FLW Newsletter 1-6

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Erasmus+ Programme – Strategic Partnership Project Nr: 2016-1-RO01-KA204-024392

Newsletter 1

FAMILY LITERACY WORKS! Short presentation of the project June 2017

Introduction the project Family Literacy Works! is a transnational project of five EU countries; Romania, Portugal, Bulgaria, Republic of Macedonia and Slovenia. Partner organizations in the project determine the state of development of family literacy in these countries. In the project, we are proposing to define what competences family literacy facilitators need and design a training programme to develop those competences.

Members of the team project

Family literacy definition Literacy is a basic right, a skill that paves the way for the expansion of opportunities and for overall human development. Participation in modern society requires individuals to be literate, to be able to express themselves, to learn, develop, and live autonomous and full lives. Family literacy is a method of education. The roots of family literacy as an educational method come from the belief that “the parent is the child’s first teacher.” Literate parents are better able to support the learning of their children. Establishing family literacy programmes is the most effective strategy to increase parental involvement and literacy development. The purpose of parental literacy curriculum is to increase students’ academic achievement. When family literacy programs are established parents become advocates for their child’s literacy.

Slovenian team

Why is this important? The benefits of a well-educated and well-trained population for a country’s economic, social and political development are well documented. Access to education and training is essential for developing the skills and competences needed to manage in everyday life and to be able to effectively participate in the society.

Purpose and goals: Literacy is considered a factor in the economic competitiveness of a country. People with better literacy are more aware of the world and of themselves, better at understanding new ideas and change, better at judging the value of things; they have better health, higher income, and better participation in civic life than people with lower literacy skills. Kick-off meeting in Cluj – Napoca in Romania

Erasmus+ Programme – Strategic Partnership Project Nr: 2016-1-RO01-KA204-024392

Newsletter 1

FAMILY LITERACY WORKS! Short presentation of the project June 2017

Meeting of project group in Kranj

Meeting of project group in Kranj


Implementation: The major project activities include:  Identifying good practice in the field of family literacy in Europe;  Defining the core competences of family literacy facilitators (FLF);  Developing and piloting a coherent FLF training programme (curriculum, methodology, learning materials).

The methodology of the comparative analysis, as well as the family literacy practices can be used as models of such analyses or sources of information about FL programmes by other researchers. The profile of family literacy facilitator will be used as reference for training such professionals, and the structure of the profile presentation (competences, qualifications) can be a model for describing new emerging job profiles. The FLF training programme will be used in many areas such as proposal for in-service, or part of the portfolio of training provisions. The libraries will provide training programs for schools and school librarians, particularly in the rural areas. Given the interest across Europe in adult literacy and literacy in general, including for migrant families, the products of the project can be easily adapted to meet the specific needs of various groups, including migrants.

Duration: October 2016 – March 2019

Coordinator of project: Meeting of project group in Kranj

ASOCIATIA LEARN&VISION - ALV (http://www.asociatialearnandvision.ro/)


Contact in Slovenia:

This project is best achieved within a transnational partnership as we would like to capitalize on experiences related to family literacy initiatives in a diversity of cultural contexts, and to propose a FLF profile and training program that is functional for a broader area than that of one country.

Kranj City Library http:/www.mkk.si maja.lesar@mkk.si

More about the project: http://www.mkk.si/2017/02/22/druzinska-pismenost/ FB page

Erasmus+ Programme – Strategic Partnership Project Nr: 2016-1-RO01-KA204-024392

Newsletter 2

FAMILY LITERACY WORKS! Transnational meetings and intellectual outputs of the project August 2017

Kick-off meeting in Cluj-Napoca, Romania November 18th-20th, 2016 Agenda

Members of the team project

Kick-off meeting in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Family literacy around the world (definition of key concepts: literacy, family literacy, components of the family literacy – adult education, early childhood literacy, parent education, intergenerational activities; comparative analysis: USA, Canada, Europe, Romania I want you to read for me! – intergenerational project – presentation Other examples of family literacy programs presented by the partners Establishing the action plans for O1 (to identify good practice in the field of family literacy in Europe): Discussing the questionnaire - expected results, selecting the most important and relevant questions for the survey, Discussing the methodology for the comparative analysis of the family literacy programs Project Management Financial Management

Second meeting in Kranj, Slovenia May 4th -7th, 2017 Agenda

Second meeting in Kranj, Slovenia

Presentations of comparative analysis by partners Synthesis of the report and discussion about partial conclusions of the comparative analysis Discussing the Dissemination plan The profile of the family literacy facilitator - starting points for discussion Presentation of standard qualifications (EQF, ICOS) Moderated discussion of the profile of Family Literacy Facilitator

Partners • • • • •

Asociatia Learn & Vision (ALV), Romania (http://www.asociatialearnandvision.ro/) Training center CES, Macedonia (http://www.ces.mk) Biblioteca Judeteana “Octavian Goga” Cluj (BJOG), Romania (http://www.bjc.ro/new/) Eurocentar obuchenie i partnyorstvo 21 vek’’EOOD (ECOP), Bulgaria (http://eurocenter21.eu/en/about-us/) Agrupamento de Escolas Trigal de Santa Maria (AETSM), Portugal (http://www.aetsm.pt/agrupamento/index.php) in Mestna knjižnica Kranj (MKK), Slovenia (http://www.mkk.si/)

Erasmus+ Programme – Strategic Partnership Project Nr: 2016-1-RO01-KA204-024392

Newsletter 2

FAMILY LITERACY WORKS! Transnational meetings and intellectual outputs of the project August 2017

Intellectual output for Objective 2 Occupational profile of family literacy facilitators Leading organization: Mestna knjiznica Kranj Due date: November 30th, 2018 Tasks: - drafting the profile - begun in the second meeting of the partners when a structure of the document was established - discussing the draft with the partners and getting feedback - developing a consolidated version 1 of the occupational profile (competences, skills, attitudes, activities, roles – a profile harmonized with the European Qualifications Framework) - developing the final form after testing the profile in pilot training programs - translating the profile in all partners` languages and posting it online

Phases in delivering the intellectual outputs Intellectual output for Objective 1 Comparative analysis of family literacy practices Leading organization: „Octavian Goga” Cluj County Library Results: - a methodology for the transnational comparative analysis - collecting data and writing the report on comparative analysis of family literacy programs and practices in the partner countries - identifying and analyzing promising family literacy practices The report is available online here.

a) discussion of concept and drafting, including qualitative and quantitative indicators; b) collection of feedback on the draft from each partner; c) revising and finalizing the output.

Duration: October 2016 – March 2019

Coordinator of project: ASOCIATIA LEARN&VISION - ALV (http://www.asociatialearnandvision.ro/)

Contact in Romania: „Octavian Goga” Cluj County Library http://www.bjc.ro/new/ bjc@bjc.ro

More about the project: http://www.bjc.ro/new/index.php?proiecte-in-derulare/ FB page

Erasmus+ Programme – Strategic Partnership Project Nr: 2016-1-RO01-KA204-024392

Newsletter 3

FAMILY LITERACY WORKS! Third transnational project meeting and intellectual outputs November 2017

Third meeting in Bansko, Bulgaria October 20th-21st, 2017 Agenda Presentation of the Occupational Profile of the Family Literacy Facilitator (FLF) - Version 1 Discussion on the FLF Profile Conclusions for O2 Achievement Presentation and Discussions on the Structure and Members of the team project during the work sessions

Content of the Training Program for FLF Distribution of the tasks among Partners. Establishing the of Action Plan for O3. Organisation of LTTA in Portugal Project Management

Intellectual output for Objective 2 Occupational profile of Family Literacy Facilitators Members of the team project during the work sessions

Leading organization: Mestna knjiznica Kranj Result: A consolidated version 1 of the occupational profile (competences, skills, attitudes, activities, and roles – a profile harmonized with the European Qualifications Framework) is developed. Six fields of competences are identified: 1. Professional competence area; 2. Pedagogy and andragogy competence area; 3. Facilitation competence area; 4. Interpersonal and social competence area; 5. Management competence area;

Members of the team project during the work sessions

6. Personal and behavior competence area

Erasmus+ Programme – Strategic Partnership Project Nr: 2016-1-RO01-KA204-024392

Newsletter 3

FAMILY LITERACY WORKS! Third transnational project meeting and intellectual outputs November 2017

Free time (walking tour in Bansko, walking tour in Razlog, Mehana “MOLERITE”)

Intellectual output for Objective 3 NEXT PROJECT EVENT Short-term joint staff training events Braga, Portugal (12 -16 February, 2018)

Training programme for Family Literacy Facilitators (FLF) Leading organization: “EVROCENTAR OBUCHENIE I PARTNYORSTVO 21 VEK” EOOD Due date: December 31st, 2018 Tasks: 1. Drafting of curriculum and the methodology – began in the third project meeting when a structure of the document was established and the tasks between the partners are distributed; 2. Developing a consolidated version 1 of the curriculum, methodology and learning materials (each partner contributes with learning materials) 3. Piloting the curriculum and methodology (recruiting participants and delivering the training programme in each partner country). The trained family literacy facilitators will recruit 5 families each to practice delivering the family literacy programme. 4. Developing the final form of the curriculum and the methodology based on the findings of the piloting 5. Translating the curriculum and the methodology in all partners` languages and posting it online

Duration: Visit to the Municipality of the Town of Bansko

October 2016 – March 2019

Coordinator of project:

Expectations This five-day short term joint staff training event aims to train the partners' trainers to carry out the piloting

ASOCIATIA LEARN&VISION - ALV (http://www.asociatialearnandvision.ro/)

Contact in Bulgaria:

The participants will be trained by experts from

“EVROCENTAR OBUCHENIE I PARTNYORSTVO 21 VEK” EOOD http:/www.eurocenter21.eu eurocenter21@mail.bg

different educational areas and via workshops,

More about the project:


delivered by each partner’s team.

http://eurocenter21.eu/partnership/projects/flw/ FB page

Erasmus+ Programme – Strategic Partnership Project Nr:2016-1-RO01-KA204-

024392 PartnershipProject Nr:2016-1-RO01-KA204-024392

Newsletter 4

FAMILY LITERACY WORKS International Seminar February 2018 Training Program for Family Literacy Facilitator This training program toke place in Tadim – Braga – Portugal from the 12th to the 16th of February 2018. The objective was to discuss how should be the profile of a Family Literacy Facilitator in several literacy domains.

Group picture of project team with the deputy of Education of the Municipality of Braga

Agenda of the Training Program 12th February Reception by the director of AETSM (José Sil), the Mayor of Braga (Ricardo Rio) and by the local Archbishop (D. Jorge Ortiga). Presentation of the family literacy facilitator profile; discussions Speech: Literacy for gypsies. How to put a gypsie community reading? Group activity: How would you argue that becoming a family literacy facilitator is a good thing ? Presentation

13th February

Opening ceremony with the director of AETSM, the mayor of Braga and the Archbishop.

Presentation of the family literacy training curriculum and methodology: discussions Speech: The importance of storytelling to young children and the magic of illustration

14th February Group activity: Preparing the agenda and materials for family literacy facilitator training The field of competence 1: professional field of family literacy Demonstration of a family literacy facilitator training.

15th February Speech : Good practices in family literacy The field of competence: facilitation Demonstration of a family literacy facilitator training session

16th February

One of the many specialists that where present in the international Seminar

Group activity: planning the training of family literacy facilitators Conclusions of the workshops; discussions Filling in feedback questionnaires Final conclusions

Erasmus+ Programme – Strategic Partnership Project Nr:2016-1-RO01-KA204-

024392 PartnershipProject Nr:2016-1-RO01-KA204-024392

Newsletter 4

Family Literacy Works February 2018

Cultural dinner with Fado singing

Cultural walkabout in the city center


Group activity during the training

Working in the AETSM School

- mastering the concept of coaching, as well as the skills associated with it (key to co-creating the relationship, communicating effectively, facilitating learning and results); because establishing a relationship of trust and learning to listen to the other are imperative to being a good - it is imperative to facilitate inclusion and fairness, because the FLF has to help the child cope and overcome their difficulties; - must have a very good power of argument to change attitudes and change mentalities. - to captivate interest, to win children's curiosity, a good story or an appealing illustration is enough. Stimulating the reading and / or reading of images is essential because they develop creativity, emotions, art, if it stimulates language; - the teams focused on the training of FLF, evaluating and analyzing the materials that each team had assembled. All the activities to integrate the training action were tried. - for each competency identified in the FLF profile, activities to be implemented were adequate. - the final goal of this meeting was to identify good practices in family literacy and develop a training action project. This training course will be implemented by all partner teams in their countries in the coming months.

Expectations On the next project meeting we expect to have some feedback about the piloting of the training program in each organization.

Next Project Event

Group on the last day of project meeting in the AETSM School

Duration: October 2016 – March 2019

Transnational Project Meeting

Coordinator of project: ASOCIATIA LEARN&VISION - ALV (http://www.asociatialearnandvision.ro/)

Skopje, Macedonia (13-14 July, 2018)

Contact in Portugal: Agrupamento Escolas Trigal de Santa Maria http://www.aetsm.pt/agrupamento/ agrupamento@aetsm.pt More about the project: https://www.facebook.com/Family-literacyworks-796247113890494/ FB page

The project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This material reflects the views only of the author, and the National Agency and Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Erasmus+ Programme – Strategic Partnership Project Nr: 2016-1-RO01-KA204-024392

Newsletter 5

FAMILY LITERACY WORKS! First dissemination event July 2018

Quality facilitation for quality family literacy programmes Cluj-Napoca, June 7th, 2018 Presentations in the agenda The Erasmus+ ”Family literacy works!” project Aurelia Câmpean, ”Learn&Vision” Association, project coordinator Family literacy – concept, short history, best practices Anca Docolin, ”Octavian Goga” Cluj County Library Conclusions of the Comparative analysis on family literacy practices in Bulgaria, Macedonia, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia Sorina Stanca, manager, ”Octavian Goga” Cluj County Library The occupational profile of the family literacy facilitator Georgeta Topan, ”Octavian Goga” Cluj County Library An example of best practice: ”I want you to read to me!” intergenerational reading project Aura Câmpan, ”Octavian Goga” Cluj County Library Nicolina Halgaș, ”Teodor Murășanu” Turda Municipal Library First dissemination event, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

The importance of family literacy for preventing early school leaving - cultural café part I, activities in working groups / part II, presenting the conclusions of the working groups

Activity leading organization: ”Octavian Goga” Cluj County Library Participating organization: ”Learn&Vision” Association Participants: - librarians from local and county libraries, from foreign libraries (Moldavia) - school teachers - psychologists

The importance of family literacy for preventing early school leaving Themes of the cultural café The contribution of the factors involved in family literacy programs in preventing early school leaving Identifying the objectives of the family literacy programs The facilitator’s profile (knowledge, skills, competences) Types of family literacy activities

Delivering presentations

Erasmus+ Programme – Strategic Partnership Project Nr: 2016-1-RO01-KA204-024392

Newsletter 5

FAMILY LITERACY WORKS! First dissemination event July 2018

Conclusions of the cultural cafe Contribution of the factors involved in family literacy programs in preventing early school leaving The facilitators cooperate with families, teachers, librarians, volunteers, local authorities, they have to work together for the same goal: creating a reading culture, stimulating reading and learning in families, supporting school success. Identifying the objectives of the family literacy programs The most important objectives were: improving communication within the family, reducing early school leaving, supporting the personal development of vulnerable and socially disadvantaged groups and social inclusion, reducing social discrepancies in local communities The facilitator's profile The knowledge, skills and competences that a facilitator needs were identified: general culture, knowledge of pedagogy and andragogy, abilities in interpersonal relationships, positive attitude, good communication, creativity, good organization, empathy etc. Types of family literacy activities Activities for children (storytelling, help with topics, coding courses), for adults (digital literacy, personal development, language courses), for parents (parenting, finding a job, Internet security), intergenerational (cultivating social values, media education, knowledge of new technologies). The cultural cafe

Feedback from the participants Partners • • • • •

Asociatia Learn & Vision (ALV), Romania (http://www.asociatialearnandvision.ro/) Training Center CES, Macedonia (http://www.ces.mk) Biblioteca Judeteana “Octavian Goga” Cluj (BJOG), Romania (http://www.bjc.ro/new/) Eurocentar obuchenie i partnyorstvo 21 vek’’EOOD (ECOP), Bulgaria (http://eurocenter21.eu/en/about-us/) Agrupamento de Escolas Trigal de Santa Maria (AETSM), Portugal (http://www.aetsm.pt/agrupamento/index.php) in Mestna knjižnica Kranj (MKK), Slovenia (http://www.mkk.si/)

”The project should be extended at national level” ”Very good combination between theory and practice, effective, attractive, exciting” ”Very useful materials” ”A positive experience” ”A very useful project for empowering the community” ”Congratulations for the way the event was organized” ”An example for all libraries”

Duration: October 2016 – March 2019

Coordinator of project: ASOCIATIA LEARN&VISION - ALV http://www.asociatialearnandvision.ro/

Contact in Romania: „Octavian Goga” Cluj County Library http://www.bjc.ro/new/ bjc@bjc.ro

More about the project: http://www.bjc.ro/new/index.php?proiecte-in-derulare/

Erasmus+ Programme – Strategic Partnership Project Nr: 2016-1-RO01-KA204-024392

Newsletter 6

FAMILY LITERACY WORKS! Fourth transnational project meeting and piloting of the curriculum August 2018

Fourth meeting in Skopje, North Macedonia July 13th-14th, 2018 Agenda

Members of the team project during the work sessions

Presentation of interim report, evaluation of the project realization and project administration Discussion and conclusions about project activities Presentations and analysis of the curriculum piloting Discussion and conclusions of the curriculum piloting Presentation of the experience of the first E1 event Analysis and evaluation of the experience of the first E1 event Action plan for future multiplier events and final conference Project Management

Piloting of the training program for the Family Literacy Facilitators Results ▪ Members of the team project during the work sessions

▪ Members of the team project during the work sessions

Asociatia Learn & Vision (ALV), Romania, piloted the curriculum to the 27 participants (teachers, librarians, trainer and volunteer) Training centre CES, (CES) Macedonia, piloted the curriculum to the 10 participants (teachers and trainers) Biblioteca Judeteana “Octavian Goga” Cluj (BJOG) , Romania piloted the curriculum to the 14 participants (librarians) Eurocentar obuchenie i partnyorstvo 21 vek’’EOOD (ECOP), Bulgaria piloted the curriculum to the 14 participants (teachers, psychologist and speech therapist) Agrupamento de Escolas Trigal de Santa Maria (AETSM), Portugal piloted the curriculum to the 20 participants (parents) Mestna knjižnica Kranj (MKK), Slovenia piloted the curriculum to the 17 participants (librarians)

Erasmus+ Programme – Strategic Partnership Project Nr: 2016-1-RO01-KA204-024392

Newsletter 6

FAMILY LITERACY WORKS! Fourth transnational project meeting and piloting of the curriculum August 2018

XT PROJECT EVENTS (December 2018 to January 2019)

Action plan for multiplier events

Multiplier events:

(Suggested agenda topics)

Kranj, Razlog, Skopje, Tadim, Cluj Napoca ▪

▪ ▪ ▪

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The opportunity of training family literacy facilitators (FLF), The role of FLF in preventing early school leaving and contributing to improved literacy skills for both parents and children, the appropriateness of the family literacy facilitator's profile Presentations on intellectual outputs of the project Comparative analysis of family literacy practices The appropriateness of the family literacy facilitator's profile its coherence with EQF and other frameworks The quality and the relevance of the training programme for FLF Feedback from the participants on each IO

Expectations At least 240 participants to be involved at the multiplier events (teachers, librarians, adult educators, family literacy trainers, representatives of education authorities, representatives of the local/regional and national authorities, NGO representatives and other interested stakeholders)

Coordinator of the project: ASOCIATIA LEARN&VISION - ALV (http://www.asociatialearnandvision.ro/) Contact in Macedonia: Training centar CES (http://www.ces.mk/family-literacy) More about the project: https://www.facebook.com/Familyliteracy- works-796247113890494/ FB page

The project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This material reflects the views only of the author, and the National Agency and Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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