo sredinata go postavil Hristo viot monogram, {to se objasnuva so tradicijata deka na son pred spomenatata bitka mu se pojavil ovoj znak i ~ul glas In hoc signo vinces-vo ovoj znak }e pobedi{.2 Posle Konstantin, labarumot po~nala {iroko da go primenuva Crkvata. Od nea pak go prevzela vojskata, koja od 11 v. po~nala da primenuva heraldi~ki i ale goriski znaci. Nivnata forma varira, zavisno od formaci jata i ~inot na stare{inata kako i od situacijata vo koja se upotrebuva. So voveduvaweto na turnirite od strana na impera torot Fridrih Barbarosa vo 12 vek vo Germanija i so pojavata
Jovan Jonovski
Jovan Jonovski
Dr. Filipova Sne`ana
vi se zgolemuva i repertoarot na znamiwa, koi po~nuvaat da dobivaat i li~ni obele`ja na stare{inite, oznaki na nivniot vite{ki red, nivni logoa, motoa, bexovi, posveti. Taka osven ~et vrtesti i triagolni znamiwa3, imame i ~etvrtina od krug (nor manskite zaka~eni na jarbol).4 Po dolgovekovnata upotreba na raznoobrazni znamiwa vrzani so razli~nite voeni rodovi i ~inovi, od 19 v. voenoto zname se izedna~uva so dr`avnoto.5 Makedonski znamiwa Kaj nas se poznati/za~uvani samo najdocnite barjaci koi se upotrebuvale vo vostanijata protiv turskata vlast. Od turski izvori e poznato deka ov~arot Tane od. S. ^airli, Bitolsko kako buntovnik bil i bajraktar na “aramiite”. Za `al ne ni e za~uvano ni Karpo{ovoto zname od 1689 g. koe turskite izvori go narekuvaat zlosre}no6, koe sig urno so negovoto proglasuvawe za kral dobilo i po{iroko zna~ewe od voeno zname. Zatoa go imame Razlove~koto zname od 1876 g.: temno sin lav so crveno - zlatna bogata grivna i edna crveno zlatna noga, so beli detali na glavata, i isplazen dolg jazik, i mnogu dolga opa{ka koja so tufkata doa|a nad glavata na `ivotnoto, vezen na `olta pozadina, apliciran vrz crveno platno, koe bilo upotrebuvano i pri Kresnenskoto vostanie po 2 godini. Ikonografski lavot ne e inspiriran od grbovite na Makedonija i Bugarija od Stema tografijata na @efarovi~, pa ostanuva da se najde tipologijata, koja e neobi~na i spored grivnata i spored dvobojnosta na figurata.7 Sekoja ~eta od razli~nite delovi na Makedonija koja u~estvuvala vo Ilindenskoto vostanie vo 1903 g. imala svoe zname–na primer Ohridskoto imalo simboli~na pretstava na devojka vo bel fustan koja vee
Makedonskoto Heraldi~ko Zdru`enie Macedonia Heraldry Socety
The interest for the heraldry in Macedonia is growing Interesot za heraldikata vo Makedonija se zgole in the last years. As the main promoters for this interest muva vo poslednive godini. Kako glavni promotori za is the book “Coat of Arms of Macedonia” by Aleksandar ovoj interes se knigata “Grbovite na Makedonija”, od Aleksandar Matkovski i veb stranicata “Heraldika Matkovski and the web site “Heraldry in Macedonia” by Jovan Jonovski. vo Makedonija” od Jovan Jonovski. The book “Coat of Arms of Macedonia” is published in 1970. Knigata “Grbovite na Makedonija” e objavena 1970. Taa go obratuva prisustvoto na Makedon It research the presence of the Macedonian Coat of Arms in skiot grb vo nekolku grbovnici koi se nao|aat several roll of arms found on the territory of the that day Yugo na teritorijata na toga{na Jugoslavija. Delot za slavia. The part regarding the general heraldry is very poor. The main idea of the book, apart from the published in heraldikata e mo{ne {tur. Glavnata ideja na knigata, pokraj, iznesenite po formation regarding the presence of the Macedonian arms, datoci za prisustvoto na makedonskiot grb, e deka is that the late is product of the fantasy of Petar Ohmucevic, istiot e proizvod na fantazijata na Petar Ohmu~e which used this fabricated fact to prove his noble status. This book does not close the question on the Macedonian vi~, koj gi koristel ovie fabrikuvani fakti za da Arms, on the contrary, it opens it. A vast research is still to be go doka`e svojot blagorodni~ki fakt. Sepak, ovaa kniga ne go zatvara pra{aweto za done on all other sources that Matkovski has not researched. The second promoter to the increase of the interest for makedonskiot grb, tuku naprotiv samo go otvora. Ostanuva u{te obemna istra`uva~ka rabota na site heraldry is the site “Heraldry in Macedonia” (heraldry.mol. com.mk) whose author is Jovan Jonovski, established in 2000. onie izvori koi Matkovski ne gi istra`il. Vtoriot promotor za interesot za heraldikata vo It covers the issue of the Macedonian Arms in the past and dene{no vreme e sajtot Heraldika vo Makedonija present. There could also be found arms used in Macedonia, (heraldry.mol.com.mk) ~ij avtor e Jovan Jonovski, territorial, corporative and personal. It also contains info i koj opstojuva od 2000g. Toj go obrabotuva pra{a regarding the heraldry in general. This last promoter has gathered the critic mass for a more weto na makedonskiot grb nekoga{ i sega. Pona tamu na nea se nao|aat grbovi koi se koristat vo organized activities, in the summer 2003 the Macedonian Makedonija i toa, teritorijalni, korporativni i Heraldry Society was established, to fulfill the vacuum in this li~ni. Voedno ima i informacii za heraldikata area. The main aim of the society is to elevate the heraldic understanding. The heraldic understanding is on a very low voop{to. Okolu vtoriot stolb se sobra kriti~nata masa za level, which is proved for instance with the so cold “arms” edno poorganizirano dejstvuvawe, pa taka letoto 2003 of the municipalities, which has not much in common with g. be{e osnovano Makedonskoto Heraldi~ko Zdru`e heraldry. Ant the most important question, Macedonia still nie, za da go popolni vakuumot vo ovaa sfera. Glavnata has not Coat of arms although 14 years has passed. The cel na zdru`enieto e da se podigne heraldi~kata svest, reason should be sought in the total heraldic ignorance of koja e na mnogu nisko nivo, {to mo`e i da se potvrdi so those responsible for this issue. The main aim is achieved through the following objectives: re{enijata za t.n grbovi na op{tinite, koi i nemaat ba{ nekava vrska so heraldikata. I najgorlivoto pra{awe, Makedonija s# u{te e bez grb, iako pominaa 14 godini. Pri~inata za ovaa sostojba pred se treba da se bara vo celos noto nepoznavawe na Heraldikata od strana na onie {to mo`at i treba ne{to da prevzemat. Glavnata cel se ostvaruva preku konkretnite celi: 1. Popularizacija na Heraldi kata. 2. Istra`uvawe na heraldi~koto Upravata na MHZ so gostinot predava~ Andre Voical od Francija, (od gore desno) Petar Gajdov, Sekretar; Jovan Jonovski, Pretsedatel; Kiril nasledstvo vo i povrzano so Make Trajkovski, ~len; Sne`ana Filipova, Potpretsedatel; Andre Vocial so donija. soprugata. 3. Izrabotka na grbovi, znami Officers of MHS with the guest lecturer Andre Woical from France, (from uper right) wa, odlikuvawa. Petar Gajdov, Secretary; Jovan Jonovski, President; Kiril Trajkovski, member; 4. Oformuvawe na heraldi~ki Snezana Filipova,Vice-president; Andre Woical with his wife.
1. To increase the interest of general public for heraldry, register vo koi se zaveduvaat stari i novi heraldi~ki 2. Researching of the heraldic heritage of or connected dostignuvawa (grbovi, znamiwa, bexevi) to Macedonia, 5. Edukacija od oblasta na heraldikata 3. Designing armorial bearings, flags and decorations, 6. Izdava~ka dejnost 4. Establishing register for armorial bearings, 5. Enabling heraldic education, Od dosega{nite aktivnosti bi gi izdvoile slednive: 6. Publishing heraldic books, Predavawe na tema mesnata heraldika vo Fran cija, gostin predava~ heraldi~arot Andre Vocial Some of the activities realised so far: od Franicja. Lectures on “The municipal heraldry in France”, with U~estvo na konkursot za ordeni i dobiena prva na guest lecturer, Andre Wocial from France. grada za idejnoto re{enie za ordenot za zaslugi na Re Applying to a tender for the decorations when Petar publika Makedonija, Petar Gajdov, sekretar na MHZ. Izrabotka na kopii na pe~ati za memorijalniot Gaydov, the secretary won first prize for the Order of Merit centar vo Pelince i vo Sobranieto na RM, vo for the Republic of Macedonia. Production of sigilum replica for the memorial center in sorabotka so Muzejot na Makedonija i firmata Pelince and in the Parliament of Macedonia in cooperation AGENS. with the Museum of Macedonia and company AGENS REGISTER REGISTER MHZ ima formirano i register na heraldi~ki MHS has established a register of armoral bearings in dostignuvawa vo koj se registriraat stari i novi grbovi. Za registriranite grbovi, MHZ izdava i which old and new armoral bearings are being recorded. soodvetna matrikula. Na stranicite na Makedon For the registered armoral bearings MHS issues appropriate ski Herald kako glasnik na MHZ }e se objavuvat matricula. Armoral bearings registered will be published registriranite heraldi~ki dostignuvawa vo peri in the next issue of Macedonian Herald, as the gazette of MHS. odot me|u dva broja.
[to e grb Spored Op{ta Enciklopedija, Jugoslovenski Lek sikorafski Zavod, Zagreb 1977g. grbot e: “Potrajna oznaka na oddelni li~nosti, familii, korporacii, politi~ki i crkovni ustanovi, orga nizacii i dr`avi, izrazeni so likovni sredstva po odredeni pravila”. Vo sledniot broj }e se navra
Delovi na grbot
[titot e osnovniot i najva`niot del na grbot. Toj go prestavuva maliot grb i mo`e da opstojuva samostojno. ^elenkata e vtoriot najva`en del na grbot, koj istotaka mo`e da opstojuva posebno, a zaedno so {titot go davaat sredniot grb, no naj~esto e pricvrsten na {lemot na koj e pricvrstena mantijata. Devizata naj~esto se nao|a pod {titot i ne go sodr`i prezimeto na nositelot! Zaedno so site gorespomenati elementi go dava golemiot grb. Drugite parafernalii se opcionalni, {titodr`a~ite i podno`jeto, a ordenot pak e samo za onie koi imaat takov od nekoj vite{ki red.Pozadi {titot mo`at da se nao|aat i simboli na pozicija, kako palki kaj mar{alite i heral dite ili kotvi kaj admiralite.
Petar Manxukov 113/6 1010 Skopje, Makedonija 389 2 (0)2636 866
389 2 (0)70 971121
time na definicijata na grbot, kako osnoven termin vo heraldikata, koj e i najte`ok da se definira. Na primer, poso~enata definicija izostava deka grbot e, nesomneno i oznaka na teritorija, naseleno mesto i na funkcija. Tokmu “odredenite pravila” (heral dikata) se ona {to opredeluva dali edna “potrajna oznaka” e grb ili ne{to sosema drugo (totem, tamga, logo itn.)
str. 1
Srebreniot volk na Makedon Jovan Jonovski VEKSILOLOGIJA str. 2
Bele{ki za Mija~koto zname Dr. Sne`ana Filipova FALERISTIKA str .7
Odlikuvawa: ordeni i medali HERALDIKA
Petar Gajdov str. 9
Hristofer @efarovi~ Lena An|elkoska AMBLEMATIKA str. 13
Amblemite na politi~kite partii vo Makedonija Valentin Popovski HERALDIKA str. 15
Makedonsko Heraldi~ko Zdru`enie Jovan Jonovski
In this issue:
Macedonus’ wolf Argent
Jovan Jonovski VEXILLOLOGY p. 2
Notes on Mijacs’ flag
Dr. Snezana Filipova PHALERISTICS p.7
Decorations: orders and medals HERALDRY
Hristofer Zefarovic
Petar Gajdov p. 9
Lena Angelkoska EMBLEMATICS p.13
Valentin Popovski p. 15
Macedonian Heraldry Socety Petar Mandzukov 113/6 1010 Skopje, Makedonija +389 2 (0)2636 866 +389 2 (0)70 971121
YEAR 1, Issue 1
Jovan Jonovski
Vo ovoj broj:
Emblems of the political parties in Macedonia
http://rootsweb.com/~mkdmhs http://heraldry.mol.com.mk http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mkherald heraldry@mol.com.mk jjonovski@mol.com.mk Digitalna verzija -Digital version http://www.rootsweb.com/~mkdmhs/ MKHerald-1.pdf
GODINA 1, Broj 1, maj - 2005 - May
Jovan Jonovski
Jovan Jonovski
Srebreniot volk na Makedon Macedonus’ Wolf Argent
Makedonskoto he rald i~ ko nasledstvo e mnogu malku istra `eno. Otsustvoto na poedinci i organizacii koi se zanimavaat so ovaa problematik a e glavnata pri~ in a za vakvata situacija. So formiraweto na Makedonskoto Heral di~ko Zdru`enie ovoj vakuum po~na da se popolnuva. So zapo~nuvawe na rabotata za ostvaruva weto na edna od celite na zdru`enieto, istra `uvawe na heraldi~ kiot materijal vo i povrzan so Makedoni ja, se pojavija i prvite rezultati. Imeno, vo privatnata kolekcija na heraldi~arot Derek Hauard vo Brisel, pretsedatelot na Make donskoto Heraldi~ko Zdru`enie, Jovan Jonovski, ja pronao|a kniga ta “The Glory of Generositie”(Slava na velikodu{nite), vo koja go otkriva prikazot na grbot na kralot Makedon od Ematija. Stanuva zbor za kniga izdadena vo London vo 1586 g. vo izdanie na Xon Vindest. Ovaa kniga vsu{ nost e vtoriot del od knigata “The Blazon of Gentry”(Blazonot na Gospodata) od avtorot Xon Fern.
prodol`uva na strana 14 Macedonian heraldry heritage is very poorly researched. The lack of individuals or organizations involved in this issue is the main reason for the above situation.
John Fearn’s “The Glory of Generositie” 1586, London. p.155
With the establishing of the Mace donian Heraldry Society, this vacuum started to be filled in. The start of the activities toward the fulfilling of one of the Society’s aims, research of the heraldic materials in and related to Macedonia, brought the first results. In the private collection of the her aldrist Derek Howard in Brussels, Jo van Jonovski, President of the Macedo nian Heraldry Society, found the book “The Glory of Generositie” in which he discovered the image of the arms of the king Macedonus of Emathia. It is a book published in London in 1586 by John Windest. This is actialy the second part of the John Ferne’s “The Blazon of Gentry”.
Continued on page 14