internationally. MHS gave its support to the colegues from Bulgaria, resulting in logistical support for forming of Bulgarian Heraldry and Vexillology Society. The President of MHS was present on the founding meeting, and on the yearly assembly was present with a three person delegation. MHS represented by its President was present at the founding of the Croatian Heraldry and Vexillology Society, with which develops a expert and friendly cooperation. This relation was deepened by visit of MHS’ vice president. MHS vice president also visited College of Arms and The Heraldry Society in London, where new contacts were establish and old one strengthen. MHS is preparing for the mutual project with the Educational Department of the Museum of Macedonia for lectures Osnova~ko Sobranie na Hrvatskoto heraldi~ko i and workshops on heraldry, with experts from the region veksilolo{ko dru{tvo: Pretsedatelot i Herald na MHZ taking part. Jovan Jonovski na Pretsedatelot na HHVD @eqko Hejmer mu go poklonuva Grbot na MHZ Founding Assembly of Croatian Heraldry and Vexillology Society: President and the Herald of MHS Jovan Jonovski is presenting the President of CHVS Zeljko Heimer with the Coat of Arms of MHS
maj - 2007 GODINA 3, Broj 2,
str. 1
Novi gradski grbovi Jovan Jonovski VEKSILOLOGIJA str. 5
Bele{ki za Mija~koto zname -Tolkuvawe na apliciranite motivi Dr. Sne`ana Filipova FALERISTIKA str. 9
Makedonski odlikuvawa Petar Gajdov str. 11
be{e potpolna heraldizacija a drugiot intervencija od oblasta na heraldi~kata umetnost. Eden va`en aspekt na aktivnostite na MHZ na me|unaroden plan. MHZ ja dade celokupnata podr{ka na svoite kolegi od Bugarija, koja rezultira{e so logisti~ka podr{ka za osnovawe na Bugarskoto Heraldi~ko i Veksilolo{ko Dru{tvo. Na osno vaweto na BHVD be{e prisuten i pretsedatelot na MHZ. Na sobranieto na godi{ninata na BHVD, MHZ u~estvuva{e so tro~lena delegacija. MHZ prestavuvano od pretsedatelot prisustvuva{e Godi{no sobranie na Bugarskoto heraldi~ko i i na osnivaweto na Hrvatskoto Heraldi~ko i veksilolo{ko dru{tvo: Sekretarot Petar Gajdov mu Veksilolo{ko Dru{tvo, so koe razviva stru~na sor podaruva prigodni podaroci na Pretsedatelot na BHVD Dr. abotka i prijatelski odnosi, koi bea prodlabo~ini Stojan Antonov Anual assembly of Bulgarian Heraldry and Vexillology Sociso posetata na potpretsedatelkata na MHZ. ety: Secretary Petar Gajdov presents the President of BHVS, Potpretsedatelkata na MHZ gi poseti i Kole Dr. Stojan Antonov, with gifts. giumot na grbovi (College of Arms) i Heraldi~koto dru{tvo (The Heraldry Society) vo London, kade ostvari predavawa i rabotilnici za heraldikata. Na ovie novi i gi utvrdi starite kontakti. MHZ se podgotvuva za zaedni~kiot proekt so predavawa se o~ekuva da zemat u~estvo i ekspert od oddelot za edukacija na Muzejot na Makedonija za regionot i po{iroko.
Heraldi~ki boi
Petar Gajdov p.12
Dr. Elica Maneva p. 15
Dr. Elica Maneva HERALDIKA str. 14
Terminolo{ki re~nik Jovan Jonovski str. 15
Aktivnosti na MHZ Jovan Jonovski
In this issue:
p.1 Jovan Jonovski p. 6
Notes on Mijacs’ flag-Reading of Applied Motiffs
Dr. Snezana Filipova PHALERISTICS p. 10
Macedonian decorations
Novi gradski grbovi New Civic Arms
Op{tinite vo Republika Make donija mo`at da imaat grb. Ova privilegija ja iskoristija mnogu mal broj op{tini. Zakonot za lokalna samouprav a samo go naveduva faktot deka op{tinite mo`at da imaat grb, ostavaj}i im tie samite da go tolkuvaat poimot grb. Dosega{nata praksa poka`a deka vo najgolem broj slu~ai, pod grb podrazbiraat sekakov amblem {to ima forma na {tit. Nekoi op{tini oti{le u{te podaleku, i koristat amblemi koi nemaat ni{to zaedni~ko so grbot, duri i spored naj{irokata definicija na grbot. Ohrabruva~ki se novite re{enija za vistinski heraldi~ki grbovi, na op{tinite Karpo{ i Bitola, koi za prv pat dobivaat svoi grbovi. Raduva i faktot {to op{tina Ara~inovo go zameni staroto {titovidno logo, na koe ima naslikano fudbalska topka, so heraldi~ki grb. Do sega op{tina Karpo{ go
The municipalities in the Republic of Macedonia are eligible to have Coat of Arms. This privilege has been used by small number of municipalities. The Law for local self-governance only mentions the fact that the municipalities may have coat of arms, leaving to the municipalities to interpret the meaning of the term “Coat of arms”. The practice so far has shown that in most of the cases, under term “Arms” is consider whatever emblem that has a form of a shield. Some municipalities went even further, and are using emblems that have nothing to do with arms, even according the loosest definition of “Arms”. Encouraging fact is that municipalities of Karpos and Bitola finally got new arms which are real heraldic arms. It is a pleasure to see municipality of Aracinovo changing the old shield-like emblem, depicting a football ball, with heraldic Coat of Arms. Up till present, municipality of Karpos used the landscape arm of City of Skopje. Now, it has arms which
Grb na op{tina Karpo{ Arms of Municipality of Karpos
Grb na op{tina Bitola Arms of Municipality of Bitola
(Prodol`uva na str 3.)
(Continued on p.3)
The Wolf on Vodoca Earrings
Volkot od obetkite od Vodo~a
YEAR 3, Issue 2
Jovan Jonovski
Jovan Jonovski
Vo ovoj broj:
May 2007
Activities of MHS
Jovan Jonovski
16 1
is the Gazette of the Macedonian Heraldry Society
Ostanati krzna
od podelba
e glasnik na Makedonskoto Heraldi~ko zdru`enie
od posejuvawe
[to e grb
Od urednikot Po dolga dvogodi{na pauza povtorno pred vas e noviot broj na Makedonski Herald. Vo nego }e gi ispolnime vetu vawata od prethodniot broj: prodol`etokot na napisot za Mija~koto zname i za eden od na~inite na tolkuvawe na isto to. Vtoroto vetuvawe se odnesuva na komentarot na definicijata za grb predadena vo prethodniot broj, spored Op{tata encik lopedija na Jugoslovenskiot leksikografski zavod. Vo ovoj broj }e gi najdete i novite op{tinski grbovi koi se dobli`uvaat do heraldi~kata praktika. Vnimanie mu e posveteno i na aktivnostite na MHZ pome|u dva broja, osobeno na negovata me|unarodna aktivnost. Od ovoj broj }e po~neme i so razgleduvawe na Makedonskite odlikuvawa.
From the Editor After a long two-year break, the new issue of Macedonian Herald is in front of you. In it we will fulfil promises given in the previous issue: Second part of the text on Miac’s flag and one way of the reading of the applied motifs. Second promise, we will comment on the definition of the Coat of Arms offered by the Encyclopaedia of the Yugoslav Lexicography Department. In this issue you will find new municipal coat of arms which are coming closer to the heraldic practice. A special light is given to the MHS activities between two issues, with emphasis on the international cooperatioon. From this issue we will be taking a closer look on the Macedonian Decorations.
Petar Manxukov 113/6 1010 Skopje, Makedonija +389 2 (0)70 252 989
Vo prethodniot broj ja prenes ovme definicijata spred Op{ta Enciklopedija, Jugoslovenski Le ksikorafski Zavod, Zagreb 1977g koja veli deka grbot e: “Potrajna oznaka na oddelni li~nosti, familii, korporacii, politi~ki i crkovni ustanovi, organizacii i dr`avi, izrazeni so likovni sredstva po odredeni pravila” Ovaa definicija ni dava pet momenti vo definiraweto na grb: 1. Traen karakter; 2 oznaka na oddelni li~nosti; 3, ima titular odnosno nositel na grbot; 4, izra zeni so likovni sredstva; 5. po odredeni pravila. Dva od ovie momenti, iako se dobli`uvaat do opredeluvaweto na grbot, se necelosni. Prvo, tretiot moment, ovde taksativno naveduvawe na mo`nite titulari, fizi~ki i pravni lica, izostava nekolku glavni titulari, odnosno nositeli na grb. Toa se teritori jalni edinici i naseleni mesta, kade pripa|aat i zemskite kako i op{tinskite grbovi, na koi }e im obrneme vnimanie vo ovoj broj na Makedonski Herald. Drug va`en tituar, ovde izostaven e funkci jata. Odredeni funkcii/pozicii mo`at da imaat grb. Tie ne go prestavuvaat onoj koj ja dr`i taa funkcija, tuku samata funkcija. Vtoro, petiot moment: “po odredeni pravila” naveduva deka ima pravila koi rakovodat so kreiraweto, upotrebata i izmenu vaweto na grbot, no so izostavu vaweto da se spomene deka tokmu heraldi~kite pravila se onie edinstveni koi mo`at i smeat da go definiraat grbot, se os tava ogromen prostor za svoevol no tolkuvawe. Dokaz za toa e i na~inot na koj se kreirani golem del od na{ite op{tinski “grbovi” t.e. {titovidni amblemi.
Publisher Urednik Editor Jovan Jonovski Jovan Jonovski Digitalna verzija - Digital version
Jovan Jonovski
^etvrtiot moment, “izrazeni so likovni sredstva” e isto taka {iroka kategorija koja mo`ebi i doveduva do zabuna kade grbot se poistovetuva so likovna kom pozicija (kako {to e primer ak varelniot prikaz na ~ar{ijata kako predlogot za grb na op{tina ^air). Heraldikata gi pravi grbo vite so elementi i boi, koi mo`at strogo da se opi{at so blazon, i spored nego nekoj mo`e da go reproducira istiot grb iako pre thodno go nema videno. Ona {to ova definicija propu{ta da go spomene a e od kru cijalno zna~ewe e deka grbot se koga{ e “likovno izrazen”na {tit so kogo e neraskinlivo povrzan. I konceptualno no i fizi~ki. Povtorno, ona {to ne e spomen ato e deka grbot e nasleden. Tokmu od ova negova karakteristika, nie vo makedonskiot, kako i drugite slovenski jazici go dobivame i samiot zbor “grb”, od germanskiot zbor “ERBE” koj zna~i nasledno. Ako sega gi vmetneme doobjas nuvawata i izostavenite rab oti spomnati pogore, toga{ za definicija na grb imame: “Potraj na nasledna oznaka za identi fikacija na oddelni li~nosti, familii, korporacii, politi~ki i crkovni ustanovi, organizacii i dr`avi, funkcii, teritorii i naseleni mesta, izrazeni so liko vni sredstva (znakovi i boi) spored heraldi~kite pravila” Grbot mo`e da se definira i kako “osnoven element na heraldikata”. Kako takov toj e nerazdeliv del od heraldikata i sekoe razgleduvawe na grbot nadvor od heraldikata e pogre{no. U{te postra{no e obidot da se kreira grb a pritoa da se smeta deka heraldikata e mrtva nauka koja treba da se zanimava samo so prou~uvawe na minatoto.
MACEDONIAN HERALDRY SOCIETY Petar Mandzukov 113/6 1010 Skopje, Makedonija +389 2 (0)70 252 989
Aktivnosti na MHZ
Jovan Jonovski
Activities of MHS
Posledniot broj na Makedonski Herald be{e pro moviran na predavaweto nasloveno “^udesniot svet na Heraldikata” odr`ano vo Muzej na Makedonija vo maj 2005. Vedna{ potoa, MHZ go krena glasot protiv kr{eweto na osnovniot koncept na heraldikata, po toa prezemen do veksilologijata, deka edno zname ne mo`e da prestavuva dva titulara vo isto vreme, {to be{e predlo`eno od toga{nata vlada kako re{enie na problemot so znamiwata na malcinstvata. MHZ izleze so predlog za minimalni izmeni (diferencijacija) na znamiwata na mati~nite dr`avi koi }e ja poka`at pripadnosta na malcinstvoto no i na identitetot na konositel na suverenosta na Republika Makedonija. Po preskonferencijata sledea mnogu napisi vo ves nicite i nastapi na televizija vo razni informa tivni debatni emisii, so {to popularnostana MHZ go dosegna svojot vrv. Drug va`en moment e vklu~enosta na MHZ vo obidot za heraldizacija na vekeusvoeniot predlog za grb na op{tina Butel. MHZ zaedno so avtorot i op{tinskata administracija koja poka`a zrelost i spremnost da se re{i ovoj problem dojde do prifatlivo re{enie, no za `al Sovetot na op{tinata smeta{e deka e dovolno kompetentno da re{ava po ovaa tema i site napori padnaa vo voda. Se nadevavme deka barem Biroto za za{tita na industriska sopstvenost }e go prepoznae makedonskot zname vo dadeniot predlog i }e se povika na zakonot, no za `al i toa ne se slu~i. Taka site na{i napori propadnaa vo voda. Na{ata aktivnost prodol`i vo istata nasoka so toa {to be{e pobarano od Grad Skopje da se dostavi predlog za heraldizacija na sega{niot grb na gradot Skopje, no bez da se menuva voop{to konceptot na postojniot grb. MHZ dade dva predloga, od koj edniot
Predavaweto vo Muzej: Sekretarot Petar Gajdov i potpretsedatelkata Dr. Sne`ana Filipova gi razgleduvaat verziite na mija~koto zname. Pretsedatelot i Herald na MHZ Jovan Jonovski vo tabardot na MHZ (levo) Lectures at the Museum: Secretary Petar Gajdov and VicePresident Dr. Snezana Filipova, are looking at other versions of the Miac’s flag. The President and the Herald of MHS, Jovan Jonovski in the Tabard of MHS (left)
Last issue of Macedonian Herald was promoted on the lecture titled: “The Wonderful World of Heraldry” held at the Museum of Macedonia in May 2005. Soon after, MHS has raised its voice against braking of the basic heraldry rule, later taken as well in vexilology, that a single flag could not be used by two parties at same time. This is regarding the Government decision to allow minorities to use the undifferentiated flags of their mother countries. MHS brought up a proposal of minimal differentiation of the flags the mother countries, which will show the belongings of a minority, but at the same time will show the identity as a co-bearer of the suzerainty of the Republic of Macedonia. After this press conference a number of newspaper articles followed as well as participation in many TV debates etc. This brought popularity of the MHS at its highest. Other important moment is the involvement of MHS in the attempt of heraldisation of an already voted proposal for Coat of Arms of municipality of Butel. MHS together with the author and municipal administration came to a acceptable solution, but unfortunately, the Municipal Council consider themselves experts enough to act on this matter, so all our efforts were in vain. We hoped that the Biro for protection of industrial property will recognize the Macedonian flag in the given proposal and will act according the law, but unfortunately it did not happen. Our activities continued in the same direction and MHS was asked to do heraldisation of the present coat of arms Poseta na Kolegiumot na grbovi: Potpretsedatelkata Dr. of City of Skopje, but with no changes to its concept. MHS Sne`ana Filipova gi napravi ovie fotografii na rabotna- gave two suggestions, one was total heraldisation and other ta soba na eden herald, mesto kade {to navistina se ra|aat was correction in the area of heraldic art. We still have no grbovite. Visit of College of Arms: Vice-President Dr.Snezana Filipova, answer from the city authorities on the status of our protook these photos in the working room of one of the herald, the posals. place where the Coat of Arms are realy born. One important aspect of MHS activities are ones done
Makedonski heraldi~ki terminolo{ki re~nik PO
Edna od glavnite predmeti na heraldikata e opi{uvawe na grbovite. Toj opis – “Blazon” ja prestavuva su{tinata na grbot, koj za heraldikata e pova`en od likovniot prikaz – “Emblazon”. Procesot na opi{uvawe na grbot (pi{uvawe na blazonot) se vika blazonirawe. Pritoa blazonot mora da bide jasen i nedvosmislen, taka sekoj heraldi~ki umetnik da mo`e da go emblazonira – likovno da go prestavi tokmu toj grb. Tokmu poradi ova, od najgo lema va`nost e da se napravi re~nik na standardnite make donski heraldi~ki termini, bez koi e nevozmo`no seriozno da se zanimavame so prou~uvawe i prak tikuvawe na heraldikata. Heraldikata pokraj so grbot se zanimava i so heraldi~kite znamiwa i bexevite. Site heraldi~ki elemen ti {to gi poseduva armigerot-onoj {to poseduva grb: grb, heraldi~ki znamiwa i bexevi prestavuva Heraldi~ko dostignuvawe.
Prv i osnoven termin e {titot. Toj go prestavu va i osnovniot oblik na grbot [TANDART – odnosno maliot grb ili ~esto samo - grb. Grbot se sostoi od pole (povr{inata na {titot) ili poliwa dokolku {ti tot e podelen, i heraldi~ka figBEX ura, ili prosto – figura. Poleto pak, se karakterizira so boja. (Ilustraci ja na str.16). Boite mo`at da se prestavat na tri na~ini: So aplicirawe na boja, so heral di~ka {rafura (Petra Sankta) MAL GRB i so ozna~uvawe, koga se koristat samo bukvi (dadeni vo zagradite). Boite na poleto se delat na tri grupi: 1. Metali: Zlato (Z) (`olta) i Srebro (S) (bela); 2. Boi (tinkturi, emajli): Crve na (C), Sina (Sn), Zelena (Zl), Crna (Cr) i Purpurna (P) 3. Krzna: Hermelin i Ververica, kako i Perduvi i Skrgunki Iako ne mo`e da se zboruva za zna~eweto na boite kako nivna ka rakteristika, sepak niz istorijata se provlekuvaat zna~ewa povrzani so boite: Zlato: Svetost, trajnost, Bogat stvo, pravda, milosrdie, razbi rawe, ugled, hrabrost. Srebro: Nevinost, ~istota, mudrost, radost. Crvena: Krv, kralstvo, hrabrost, sloboda, qubov. Sina: Vernost, postojanost, ot menost. Zelena: mladost, raste`, plod nost, zdravje, ubavina, nade`. Purpurna: Blago~estivost, suve-
renost, umerenost. Crna: Taga, mudrost, cvrstina, crkva. Krznata kako karakteristika na poleto poteknuva od praksata dr veniot {tit da se prekriva so razni vidovi ko`i i krzna. Najzastapuvani krzna se Hermelinot i Ververicata. Crnite dezeni na hermelinot gi prestavuvaat opav~iwata na `ivot nite od koi se dobiva ova krzno. Ima 4 vidovi na Hermelin, prestaveni na crte`ot na str. 16. Hermelinot e na srebreno crni opav~iwa (1). Kontra Hermeli not e na crno beli opav~iwa (2). Zlatniot Hermelin prestavuva crni opav~iwa na zlatno (3), i Peon, zlatni opav~iwa na crno (4). Ververi~kata pak prestavu va krzno so{ieno od ko`i na ververi~ki, kade beliot del go prestavuva me{eto na ververi~kata. Drugiot del tradicionalno e sin. Spored na~inot na sostavuvawe na poedine~nite krzna razlikuvame nekolku vidovi na Ververica, prestaveni na crte`ot na str 16. Ververica (5), Ververica vo stolb (6), Kontra-ververica (7), i Ververica vo kraj (8). Postoi i drug vid na ververica koga krznata na ververi~kata se vo oblik na bukvata “t”(9). I tamu se koristi istata logika vo nazivite. Osven ovie dva vida krzno, pone koga se upotrebuvaat Skrgunki (10) i Perduvi (11). Pokraj osnovnite boi na poleto postojat i dva vida na heraldi~ki {ari. Edniot e koga poleto e pode leno pove}epati (12, 13), za {to }e stane zbor koga }e zboruvame za podelbite na {titot. Vtoriot, pak prestavuva poseano pole (14, 15). Poseano pole e koga na poleto se povtoruvaat golem broj mali fig uri koi toga{ ne se smetaat kako figuri tuku kako {ara, odnosno kako samoto pole. Zakonot na boi veli deka metal ne se stava vrz metal, nitu boja vrz boja. Ova e od pri~ina {to takvite kombinacii te{ko se identifiku vaat od dale~ina, koe e edna od celite i ulogite na grbot.
Jovan Jonovski
Novi gradski grbovi (Prodol`uva od str 1.)
Jovan Jonovski
New Civic Arms
(Continued from p.1)
koriste{e pejsa`niot grb na grad simply and symbolically identifies Skopje. Sega se opredeli za grb this municipality. The composition is koj simboli~no na ednostaven simple, which is one of the basic rules na~in pretpoznatlivo ja presta considered when an arms is being crevuva op{tinata. Kompozicijata e ated. The blazon is simple: Azure, on ednostavna {to e edno od osnovnite fess Or between a twelve-pointed star pravila pri kreirawe na grb. Bla and two waves of the same, 9 bullits zonot e ednostaven: sino, na zlaten Argent, 2,3 4. pojas pome|u dvanaesetokraka yvezda The star is taken from the monostery i dve branovidni lenti od isto, 9 in Nerezi, while the other charges are srebreni kvdrati 2,3,4. traditional, the waves are representing Edno od pravilata na heraldikata the Vardar river, and the bullits form i e, ako grbot mo`e da se blazonira mural construction representing castle, (da se opi{e so vokabularot i grama Stariot “grb” na op{tina Ara~inovo city, urban area. This coat of arms is Old “Arms” of Municipality of Aracinovo tikata na heraldikata), toga{ toj e best in the Republic of Macedonia, heraldi~ki. next to the one of municipality of Centar. This arms is folYvezdata e zemena od manastirot vo Nerezi, dodeka lowing the heraldic concept and spirit: simplicity and clasic drugite simboli se tradicionalni, branovite lini heraldic elements. go prestavuvaat Vardar, a strukturata na kvadratite The only objection is the usage of Argent bullits on Or, e muralna konstrukcija koja prestavuva zamok, grad, which directly contradicts the rule of colors. This makes disurbana sredina. Po grbot na op{tina Centar, ova e cerning of the charges difficult. The author offers solution of najdobar grb koja gi sledi heraldi~kiot koncept i duh: a play of shadows, something unknown the heraldry, as it uses ednostavnosta i klasi~nite heraldi~ki elementi. basic colors in their clearest form. This problem could be easEdinstvenata zamerka e postavuvaweto na srebreni ily solved by fimbriation of the bullets Argent with Azure. te kvadrati direktno na zlatniot pojas, so {to se From the same workshop we have the new Arms of municinaru{uva praviloto na boi i so toa razgrani~uvaweto pality of Bitola, which for first time acquires a Coat of Arms. na elementite. Za vizuelno razgrani~uvawe avtorite Until recently, Bitola used a graphical emblem, which totally ponudija re{enie koe prestavuva igra na senki, represent the spirit of socialist emblematics. It is interesting ne{to nepoznato vo heraldikata, bidej}i heraldikata that this emblem never had a color representation. gi koristi osnovnite boi vo svojata naj~ista forma. New Arms of Bitola has a composition far more complicatOvoj problem ednostavno se re{ava so oramuvawe ed. The Blazon is: Argent, on a chief Azure old Macedonian (fimbrijacija) na srebrenite elementi so sino. braid Or. An escheuton barry [of three] indented Gules and Od istata rabotilnica ni doa|a grbot na op{tina Or in pile. The symbolic is rather hidden. The Gules and Bitola, koja prvpat dobiva grb. Do sega Bitola Or triangles are representing the Mt. Pelister’s Molika, and koriste{e edno grafi~ko re{enie, koe celosno e vo antic braid the antiquity of City of Bitola. duhot na socijalisti~kata amblematika. Interesen Arachinovo in the 90’s of the last centurly has acquired a e i faktot deka ova logo nikoga{ nemalo varijanta shiled-like emblem, a clear socialistic reaction of heraldry. vo boja. Fortunately the Municipality Council has shown courage to
“Grbot” na op{tina ^air - s# u{te neregistriran The “Arms” of Municipality of Cair- still unregistered
“Grbot” na op{tina Butel The “Arms” of Municipality of Btuel
Originalot i mo`na ntervencija na grbot na op{tina Aerodrom Original and possible intervention on the Arms of Municipality of Aerodrom
Noviot grb na Bitola ima kompozicija koja e mnogu change it to a pokompoleksna. Blazonot e: srebo, na tesno sino ~elo more fortunate zlatna staromakedonska pletenka, na crven {tit koj solution: per se dopira do ~eloto, devet zlatni dopira~ki triagol fess rayonee of nici po tri vo red. Simbolikata e malku podzaskriena, four decreasZlatnite triagolnici gi simbolizira molikite na ing Gules and Pelister, a anti~kata pletenka anti~nosta na grad Sable. An issuing tower Or. Bitola. Ara~inovo, pak vo devedesetite na minatiot vek The colors and donese {titoviden amblem so ~isto socijalisti~ka the partition reakcija na heraldikata. Za sre}a, op{tinata sobra lines is rephrabrost da go izmeni so mnogu posre}no re{enie: resenting the prese~en so zaobleno-zap~esto namaluva~ko crveno i Albanian flag, crno, gore izrastuva~ka zlatna kula. Boite i presekot and the tower, go prestavuvaat albanskoto zname a kulata e tradi again, traditional symbol cionalen simbol, povtorno, na urbana sredina. Iako goreka`anato deluva mnogu ohrabruva~ki, of urban area. Even though katastrofalnite re{enija na Butel i ^air n# the aforemen- Stariot amblem na op{tina Bitola vra}aat vo realnosta, nepoznavaweto i otstranu tioned brings a Old Amblem of Municipality of Bitola vawe na heraldikata od nejzinoto mesto, kreirawe lot of encourna grbovi. Re{enieto na Butel e kombinacija na ra~no nacrta agement, the catastrophic solutions for arms of municipalini grafi~ki elementi izme{ani so fotografii ties of Cair and Butel are taking us back to the reality, total bez nikakov red ili gri`a barem za stilot. Tuka ignorance and removal of the heraldry of its most natural e prestaveno i znameto na RM vo sino zlatna kom place, in the process of creating arms. The design for the Arms of Butel is a combination of a binacija, {to e direktno sprotivno so zakonot koj hand drown elements with photographs without any order zabranuva upotreba na dr`avnoto zname. MHZ be{e or concern for the style. It has a representation of the flag zamoleno od strana na op{tinskata administracija da izvr{i standardizirawe na ovoj koncept, no za `al, of the Republic of Macedonian in Azure and Or, practice i pokraj odli~nata sorabotka so administracijata directly prohibited by law. MHS was asked by municipality na op{tinata, Sovetot pak smeta{e deka e dovolno administration to do a heraldic intervention on this concept, but unfortunately, inspite the great cooperation with the stru~en i go zamoli MHZ da zamine. Op{tina ^air donese brzopleto re{enie: razgled administration, the Council consider that has sufficient exnica od starata ~ar{ija prika`ana vo akvarel i ed pertise on this subject and MHS was asked to depart. Municipality of Cair has made a premature choice: a nostavno ise~ena vo forma na {tit. Ova prestavuva najlo{o re{enie vo Republika Makedonija, vedna{ po postcard depicting the old bazaar painted in aquarelle, cut ona na Butel. I dvata e nevozmo`no da se blazoniraat to shape of a shield. This represents the worst design in the bidej}i blazonot e jazik na heraldikata za opi{uvawe Republic of Macedonia, just after Butel. Both cases are imposible to blazon, since blazoning is heraldic language na grbovi a ne na fotografii. Poseben slu~aj prestavuva amblemot na Aerodrom, for description of Coat of Arms, not photographs. Special case is the arms of Municipality of Aerodrom, the koj prestavuva najlo{ primer na ru{ewe na heraldika. worst case of infringement of heraldry. Letter “A” which Bukvata „A“ koja spored prviot according the first description opis be{e stilizirana po~etna C was a representation of the bukva na imeto na op{tinata, initial letter of the name of the pri povtornoto utvrduvawe na municipality, after the second istiot grb stana raskrsnica, Z public bid became a busy crossizleguva od ramkite na {titot. road. What ever, it is departing Toa go pravi i vtoriot element, from the shields borders, same sonceto, ne{to {to ne e zamis as the second charge, the sun, a livo vo heraldikata (koga ne practice unknown to heraldry stanuva zbor za parafernalii). Cr (apart from the paraphernalia). Sepak, poradi ednostavnosta Due to the simpleness of na kompozicijata, taa mo`e les the design, it could be easily no i udobno da se heraldizira so heraldised by putting the main vra}awe na osnovniot element, charge, the monogram back on New Arms of Municipality of Aracinovo monogramot vo {tiot i celosno the shield, and removing the Noviot grb na op{tina Ara~inovo izleguvawe na sonceto od {titot, sun off the shield so it could be Prika`an so heraldi~ka {rafura koe sega, stanuva ~elenka. (Petra Sankta) i so ozna~uvawe a crest.
(str. 14, 16)
The earrings bear the field inventory numbers 2264a and 2264b. They were discovered on 6 October 2000 in grave 909 as the only archaeological find. They were located at the head (lower jaw) of the poorly preserved skeleton of a child. It should be noted that on several segments of the earrings remnants of fine fabric, probably a head cover, are preserved on the surface, soldered and oxidised on the metal base. The earrings are made of thin copper sheet metal. In terms of appearance and type of use, the earrings from Vodoca are analogous to those painted in Milica’s portrait. Therefore, they are dated to the late 15th century, although they may have been used or came under ground during the 16th century. In contrast to the specimens from the donors’ composition in the monastery in Matka where the decoration is not clearly visible and can only be conjectural, the ornaments on the earrings from Vodoca are well defined. In fact, the most evident signals conveyed by these earrings are the visual ones, i.e., they are depicted on the circular outer surfaces that would have been immediately visible. A wolf in a specific surrounding is depicted on these earring with the embossing technique applied on the single mould/ pattern used four times (2 x 2 on the two circular sides of the earrings). The depiction shows its full figure in profile as it moves with one front leg stepping forward. The wolf’s claws are emphasized, indicating its potential aggressiveness; its ears are pricked upwards, the head is horizontally protruded and the snout with strong jaws is wide open. The tail is flatly outreached and then curved in the opposite direction above its body; it is transformed into a branch with two almost circular twigs whose tip terminates at the wolf’s head. The entire composition IS framed with a circle that marks the edge of the mould. The empty surfaces under the neck, around the legs and above the back are filled with hemi-spherical protrusions which may have been intended for decorative purposes, to fill the “empty space” or to illustrate a particular environment. Before we begin our in-depth analysis of this depiction, we would like
to stress that certain motifs from the customary repertory of the late mediaeval emblems or heraldic depictions are encountered in some specimens of the jewelry discovered in the necropolis in Vodoca. In this regard, of special importance are the rings, which include certain impressive heraldic specimens. In one such specimen the composition shown on the upper surface of the head of a massive silver ring shows a complete coat of arms with the following elements: wolf, shield and dagger, surrounding inscription. The manufacture and morphological characteristics of this ring indicate that it belongs among the specimens worn by the nobility in the last decades of the 14th century. It is a high-quality specimen of a signet ring whose 1 head shows the family coat of arms of a prominent aristocratic family from these areas. Rather than proceeding with a detailed analysis of this exceptional find, on this occasion we focus on one detail from this heraldic depiction, the wolf as a motif. In this case, too, it is depicted in its full shape, in movement and in profile, with emphasized claws and an open jaw; its head, however, is placed vertically in relation to the body and has a short, vertical tail. The wolf as a motif (head, upper part or full figure in different positions) is one of the more customary motifs among the numerous depictions of family personal emblems of family coats of arms that have been recorded in Late Middle Ages (13th to 14th centuries) and the centuries that followed after the Ottoman conquest of this and the neighboring regions. This is best seen in the numismatic material that is relatively rich and well known in scholarly circles; it practically always shows the emblem or the coat of arms of the individual who commissioned the minting of the coin and it was also customary in the making of other items which belonged to the given person. With its attributes, the wolf represents an appropriate symbol for the identification with its characteristics. The fascination with this beast and its implementation in the myths, beliefs and customs are always present in some form in the cultures which existed in its habitat.
As an archetype, the wolf has a complex and ambivalent symbolism. Its ability to see in the dark makes it simultaneously a solar and a chthonic creature. Its power, bloodthirstiness and fierceness are an allegory of the fighting spirit and warlike ecstasy to which heroes strive. The righteousness of such actions in the mentality of mediaeval man is reflected in the interpretations recorded in Fisiologus. In the tempestuous times of the Late Middle Ages, the wolf as a concept imposed itself and its characteristics as an appropriate personal emblem, part of the family coat of arms or even a mythical ancestor. The depiction of the wolf as a symbol, like the other depictions characteristic of this period, also appeared on flags, legacies, facades, vessels, weapons (especially on the shield), garments, decorative and utilitarian items, etc. Can it be claimed, in the absence of other, more concrete arguments (no ostheological remains and more exact indicators for dating with methods from the natural sciences, etc.) that individuals from the same family were buried in graves 196 and 909 in Vodoca? This question remains open; however, several dilemmas have been clarified and there are at least certain indications which appear tenable. The inventive craftsman, acting on the wish of the person who ordered the earrings and the current fashion evident in the fresco painting from the end of the 15th century, made a pair of earrings for a lady from a prominent family from Vodoca. He used the depiction of the wolf as a decorative motif, which reflects both a heraldic connotation in its primary meaning and, in terms of its secondary meaning, the narrative folk elements from the chthonic/lunar beliefs. Thus, we can follow the manner in which the lavish late mediaeval earring patterns of the circular type made for the nobility diverged and infiltrated folklore forms, drawing the inspiration from the vigorous energy of folk beliefs, at the same time preserving the features and the symbolism of the heraldic tradition.
odnos na trupot i so mal vodoraven opa{. Motivot na volk (glava, goren del ili cela figura vo razli~ni pozicii) e eden od po~estite motivi na li~nte amblemi ili semejni grbovi zabele`ani vo doc noto sredovekovie i vekovite {to sledat posle osmanliskite osvo juvawa. Toa najdobro se sogleduva preku numizmati~kiot materijal koj e mnogu bogat i relativno poznat na nau~nata javnost, a skoro sekoga{ gi pretstavuva i oznakite: amblemot ili grbot na onoj koj go nara~al nivnoto kovawe, kako {to e voobi~aeno i za drugite pred meti od negoviot imot. Volkot so negovite atributi pretstavuva pogoden simbol za identifikacija so negovite oso bini. Fasciniranosta od ovaa su{testvo i implementacijata negova vo narodnite mitovi, veru vawata i obi~aite na eden ili drug na~in se prisutni vo site kulturi {to egzistirale vo zonata na ne govoto prostirawe. Kako arhetip,. Volkot ima dosta sloevita i ambivalentna simbo lika. Mo}ta da gleda vo mrakot go pravi istovremeno i solarno i htonsko bitie. Negovata snaga, krvo`ednost, i `estokost se ale gorija za borbenosta i voinstve nata ekstaza, kon koja{to te`neat junacite. Bo`jata opravdanost na ovie dejstvija vo mentalitetot na sred novekovniot ~ovek, se sogleduva i vo objasnuvawata zapi{ani vo Fiziologosot. Vo burnite vremiwa na docnoto srednovekovie, poimot na volkot i negovite karakteristiki se namet nuva kako adekvaten li~en amblem, kako del od semejniot grb, pa duri i kako mitski predok. Pretstavata na ovoj simbol, kako i drugite pretstavi voobi~aeni za ovaa vreme, mo`e da se javi na razni objekti kako {to se znamiwa zavetveni grade`ni darovi , fasa dite na domovite, na sadovite, na oru`jeto, posebno na {titot, na oblekite, ukrasite, pojasite, utilitarnite predmet itn. Mo`e li, vo nedostig na drugi pokonkretni elementi, (vo ne-
dostig na drugi pokonkretni ele menti, nemawe na osteolo{ki osta toci i na poegzaktni za datirawe so metodi od prirodnite nauki) da se ka`e deka vo Vodo~a vo grobovite 196 i 909 bile pogrebeni li~nosti od isto semejstvo? Poslednoto pra{awe ostanuva otvoreno iako, na pove}e dilemi se dadeni odgovori, ili barem navestuvawa {to se ~inat vero dostojni. Inventiven majstor, spored `elbata na nara~atelot i manirot, odnosno postoe~kata moda na izrabotka na nau{nicite, potvrdeni i na `ivopisot od 15 vek, izrabotil eden ~ift od niv za
dama od bogato semejstvo, kako vi den motiv e pretstavata na volk, so heraldi~ka konotacija, vo svoeto primarno zna~ewe i sekundarno nadgraduvawe so folklorno si`e od domenot na htonsko-lunarnite veruvawa. Taka se sogleduva i na~inot na koj {to rasko{nite, docnosred novekovni, velmo{ki predlo{ki na nau{nicite od kru`en tip divergirale i se infiltrirale, vo folklornite formi napojova jki se so `ivopisnata energija od narodnite veruvawa, no istovre meno, za~uvuvajki gi obele`jata i simbolikata na heraldi~kata tradicija.
Dr.Elica Maneva
The Wolf at the Vodoca Earrings Between 1979 and 2003 the archeologist Jovan Ananiev explored the large necropolis of the Vodoca Church Complex of St. Leonthius in the village of Vodoca near Strumica. With its 1081 discovered graves it belongs among the largest necropolises not only in Macedonia, but also in the wider region. The fact that it existed in the Middle Ages and was in the use until present makes it highly important for the study of numerous phenomena linked with the population which settled this area for almost a whole millennium. The village of Vodoca is situated at the foot of Mt. Elenica, 4km west of Strumica and at the entrance of the gorge of the river Vodocica. The necropolis lies around the church of
St. Lenothius which has several architectural and painting phases of the mediaeval period. Focusing on the jewelry from the period between the 15th and 18th centuries, which can be stratigraphically observed on one site for the first time, we isolated several very rare and highly important specimens. Among them, a unique find is a pair of circular earrings with a depiction of a wolf whose conception also has an heraldic connotation. Their appearance and decoration suggest that they are the only or, at least, the first find of this kind and can therefore appropriately be defined as the Vodoca variety of earrings of the circular type.
Dr. Filipova Sne`ana
Bele{ki za Mija~koto zname - Tolkuvawe na apliciranite motivi Fransis Kont naveduva deka Slo venite ~esto go koristele crveniot konec za obreden vez za simboli na platno - arhai~ni motivi povrzani so starata mitologija i stepskite narodi, osobeno od Iran.a Motivot na triagolnici koi imitiraat zraci postaveni vo prsten e mnogu ~est vo rimskite mozaici (glavata na Meduza ili Apolon vo hramovite vo Pergamon, Korint itn.) od kade {to e preze men vo hristijanskite manastiri, vo Herakleja, kako i na Plao{nik, i go ispolnuva vramuva~kiot me daljon ispolnet so zna~aen motiv, kosmi~ki znak, odnosno natpis na ktitor (na pr. kaj starata Episkop ska bazilika vo Stobi, vo no vootkrienata crkva vo Plao{nik). I vo srednovekovnite freski vakov krug od triagolnici-zraci gi dekorirale dolnite zoni koi imitiraat mermerna dekoracija (edna od poslednite srednovekovni crkvi kaj nas kade {to e upotreben cokleto od narteksot na Sv. An dreja na Matka, Skopje, od krajot na 14 vek). Mija~koto zname, spored Traj~ev, e staro kolku {to e star mija~kiot rod. Toj gi tolkuval polumese~inata so kracite izvie ni nagore vo kombinacija so yvezda kako znak na turskata vlast koj e staven na znameto zaedno so albanskiot simbol -zmejot i vi zantiskiot/srpskiot orel, za da upati deka rekanskiot kraj bil (ili e) pod vlasta na ovie zemji.b Sepak, ova tolkuvawe ne mo`e da se prifati bez rezerva. Najprvin zmejot ne e albanski simbol nitu pak, e poznat takov grb so zmej koj bil povrzan so teritorijata na Albanija. Naprotiv, zmejot e simbol na bogot na dobitokot Veles kaj Slovenite, a Mijacite se pred s# sto~arski narod. Volkot i zmijata vo narodnata mitologija se smetaaat za htonski su{testva, a zmejot kako stare{ina na zmiite bil vo tesna vrska so prirodata na podzemniot bog Volos/Veles.c Kultot za volkot bil tesno povrzan so kultot na podzemniot
svet i so mese~inata.d Toa e ~est vaweto vo rajot.i Yvezdata, polumese~inata i sa heraldi~ki simbol na grbovite, pe~atite i pojasite na nekoi srp mostrelot se nao|aat i na znameto ski srednovekovni feudalci kako na Hunzite, ~ie kralstvo postoelo Bal{a II, \ur|e Stracimirovi} do pred 3 decenii. Dominantnata itn.e Semejstvoto na Bal{i} pose neprirodno zelena boja na neboto duval imoti i vo Albanija i tamu vo kombinacija so crna i bela na e za~uvan nivniot grb koj Gjin planinite mo`e da bidat vlija Varfi go objavil vo kolekcijata nie na islamskite dr`avi koi gi opkru`uvale. Nivniot grb koj e na albanski grbovi.f Kombinacijata na polumese~ina kombinacija na znameto so lav isto i yvezda e razli~no postavena od taka e interesno za nas bidej}i taa kaj turskoto zname, kade {to bujnata lavovska griva nalikuva na polumesecot e svrten so kracite onaa od znameto na Razlove~koto severojug. Ova se mnogu postari vostanie. Ako dvoglaviot orel koj nema znaci koi mo`e da n# vratat do kamenite me|nici od Mesopo krila go tolkuvame kako ispre tamija, kade {to go ozna~uvale pleteni zmii, toga{ se raboti za bogot na sonceto, bogot na mese star arhetipski simbol na duali cot, bo`icata I{tar itn. Sosema zam, dobro i zlo, ili spored nekoi identi~no kombinirani kako kaj na ereti~nost. Go sre}avame i na na{eto zname - yvezda-sonce vleze crkovnite vrati vo Sv. “Nikola na vo vnatre{nosta Znameto od Treson~e - spored Traj~ev na lakot na pol Flag from Tresonce, according to Trajcev umesecot stojat nad bogot na son ceto, na strelata na kralot Urnamu od Ur, datirana od 2022 do 2004 g. pred n. e. g Ovie dva zna ka grafi~ki razli~no kom binirani mo`e da se povrzat i so bogomilite koi ~esto gi pretsta vuvale na nagrob nite spomenici, ili so ilirskiot Bolni~ki” vo Ohrid i vo crkvata grb kreiran vo 16 vek i objaven vo na manastirot “Treskavec”, Pri Minsterovata “Kosmografija” lep. Ako prifatime deka samo od 1544 g. pe~atena vo Bazel.h Ovoj na ovie za~uvani znamiwa nedo grb bil izmislen za “propagadni” stigaat krilata, mo`ebi zaradi celi kako simbol na prerodbata na lo{ata reprodukcija na istite, ju`nite Sloveni bidej}i privrz toga{ bi mo`elo da se re~e deka anicite na ilirskata ideja mis vsu{nost se raboti za znakot na lele deka ju`nite Sloveni vodat vizantiskata dr`ava od 14 vek, poteklo od Ilirite. Zna~i istiot odnosno grbot na Paleolozite, ili polumesec so yvezda koj go gledame grbot na Pravoslavnata crkva, no vo agolot na mija~koto zname ovde e isto taka i na Avstro-ungarskata postaven na grb so crvena zadnina. imperija. Skapocenite tkaeni Za Solovjev mese~inata i yvezdata ni ukraseni so dvoglaviot orel, odnosno sonceto simboliziraat lavot, grifonot i mnogu drugi nebeski korabi, t.e. `iveali{ta na fantasti~ni `ivotni po poteklo du{ite na pravednite pred zaminu- od Istok, bile uvezuvani vo Evro-
pa, Rusija i Vizantija vo sredniot vek i upotrebuvani za obleka, zavesi, tapiserii, i za pokrivawe na oltarski masi. Dvoglaviot orel ja krasel oblekata na bugarskiot car Jovan Aleksandar od 14 vek,j no i na makedonskiot velmo`a ke sar Duka od ohridskata crkva Sv. “Pantelejmon” od tretata decenija na14 vek.k Zmejot i lavot mo`at da se ~itaat i kako simboli na pobe denoto zlo od strana na Hristos, odnosno krstot, bidej}i go flan kiraat vo gornite agli kako {to se pretstaveni vo podno`jeto na golemiot ikonostasen krst od 16 vek do denes. Sprotivstavenite zmej i lav gi gledame i na drvorez nite arki na golemite prestolni ikoni od ikonostasite.l Toa e stara hristijanska tema, a namesto zmej mo`e da stoi zmija, ili riba. Spored d-r Petar Popovski znameto na Skenderbeg, Mijak od semejstvoto Kastrioti, sodr`elo elementi od poznatoto mija~ko zname objaveno kaj Bradina.
Znameto i grbot na Kastrioti i relacijata so Mijacite Edna varijanta na grbot na semej stvoto Kastriotim, objaven kako crte` od strana na albanskiot avtor Varfi, vo desnata polovi na sodr`i lav izdignat na zadni noze so me~ vo ednata predna noga, a opa{kata mu zavr{uva so list na br{lenn, a nad leviot agol e postaven bel krinov cvet. Do nego vo levata polovina, spored nas, ve{ta~ki e dodaden dvoglav orel. Mnogu sli~en lav se pojavuva na grbot na semejstvoto na Karlo To pija, samo {to kaj nego opa{kata e vo oblik na zmej i namesto krin imame yvezda nad glavata. Znameto na Kastriotite spored Popovski bilo i znameto na Topiite.o Lavot kako simbol na Topiite se javuva i na spomen-plo~ata koja Karlo Topija ja podignal otkako ja obno vil crkvata Sv. “Jovan Vladimir” vo Kowuh kaj Elbasan vo 1383 g. napi{ana so kirili~no pismo, {to spored Popovski u{te edna{ go potvrduva negovoto slovenskoto poteklo.
Popovski naveduva deka Kon stantin Kastriot vo sredinata na 14 vek pod pritisok na An`ujcite i Venecija bil prinuden da gi promeni starite zemski simboli so {esnaesetkrako sonce koe dina stijata go upotrebuvala 5 genera cii kako inspiracija na simbolot na anti~kite Makedonci, pa taka na znameto stava centralen zlaten lav na crveno platno, pod nego krst vo krug vo ~ii praznini gore bile inicijalite na Hristos IS HR, a dolu NI KA (voobi~aeniot gr~ki zbor za pobeda vo imeto na krstot odnosno Isus) koi Popovski gi tolkuva kako inicijali na knezot Nikola Kastriot. Strani~no bile postaveni zlatni resi. Grbot imal isto taka zlaten lav na crveno pole so kruna na grbot. Ovoj grb s# u{te go ~uvale potomcite na najstariot prestavnik na lozata Kastriot- Dimko vo s. Simona kaj Kroja kogo go posetil i go opi{al @unguloski vo 1897 g. So poseben ferman vo po~etokot na 18 vek tur skiot sultan ja zabranil upotre bata na znameto so zlatniot lav, pa taka od nego se zadr`ala samo aplikacijata na krstot vo krug, a lavot se povlegol vo gorniot de sen agol, dodeka drugite agli bile ispolneti so polumese~ina, zmej i dvoglav orel so krst vo sredinata. Ova zname Mijacite go upotrebuva le na crkovnite i drugi sve~enosti s# do 1912 g. koga bilo zabraneto so poseben dekret od strana na novovospostavenata srpska vlast na na{ata teritorija.p Fransis Kont, Sloveni, Beograd 1989, 334. b TraŸ~ev, Kniga za MiÔcitÍ, 95. c Tanas Vra`inovski, Narodna Mitologija 2, 145. d Sowa Zogovi}, Op{testvoto i narodnata kultura na Mekedonija vo raniot sreden vek, Prilep 2002, 143. e Sergije Dimitrijevi}, Sredwovekovni srpski novac, Beograd 1997, Voislav Ivani{evi}, ZRVI, f Gjin Varfi, Heraldika Shqiptare, Dituria, 2000, kolor tabli. g John Gray, Mitologija Bliskog Istoka, Ljubljana 1987, 39, 29. h Aleksandar Matkovski, Grbovite na Makedonija, 1990, 62. a
Aleksandar Solovjev, Postanak ilirske heraldike i porodice Ohmu~eviÊ, GSND XII, 1933, 101 j Kont, Sloveni, 333-335; Hans Bauer, Reise in das goldene Byzanz, Leipzig 1989, 111 k Zagorka Rasolkovska Nikolovska, Arhimandritot Jovan, igumen na klimentoviot Manastir vo Ohrid, Kulturno Nasledstvo 28-29, 2003/3, 104. l Na pr. na ikonostasot od Sv. Bogorodica, Ba~kovo. Vidi kaj Ivanka Gergova, RanniÔt Bõlgarski ikonostas 16-18 vek, SofiÔ 19993, 92. m Gjin Varfi, Heraldika Shqiptare, kolor tabli. n Ova rastenie i vo antikata i kaj hristijanite e simbol na smrtta, `ivot po `ivotot i se postavuva na nadgrobni spomenici i kako interpukciski znak, a se vrzuva i so Isus, o Petar Popovski, statija vo Makedonsko Sonce br 577, str. 33. p Petar Popovski, statija vo Makedonsko Sonce, trobroj 578579580, od 29.07. 2005 g., str. 33 i
Dr. Snezana Filipova
Miacs Flag-Reading of Applied Motiffs
Frances Kont states that Slavs frequently applied red thread to ritual cloth representing archaic motifs that may be related to their old mythology and to the Steppe tribes, especially those coming from Iran.a This type of decoration with triangles that imitate or stand for sun rays is very frequently applied in the Roman mosaics (the head of Medusa or Apollo in the temples in Pergamon, Corinth etc.) from which it has been borrowed in the Christian mosaics (Monastery-Heraclea, Plaoshnik). It usually serves as a frame to enclose an important motif, for example a head of a god, a cosmic symbol, an inscription of the donor etc. (the old Episcopal basilica in Stobi, the newly discovered one at Plaošnik, Ohrid). Even the medieval frescoes show continuity of this circle with triangles in the low zones of the walls which imitate marble decoration (one of the last Medieval churches where it has been used is the cokle of the nartex of St. Andreas on Matka, Skopje, from the end of the 14th C)
Dr. Elica Maneva
Volkot od obetkite od Vodo~a Vo periodot od 1979 do 2003g. arheologot Jovan Ananiev ja istra`uva{e prostranata nekropo la na kompleksot Vodo~ki crkvi, Sv. Leontij vo selo Vodo~a kaj Strumica. So 1081 grob, nekropo lata se vbrojuva me|u najgolemite, ne samo vo Makedonija tuku i po{iroko. Faktot deka egzisti rala od srednovekovieto pa s# do dene{ni dni, od nea pravi zna~aen reper za izu~uvawe na mnogu fenomeni vrzani so konti nuitetite vrzani za `ivotot na edna populacija vo tekot na skoro eden milenium. Seloto Vodo~a e smesteno vo podno`jeto na planinata Elenica, na 4km. zapadno od Strumica, na vlezot od klisurata na rekata Vodo~nica. Nekropolata se pros tira okolu crkvata Sv. Leontij, koja {to ima pove}e arhitekton ski i slikarski fazi od srednove kovniot period. Fokusirajki go vnimanieto na nakitot od periodot od 15 do 18 vek koja {to prv pat mo`e{e strati grafski da se razgleduva na edno mesto, bea izdvoeni nekolku mnogu raritetni i zna~ajni primeroci. Svoeviden kuriozitet pretsta vuvaat naodot na ~ift kru`ni nau{nici na koj {to e prika`an motivot na volk so heraldi~ki predznak vo koncepcijata. Po svojot izgled, odnosno deko racija, se ~ini deka se edinstveni ili prv naod, od vakov vid i so toa so pravo mo`at da se nare~at vodo~ka varijanta na nau{nici so kru`en tip. Nau{nicite terenskite in ventarni broevi 2264a I 2264b. Otkrieni se na 06.10.2000 godina vo grobot 909 kako edinstven arheolo{ki naod. Locirani se vo predelot na glavata (dolnata vilica) od slabo za~uvaniot detski skelet. Za obele`uvawe e deka na pove}e mesta po povr{inata na nau{nicite se za~uvani (zalepeni i oksidirani po metalnata podloga) ostatoci od fina tekstilna tkaenina, na-
jverojatno od pokrivaloto na gla vata. Nau{nicite se izraboteni od tenka bakarna lamarina. Po svojot izgled i na~inot na upotreba, nau{nicite od Vodo~a najbliska analogija imaat so onie koi se nas likani na portretot na kralicata Milica. Ottuka nivnoto datirawe se opredeluva kon krajot na 15 vek ne isklu~uvaj}i tie da dospeale pod zemja i vo tekot na 16 vek. Za ralika od primerocite, od ktitor skata kompozicija od manastirot na Matka kade dekoracijata ne e dovolno jasna ili samo se nasetuva, vodo~kite nau{nici imaat dobra izdifirencirana ornamentika. Vsu{nost najo~ebijnite signali {to ovie nau{nici gi emituvaat se likovnite pretstavi na kru`nite, licevi strani na korpusot. Vo teh nika na is~ukuvawe vrz edinstven kalap matrica upotrebuvan 4 pati (2h2 za dvete kru`ni strani na nau{nicite) prika`an e volk so specifi~no okru`uvawe. Volkot e prika`an celosno vo profil kako se pridvivi`uva so edna ispru`ena predna noga.
na kalapot. Praznite prostori pod vratot okolu nozete i nad grbot, se ispolneti so, polutop~esti ispaknatini ~ija uloga mo`e da bide dekorativna, za popolnuvawe na prazniot prostor, no istotaka, mo`e da zna~at i ilustracija na izvesen ambient. Pred da se prodol`i so natamo{na analiza traba da se dodade i deka, oddelni motivi od docnosrednovekovni amblemi ili heraldi~ki simboli, se sre}avaat kaj del od materijalite vo nekropo lata vo Vodo~a. Vo toj pravec posebno vnimanie privlekuvaat i prstenite kade ima i vpe~atlivi heraldi~ki primeri. Vo eden slu~aj kompozicijata prika`ana na gornata povr{ina na glavata na masiven, srebren prsten pretsta vuva kompleten grb ~ii elementi se : volk, {tit i bode`, a seto toa e obikoleno so natpis. Spored izrabotkata i morfolo{kite karakteristiki ovoj prsten pripa|a na velmo{kite prsteni od poslednite decenii na 14 vek. Toa e kvaliteten primerok
Vol~e{kite {epi se naglaseni so {to se istaknuva agresivnosta, a u{ite mu se is{uleni nagore, glavata mu e izdadena napred, a ustata so silni ~elusti mu e {iroko otvorena. Opa{ot mu e ramno ispru`en a potoa se svitkuva prodol`uvaj}i vo sprotivna nasoka nad negovoto telo, prestoruvaj}i se vo granka so dve skoro kru`no zavitkani vetki i zavr{uvaj}i so vrvot pokraj negovata glava. Celata kompozicija e vramena vo kru`nica koja go ozna~uva rabot
na prsten pe~atnik, na ~ija {to glava e pretstaven semejniot grb na blagorodni~ka familija od ovie oblasti. Ostavajki go na strana pos tudioznoto tolkuvawe na ovoj naod, za ovaa prigoda vnimani eto se naso~uva kon eden del od heraldi~kata pretstava kon mo tivot na volk. I vo ovoj slu~aj toj e prika`an vo celosna pretstava, vo profil i so naglaseni {epi i kanxi, so ra{ireni ~elusti, no glava vertikalno postavena vo
Pretsedatelot na Republikata i Komisijata za odlikuvawa, se istakna u{te edna forma, odnos no se kompletiraa obele`jata na suverenitetot na Republika Makedonija. Toa isto taka pret stavuva i pridones za razvojot na makedonskata faleristika kako del od svetskoto faleristi~ko nasledstvo.
Petar Gajdov
Macedonian Decorations By this article I think that it is good to remind ourselves of one very important Law, from the aspect of affirmation of the sovereignty and independence of our Republic - the Law of Decorations and Acknowledgments established by the Republic of Macedonia. The Law of decorations and acknowledgments was first passed on 12th September 1995, and amended by a new Law which was passed on 27th of June 2002. Article 1 says: “with this Law are established decorations and acknowledgments of the Republic of Macedonia and are specified the actions of their award and deprivation and the benefits and responsibilities of the persons awarded with the decorations …” Acknowledgments and decorations of the Republic of Macedonia are symbols of acknowledgment which are awarded by the President of the Republic himself for activities and acts which deserve public acknowledgment and emphasis. Decorations are awarded by decree and the acknowledgment is awarded by decision of the President of Republic
of Macedonia. Decorations and acknowledgments of the Republic of Macedonia are awarded to individuals who are citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, to units and institutions of the armed forces of the Republic of Macedonia, and to the members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also, the decorations and the acknowledgments of the Republic of Macedonia can be awarded to foreign citizens, and to foreign and international organizations. For individuals they can be awarded after the death of the person. By this Law, a citizen of the Republic of Macedonia may accept an award of a title, decoration or acknowledgment from the Head of a foreign State or government, as well as from governmental or non-governmental organizations. Decorations can be made in smaller dimensions as miniature decorations. Usually the miniature decorations are worn on official occasions by civilians on a suit and by members of army and police units on their ceremonial uniforms. According to the occasion, it may be more appropriate for members of the armed forces to wear full-size decorations. The decorations cannot be worn in full-size and miniature form at the same time, except that those decorations which are worn as a collar badge or with sash with badge and breast star may be worn with a miniature of the order. Decorations of the Republic of Macedonia covered by the Law of Decorations and Acknowledgments of the Republic of Macedonia arranged by
Za heraldi~kite boi Niz istorijata boite vo heraldi kata se prestavuvale i so blagorod ni kamewa i so planetite povrzani so niv: Zlato topaz - Sonce Srebro biser - Mese~ina Crvena rubin - Mars Sina safir - Jupiter Zelea smaragd - Venera Purpurna ametist - Merkur Crna dijamant - Saturn Druga heraldi~ka “boja” e “Prirodna” - taa mo`e da bide sekakva boja. Ovoj termin se koristi koga
se opi{uva nekoja heraldi~ka figura koja e prestavena na grbot so svoite prirodni boi i teks turi. Na primer ~ove~kiot ten se prestavuva so rozevkasta boja, ili pak oklopot se prestavuva so ~eli~no - siva boja. Koga nekoja ptica e oboena Prirodno, toga{ se prestavuva so nejzninite “pri rodni boi”. Tuka ne stanuva zbor na fotografsko prenesuvawe, tuku sepak, za edno tradicionalno poimawe na prirodnite boi na heraldi~kite figuri.
rank are as follows:
ORDERS: 1. Order of the Republic of Macedonia 2. Order of 8 September 3. Order of Ilinden (St Elia’s Day) 4. Order of Merit for Macedonia 5. Order of Military Merit
M E D A L S: 1. Medal for Merit of the Republic of Macedonia 2. Medal for courage Acknowledgment of Republic of Macedonia covered by the Law of Decorations and Acknowledgments of the Republic of Macedonia is: 1. Acknowledgment of Republic of Macedonia The Law of Decorations and Acknowledgments of the Republic of Macedonia is the basis for the honours system giving public acknowledgment for the activities and acts of individuals or organizations and institutions. It has already started to be used in practice. The material form of the awards was presented in a formal ceremony in the Crystal Hall in the Macedonian Parliament on 22nd April 2005 organized by the Cabinet of the President of the Republic and the Commission for Decorations. This act completed the characteristics of the sovereignty of the Republic of Macedonia. At the same time it supported the development of the Macedonian phaleristic as part of the world phaleristics inheritance.
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According to Traičev, the flag of the Miaks is as old as their tribe. He reads the crescent and the star above it as the sign of the Turkish Empire, put together with the symbol of the Byzantine/Serbian double headed eagle and the Albanian dragon in order to indicate that the region around the river Radika has been under the government of these countries. b This reading cannot be accepted without doubt. First of all, the dragon is not an Albanian symbol: no such coat of arms related to the territory of Albania has been known. On the contrary, the dragon is a symbol of the Slavic god of the cattle named Volos/Veles. And the Miaks are predominantly cattle breeding people. The wolf and the snake in folk mythology are referred to as underground creatures, and the dragon as the commander of the snakes has been in close relation to the nature of the underground god Volos/Veles.c The cult of the wolf is very much related to the cult of the underground world and the moon.d It is a common heraldic symbol in the coats of arms, stamps and belts of some medieval Serbian feudal rulers, such as Balsha II, Gjurgje Stracimirovic etc.e The Balshic’s had land in Albania and their coat of arms is presented in the collection of Albanian arms published by Gjin Varfi.f The position of the crescent and the star differs from the one on the Turkish flag, where the crescent is turned north-south , These are much older symbols that may be found on the barrier stones of Mesopotamia, where they stood for the moon, the son, the goddess Ishtar etc. Identically combined as on our flag (a star entering the arch of the crescent), positioned above the god of the sun can be seen on the stella of king Urnamu from Ur (2022-2004 B.C.).g These two signs combined in a different way may be associated with the Bogumils who used them on their grave stones. There is another possibility to relate them to the Illyrian coat of arms created in the 16th C. and published in the Minster’s Cosmography in Basel in 1544.h This coat of arms has been invented as part of Slavic propaganda, as a symbol of the cultural revival of the South Slavs, since its creators believed it to originate from the Il-
lyrians. So the same crescent and star we see in the corner of the Miaks flag where it is placed on red. According to Solovyev, the moon and the star, or the sun, stand for the heavenly ships, in other words the place where the souls of the righteous dwell before departing to heaven.i The star, crescent and crossbow are found in Huns’ flag, whose kingdom existed until three decades ago. Predominant unnatural green color of the sky combined with black and white on the mounts was probably due to the influence of surrounding Islamic countries. Their arms is a combination of the flag and a lion. This is interesting since the lion’s hair is similar to that on the flag of Razlovec Uprising. If the wingless double headed eagle is read as intertwining snakes, we can talk about an archetypical symbol of dualism, the good and the evil, or heretics. We see it on the church doors of St. Nicholas of the Hospitals in Ohrid, and the church door of the monastery in Treskavec, Prilep. If the wings are missing only on these two flags, or are not actually visible due to the bad quality of printing, and if a light color had been applied, then they can stand for the Byzantine state symbol of the 14th C., actually the coat of arms of the
and Byzantium throughout the Middle Ages by the import of luxurious fabrics used for cloths, curtain, tapestries and covers for altar tables. For instance we see the double headed eagle embroidered on the cloth of the Bulgarian Tsar John Alexander in a 14th C. manuscript illumination,j also on the clothes of Macedonian ruler Duka (in the church of St. Panteleimon in Ohrid) from the 3rd decade of 14th C.k The dragon and the lion may be read as symbols of the defeat of evil by Christ, since they flank his symbol, the cross, the way they have been represented on the bottom of the Large Iconostasis cross from the 16th C. onwards. The confronted dragon and the lion can be seen as well on the wood carved arches of the large throne icons of the iconostases.l It is again the old Christian composition and the dragon may be replaced with a snake, or with a fish. According to Petar Popovski, the Skenderbeg’s flag, a Miac from Kastrioti family included elements of the Miac’s flag as published by Bradina. The Flag and Coat of Arms of Kastrioti and their relations to the Miacs A variant of the Kastrioti armsm published as a drawing by Albanian author
Paleologue family, or as the symbol of the Orthodox Church and also the coat of arms of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The double headed eagle, the lion, the gryphon, and many other fantastic animals originated in the East and became popular in Europe, Russia
Varfi, has a rampant lion with a crescent under its feet with tail finishing inn ivy above which there is a white lily. In the dexter part a double headed eagle is added superficially. A very similar lion is found on Karlo Topia’s arms, only the tail ends in a dragon shape, and
in village of Simona near Kroja, which was described by Zhunguloski in 1897. By special edict by the Sultan, the usage of the lion was forbidden in 18th C, so we only have the encircled cross and the lion placed in the upper left corner, while other corners were filled with a crescent, a dragon and a double headed eagle with a cross on its breast. This flag was used by Miacs up till 1912, when it was forbidden by the newly established Serbian rule over our territory.p a
Ova e znameto koe e vo sopstvenost na Melentie Pandilovski od Adelaida, Avstralija, koj e i avtor na fotografiite. Znameto e so dimenzii 130 na 73cm pri {to aversot i reversot se identi~ni. This flag is property of Melentie Pandilovski from Adelaida, Australia, who is the author of the photos. Dimensions of the flag is 130x73cm, with both sides identical.
instead of the lily there are stars above lion’s head. According to Popovski, the Kastrioti flag was also used by Topias.o A lion as a Topias symbol is found on the plate erected by Karlo Topia after the rebuilding of the church of St. Jovan Vladimir in Konjuh near Elbasan in 1383, written in Cyrillic, which according to Popovski is yet another proof of his Slavic roots. Popovski states that Konstantin Kastriot in the middle of 14th C, under the pressure of Anjou and Venice was forced to change his symbols to a 16-ray sun, inspired
from the sign of Antic Macedonians, a symbol that this dynasty then used for 5 generations. The flag now has a central golden lion on red, under which is an encircled cross with initials IS HR (Isus Hristos-Jesus Christ) in the upper part and NI KA. This might stand for the usual Greek word for victory or tentatively the initials of N. Kastriot as Popovski suggests. The coat of arms had a golden lion on red, with the crown above the shield. These arms were still used by the descendents of the oldest Kastrioti branch – Dimko
Fransis Kont, Sloveni, Beograd 1989, 334. b TraŸj~ev, Kniga za MiÔcitÍ, 95. c Tanas Vra`inovski, Narodna Mitologija 2, 145. d Sowa Zogovi}, Op{testvoto i narodnata kultura na Mekedonija vo raniot sreden vek, Prilep 2002, 143. e Sergije Dimitrijevi}, Sredwovekovni srpski novac, Beograd 1997, Voislav Ivani{evi}, ZRVI, f Gjin Varfi, Heraldika Shqiptare, Dituria, 2000, kolor tabli. g John Gray, Mitologija Bliskog Istoka, Ljubljana 1987, 39, 29. h Aleksandar Matkovski, Grbovite na Makedonija, 1990, 62. i Aleksandar Solovjev, Postanak ilirske heraldike i porodice Ohmu~eviÊ, GSND XII, 1933, 101 j Kont, Sloveni, 333-335; Hans Bauer, Reise in das goldene Byzanz, Leipzig 1989, 111 k Zagorka Rasolkovska Nikolovska, Arhimandritot Jovan, igumen na klimentoviot Manastir vo Ohrid, Kulturno Nasledstvo 28-29, 2003/3, 104. l For instance, the iconostasis from Holy Virgin in Bačkovo. See Ivanka Gergova, RanniÔt Bõlgarski ikonostas 1618 vek, SofiÔ 19993, 92. m Gjin Varfi, Heraldika Shqiptare, kolor tabli. n This plant in the anitc and in Christianity is a symbol of death, and life after death so is used on tomb stones. It also refer to Christ. o Petar Popovski, Makedonsko Sonce No 577, r. 33. p Petar Popovski, Makedonsko Sonce, No 578-579-580, 29.07. 2005, r. 33
Petar Gajdov Vo slednite redovi smetam deka e dobro da se potsetime na eden mnogu va`en zakon od aspekt na afirmacija na suverenosta, neza visnosta i dr`avnosta na na{ata Republika - Zakonot za odliku vawa i priznanija na Republika Makedonija. Zakonot za odlikuvawa i priz nanija na Republika Makedonija e donesen na 12 Septemvri 1995 godina, no prvi~nata verzija na ovoj zakon e zameneta so noviot Zakon koj e donesen na 27 Juni 2002 godina i kako {to veli ~len 1 od istiot: „So ovoj zakon se utvrdu vaat odlikuvawata i priznanijata na Republika Makedonija i se ureduvaat postapkite za nivnoto dodeluvawe i odzemawe i pravata i dol`nostite na nositelite na odlikuvawata i priznanijata...“ Priznanijata i odlikuvawata na Republika Makedonija se znaci na priznanie koi gi dodeluva li~no pretsedatelot na republikata za rabota i dela {to zaslu`uvaat op{to priznanie i istaknuvawe. Odlikuvawata se dodeluvaat so ukaz, a pak priznanieto se dodeluva so odluka na pretsedatelot na Re publika Makedonija Odlikuvawata i priznanijata na Republika Makedonija se dodelu vaat na poedinci, gra|ani na Repub lika Makedonija, kako i na edinici i ustanovi na vooru`enite sili na RM i pripadnicite na minister stvoto za vnatre{ni raboti. Isto taka odlikuvawata i priznanijata
na Republika Makedonija mo`at da se dodelat i na stranski dr`avjani, kako i na stranski i me|unarodni organizacii. Na fizi~ko lice mo`at da se dodelat i posthumno. Spored zakonot, dr`avjanin na Republika Makedonija mo`e da primi titula, odlikuvawe ili priznanie od {efot na stranska dr`ava ili vlada, kako i od vladi ni ili nevladini organizacii. Odlikuvawata mo`e da se izrabo tat i da se nosat i so namaleni di menzii kako minijaturni odliku vawa. Voobi~aeno e minijaturite na odlikuvawata ili minijatur nite odlikuvawa da se nosat vo sve~eni prigodi na civilno odelo. Pripadnicite na vooru`enite sili na vojskata i policijata vo sve~eni prigodi na svoite sve~eni uniformi mo`at da gi nosat site odlikuvawa so koi se odlikuvani ili pak, minijaturi od istite vo zavisnost od prigodata. Odlikuvawata ne mo`e da se nosat istovremeno vo originalnata forma i vo minijaturi bilo na uniforma ili na civilno odelo, so isklu~ok na onie odlikuvawa koi se nosat na gerdan ili so lenta ili yvezda. Vo toj slu~aj mo`e da se nosi i minijatu rata i gerdanot odnosno lentata na odlikuvaweto koja sekoga{ se nosi so yvezdata na ordenot. Odlikuvawa na Republika Make donija spored zakonot za odliku vawa i priznanija na Republika Makedonija poredeni spored ran got se slednite:
O R D E N I: 1. Orden na Republika Makedonija 2. Orden “8. Septemvri” 3. Orden “Ilinden - 1903 godina” 4. Orden za zaslugi za Makedonija i 5. Orden za voeni zaslugi
M E D AL I: 1. Medal za zaslugi za Republika Makedonija 2. Medal za hrabrost Priznanie na Republika Make donija spored zakonot za odliku vawa i priznanija na Republika Makedonija e : 1. Povelba na Republika Makedonija Zakonot za odlikuvawata i priz nanijata na Republika Makedonija e osnovata vrz koja se temeli sis temot na nagraduvawe i op{to priznanie za aktivnostite i de lata na poedinci ili organizacii i ustanovi i toj ve}e zapo~na da se sproveduva vo praktika. So ce losnoto oformuvawe na odlikuva wata i priznanijata na Republika Makedonija od umetni~ki aspekt, odnosno so nivnoto materijalno oblikuvawe, ~ija promocija se odr`a na sve~ena ceremonija vo Kristalnata sala na Sobrani eto na Republika Makedonija, odr`ana na 22 April 2005 godina, vo organizacija na Kabinetot na
in village of Simona near Kroja, which was described by Zhunguloski in 1897. By special edict by the Sultan, the usage of the lion was forbidden in 18th C, so we only have the encircled cross and the lion placed in the upper left corner, while other corners were filled with a crescent, a dragon and a double headed eagle with a cross on its breast. This flag was used by Miacs up till 1912, when it was forbidden by the newly established Serbian rule over our territory.p a
Ova e znameto koe e vo sopstvenost na Melentie Pandilovski od Adelaida, Avstralija, koj e i avtor na fotografiite. Znameto e so dimenzii 130 na 73cm pri {to aversot i reversot se identi~ni. This flag is property of Melentie Pandilovski from Adelaida, Australia, who is the author of the photos. Dimensions of the flag is 130x73cm, with both sides identical.
instead of the lily there are stars above lion’s head. According to Popovski, the Kastrioti flag was also used by Topias.o A lion as a Topias symbol is found on the plate erected by Karlo Topia after the rebuilding of the church of St. Jovan Vladimir in Konjuh near Elbasan in 1383, written in Cyrillic, which according to Popovski is yet another proof of his Slavic roots. Popovski states that Konstantin Kastriot in the middle of 14th C, under the pressure of Anjou and Venice was forced to change his symbols to a 16-ray sun, inspired
from the sign of Antic Macedonians, a symbol that this dynasty then used for 5 generations. The flag now has a central golden lion on red, under which is an encircled cross with initials IS HR (Isus Hristos-Jesus Christ) in the upper part and NI KA. This might stand for the usual Greek word for victory or tentatively the initials of N. Kastriot as Popovski suggests. The coat of arms had a golden lion on red, with the crown above the shield. These arms were still used by the descendents of the oldest Kastrioti branch – Dimko
Fransis Kont, Sloveni, Beograd 1989, 334. b TraŸj~ev, Kniga za MiÔcitÍ, 95. c Tanas Vra`inovski, Narodna Mitologija 2, 145. d Sowa Zogovi}, Op{testvoto i narodnata kultura na Mekedonija vo raniot sreden vek, Prilep 2002, 143. e Sergije Dimitrijevi}, Sredwovekovni srpski novac, Beograd 1997, Voislav Ivani{evi}, ZRVI, f Gjin Varfi, Heraldika Shqiptare, Dituria, 2000, kolor tabli. g John Gray, Mitologija Bliskog Istoka, Ljubljana 1987, 39, 29. h Aleksandar Matkovski, Grbovite na Makedonija, 1990, 62. i Aleksandar Solovjev, Postanak ilirske heraldike i porodice Ohmu~eviÊ, GSND XII, 1933, 101 j Kont, Sloveni, 333-335; Hans Bauer, Reise in das goldene Byzanz, Leipzig 1989, 111 k Zagorka Rasolkovska Nikolovska, Arhimandritot Jovan, igumen na klimentoviot Manastir vo Ohrid, Kulturno Nasledstvo 28-29, 2003/3, 104. l For instance, the iconostasis from Holy Virgin in Bačkovo. See Ivanka Gergova, RanniÔt Bõlgarski ikonostas 1618 vek, SofiÔ 19993, 92. m Gjin Varfi, Heraldika Shqiptare, kolor tabli. n This plant in the anitc and in Christianity is a symbol of death, and life after death so is used on tomb stones. It also refer to Christ. o Petar Popovski, Makedonsko Sonce No 577, r. 33. p Petar Popovski, Makedonsko Sonce, No 578-579-580, 29.07. 2005, r. 33
Petar Gajdov Vo slednite redovi smetam deka e dobro da se potsetime na eden mnogu va`en zakon od aspekt na afirmacija na suverenosta, neza visnosta i dr`avnosta na na{ata Republika - Zakonot za odliku vawa i priznanija na Republika Makedonija. Zakonot za odlikuvawa i priz nanija na Republika Makedonija e donesen na 12 Septemvri 1995 godina, no prvi~nata verzija na ovoj zakon e zameneta so noviot Zakon koj e donesen na 27 Juni 2002 godina i kako {to veli ~len 1 od istiot: „So ovoj zakon se utvrdu vaat odlikuvawata i priznanijata na Republika Makedonija i se ureduvaat postapkite za nivnoto dodeluvawe i odzemawe i pravata i dol`nostite na nositelite na odlikuvawata i priznanijata...“ Priznanijata i odlikuvawata na Republika Makedonija se znaci na priznanie koi gi dodeluva li~no pretsedatelot na republikata za rabota i dela {to zaslu`uvaat op{to priznanie i istaknuvawe. Odlikuvawata se dodeluvaat so ukaz, a pak priznanieto se dodeluva so odluka na pretsedatelot na Re publika Makedonija Odlikuvawata i priznanijata na Republika Makedonija se dodelu vaat na poedinci, gra|ani na Repub lika Makedonija, kako i na edinici i ustanovi na vooru`enite sili na RM i pripadnicite na minister stvoto za vnatre{ni raboti. Isto taka odlikuvawata i priznanijata
na Republika Makedonija mo`at da se dodelat i na stranski dr`avjani, kako i na stranski i me|unarodni organizacii. Na fizi~ko lice mo`at da se dodelat i posthumno. Spored zakonot, dr`avjanin na Republika Makedonija mo`e da primi titula, odlikuvawe ili priznanie od {efot na stranska dr`ava ili vlada, kako i od vladi ni ili nevladini organizacii. Odlikuvawata mo`e da se izrabo tat i da se nosat i so namaleni di menzii kako minijaturni odliku vawa. Voobi~aeno e minijaturite na odlikuvawata ili minijatur nite odlikuvawa da se nosat vo sve~eni prigodi na civilno odelo. Pripadnicite na vooru`enite sili na vojskata i policijata vo sve~eni prigodi na svoite sve~eni uniformi mo`at da gi nosat site odlikuvawa so koi se odlikuvani ili pak, minijaturi od istite vo zavisnost od prigodata. Odlikuvawata ne mo`e da se nosat istovremeno vo originalnata forma i vo minijaturi bilo na uniforma ili na civilno odelo, so isklu~ok na onie odlikuvawa koi se nosat na gerdan ili so lenta ili yvezda. Vo toj slu~aj mo`e da se nosi i minijatu rata i gerdanot odnosno lentata na odlikuvaweto koja sekoga{ se nosi so yvezdata na ordenot. Odlikuvawa na Republika Make donija spored zakonot za odliku vawa i priznanija na Republika Makedonija poredeni spored ran got se slednite:
O R D E N I: 1. Orden na Republika Makedonija 2. Orden “8. Septemvri” 3. Orden “Ilinden - 1903 godina” 4. Orden za zaslugi za Makedonija i 5. Orden za voeni zaslugi
M E D AL I: 1. Medal za zaslugi za Republika Makedonija 2. Medal za hrabrost Priznanie na Republika Make donija spored zakonot za odliku vawa i priznanija na Republika Makedonija e : 1. Povelba na Republika Makedonija Zakonot za odlikuvawata i priz nanijata na Republika Makedonija e osnovata vrz koja se temeli sis temot na nagraduvawe i op{to priznanie za aktivnostite i de lata na poedinci ili organizacii i ustanovi i toj ve}e zapo~na da se sproveduva vo praktika. So ce losnoto oformuvawe na odlikuva wata i priznanijata na Republika Makedonija od umetni~ki aspekt, odnosno so nivnoto materijalno oblikuvawe, ~ija promocija se odr`a na sve~ena ceremonija vo Kristalnata sala na Sobrani eto na Republika Makedonija, odr`ana na 22 April 2005 godina, vo organizacija na Kabinetot na
Pretsedatelot na Republikata i Komisijata za odlikuvawa, se istakna u{te edna forma, odnos no se kompletiraa obele`jata na suverenitetot na Republika Makedonija. Toa isto taka pret stavuva i pridones za razvojot na makedonskata faleristika kako del od svetskoto faleristi~ko nasledstvo.
Petar Gajdov
Macedonian Decorations By this article I think that it is good to remind ourselves of one very important Law, from the aspect of affirmation of the sovereignty and independence of our Republic - the Law of Decorations and Acknowledgments established by the Republic of Macedonia. The Law of decorations and acknowledgments was first passed on 12th September 1995, and amended by a new Law which was passed on 27th of June 2002. Article 1 says: “with this Law are established decorations and acknowledgments of the Republic of Macedonia and are specified the actions of their award and deprivation and the benefits and responsibilities of the persons awarded with the decorations …” Acknowledgments and decorations of the Republic of Macedonia are symbols of acknowledgment which are awarded by the President of the Republic himself for activities and acts which deserve public acknowledgment and emphasis. Decorations are awarded by decree and the acknowledgment is awarded by decision of the President of Republic
of Macedonia. Decorations and acknowledgments of the Republic of Macedonia are awarded to individuals who are citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, to units and institutions of the armed forces of the Republic of Macedonia, and to the members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also, the decorations and the acknowledgments of the Republic of Macedonia can be awarded to foreign citizens, and to foreign and international organizations. For individuals they can be awarded after the death of the person. By this Law, a citizen of the Republic of Macedonia may accept an award of a title, decoration or acknowledgment from the Head of a foreign State or government, as well as from governmental or non-governmental organizations. Decorations can be made in smaller dimensions as miniature decorations. Usually the miniature decorations are worn on official occasions by civilians on a suit and by members of army and police units on their ceremonial uniforms. According to the occasion, it may be more appropriate for members of the armed forces to wear full-size decorations. The decorations cannot be worn in full-size and miniature form at the same time, except that those decorations which are worn as a collar badge or with sash with badge and breast star may be worn with a miniature of the order. Decorations of the Republic of Macedonia covered by the Law of Decorations and Acknowledgments of the Republic of Macedonia arranged by
Za heraldi~kite boi Niz istorijata boite vo heraldi kata se prestavuvale i so blagorod ni kamewa i so planetite povrzani so niv: Zlato topaz - Sonce Srebro biser - Mese~ina Crvena rubin - Mars Sina safir - Jupiter Zelea smaragd - Venera Purpurna ametist - Merkur Crna dijamant - Saturn Druga heraldi~ka “boja” e “Prirodna” - taa mo`e da bide sekakva boja. Ovoj termin se koristi koga
se opi{uva nekoja heraldi~ka figura koja e prestavena na grbot so svoite prirodni boi i teks turi. Na primer ~ove~kiot ten se prestavuva so rozevkasta boja, ili pak oklopot se prestavuva so ~eli~no - siva boja. Koga nekoja ptica e oboena Prirodno, toga{ se prestavuva so nejzninite “pri rodni boi”. Tuka ne stanuva zbor na fotografsko prenesuvawe, tuku sepak, za edno tradicionalno poimawe na prirodnite boi na heraldi~kite figuri.
rank are as follows:
ORDERS: 1. Order of the Republic of Macedonia 2. Order of 8 September 3. Order of Ilinden (St Elia’s Day) 4. Order of Merit for Macedonia 5. Order of Military Merit
M E D A L S: 1. Medal for Merit of the Republic of Macedonia 2. Medal for courage Acknowledgment of Republic of Macedonia covered by the Law of Decorations and Acknowledgments of the Republic of Macedonia is: 1. Acknowledgment of Republic of Macedonia The Law of Decorations and Acknowledgments of the Republic of Macedonia is the basis for the honours system giving public acknowledgment for the activities and acts of individuals or organizations and institutions. It has already started to be used in practice. The material form of the awards was presented in a formal ceremony in the Crystal Hall in the Macedonian Parliament on 22nd April 2005 organized by the Cabinet of the President of the Republic and the Commission for Decorations. This act completed the characteristics of the sovereignty of the Republic of Macedonia. At the same time it supported the development of the Macedonian phaleristic as part of the world phaleristics inheritance.
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According to Traičev, the flag of the Miaks is as old as their tribe. He reads the crescent and the star above it as the sign of the Turkish Empire, put together with the symbol of the Byzantine/Serbian double headed eagle and the Albanian dragon in order to indicate that the region around the river Radika has been under the government of these countries. b This reading cannot be accepted without doubt. First of all, the dragon is not an Albanian symbol: no such coat of arms related to the territory of Albania has been known. On the contrary, the dragon is a symbol of the Slavic god of the cattle named Volos/Veles. And the Miaks are predominantly cattle breeding people. The wolf and the snake in folk mythology are referred to as underground creatures, and the dragon as the commander of the snakes has been in close relation to the nature of the underground god Volos/Veles.c The cult of the wolf is very much related to the cult of the underground world and the moon.d It is a common heraldic symbol in the coats of arms, stamps and belts of some medieval Serbian feudal rulers, such as Balsha II, Gjurgje Stracimirovic etc.e The Balshic’s had land in Albania and their coat of arms is presented in the collection of Albanian arms published by Gjin Varfi.f The position of the crescent and the star differs from the one on the Turkish flag, where the crescent is turned north-south , These are much older symbols that may be found on the barrier stones of Mesopotamia, where they stood for the moon, the son, the goddess Ishtar etc. Identically combined as on our flag (a star entering the arch of the crescent), positioned above the god of the sun can be seen on the stella of king Urnamu from Ur (2022-2004 B.C.).g These two signs combined in a different way may be associated with the Bogumils who used them on their grave stones. There is another possibility to relate them to the Illyrian coat of arms created in the 16th C. and published in the Minster’s Cosmography in Basel in 1544.h This coat of arms has been invented as part of Slavic propaganda, as a symbol of the cultural revival of the South Slavs, since its creators believed it to originate from the Il-
lyrians. So the same crescent and star we see in the corner of the Miaks flag where it is placed on red. According to Solovyev, the moon and the star, or the sun, stand for the heavenly ships, in other words the place where the souls of the righteous dwell before departing to heaven.i The star, crescent and crossbow are found in Huns’ flag, whose kingdom existed until three decades ago. Predominant unnatural green color of the sky combined with black and white on the mounts was probably due to the influence of surrounding Islamic countries. Their arms is a combination of the flag and a lion. This is interesting since the lion’s hair is similar to that on the flag of Razlovec Uprising. If the wingless double headed eagle is read as intertwining snakes, we can talk about an archetypical symbol of dualism, the good and the evil, or heretics. We see it on the church doors of St. Nicholas of the Hospitals in Ohrid, and the church door of the monastery in Treskavec, Prilep. If the wings are missing only on these two flags, or are not actually visible due to the bad quality of printing, and if a light color had been applied, then they can stand for the Byzantine state symbol of the 14th C., actually the coat of arms of the
and Byzantium throughout the Middle Ages by the import of luxurious fabrics used for cloths, curtain, tapestries and covers for altar tables. For instance we see the double headed eagle embroidered on the cloth of the Bulgarian Tsar John Alexander in a 14th C. manuscript illumination,j also on the clothes of Macedonian ruler Duka (in the church of St. Panteleimon in Ohrid) from the 3rd decade of 14th C.k The dragon and the lion may be read as symbols of the defeat of evil by Christ, since they flank his symbol, the cross, the way they have been represented on the bottom of the Large Iconostasis cross from the 16th C. onwards. The confronted dragon and the lion can be seen as well on the wood carved arches of the large throne icons of the iconostases.l It is again the old Christian composition and the dragon may be replaced with a snake, or with a fish. According to Petar Popovski, the Skenderbeg’s flag, a Miac from Kastrioti family included elements of the Miac’s flag as published by Bradina. The Flag and Coat of Arms of Kastrioti and their relations to the Miacs A variant of the Kastrioti armsm published as a drawing by Albanian author
Paleologue family, or as the symbol of the Orthodox Church and also the coat of arms of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The double headed eagle, the lion, the gryphon, and many other fantastic animals originated in the East and became popular in Europe, Russia
Varfi, has a rampant lion with a crescent under its feet with tail finishing inn ivy above which there is a white lily. In the dexter part a double headed eagle is added superficially. A very similar lion is found on Karlo Topia’s arms, only the tail ends in a dragon shape, and
pa, Rusija i Vizantija vo sredniot vek i upotrebuvani za obleka, zavesi, tapiserii, i za pokrivawe na oltarski masi. Dvoglaviot orel ja krasel oblekata na bugarskiot car Jovan Aleksandar od 14 vek,j no i na makedonskiot velmo`a ke sar Duka od ohridskata crkva Sv. “Pantelejmon” od tretata decenija na14 vek.k Zmejot i lavot mo`at da se ~itaat i kako simboli na pobe denoto zlo od strana na Hristos, odnosno krstot, bidej}i go flan kiraat vo gornite agli kako {to se pretstaveni vo podno`jeto na golemiot ikonostasen krst od 16 vek do denes. Sprotivstavenite zmej i lav gi gledame i na drvorez nite arki na golemite prestolni ikoni od ikonostasite.l Toa e stara hristijanska tema, a namesto zmej mo`e da stoi zmija, ili riba. Spored d-r Petar Popovski znameto na Skenderbeg, Mijak od semejstvoto Kastrioti, sodr`elo elementi od poznatoto mija~ko zname objaveno kaj Bradina.
Znameto i grbot na Kastrioti i relacijata so Mijacite Edna varijanta na grbot na semej stvoto Kastriotim, objaven kako crte` od strana na albanskiot avtor Varfi, vo desnata polovi na sodr`i lav izdignat na zadni noze so me~ vo ednata predna noga, a opa{kata mu zavr{uva so list na br{lenn, a nad leviot agol e postaven bel krinov cvet. Do nego vo levata polovina, spored nas, ve{ta~ki e dodaden dvoglav orel. Mnogu sli~en lav se pojavuva na grbot na semejstvoto na Karlo To pija, samo {to kaj nego opa{kata e vo oblik na zmej i namesto krin imame yvezda nad glavata. Znameto na Kastriotite spored Popovski bilo i znameto na Topiite.o Lavot kako simbol na Topiite se javuva i na spomen-plo~ata koja Karlo Topija ja podignal otkako ja obno vil crkvata Sv. “Jovan Vladimir” vo Kowuh kaj Elbasan vo 1383 g. napi{ana so kirili~no pismo, {to spored Popovski u{te edna{ go potvrduva negovoto slovenskoto poteklo.
Popovski naveduva deka Kon stantin Kastriot vo sredinata na 14 vek pod pritisok na An`ujcite i Venecija bil prinuden da gi promeni starite zemski simboli so {esnaesetkrako sonce koe dina stijata go upotrebuvala 5 genera cii kako inspiracija na simbolot na anti~kite Makedonci, pa taka na znameto stava centralen zlaten lav na crveno platno, pod nego krst vo krug vo ~ii praznini gore bile inicijalite na Hristos IS HR, a dolu NI KA (voobi~aeniot gr~ki zbor za pobeda vo imeto na krstot odnosno Isus) koi Popovski gi tolkuva kako inicijali na knezot Nikola Kastriot. Strani~no bile postaveni zlatni resi. Grbot imal isto taka zlaten lav na crveno pole so kruna na grbot. Ovoj grb s# u{te go ~uvale potomcite na najstariot prestavnik na lozata Kastriot- Dimko vo s. Simona kaj Kroja kogo go posetil i go opi{al @unguloski vo 1897 g. So poseben ferman vo po~etokot na 18 vek tur skiot sultan ja zabranil upotre bata na znameto so zlatniot lav, pa taka od nego se zadr`ala samo aplikacijata na krstot vo krug, a lavot se povlegol vo gorniot de sen agol, dodeka drugite agli bile ispolneti so polumese~ina, zmej i dvoglav orel so krst vo sredinata. Ova zname Mijacite go upotrebuva le na crkovnite i drugi sve~enosti s# do 1912 g. koga bilo zabraneto so poseben dekret od strana na novovospostavenata srpska vlast na na{ata teritorija.p Fransis Kont, Sloveni, Beograd 1989, 334. b TraŸ~ev, Kniga za MiÔcitÍ, 95. c Tanas Vra`inovski, Narodna Mitologija 2, 145. d Sowa Zogovi}, Op{testvoto i narodnata kultura na Mekedonija vo raniot sreden vek, Prilep 2002, 143. e Sergije Dimitrijevi}, Sredwovekovni srpski novac, Beograd 1997, Voislav Ivani{evi}, ZRVI, f Gjin Varfi, Heraldika Shqiptare, Dituria, 2000, kolor tabli. g John Gray, Mitologija Bliskog Istoka, Ljubljana 1987, 39, 29. h Aleksandar Matkovski, Grbovite na Makedonija, 1990, 62. a
Aleksandar Solovjev, Postanak ilirske heraldike i porodice Ohmu~eviÊ, GSND XII, 1933, 101 j Kont, Sloveni, 333-335; Hans Bauer, Reise in das goldene Byzanz, Leipzig 1989, 111 k Zagorka Rasolkovska Nikolovska, Arhimandritot Jovan, igumen na klimentoviot Manastir vo Ohrid, Kulturno Nasledstvo 28-29, 2003/3, 104. l Na pr. na ikonostasot od Sv. Bogorodica, Ba~kovo. Vidi kaj Ivanka Gergova, RanniÔt Bõlgarski ikonostas 16-18 vek, SofiÔ 19993, 92. m Gjin Varfi, Heraldika Shqiptare, kolor tabli. n Ova rastenie i vo antikata i kaj hristijanite e simbol na smrtta, `ivot po `ivotot i se postavuva na nadgrobni spomenici i kako interpukciski znak, a se vrzuva i so Isus, o Petar Popovski, statija vo Makedonsko Sonce br 577, str. 33. p Petar Popovski, statija vo Makedonsko Sonce, trobroj 578579580, od 29.07. 2005 g., str. 33 i
Dr. Snezana Filipova
Miacs Flag-Reading of Applied Motiffs
Frances Kont states that Slavs frequently applied red thread to ritual cloth representing archaic motifs that may be related to their old mythology and to the Steppe tribes, especially those coming from Iran.a This type of decoration with triangles that imitate or stand for sun rays is very frequently applied in the Roman mosaics (the head of Medusa or Apollo in the temples in Pergamon, Corinth etc.) from which it has been borrowed in the Christian mosaics (Monastery-Heraclea, Plaoshnik). It usually serves as a frame to enclose an important motif, for example a head of a god, a cosmic symbol, an inscription of the donor etc. (the old Episcopal basilica in Stobi, the newly discovered one at Plaošnik, Ohrid). Even the medieval frescoes show continuity of this circle with triangles in the low zones of the walls which imitate marble decoration (one of the last Medieval churches where it has been used is the cokle of the nartex of St. Andreas on Matka, Skopje, from the end of the 14th C)
Dr. Elica Maneva
Volkot od obetkite od Vodo~a Vo periodot od 1979 do 2003g. arheologot Jovan Ananiev ja istra`uva{e prostranata nekropo la na kompleksot Vodo~ki crkvi, Sv. Leontij vo selo Vodo~a kaj Strumica. So 1081 grob, nekropo lata se vbrojuva me|u najgolemite, ne samo vo Makedonija tuku i po{iroko. Faktot deka egzisti rala od srednovekovieto pa s# do dene{ni dni, od nea pravi zna~aen reper za izu~uvawe na mnogu fenomeni vrzani so konti nuitetite vrzani za `ivotot na edna populacija vo tekot na skoro eden milenium. Seloto Vodo~a e smesteno vo podno`jeto na planinata Elenica, na 4km. zapadno od Strumica, na vlezot od klisurata na rekata Vodo~nica. Nekropolata se pros tira okolu crkvata Sv. Leontij, koja {to ima pove}e arhitekton ski i slikarski fazi od srednove kovniot period. Fokusirajki go vnimanieto na nakitot od periodot od 15 do 18 vek koja {to prv pat mo`e{e strati grafski da se razgleduva na edno mesto, bea izdvoeni nekolku mnogu raritetni i zna~ajni primeroci. Svoeviden kuriozitet pretsta vuvaat naodot na ~ift kru`ni nau{nici na koj {to e prika`an motivot na volk so heraldi~ki predznak vo koncepcijata. Po svojot izgled, odnosno deko racija, se ~ini deka se edinstveni ili prv naod, od vakov vid i so toa so pravo mo`at da se nare~at vodo~ka varijanta na nau{nici so kru`en tip. Nau{nicite terenskite in ventarni broevi 2264a I 2264b. Otkrieni se na 06.10.2000 godina vo grobot 909 kako edinstven arheolo{ki naod. Locirani se vo predelot na glavata (dolnata vilica) od slabo za~uvaniot detski skelet. Za obele`uvawe e deka na pove}e mesta po povr{inata na nau{nicite se za~uvani (zalepeni i oksidirani po metalnata podloga) ostatoci od fina tekstilna tkaenina, na-
jverojatno od pokrivaloto na gla vata. Nau{nicite se izraboteni od tenka bakarna lamarina. Po svojot izgled i na~inot na upotreba, nau{nicite od Vodo~a najbliska analogija imaat so onie koi se nas likani na portretot na kralicata Milica. Ottuka nivnoto datirawe se opredeluva kon krajot na 15 vek ne isklu~uvaj}i tie da dospeale pod zemja i vo tekot na 16 vek. Za ralika od primerocite, od ktitor skata kompozicija od manastirot na Matka kade dekoracijata ne e dovolno jasna ili samo se nasetuva, vodo~kite nau{nici imaat dobra izdifirencirana ornamentika. Vsu{nost najo~ebijnite signali {to ovie nau{nici gi emituvaat se likovnite pretstavi na kru`nite, licevi strani na korpusot. Vo teh nika na is~ukuvawe vrz edinstven kalap matrica upotrebuvan 4 pati (2h2 za dvete kru`ni strani na nau{nicite) prika`an e volk so specifi~no okru`uvawe. Volkot e prika`an celosno vo profil kako se pridvivi`uva so edna ispru`ena predna noga.
na kalapot. Praznite prostori pod vratot okolu nozete i nad grbot, se ispolneti so, polutop~esti ispaknatini ~ija uloga mo`e da bide dekorativna, za popolnuvawe na prazniot prostor, no istotaka, mo`e da zna~at i ilustracija na izvesen ambient. Pred da se prodol`i so natamo{na analiza traba da se dodade i deka, oddelni motivi od docnosrednovekovni amblemi ili heraldi~ki simboli, se sre}avaat kaj del od materijalite vo nekropo lata vo Vodo~a. Vo toj pravec posebno vnimanie privlekuvaat i prstenite kade ima i vpe~atlivi heraldi~ki primeri. Vo eden slu~aj kompozicijata prika`ana na gornata povr{ina na glavata na masiven, srebren prsten pretsta vuva kompleten grb ~ii elementi se : volk, {tit i bode`, a seto toa e obikoleno so natpis. Spored izrabotkata i morfolo{kite karakteristiki ovoj prsten pripa|a na velmo{kite prsteni od poslednite decenii na 14 vek. Toa e kvaliteten primerok
Vol~e{kite {epi se naglaseni so {to se istaknuva agresivnosta, a u{ite mu se is{uleni nagore, glavata mu e izdadena napred, a ustata so silni ~elusti mu e {iroko otvorena. Opa{ot mu e ramno ispru`en a potoa se svitkuva prodol`uvaj}i vo sprotivna nasoka nad negovoto telo, prestoruvaj}i se vo granka so dve skoro kru`no zavitkani vetki i zavr{uvaj}i so vrvot pokraj negovata glava. Celata kompozicija e vramena vo kru`nica koja go ozna~uva rabot
na prsten pe~atnik, na ~ija {to glava e pretstaven semejniot grb na blagorodni~ka familija od ovie oblasti. Ostavajki go na strana pos tudioznoto tolkuvawe na ovoj naod, za ovaa prigoda vnimani eto se naso~uva kon eden del od heraldi~kata pretstava kon mo tivot na volk. I vo ovoj slu~aj toj e prika`an vo celosna pretstava, vo profil i so naglaseni {epi i kanxi, so ra{ireni ~elusti, no glava vertikalno postavena vo
odnos na trupot i so mal vodoraven opa{. Motivot na volk (glava, goren del ili cela figura vo razli~ni pozicii) e eden od po~estite motivi na li~nte amblemi ili semejni grbovi zabele`ani vo doc noto sredovekovie i vekovite {to sledat posle osmanliskite osvo juvawa. Toa najdobro se sogleduva preku numizmati~kiot materijal koj e mnogu bogat i relativno poznat na nau~nata javnost, a skoro sekoga{ gi pretstavuva i oznakite: amblemot ili grbot na onoj koj go nara~al nivnoto kovawe, kako {to e voobi~aeno i za drugite pred meti od negoviot imot. Volkot so negovite atributi pretstavuva pogoden simbol za identifikacija so negovite oso bini. Fasciniranosta od ovaa su{testvo i implementacijata negova vo narodnite mitovi, veru vawata i obi~aite na eden ili drug na~in se prisutni vo site kulturi {to egzistirale vo zonata na ne govoto prostirawe. Kako arhetip,. Volkot ima dosta sloevita i ambivalentna simbo lika. Mo}ta da gleda vo mrakot go pravi istovremeno i solarno i htonsko bitie. Negovata snaga, krvo`ednost, i `estokost se ale gorija za borbenosta i voinstve nata ekstaza, kon koja{to te`neat junacite. Bo`jata opravdanost na ovie dejstvija vo mentalitetot na sred novekovniot ~ovek, se sogleduva i vo objasnuvawata zapi{ani vo Fiziologosot. Vo burnite vremiwa na docnoto srednovekovie, poimot na volkot i negovite karakteristiki se namet nuva kako adekvaten li~en amblem, kako del od semejniot grb, pa duri i kako mitski predok. Pretstavata na ovoj simbol, kako i drugite pretstavi voobi~aeni za ovaa vreme, mo`e da se javi na razni objekti kako {to se znamiwa zavetveni grade`ni darovi , fasa dite na domovite, na sadovite, na oru`jeto, posebno na {titot, na oblekite, ukrasite, pojasite, utilitarnite predmet itn. Mo`e li, vo nedostig na drugi pokonkretni elementi, (vo ne-
dostig na drugi pokonkretni ele menti, nemawe na osteolo{ki osta toci i na poegzaktni za datirawe so metodi od prirodnite nauki) da se ka`e deka vo Vodo~a vo grobovite 196 i 909 bile pogrebeni li~nosti od isto semejstvo? Poslednoto pra{awe ostanuva otvoreno iako, na pove}e dilemi se dadeni odgovori, ili barem navestuvawa {to se ~inat vero dostojni. Inventiven majstor, spored `elbata na nara~atelot i manirot, odnosno postoe~kata moda na izrabotka na nau{nicite, potvrdeni i na `ivopisot od 15 vek, izrabotil eden ~ift od niv za
dama od bogato semejstvo, kako vi den motiv e pretstavata na volk, so heraldi~ka konotacija, vo svoeto primarno zna~ewe i sekundarno nadgraduvawe so folklorno si`e od domenot na htonsko-lunarnite veruvawa. Taka se sogleduva i na~inot na koj {to rasko{nite, docnosred novekovni, velmo{ki predlo{ki na nau{nicite od kru`en tip divergirale i se infiltrirale, vo folklornite formi napojova jki se so `ivopisnata energija od narodnite veruvawa, no istovre meno, za~uvuvajki gi obele`jata i simbolikata na heraldi~kata tradicija.
Dr.Elica Maneva
The Wolf at the Vodoca Earrings Between 1979 and 2003 the archeologist Jovan Ananiev explored the large necropolis of the Vodoca Church Complex of St. Leonthius in the village of Vodoca near Strumica. With its 1081 discovered graves it belongs among the largest necropolises not only in Macedonia, but also in the wider region. The fact that it existed in the Middle Ages and was in the use until present makes it highly important for the study of numerous phenomena linked with the population which settled this area for almost a whole millennium. The village of Vodoca is situated at the foot of Mt. Elenica, 4km west of Strumica and at the entrance of the gorge of the river Vodocica. The necropolis lies around the church of
St. Lenothius which has several architectural and painting phases of the mediaeval period. Focusing on the jewelry from the period between the 15th and 18th centuries, which can be stratigraphically observed on one site for the first time, we isolated several very rare and highly important specimens. Among them, a unique find is a pair of circular earrings with a depiction of a wolf whose conception also has an heraldic connotation. Their appearance and decoration suggest that they are the only or, at least, the first find of this kind and can therefore appropriately be defined as the Vodoca variety of earrings of the circular type.
Dr. Filipova Sne`ana
Bele{ki za Mija~koto zname - Tolkuvawe na apliciranite motivi Fransis Kont naveduva deka Slo venite ~esto go koristele crveniot konec za obreden vez za simboli na platno - arhai~ni motivi povrzani so starata mitologija i stepskite narodi, osobeno od Iran.a Motivot na triagolnici koi imitiraat zraci postaveni vo prsten e mnogu ~est vo rimskite mozaici (glavata na Meduza ili Apolon vo hramovite vo Pergamon, Korint itn.) od kade {to e preze men vo hristijanskite manastiri, vo Herakleja, kako i na Plao{nik, i go ispolnuva vramuva~kiot me daljon ispolnet so zna~aen motiv, kosmi~ki znak, odnosno natpis na ktitor (na pr. kaj starata Episkop ska bazilika vo Stobi, vo no vootkrienata crkva vo Plao{nik). I vo srednovekovnite freski vakov krug od triagolnici-zraci gi dekorirale dolnite zoni koi imitiraat mermerna dekoracija (edna od poslednite srednovekovni crkvi kaj nas kade {to e upotreben cokleto od narteksot na Sv. An dreja na Matka, Skopje, od krajot na 14 vek). Mija~koto zname, spored Traj~ev, e staro kolku {to e star mija~kiot rod. Toj gi tolkuval polumese~inata so kracite izvie ni nagore vo kombinacija so yvezda kako znak na turskata vlast koj e staven na znameto zaedno so albanskiot simbol -zmejot i vi zantiskiot/srpskiot orel, za da upati deka rekanskiot kraj bil (ili e) pod vlasta na ovie zemji.b Sepak, ova tolkuvawe ne mo`e da se prifati bez rezerva. Najprvin zmejot ne e albanski simbol nitu pak, e poznat takov grb so zmej koj bil povrzan so teritorijata na Albanija. Naprotiv, zmejot e simbol na bogot na dobitokot Veles kaj Slovenite, a Mijacite se pred s# sto~arski narod. Volkot i zmijata vo narodnata mitologija se smetaaat za htonski su{testva, a zmejot kako stare{ina na zmiite bil vo tesna vrska so prirodata na podzemniot bog Volos/Veles.c Kultot za volkot bil tesno povrzan so kultot na podzemniot
svet i so mese~inata.d Toa e ~est vaweto vo rajot.i Yvezdata, polumese~inata i sa heraldi~ki simbol na grbovite, pe~atite i pojasite na nekoi srp mostrelot se nao|aat i na znameto ski srednovekovni feudalci kako na Hunzite, ~ie kralstvo postoelo Bal{a II, \ur|e Stracimirovi} do pred 3 decenii. Dominantnata itn.e Semejstvoto na Bal{i} pose neprirodno zelena boja na neboto duval imoti i vo Albanija i tamu vo kombinacija so crna i bela na e za~uvan nivniot grb koj Gjin planinite mo`e da bidat vlija Varfi go objavil vo kolekcijata nie na islamskite dr`avi koi gi opkru`uvale. Nivniot grb koj e na albanski grbovi.f Kombinacijata na polumese~ina kombinacija na znameto so lav isto i yvezda e razli~no postavena od taka e interesno za nas bidej}i taa kaj turskoto zname, kade {to bujnata lavovska griva nalikuva na polumesecot e svrten so kracite onaa od znameto na Razlove~koto severojug. Ova se mnogu postari vostanie. Ako dvoglaviot orel koj nema znaci koi mo`e da n# vratat do kamenite me|nici od Mesopo krila go tolkuvame kako ispre tamija, kade {to go ozna~uvale pleteni zmii, toga{ se raboti za bogot na sonceto, bogot na mese star arhetipski simbol na duali cot, bo`icata I{tar itn. Sosema zam, dobro i zlo, ili spored nekoi identi~no kombinirani kako kaj na ereti~nost. Go sre}avame i na na{eto zname - yvezda-sonce vleze crkovnite vrati vo Sv. “Nikola na vo vnatre{nosta Znameto od Treson~e - spored Traj~ev na lakot na pol Flag from Tresonce, according to Trajcev umesecot stojat nad bogot na son ceto, na strelata na kralot Urnamu od Ur, datirana od 2022 do 2004 g. pred n. e. g Ovie dva zna ka grafi~ki razli~no kom binirani mo`e da se povrzat i so bogomilite koi ~esto gi pretsta vuvale na nagrob nite spomenici, ili so ilirskiot Bolni~ki” vo Ohrid i vo crkvata grb kreiran vo 16 vek i objaven vo na manastirot “Treskavec”, Pri Minsterovata “Kosmografija” lep. Ako prifatime deka samo od 1544 g. pe~atena vo Bazel.h Ovoj na ovie za~uvani znamiwa nedo grb bil izmislen za “propagadni” stigaat krilata, mo`ebi zaradi celi kako simbol na prerodbata na lo{ata reprodukcija na istite, ju`nite Sloveni bidej}i privrz toga{ bi mo`elo da se re~e deka anicite na ilirskata ideja mis vsu{nost se raboti za znakot na lele deka ju`nite Sloveni vodat vizantiskata dr`ava od 14 vek, poteklo od Ilirite. Zna~i istiot odnosno grbot na Paleolozite, ili polumesec so yvezda koj go gledame grbot na Pravoslavnata crkva, no vo agolot na mija~koto zname ovde e isto taka i na Avstro-ungarskata postaven na grb so crvena zadnina. imperija. Skapocenite tkaeni Za Solovjev mese~inata i yvezdata ni ukraseni so dvoglaviot orel, odnosno sonceto simboliziraat lavot, grifonot i mnogu drugi nebeski korabi, t.e. `iveali{ta na fantasti~ni `ivotni po poteklo du{ite na pravednite pred zaminu- od Istok, bile uvezuvani vo Evro-
Noviot grb na Bitola ima kompozicija koja e mnogu change it to a pokompoleksna. Blazonot e: srebo, na tesno sino ~elo more fortunate zlatna staromakedonska pletenka, na crven {tit koj solution: per se dopira do ~eloto, devet zlatni dopira~ki triagol fess rayonee of nici po tri vo red. Simbolikata e malku podzaskriena, four decreasZlatnite triagolnici gi simbolizira molikite na ing Gules and Pelister, a anti~kata pletenka anti~nosta na grad Sable. An issuing tower Or. Bitola. Ara~inovo, pak vo devedesetite na minatiot vek The colors and donese {titoviden amblem so ~isto socijalisti~ka the partition reakcija na heraldikata. Za sre}a, op{tinata sobra lines is rephrabrost da go izmeni so mnogu posre}no re{enie: resenting the prese~en so zaobleno-zap~esto namaluva~ko crveno i Albanian flag, crno, gore izrastuva~ka zlatna kula. Boite i presekot and the tower, go prestavuvaat albanskoto zname a kulata e tradi again, traditional symbol cionalen simbol, povtorno, na urbana sredina. Iako goreka`anato deluva mnogu ohrabruva~ki, of urban area. Even though katastrofalnite re{enija na Butel i ^air n# the aforemen- Stariot amblem na op{tina Bitola vra}aat vo realnosta, nepoznavaweto i otstranu tioned brings a Old Amblem of Municipality of Bitola vawe na heraldikata od nejzinoto mesto, kreirawe lot of encourna grbovi. Re{enieto na Butel e kombinacija na ra~no nacrta agement, the catastrophic solutions for arms of municipalini grafi~ki elementi izme{ani so fotografii ties of Cair and Butel are taking us back to the reality, total bez nikakov red ili gri`a barem za stilot. Tuka ignorance and removal of the heraldry of its most natural e prestaveno i znameto na RM vo sino zlatna kom place, in the process of creating arms. The design for the Arms of Butel is a combination of a binacija, {to e direktno sprotivno so zakonot koj hand drown elements with photographs without any order zabranuva upotreba na dr`avnoto zname. MHZ be{e or concern for the style. It has a representation of the flag zamoleno od strana na op{tinskata administracija da izvr{i standardizirawe na ovoj koncept, no za `al, of the Republic of Macedonian in Azure and Or, practice i pokraj odli~nata sorabotka so administracijata directly prohibited by law. MHS was asked by municipality na op{tinata, Sovetot pak smeta{e deka e dovolno administration to do a heraldic intervention on this concept, but unfortunately, inspite the great cooperation with the stru~en i go zamoli MHZ da zamine. Op{tina ^air donese brzopleto re{enie: razgled administration, the Council consider that has sufficient exnica od starata ~ar{ija prika`ana vo akvarel i ed pertise on this subject and MHS was asked to depart. Municipality of Cair has made a premature choice: a nostavno ise~ena vo forma na {tit. Ova prestavuva najlo{o re{enie vo Republika Makedonija, vedna{ po postcard depicting the old bazaar painted in aquarelle, cut ona na Butel. I dvata e nevozmo`no da se blazoniraat to shape of a shield. This represents the worst design in the bidej}i blazonot e jazik na heraldikata za opi{uvawe Republic of Macedonia, just after Butel. Both cases are imposible to blazon, since blazoning is heraldic language na grbovi a ne na fotografii. Poseben slu~aj prestavuva amblemot na Aerodrom, for description of Coat of Arms, not photographs. Special case is the arms of Municipality of Aerodrom, the koj prestavuva najlo{ primer na ru{ewe na heraldika. worst case of infringement of heraldry. Letter “A” which Bukvata „A“ koja spored prviot according the first description opis be{e stilizirana po~etna C was a representation of the bukva na imeto na op{tinata, initial letter of the name of the pri povtornoto utvrduvawe na municipality, after the second istiot grb stana raskrsnica, Z public bid became a busy crossizleguva od ramkite na {titot. road. What ever, it is departing Toa go pravi i vtoriot element, from the shields borders, same sonceto, ne{to {to ne e zamis as the second charge, the sun, a livo vo heraldikata (koga ne practice unknown to heraldry stanuva zbor za parafernalii). Cr (apart from the paraphernalia). Sepak, poradi ednostavnosta Due to the simpleness of na kompozicijata, taa mo`e les the design, it could be easily no i udobno da se heraldizira so heraldised by putting the main vra}awe na osnovniot element, charge, the monogram back on New Arms of Municipality of Aracinovo monogramot vo {tiot i celosno the shield, and removing the Noviot grb na op{tina Ara~inovo izleguvawe na sonceto od {titot, sun off the shield so it could be Prika`an so heraldi~ka {rafura koe sega, stanuva ~elenka. (Petra Sankta) i so ozna~uvawe a crest.
(str. 14, 16)
The earrings bear the field inventory numbers 2264a and 2264b. They were discovered on 6 October 2000 in grave 909 as the only archaeological find. They were located at the head (lower jaw) of the poorly preserved skeleton of a child. It should be noted that on several segments of the earrings remnants of fine fabric, probably a head cover, are preserved on the surface, soldered and oxidised on the metal base. The earrings are made of thin copper sheet metal. In terms of appearance and type of use, the earrings from Vodoca are analogous to those painted in Milica’s portrait. Therefore, they are dated to the late 15th century, although they may have been used or came under ground during the 16th century. In contrast to the specimens from the donors’ composition in the monastery in Matka where the decoration is not clearly visible and can only be conjectural, the ornaments on the earrings from Vodoca are well defined. In fact, the most evident signals conveyed by these earrings are the visual ones, i.e., they are depicted on the circular outer surfaces that would have been immediately visible. A wolf in a specific surrounding is depicted on these earring with the embossing technique applied on the single mould/ pattern used four times (2 x 2 on the two circular sides of the earrings). The depiction shows its full figure in profile as it moves with one front leg stepping forward. The wolf’s claws are emphasized, indicating its potential aggressiveness; its ears are pricked upwards, the head is horizontally protruded and the snout with strong jaws is wide open. The tail is flatly outreached and then curved in the opposite direction above its body; it is transformed into a branch with two almost circular twigs whose tip terminates at the wolf’s head. The entire composition IS framed with a circle that marks the edge of the mould. The empty surfaces under the neck, around the legs and above the back are filled with hemi-spherical protrusions which may have been intended for decorative purposes, to fill the “empty space” or to illustrate a particular environment. Before we begin our in-depth analysis of this depiction, we would like
to stress that certain motifs from the customary repertory of the late mediaeval emblems or heraldic depictions are encountered in some specimens of the jewelry discovered in the necropolis in Vodoca. In this regard, of special importance are the rings, which include certain impressive heraldic specimens. In one such specimen the composition shown on the upper surface of the head of a massive silver ring shows a complete coat of arms with the following elements: wolf, shield and dagger, surrounding inscription. The manufacture and morphological characteristics of this ring indicate that it belongs among the specimens worn by the nobility in the last decades of the 14th century. It is a high-quality specimen of a signet ring whose 1 head shows the family coat of arms of a prominent aristocratic family from these areas. Rather than proceeding with a detailed analysis of this exceptional find, on this occasion we focus on one detail from this heraldic depiction, the wolf as a motif. In this case, too, it is depicted in its full shape, in movement and in profile, with emphasized claws and an open jaw; its head, however, is placed vertically in relation to the body and has a short, vertical tail. The wolf as a motif (head, upper part or full figure in different positions) is one of the more customary motifs among the numerous depictions of family personal emblems of family coats of arms that have been recorded in Late Middle Ages (13th to 14th centuries) and the centuries that followed after the Ottoman conquest of this and the neighboring regions. This is best seen in the numismatic material that is relatively rich and well known in scholarly circles; it practically always shows the emblem or the coat of arms of the individual who commissioned the minting of the coin and it was also customary in the making of other items which belonged to the given person. With its attributes, the wolf represents an appropriate symbol for the identification with its characteristics. The fascination with this beast and its implementation in the myths, beliefs and customs are always present in some form in the cultures which existed in its habitat.
As an archetype, the wolf has a complex and ambivalent symbolism. Its ability to see in the dark makes it simultaneously a solar and a chthonic creature. Its power, bloodthirstiness and fierceness are an allegory of the fighting spirit and warlike ecstasy to which heroes strive. The righteousness of such actions in the mentality of mediaeval man is reflected in the interpretations recorded in Fisiologus. In the tempestuous times of the Late Middle Ages, the wolf as a concept imposed itself and its characteristics as an appropriate personal emblem, part of the family coat of arms or even a mythical ancestor. The depiction of the wolf as a symbol, like the other depictions characteristic of this period, also appeared on flags, legacies, facades, vessels, weapons (especially on the shield), garments, decorative and utilitarian items, etc. Can it be claimed, in the absence of other, more concrete arguments (no ostheological remains and more exact indicators for dating with methods from the natural sciences, etc.) that individuals from the same family were buried in graves 196 and 909 in Vodoca? This question remains open; however, several dilemmas have been clarified and there are at least certain indications which appear tenable. The inventive craftsman, acting on the wish of the person who ordered the earrings and the current fashion evident in the fresco painting from the end of the 15th century, made a pair of earrings for a lady from a prominent family from Vodoca. He used the depiction of the wolf as a decorative motif, which reflects both a heraldic connotation in its primary meaning and, in terms of its secondary meaning, the narrative folk elements from the chthonic/lunar beliefs. Thus, we can follow the manner in which the lavish late mediaeval earring patterns of the circular type made for the nobility diverged and infiltrated folklore forms, drawing the inspiration from the vigorous energy of folk beliefs, at the same time preserving the features and the symbolism of the heraldic tradition.
Makedonski heraldi~ki terminolo{ki re~nik PO
Edna od glavnite predmeti na heraldikata e opi{uvawe na grbovite. Toj opis – “Blazon” ja prestavuva su{tinata na grbot, koj za heraldikata e pova`en od likovniot prikaz – “Emblazon”. Procesot na opi{uvawe na grbot (pi{uvawe na blazonot) se vika blazonirawe. Pritoa blazonot mora da bide jasen i nedvosmislen, taka sekoj heraldi~ki umetnik da mo`e da go emblazonira – likovno da go prestavi tokmu toj grb. Tokmu poradi ova, od najgo lema va`nost e da se napravi re~nik na standardnite make donski heraldi~ki termini, bez koi e nevozmo`no seriozno da se zanimavame so prou~uvawe i prak tikuvawe na heraldikata. Heraldikata pokraj so grbot se zanimava i so heraldi~kite znamiwa i bexevite. Site heraldi~ki elemen ti {to gi poseduva armigerot-onoj {to poseduva grb: grb, heraldi~ki znamiwa i bexevi prestavuva Heraldi~ko dostignuvawe.
Prv i osnoven termin e {titot. Toj go prestavu va i osnovniot oblik na grbot [TANDART – odnosno maliot grb ili ~esto samo - grb. Grbot se sostoi od pole (povr{inata na {titot) ili poliwa dokolku {ti tot e podelen, i heraldi~ka figBEX ura, ili prosto – figura. Poleto pak, se karakterizira so boja. (Ilustraci ja na str.16). Boite mo`at da se prestavat na tri na~ini: So aplicirawe na boja, so heral di~ka {rafura (Petra Sankta) MAL GRB i so ozna~uvawe, koga se koristat samo bukvi (dadeni vo zagradite). Boite na poleto se delat na tri grupi: 1. Metali: Zlato (Z) (`olta) i Srebro (S) (bela); 2. Boi (tinkturi, emajli): Crve na (C), Sina (Sn), Zelena (Zl), Crna (Cr) i Purpurna (P) 3. Krzna: Hermelin i Ververica, kako i Perduvi i Skrgunki Iako ne mo`e da se zboruva za zna~eweto na boite kako nivna ka rakteristika, sepak niz istorijata se provlekuvaat zna~ewa povrzani so boite: Zlato: Svetost, trajnost, Bogat stvo, pravda, milosrdie, razbi rawe, ugled, hrabrost. Srebro: Nevinost, ~istota, mudrost, radost. Crvena: Krv, kralstvo, hrabrost, sloboda, qubov. Sina: Vernost, postojanost, ot menost. Zelena: mladost, raste`, plod nost, zdravje, ubavina, nade`. Purpurna: Blago~estivost, suve-
renost, umerenost. Crna: Taga, mudrost, cvrstina, crkva. Krznata kako karakteristika na poleto poteknuva od praksata dr veniot {tit da se prekriva so razni vidovi ko`i i krzna. Najzastapuvani krzna se Hermelinot i Ververicata. Crnite dezeni na hermelinot gi prestavuvaat opav~iwata na `ivot nite od koi se dobiva ova krzno. Ima 4 vidovi na Hermelin, prestaveni na crte`ot na str. 16. Hermelinot e na srebreno crni opav~iwa (1). Kontra Hermeli not e na crno beli opav~iwa (2). Zlatniot Hermelin prestavuva crni opav~iwa na zlatno (3), i Peon, zlatni opav~iwa na crno (4). Ververi~kata pak prestavu va krzno so{ieno od ko`i na ververi~ki, kade beliot del go prestavuva me{eto na ververi~kata. Drugiot del tradicionalno e sin. Spored na~inot na sostavuvawe na poedine~nite krzna razlikuvame nekolku vidovi na Ververica, prestaveni na crte`ot na str 16. Ververica (5), Ververica vo stolb (6), Kontra-ververica (7), i Ververica vo kraj (8). Postoi i drug vid na ververica koga krznata na ververi~kata se vo oblik na bukvata “t”(9). I tamu se koristi istata logika vo nazivite. Osven ovie dva vida krzno, pone koga se upotrebuvaat Skrgunki (10) i Perduvi (11). Pokraj osnovnite boi na poleto postojat i dva vida na heraldi~ki {ari. Edniot e koga poleto e pode leno pove}epati (12, 13), za {to }e stane zbor koga }e zboruvame za podelbite na {titot. Vtoriot, pak prestavuva poseano pole (14, 15). Poseano pole e koga na poleto se povtoruvaat golem broj mali fig uri koi toga{ ne se smetaat kako figuri tuku kako {ara, odnosno kako samoto pole. Zakonot na boi veli deka metal ne se stava vrz metal, nitu boja vrz boja. Ova e od pri~ina {to takvite kombinacii te{ko se identifiku vaat od dale~ina, koe e edna od celite i ulogite na grbot.
Jovan Jonovski
Novi gradski grbovi (Prodol`uva od str 1.)
Jovan Jonovski
New Civic Arms
(Continued from p.1)
koriste{e pejsa`niot grb na grad simply and symbolically identifies Skopje. Sega se opredeli za grb this municipality. The composition is koj simboli~no na ednostaven simple, which is one of the basic rules na~in pretpoznatlivo ja presta considered when an arms is being crevuva op{tinata. Kompozicijata e ated. The blazon is simple: Azure, on ednostavna {to e edno od osnovnite fess Or between a twelve-pointed star pravila pri kreirawe na grb. Bla and two waves of the same, 9 bullits zonot e ednostaven: sino, na zlaten Argent, 2,3 4. pojas pome|u dvanaesetokraka yvezda The star is taken from the monostery i dve branovidni lenti od isto, 9 in Nerezi, while the other charges are srebreni kvdrati 2,3,4. traditional, the waves are representing Edno od pravilata na heraldikata the Vardar river, and the bullits form i e, ako grbot mo`e da se blazonira mural construction representing castle, (da se opi{e so vokabularot i grama Stariot “grb” na op{tina Ara~inovo city, urban area. This coat of arms is Old “Arms” of Municipality of Aracinovo tikata na heraldikata), toga{ toj e best in the Republic of Macedonia, heraldi~ki. next to the one of municipality of Centar. This arms is folYvezdata e zemena od manastirot vo Nerezi, dodeka lowing the heraldic concept and spirit: simplicity and clasic drugite simboli se tradicionalni, branovite lini heraldic elements. go prestavuvaat Vardar, a strukturata na kvadratite The only objection is the usage of Argent bullits on Or, e muralna konstrukcija koja prestavuva zamok, grad, which directly contradicts the rule of colors. This makes disurbana sredina. Po grbot na op{tina Centar, ova e cerning of the charges difficult. The author offers solution of najdobar grb koja gi sledi heraldi~kiot koncept i duh: a play of shadows, something unknown the heraldry, as it uses ednostavnosta i klasi~nite heraldi~ki elementi. basic colors in their clearest form. This problem could be easEdinstvenata zamerka e postavuvaweto na srebreni ily solved by fimbriation of the bullets Argent with Azure. te kvadrati direktno na zlatniot pojas, so {to se From the same workshop we have the new Arms of municinaru{uva praviloto na boi i so toa razgrani~uvaweto pality of Bitola, which for first time acquires a Coat of Arms. na elementite. Za vizuelno razgrani~uvawe avtorite Until recently, Bitola used a graphical emblem, which totally ponudija re{enie koe prestavuva igra na senki, represent the spirit of socialist emblematics. It is interesting ne{to nepoznato vo heraldikata, bidej}i heraldikata that this emblem never had a color representation. gi koristi osnovnite boi vo svojata naj~ista forma. New Arms of Bitola has a composition far more complicatOvoj problem ednostavno se re{ava so oramuvawe ed. The Blazon is: Argent, on a chief Azure old Macedonian (fimbrijacija) na srebrenite elementi so sino. braid Or. An escheuton barry [of three] indented Gules and Od istata rabotilnica ni doa|a grbot na op{tina Or in pile. The symbolic is rather hidden. The Gules and Bitola, koja prvpat dobiva grb. Do sega Bitola Or triangles are representing the Mt. Pelister’s Molika, and koriste{e edno grafi~ko re{enie, koe celosno e vo antic braid the antiquity of City of Bitola. duhot na socijalisti~kata amblematika. Interesen Arachinovo in the 90’s of the last centurly has acquired a e i faktot deka ova logo nikoga{ nemalo varijanta shiled-like emblem, a clear socialistic reaction of heraldry. vo boja. Fortunately the Municipality Council has shown courage to
“Grbot” na op{tina ^air - s# u{te neregistriran The “Arms” of Municipality of Cair- still unregistered
“Grbot” na op{tina Butel The “Arms” of Municipality of Btuel
Originalot i mo`na ntervencija na grbot na op{tina Aerodrom Original and possible intervention on the Arms of Municipality of Aerodrom
[to e grb
Od urednikot Po dolga dvogodi{na pauza povtorno pred vas e noviot broj na Makedonski Herald. Vo nego }e gi ispolnime vetu vawata od prethodniot broj: prodol`etokot na napisot za Mija~koto zname i za eden od na~inite na tolkuvawe na isto to. Vtoroto vetuvawe se odnesuva na komentarot na definicijata za grb predadena vo prethodniot broj, spored Op{tata encik lopedija na Jugoslovenskiot leksikografski zavod. Vo ovoj broj }e gi najdete i novite op{tinski grbovi koi se dobli`uvaat do heraldi~kata praktika. Vnimanie mu e posveteno i na aktivnostite na MHZ pome|u dva broja, osobeno na negovata me|unarodna aktivnost. Od ovoj broj }e po~neme i so razgleduvawe na Makedonskite odlikuvawa.
From the Editor After a long two-year break, the new issue of Macedonian Herald is in front of you. In it we will fulfil promises given in the previous issue: Second part of the text on Miac’s flag and one way of the reading of the applied motifs. Second promise, we will comment on the definition of the Coat of Arms offered by the Encyclopaedia of the Yugoslav Lexicography Department. In this issue you will find new municipal coat of arms which are coming closer to the heraldic practice. A special light is given to the MHS activities between two issues, with emphasis on the international cooperatioon. From this issue we will be taking a closer look on the Macedonian Decorations.
Petar Manxukov 113/6 1010 Skopje, Makedonija +389 2 (0)70 252 989
Vo prethodniot broj ja prenes ovme definicijata spred Op{ta Enciklopedija, Jugoslovenski Le ksikorafski Zavod, Zagreb 1977g koja veli deka grbot e: “Potrajna oznaka na oddelni li~nosti, familii, korporacii, politi~ki i crkovni ustanovi, organizacii i dr`avi, izrazeni so likovni sredstva po odredeni pravila” Ovaa definicija ni dava pet momenti vo definiraweto na grb: 1. Traen karakter; 2 oznaka na oddelni li~nosti; 3, ima titular odnosno nositel na grbot; 4, izra zeni so likovni sredstva; 5. po odredeni pravila. Dva od ovie momenti, iako se dobli`uvaat do opredeluvaweto na grbot, se necelosni. Prvo, tretiot moment, ovde taksativno naveduvawe na mo`nite titulari, fizi~ki i pravni lica, izostava nekolku glavni titulari, odnosno nositeli na grb. Toa se teritori jalni edinici i naseleni mesta, kade pripa|aat i zemskite kako i op{tinskite grbovi, na koi }e im obrneme vnimanie vo ovoj broj na Makedonski Herald. Drug va`en tituar, ovde izostaven e funkci jata. Odredeni funkcii/pozicii mo`at da imaat grb. Tie ne go prestavuvaat onoj koj ja dr`i taa funkcija, tuku samata funkcija. Vtoro, petiot moment: “po odredeni pravila” naveduva deka ima pravila koi rakovodat so kreiraweto, upotrebata i izmenu vaweto na grbot, no so izostavu vaweto da se spomene deka tokmu heraldi~kite pravila se onie edinstveni koi mo`at i smeat da go definiraat grbot, se os tava ogromen prostor za svoevol no tolkuvawe. Dokaz za toa e i na~inot na koj se kreirani golem del od na{ite op{tinski “grbovi” t.e. {titovidni amblemi.
Publisher Urednik Editor Jovan Jonovski Jovan Jonovski Digitalna verzija - Digital version
Jovan Jonovski
^etvrtiot moment, “izrazeni so likovni sredstva” e isto taka {iroka kategorija koja mo`ebi i doveduva do zabuna kade grbot se poistovetuva so likovna kom pozicija (kako {to e primer ak varelniot prikaz na ~ar{ijata kako predlogot za grb na op{tina ^air). Heraldikata gi pravi grbo vite so elementi i boi, koi mo`at strogo da se opi{at so blazon, i spored nego nekoj mo`e da go reproducira istiot grb iako pre thodno go nema videno. Ona {to ova definicija propu{ta da go spomene a e od kru cijalno zna~ewe e deka grbot se koga{ e “likovno izrazen”na {tit so kogo e neraskinlivo povrzan. I konceptualno no i fizi~ki. Povtorno, ona {to ne e spomen ato e deka grbot e nasleden. Tokmu od ova negova karakteristika, nie vo makedonskiot, kako i drugite slovenski jazici go dobivame i samiot zbor “grb”, od germanskiot zbor “ERBE” koj zna~i nasledno. Ako sega gi vmetneme doobjas nuvawata i izostavenite rab oti spomnati pogore, toga{ za definicija na grb imame: “Potraj na nasledna oznaka za identi fikacija na oddelni li~nosti, familii, korporacii, politi~ki i crkovni ustanovi, organizacii i dr`avi, funkcii, teritorii i naseleni mesta, izrazeni so liko vni sredstva (znakovi i boi) spored heraldi~kite pravila” Grbot mo`e da se definira i kako “osnoven element na heraldikata”. Kako takov toj e nerazdeliv del od heraldikata i sekoe razgleduvawe na grbot nadvor od heraldikata e pogre{no. U{te postra{no e obidot da se kreira grb a pritoa da se smeta deka heraldikata e mrtva nauka koja treba da se zanimava samo so prou~uvawe na minatoto.
MACEDONIAN HERALDRY SOCIETY Petar Mandzukov 113/6 1010 Skopje, Makedonija +389 2 (0)70 252 989
Aktivnosti na MHZ
Jovan Jonovski
Activities of MHS
Posledniot broj na Makedonski Herald be{e pro moviran na predavaweto nasloveno “^udesniot svet na Heraldikata” odr`ano vo Muzej na Makedonija vo maj 2005. Vedna{ potoa, MHZ go krena glasot protiv kr{eweto na osnovniot koncept na heraldikata, po toa prezemen do veksilologijata, deka edno zname ne mo`e da prestavuva dva titulara vo isto vreme, {to be{e predlo`eno od toga{nata vlada kako re{enie na problemot so znamiwata na malcinstvata. MHZ izleze so predlog za minimalni izmeni (diferencijacija) na znamiwata na mati~nite dr`avi koi }e ja poka`at pripadnosta na malcinstvoto no i na identitetot na konositel na suverenosta na Republika Makedonija. Po preskonferencijata sledea mnogu napisi vo ves nicite i nastapi na televizija vo razni informa tivni debatni emisii, so {to popularnostana MHZ go dosegna svojot vrv. Drug va`en moment e vklu~enosta na MHZ vo obidot za heraldizacija na vekeusvoeniot predlog za grb na op{tina Butel. MHZ zaedno so avtorot i op{tinskata administracija koja poka`a zrelost i spremnost da se re{i ovoj problem dojde do prifatlivo re{enie, no za `al Sovetot na op{tinata smeta{e deka e dovolno kompetentno da re{ava po ovaa tema i site napori padnaa vo voda. Se nadevavme deka barem Biroto za za{tita na industriska sopstvenost }e go prepoznae makedonskot zname vo dadeniot predlog i }e se povika na zakonot, no za `al i toa ne se slu~i. Taka site na{i napori propadnaa vo voda. Na{ata aktivnost prodol`i vo istata nasoka so toa {to be{e pobarano od Grad Skopje da se dostavi predlog za heraldizacija na sega{niot grb na gradot Skopje, no bez da se menuva voop{to konceptot na postojniot grb. MHZ dade dva predloga, od koj edniot
Predavaweto vo Muzej: Sekretarot Petar Gajdov i potpretsedatelkata Dr. Sne`ana Filipova gi razgleduvaat verziite na mija~koto zname. Pretsedatelot i Herald na MHZ Jovan Jonovski vo tabardot na MHZ (levo) Lectures at the Museum: Secretary Petar Gajdov and VicePresident Dr. Snezana Filipova, are looking at other versions of the Miac’s flag. The President and the Herald of MHS, Jovan Jonovski in the Tabard of MHS (left)
Last issue of Macedonian Herald was promoted on the lecture titled: “The Wonderful World of Heraldry” held at the Museum of Macedonia in May 2005. Soon after, MHS has raised its voice against braking of the basic heraldry rule, later taken as well in vexilology, that a single flag could not be used by two parties at same time. This is regarding the Government decision to allow minorities to use the undifferentiated flags of their mother countries. MHS brought up a proposal of minimal differentiation of the flags the mother countries, which will show the belongings of a minority, but at the same time will show the identity as a co-bearer of the suzerainty of the Republic of Macedonia. After this press conference a number of newspaper articles followed as well as participation in many TV debates etc. This brought popularity of the MHS at its highest. Other important moment is the involvement of MHS in the attempt of heraldisation of an already voted proposal for Coat of Arms of municipality of Butel. MHS together with the author and municipal administration came to a acceptable solution, but unfortunately, the Municipal Council consider themselves experts enough to act on this matter, so all our efforts were in vain. We hoped that the Biro for protection of industrial property will recognize the Macedonian flag in the given proposal and will act according the law, but unfortunately it did not happen. Our activities continued in the same direction and MHS was asked to do heraldisation of the present coat of arms Poseta na Kolegiumot na grbovi: Potpretsedatelkata Dr. of City of Skopje, but with no changes to its concept. MHS Sne`ana Filipova gi napravi ovie fotografii na rabotna- gave two suggestions, one was total heraldisation and other ta soba na eden herald, mesto kade {to navistina se ra|aat was correction in the area of heraldic art. We still have no grbovite. Visit of College of Arms: Vice-President Dr.Snezana Filipova, answer from the city authorities on the status of our protook these photos in the working room of one of the herald, the posals. place where the Coat of Arms are realy born. One important aspect of MHS activities are ones done
internationally. MHS gave its support to the colegues from Bulgaria, resulting in logistical support for forming of Bulgarian Heraldry and Vexillology Society. The President of MHS was present on the founding meeting, and on the yearly assembly was present with a three person delegation. MHS represented by its President was present at the founding of the Croatian Heraldry and Vexillology Society, with which develops a expert and friendly cooperation. This relation was deepened by visit of MHS’ vice president. MHS vice president also visited College of Arms and The Heraldry Society in London, where new contacts were establish and old one strengthen. MHS is preparing for the mutual project with the Educational Department of the Museum of Macedonia for lectures Osnova~ko Sobranie na Hrvatskoto heraldi~ko i and workshops on heraldry, with experts from the region veksilolo{ko dru{tvo: Pretsedatelot i Herald na MHZ taking part. Jovan Jonovski na Pretsedatelot na HHVD @eqko Hejmer mu go poklonuva Grbot na MHZ Founding Assembly of Croatian Heraldry and Vexillology Society: President and the Herald of MHS Jovan Jonovski is presenting the President of CHVS Zeljko Heimer with the Coat of Arms of MHS
maj - 2007 GODINA 3, Broj 2,
str. 1
Novi gradski grbovi Jovan Jonovski VEKSILOLOGIJA str. 5
Bele{ki za Mija~koto zname -Tolkuvawe na apliciranite motivi Dr. Sne`ana Filipova FALERISTIKA str. 9
Makedonski odlikuvawa Petar Gajdov str. 11
be{e potpolna heraldizacija a drugiot intervencija od oblasta na heraldi~kata umetnost. Eden va`en aspekt na aktivnostite na MHZ na me|unaroden plan. MHZ ja dade celokupnata podr{ka na svoite kolegi od Bugarija, koja rezultira{e so logisti~ka podr{ka za osnovawe na Bugarskoto Heraldi~ko i Veksilolo{ko Dru{tvo. Na osno vaweto na BHVD be{e prisuten i pretsedatelot na MHZ. Na sobranieto na godi{ninata na BHVD, MHZ u~estvuva{e so tro~lena delegacija. MHZ prestavuvano od pretsedatelot prisustvuva{e Godi{no sobranie na Bugarskoto heraldi~ko i i na osnivaweto na Hrvatskoto Heraldi~ko i veksilolo{ko dru{tvo: Sekretarot Petar Gajdov mu Veksilolo{ko Dru{tvo, so koe razviva stru~na sor podaruva prigodni podaroci na Pretsedatelot na BHVD Dr. abotka i prijatelski odnosi, koi bea prodlabo~ini Stojan Antonov Anual assembly of Bulgarian Heraldry and Vexillology Sociso posetata na potpretsedatelkata na MHZ. ety: Secretary Petar Gajdov presents the President of BHVS, Potpretsedatelkata na MHZ gi poseti i Kole Dr. Stojan Antonov, with gifts. giumot na grbovi (College of Arms) i Heraldi~koto dru{tvo (The Heraldry Society) vo London, kade ostvari predavawa i rabotilnici za heraldikata. Na ovie novi i gi utvrdi starite kontakti. MHZ se podgotvuva za zaedni~kiot proekt so predavawa se o~ekuva da zemat u~estvo i ekspert od oddelot za edukacija na Muzejot na Makedonija za regionot i po{iroko.
Heraldi~ki boi
Petar Gajdov p.12
Dr. Elica Maneva p. 15
Dr. Elica Maneva HERALDIKA str. 14
Terminolo{ki re~nik Jovan Jonovski str. 15
Aktivnosti na MHZ Jovan Jonovski
In this issue:
p.1 Jovan Jonovski p. 6
Notes on Mijacs’ flag-Reading of Applied Motiffs
Dr. Snezana Filipova PHALERISTICS p. 10
Macedonian decorations
Novi gradski grbovi New Civic Arms
Op{tinite vo Republika Make donija mo`at da imaat grb. Ova privilegija ja iskoristija mnogu mal broj op{tini. Zakonot za lokalna samouprav a samo go naveduva faktot deka op{tinite mo`at da imaat grb, ostavaj}i im tie samite da go tolkuvaat poimot grb. Dosega{nata praksa poka`a deka vo najgolem broj slu~ai, pod grb podrazbiraat sekakov amblem {to ima forma na {tit. Nekoi op{tini oti{le u{te podaleku, i koristat amblemi koi nemaat ni{to zaedni~ko so grbot, duri i spored naj{irokata definicija na grbot. Ohrabruva~ki se novite re{enija za vistinski heraldi~ki grbovi, na op{tinite Karpo{ i Bitola, koi za prv pat dobivaat svoi grbovi. Raduva i faktot {to op{tina Ara~inovo go zameni staroto {titovidno logo, na koe ima naslikano fudbalska topka, so heraldi~ki grb. Do sega op{tina Karpo{ go
The municipalities in the Republic of Macedonia are eligible to have Coat of Arms. This privilege has been used by small number of municipalities. The Law for local self-governance only mentions the fact that the municipalities may have coat of arms, leaving to the municipalities to interpret the meaning of the term “Coat of arms”. The practice so far has shown that in most of the cases, under term “Arms” is consider whatever emblem that has a form of a shield. Some municipalities went even further, and are using emblems that have nothing to do with arms, even according the loosest definition of “Arms”. Encouraging fact is that municipalities of Karpos and Bitola finally got new arms which are real heraldic arms. It is a pleasure to see municipality of Aracinovo changing the old shield-like emblem, depicting a football ball, with heraldic Coat of Arms. Up till present, municipality of Karpos used the landscape arm of City of Skopje. Now, it has arms which
Grb na op{tina Karpo{ Arms of Municipality of Karpos
Grb na op{tina Bitola Arms of Municipality of Bitola
(Prodol`uva na str 3.)
(Continued on p.3)
The Wolf on Vodoca Earrings
Volkot od obetkite od Vodo~a
YEAR 3, Issue 2
Jovan Jonovski
Jovan Jonovski
Vo ovoj broj:
May 2007
Activities of MHS
Jovan Jonovski
16 1
is the Gazette of the Macedonian Heraldry Society
Ostanati krzna
od podelba
e glasnik na Makedonskoto Heraldi~ko zdru`enie
od posejuvawe